F16DCOUPLINGS FOR TRANSMITTING ROTATIONCLUTCHESBRAKES Attention is drawn to the following places: A01D69/08, A01D69/10Clutches or brakes of harvesting machines for grass or cereals; A61C1/18 Clutches in dental machines for boring or cutting; B21B35/14 Drive couplings for metal-rolling mills; B30B15/10 Brakes specially adapted for presses; B30B15/12 Clutches specially adapted for presses; B41J33/52 Braking devices for ribbon-feed devices in selective printing mechanisms; B60K17/00 Arrangement or location of clutches in vehicles; B61H Brakes peculiar to rail vehicles; B62B5/04 Braking mechanisms for hand carts; B62B9/08 Braking mechanisms for children's carriages or perambulators; B62C7/00 Braking mechanisms for animal-drawn vehicles; B62L Cycle brakes; B66D5/00 Braking devices for lifting or hoisting gear; E21B17/02 Couplings for drilling rods; H02P3/04 Brakes for electric motors, generators, dynamo-electric converters; H04L13/04 Clutches for apparatus for transmission of coded digital information.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16D3/19 covered by F16D3/50;F16D3/27 covered by F16D3/265;F16D27/07 covered by F16D27/06, F16D27/14;F16D48/12 covered by B60K23/0808.
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16D1/00Couplings for transmitting mechanical rotationfluid couplings F16D31/00 - F16D39/00; couplings or joints specially adapted for deep-drilling rods or sucker rods E21B; for transmitting motion through a wall without relatively-moving surfaces F16J15/50 F16D1/00Couplings for rigidly connecting two coaxial shafts or other movable machine elements attachment of wheels to axles for railway carriages B60B; for attachment of cranks to their shafts F16C3/10 F16D1/02for connecting two abutting shafts or the like F16D1/027non-disconnectable, e.g. involving gluing, welding or the like F16D1/033by clamping together two faces perpendicular to the axis of rotation, e.g. with bolted flanges F16D1/04with clamping hubwith hub and longitudinal key F16D1/05with radial clamping due to axial loading of at least one pair of conical surfaces F16D1/06for attachment of a member on a shaft or on a shaft-end attachment of marine propellers on shafts B63H23/34 F16D2001/062characterised by adaptors where hub bores being larger than the shaft F16D1/064non-disconnectable F16D1/068involving gluing, welding or the like F16D1/072involving plastic deformation plastic welding F16D1/068 F16D1/076by clamping together two faces perpendicular to the axis of rotation, e.g. with bolted flanges F16D1/08with clamping hubwith hub and longitudinal key F16D1/0805with radial clamping due to deformation of a resilient body or a body of fluid F16D1/091 takes precedence; elastic couplings F16D3/80; fluid pressure clutches F16D25/04 F16D1/0811with radial clamping due to tilting of a hub part or ring about a diametral axis F16D1/0817with radial clamping due to rotation along an eccentric surface, e.g. arcuate wedging elements similar clutches F16D17/00; similar free-wheel clutches F16D41/06 F16D1/0823with radial clamping of a helical wrap spring on the shaft or in the hub bore similar clutches F16D13/025, F16D13/08, F16D27/025, F16D27/105; similar slip couplings F16D7/022; similar free-wheel clutches F16D41/206 F16D1/0829with radial loading of both hub and shaft by an intermediate ring or sleeve F16D1/0817, F16D1/0823, F16D1/093 take precedence F16D1/0835due to the elasticity of the ring or sleeve F16D1/0841due to axial loading of the ring or sleeve, e.g. Belleville washers F16D1/0847with radial clamping due to a radial screw F16D1/0852with radial clamping between the mating surfaces of the hub and shaft F16D1/0805 - F16D1/0817, F16D1/09 take precedence F16D1/0858due to the elasticity of the hub (including shrink fits) F16D1/0864due to tangential loading of the hub, e.g. a split hub F16D1/087due to other loading elements in the hub or shaft F16D1/0876with axial keys and no other radial clamping F16D1/0882the key being axially tapered and tightening when loaded axially F16D1/0888the key having two axially tapered interengaging parts F16D1/0894with other than axial keys, e.g. diametral pins, cotter pins and no other radial clamping F16D1/09with radial clamping due to axial loading of at least one pair of conical surfaces tapered keys F16D1/0882 F16D2001/0903the clamped shaft being hollow F16D2001/0906using a hydraulic fluid to clamp or disconnect, not provided for in F16D1/091 F16D1/091and comprising a chamber including a tapered piston moved axially by fluid pressure to effect clamping F16D1/092the pair of conical mating surfaces being provided on the coupled hub and shaft F16D1/093using one or more elastic segmented conical rings forming at least one of the conical surfaces, the rings being expanded or contracted to effect clamping F16D1/091 takes precedence F16D1/094using one or more pairs of elastic or segmented rings with mutually mating conical surfaces, one of the mating rings being contracted and the other being expanded F16D2001/0945using multiple pairs of elastic or segmented rings to effect clamping F16D1/095with clamping effected by ring contraction only for connecting two abutting shafts F16D1/02 F16D2001/0955the clamping is effected by hub contraction, i.e. a compression of the hub instead of the ring F16D1/096the ring or rings being located between the shaft and the hub F16D1/097with clamping effected by ring expansion only, e.g. with an expanded ring located between hub and shaft F16D1/10Quick-acting couplings in which the parts are connected by simply bringing them together axially F16D1/101without axial retaining means rotating with the coupling F16D2001/102the torque is transmitted via polygon shaped connections F16D2001/103the torque is transmitted via splined connections F16D1/104having retaining means rotating with the coupling and acting only by friction F16D1/108having retaining means rotating with the coupling and acting by interengaging parts, i.e. positive coupling F16D1/112the interengaging parts comprising torque-transmitting surfaces, e.g. bayonet joints F16D1/116the interengaging parts including a continuous or interrupted circumferential groove in the surface of one of the coupling parts circlips for retaining hubs on shafts F16B21/18 F16D1/12allowing adjustment of the parts about the axis during motion F16D3/10 F16D3/00Yielding couplings, i.e. with means permitting movement between the connected parts during the drive couplings disconnectable simply by axial movement F16D1/10; slip couplings F16D7/00 F16D3/005incorporating leaf springs, flexible parts of reduced thickness or the like acting as pivots F16D3/02adapted to specific functions universal joints, see the appropriate groups F16D3/04specially adapted to allow radial displacement, e.g. Oldham couplings F16D3/06specially adapted to allow axial displacement F16D3/065by means of rolling elements F16D3/08Couplings for intersecting shafts, provided with intermediate bars bent in an angle corresponding with the angle of intersection F16D3/10Couplings with means for varying the angular relationship of two coaxial shafts during motion F16D3/12specially adapted for accumulation of energy to absorb shocks or vibration by making use of fluid elements F16D3/80 F16D3/14combined with a friction coupling for damping vibration or absorbing shock F16D3/16Universal joints in which flexibility is produced by means of pivots or sliding or rolling connecting parts F16D3/18the coupling parts (1) having slidably-interengaging teeth F16D3/185radial teeth connecting concentric inner and outer coupling parts F16D3/20one coupling part entering a sleeve of the other coupling part and connected thereto by sliding or rolling members F16D3/18, F16D3/24 take precedence"coupling parts" means the driving member and the driven member of the coupling to be mounted on and rotate as a unit with the shafts or their equivalents between which the coupling is placed. An intermediate member interconnecting these parts is regarded as such an equivalent. F16D3/202one coupling part having radially projecting pins, e.g. tripod joints F16D2003/2023with linear rolling bearings between raceway and trunnion mounted shoes F16D2003/2026with trunnion rings, i.e. with tripod joints having rollers supported by a ring on the trunnion F16D3/205the pins extending radially outwardly from the coupling part F16D3/2052having two pins F16D3/2055having three pins, i.e. true tripod joints F16D3/2057having four or more pins, e.g. with compensation for relative pin movement F16D3/207the pins extending radially inwardly from the coupling part F16D3/22the rolling members being balls, rollers, or the like, guided in grooves or sockets in both coupling parts F16D3/221the rolling members being located in sockets in one of the coupling parts F16D3/223the rolling members being guided in grooves in both coupling parts F16D2003/22303Details of ball cages F16D2003/22306having counter tracks, i.e. ball track surfaces which diverge in opposite directions F16D2003/22309Details of grooves F16D2003/22313Details of the inner part of the core or means for attachment of the core on the shaft F16D2003/22316Means for fastening or attaching the bellows or gaiters F16D2003/2232Elements arranged in the hollow space between the end of the inner shaft and the outer joint member F16D2003/22323Attachments to the shaft of the inner joint member whereby the attachments are distanced from the core F16D2003/22326Attachments to the outer joint member, i.e. attachments to the exterior of the outer joint member or to the shaft of the outer joint member F16D3/2233where the track is made up of two curves with a point of inflexion in between, i.e. S-track joints F16D3/2237where the grooves are composed of radii and adjoining straight lines, i.e. undercut free [UF] type joints F16D3/224the groove centre-lines in each coupling part lying on a sphere F16D3/2245where the groove centres are offset from the joint centre F16D3/226the groove centre-lines in each coupling part lying on a cylinder co-axial with the respective coupling part F16D3/2265the joints being non-telescopic F16D3/227the joints being telescopic F16D3/229Prismatic coupling parts having each groove centre-line lying on planes parallel to the axis of the respective coupling part F16D3/224, F16D3/226 take precedence F16D3/24comprising balls, rollers, or the like between overlapping driving faces, e.g. cogs, on both coupling parts F16D3/26Hooke's joints or other joints with an equivalent intermediate member to which each coupling part is pivotally or slidably connected F16D3/18, F16D3/20 take precedence F16D3/265in which one coupling part has a tongue received with the intermediate member(s) in a recess with a transverse axis in the other coupling part F16D3/28in which the interconnecting pivots include elastic members F16D3/30in which the coupling is specially adapted to constant velocity-ratio F16D3/32by the provision of two intermediate members each having two relatively perpendicular trunnions or bearings F16D3/33with ball or roller bearings F16D3/34parts being connected by ridges, pins, balls, or the like guided in grooves or between cogs F16D3/36in which each pivot between the coupling parts and the intermediate member comprises a single ball F16D3/38with a single intermediate member with trunnions or bearings arranged on two axes perpendicular to one another F16D3/36 takes precedence F16D3/382constructional details of other than the intermediate member F16D3/385Bearing cup; Bearing construction; Bearing seal; Mounting of bearing on the intermediate member mounting of bearing in fork F16D3/382 F16D3/387Fork construction; Mounting of fork on shaft; Adapting shaft for mounting of fork F16D3/40with intermediate member provided with two pairs of outwardly-directed trunnions on intersecting axes F16D3/405Apparatus for assembling or dismantling F16D3/41with ball or roller bearings F16D3/42with ring-shaped intermediate member provided with bearings or inwardly-directed trunnions F16D3/43with ball or roller bearings F16D3/44the intermediate member being connected to the coupling parts by ridges, pins, balls, or the like guided in grooves or between cogs F16D3/46each coupling part embracing grooves or ridges on the intermediate member F16D3/48one coupling part having pins arranged parallel to the axis and entering holes in the other coupling part F16D3/50with the coupling parts connected by one or more intermediate members F16D3/16 takes precedence F16D3/52comprising a continuous strip, spring, or the like engaging the coupling parts at a number of places F16D3/54Couplings comprising a chain or strip surrounding two wheels arranged side by side and provided with teeth or the equivalent F16D3/56comprising elastic metal lamellae, elastic rods, or the like, e.g. arranged radially or parallel to the axis, the members being shear-loaded collectively by the total load F16D3/58the intermediate members being made of rubber or like material F16D3/60comprising pushing or pulling links attached to both parts F16D3/64 takes precedence F16D3/62the links or their attachments being elastic F16D3/64comprising elastic elements arranged between substantially-radial walls of both coupling parts F16D3/66the elements being metallic, e.g. in the form of coils F16D3/68the elements being made of rubber or similar material F16D3/70comprising elastic elements arranged in holes in one coupling part and surrounding pins on the other coupling part F16D3/72with axially-spaced attachments to the coupling parts F16D3/56 takes precedence F16D3/725with an intermediate member made of fibre-reinforced resin made of rubber-like material F16D3/74; shafts made of fibre-reinforced resin F16C3/026 F16D3/74the intermediate member or members being made of rubber or other rubber-like flexible material F16D2003/745Tyre type coupling, i.e. bellows with only one fold F16D3/76shaped as an elastic ring centered on the axis, surrounding a portion of one coupling part and surrounded by a sleeve of the other coupling part F16D3/77the ring being metallic F16D3/78shaped as an elastic disc or flat ring, arranged perpendicular to the axis of the coupling parts, different sets of spots of the disc or ring being attached to each coupling part, e.g. Hardy couplings F16D3/79the disc or ring being metallic F16D3/80in which a fluid is used fluid couplings allowing continuous slip F16D31/00 - F16D35/00 F16D3/82with a coupling element in the form of a pneumatic tube similar clutches F16D25/04 F16D3/84Shrouds, e.g. casings, coversSealing means specially adapted therefor F16D3/841Open covers, e.g. guards for agricultural p.t.o. shafts F16D3/843enclosed covers F16D3/845allowing relative movement of joint parts due to the flexing of the cover F16D2003/846Venting arrangements for flexible seals, e.g. ventilation holes F16D3/848allowing relative movement of joint parts due to sliding between parts of the cover F16D5/00Impulse couplings, i.e. couplings that alternately accelerate and decelerate the driven member F16D7/00Slip couplings, e.g. slipping on overload, for absorbing shock combined with yielding shaft couplings F16D3/14; fluid slip couplings F16D31/00 - F16D35/00 F16D7/002the torque being transmitted and limited by yielding of an elastomeric race F16D7/005the torque being transmitted and limited by rolling friction, e.g. ball bearings axially loaded F16D7/007the torque being transmitted and limited by rolling surfaces skidding, e.g. skew needle rollers F16D7/02of the friction type couplings in which overload initiates a decrease of coupling pressure or a disconnection, see the relevant groups for clutches , e.g. for friction overload clutches F16D43/21 F16D7/021with radially applied torque-limiting friction surfaces F16D7/022 takes precedence F16D7/022with a helical band or equivalent member co-operating with a cylindrical torque limiting coupling surface F16D7/024with axially applied torque limiting friction surfaces F16D7/025with flat clutching surfaces, e.g. discs F16D7/027with multiple lamellae F16D7/028with conical friction surfaces F16D7/04of the ratchet type similar gearings based on repeated accumulation and delivery of inertia-energy F16H33/08; overload clutches of the ratchet type F16D43/202 F16D7/042with at least one part moving axially between engagement and disengagement F16D7/08 takes precedence F16D7/044the axially moving part being coaxial with the rotation, e.g. a gear with face teeth F16D7/046with a plurality of axially moving parts F16D7/048with parts moving radially between engagement and disengagement F16D7/10 takes precedence F16D7/06with intermediate balls or rollers F16D7/08moving axially between engagement and disengagement F16D7/10moving radially between engagement and disengagement F16D9/00Couplings with safety member for disconnecting, e.g. breaking or melting member F16D9/02by thermal means, e.g. melting member F16D9/04by tensile breaking F16D9/06by breaking due to shear stress F16D9/08over a single area encircling the axis of rotation, e.g. shear necks on shafts F16D9/10 takes precedence F16D9/10having a part movable after disconnection so as to provide reconnection, e.g. advanceable shear pins F16D11/00Clutches with mechanically-actuated clutching members automatic clutches F16D41/00 - F16D45/00 F16D11/00Clutches in which the members have interengaging parts arrangements for synchronisation F16D23/02 F16D2011/002using an external and axially slidable sleeve for coupling the teeth of both coupling components together F16D2011/004using an internal or intermediate axially slidable sleeve, coupling both components together, whereby the intermediate sleeve is arranged internally at least with respect to one of the components F16D2011/006Locking or detent means, i.e. means to keep the clutch in engaged condition F16D2011/008characterised by the form of the teeth forming the inter-engaging parts; Details of shape or structure of these teeth F16D11/02disengaged by a contact of a part mounted on the clutch with a stationarily-mounted member F16D11/04with clutching members movable only axially F16D11/06with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially, e.g. rotatable keys F16D11/08actuated by moving a non-rotating part axially actuating-mechanism in the relevant groups F16D11/10with clutching members movable only axially F16D11/12with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially F16D11/14with clutching members movable only axially F16D11/02, F16D11/08 take precedence F16D11/16with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially F16D11/02, F16D11/08 take precedence F16D13/00Friction clutches arrangements for synchronisation F16D23/02 F16D13/02disengaged by the contact of a part mounted on the clutch with a stationarily-mounted member F16D13/025with a helical band or equivalent member with two or more turns embracing a drum or the like electromagnetically actuated F16D27/105 F16D13/04with means for actuating or keeping engaged by a force derived at least partially from one of the shafts to be connected automatic clutches F16D43/00 F16D13/06with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially F16D13/08, F16D13/12 take precedence F16D13/08with a helical band or equivalent member, which may be built up from linked parts, with more than one turn embracing a drum or the like, with or without an additional clutch actuating the end of the band F16D13/02 takes precedence; similar slip couplings F16D7/022; similar clutches electromagnetically actuated F16D27/025, F16D27/105 ; similar free-wheel clutches F16D41/20; similar brakes F16D49/02 F16D13/10with clutching members co-operating with the periphery of a drum, a wheel-rim, or the like F16D13/02 - F16D13/08 take precedence; similar brakes F16D49/00 F16D13/12with an expansible band or coil co-operating with the inner surface of a drum or the like F16D13/02 takes precedence; similar brakes F16D51/02 F16D13/14with outwardly-movable clutching members co-operating with the inner surface of a drum or the like F16D13/02, F16D13/06, F16D13/12 take precedence; similar brakes F16D51/00 F16D13/16shaped as radially-movable segments F16D13/18shaped as linked or separately-pivoted segments F16D13/20with clutching members co-operating with both the periphery and the inner surface of a drum or wheel-rim similar brakes F16D53/00 F16D13/22with axially-movable clutching members similar brakes F16D55/00 F16D13/24with conical friction surfaces cone clutches F16D13/26in which the or each axially-movable member is pressed exclusively against an axially-located member F16D13/28with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D13/30in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D13/32in which two or more axially-movable members are pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D13/34with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D13/36in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D13/38with flat clutching surfaces, e.g. discs F16D13/385double clutches, i.e. comprising two friction disc mounted on one driven shaft with two concentric driven shafts F16D21/06 F16D13/40in which the or each axially-movable member is pressed exclusively against an axially-located member F16D13/42with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D13/44in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D13/46in which two axially-movable members, of which one is attached to the driving side and the other to the driven side, are pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D13/48with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D13/50in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D13/505Devices located between the flywheel and the driven disc, and biassing the driven disc away from the flywheel towards the disengaged position F16D13/52Clutches with multiple lamellae Clutches in which three or more axially moveable members are fixed alternately to the shafts to be coupled and are pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D13/385 takes precedence F16D13/54with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D13/56in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D2013/565with means for releasing the clutch pressure in case of back torque F16D13/58Details tools for assembling or disassembling clutches B25B27/0064 F16D2013/581Securing means for transportation or shipping F16D13/583Diaphragm-springs, e.g. Belleville co-operation with a disengaging thrust ring or bearing F16D23/14 F16D13/585Arrangements or details relating to the mounting or support of the diaphragm on the clutch on the clutch cover or the pressure plate F16D2013/586the cover housing is formed by diaphragm springs F16D2013/588the diaphragm springs are arranged outside the cover housing F16D13/60Clutching elements friction lining or attachment thereof F16D69/00 F16D13/62Clutch-bandsClutch shoesClutch-drums brake-bands, brake-shoes, brake-drums F16D65/00 F16D13/64Clutch-platesClutch-lamellae brake-plates, brake-lamellae F16D65/12 F16D2013/642with resilient attachment of frictions rings or linings to their supporting discs or plates for allowing limited axial displacement of these rings or linings F16D13/644Hub construction F16D13/646Mounting of the discs on the hub F16D13/648for clutches with multiple lamellae F16D13/66of conical shape F16D13/68Attachments of plates or lamellae to their supports one or more discs connected to the linings transmitting torque to one or more discs connected to the hub by helical springs in windows in the discs, i.e. rotary vibration dampers F16F15/12 F16D13/683for clutches with multiple lamellae F16D13/686with one or more intermediate members made of rubber or like material transmitting torque from the linings to the hub F16D13/69Arrangements for spreading lamellae in the released state F16D13/70Pressure members, e.g. pressure plates, for clutch-plates or lamellaeGuiding arrangements for pressure members clutch flywheels comprising two or more masses with a rotational damper F16F15/12 F16D2013/703the pressure plate on the flywheel side is combined with a damper F16D2013/706the axially movable pressure plate is supported by leaf springs F16D13/71in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D13/72Features relating to cooling F16D13/74Features relating to lubrication F16D13/75Features relating to adjustment, e.g. slack adjusters F16D13/752the adjusting device being located in the actuating mechanism arranged outside the clutch adjusting "Bowden" mechanisms F16C1/22 F16D13/755the adjusting device being located in or near the release bearing F16D13/757the adjusting device being located on or inside the clutch cover, e.g. acting on the diaphragm or on the pressure plate F16D13/76specially adapted to incorporate with other transmission parts, i.e. at least one of the clutch parts also having another function, e.g. being the disc of a pulley F16D15/00Clutches with wedging balls or rollers or with other wedgeable separate clutching members freewheels, freewheel clutches F16D41/00 F16D17/00Clutches in which the drive is transmitted solely by virtue of the eccentricity of the contacting surfaces of clutch members which fit one around the other F16D19/00Clutches with mechanically-actuated clutching members not otherwise provided for F16D21/00Systems comprising a plurality of actuated clutches for synchronisation F16D23/04 F16D21/02for interconnecting three or more shafts or other transmission members in different ways in endless-track vehicles B62D F16D21/04with a shaft carrying a number of rotatable transmission members, e.g. gears, each of which can be connected to the shaft by a clutching member or members between the shaft and the hub of the transmission member F16D21/06at least two driving shafts or two driven shafts being concentric F16D2021/0607Double clutch with torque input plate in-between the two clutches, i.e. having a central input plate F16D2021/0615the central input plate is supported by bearings in-between the two clutches F16D2021/0623the central input plate having a damper in-between the two clutches F16D2021/063Electric arrangements for clutch control F16D2021/0638Electrically actuated multiple lamellae clutches F16D2021/0646Electrically actuated clutch with two clutch plates F16D2021/0653Hydraulic arrangements for clutch control F16D2021/0661Hydraulically actuated multiple lamellae clutches F16D2021/0669Hydraulically actuated clutches with two clutch plates F16D2021/0676Mechanically actuated multiple lamellae clutches F16D2021/0684Mechanically actuated clutches with two clutch plates F16D2021/0692with two clutches arranged axially without radial overlap F16D21/08Serially-arranged clutches interconnecting two shafts only when all the clutches are engaged F16D13/08, F16D13/12 take precedence F16D23/00Details of mechanically-actuated clutches not specific for one distinct type F16D23/02Arrangements for synchronisation, also for power-operated clutches shape or mounting of interengaging parts of clutch members to facilitate engagement F16D11/08 F16D23/025Synchro rings F16D23/04with an additional friction clutch synchro rings per se F16D23/025 F16D23/06and a blocking mechanism preventing the engagement of the main clutch prior to synchronisation F16D23/0606the blocking mechanism comprising an axially-extending shouldered pin passing through a hole in a radial wall F16D23/0612the blocking mechanism comprising a radial pin in an axial slot with at least one branch F16D2023/0618Details of blocking mechanism comprising a helical spring loaded element, e.g. ball F16D2023/0625Details of members being coupled, e.g. gears F16D2023/0631Sliding sleeves; Details thereof F16D2023/0637Details relating to the hub member on which the sliding is arranged F16D2023/0643Synchro friction clutches with flat plates, discs or lamellae F16D2023/065Means to provide additional axial force for self-energising, e.g. by using torque from the friction clutch F16D2023/0656Details of the tooth structure; Arrangements of teeth F16D2023/0662Details relating to special geometry of arrangements of teeth F16D2023/0668Details relating to tooth end or tip geometry F16D2023/0675Details relating to special undercut geometry F16D2023/0681Double cone synchromesh clutches F16D2023/0687Clutches with electrical actuation F16D2023/0693Clutches with hydraulic actuation F16D23/08with a blocking mechanism that only releases the clutching member on synchronisation in combination with an additional friction clutch F16D23/06 F16D23/10automatically producing the engagement of the clutch when the clutch members are moving at the same speedIndicating synchronisation F16D23/12Mechanical clutch-actuating mechanisms arranged outside the clutch as such specific for combined clutches F16D21/00; mechanisms specific for synchronisation F16D23/02 F16D2023/123Clutch actuation by cams, ramps or ball-screw mechanisms F16D2023/126Actuation by rocker lever; Rocker levers therefor F16D23/14Clutch-actuating sleeves or bearingsActuating members directly connected to clutch-actuating sleeves or bearings F16D2023/141characterised by using a fork; Details of forks F16D23/142with a resilient member acting radially between the bearing and its guide means F16D23/143Arrangements or details for the connection between the release bearing and the diaphragm F16D23/144With a disengaging thrust-ring distinct from the release bearing, and secured to the diaphragm F16D23/145Arrangements for the connection between the thrust-ring and the diaphragm F16D23/146Arrangements for the connection between the thrust-ring and the release bearing F16D23/147bearing with rolling elements having at least one race or part fixed to the race blind axially, e.g. cup-shaped F16D23/148Guide-sleeve receiving the clutch release bearing F16D25/00Clutches actuated non-mechanically arrangements for synchronisation F16D23/02; fluid clutches F16D31/00 - F16D39/00; automatic clutches F16D41/00 - F16D45/00; dynamo-electric clutches H02K49/00; clutches using electrostatic attraction H02N13/00 F16D25/00Fluid-actuated clutches F16D25/02with means for actuating or keeping engaged by a force derived at least partially from one of the shafts to be connected F16D25/04in which the fluid actuates an elastic clutching, i.e. elastic actuating member, e.g. a diaphragm or a pneumatic tube F16D25/02 takes precedence; coupling using a pneumatic tube F16D3/82 F16D25/042the elastic actuating member rotating with the clutch F16D25/044and causing purely axial movement F16D25/046and causing purely radial movement F16D25/048the elastic actuating member not rotating with a coupling part F16D25/06in which the fluid actuates a piston incorporated in, i.e. rotating with the clutch F16D25/02 takes precedence F16D25/061the clutch having interengaging clutch members F16D25/062the clutch having friction surfaces F16D25/063with clutch members exclusively moving axially F16D25/0632with conical friction surfaces, e.g. cone clutches F16D25/0635with flat friction surfaces, e.g. discs F16D25/0638with more than two discs, e.g. multiple lamellae F16D25/064the friction surface being grooved F16D25/065with clutching members having a movement which has at least a radial component F16D25/08with fluid-actuated member not rotating with a clutching member F16D25/02 takes precedence F16D25/048 takes precedence F16D2025/081Hydraulic devices that initiate movement of pistons in slave cylinders for actuating clutches, i.e. master cylinders F16D25/082the line of action of the fluid-actuated members co-inciding with the axis of rotation F16D25/083Actuators therefor F16D25/085 - F16D25/087 take precedence F16D25/085the clutch actuation being of the pull type F16D25/086the clutch being actuated by a push rod extending coaxially through the input or output shaft F16D25/087the clutch being actuated by the fluid-actuated member via a diaphragm spring or an equivalent array of levers F16D25/085, F16D25/086 take precedence F16D25/088the line of action of the fluid-actuated members being distinctly separate from the axis of rotation F16D25/10Clutch systems with a plurality of fluid-actuated clutches arrangements or mounting of clutches in vehicles B60K17/00 F16D25/12Details not specific to one of the before-mentioned types F16D25/123in view of cooling and lubrication F16D25/126adjustment for wear or play F16D25/14Fluid pressure control F16D27/00Magnetically- or electrically- actuated clutchesControl or electric circuits therefor clutches with magnetisable particles F16D37/02; with electro-rheological fluids F16D37/008 F16D2027/001Means for electric connection of the coils of the electromagnetic clutches F16D2027/002Electric or electronic circuits relating to actuation of electromagnetic clutches F16D27/004with permanent magnets combined with electromagnets F16D2027/005Details relating to the internal construction of coils or to clutches having more than one coil in the same housing F16D2027/007Bias of an armature of an electromagnetic clutch by flexing of substantially flat springs, e.g. leaf springs F16D2027/008Details relating to the magnetic circuit, or to the shape of the clutch parts to achieve a certain magnetic path F16D27/01with permanent magnets F16D27/02with electromagnets incorporated in the clutch, i.e. with collecting rings F16D27/004 takes precedence F16D27/025and with a helical band or equivalent member co-operating with a cylindrical coupling surface F16D27/04with axially-movable friction surfaces F16D27/06with friction surfaces arranged within the flux F16D27/08with friction surfaces arranged externally to the flux F16D27/09and with interengaging jaws or gear-teeth F16D27/10with an electromagnet not rotating with a clutching member, i.e. without collecting rings F16D27/004 takes precedence F16D27/102with radially movable clutching members F16D27/105 takes precedence F16D27/105with a helical band or equivalent member co-operating with a cylindrical coupling surface F16D27/108with axially movable clutching members F16D27/11with conical friction surfaces, e.g. cone clutches F16D27/112with flat friction surfaces, e.g. discs F16D27/115with more than two discs, e.g. multiple lamellae F16D27/118with interengaging jaws or gear teeth F16D27/12Clutch systems with a plurality of electro-magnetically-actuated clutches F16D27/004 takes precedence F16D27/14Details F16D28/00Electrically-actuated clutches arrangements for synchronisation F16D23/02; clutches actuated directly by means of an electromagnet F16D27/00; automatic clutches F16D43/00 - F16D45/00; external control F16D48/00 F16D29/00Clutches and systems of clutches involving both fluid and magnetic actuation F16D29/005with a fluid pressure piston driven by an electric motor F16D31/00Couplings or clutches with a fluid or a semi-fluid as a power-transmitting means fluid gearing F16H39/00 - F16H49/00 F16D31/00Fluid couplings or clutches with pumping sets of the volumetric type, i.e. in the case of liquid passing a predetermined volume per revolution F16D31/02using pumps with pistons or plungers working in cylinders F16D31/04using gear-pumps F16D31/06using pumps of types differing from those before-mentioned F16D31/08Control of slip F16D33/00Rotary fluid couplings or clutches of the hydrokinetic type F16D33/02controlled by changing the flow of the liquid in the working circuit, while maintaining a completely filled working circuit F16D33/04by altering the position of blades F16D33/06controlled by changing the amount of liquid in the working circuit F16D33/08by devices incorporated in the fluid coupling, with or without remote control F16D33/10consisting of controllable supply and discharge openings F16D33/12controlled automatically by self-actuated valves F16D33/14consisting of shiftable or adjustable scoops F16D33/16by means arranged externally of the coupling or clutch mounting of such means in vehicles B60K23/00, e.g. B60K23/02 F16D33/18Details applicable also to fluid gearing F16H41/24 F16D33/20Shape of wheels, blades, or channels with respect to function F16D35/00Fluid clutches in which the clutching is predominantly obtained by fluid adhesion F16D37/00 takes precedence ; arrangements of viscous clutches in four-wheel drives - B60K17/3465 and B60K17/351 F16D35/005with multiple lamellae F16D35/02with rotary working chambers and rotary reservoirs, e.g. in one coupling part F16D35/021actuated by valves F16D35/022the valve being actuated by a bimetallic strip F16D35/026 takes precedence F16D35/023the valve being actuated by a bimetallic coil F16D35/026 takes precedence F16D35/024the valve being actuated electrically, e.g. by an electromagnet F16D35/026 takes precedence F16D35/025the valve being actuated by inertia, e.g. using a flyweight or a centrifugal mass F16D35/026 takes precedence F16D35/026actuated by a plurality of valves; the valves being actuated by a combination of mechanisms covered by more than one of groups F16D35/022 - F16D35/025 F16D35/027actuated by emptying and filling with viscous fluid from outside the coupling during operation F16D35/028actuated electrically, e.g. by an electromagnet valves actuated electrically F16D35/024 F16D35/029actuated by varying the volume of the reservoir chamber F16D37/00Clutches in which the drive is transmitted through a medium consisting of small particles, e.g. centrifugally speed-responsive F16D2037/001Electric arrangements for clutch control F16D2037/002characterised by a single substantially axial gap in which the fluid or medium consisting of small particles is arranged F16D2037/004characterised by multiple substantially axial gaps in which the fluid or medium consisting of small particles is arranged F16D2037/005characterised by a single substantially radial gap in which the fluid or medium consisting of small particles is arranged F16D2037/007characterised by multiple substantially radial gaps in which the fluid or medium consisting of small particles is arranged F16D37/008the particles being carried by a fluid, to vary viscosity when subjected to electric change, i.e. electro-rheological or smart fluids composition of such fluids C10M171/001 F16D37/02the particles being magnetisable F16D39/00Combinations of couplings according to two or more of the groups F16D31/00 - F16D37/00 F16D41/00Freewheels or freewheel clutchesAutomatic clutches F16D31/00 - F16D39/00 take precedence F16D41/00Freewheels or freewheel clutches cycle brakes controlled by back-pedalling B62L5/00 ; one-way linear clutches F16B7/16 F16D41/02disengaged by contact of a part of or on the freewheel or freewheel clutch with a stationarily-mounted member F16D41/04combined with a clutch for locking the driving and driven members F16D41/02, F16D41/24 take precedence F16D41/06with intermediate wedging coupling members between an inner and an outer surface F16D41/02, F16D41/24 take precedence F16D2041/0601with a sliding bearing or spacer F16D2041/0603Sprag details F16D2041/0605Spring details F16D2041/0606the intermediate coupling members having parts wedging by movement other than pivoting or rolling but combined with pivoting or rolling parts, e.g. shoes on pivot bars or on rollers F16D2041/0608Races with a regular polygon shape F16D41/061the intermediate members wedging by movement having an axial component F16D41/063the intermediate members wedging by moving along the inner and the outer surface without pivoting or rolling, e.g. sliding wedges F16D41/061 takes precedence F16D41/064the intermediate members wedging by rolling and having a circular cross-section, e.g. balls F16D41/061 takes precedence F16D2041/0643the intermediate coupling members being of more than one size F16D2041/0646the intermediate coupling members moving between recesses in an inner race and recesses in an outer race F16D41/066all members having the same size and only one of the two surfaces being cylindrical F16D2041/0665characterised by there being no cage other than the inner and outer race for distributing the intermediate members F16D41/067and the members being distributed by a separate cage encircling the axis of rotation F16D41/069the intermediate members wedging by pivoting or rocking, e.g. sprags F16D41/061 takes precedence F16D41/07between two cylindrical surfaces F16D41/073each member comprising at least two elements at different radii F16D41/076the wedging coupling members being non-releasably joined to form a single annular piece, e.g. either the members being integral projections from the piece, or the piece being an elastic ring cast round the radial centres of the members F16D41/08with provision for altering the freewheeling action F16D41/082the intermediate coupling members wedging by movement other than pivoting or rolling F16D41/084the intermediate coupling members wedging by pivoting or rocking F16D41/086the intermediate members being of circular cross-section and wedging by rolling F16D41/10 takes precedence F16D41/088the intermediate members being of only one size and wedging by a movement not having an axial component, between inner and outer races, one of which is cylindrical F16D41/10with self-actuated reversing F16D41/105the intermediate members being of circular cross-section, of only one size and wedging by rolling movement not having an axial component between inner and outer races, one of which is cylindrical F16D41/12with hinged pawl co-operating with teeth, cogs, or the like F16D41/02, F16D41/24 take precedence F16D41/125the pawl movement having an axial component F16D41/14the effective stroke of the pawl being adjustable F16D41/16the action being reversible F16D41/18with non-hinged detent F16D41/02, F16D41/24 take precedence F16D41/185the engaging movement having an axial component F16D41/20with expandable or contractable clamping ring or band F16D41/02, F16D41/24 take precedence F16D41/203having coils overlapping in a single radial plane, e.g. Archimedian spiral F16D41/206having axially adjacent coils, e.g. helical wrap-springs F16D41/22with clutching ring or disc axially shifted as a result of lost motion between actuating members F16D41/02, F16D41/24 take precedence F16D41/24specially adapted for cycles F16D41/26with provision for altering the action F16D41/28with intermediate wedging coupling members F16D41/30with hinged pawl co-operating with teeth, cogs, or the like F16D41/32with non-hinged detent F16D41/34with expandable or contractable clamping ring or band F16D41/36with clutching ring or disc axially shifted as a result of lost motion between actuating members F16D43/00Automatic clutches varying the relationship between two coaxial shafts F16D3/10; freewheels, freewheel clutches F16D41/00 F16D43/02actuated entirely mechanically F16D43/04controlled by angular speed F16D43/24 takes precedence; clutches in which the drive is transmitted through a medium consisting of small particles F16D37/00 F16D43/06with centrifugal masses actuating axially a movable pressure ring or the like F16D43/08the pressure ring actuating friction plates, cones or similar axially-movable friction surfaces F16D43/09in which the carrier of the centrifugal masses can be stopped F16D43/10the centrifugal masses acting directly on the pressure ring, no other actuating mechanism for the pressure ring being provided F16D43/12the centrifugal masses acting on, or forming a part of, an actuating mechanism by which the pressure ring can also be actuated independently of the masses F16D43/14with centrifugal masses actuating the clutching members directly in a direction which has at least a radial componentwith centrifugal masses themselves being the clutching members F16D2043/145the centrifugal masses being pivoting F16D43/16with clutching members having interengaging parts F16D43/18with friction clutching members F16D43/20controlled by torque, e.g. overload-release clutches, slip-clutches with means by which torque varies the clutching pressure F16D43/202of the ratchet type slip couplings of the ratchet type F16D7/04 F16D43/2022with at least one part moving axially between engagement and disengagement F16D43/206 takes precedence F16D43/2024the axially moving part being coaxial with the rotation, e.g. a gear with face teeth F16D43/2026with a plurality of axially moving parts F16D43/2028with at least one part moving radially between engagement and disengagement F16D43/208 takes precedence F16D43/204with intermediate balls or rollers F16D43/206moving axially between engagement and disengagement F16D43/208moving radially between engagement and disengagement F16D43/21with friction members slip couplings of the friction type F16D7/02 F16D43/211with radially applied torque-limiting friction surfaces F16D43/213with axially applied torque-limiting friction surfaces F16D43/215with flat friction surfaces, e.g. discs F16D43/216with multiple lamellae F16D43/218with conical friction surfaces F16D43/22controlled by both speed and torque F16D43/24controlled by acceleration or deceleration of angular speed F16D43/25controlled by thermo-responsive elements F16D43/26acting at definite angular position or disengaging after consecutive definite number of rotations actuating by means of stationary abutment F16D11/02, F16D13/02, F16D15/00; control of change-speed or reversing-gearings conveying rotary motion F16H59/00 - F16H63/00 F16D43/28actuated by fluid pressure F16D43/284controlled by angular speed F16D43/286controlled by torque F16D43/30Systems of a plurality of automatic clutches F16D45/00Freewheels or freewheel clutches combined with automatic clutches F16D47/00Systems of clutches, or clutches and couplings, comprising devices of types grouped under at least two of the preceding guide headings F16D47/02of which at least one is a coupling elastic attachment of clutch parts, see the groups for the clutches clutch flywheels with damping devices F16F15/10 F16D47/04of which at least one is a freewheel F16D47/02, F16D47/06 take precedence; freewheels combined with a clutch to lock the driving and driven members of the freewheel F16D41/04, F16D41/26 F16D47/06of which at least one is a clutch with a fluid or a semifluid as power-transmitting means F16D48/00External control of clutches F16D48/02Control by fluid pressure F16D2048/0203with an accumulator; Details thereof F16D48/0206in a system with a plurality of fluid-actuated clutches F16D2048/0209characterised by fluid valves having control pistons, e.g. spools F16D2048/0212Details of pistons for master or slave cylinders especially adapted for fluid control for other details of pistons in master or slave cylinders F16D2025/081 or F16D25/082 F16D2048/0215for damping of pulsations within the fluid system F16D2048/0218Reservoirs for clutch control systems; Details thereof F16D2048/0221Valves for clutch control systems; Details thereof F16D2048/0224Details of conduits, connectors or the adaptors therefor specially adapted for clutch control F16D2048/0227Source of pressure producing the clutch engagement or disengagement action within a circuit; Means for initiating command action in power assisted devices for details of the source or means per se F16D25/088, F16D29/005 F16D2048/023by pedal actuation for pedals per se G01G1/30 F16D2048/0233by rotary pump actuation F16D2048/0236with multiple independent pumps, e.g. one per clutch, or for supplying fluid to different systems F16D2048/0239One fluid source supplying fluid at high pressure and one fluid source supplying fluid at low pressure F16D2048/0242Two or more rotating pumps driven together by the same power source, e.g. connected by a shaft, or a single pump having two or more fluid outputs F16D2048/0245Electrically driven rotary pumps F16D2048/0248Reversible rotary pumps, i.e. pumps that can be rotated in the two directions F16D2048/0251Electric motor driving a piston, e.g. for actuating the master cylinder for details of the actuator per se F16D29/00 F16D2048/0254Double actuation, i.e. two actuation means can produce independently an engagement or disengagement of the clutch F16D2048/0257Hydraulic circuit layouts, i.e. details of hydraulic circuit elements or the arrangement thereof F16D2048/026The controlling actuation is directly performed by the pressure source, i.e. there is no intermediate valve for controlling flow or pressure F16D2048/0263Passive valves between pressure source and actuating cylinder, e.g. check valves or throttle valves F16D2048/0266Actively controlled valves between pressure source and actuation cylinder F16D2048/0269Single valve for switching between fluid supply to actuation cylinder or draining to the sump F16D2048/0272Two valves, where one valve is supplying fluid to the cylinder and the other valve is for draining fluid to the sump F16D2048/0275Two valves arranged in parallel, e.g. one for coarse and the other for fine control during supplying or draining fluid from the actuation cylinder F16D2048/0278Two valves in series arrangement for controlling supply to actuation cylinder F16D2048/0281Complex circuits with more than two valves in series or special arrangements thereof not provided for in previous groups F16D2048/0284characterised by valve arrangements supplying fluid to a two chamber- cylinder F16D2048/0287Hydraulic circuits combining clutch actuation and other hydraulic systems F16D2048/029Hydraulic circuits combining clutch actuation with clutch lubrication or cooling F16D2048/0293Hydraulic circuits combining clutch and transmission actuation F16D2048/0296Hydraulic circuits controlled exclusively by hydraulic pressure, i.e. with no electrically controlled valves F16D48/04providing power assistance F16D2048/045Vacuum boosters therefor F16D48/06Control by electric or electronic means, e.g. of fluid pressure F16D48/062of a clutch system with a plurality of fluid actuated clutches F16D48/064Control of electrically or electromagnetically actuated clutches F16D48/062, F16D48/068 take precedence F16D48/066Control of fluid pressure, e.g. using an accumulator F16D48/062, F16D48/068 take precedence F16D48/068using signals from a manually actuated gearshift linkage F16D48/08Regulating clutch take-up on starting F16D48/10Preventing unintentional or unsafe engagement F16D49/00Brakes electrodynamic brake systems for vehicles in general B60L; dynamo-electric brakes H02K F16D49/00Brakes with a braking member co-operating with the periphery of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like similar clutches F16D13/10 F16D49/02shaped as a helical band or coil with more than one turn, with or without intensification of the braking force by the tension of the band or contracting member similar clutches F16D13/08 F16D49/04mechanically actuated F16D49/06fluid actuated F16D49/08shaped as an encircling band extending over approximately 360 degrees F16D49/10mechanically actuated self-tightening F16D49/20 F16D49/12fluid actuated F16D49/14shaped as a fluid-filled flexible member actuated by variation of the fluid pressure F16D49/16Brakes with two brake-blocks self-tightening F16D49/20 F16D49/18Brakes with three or more brake-blocks self-tightening F16D49/20 F16D49/20Self-tightening brakes with helical or coil with more than one turn F16D49/02 F16D49/22with an auxiliary friction member initiating or increasing the action of the brake F16D51/00Brakes with outwardly-movable braking members co-operating with the inner surface of a drum or the like similar clutches F16D13/14 F16D2051/001Parts or details of drum brakes F16D2051/003Brake supports F16D2051/005Protective covers F16D2051/006Braking members arranged axially spaced, e.g. side by side F16D2051/008Brakes with only one substantially rigid braking member F16D51/02shaped as one or more circumferential band similar clutches F16D13/12 F16D51/04mechanically actuated F16D51/06fluid actuated F16D51/08shaped as an expansible fluid-filled flexible member F16D51/10shaped as exclusively radially-movable brake-shoes F16D51/12mechanically actuated F16D51/14fluid actuated F16D51/16shaped as brake-shoes pivoted on a fixed or nearly-fixed axis F16D51/18with two brake-shoes F16D51/20extending in opposite directions from their pivots F16D51/22mechanically actuated F16D51/24fluid actuated F16D51/26both extending in the same direction from their pivots F16D51/28mechanically actuated F16D51/30fluid actuated F16D51/32with three or more brake shoes F16D51/34extending in opposite directions from their pivots F16D51/36mechanically actuated F16D51/38fluid actuated F16D51/40all extending in the same direction from their pivots F16D51/42mechanically actuated F16D51/44fluid actuated F16D51/46Self-tightening brakes with pivoted brake shoes, i.e. the braked member increases the braking action F16D51/48with two linked or directly-interacting brake shoes F16D51/50mechanically actuated F16D51/52fluid actuated F16D51/54with three or more brake-shoes, at least two of them being linked or directly interacting F16D51/56mechanically actuated F16D51/58fluid actuated F16D51/60with wedging action of a brake-shoe, e.g. the shoe entering as a wedge between the brake-drum and a stationary part F16D51/62mechanically actuated F16D51/64fluid actuated F16D51/66an actuated brake-shoe being carried along and thereby engaging a member for actuating another brake-shoe F16D51/68mechanically actuated F16D51/70fluid actuated F16D53/00Brakes with braking members co-operating with both the periphery and the inner surface of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like similar clutches F16D13/20 F16D55/00Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes similar clutches F16D13/38 F16D2055/0004Parts or details of disc brakes F16D2055/0008Brake supports F16D2055/0012integral with vehicle suspension F16D2055/0016Brake calipers F16D2055/002assembled from a plurality of parts F16D2055/0025comprising a flat frame member F16D2055/0029Retraction devices F16D2055/0033Fully-enclosing housings F16D2055/0037Protective covers F16D2055/0041Resilient elements interposed directly between the actuating member and the brake support, e.g. anti-rattle springs F16D2055/0045Braking members arranged non-symmetrically with respect to the brake disc F16D2055/005Brakes straddling an annular brake disc radially internally F16D2055/0054Brakes located in the radial gap between two coplanarly arranged annular brake discs F16D2055/0058Fully lined, i.e. braking surface extending over the entire disc circumference F16D2055/0062Partly lined, i.e. braking surface extending over only a part of the disc circumference F16D2055/0066Brakes having more than one actuator on the same side of the disc F16D2055/007Pins holding the braking members F16D2055/0075Constructional features of axially engaged brakes F16D2055/0079with braking members arranged non-symmetrically with respect to the rotor F16D2055/0083with brake actuator located radially inside of an annular rotor F16D2055/0087with brake actuator located between two coplanar annular rotors F16D2055/0091Plural actuators arranged side by side on the same side of the rotor F16D2055/0095Plural rotors with different properties, e.g. to influence working conditions like wear or temperature F16D55/02with axially-movable discs or pads pressed against axially-located rotating members F16D55/025with two or more rotating discs at least one of them being located axially F16D55/04by moving discs or pads away from one another against radial walls of drums or cylinders F16D55/06without self-tightening action F16D55/08Mechanically-actuated brakes F16D55/10Brakes actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D55/12comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D55/14with self-tightening action, e.g. by means of coacting helical surfaces or balls and inclined surfaces F16D55/15initiated by means of brake-bands or brake-shoes F16D55/16Mechanically-actuated brakes F16D55/18Brakes actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D55/20comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D55/22by clamping an axially-located rotating disc between movable braking members, e.g. movable brake discs or brake pads F16D55/224with a common actuating member for the braking members F16D55/2245in which the common actuating member acts on two levers carrying the braking members, e.g. tong-type brakes similar brakes for rail vehicles B61H5/00 F16D55/225the braking members being brake pads F16D55/2255in which the common actuating member is pivoted F16D55/226in which the common actuating member is moved axially , e.g. floating caliper disc brakes F16D55/2262the axial movement being guided by open sliding surfaces, e.g. grooves F16D55/2265the axial movement being guided by one or more pins engaging bores in the brake support or the brake housing F16D55/22655Constructional details of guide pins F16D55/227by two or more pins F16D55/228with a separate actuating member for each side F16D55/24with a plurality of axially-movable discs, lamellae, or pads, pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D55/26without self-tightening action F16D55/28Brakes with only one rotating disc F16D55/30mechanically actuated F16D55/31by means of an intermediate leverage F16D55/32actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D55/33by means of an intermediate leverage F16D55/34comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D55/36Brakes with a plurality of rotating discs all lying side by side F16D55/38mechanically actuated F16D55/39by means of an intermediate leverage F16D55/40actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or one the brake F16D55/41by means of an intermediate leverage F16D55/42comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D55/44with the rotating part consisting of both central plates and ring-shaped plates arranged concentrically around the central plates F16D55/46with self-tightening action F16D55/48with discs or pads having a small free angular travel relative to their support, which produces the self-tightening action F16D55/50with auxiliary friction members, which may be of different type, producing the self-tightening action F16D57/00Liquid-resistance brakes; Brakes using the internal friction of fluids or fluid-like media, e.g. powders for braking drums, barrels or ropes of cranes, lift hoists or winches B66D5/026 F16D57/002comprising a medium with electrically or magnetically controlled internal friction, e.g. electrorheological fluid, magnetic powder F16D57/005Details of blades, e.g. shape F16D57/007with variable brake geometry, e.g. axially movable rotor or stator F16D57/02with blades or like members braked by the fluid F16D57/04with blades causing a directed flow, e.g. Föttinger type F16D57/06comprising a pump circulating fluid, braking being effected by throttling of the circulation F16D59/00Self-acting brakes, e.g. coming into operation at a predetermined speed F16D59/02spring-loaded and adapted to be released by mechanical, fluid, or electromagnetic means F16D61/00Brakes with means for making the energy absorbed available for use F16D57/00 takes precedence F16D63/00Brakes not otherwise provided forBrakes combining more than one of the types of groups F16D49/00 - F16D61/00 F16D63/002Brakes with direct electrical or electro-magnetic actuation F16D63/004comprising a rotor engaged both axially and radially by braking members, e.g. combined drum and disc brakes F16D63/006Positive locking brakes F16D63/008Brakes acting on a linearly moving member F16D65/00Parts or details similar members for clutches F16D13/58 F16D65/0006Noise or vibration control F16D65/0012Active vibration dampers F16D65/0018Dynamic vibration dampers, e.g. mass-spring systems F16D65/0025Rust- or corrosion-preventing means F16D65/0031Devices for retaining friction material debris, e.g. dust collectors or filters F16D65/0037Devices for conditioning friction surfaces, e.g. cleaning or abrasive elements F16D65/0043Brake maintenance and assembly, tools therefor F16D65/005Components of axially engaging brakes not otherwise provided for F16D65/0056Brake supports F16D65/0062integral with vehicle suspension, e.g. with the steering knuckle F16D65/0068Brake calipers F16D65/0075assembled from a plurality of parts F16D65/0081Brake covers F16D65/0087Brake housing guide members, e.g. caliper pins; Accessories therefor, e.g. dust boots F16D65/02Braking membersMounting thereof friction linings or attachment thereof F16D69/00 F16D2065/022Rollers F16D2065/024the braking surface being inclined with respect to the rotor's axis of rotation at an angle other than 90 degrees, e.g. comprising a conical rotor F16D2065/026characterised by a particular outline shape of the braking member, e.g. footprint of friction lining F16D65/028Rollers F16D65/04Bands, shoes or padsPivots or supporting members therefor F16D65/06for externally-engaging brakes F16D65/062engaging the tread of a railway wheel F16D65/065Brake bands F16D65/067with means for mounting, e.g. end connection members F16D65/08for internally-engaging brakes F16D65/09Pivots or supporting members therefor F16D65/091for axially holding the segments F16D65/092for axially-engaging brakes, e.g. disc brakes F16D65/095Pivots or supporting members therefor F16D65/097Resilient means interposed between pads and supporting members or other brake parts F16D65/0971transmitting brake actuation force, e.g. elements interposed between brake piston and pad F16D65/0972transmitting brake reaction force, e.g. elements interposed between torque support plate and pad F16D65/0973not subjected to brake forces F16D65/0974acting on or in the vicinity of the pad rim in a direction substantially transverse to the brake disc axis F16D65/0975Springs made from wire F16D65/0976acting on one pad only F16D65/0977Springs made from sheet metal F16D65/0978acting on one pad only F16D65/0979acting on the rear side of the pad or an element affixed thereto, e.g. spring clips securing the pad to the brake piston or caliper F16D65/10Drums for externally- or internally-engaging brakes F16D65/12DiscsDrums for disc brakes F16D65/121consisting of at least three circumferentially arranged segments F16D65/122adapted for mounting of friction pads F16D65/123comprising an annular disc secured to a hub member; Discs characterised by means for mounting F16D65/124adapted for mounting on the wheel of a railway vehicle F16D65/125characterised by the material used for the disc body F16D65/126the material being of low mechanical strength, e.g. carbon, beryllium; Torque transmitting members therefor F16D65/127characterised by properties of the disc surface; Discs lined with friction material F16D65/128characterised by means for cooling F16D2065/13Parts or details of discs or drums F16D2065/1304Structure F16D2065/1308one-part F16D2065/1312circumferentially segmented F16D2065/1316radially segmented F16D2065/132layered F16D2065/1324carrying friction elements F16D2065/1328internal cavities, e.g. cooling channels F16D2065/1332external ribs, e.g. for cooling or reinforcement F16D2065/1336integral part of vehicle wheel F16D2065/134Connection F16D2065/1344permanent, e.g. by casting F16D2065/1348resilient F16D2065/1352articulated F16D2065/1356interlocking F16D2065/136with relative movement radially F16D2065/1364with relative movement axially F16D2065/1368with relative movement both radially and axially F16D2065/1372outer circumference F16D2065/1376inner circumference F16D2065/138to wheel F16D2065/1384to wheel hub F16D2065/1388to shaft or axle F16D2065/1392Connection elements F16D2065/1396Ancillary resilient elements, e.g. anti-rattle or retraction springs F16D65/14Actuating mechanisms for brakesMeans for initiating operation at a predetermined position brake control systems, parts thereof B60TIn this group, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of groups F16D2121/00 - F16D2131/00 relating to actuators. F16D65/16arranged in or on the brake F16D65/18adapted for drawing members together , e.g. for disc brakes F16D65/183with force-transmitting members arranged side by side acting on a spot type force-applying member F16D65/186with full-face force-applying member, e.g. annular F16D65/22adapted for pressing members apart , e.g. for drum brakes F16D65/28arranged apart from the brake F16D65/38Slack adjusters F16D2065/383for adjusting the spring force in spring-applied brakes F16D2065/386driven electrically F16D65/40mechanical F16D65/42non-automatic F16D65/44by means of direct linear adjustment F16D65/46with screw-thread and nut F16D65/48with eccentric or helical body F16D65/50for angular adjustment of two concentric parts of the brake control system F16D65/52self-acting in one direction for adjusting excessive play F16D65/54by means of direct linear adjustment F16D65/543comprising a plastically-deformable member F16D65/546for mounting within the confines of a drum brake F16D65/56with screw-thread and nut F16D65/561for mounting within the confines of a drum brake F16D65/562arranged between service brake actuator and braking member, and subjected to service brake force F16D65/563arranged adjacent to service brake actuator, e.g. on parking brake lever, and not subjected to service brake force F16D65/565arranged diametrically opposite to service brake actuator, and subjected to service brake force F16D65/566having a temperature-sensitive element preventing adjustment when brake is hot F16D65/567for mounting on a disc brake F16D65/568for synchronous adjustment of actuators arranged in parallel F16D65/58with eccentric or helical body F16D65/60for angular adjustment of two concentric parts of the brake control systems F16D65/62self-acting in both directions for adjusting excessive and insufficient play F16D65/64by means of direct linear adjustment F16D65/66with screw-thread and nut F16D65/68with eccentric or helical body F16D65/70for angular adjustment of two concentric parts of the brake control system F16D65/72hydraulic F16D65/74self-acting in one direction F16D65/76self-acting in both directions F16D65/78Features relating to cooling F16D2065/781involving phase change of material F16D2065/782the brake-actuating fluid being used as a coolant F16D2065/783cooling control or adjustment F16D2065/784the coolant not being in direct contact with the braking surface F16D2065/785Heat insulation or reflection F16D2065/786Fluid spray devices F16D2065/787Pumps F16D2065/788Internal cooling channels F16D2065/789External cooling ribs F16D65/80for externally-engaging brakes F16D65/807with open cooling system, e.g. cooled by air F16D65/813with closed cooling system F16D65/82for internally-engaging brakes F16D65/827with open cooling system, e.g. cooled by air F16D65/833with closed cooling system F16D65/84for disc brakes discs characterised by means for cooling F16D65/128 F16D65/847with open cooling system, e.g. cooled by air F16D65/853with closed cooling system F16D66/00Arrangements for monitoring working conditions, e.g. wear, temperature F16D2066/001Temperature F16D2066/003Position, angle or speed F16D2066/005Force, torque, stress or strain F16D2066/006without direct measurement of the quantity monitored, e.g. wear or temperature calculated form force and duration of braking F16D2066/008of clutches F16D66/02Apparatus for indicating wear F16D66/021using electrical detection or indication means F16D66/022indicating that a lining is worn to minimum allowable thickness F16D66/023directly sensing the position of braking members F16D66/024Sensors mounted on braking members adapted to contact the brake disc or drum, e.g. wire loops severed on contact F16D66/025sensing the position of parts of the brake system other than the braking members, e.g. limit switches mounted on master cylinders F16D66/026indicating different degrees of lining wear F16D66/027Sensors therefor F16D66/028with non-electrical sensors or signal transmission, e.g. magnetic, optical F16D67/00Combinations of couplings and brakesCombinations of clutches and brakes combinations of couplings and clutches F16D47/02; conjoint control of brake systems and driveline clutches in vehicles B60W10/02, B60W10/18 F16D67/02Clutch-brake combinations F16D67/04fluid actuated F16D67/06electromagnetically actuated F16D69/00Friction liningsAttachment thereofSelection of coacting friction substances or surfaces clutching elements F16D13/60; braking members F16D65/02 F16D2069/001Material of friction lining and support element of same or similar composition F16D2069/002Combination of different friction materials F16D2069/003Selection of coacting friction materials F16D2069/004Profiled friction surfaces, e.g. grooves, dimples F16D2069/005having a layered structure F16D2069/006comprising a heat-insulating layer F16D2069/007comprising a resilient layer F16D2069/008Layers of fibrous materials F16D2069/009Linings attached to both sides of a central support element, e.g. a carrier plate F16D69/02Compositions of linings; Methods of manufacturing Indexing codes F16D69/021 - F16D2250/0053 are used for indexing aspects relating to compositions or manufacturing of friction linings F16D69/021containing asbestos F16D69/022in the form of fibres F16D69/023Composite materials containing carbon and carbon fibres or fibres made of carbonizable material F16D69/025Compositions based on an organic binder F16D69/026containing fibres F16D69/027Compositions based on metals or inorganic oxides F16D69/028containing fibres F16D69/04Attachment of linings F16D69/0408specially adapted for plane linings F16D69/0416specially adapted for curved linings F16D2069/0425Attachment methods or devices F16D2069/0433Connecting elements not integral with the braking member, e.g. bolts, rivets F16D2069/0441Mechanical interlocking, e.g. roughened lining carrier, mating profiles on friction material and lining carrier F16D2069/045Bonding F16D2069/0458metallurgic, e.g. welding, brazing, sintering F16D2069/0466chemical, e.g. using adhesives, vulcanising F16D2069/0475comprising thermal treatment F16D2069/0483Lining or lining carrier material shaped in situ F16D2069/0491Tools, machines, processes F16D71/00Mechanisms for bringing members to rest in a predetermined position combined with or controlling clutches F16D43/26; means for initiating operation of brakes at a predetermined position F16D65/14; means for securing members after operation F16B1/02 F16D71/02comprising auxiliary means for producing the final movement F16D71/04providing for selection between a plurality of positions F16D71/02 takes precedence F16D2121/00 F16D2121/00Type of actuator operation force F16D2121/005unspecified force for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/02Fluid pressure F16D2121/04acting on a piston-type actuator, e.g. for liquid pressure F16D2121/06for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/08acting on a membrane-type actuator, e.g. for gas pressure F16D2121/10for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/12for releasing a normally applied brake, the type of actuator being irrelevant or not provided for in groups F16D2121/04 - F16D2121/10 F16D2121/14Mechanical F16D2121/16for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/18Electric or magnetic F16D2121/20using electromagnets F16D2121/22for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/24using motors F16D2121/26for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/28using electrostrictive or magnetostrictive elements, e.g. piezoelectric elements F16D2121/30for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2121/32using shape memory or other thermo-mechanical elements F16D2121/34for releasing a normally applied brake F16D2123/00Multiple operation forces F16D2125/00Components of actuators F16D2125/02Fluid-pressure mechanisms F16D2125/023Pumps F16D2125/026Pressure-to-pressure converters, e.g. hydropneumatic F16D2125/04Cylinders F16D2125/06Pistons F16D2125/08Seals, e.g. piston seals F16D2125/10Plural pistons interacting by fluid pressure, e.g. hydraulic force amplifiers using different sized pistons F16D2125/12Membrane or diaphragm types F16D2125/14Fluid-filled flexible members, e.g. enclosed air bladders F16D2125/16Devices for bleeding or filling F16D2125/18Mechanical mechanisms F16D2125/20converting rotation to linear movement or vice versa F16D2125/22acting transversely to the axis of rotation F16D2125/24Rack-and-pinion F16D2125/26Cranks F16D2125/28CamsLevers with cams F16D2125/30acting on two or more cam followers, e.g. S-cams F16D2125/32acting on one cam follower F16D2125/34acting in the direction of the axis of rotation F16D2125/36Helical cams, Ball-rotating ramps F16D2125/38with plural cam or ball-ramp mechanisms arranged concentrically with the brake rotor axis F16D2125/40Screw-and-nut F16D2125/405with differential thread F16D2125/42Rack-and-worm gears F16D2125/44transmitting rotation F16D2125/46Rotating members in mutual engagement F16D2125/48with parallel stationary axes, e.g. spur gears F16D2125/50with parallel non-stationary axes, e.g. planetary gearing F16D2125/52with non-parallel stationary axes, e.g. worm or bevel gears F16D2125/54with non-parallel non-stationary axes F16D2125/56Shafts for transmitting torque directly F16D2125/565flexible F16D2125/58transmitting linear movement F16D2125/582Flexible element, e.g. spring, other than the main force generating element F16D2125/585arranged in parallel with a force-applying member F16D2125/587Articulation, e.g. ball-socket F16D2125/60Cables or chains, e.g. Bowden cables F16D2125/62Fixing arrangements therefor, e.g. cable end attachments F16D2125/64Levers F16D2125/645with variable leverage, e.g. movable fulcrum F16D2125/66Wedges F16D2125/68Lever-link mechanisms, e.g. toggles with change of force ratio F16D2125/70Rods F16D2127/00Auxiliary mechanisms F16D2127/001for automatic or self-acting brake operation F16D2127/002speed-responsive F16D2127/004direction-responsive F16D2127/005force- or torque-responsive F16D2127/007for non-linear operation F16D2127/008Trigger mechanisms F16D2127/02Release mechanisms F16D2127/04for manual operation F16D2127/06Locking mechanisms, e.g. acting on actuators, on release mechanisms or on force transmission mechanisms F16D2127/08Self-amplifying or de-amplifying mechanisms F16D2127/085having additional fluid pressure elements F16D2127/10having wedging elements F16D2127/12having additional frictional elements F16D2129/00Type of operation source for auxiliary mechanisms F16D2129/02Fluid-pressure F16D2129/04Mechanical F16D2129/043Weights F16D2129/046Flywheels F16D2129/06Electric or magnetic F16D2129/065Permanent magnets F16D2129/08Electromagnets F16D2129/10Motors F16D2129/12Electrostrictive or magnetostrictive elements, e.g. piezoelectric F16D2129/14Shape memory or other thermo-mechanical elements F16D2131/00Overall arrangement of the actuators or their elements, e.g. modular construction F16D2131/02of the actuator controllers F16D2200/00MaterialsProduction methods therefor F16D2200/0004metallic F16D2200/0008Ferro F16D2200/0013Cast iron F16D2200/0017corrosion-resistant F16D2200/0021Steel F16D2200/0026Non-ferro F16D2200/003Light metals, e.g. aluminium F16D2200/0034non-metallic F16D2200/0039Ceramics F16D2200/0043Ceramic base, e.g. metal oxides or ceramic binder F16D2200/0047Ceramic composite, e.g. C/C composite infiltrated with Si or B, or ceramic matrix infiltrated with metal F16D2200/0052Carbon F16D2200/0056Elastomers F16D2200/006containing fibres or particles F16D2200/0065Inorganic, e.g. non-asbestos mineral fibres F16D2200/0069being characterised by their size F16D2200/0073having lubricating properties F16D2200/0078laminated F16D2200/0082Production methods therefor F16D2200/0086Moulding materials together by application of heat and pressure F16D2200/0091Impregnating a mat of fibres with a binder F16D2200/0095Mixing an aqueous slurry of fibres with a binder, e.g. papermaking process F16D2250/00ManufacturingAssembly F16D2250/0007Casting F16D2250/0015around inserts F16D2250/0023Shaping by pressure F16D2250/003Chip removing F16D2250/0038Surface treatment F16D2250/0046Coating F16D2250/0053Hardening F16D2250/0061Joining F16D2250/0069Adhesive bonding F16D2250/0076Welding, brazing F16D2250/0084Assembly or disassembly F16D2250/0092Tools or machines for producing linings F16D2300/00Special features for couplings or clutches F16D2300/02Overheat protection, i.e. means for protection against overheating F16D2300/021Cooling features not provided for in group F16D13/72 or F16D25/123, e.g. heat transfer details F16D2300/0212Air cooling F16D2300/0214Oil or fluid cooling F16D2300/04Heating means F16D2300/06Lubrication details not provided for in group F16D13/74 F16D2300/08Details or arrangements of sealings not provided for in group F16D3/84 F16D2300/10Surface characteristicsDetails related to material surfaces F16D2300/12Mounting or assembling F16D2300/14Clutches which are normally open, i.e. not engaged in released state F16D2300/18SensorsDetails or arrangements thereof F16D2300/20Auxiliary indicators or alarms F16D2300/22Vibration damping F16D2300/24Concentric actuation rods, e.g. actuation rods extending concentrically through a shaft F16D2300/26Cover or bell housingsDetails or arrangements thereof F16D2500/00External control of clutches by electric or electronic means F16D2500/10System to be controlled F16D2500/102Actuator F16D2500/1021Electrical type F16D2500/1022Electromagnet F16D2500/1023Electric motor F16D2500/1024combined with hydraulic actuation F16D2500/1025with threaded transmission F16D2500/1026Hydraulic F16D2500/1027Details about the hydraulic valves F16D2500/1028Pneumatic F16D2500/104Clutch F16D2500/10406Clutch position F16D2500/10412Transmission line of a vehicle F16D2500/10418Accessory clutch, e.g. cooling fan, air conditioning F16D2500/10425Differential clutch F16D2500/104314WD Clutch dividing power between the front and the rear axle F16D2500/10437Power Take Off clutch F16D2500/10443Clutch type F16D2500/1045Friction clutch F16D2500/10456Synchro clutch F16D2500/10462Dog-type clutch F16D2500/10468Fluid adhesion clutch F16D2500/10475Magnetic field, e.g. electro-rheological, magnetisable particles F16D2500/10481Automatic clutch, e.g. centrifugal masses F16D2500/10487Fluid coupling F16D2500/10493One way clutch F16D2500/106Engine F16D2500/1062Diesel F16D2500/1064Electric F16D2500/1066Hybrid F16D2500/1068Engine supercharger or turbocharger F16D2500/108Gear F16D2500/1081Actuation type F16D2500/1082Manual transmission F16D2500/1083Automated manual transmission F16D2500/1085Automatic transmission F16D2500/1086Concentric shafts F16D2500/1087Planetary gearing F16D2500/1088CVT F16D2500/11Application F16D2500/1102Lawnmower F16D2500/1105Marine applications F16D2500/1107Vehicles F16D2500/111Agricultural F16D2500/1112Heavy vehicle F16D2500/1115Racing F16D2500/1117Motorcycle F16D2500/112Details of the arrangement of the system F16D2500/30Signal inputs F16D2500/302from the actuator F16D2500/3021Angle F16D2500/3022Current F16D2500/3023Force F16D2500/3024Pressure F16D2500/3025Fluid flow F16D2500/3026Stroke F16D2500/3027Torque F16D2500/3028Voltage F16D2500/304from the clutch F16D2500/30401On-off signal indicating the engage or disengaged position of the clutch F16D2500/30402Clutch friction coefficient F16D2500/30403Number of clutch actuations F16D2500/30404Clutch temperature F16D2500/30405Estimated clutch temperature F16D2500/30406Clutch slip F16D2500/30407Clutch slip change rate F16D2500/30408Relative rotational position of the input and output parts, e.g. for facilitating positive clutch engagement F16D2500/30409Signals detecting the transmission of zero torque F16D2500/3041from the input shaft F16D2500/30412Torque of the input shaft F16D2500/30415Speed of the input shaft F16D2500/30417Speed change rate of the input shaft F16D2500/3042from the output shaft F16D2500/30421Torque of the output shaft F16D2500/30423Signal detecting the transmission of zero torque F16D2500/30425Estimation of the transmitted clutch torque, e.g. applying dynamic torque balance equation F16D2500/30426Speed of the output shaft F16D2500/30428Speed change rate of the output shaft F16D2500/305from the clutch cooling F16D2500/3051Flow amount of cooling fluid F16D2500/3053On/off signal indicating the presence of cooling oil flow F16D2500/3055Cooling oil properties F16D2500/3056Cooling oil temperature F16D2500/3058Cooling oil pressure F16D2500/306from the engine F16D2500/3061Engine inlet air flow rate F16D2500/3062Engine braking signal indicating the use of the engine as a brake F16D2500/3063Engine fuel flow rate F16D2500/3064Temperature of the engine F16D2500/3065Torque of the engine F16D2500/3066Torque change rate of the engine F16D2500/3067Speed of the engine F16D2500/3068Speed change of rate of the engine F16D2500/3069Engine ignition switch F16D2500/308from the transmission F16D2500/30801Number of shift actuations F16D2500/30802Transmission oil properties F16D2500/30803Oil temperature F16D2500/30805Oil pressure F16D2500/30806Engaged transmission ratio F16D2500/30807Estimation of the engaged transmission ratio F16D2500/30808Detection of transmission in neutral F16D2500/3081from the input shaft F16D2500/30812Direction of rotation of the input shaft F16D2500/30814Torque of the input shaft F16D2500/30816Speed of the input shaft F16D2500/30818Speed change rate of the input shaft F16D2500/3082from the output shaft F16D2500/30822Torque of the output shaft F16D2500/30825Speed of the output shaft F16D2500/30827Speed change rate of the output shaft F16D2500/31from the vehicle F16D2500/3101Detection of a brake actuation by a sensor on the brake brake pedal actuation F16D2500/31426 F16D2500/3102Vehicle direction of travel, i.e. forward/reverse F16D2500/3104Travelled distance F16D2500/3105Operational Time of clutches during vehicle life F16D2500/3107Vehicle weight F16D2500/3108Vehicle speed F16D2500/3109Vehicle acceleration F16D2500/3111Standing still, i.e. signal detecting when the vehicle is standing still or bellow a certain limit speed F16D2500/3112Vehicle acceleration change rate F16D2500/3114Vehicle wheels F16D2500/3115Vehicle wheel speed F16D2500/3117Vehicle wheel torque F16D2500/3118Slip of vehicle wheels F16D2500/312External to the vehicle F16D2500/3121Ambient conditions, e.g. air humidity, air temperature, ambient pressure F16D2500/3122Ambient temperature F16D2500/3124Driving conditions, e.g. climbing hills, cornering, traffic F16D2500/3125Driving resistance, i.e. external factors having an influence in the traction force, e.g. road friction, air resistance, road slope F16D2500/3127Road slope F16D2500/3128Distance from the vehicle to an external element, e.g. to an obstacle, to an other vehicle or a target F16D2500/314from the user F16D2500/31406input from pedals F16D2500/31413Clutch pedal position F16D2500/3142Clutch pedal position rate F16D2500/31426Brake pedal position F16D2500/31433Brake pedal position threshold, e.g. switch F16D2500/3144Accelerator pedal position F16D2500/31446Accelerator pedal position change rate F16D2500/31453Accelerator pedal position threshold, e.g. switch F16D2500/3146input from levers F16D2500/31466Gear lever F16D2500/31473Parking brake lever F16D2500/3148Detection of user presence F16D2500/31486Recognition of user style of driving, e.g. sportive, calm, nervous F16D2500/31493Switches on the dashboard F16D2500/316Other signal inputs not covered by the groups above F16D2500/3161Signal providing information about the state of engine accessories F16D2500/3163Using the natural frequency of a component as input for the control F16D2500/3165Using the moment of inertia of a component as input for the control F16D2500/3166Detection of an elapsed period of time F16D2500/3168Temperature detection of any component of the control system F16D2500/50Problem to be solved by the control system F16D2500/501Relating the actuator F16D2500/5012Accurate determination of the clutch positions, e.g. treating the signal from the position sensor, or by using two position sensors for determination F16D2500/5014Filling the actuator cylinder with fluid F16D2500/5016Shifting operation, i.e. volume compensation of the master cylinder due to wear, temperature changes or leaks in the cylinder F16D2500/5018Calibration or recalibration of the actuator F16D2500/502Relating the clutch F16D2500/50203Transition between manual and automatic control of the clutch F16D2500/50206Creep control F16D2500/50209Activation of the creep control operation F16D2500/50212Accelerator pedal F16D2500/50215Brake pedal F16D2500/50218Clutch pedal F16D2500/50221Manual switch actuated by the user F16D2500/50224Drive-off F16D2500/50227Control of clutch to control engine F16D2500/5023Determination of the clutch wear F16D2500/50233Clutch wear adjustment operation F16D2500/50236Adaptations of the clutch characteristics, e.g. curve clutch capacity torque - clutch actuator displacement F16D2500/50239Soft clutch engagement F16D2500/50242Cleaning of clutches, e.g. controlling the engine or the clutch to provoke vibrations eliminating particles from the clutch friction surfaces F16D2500/50245Calibration or recalibration of the clutch touch-point F16D2500/50248During assembly F16D2500/50251During operation F16D2500/50254Brake actuated F16D2500/50257During a creep operation F16D2500/5026Gear engaged F16D2500/50263During standing still F16D2500/50266Way of detection F16D2500/50269Engine speed F16D2500/50272Gearing speed F16D2500/50275Estimation of the displacement of the clutch touch-point due to the modification of relevant parameters, e.g. temperature, wear F16D2500/50278Stalling F16D2500/50281Transmitted torque F16D2500/50284Control of secondary clutch in the driveline, i.e. not including clutches in automatic transmission, e.g. in the vicinity of rear axle or on parallel drive shaft F16D2500/50287Torque control F16D2500/5029Reducing drag torque F16D2500/50293Reduction of vibrations F16D2500/50296Limit clutch wear F16D2500/503relating to the accumulator F16D2500/5035Filling level of an accumulator providing fluid for the engagement of the clutch F16D2500/504Relating the engine F16D2500/5041Control of engine accessories, e.g. air conditioning, pumps, auxiliary drive F16D2500/5043Engine fuel consumption F16D2500/5045Control of engine at idle, i.e. controlling engine idle conditions, e.g. idling speed F16D2500/5046Preventing engine over-speed, e.g. by actuation of the main clutch F16D2500/5048Stall prevention F16D2500/506Relating the transmission F16D2500/50607Facilitating engagement of a dog clutches, e.g. preventing of gear butting F16D2500/50615Facilitating disengagement of a dog clutch, e.g. by applying a pretension on the disengaging elements F16D2500/50623Preventing transmission load change F16D2500/5063Shaft dither, i.e. applying a pulsating torque to a (transmission) shaft to create a buzz or dither, e.g. to prevent tooth butting or gear locking F16D2500/50638Shaft speed synchronising, e.g. using engine, clutch outside transmission F16D2500/50646Control of the main clutch to prevent or release a tooth-to-tooth condition in the transmission F16D2500/50653Gearing shifting without the interruption of drive F16D2500/50661Limit transmission input torque F16D2500/50669Neutral control, i.e. preventing creep or drag torque being transmitted in a transmission with a torque converter when the vehicle is stationary F16D2500/50676Optimising drive-train operating point, e.g. selecting gear ratio giving maximum fuel economy, best performance F16D2500/50684Torque resume after shifting F16D2500/50692Simulate the characteristics of a torque converter F16D2500/507Relating the vehicle F16D2500/5075Prevention or regulation of vehicle's wheel slip F16D2500/508Relating driving conditions F16D2500/50808Cold starting F16D2500/50816Control during a braking operation, e.g. during ABS control F16D2500/50825Hill climbing or descending F16D2500/50833Control during a stability control operation [ESP] F16D2500/50841Hill hold F16D2500/5085Coasting F16D2500/50858Selecting a Mode of operation F16D2500/50866Parking, i.e. control of drive units during parking F16D2500/50875Driving in reverse F16D2500/50883Stop-and-go, i.e. repeated stopping and starting, e.g. in traffic jams F16D2500/50891Towing or towed F16D2500/51Relating safety F16D2500/5102Detecting abnormal operation, e.g. unwanted slip or excessive temperature F16D2500/5104Preventing failures F16D2500/5106Overheat protection F16D2500/5108Failure diagnosis F16D2500/511Leak detection F16D2500/5112Using signals from redundant sensors F16D2500/5114Failsafe F16D2500/5116Manufacture, testing, calibrating, i.e. test or calibration of components during or soon after assembly, e.g. at the end of the production line F16D2500/50248 takes precedence F16D2500/5118Maintenance F16D2500/512Relating to the driver F16D2500/5122Improve passengers comfort F16D2500/5124Driver error, i.e. preventing effects of unintended or incorrect driver inputs F16D2500/5126Improving response to driver inputs F16D2500/5128Driver workload reduction F16D2500/52General F16D2500/525Improve response of control system F16D2500/70Details about the implementation of the control system F16D2500/702Look-up tables F16D2500/70205Clutch actuator F16D2500/70211Force F16D2500/70217Pressure F16D2500/70223Current F16D2500/70229Voltage F16D2500/70235Displacement F16D2500/70241Angle F16D2500/70247Engine F16D2500/70252Clutch torque F16D2500/70258Throttle F16D2500/70264Stroke F16D2500/7027Engine speed F16D2500/70276Slip F16D2500/70282Time F16D2500/70288Clutch pedal position F16D2500/70294Valve look-up tables F16D2500/704Output parameters from the control unitTarget parameters to be controlled F16D2500/70402Actuator parameters F16D2500/70404Force F16D2500/70406Pressure F16D2500/70408Torque F16D2500/7041Position F16D2500/70412Clutch position change rate F16D2500/70414Quick displacement to clutch touch point F16D2500/70416Angle F16D2500/70418Current F16D2500/7042Voltage F16D2500/70422Clutch parameters F16D2500/70424Outputting a clutch engaged-disengaged signal F16D2500/70426Clutch slip F16D2500/70428Clutch slip change rate F16D2500/7043Clutch temperature F16D2500/70432From the input shaft F16D2500/70434Input shaft torque F16D2500/70436Input shaft speed F16D2500/70438From the output shaft F16D2500/7044Output shaft torque F16D2500/70442Output shaft speed F16D2500/70444Output shaft speed rate F16D2500/70446Clutch cooling parameters F16D2500/70448for regulating the amount of fluid flow F16D2500/7045On/off switching of the cooling fluid flow F16D2500/70452Engine parameters F16D2500/70454Engine speed F16D2500/70456Engine speed change rate F16D2500/70458Engine torque F16D2500/7046Engine torque change rate F16D2500/70462Opening of the throttle valve F16D2500/70464Transmission parameters F16D2500/70466Input shaft F16D2500/70468Input shaft torque F16D2500/7047Input shaft torque change rate F16D2500/70472Input shaft speed F16D2500/70474Input shaft speed change rate F16D2500/70476Output shaft F16D2500/70478Output shaft power F16D2500/7048Output shaft torque F16D2500/70482Output shaft torque change rate F16D2500/70484Output shaft speed F16D2500/70486Output shaft speed change rate F16D2500/70488Selection of the gear ratio F16D2500/7049Brake parameters F16D2500/70492Vehicle parameters F16D2500/70494Vehicle speed F16D2500/70496Vehicle acceleration F16D2500/70498Vehicle acceleration change rate F16D2500/706Strategy of control F16D2500/70605Adaptive correctionModifying control system parameters, e.g. gains, constants, look-up tables F16D2500/7061Feed-back F16D2500/70615PI control F16D2500/70621PD control F16D2500/70626PID control F16D2500/70631Feed-forward F16D2500/70636Fuzzy logic F16D2500/70642Inverse model F16D2500/70647Neuronal network F16D2500/70652Open loop F16D2500/70657Predictor methods F16D2500/70663State analysisAnalysing potential states of the machine and developing control strategies at each state F16D2500/70668Signal filtering F16D2500/70673Statistical calculations F16D2500/70678using histograms F16D2500/70684using regressions F16D2500/70689using maximum or minimum values F16D2500/70694with plausibility checks F16D2500/708Mathematical model F16D2500/7082of the clutch F16D2500/7085of the driver F16D2500/7087of the vehicle F16D2500/71Actions F16D2500/7101Driver alarm F16D2500/7102by provoking vibrations of a vehicle part F16D2500/7103Acoustic alarms F16D2500/7104Visual alarms F16D2500/7105Inhibit control automatically F16D2500/7106Gearshift to neutral F16D2500/7107Others F16D2500/7108Engine torque calculation F16D2500/7109Pulsed signalGenerating or processing pulsed signalsPWM, width modulation, frequency or amplitude modulation