H10NELECTRIC SOLID-STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR H10N10/00Thermoelectric or thermomagnetic devices H10N10/00Thermoelectric devices comprising a junction of dissimilar materials, i.e. devices exhibiting Seebeck or Peltier effects integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N19/00 H10N10/01Manufacture or treatment H10N10/10operating with only the Peltier or Seebeck effects H10N10/13characterised by the heat-exchanging means at the junction H10N10/17characterised by the structure or configuration of the cell or thermocouple forming the device H10N10/80Constructional details H10N10/81Structural details of the junction H10N10/813the junction being separable, e.g. using a spring H10N10/817the junction being non-separable, e.g. being cemented, sintered or soldered H10N10/82Connection of interconnections H10N10/85Thermoelectric active materials H10N10/851comprising inorganic compositions H10N10/852comprising tellurium, selenium or sulfur H10N10/853comprising arsenic, antimony or bismuth H10N10/852 takes precedence H10N10/854comprising only metals H10N10/852, H10N10/853 take precedence H10N10/855comprising compounds containing boron, carbon, oxygen or nitrogenGroup H10N10/855 is impacted by reclassification into group H10N10/8556.
Groups H10N10/855 and H10N10/8556 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N10/8552the compounds being superconducting
H10N10/8556comprising compounds containing germanium or siliconGroup H10N10/8556 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group H10N10/855.
Groups H10N10/855 and H10N10/8556 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N10/856comprising organic compositions H10N10/857comprising compositions changing continuously or discontinuously inside the material
H10N15/00Thermoelectric devices without a junction of dissimilar materialsThermomagnetic devices, e.g. using the Nernst-Ettingshausen effect integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N19/00 H10N15/10Thermoelectric devices using thermal change of the dielectric constant, e.g. working above and below the Curie point H10N15/15Selection of materials H10N15/20Thermomagnetic devices using thermal change of the magnetic permeability, e.g. working above and below the Curie point H10N19/00Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one thermoelectric or thermomagnetic element covered by groups H10N10/00 - H10N15/00Group H10N19/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups H01L25/16, H01L25/162, H01L25/165, H01L25/167 and H01L25/18.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N19/101Multiple thermocouples connected in a cascade arrangement
H10N30/00Piezoelectric, electrostrictive or magnetostrictive devices H10N30/00Piezoelectric or electrostrictive devices integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N39/00Group H10N30/00 is impacted by reclassification into group H10N35/00.
Groups H10N30/00 and H10N35/00 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N30/01Manufacture or treatment H10N30/02Forming enclosures or casings H10N30/03Assembling devices that include piezoelectric or electrostrictive parts H10N30/04Treatments to modify a piezoelectric or electrostrictive property, e.g. polarisation characteristics, vibration characteristics or mode tuning H10N30/045by polarising H10N30/05Manufacture of multilayered piezoelectric or electrostrictive devices, or parts thereof, e.g. by stacking piezoelectric bodies and electrodes H10N30/053by integrally sintering piezoelectric or electrostrictive bodies and electrodes H10N30/057by stacking bulk piezoelectric or electrostrictive bodies and electrodes H10N30/06Forming electrodes or interconnections, e.g. leads or terminals H10N30/063Forming interconnections, e.g. connection electrodes of multilayered piezoelectric or electrostrictive parts H10N30/067Forming single-layered electrodes of multilayered piezoelectric or electrostrictive parts H10N30/07Forming of piezoelectric or electrostrictive parts or bodies on an electrical element or another base H10N30/071Mounting of piezoelectric or electrostrictive parts together with semiconductor elements, or other circuit elements, on a common substrate H10N30/072by laminating or bonding of piezoelectric or electrostrictive bodies H10N30/073by fusion of metals or by adhesives H10N30/074by depositing piezoelectric or electrostrictive layers, e.g. aerosol or screen printing H10N30/076by vapour phase deposition H10N30/077by liquid phase deposition H10N30/078by sol-gel deposition H10N30/079using intermediate layers, e.g. for growth control H10N30/08Shaping or machining of piezoelectric or electrostrictive bodies H10N30/081by coating or depositing using masks, e.g. lift-off H10N30/082by etching, e.g. lithography H10N30/084by moulding or extrusion H10N30/085by machining H10N30/086by polishing or grinding H10N30/088by cutting or dicing H10N30/089by punching H10N30/09Forming piezoelectric or electrostrictive materials H10N30/092Forming composite materials H10N30/093Forming inorganic materials H10N30/095by melting H10N30/097by sintering H10N30/098Forming organic materials H10N30/1051based on piezoelectric or electrostrictive films or coatings H10N30/10513characterised by the underlying bases, e.g. substrates H10N30/10516Intermediate layers, e.g. barrier, adhesion or growth control buffer layers H10N30/1061based on piezoelectric or electrostrictive fibres H10N30/1071with electrical and mechanical input and output, e.g. having combined actuator and sensor parts H10N30/20with electrical input and mechanical output, e.g. functioning as actuators or vibrators H10N30/202using longitudinal or thickness displacement combined with bending, shear or torsion displacement H10N30/2023having polygonal or rectangular shape H10N30/2027having cylindrical or annular shape H10N30/204using bending displacement, e.g. unimorph, bimorph or multimorph cantilever or membrane benders H10N30/2041Beam type H10N30/2042Cantilevers, i.e. having one fixed end H10N30/2043connected at their free ends, e.g. parallelogram type H10N30/2044having multiple segments mechanically connected in series, e.g. zig-zag type H10N30/2045adapted for in-plane bending displacement H10N30/2046adapted for multi-directional bending displacement H10N30/2047Membrane type H10N30/2048having non-planar shape H10N30/206using only longitudinal or thickness displacement, e.g. d33 or d31 type devices H10N30/208using shear or torsion displacement, e.g. d15 type devices H10N30/30with mechanical input and electrical output, e.g. functioning as generators or sensors H10N30/302Sensors H10N30/304Beam type H10N30/306Cantilevers H10N30/308Membrane type H10N30/40with electrical input and electrical output, e.g. functioning as transformers H10N30/50having a stacked or multilayer structure H10N30/501with non-rectangular cross-section in stacking direction, e.g. polygonal, trapezoidal H10N30/503with non-rectangular cross-section orthogonal to the stacking direction, e.g. polygonal, circular H10N30/505Annular cross-section H10N30/506of cylindrical shape with stacking in radial direction, e.g. coaxial or spiral type rolls H10N30/508adapted for alleviating internal stress, e.g. cracking control layers H10N30/60having a coaxial cable structure H10N30/80Constructional detailsGroup H10N30/80 is impacted by reclassification into group H10N35/80.
Groups H10N30/80 and H10N35/80 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N30/802Drive or control circuitry or methods for piezoelectric or electrostrictive devices not otherwise provided for H10N30/804for piezoelectric transformers conversion of DC or AC power H02M; for operating discharge lamps H05B41/282 H10N30/85Piezoelectric or electrostrictive active materialsGroup H10N30/85 is impacted by reclassification into group H10N35/85.
Groups H10N30/85 and H10N35/85 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N30/852Composite materials, e.g. having 1-3 or 2-2 type connectivity H10N30/853Ceramic compositions H10N30/8536Alkaline earth metal based oxides, e.g. barium titanates H10N30/8542Alkali metal based oxides, e.g. lithium, sodium or potassium niobates H10N30/8548Lead based oxides H10N30/8554Lead zirconium titanate based H10N30/8561Bismuth based oxides H10N30/857Macromolecular compositions
H10N30/87Electrodes or interconnections, e.g. leads or terminals H10N30/871Single-layered electrodes of multilayer piezoelectric or electrostrictive devices, e.g. internal electrodes H10N30/872Connection electrodes of multilayer piezoelectric or electrostrictive devices, e.g. external electrodes H10N30/874embedded within piezoelectric or electrostrictive material, e.g. via connections H10N30/875Further connection or lead arrangements, e.g. flexible wiring boards, terminal pins H10N30/877Conductive materials in general H01B1/00 H10N30/878the principal material being non-metallic, e.g. oxide or carbon based H10N30/88MountsSupportsEnclosuresCasings H10N30/883Further insulation means against electrical, physical or chemical damage, e.g. protective coatings H10N30/886Mechanical prestressing means, e.g. springs springs in general F16F1/00
H10N35/00Magnetostrictive devices integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N39/00Group H10N35/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group H10N30/00.
Groups H10N30/00 and H10N35/00 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N35/01Manufacture or treatment H10N35/101with mechanical input and electrical output, e.g. generators, sensors H10N35/80Constructional detailsGroup H10N35/80 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group H10N30/80.
Groups H10N30/80 and H10N35/80 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N35/85Magnetostrictive active materialsGroup H10N35/85 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group H10N30/85.
Groups H10N30/85 and H10N35/85 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N39/00Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one piezoelectric, electrostrictive or magnetostrictive element covered by groups H10N30/00H10N35/00Group H10N39/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups H01L25/16, H01L25/162, H01L25/165, H01L25/167 and H01L25/18.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N50/00Galvanomagnetic or similar magnetic-effect devices H10N50/00Galvanomagnetic devices Hall-effect devices H10N52/00; integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N59/00Group H10N50/00 is impacted by reclassification into group H10N50/20.
Groups H10N50/00 and H10N50/20 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N50/01Manufacture or treatment H10N50/10Magnetoresistive devices H10N50/20Spin-polarised current-controlled devices magnetoresistive devices H10N50/10Group H10N50/20 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group H10N50/00.
Groups H10N50/00 and H10N50/20 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N50/80Constructional details H10N50/85Magnetic active materialsGroup H10N50/85 is impacted by reclassification into group H10N52/85.
Groups H10N50/85 and H10N52/85 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N52/00Hall-effect devices integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N59/00 H10N52/01Manufacture or treatment H10N52/101Semiconductor Hall-effect devices H10N52/80Constructional details H10N52/85Magnetic active materialsGroup H10N52/85 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group H10N50/85.
Groups H10N50/85 and H10N52/85 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N59/00Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one galvanomagnetic or Hall-effect element covered by groups H10N50/00 - H10N52/00 MRAM devices H10B61/00Group H10N59/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups H01L25/16, H01L25/162, H01L25/165, H01L25/167 and H01L25/18.
Group H10N59/00 is also impacted by reclassification into group H10B61/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N60/00Superconducting devices H10N60/00Superconducting devices integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N69/00 H10N60/01Manufacture or treatment H10N60/0128of composite superconductor filaments comprising copper oxide H10N60/0268 H10N60/0156of devices comprising Nb or an alloy of Nb with one or more of the elements of group 4, e.g. Ti, Zr, Hf H10N60/0184of devices comprising intermetallic compounds of type A-15, e.g. Nb3Sn H10N60/0212of devices comprising molybdenum chalcogenides H10N60/0241of devices comprising nitrides or carbonitrides H10N60/0268of devices comprising copper oxide H10N60/0296Processes for depositing or forming superconductor layers H10N60/0324from a solution H10N60/0352from a suspension or slurry, e.g. screen printing; doctor blade casting H10N60/0381by evaporation independent of heat source, e.g. MBE H10N60/0408by sputtering H10N60/0436by chemical vapour deposition [CVD] H10N60/0464by metalloorganic chemical vapour deposition [MOCVD] H10N60/0492by thermal spraying, e.g. plasma deposition H10N60/0521by pulsed laser deposition, e.g. laser sputtering; laser ablation H10N60/0548by precursor deposition followed by after-treatment, e.g. oxidation H10N60/0576characterised by the substrate H10N60/0604Monocrystalline substrates, e.g. epitaxial growth H10N60/0632Intermediate layers, e.g. for growth control H10N60/0661After-treatment, e.g. patterning H10N60/0688Etching H10N60/0716Passivation H10N60/0744Manufacture or deposition of contacts or electrodes H10N60/0772Processes including the use of precursors H10N60/0801Processes peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of filaments or composite wires H10N60/0828Introducing flux pinning centres H10N60/0856of devices comprising metal borides, e.g. MgB2 H10N60/0884Treatment of superconductor layers by irradiation, e.g. ion-beam, electron-beam, laser beam, X-rays irradiation devices G21K, H01J H10N60/0912of Josephson-effect devices H10N60/0941comprising high-Tc ceramic materials H10N60/10Junction-based devices H10N60/11Single electron tunnelling devices H10N60/12Josephson-effect devices H10N60/124comprising high-Tc ceramic materials H10N60/126comprising metal borides, e.g. MgB2 H10N60/128having three or more electrodes, e.g. transistor-like structures H10N60/20Permanent superconducting devices H10N60/202comprising metal borides, e.g. MgB2 H10N60/203comprising high-Tc ceramic materials H10N60/205having three or more electrodes, e.g. transistor-like structures  H10N60/128 takes precedence H10N60/207Field effect devices H10N60/208based on Abrikosov vortices H10N60/30Devices switchable between superconducting and normal states H10N60/35Cryotrons H10N60/355Power cryotrons H10N60/80Constructional details H10N60/805for Josephson-effect devices H10N60/81ContainersMountings H10N60/815for Josephson-effect devices H10N60/82Current path H10N60/83Element shape H10N60/84Switching means for devices switchable between superconducting and normal states H10N60/85Superconducting active materials H10N60/851Organic materials H10N60/853Fullerene superconductors, e.g. soccerball-shaped allotrope of carbon, e.g. C60, C94  fullerenes in general C07C13/00 H10N60/855Ceramic materials H10N60/857comprising copper oxide H10N60/858Multi-layered structures, e.g. superlattices H10N60/99Alleged superconductivity H10N69/00Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one superconducting element covered by group H10N60/00Group H10N69/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups H01L25/16, H01L25/162, H01L25/165, H01L25/167 and H01L25/18.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N70/00Other electric solid-state devices H10N70/00Solid-state devices without a potential-jump barrier or surface barrier, and specially adapted for rectifying, amplifying, oscillating or switching integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N79/00 H10N70/011Manufacture or treatment of multistable switching devices H10N70/021Formation of the switching material, e.g. layer deposition H10N70/023by chemical vapor deposition, e.g. MOCVD, ALD H10N70/026by physical vapor deposition, e.g. sputtering H10N70/028by conversion of electrode material, e.g. oxidation H10N70/041Modification of the switching material, e.g. post-treatment, doping H10N70/043by implantation H10N70/046by diffusion, e.g. photo-dissolution H10N70/061Patterning of the switching material H10N70/063by etching of pre-deposited switching material layers, e.g. lithography H10N70/066by filling of openings, e.g. damascene method H10N70/068by processes specially adapted for achieving sub-lithographic dimensions, e.g. using spacers H10N70/10Solid-state travelling-wave devices H10N70/151Charge density wave transport devices H10N70/20Multistable switching devices, e.g. memristors H10N70/231based on solid-state phase change, e.g. between amorphous and crystalline phases, Ovshinsky effect H10N70/235between different crystalline phases, e.g. cubic and hexagonal H10N70/24based on migration or redistribution of ionic species, e.g. anions, vacancies H10N70/245the species being metal cations, e.g. programmable metallization cells H10N70/25based on bulk electronic defects, e.g. trapping of electrons H10N70/253having three or more terminals, e.g. transistor-like devices H10N70/257based on radiation or particle beam assisted switching, e.g. optically controlled devices H10N70/801Constructional details of multistable switching devices H10N70/821Device geometry H10N70/823adapted for essentially horizontal current flow, e.g. bridge type devices H10N70/826adapted for essentially vertical current flow, e.g. sandwich or pillar type devices H10N70/8265on sidewalls of dielectric structures, e.g. mesa or cup type devices H10N70/828Current flow limiting means within the switching material region, e.g. constrictions H10N70/841Electrodes H10N70/8413adapted for resistive heating H10N70/8416adapted for supplying ionic species H10N70/8418adapted for focusing electric field or current, e.g. tip-shaped H10N70/861Thermal details H10N70/8613Heating or cooling means other than resistive heating electrodes, e.g. heater in parallel H10N70/8616Thermal insulation means H10N70/881Switching materials H10N70/882Compounds of sulfur, selenium or tellurium, e.g. chalcogenides H10N70/8822Sulfides, e.g. CuS H10N70/8825Selenides, e.g. GeSe H10N70/8828Tellurides, e.g. GeSbTe H10N70/883Oxides or nitrides H10N70/8833Binary metal oxides, e.g. TaOx H10N70/8836Complex metal oxides, e.g. perovskites, spinels H10N70/884Other compounds of groups 13-15, e.g. elemental or compound semiconductors H10N70/8845Carbon or carbides H10N79/00Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one solid-state element covered by group H10N70/00 ReRAM devices H10B63/00; PCRAM devices H10B63/10Group H10N79/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups H01L25/16, H01L25/162, H01L25/165, H01L25/167, H01L25/18 and H10B63/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N80/00 H10N80/00Bulk negative-resistance effect devices integrated devices or assemblies of multiple devices H10N89/00 H10N80/01Manufacture or treatment H10N80/10Gunn-effect devices H10N80/103controlled by electromagnetic radiation H10N80/107Gunn diodes H10N89/00Integrated devices, or assemblies of multiple devices, comprising at least one bulk negative resistance effect element covered by group H10N80/00Group H10N89/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups H01L25/16, H01L25/162, H01L25/165, H01L25/167 and H01L25/18.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
H10N89/02Gunn-effect devices
H10N97/00Electric solid-state thin-film or thick-film devices, not otherwise provided for H10N99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass H10N99/03Devices using Mott metal-insulator transition, e.g. field effect transistors H10N99/05Quantum devices, e.g. quantum interference devices, metal single electron transistors