C01DCOMPOUNDS OF ALKALI METALS, i.e. LITHIUM, SODIUM, POTASSIUM, RUBIDIUM, CAESIUM, OR FRANCIUM metal hydrides monoborane, diborane or addition complexes thereof C01B6/00; salts of oxyacids of halogens C01B11/00; peroxides, salts of peroxyacids C01B15/00; sulfides C01B17/22; thiosulfates, dithionites, polythionates C01B17/64; compounds containing selenium or tellurium C01B19/00; binary compounds of nitrogen with metals C01B21/06; azides C01B21/08; compounds other than ammonia and cyanogen, containing nitrogen and other non-metals C01B21/082; metal amides C01B21/092; nitrites C01B21/50; phosphides C01B21/50; compounds of noble gases C01B23/0005; phosphides C01B25/08; salts of oxyacids of phosphorus C01B25/16; carbides C01B32/90; compounds containing silicon C01B33/00; compounds containing boron C01B35/00; cyanides C01C3/08; salts of cyanic acid C01C3/14; salts of cyanamide C01C3/16; thiocyanates C01C3/20 C01D1/00 C01D1/00Oxides or hydroxides of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D1/02Oxides C01D1/04Hydroxides C01D1/20Preparation by reacting oxides or hydroxides with alkali metal salts C01D1/22with carbonates or bicarbonates C01D1/24from or via fluorides or silico-fluorides C01D1/26Preparation from or via cyano compounds, e.g. cyanides, cyanamides C01D1/28PurificationSeparation C01D1/30by crystallisation C01D1/32by absorption or precipitation C01D1/34with selective solvents C01D1/36by oxidation C01D1/38by dialysis C01D1/40by electrolysis C01D1/42ConcentrationDehydration C01D1/44Preparation in the form of granules, pieces, or other shaped products C01D3/00Halides of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general halides in general C01B9/00 C01D3/02Fluorides C01D3/04Chlorides C01D3/06Preparation by working up brinesseawater or spent lyes C01D3/08Preparation by working up natural or industrial salt mixtures or siliceous minerals C01D3/10Bromides C01D3/12Iodides C01D3/14Purification C01D3/145by solid ion-exchangers or solid chelating agents C01D3/16by precipitation or adsorption C01D3/145 takes precedence C01D3/18with selective solvents C01D3/20by melting C01D3/22Preparation in the form of granules, pieces, or other shaped products C01D3/24Influencing the crystallisation process C01D3/26Preventing the absorption of moisture or caking of the crystals C01D5/00Sulfates or sulfites of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general sulfites in general C01B17/62 C01D5/002Preventing the absorption of moisture or caking of the crystals by additives C01D5/004Preparation in the form of granules, pieces or other shaped products C01D5/006Recovery of sodium sulfate from coagulation baths for the spinning of viscose C01D5/008Preparation of potassium sulfate from alunite C01D5/02Preparation of sulfates from alkali metal salts and sulfuric acid or bisulfatesPreparation of bisulfates C01D5/04Preparation of sulfates with the aid of sulfurous acid or sulfites, e.g. Hargreaves process pyrosulfites or metabisulfites C01D5/145 C01D5/06Preparation of sulfates by double decomposition C01D5/08with each other or with ammonium sulfate C01D5/10with sulfates of magnesium, calcium, strontium, or barium C01D5/12Preparation of double sulfates of magnesium with sodium or potassium C01D5/14Preparation of sulfites C01D5/04 takes precedence C01D5/145Pyrosulfites or metabisulfites C01D5/16Purification C01D5/145 takes precedence C01D5/18Dehydration C01D5/145 takes precedence C01D7/00Carbonates of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D7/02Preparation by double decomposition C01D7/04with a fluoride or silico-fluoride C01D1/24 takes precedence C01D7/06Preparation via sodium or potassium magnesium carbonate C01D7/07Preparation from the hydroxides C01D7/08Preparation from or via cyano compounds of sodium or potassium C01D1/26 takes precedence C01D7/10Preparation of bicarbonates from carbonates ammonia soda process C01D7/18 C01D7/12Preparation of carbonates from bicarbonates or bicarbonate-containing product C01D7/123by thermal decomposition of solids in the absence of a liquid medium C01D7/126Multi-step processes, e.g. from trona to soda ash C01D7/14Preparation of sesquicarbonates C01D7/16Preparation from compounds of sodium or potassium with amines and carbon dioxide C01D7/18Preparation by the ammonia-soda process C01D7/12 takes precedence C01D7/22Purification C01D7/24Crystallisation C01D7/26by precipitation or adsorption C01D7/28with selective solvents C01D7/30by oxidation C01D7/32by dialysis C01D7/34by electrolysis C01D7/35Varying the content of water of crystallisation or the specific gravity calcination B01J6/00, F27B C01D7/37Densifying sodium carbonate C01D7/38Preparation in the form of granules, pieces or other shaped products C01D7/40Influencing the crystallisation process C01D7/42Preventing the absorption of moisture or caking C01D9/00Nitrates of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general preparation as fertilizers or of fertilizers containing them C05D5/00 C01D9/02Preparation by working-up natural salt mixtures C01D9/04Preparation with liquid nitric acid C01D9/06Preparation with gaseous nitric acid or nitrogen oxides C01D9/08Preparation by double decomposition C01D9/10with ammonium nitrate C01D9/12with nitrates or magnesium, calcium, strontium, or barium C01D9/14of salts of potassium with sodium nitrate C01D9/16Purification C01D9/18Preparation in the form of shaped products, e.g. granules C01D9/20Preventing the absorption of moisture or caking C01D13/00Compounds of sodium or potassium not provided for elsewhere C01D15/00Lithium compounds C01D15/005Lithium hexafluorophosphate C01D15/02OxidesHydroxides C01D15/04Halides C01D15/06SulfatesSulfites C01D15/08CarbonatesBicarbonates C01D15/10Nitrates C01D17/00Rubidium, caesium or francium compounds C01D17/003Compounds of alkali metals C01D17/006Preparation of potassium compounds comprising precipitating potassium ions by an organic reagent or extracting them by a liquid organic phase