B22DCASTING OF METALSCASTING OF OTHER SUBSTANCES BY THE SAME PROCESSES OR DEVICES shaping of plastics or substances in a plastic state B29C; metallurgical processing, selection of substances to be added to metal C21, C22In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B22D1/00 B22D1/00Treatment of fused masses in the ladle or the supply runners before casting for continuous casting B22D11/10; metallurgical processing, e.g. refining of iron or other metal C21, C22, C25C B22D1/002Treatment with gases C21C7/072, C22B9/05 take precedence B22D1/005Injection assemblies therefor features relating to gas injection, provided on closures of the sliding gate type B22D41/42; provided on pouring nozzles B22D41/58; provided on closures of the stopper-rod type B22D41/186 B22D1/007Treatment of the fused masses in the supply runners B22D1/002, B22D1/005 take precedence B22D2/00Arrangement of indicating or measuring devices, e.g. for temperature or viscosity of the fused mass B22D2/001for the slag appearance in a molten metal stream B22D2/003for the level of the molten metal B22D11/181 and B22D11/201 take precedence; level indicators in general G01F23/00 B22D2/005for the thickness of a frozen shell B22D11/188 and B22D11/207 take precedence B22D2/006for the temperature of the molten metal measuring temperature in general G01K B22D2/008for the viscosity of the molten metal measuring viscosity in general G01N11/00 B22D3/00Casting of pigs, i.e. metal castings suitable for subsequently meltingsimilar casting B22D3/00Pig or like casting equipment for conveying molten metal B22D35/00 B22D3/02Moulding of beds B22D5/00Machines or plants for pig or like casting B22D5/005Devices for stacking pigs; Pigforms to be stacked B22D5/02with rotary casting tables B22D5/04with endless casting conveyors B22D7/00Casting of ingots, i.e. metal castings suitable for subsequently rolling or forging B22D7/00Casting ingots, e.g. from ferrous metalsequipment for conveying molten metal B22D35/00 B22D7/005from non-ferrous metals B22D7/02Casting compound ingots of two or more different metals in the molten state, i.e. integrally cast B22D7/04Casting hollow ingots B22D7/06Ingot moulds or their manufacture B22D7/062Stools for ingot moulds B22D7/064Cooling the ingot moulds B22D7/066Manufacturing, repairing or reinforcing ingot moulds B22D7/068characterised by the materials used therefor B22D7/08Divided ingot moulds B22D7/10Hot tops therefor heating the top discard of ingots B22D27/06 B22D7/102from refractorial material only B22D7/104from exothermic material only B22D7/106Configuration of hot tops B22D7/108Devices for making or fixing hot tops B22D7/12Appurtenances, e.g. for sintering, for preventing splashing B22D9/00Machines or plants for casting ingots B22D9/003for top casting B22D9/006for bottom casting B22D11/00Particular casting processesMachines or apparatus therefor B22D11/00Continuous casting of metals, i.e. casting in indefinite lengths metal drawing, metal extruding B21C B22D11/001of specific alloys B22D11/002Stainless steels B22D11/003Aluminium alloys B22D11/004Copper alloys B22D11/005of wire casting on wire B22D19/14 B22D11/006of tubes B22D11/007of composite ingots, i.e. two or more molten metals of different compositions being used to integrally cast the ingots casting of composite ingots in definite lengths B22D7/02 B22D11/008of clad ingots, i.e. the molten metal being cast against a continuous strip forming part of the cast product B22D11/009of work of special cross-section, e.g. I-beams, U-profiles B22D11/01without moulds, e.g. on molten surfaces B22D11/015using magnetic field for conformation, i.e. the metal is not in contact with a mould B22D11/04into open-ended moulds B22D11/06, B22D11/07 take precedence; plants for continuous casting, e.g. for upwardly drawing the strand B22D11/14 B22D11/0401Moulds provided with a feed head B22D11/0403Multiple moulds B22D11/0405Rotating moulds B22D11/0406Moulds with special profile B22D11/0408Moulds for casting thin slabs B22D11/041for vertical casting B22D11/043, B22D11/049 - B22D11/059 take precedence B22D11/043Curved moulds B22D11/049 - B22D11/059 take precedence B22D11/045for horizontal casting B22D11/049 - B22D11/059 take precedence B22D11/0455Bidirectional horizontal casting B22D11/047Means for joining tundish to mould B22D11/0475characterised by use of a break ring B22D11/049for direct chill casting, e.g. electromagnetic casting B22D11/05into moulds having adjustable walls B22D11/051into moulds having oscillating walls B22D11/053Means for oscillating the moulds B22D11/0535in a horizontal plane B22D11/055Cooling the moulds B22D11/04 takes precedence B22D11/057Manufacturing or calibrating the moulds B22D11/059Mould materials or platings B22D11/06into moulds with travelling walls, e.g. with rolls, plates, belts, caterpillars B22D11/0602formed by a casting wheel and belt, e.g. Properzi-process B22D11/0605formed by two belts, e.g. Hazelett-process B22D11/0608formed by caterpillars B22D11/0611formed by a single casting wheel, e.g. for casting amorphous metal strips or wires B22D11/0614the casting wheel being immersed in a molten metal bath, and drawing out upwardly the casting strip B22D11/0617the casting wheel having its axis vertical and a casting strip formed in a peripheral groove of the wheel B22D11/062the metal being cast on the inside surface of the casting wheel B22D11/0622formed by two casting wheels B22D11/0625the two casting wheels being immersed in a molten metal bath and drawing out upwardly the casting strip B22D11/0628formed by more than two casting wheels B22D11/0631formed by a travelling straight surface, e.g. through-like moulds, a belt B22D11/0634formed by a casting wheel and a co-operating shoe B22D11/0637Accessories therefor B22D11/064for supplying molten metal supplying molten metal to open-ended moulds B22D11/10 B22D11/0642Nozzles nozzles used in open-ended moulds B22D41/50 B22D11/0645Sealing means for the nozzle between the travelling surfaces B22D11/0648Casting surfaces B22D11/0651Casting wheels B22D11/0682 takes precedence B22D11/0654Casting belts B22D11/0685 takes precedence B22D11/0657Caterpillars B22D11/0688 takes precedence B22D11/066Side dams B22D11/0691 takes precedence B22D11/0662having electromagnetic confining means B22D11/0665for treating the casting surfaces, e.g. calibrating, cleaning, dressing, preheating B22D11/0668for dressing, coating or lubricating B22D11/0671for heating or drying B22D11/0674for machining B22D11/0677for guiding, supporting or tensioning the casting belts B22D11/068for cooling the cast product during its passage through the mould surfaces cooling open-ended moulds B22D11/04; secondary cooling B22D11/124 B22D11/0682by cooling the casting wheel B22D11/0685by cooling the casting belts B22D11/0677 takes precedence B22D11/0688by cooling the caterpillars B22D11/0691by cooling the side dams B22D11/0694for peeling-off or removing the cast product B22D11/0697for casting in a protected atmosphere B22D11/07Lubricating the moulds B22D11/08Accessories for starting the casting procedure B22D11/081Starter bars B22D11/083Starter bar head; Means for connecting or detaching starter bars and ingots B22D11/085Means for storing or introducing the starter bars in the moulds B22D11/086Means for connecting cast ingots of different sizes or compositions B22D11/088Means for sealing the starter bar head in the moulds B22D11/10Supplying or treating molten metal B22D41/00 takes precedence B22D11/103Distributing the molten metal, e.g. using runners, floats, distributors B22D11/106Shielding the molten jet B22D41/50 takes precedence B22D11/108Feeding additives, powders, or the like B22D11/11Treating the molten metal B22D11/111by using protecting powders B22D11/112by accelerated cooling B22D11/113by vacuum treating B22D11/114by using agitating or vibrating means B22D11/117 takes precedence B22D11/115by using magnetic fields B22D11/116Refining the metal B22D11/117by treating with gases B22D11/118, B22D11/119 take precedence B22D11/118by circulating the metal under, over or around weirs B22D11/119 takes precedence B22D11/119by filtering B22D11/12Accessories for subsequent treating or working cast stock in situ rolling immediately subsequent to continuous casting B21B1/46, B21B13/22 B22D11/1206for plastic shaping of strands rolling mills B21B1/46 B22D11/1213for heating or insulating strands B22D11/122using magnetic fields B22D11/1226for straightening strands B22D11/1233for marking strands B22D11/124for cooling B22D11/1241by transporting the cast stock through a liquid medium bath or a fluidized bed B22D11/1243by using cooling grids or cooling plates B22D11/1245using specific cooling agents B22D11/1246Nozzles; Spray heads B22D11/1248Means for removing cooling agent from the surface of the cast stock B22D11/126for cutting B22D11/1265having auxiliary devices for deburring B22D11/128for removing B22D11/1281Vertical removing B22D11/1282Vertical casting and curving the cast stock to the horizontal B22D11/1284Horizontal removing B22D11/1285Segment changing devices for supporting or guiding frames B22D11/1287Rolls; Lubricating, cooling or heating rolls while in use B22D11/1288Walking bar members B22D11/14Plants for continuous casting B22D11/141for vertical casting B22D11/142for curved casting B22D11/143for horizontal casting B22D11/144with a rotating mould B22D11/145for upward casting B22D11/146for inclined casting B22D11/147Multi-strand plants B22D11/148Safety arrangements B22D11/16Controlling or regulating processes or operations B22D11/161for automatic starting the casting process B22D11/163for cutting cast stock B22D11/165for the supply of casting powder B22D11/166for mould oscillation B22D11/168for adjusting the mould size or mould taper B22D11/18for pouring B22D11/20 takes precedence B22D11/181responsive to molten metal level or slag level B22D11/182by measuring temperature B22D11/183by measuring molten metal weight B22D11/185by using optical means B22D11/186by using electric, magnetic, sonic or ultrasonic means B22D11/187by using X-rays or nuclear radiation B22D11/188responsive to thickness of solidified shell B22D11/20for removing cast stock B22D11/201responsive to molten metal level or slag level B22D11/202by measuring temperature B22D11/203by measuring molten metal weight B22D11/204by using optical means B22D11/205by using electric, magnetic, sonic or ultrasonic means B22D11/206by using X-rays or nuclear radiation B22D11/207responsive to thickness of solidified shell B22D11/208for aligning the guide rolls B22D11/22for cooling cast stock or mould B22D11/225for secondary cooling B22D13/00Centrifugal castingCasting by using centrifugal force B22D13/02of elongated solid or hollow bodies, e.g. pipes, in moulds rotating around their longitudinal axis B22D13/023the longitudinal axis being horizontal B22D13/026the longitudinal axis being vertical B22D13/04of shallow solid or hollow bodies, e.g. wheels or rings, in moulds rotating around their axis of symmetry B22D13/06of solid or hollow bodies in moulds rotating around an axis arranged outside the mould B22D13/063for dentistry or jewellery B22D13/066several moulds being disposed in a circle B22D13/08in which a stationary mould is fed from a rotating mass of liquid metal B22D13/10Accessories for centrifugal casting apparatus, e.g. moulds, linings therefor, means for feeding molten metal, cleansing moulds, removing castings making or lining moulds B22C B22D13/101Moulds B22D13/102Linings for moulds making or lining moulds B22C B22D13/104Cores B22D13/105Cooling for moulds or cores B22D13/107Means for feeding molten metal B22D13/108Removing of casting B22D13/12Controlling, supervising, specially adapted to centrifugal casting, e.g. for safety reasons controlling or regulating in general G05 B22D15/00Casting using a mould or core of which a part significant to the process is of high thermal conductivity, e.g. chill castingMoulds or accessories specially adapted therefor B22D15/005of rolls, wheels or the like B22D19/16 takes precedence B22D15/02of cylinders, pistons, bearing shells or like thin-walled objects B22D15/04Machines or apparatus for chill casting B22D15/005, B22D15/02 take precedence B22D17/00Pressure die casting or injection die casting, i.e. casting in which the metal is forced into a mould under high pressure B22D17/002using movable moulds for plastics B29C45/04 B22D17/005using two or more fixed moulds for plastics B29C45/12 B22D17/007Semi-solid pressure die casting B22D17/02Hot chamber machines, i.e. with heated press chamber in which metal is melted B22D17/04Plunger machines B22D17/06Air injection machines B22D17/08Cold chamber machines, i.e. with unheated press chamber into which molten metal is ladled B22D17/10with horizontal press motion B22D17/12with vertical press motion B22D17/14Machines with evacuated die cavity B22D17/145Venting means therefor for permanent moulds B22C9/067 B22D17/16specially adapted for casting slide fasteners or elements therefor B22D17/18Machines built up from units providing for different combinations B22D17/20Accessories: Details B22D17/2007Methods or apparatus for cleaning or lubricating moulds B22D17/2015Means for forcing the molten metal into the die for plastics B29C45/46 B22D17/2023Nozzles or shot sleeves B22D17/203Injection pistons B22D17/2053 takes precedence; for plastics B29C45/53 B22D17/2038Heating, cooling or lubricating the injection unit for plastics B29C45/74, B29C45/83 B22D17/2046with provisions for damping the pressure peak B22D17/2053using two or more cooperating injection pistons B22D17/2061using screws B22D17/2069Exerting after-pressure on the moulding material B22D17/2076Cutting-off equipment for sprues or ingates for plastics B29C45/38 B22D17/2084Manipulating or transferring devices for evacuating cast pieces B22D17/2092Safety devices for plastics B29C45/84 B22D17/22Dies manufacture, see the appropriate class, e.g. B23P15/24Die platesDie supportsCooling equipment for diesAccessories for loosening and ejecting castings from dies B22D17/2209Selection of die materials for permanent moulds B22C9/061 B22D17/2218Cooling or heating equipment for dies for permanent moulds B22C9/065; for plastics B29C45/73 B22D17/2227Die seals for plastics B29C45/2608 B22D17/2236Equipment for loosening or ejecting castings from dies for plastics B29C45/40 B22D17/2245having walls provided with means for marking or patterning B22D17/2254having screw-threaded die walls B22D17/2263having tubular die cavities B22D17/2272Sprue channels B22D17/2281closure devices therefor B22D17/229with exchangeable die part B22D17/2245 takes precedence B22D17/24Accessories for locating and holding cores or inserts B22D17/26Mechanisms or devices for locking or opening dies B22D17/263mechanically B22D17/266hydraulically B22D17/28Melting pots B22D17/30Accessories for supplying molten metal, e.g. in rations supplying molten metal in ration in general B22D39/00 B22D17/32Controlling equipment B22D18/00Pressure castingVacuum casting B22D17/00 takes precedence; treating the metal in the mould by using pressure or vacuum B22D27/00 B22D18/02Pressure casting making use of mechanical pressure devices, e.g. cast-forging B22D18/04 takes precedence B22D18/04Low pressure casting, i.e. making use of pressures up to a few bars to fill the mould B22D18/06Vacuum casting, i.e. making use of vacuum to fill the mould B22D18/08Controlling, supervising, e.g. for safety reasons controlling or regulating in general G05 B22D19/00Casting in, on, or around objects which form part of the product B22D23/04 takes precedence; alumino-thermic welding B23K23/00; coating by casting molten material on the substrate C23C6/00 B22D19/0009Cylinders, pistons B22D19/0018cylinders with fins B22D19/0027pistons B22D19/0036gears B22D19/0045household utensils B22D19/0054rotors, stators for electrical motors B22D19/0063finned exchangers cylinders B22D19/0018 B22D19/0072for making objects with integrated channels B22D19/0081pretreatment of the insert, e.g. for enhancing the bonding between insert and surrounding cast metal B22D19/009for casting objects the members of which can be separated afterwards B22D19/02for making reinforced articles B22D19/14 takes precedence B22D19/04for joining parts B22D19/045for joining tubes B22D19/06for manufacturing or repairing tools B22D19/08for building-up linings or coverings, e.g. of anti-frictional metal B22D19/085of anti-frictional metal B22D19/10Repairing defective or damaged objects by metal casting procedures by other procedures B23P6/04; ingot mould B22D7/06; B22D19/06 takes precedence B22D19/12for making objects, e.g. hinges, with parts which are movable relatively to one another B22D19/14the objects being filamentary or particulate in form making alloys containing fibres or filaments by contacting the fibres or filaments with molten metal C22C47/08 B22D19/16for making compound objects cast of two or more different metals, e.g. for making rolls for rolling mills casting compound ingots B22D7/02 B22D21/00Casting non-ferrous metals or metallic compounds so far as their metallurgical properties are of importance for the casting procedureSelection of compositions therefor non-ferrous ingots B22D7/005 B22D21/002Castings of light metals B22D21/005with high melting point, e.g. Be 1280 degrees C, Ti 1725 degrees C B22D21/007with low melting point, e.g. Al 659 degrees C, Mg 650 degrees C B22D21/02Casting exceedingly oxidisable non-ferrous metals, e.g. in inert atmosphere use of inert atmosphere in casting metals in general B22D23/00; apparatus for vacuum casting B22D27/15 B22D21/022Casting heavy metals, with exceedingly high melting points, i.e. more than 1600 degrees C, e.g. W 3380 degrees C, Ta 3000 degrees C, Mo 2620 degrees C, Zr 1860 degrees C, Cr 1765 degrees C, V 1715 degrees C B22D21/025Casting heavy metals with high melting point, i.e. 1000 - 1600 degrees C, e.g. Co 1490 degrees C, Ni 1450 degrees C, Mn 1240 degrees C, Cu 1083 degrees C B22D21/027Casting heavy metals with low melting point, i.e. less than 1000 degrees C, e.g. Zn 419 degrees C, Pb 327 degrees C, Sn 232 degrees C B22D21/04Casting aluminium or magnesium no material; see B22D21/007 B22D21/06Casting non-ferrous metals with a high melting point, e.g. metallic carbides B22D21/02 takes precedence B22D23/00Casting processes not provided for in groups B22D1/00 - B22D21/00 making metallic powder by casting B22F9/08; alumino-thermic welding B23K23/00; remelting metals C22B9/16 B22D23/003Moulding by spraying metal on a surface B22D23/006Casting by filling the mould through rotation of the mould together with a molten metal holding recipient, about a common axis B22D23/02Top casting B22D23/04Casting by dipping hot-dipping or immersion processes for applying coating material in the molten state without affecting the shape C23C2/00 B22D23/06Melting-down metal, e.g. metal particles, in the mould B22D23/10Electroslag casting electroslag remelting C22B9/18 B22D25/00Special casting characterised by the nature of the product B22D15/02, B22D17/16, B22D19/00 take precedence; casting stereotype plates B41D3/00 B22D25/005Casting metal foams B22D25/02by its peculiarity of shapeof works of art cylinders, pistons B22D15/02 B22D25/023Casting chains or the like B22D25/026Casting jewelry articles B22D13/063 takes precedence B22D25/04Casting metal electric battery plates or the like manufacture thereof by multi-step processes H01M4/82 B22D25/06by its physical properties B22D27/00 takes precedence B22D25/08by uniform hardness B22D15/00 takes precedence B22D27/00Treating the metal in the mould while it is molten or ductile B22D7/12, B22D11/10, B22D43/00 take precedence; Pressure or vacuum casting B22D17/00 takes precedence B22D27/003by using inert gases B22D27/006by using reactive gases B22D27/02Use of electric or magnetic effects for continuous casting B22D11/015, B22D11/11 B22D27/04Influencing the temperature of the metal, e.g. by heating or cooling the mould B22D27/045Directionally solidified castings B22D27/06Heating the top discard of ingots hot tops for ingot moulds B22D7/10 B22D27/08Shaking, vibrating, or turning of moulds B22D27/09by using pressure B22D27/11making use of mechanical pressing devices B22D27/13making use of gas pressure B22D27/15by using vacuum B22D27/18Measures for using chemical processes for influencing the surface composition of castings, e.g. for increasing resistance to acid attack B22D27/20Measures not previously mentioned for influencing the grain structure or textureSelection of compositions therefor B22D29/00Final measures after casting cleaning of castings by sand-blasting B24C B22D29/00Removing castings from moulds, not restricted to casting processes covered by a single main groupRemoving coresHandling ingots B22D13/10, B22D11/124, B22D17/00 take precedence B22D29/001Removing cores B22D29/002by leaching, washing or dissolving B22D29/003using heat B22D29/005by vibrating or hammering B22D29/006by abrasive, water or air blasting B22D29/007by using explosive shock waves B22D29/008in a liquid medium B22D29/02Vibratory apparatus specially designed for shaking out flasks B22D29/04Handling or stripping castings or ingots grippers in general, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. B66C B22D29/06Strippers actuated by fluid pressure B22D29/08Strippers actuated mechanically B22D30/00Cooling castings, not restricted to casting processes covered by a single main group accessories for cooling cast stock in continuous casting of metals B22D11/124; controlling or regulating processes or operations for cooling cast stock or mould in continuous casting of metals B22D11/22; chill casting B22D15/00 B22D31/00Cutting-off surplus material, e.g. gates; Cleaning and working on castings B22D17/2076 takes precedence B22D31/002Cleaning, working on castings B22D31/005Sealing or impregnating porous castings B22D31/007Tumbling mills B22D33/00Other equipment for casting arrangement of indicating or measuring devices B22D2/00 B22D33/00Equipment for handling moulds B22D33/005Transporting flaskless moulds B22D33/02Turning or transposing moulds B22D33/04Bringing together or separating moulds B22D33/06Burdening or relieving moulds B22D35/00Equipment for conveying molten metal into beds or moulds B22D37/00 - B22D41/00 take precedence; specially adapted to particular processes or machines, see the relevant groups B22D35/02into beds B22D35/04into moulds, e.g. base plates, runners B22D35/045Runner base plates for bottom casting ingots B22D35/06Heating or cooling equipment B22D37/00Controlling or regulating the pouring of molten metal from a casting melt-holding vessel B22D11/18 takes precedence B22D39/00, B22D41/00 take precedence; specially adapted to particular processes or machines, see the relevant groups of this subclass B22D37/005Shielding the molten metal stream B22D11/106, B22D41/50 take precedence B22D39/00Equipment for supplying molten metal in rations specially adapted to particular processes or machines, see the relevant groups of this subclass B22D39/003using electromagnetic field B22D39/006Electromagnetic conveyors B22D39/02having means for controlling the amount of molten metal by volume B22D39/023using a displacement member B22D39/026using a ladler B22D39/04having means for controlling the amount of molten metal by weight B22D39/06having means for controlling the amount of molten metal by controlling the pressure above the molten metal B22D41/00Casting melt-holding vessels, e.g. ladles, tundishes, cups or the like B22D39/00, B22D43/00 take precedence B22D41/001devices for cleaning ladles cleaning in general B08B B22D41/003with impact pads B22D41/005with heating or cooling means B22D41/01Heating means B22D41/015with external heating, i.e. the heat source not being a part of the ladle B22D41/02Linings B22D41/023Apparatus used for making or repairing linings equipment used for making or repairing converter linings C21C5/441 B22D41/026Apparatus used for fracturing and removing of linings B22D41/04tiltable B22D41/05Tea-pot spout ladles B22D41/06Equipment for tilting B22D41/08for bottom pouring B22D41/14, B22D41/50 take precedence B22D41/12Travelling ladles or similar containersCars for ladles casting cranes B66C B22D41/13Ladle turrets B22D41/14Closures B22D41/16stopper-rod type, i.e. a stopper-rod being positioned downwardly through the vessel and the metal therein, for selective registry with the pouring opening B22D41/18Stopper-rods therefor B22D41/183with cooling means B22D41/186with means for injecting a fluid into the melt B22D41/20Stopper-rod operating equipment B22D41/22sliding-gate type, i.e. having a fixed plate and a movable plate in sliding contact with each other for selective registry of their openings B22D41/24characterised by a rectilinearly movable plate B22D41/38 - B22D41/42 take precedence B22D41/26characterised by a rotatively movable plate B22D41/38 - B22D41/42 take precedence B22D41/28Plates therefor B22D41/38 - B22D41/42 take precedence B22D41/30Manufacturing or repairing thereof B22D41/32characterised by the materials used therefor B22D41/34Supporting, fixing or centering means therefor B22D41/36Treating the plates, e.g. lubricating, heating ladles, cups or the like with heating means B22D41/01 B22D41/38Means for operating the sliding gate B22D41/40Means for pressing the plates together B22D41/42Features relating to gas injection B22D41/44Consumable closure means, i.e. closure means being used only once B22D41/46Refractory plugging masses B22D41/465Unplugging a vessel discharge port B22D41/48Meltable closures B22D41/50Pouring-nozzles B22D41/502Connection arrangements; Sealing means therefor B22D41/505Rings, inserts or other means preventing external nozzle erosion by the slag B22D41/507giving a rotating motion to the issuing molten metal B22D41/52Manufacturing or repairing thereof B22D41/54characterised by the materials used therefor B22D41/56Means for supporting, manipulating or changing a pouring-nozzle B22D41/58with gas injecting means B22D41/60with heating or cooling means B22D41/62with stirring or vibrating means B22D43/00Mechanical cleaning, e.g. skimming of molten metals B22D43/001Retaining slag during pouring molten metal B22D43/002by using floating means B22D43/004by using filtering means B22C9/086 takes precedence B22D43/005Removing slag from a molten metal surface B22D43/007by using scrapers B22D43/008by suction B22D45/00Equipment for casting, not otherwise provided for B22D45/005Evacuation of fumes, dust or waste gases during manipulations in the foundry during steel manufacture C21C5/38; evacuation from furnaces F27D17/001 B22D46/00Controlling, supervising, not restricted to casting covered by a single main group, e.g. for safety reasons controlling or regulating in general G05 B22D47/00Casting plants B22D47/02for both moulding and casting