F27BFURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, OR RETORTS IN GENERALOPEN SINTERING OR LIKE APPARATUSAttention is drawn to the references and notes following the title of class F27 and the note (par. III) following the Contents of Section H.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F27B1/09 covered by F27B1/08F27B5/05 covered by F27B5/04F27B14/16, F27B14/18 covered by F27B14/0806F27B21/08 - F27B21/14 covered by F27D3/00, F27D21/00
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F27B1/00 F27B1/00Shaft or like vertical or substantially vertical furnaces for preheating, burning, calcining or cooling lime, magnesia or dolomite C04B2/12 F27B1/005wherein no smelting of the charge occurs, e.g. calcining or sintering furnaces F27B1/02with two or more shafts or chambers, e.g. multi-storey F27B1/025with fore-hearth F27B1/04Combinations or arrangements of shafts F27B1/06of other than up-draught type F27B1/08heated otherwise than by solid fuel mixed with charge F27B1/10Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B1/12Shells or casingsSupports therefor F27B1/14Arrangements of linings linings in general F27D1/00 F27B1/16Arrangements of tuyeres F27B1/18Arrangements of dust collectors F27B1/20Arrangements of devices for charging F27B1/21Arrangements of devices for discharging F27B1/22Arrangements of heat-exchange apparatus heat-exchangers in general F28C, F28D F27B1/24Cooling arrangements F27B1/26Arrangements of controlling devices F27B1/28Arrangements of monitoring devices, of indicators, of alarm devices F27B3/00Hearth-type furnaces, e.g. of reverberatory type F27B9/00, F27B11/00, F27B13/00, F27B14/00, F27B15/00, F27B21/00 take precedenceTank furnaces F27B3/002Siemens-Martin type furnaces F27B3/005Port construction F27B3/007Removable burner head F27B3/02of single-chamber fixed-hearth type F27B3/04of multiple-hearth typeof multiple-chamber typeCombinations of hearth-type furnaces F27B3/045Multiple chambers, e.g. one of which is used for charging F27B3/06with movable working chambers or hearths, e.g. tiltable , oscillating or describing a composed movement F27B3/065tiltable F27B3/08heated electrically, with or without any other source of heat F27B3/085Arc furnaces F27B3/10Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to hearth-type furnaces F27B3/105Slag chamber F27B3/12Working chambers or casingsSupports therefor F27B2003/125Hearths F27B3/14Arrangements of linings F27B3/16WallsRoofs F27B2003/165Roofs F27B3/18Arrangements of devices for charging F27B3/183Charging of arc furnaces vertically through the roof, e.g. in three points F27B3/186Charging in a vertical chamber adjacent to the melting chamber F27B3/19Arrangements of devices for discharging F27B3/20Arrangements of heating devices F27B3/205Burners F27B3/22Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B3/225Oxygen blowing F27B3/24Cooling arrangements F27B3/26Arrangements of heat-exchange apparatus F27B3/263Regenerators F27B3/266Exhaust gases reversing flow devices F27B3/28Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or the like devices F27B5/00Muffle furnacesRetort furnacesOther furnaces in which the charge is held completely isolated F27B9/00 takes precedence F27B5/02of multiple-chamber type F27B5/04adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B5/06Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B2005/062Cooling elements F27B2005/064disposed in the furnace, around the chamber, e.g. coils F27B2005/066disposed around the fan F27B2005/068for external cooling F27B5/08Arrangements of linings F27B5/10Muffles F27B5/12Arrangement of devices for charging F27B5/13Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B5/14Arrangements of heating devices F27B2005/143Heating rods disposed in the chamber F27B2005/146the heating rods being in the tubes which conduct the heating gases F27B5/16Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B2005/161Gas inflow or outflow F27B2005/162through closable or non-closable openings of the chamber walls F27B2005/163Controlled openings, e.g. orientable F27B2005/164Air supply through a set of tubes with openings F27B2005/165Controlled tubes, e.g. orientable or with closable openings F27B2005/166Means to circulate the atmosphere F27B2005/167the atmosphere being recirculated through the treatment chamber by a turbine F27B2005/168by more than one turbine F27B2005/169the atmosphere being continuously renewed by exterior means F27B5/18Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B7/00Rotary-drum furnaces, i.e. horizontal or slightly inclined F27B2007/005for the treatment of slurries or wet materials F27B7/02of multiple-chamber or multiple-drum type F27B2007/022the drum having a non-uniform section along its length F27B2007/025with different chambers, e.g. treatment zones F27B2007/027with more than one drum F27B7/04with longitudinal divisions F27B2007/041Longitudinal tubes F27B2007/043the partition being a cylinder, coaxial to the rotary drum, defining two chambers F27B2007/045the charge going in one direction in one chamber, then after a turn coming back in the other direction in the other chamber F27B2007/046Radial partitions F27B2007/048defining an helical chamber F27B7/06adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B7/08externally heated F27B7/10internally heated, e.g. by means of passages in the wall F27B7/12tiltable F27B7/14with means for agitating or moving the charge F27B7/16the means being fixed relatively to the drum, e.g. composite meansF27B7/04 takes precedence F27B7/161the means comprising projections jutting out from the wall F27B7/162the projections consisting of separate lifting elements, e.g. lifting shovels F27B2007/163using only a ring of lifting elements to lift the charge F27B2007/165forming a helical lifting projection F27B7/166the means comprising chains F27B7/167the means comprising partitions F27B2007/168Annular partition F27B7/18the means being movable within the drum F27B7/20Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to rotary-drum furnaces F27B2007/2008Devices for reintroducing dust in the drum F27B7/2016Arrangements of preheating devices for the charge F27B7/2025consisting of a single string of cyclones F27B7/2033with means for precalcining the raw material F27B7/2041consisting of at least two strings of cyclones with two different admissions of raw material F27B7/205with precalcining means on the string supplied with exhaust gases from the cooler F27B7/2058with precalcining means on each string F27B7/2066comprising a band transporter F27B7/2075Removing incrustations F27B7/2083Arrangements for the melting of metals or the treatment of molten metals F27B2007/2091Means for eliminating compounds from gases by condensation, e.g. alkali metals F27B7/22Rotary drumsSupports therefor F27B7/2206Bearing rings F27B2007/2213mounted floatingly on the drum F27B2007/222the mounting comprising radially resilient elements, e.g. springs F27B2007/2226the mounting comprising elements to maintain the ring between series of abutments F27B2007/2233the ring being fixed to the drum, e.g. welded F27B7/224Discharge ends F27B2007/2246Support rollers F27B2007/2253mounted movable, e.g. resiliently on the ground F27B2007/226constituted of series of two rollers mounted on tiltable support along the drum F27B2007/2266the mounting allowing a movement of the rollers support in a horizontal plane F27B2007/2273with arrangements, e.g. rollers, to maintain the drum against longitudinal movement F27B2007/228comprising rollable bodies F27B2007/2286supporting the drum directly, without the use of a bearing ring F27B2007/2293the furnace being suspended F27B7/24Seals between rotary and stationary parts F27B7/26Drives F27B2007/261working with a ring embracing the drum F27B2007/262A gear ring combined with a dented wheel drive F27B2007/263A gear ring combined with a ram drive F27B2007/265the ring being mounted floatingly F27B2007/266the ring being a bearing ring F27B2007/267A gear ring combined with a chain drive F27B2007/268Details of the motor or the pinions F27B7/28Arrangements of linings F27B7/30Arrangements of partitions F27B7/32Arrangement of devices for charging F27B7/3205Charging F27B2007/3211at the open end of the drum F27B2007/3217axially, optionally at some distance in the kiln F27B2007/3223the charging device being movable axially, e.g. reciprocable F27B2007/3229via a centrifugal device F27B2007/3235the introducing device comprising a spray or a lance F27B2007/3241in the flame of the burner F27B2007/3247through a lateral opening in the drum F27B2007/3252with lifting scoops attached to the drum F27B2007/3258at the open end of the drum F27B2007/3264using special discharge means located around the discharge end, e.g. lifting scoops or a transversal annular partition F27B2007/327centrifugally through lateral openings in the drum F27B2007/3276with a collector means extending longitudinally into the drum F27B2007/3282Details F27B2007/3288Sieves or grading means F27B2007/3294Means to fluidise the charge in the air F27B7/33Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B7/34Arrangements of heating devices F27B7/36Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B7/362Introducing gas into the drum axially or through the wall F27B2007/365longitudinally F27B2007/367transversally through the wall of the drum F27B7/38Arrangements of cooling devices F27B7/383Cooling devices for the charge F27B7/386Rotary-drum cooler F27B7/40Planetary coolers F27B7/42Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B9/00Furnaces through which the charge is moved mechanically, e.g. of tunnel type F27B7/14 takes precedenceSimilar furnaces in which the charge moves by gravity F27B9/02of multiple-track typeof multiple-chamber typeCombinations of furnaces F27B9/021having two or more parallel tracks F27B9/022With two tracks moving in opposite directions F27B9/023with a U turn at one end F27B9/024with superimposed tracks F27B9/025having two or more superimposed tracks F27B9/024 takes precedence F27B2009/026Two or more conveyors, e.g. mounted successively F27B2009/027working in parallel F27B9/028Multi-chamber type furnaces, F27B9/029 takes precedence F27B9/029Multicellular type furnaces constructed with add-on modules F27B9/04adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B9/042Vacuum furnaces F27B9/045Furnaces with controlled atmosphere F27B9/047the atmosphere consisting of protective gases F27B9/06heated without contact between combustion gases and chargeelectrically heated F27B9/061with at least two longitudinal chambers carrying combustion gases, i.e. of the Dressler type F27B9/062electrically heated F27B9/063Resistor heating, e.g. with resistors also emitting IR rays F27B9/065the resistance being transported by the conveyor F27B9/066heated by lamps F27B9/067heated by induction F27B9/068heated by radiant tubes, the tube being heated by a hot medium, e.g. hot gases F27B9/08heated through chamber walls F27B9/082Muffle furnaces F27B9/084the muffle being fixed and in a single piece F27B9/086with two or more fixed muffles F27B9/088Series of separate muffles conveyed through the furnace F27B9/10heated by hot air or gas F27B9/12with special arrangements for preheating or cooling the charge F27B2009/122Preheating F27B2009/124Cooling F27B2009/126involving the circulation of cooling gases, e.g. air F27B2009/128the gases being further utilised as oxidants in the burners F27B9/14characterised by the path of the charge during treatmentcharacterised by the means by which the charge is moved during treatment F27B9/28 takes precedence; travelling or movable supports or containers for the charge F27D3/12 F27B9/142the charge moving along a vertical axis F27B9/145the charge moving along a serpentine path F27B9/147the charge moving on an inclined floor F27B9/16the charge moving in a circular or arcuate path F27B9/18under the action of scrapers or pushers F27B9/185multiple hearth type furnaces F27B9/20the charge moving in a substantially straight path tunnel furnace F27B9/201walking beam furnace F27B9/202Conveyor mechanisms therefor F27B9/203having ramps F27B9/206 takes precedence F27B9/205having excentrics or lever arms F27B9/206 takes precedence F27B9/206consisting of a single central beam F27B9/207consisting of two or more conveyors F27B9/208the workpieces being rotated during their advance F27B9/22on rails, e.g. under the action of scrapers or pushers F27B9/26 takes precedence F27B9/222the path comprising a section specially adapted for effecting equalisation of the temperature of the charge F27B9/225the charge being subjected to an additional manipulation along the path F27B9/227with rotation of the charge F27B9/147 takes precedence F27B9/24being carried by a conveyor transport by conveyors in general B65G F27B9/2407the conveyor being constituted by rollers (roller hearth furnace) F27B9/2415the charge rotating about an axis transversal to the axis of advancement of the charge F27B9/2423the charge rotating about an axis parallel to the axis of advancement of the charge F27B9/243Endless-strand conveyor F27B2009/2438with means to transfer the heat from the outcoming band to the incoming band F27B2009/2446with means to control the tension of the band F27B9/2453Vibrating conveyor (shaker hearth furnace) F27B9/2461the charge being suspended from the conveyor F27B9/2469the conveyor being constituted by rollable bodies F27B9/2476the conveyor being constituted by air cushion F27B2009/2484the conveyor being a helical device F27B2009/2492the conveyor being constituted by series of little rams or ratchets, moving the charge along F27B9/26on or in trucks, sleds, or containers F27B9/262on or in trucks F27B2009/264the truck carrying a partition F27B2009/266the truck having conducts for guiding the oven atmosphere F27B2009/268through the structure of the car and through the charge F27B9/28for treating continuous lengths of work F27B9/30Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B9/3005arrangements for circulating gases F27B9/3011arrangements for circulating gases transversally F27B2009/3016with arrangements to circulate gases through the charge F27B2009/3022with arrangements to maintain oxidising reducing or neutral zones F27B2009/3027Use of registers, partitions F27B2009/3033Fumes circulating in the same direction as the charge F27B2009/3038Fumes or gases alternatively changing their longitudinal direction F27B9/3044Furnace regenerators F27B2009/305Particular conformation of the furnace F27B2009/3055Non-uniform section through the length of the furnace F27B2009/3061Furnaces with longitudinal grooves F27B2009/3066Cooling the under-structure of the kiln, e.g. under the cars F27B2009/3072Balancing the pressure between the upper part and the lower part of the kiln, above and under the track F27B9/3077Arrangements for treating electronic components, e.g. semiconductors F27B2009/3083Arrangements to handle skid marks F27B2009/3088Drying arrangements F27B2009/3094Means to store a part of the charge in the furnace F27B9/32Casings F27B9/34Arrangements of linings F27B9/36Arrangements of heating devices F27B2009/3607Heaters located above the track of the charge F27B2009/3615Burner in the ceiling directed vertically downwards F27B2009/3623Heaters located under the track F27B2009/363Burners in the hearth directed towards the ceiling F27B2009/3638Heaters located above and under the track F27B2009/3646Heating the ceiling or the walls for a reverberatory effect F27B2009/3653Preheated fuel F27B2009/3661preheated with the exhaust gases F27B2009/3669preheated with the gases of the cooling zone F27B2009/3676preheated with the gases of the preheating zone F27B2009/3684Combustion within a combustion chamber with outlets in the kiln chamber F27B2009/3692The charge containing combustible materials F27B9/38Arrangements of devices for charging F27B2009/382Charging F27B2009/384Discharging F27B2009/386Lateral intake or outtake F27B2009/388Centrally in the lateral wall F27B9/39Arrangements of devices for discharging F27B9/40Arrangements of controlling or monitoring devices F27B11/00Bell-type furnaces for treating metal strips or wire C21D9/663 F27B13/00Furnaces with both stationary charge and progression of heating, e.g. of ring type, of type in which segmental kiln moves over stationary charge F27B13/02of multiple-chamber type with permanent partitionsCombinations of furnaces F27B13/04of single-chamber type with temporary partitions F27B13/06Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of this type F27B13/08Casings F27B13/10Arrangements of linings F27B13/12Arrangements of heating devices F27B13/14Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B14/00Crucible or pot furnaces F27B2014/002Smelting process, e.g. sequences to melt a specific material F27B2014/004Process involving a smelting step, e.g. vaporisation F27B2014/006involving a salt bath or help metal bath F27B2014/008Continuous casting F27B14/02with tilting or rocking arrangements F27B14/04 takes precedence F27B14/04adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B2014/045Vacuum F27B14/06heated electrically, e.g. induction crucible furnaces with or without any other source of heat F27B14/04 takes precedence F27B14/061Induction furnaces F27B14/063Skull melting type F27B14/065Channel type F27B2014/066Construction of the induction furnace F27B2014/068with the use of an electrode producing a current in the melt F27B14/08Details peculiar to crucible or pot furnaces F27B14/0806Charging or discharging devices F27B2014/0812Continuously charging F27B2014/0818Discharging F27B2014/0825Crucible or pot support F27B2014/0831Support or means for the transport of crucibles F27B2014/0837Cooling arrangements F27B2014/0843Lining or casing F27B2014/085Preheating of the charge F27B2014/0856Preheating of the crucible F27B2014/0862Flux guides F27B2014/0868Magnetic shields F27B2014/0875Two zones or chambers, e.g. one used for charging F27B2014/0881Two or more crucibles F27B2014/0887Movement of the melt F27B2014/0893Heat-conductive material disposed on the surface of the melt F27B14/10Crucibles F27B2014/102Form of the crucibles F27B2014/104Crucible linings F27B2014/106Ladles F27B2014/108Cold crucibles (transparent to electromagnetic radiations) F27B14/12Covers therefor F27B14/14Arrangements of heating devices F27B14/143Heating of the crucible by convection of combustion gases F27B2014/146Recuperation of lost heat, e.g. regenerators F27B14/20Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B15/00Fluidised-bed furnacesOther furnaces using or treating finely-divided materials in dispersion apparatus in general for carrying out chemical or physical processes in a fluidised bed reactor B01J8/24 - B01J8/44 F27B15/003Cyclones or chain of cyclones F27B15/006Equipment for treating dispersed material falling under gravity with ascending gases F27B15/02Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B15/04CasingsSupports therefor F27B15/06Arrangements of linings F27B15/08Arrangements of devices for charging F27B15/09Arrangements of devices for discharging F27B15/10Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B15/12Arrangements of dust collectors F27B15/14Arrangements of heating devices F27B15/16Arrangements of cooling devices F27B15/18Arrangements of controlling devices F27B15/20Arrangements of monitoring devices, of indicators, of alarm devices F27B17/00Furnaces of a kind not covered by any preceding group structural combinations of furnaces F27B19/02 F27B17/0008Open field furnace for burning bricks F27B17/0016Chamber type furnaces F27B17/0025Especially adapted for treating semiconductor wafers F27B17/0033the floor of the furnaces consisting of the support carrying the charge, e.g. car type furnaces F27B17/0041specially adapted for burning bricks or pottery F27B17/0033 takes precedence F27B17/005with cylindrical chambers F27B17/0058with superposed cylindrical chambers F27B17/0066arrangement of the charge, e.g. bricks F27B17/0075Heating devices therefor F27B17/0083with means for circulating the atmosphere F27B2017/0091Series of chambers, e.g. associated in their use F27B17/02specially designed for laboratory use F27B17/025for dental workpieces F27B19/00Combinations of furnaces of kinds not covered by a single preceding main group F27B19/02combined in one structure F27B19/04arranged for associated working F27B21/00Open or uncovered sintering apparatusOther heat-treatment apparatus of like construction F27B21/02Sintering grates or tables F27B21/04Sintering pots or sintering pans F27B21/06Endless-strand sintering machines