E05DHINGES OR SUSPENSION DEVICES FOR DOORS, WINDOWS OR WINGS pivotal connections in general F16C11/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. E05D1/00 E05D1/00Pinless hingesSubstitutes for hinges E05D1/02made of one piece E05D1/04with guide members shaped as circular arcs E05D2001/045for telescopic hinges E05D1/06consisting of two easily-separable parts E05D3/00Hinges with pins E05D7/08 takes precedence E05D3/02with one pin E05D3/022allowing an additional lateral movement, e.g. for sealing E05D2003/025having three knuckles E05D2003/027the end knuckles being mutually connected E05D3/04engaging three or more parts, e.g. sleeves, movable relatively to one another for connecting two or more wings to another member E05D3/06with two or more pins E05D7/08 takes precedence E05D3/08for swing-doors, i.e. openable by pushing from either side E05D3/10with non-parallel pins E05D3/12with two parallel pins and one arm E05D3/122Gear hinges E05D3/125specially adapted for vehicles E05D3/127for vehicle doors E05D3/14with four parallel pins and two arms E05D3/142with at least one of the hinge parts having a cup-shaped fixing part, e.g. for attachment to cabinets or furniture E05D11/1021 takes precedence E05D3/145specially adapted for vehicles E05D3/147for vehicle doors E05D3/16with seven parallel pins and four arms E05D2003/163Horizontal pivot-axis E05D2003/166Vertical pivot-axis E05D3/18with sliding pins or guides E05D3/183with at least one of the hinge parts having a cup-shaped fixing part, e.g. for attachment to cabinets or furniture E05D3/186Scissors hinges, with two crossing levers and five parallel pins E05D5/00Construction of single parts, e.g. the parts for attachment E05D5/02Parts for attachment, e.g. flaps E05D5/0207for attachment to vehicles E05D5/043, E05D5/062 take precedence E05D5/0215for attachment to profile members or the like E05D5/0223with parts, e.g. screws, extending through the profile wall or engaging profile grooves E05D5/023with parts extending through the profile wall E05D5/0238with parts engaging profile grooves E05D5/0246for attachment to glass panels E05D2005/0253the panels having conical or stepped recesses E05D2005/0261connecting two or more glass panels E05D2005/0269the panels being coplanar E05D5/0276for attachment to cabinets or furniture, the hinge having two or more pins E05D5/046, E05D5/065, E05D7/125 take precedence E05D2005/0284for embedding in concrete or masonry E05D2005/0292for passing through insulating layers E05D5/04Flat flaps E05D5/043specially adapted for vehicles E05D5/046specially adapted for cabinets or furniture E05D5/06Bent flaps E05D5/062specially adapted for vehicles E05D5/065specially adapted for cabinets or furniture E05D2005/067gooseneck shaped E05D5/08of cylindrical shape E05D5/10Pins, sockets or sleevesRemovable pins E05D15/522 takes precedence E05D2005/102Pins E05D2005/104characterised by the materials E05D2005/106with non-cylindrical portions E05D2005/108with elastically deformable parts E05D5/12Securing pins in sockets, movably or not E05D5/121Screw-threaded pins E05D2005/122externally threaded E05D2005/124internally threaded E05D5/125Non-removable, snap-fitted pins removable snap-fitted pins E05D7/1022, E05D7/1055 E05D5/127by forcing the pin into the socket E05D5/125 takes precedence E05D5/128the pin having a recess or through-hole engaged by a securing member E05D5/14Construction of sockets or sleeves E05D2005/145with elastically deformable parts E05D5/16to be secured without special attachment parts on the socket or sleeve E05D7/00Hinges or pivots of special construction used for special suspension arrangements E05D15/00; so as to be self-closing E05F1/06, E05F1/12; with means for raising wings before being turned E05F7/02 E05D7/0009Adjustable hinges E05D7/04 takes precedence E05D7/0018at the hinge axis E05D7/0027in an axial direction E05D2007/0036with axially fixed hinge pins E05D7/0045in a radial direction E05D7/0054by means of eccentric parts E05D2007/0063Eccentric hinge pins E05D2007/0072with sliding sleeves E05D2007/0081with swinging or rolling sleeves E05D7/009Elongate hinges, e.g. piano-hinges E05D7/02for use on the right-hand as well as the left-hand sideConvertible right-hand or left-hand hinges E05D7/04Hinges adjustable relative to the wing or the frame E05D7/0407the hinges having two or more pins and being specially adapted for cabinets or furniture E05D7/0415with adjusting drive means E05D7/0423Screw-and-nut mechanisms E05D7/0407, E05D7/043 take precedence E05D7/043by means of dowel attachments E05D2007/0438with bolts fixedly mounted on the hinge part E05D2007/0446with threaded bolts fixedly mounted on the hinge part E05D2007/0453with threaded sleeves E05D2007/0461in angular arrangement to the wing or the frame E05D2007/0469in an axial direction E05D2007/0476Pocket hinges E05D2007/0484in a radial direction E05D2007/0492in three directions E05D7/06to allow tilting of the members E05D7/08for use in suspensions comprising two spigots placed at opposite edges of the wing, especially at the top and the bottom, e.g. trunnions E05D15/266 takes precedence E05D7/081the pivot axis of the wing being situated near one edge of the wing, especially at the top and bottom, e.g. trunnions E05D7/082the pivot axis of the wing being situated at a considerable distance from the edges of the wing , e.g. for balanced wings E05D7/083with a fixed pivot axis E05D7/084with a movable pivot axis E05D7/085with two or more pivot axes, e.g. used at the same time E05D7/086Braking devices structurally combined with hinges braking devices for windows per se E05F5/00 E05D7/10to allow easy separation or connection of the parts at the hinge axis E05D5/12 and E05D15/50 take precedence ; substitutes for hinges E05D1/06 E05D7/1005by axially moving free pins, balls or sockets E05D7/1011biased by free springs E05D7/1016 takes precedence E05D7/1016requiring a specific angular position E05D7/1022with snap-fitted pins E05D2007/1027by axially moving free pins E05D2007/1033by axially moving free balls E05D2007/1038by axially moving free sockets E05D7/1044in an axial direction E05D7/1005 takes precedence E05D7/105requiring a specific angular position E05D7/1055with snap-fitted pins E05D7/1061in a radial direction E05D7/1005 takes precedence E05D7/1066requiring a specific angular position E05D7/1072the pin having a non-circular cross-section E05D7/1077with snap-fitted pins E05D7/1083facilitating simultaneous assembly of a plurality of hinges, e.g. for mounting heavy wings E05D2007/1088using hinge pins having different lengths E05D2007/1094Guiding devices therefor E05D7/12to allow easy detachment of the hinge from the wing or the frame E05D15/507 takes precedence E05D7/121specially adapted for vehicles E05D7/123specially adapted for cabinets or furniture E05D7/125the hinge having two or more pins E05D2007/126in an axial direction E05D2007/128in a radial direction E05D7/14Hinges for safes E05D9/00Flaps or sleeves specially designed for making from particular material, e.g. hoop-iron, sheet metal, plastics E05D9/005from plastics E05D1/02 takes precedence E05D11/00Additional features or accessories of hinges edge protecting devices E06B3/88 E05D11/0009Templates for marking the position of fittings on wings or frames implements for making doors, windows or frames E04F21/003 E05D11/0018Anti-tamper devices E05D11/0027arranged on or near the hinge and comprising parts interlocking as the wing closes, e.g. security studs E05D2011/0036near the hinge E05D2011/0045on the hinge E05D11/0054Covers, e.g. for protection E05D2011/0063for screw-heads or bolt-heads E05D2011/0072for the gap between hinge parts E05D11/0081for transmitting energy, e.g. electrical cable routing E05D2011/009Impact absorbing hinges for vehicle doors E05D11/02Lubricating arrangements E05D11/04relating to the use of free balls as bearing-surfaces E05D7/06 takes precedence E05D2011/045located in line with the hinge axis E05D11/06Devices for limiting the opening movement of hinges E05D11/08Friction devices between relatively-movable hinge parts E05D7/086 takes precedence E05D11/081with both radial and axial friction, e.g. conical friction surfaces E05D11/082with substantially radial friction, e.g. cylindrical friction surfaces E05D11/084the friction depending on direction of rotation or opening angle of the hinge E05D2011/085the friction depending on the opening angle E05D11/087with substantially axial friction, e.g. friction disks E05D2011/088with automatic disengagement E05D11/10Devices for preventing movement between relatively-movable hinge parts E05D11/1007with positive locking E05D11/1014for maintaining the hinge in only one position, e.g. closed E05D11/1021the hinge having two or more pins and being specially adapted for cabinets or furniture E05D11/1028for maintaining the hinge in two or more positions, e.g. intermediate or fully open E05D2011/1035with circumferential and evenly distributed detents around the pivot-axis E05D11/1042the maintaining means being a cam and a torsion bar, e.g. motor vehicle hinge mechanisms E05D11/105the maintaining means acting perpendicularly to the pivot axis E05D11/1057specially adapted for vehicles E05D11/1064 takes precedence E05D11/1064with a coil spring perpendicular to the pivot axis E05D11/1071specially adapted for vehicles E05D11/1078the maintaining means acting parallel to the pivot E05D11/1085specially adapted for vehicles E05D2011/1092the angle between the hinge parts being adjustable E05D13/00Accessories for sliding or lifting wings, e.g. pulleys, safety catches closers or openers for horizontally sliding wings E05F1/02, E05F1/08; counterbalance devices for swinging wings E05F1/00, E05F3/00 E05D13/003Anti-dropping devices E05D13/1223, E05D13/1246, E05D13/1269, E05D13/1292 take precedence E05D13/006fixed to the wing, i.e. safety catches E05D13/04Fasteners specially adapted for holding sliding wings open for holding wings closed E05C E05D13/06with notches for vertically sliding wings E05D13/08acting by friction for vertically sliding wings E05D13/10Counterbalance devices E05D13/12with springs E05D13/1207with tension springs E05D13/1215specially adapted for overhead wings E05D13/1223 takes precedence E05D13/1223Spring safety devices E05D13/123with compression springs E05D13/1238specially adapted for overhead wings E05D13/1246 takes precedence E05D13/1246Spring safety devices E05D13/1253with canted-coil torsion springs E05D13/1261specially adapted for overhead wings E05D13/1269 takes precedence E05D13/1269Spring safety devices E05D13/1276with coiled ribbon springs, e.g. constant force springs E05D13/1253 takes precedence E05D13/1284specially adapted for overhead wings E05D13/1292 takes precedence E05D13/1292Spring safety devices E05D13/14with weights E05D13/145specially adapted for overhead wings E05D15/00Suspension arrangements for wings arrangements of wings not characterised by the construction of the supporting means E06B3/32 E05D15/02for revolving wings E05D15/04with arms fixed on the wing pivoting about an axis outside of the wing E05D15/06for wings sliding horizontally more or less in their own plane E05D15/0604allowing an additional movement E05D15/10 takes precedence; raising wings before sliding E05D15/565 E05D15/0608caused by track lay-out E05D15/0613with multi-directional trolleys E05D15/0617of cantilever type E05D15/0621Details, e.g. suspension or supporting guides E05D15/0604, E05D15/08 - E05D15/14 take precedence E05D15/0626for wings suspended at the top E05D15/063on wheels with fixed axis E05D15/0634with height adjustment E05D15/0639by vertical bolts E05D15/0643on balls or floating rollers E05D15/0647on sliding blocks E05D15/0652Tracks E05D15/063 - E05D15/0647 and E05D15/0656 take precedence E05D15/0656Bottom guides E05D15/066for wings supported at the bottom E05D15/0665on wheels with fixed axis E05D15/0669with height adjustment E05D15/0673by vertical bolts E05D15/0678on balls or floating rollers E05D15/0682on sliding blocks E05D15/0686Tracks E05D15/0665 - E05D15/0682 and E05D15/0691 take precedence E05D15/0691Top guides E05D2015/0695Magnetic suspension or supporting means E05D15/08consisting of two or more independent parts movable each in its own guides E05D15/10movable out of one plane into a second parallel plane E05D15/1002specially adapted for use in railway-cars or mass transit vehicles E05D15/1007, E05D15/1023, E05D15/1044, E05D15/1068 take precedence E05D15/1005the wing being supported on arms movable in horizontal planes E05D15/1007specially adapted for use in railway-cars or mass transit vehicles E05D15/101specially adapted for vehicles E05D15/1007 takes precedence E05D15/1013specially adapted for windows E05D15/1015with an intermediate tilt position E05D2015/1018with the track rotating around its axis E05D15/1021involving movement in a third direction, e.g. vertically E05D15/1023specially adapted for use in railway-cars or mass transit vehicles E05D2015/1026accessories, e.g. sliding or rolling guides, latches E05D2015/1028with only the wing moving transversely E05D2015/1031the wing supported on arms extending from the carriage E05D2015/1034the carriage having means for preventing rotation of the wing E05D2015/1036the arms being movable in vertical, e.g. transverse, planes E05D2015/1039the wing sliding transversely on the carriage E05D15/1042with transversely moving carriage E05D15/1065 takes precedence E05D15/1044specially adapted for use in railway-cars or mass transit vehicles E05D15/1047specially adapted for vehicles E05D15/1044 takes precedence E05D2015/1049the carriage swinging or rotating in a transverse plane E05D2015/1052transversely over-dimensioned track sections or carriage E05D2015/1055with slanted or curved track sections or cams E05D2015/1057the carriage swinging or rotating in those track sections E05D2015/106transversely orientated track sections E05D2015/1063disconnecting the carriage from the track E05D15/1065with transversely moving track E05D15/1068specially adapted for use in railway-cars or mass transit vehicles E05D2015/1071the track being directly linked to the fixed frame, e.g. slidingly E05D2015/1073rocking transversely E05D2015/1076swinging transversely, e.g. on arms E05D2015/1078swinging or rotating in a horizontal plane E05D15/1081specially adapted for vehicles E05D15/1068 takes precedence E05D2015/1084the carriage being directly linked to the fixed frame, e.g. slidingly E05D2015/1086swingingly, e.g. on arms E05D2015/1089the carriage having means for preventing rotation of the wing E05D2015/1092the carriage swinging or rotating in curved track sections E05D2015/1094disconnecting itself from the track E05D2015/1097with the carriage and track forming a telescopic element E05D15/12consisting of parts connected at their edges E05D15/14with movable arms situated in the plane of the wing E05D15/16for wings sliding vertically more or less in their own plane E05D15/165Details, e.g. sliding or rolling guides E05D15/18 - E05D15/24 take precedence E05D15/18consisting of two or more independent parts, movable each in its own guides E05D15/20movable out of one plane into a second parallel plane E05D15/22allowing an additional movement E05D15/20 takes precedence E05D2015/225specially adapted for overhead wings E05D15/24consisting of parts connected at their edges E05D15/242Hinge connections between the parts E05D15/244Upper part guiding means E05D15/246with additional guide rail for producing an additional movement E05D15/248with lever arms for producing an additional movement E05D15/26for folding wings E05D15/262folding vertically E05D15/264for bi-fold wings E05D15/266comprising two pivots placed at opposite edges of the wing E05D2015/268the wings being successively folded E05D15/28supported on arms movable in horizontal plane E05D15/30with pivoted arms and sliding guides E05D15/32with two pairs of pivoted arms E05D15/34with wings opening parallel to themselves E05D15/36moving along slide-ways so arranged that one guide-member of the wing moves in a direction substantially perpendicular to the movement of another guide member E05D15/38for upwardly-moving wings, e.g. up-and-over doors E05D15/40supported on arms movable in vertical planes E05D15/401specially adapted for overhead wings E05D15/403 - E05D15/46 take precedence E05D15/403with arms fixed on the wing pivoting about an axis outside the wing E05D15/405with curved arms fixed on the wing, rolling on a support E05D15/406with pivoted arms and sliding guides E05D15/42, E05D15/44 take precedence E05D15/408with sliding guides fixed to the wing E05D15/42with pivoted arms and horizontally-sliding guides E05D15/425specially adapted for overhead wings E05D15/44with pivoted arms and vertically-sliding guides E05D15/445specially adapted for overhead wings E05D15/46with two pairs of pivoted arms E05D15/463specially adapted for overhead wings E05D15/466specially adapted for windows E05D15/48allowing alternative movements E05D15/0604 takes precedence ; for vertically-sliding wings E05D15/22 E05D2015/482for panic doors E05D2015/485Swinging or sliding movements E05D2015/487Tilting or swinging movements E05D15/50for opening at either of two opposite edges hinges or pivots of special construction to allow easy separation or connection of the parts at the hinge axis E05D7/10; to allow easy detachment of the hinge from the wing or the frame E05D7/12 E05D15/502by axial separation of the hinge parts at the hinge axis E05D15/505by radial separation of the hinge parts at the hinge axis E05D15/507by detachment of the hinge from the wing or the frame E05D15/52for opening about a vertical as well as a horizontal axis E05D15/5202with non-horizontally extending checks E05D15/5205with horizontally-extending checks E05D15/5208with means for transmitting movements between vertical and horizontal sliding bars, rods or cables E05D15/5211Concealed suspension fittings E05D15/5214Corner supports E05D15/5217Tilt-lock devices E05D15/522with disconnecting means for the appropriate pivoting parts E05D15/523using movable rods E05D15/524Actuating mechanisms E05D15/526Safety devices E05D15/5217 takes precedence E05D2015/5263acting parallel to the plane of the wing E05D2015/5266acting perpendicular to the plane of the wing E05D15/54for opening both inwards and outwards E05D15/56with successive different movements raising wings before being turned E05F7/02 E05D15/565for raising wings before sliding E05D15/58with both swinging and sliding movements E05D15/581the swinging axis laying in the sliding direction E05D15/1015 takes precedence E05D15/582with horizontal swinging axis E05D15/581 takes precedence E05D15/583specially adapted for overhead wings E05D2015/585with stationary hinge parts E05D2015/586with travelling hinge parts E05D2015/587with axially separating hinge parts E05D2015/588with radially separating hinge parts E05D2700/00 E05D2700/00Hinges or other suspension devices especially for doors or windows E05D2700/02Hinges with one pivot axis and one bearing surface E05D2700/04Hinges with one pivot axis and more than one bearing surface E05D2700/10Various door and window fittings, e.g. suspension devices for double hung windows or screens E05D2700/12Suspension devices for doors or windows movable in a direction perpendicular to their plane or pivotable about an axis being situated at a considerable distance from the edge of the wing by means of pivot arms