F02CGAS-TURBINE PLANTSAIR INTAKES FOR JET-PROPULSION PLANTSCONTROLLING FUEL SUPPLY IN AIR-BREATHING JET-PROPULSION PLANTS construction of turbines F01D; jet-propulsion plants F02K; construction of compressors or fans F04; gas-turbine combustion chambers F23R; using gas turbines in compression refrigeration plants F25B11/00; using gas-turbine plants in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classesThis subclass covers: combustion product or hot gas turbine plants; internal combustion turbines or turbine plants; turbine plants in which the working fluid is an unheated, pressurised gas.This subclass does not cover: steam turbine plants, which are covered by subclass F01K; special vapour plants, which are covered by subclass F01K. combined cycle plants, which are covered by subclass F01K23/00In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "gas-turbine plants" covers all the subject matter of Note (1) above and covers also features of jet-propulsion plants common to gas-turbine plants.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02C1/00 F02C1/00Gas-turbine plants characterised by the use of hot gases or unheated pressurised gases, as the working fluid by the use of combustion products F02C3/00, F02C5/00 F02C1/002using an auxiliary fluid F02C1/005being recirculated F02C1/007combination of cycles F02C1/02the working fluid being an unheated pressurised gas F02C1/04the working fluid being heated indirectly in a fluidised-bed combustor F02C3/205 F02C1/05characterised by the type or source of heat, e.g. using nuclear or solar energy F02C1/06using reheated exhaust gas F02C1/08 takes precedence F02C1/08Semi-closed cycles F02C1/10Closed cycles F02C1/105construction; details F02C3/00Gas-turbine plants characterised by the use of combustion products as the working fluid generated by intermittent combustion F02C5/00 F02C3/02using exhaust-gas pressure in a pressure exchanger to compress combustion-air pressure exchangers per se F04F13/00 F02C3/04having a turbine driving a compressor power transmission arrangements F02C7/36; control of working fluid flow F02C9/16 F02C3/045having compressor and turbine passages in a single rotor-module F02C3/073 takes precedence F02C3/05the compressor and the turbine being of the radial flow type F02C3/055the compressor being of the positive-displacement type F02C3/06the compressor comprising only axial stages F02C3/10 takes precedence F02C3/062the turbine being of the radial-flow type F02C3/064the compressor having concentric stages F02C3/067having counter-rotating rotors F02C3/073 takes precedence F02C3/073the compressor and turbine stages being concentric F02C3/08the compressor comprising at least one radial stage F02C3/10 takes precedence F02C3/085the turbine being of the radial-flow type (radial-radial) F02C3/05 takes precedence F02C3/09of the centripetal type F02C3/10with another turbine driving an output shaft but not driving the compressor F02C3/103the compressor being of the centrifugal type F02C3/107with two or more rotors connected by power transmission F02C3/113with variable power transmission between rotors F02C3/13having variable working fluid interconnections between turbines or compressors or stages of different rotors controlling flow ratio between different flows of multi-flow jet-propulsion plant, e.g. ducted fan F02K3/075 F02C3/14characterised by the arrangement of the combustion chamber in the plant combustion chambers per se F23R; F02C3/205 takes precedence F02C3/145the combustion chamber being in the reverse flow-type F02C3/16the combustion chambers being formed at least partly in the turbine rotor or in an other rotating part of the plant F02C3/165the combustion chamber contributes to the driving force by creating reactive thrust F02C3/20using a special fuel, oxidant, or dilution fluid to generate the combustion products F02C3/205in a fluidised-bed combustor in combination with a steam cycle see F01K23/061; fluidised-bed apparatus in general B01J8/18; fluidised-bed combustors in general F23C10/00 F02C3/22the fuel or oxidant being gaseous at standard temperature and pressure F02C3/28 takes precedence F02C3/24the fuel or oxidant being liquid at standard temperature and pressure F02C3/26the fuel or oxidant being solid or pulverulent, e.g. in slurry or suspension F02C3/28using a separate gas producer for gasifying the fuel before combustion F02C3/30Adding water, steam or other fluids for influencing combustion, e.g. to obtain cleaner exhaust gases F02C7/141, F02C7/30, F01D21/00, F01K21/04, F23D11/10 take precedence F02C3/305Increasing the power, speed, torque or efficiency of a gas turbine or the thrust of a turbojet engine by injecting or adding water, steam or other fluids F01K21/04 takes precedence F02C3/32Inducing air flow by fluid jet, e.g. ejector action F02C3/34with recycling of part of the working fluid, i.e. semi-closed cycles with combustion products in the closed part of the cycle F02C3/36Open cycles F02C3/365a part of the compressed air being burned, the other part being heated indirectly in a fluidised-bed combustor F02C3/205 F02C5/00Gas-turbine plants characterised by the working fluid being generated by intermittent combustion F02C5/02characterised by the arrangement of the combustion chamber in the chamber in the plant combustion chambers per se F23R F02C5/04the combustion chambers being formed at least partly in the turbine rotor F02C5/06the working fluid being generated in an internal-combustion gas generated of the positive-displacement type having essentially no mechanical power output internal-combustion engines with prolonged expansion using exhaust gas turbines F02B F02C5/08the gas generator being of the free-piston type F02C5/10the working fluid forming a resonating or oscillating gas column, i.e. the combustion chambers having no positively actuated valves, e.g. using Helmholtz effect F02C5/11using valveless combustion chambers F02C5/12the combustion chambers having inlet or outlet valves, e.g. Holzwarth gas-turbine plants F02C6/00Plural gas-turbine plantsCombinations of gas-turbine plants with other apparatus aspects predominantly concerning such apparatus, see the relevant classes for the apparatusAdaptations of gas- turbine plants for special use F02C6/003Gas-turbine plants with heaters between turbine stages F02C6/006Open cycle gas-turbine in which the working fluid is expanded to a pressure below the atmospheric pressure and then compressed to atmospheric pressure F02C6/02Plural gas-turbine plants having a common power output F02C6/04Gas-turbine plants providing heated or pressurised working fluid for other apparatus, e.g. without mechanical power output F02C6/18 takes precedence ; for a fluidised-bed combustor F02C3/205 F02C6/06providing compressed gas F02C6/10 takes precedence F02C6/08the gas being bled from the gas-turbine compressor F02C6/10supplying working fluid to a user, e.g. a chemical process, which returns working fluid to a turbine of the plant F02C6/12Turbochargers, i.e. plants for augmenting mechanical power output of internal-combustion piston engines by increase of charge pressure F02C6/14Gas-turbine plants having means for storing energy, e.g. for meeting peak loads F02C6/16for storing compressed air F02C6/18using the waste heat of gas-turbine plants outside the plants themselves, e.g. gas-turbine power heat plants using waste heat as source of energy for refrigeration plants F25B27/02; using the waste heat of a gasturbine for steam generation or in a steam cycle see F01K23/10 F02C6/20Adaptations of gas-turbine plants for driving vehicles F02C6/203the vehicles being waterborne vessels F02C6/206the vehicles being airscrew driven F02C7/00Features, components parts, details or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart form groups F02C1/00 - F02C6/00Air intakes for jet-propulsion plants controlling F02C9/00 F02C7/04Air intakes for gas-turbine plants or jet-propulsion plants F02C7/042having variable geometry F02C7/045having provisions for noise suppression F02C7/047Heating to prevent icing F02C7/05having provisions for obviating the penetration of damaging objects or particles F02C7/052with dust-separation devices F02C7/055with intake grids, screens or guards F02C7/057Control or regulation conjointly with fuel supply control F02C9/50, with nozzle area control F02K1/16 F02C7/06Arrangements of bearings bearings F16CLubricating of turbo machines F01D25/18; of machines or engines in general F01M F02C7/08Heating air supply before combustion, e.g. by exhaust gases F02C7/10by means of regenerative heat-exchangers F02C7/105of the rotary type rotary heat exchangers per se F28D F02C7/12Cooling of plants of component parts, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. F01D; cooling of engines in general F01P F02C7/125by partial arc admission of the working fluid or by intermittent admission of working and cooling fluid F02C7/14of fluids in the plant , e.g. lubricant or fuel F02C7/185 takes precedence F02C7/141of working fluid F02C7/143before or between the compressor stages F02C7/1435by water injection F02C7/16characterised by cooling medium F02C7/18the medium being gaseous, e.g. air F02C7/125 takes precedence F02C7/185Cooling means for reducing the temperature of the cooling air or gas F02C7/20Mounting or supporting of plantAccommodating heat expansion or creep F02C7/22Fuel supply systems F02C7/222Fuel flow conduits, e.g. manifolds F02C7/224Heating fuel before feeding to the burner F02C7/228Dividing fuel between various burners F02C7/232Fuel valves control of fuel supply by means of fuel metering valves F02C9/263Draining valves or systems valves in general F16K F02C7/236Fuel delivery systems comprising two or more pumps F02C7/2365comprising an air supply system for the atomisation of fuel F02C7/24Heat or noise insulation air intakes having provisions for noise suppression F02C7/045; turbine exhaust heads, chambers, or the like F01D25/30; silencing nozzles of jet-propulsion plants F02K1/00 F02C7/25Fire protection or prevention in general A62 F02C7/26StartingIgnition F02C7/262Restarting after flame-out F02C7/264Ignition F02C7/266Electric sparking plugs H01T F02C7/268Starting drives for the rotor , acting directly on the rotor of the gas turbine to be started F02C7/27Fluid drives turbine starters F02C7/277 F02C7/272generated by cartridges F02C7/275Mechanical drives F02C7/277the starter being a separate turbine F02C7/28Arrangement of seals F02C7/30Preventing corrosion or unwanted deposits in gas-swept spaces F02C7/32Arrangement, mounting, or driving, of auxiliaries F02C7/36Power transmission arrangements between the different shafts of the gas turbine plant, or between the gas-turbine plant and the power user F02C3/107 - F02C3/13 and F02C7/32 take precedence; couplings for transmitting rotation F16D; gearing in general F16H F02C9/00Controlling gas-turbine plantsControlling fuel supply in air- breathing jet-propulsion plants controlling air intakes F02C7/057; controlling turbines F01D; controlling compressors F04D27/00; controlling in general G05 F02C9/16Control of working fluid flow F02C9/48 takes precedence; control of air-intake flow F02C7/057 F02C9/18by bleeding, bypassing or acting on variable working fluid interconnections between turbines or compressors or their stages F02C3/113 takes precedence F02C9/20by throttlingby adjusting vanes F02C9/22by adjusting turbine vanes F02C9/24Control of the pressure level in closed cycles F02C9/26Control of fuel supply F02C9/48 takes precedence; fuel valves F02C7/232 F02C9/263by means of fuel metering valves F02C9/266specially adapted for gas turbines with intermittent fuel injection F02C9/28Regulating systems responsive to plant or ambient parameters, e.g. temperature, pressure, rotor speed F02C9/30 - F02C9/38, F02C9/44 take precedence F02C9/285Mechanical command devices linked to the throttle lever F02C9/30characterised by variable fuel pump output F02C9/32characterised by throttling of fuel F02C9/38 takes precedence F02C9/34Joint control of separate flows to main and auxiliary burners F02C9/36characterised by returning of fuel to sump F02C9/38 takes precedence F02C9/38characterised by throttling and returning of fuel to sump F02C9/40specially adapted to the use of a special fuel or a plurality of fuels F02C9/42specially adapted for the control of two or more plants simultaneously F02C9/44responsive to the speed of aircraft, e.g. Mach number control, optimisation of fuel consumption F02C9/46Emergency fuel control F02C9/48Control of fuel supply conjointly with another control of the plant with nozzle section control F02K1/17 F02C9/50with control of working fluid flow F02C9/52by bleeding or by-passing the working fluid F02C9/54by throttling the working fluid, by adjusting vanes F02C9/56with power transmission control F02C9/58with control of a variable-pitch propeller