F04FPUMPING OF FLUID BY DIRECT CONTACT OF ANOTHER FLUID OR BY USING INERTIA OF FLUID TO BE PUMPED evacuating by sorption F04BSIPHONS conveying materials in bulk by flows of gas, liquid of foam B65G53/00Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01.Combinations of pumps belonging to this subclass with other pumps are only classified in this subclass if such other pumps are fore pumps of diffusion pumps.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F04F1/00 F04F1/00Pumps using positively or negatively pressurised fluid medium acting directly on the liquid to be pumped using only negative pressure F04F3/00; jet pumps F04F5/00; siphons F04F10/00 F04F1/02using both positively and negatively pressurised fluid medium, e.g. alternating F04F1/04generated by vaporising and condensing F04F1/06the fluid medium acting on the surface of the liquid to be pumped F04F1/02 takes precedence F04F1/08specially adapted for raising liquids from great depths, e.g. in wells F04F1/10of multiple type, e.g. with two or more units in parallel F04F1/08 takes precedence F04F1/12in series F04F1/14adapted to pump specific liquids, e.g. corrosive or hot liquids F04F1/16characterised by the fluid medium being suddenly pressurised, e.g. by explosion F04F1/18the fluid medium being mixed with, or generated from the liquid to be pumped F04F1/20specially adapted for raising liquids from great depths, e.g. in wells F04F3/00Pumps using negative pressure acting directly on the liquid to be pumped siphons F04F10/00 F04F5/00Jet pumps, i.e. devices in which flow is induced by pressure drop caused by velocity of another fluid flow diffusion pumps F04F9/00; combination of jet pumps with pumps of other than jet type F04B; use of jet pumps for priming or boosting non-positive-displacement pumps F04D F04F5/02the inducing fluid being liquid F04F5/04displacing elastic fluids F04F5/06of rotary type F04F5/08the elastic fluid being entrained in a free falling column of liquid F04F5/10displacing liquids, e.g. containing solids, or liquids and elastic fluids F04F5/12of multi-stage type F04F5/14the inducing fluid being elastic fluid F04F5/16displacing elastic fluids F04F5/18for compressing F04F5/20for evacuating F04F5/22of multi-stage type F04F5/24displacing liquids, e.g. containing solids, or liquids and elastic fluids F04F5/26of multi-stage type F04F5/28 takes precedence F04F5/28Restarting of inducing action F04F5/30with axially-slidable combining nozzle F04F5/32with hinged flap in combining nozzle F04F5/34characterised by means for changing inducing fluid source F04F5/36characterised by using specific inducing fluid F04F5/38the inducing fluid being mercury vapour F04F5/40the inducing fluid being oil vapour F04F5/42characterised by the input flow of inducing fluid medium being radial or tangential to output flow cyclones B04C F04F5/44Component parts, details, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04F5/02 - F04F5/42 F04F5/46Arrangements of nozzles F04F5/461Adjustable nozzles F04F5/462with provisions for cooling the fluid F04F5/463with provisions for mixing F04F5/464with inversion of the direction of flow F04F5/465with supersonic flow mixing of supersonic fluids B01F25/20 F04F5/466with a plurality of nozzles arranged in parallel F04F5/467with a plurality of nozzles arranged in series F04F5/468with provisions for priming F04F5/469for steam engines F04F5/48Control F04F5/50of compressing pumps F04F5/52of evacuating pumps F04F5/54Installations characterised by use of jet pumps, e.g. combinations of two or more jet pumps of different type F04F7/00Pumps displacing fluids by using inertia thereof, e.g. by generating vibrations therein F04F7/02Hydraulic rams F04F9/00Diffusion pumps F04F9/02of multi-stage type F04F9/04in combination with fore pumps, e.g. use of isolating valves F04F9/06Arrangement of vapour traps F04F9/08Control F04F10/00Siphons F04F10/02Gravity-actuated siphons F04F13/00Pressure exchangers F04F99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass