A61NELECTROTHERAPYMAGNETOTHERAPYRADIATION THERAPYULTRASOUND THERAPY measurement of bioelectric currents A61B; surgical instruments, devices or methods for transferring non-mechanical forms of energy to or from the body A61B18/00; anaesthetic apparatus in general A61M; incandescent lamps H01K; infra-red radiators for heating H05BIn this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "therapy" implies that the treatment, when it aims at destroying sick or abnormal cells, is performed within the limits of healthy cell life, the destruction thereof being undesired, contrary to that which takes place with instruments, devices or methods covered by group A61B18/00. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: A61N1/34 covered by A61N1/36021, A61N1/36071A61N2/04 covered by A61N2/02A61N2/08 covered by A61N2/06A61N2/10 covered by A61N2/06A61N5/073 covered by A61N5/06, A61N2005/073A61N5/08 covered by A61N5/06
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
A61N1/00 A61N1/00ElectrotherapyCircuits therefor A61N2/00 takes precedence; irradiation apparatus A61N5/00 A61N1/02Details A61N1/025Digital circuitry features of electrotherapy devices, e.g. memory, clocks, processors A61N1/04Electrodes electrosurgical electrodes A61B18/14 A61N1/0404for external use A61N1/06 takes precedence A61N1/0408Use-related aspects A61N1/0412Specially adapted for transcutaneous electroporation, e.g. including drug reservoirs A61N1/0416Anode and cathode A61N1/042Material of the electrode A61N1/0424Shape of the electrode A61N1/0428Specially adapted for iontophoresis, e.g. AC, DC or including drug reservoirs A61N1/0432Anode and cathode A61N1/0436Material of the electrode A61N1/044Shape of the electrode A61N1/0444Membrane A61N1/0448Drug reservoir A61N1/0452Specially adapted for transcutaneous muscle stimulation [TMS] A61N1/0456Specially adapted for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation [TENS] A61N1/046Specially adapted for shock therapy, e.g. defibrillation A61N1/0464Specially adapted for promoting tissue growth A61N1/0468Specially adapted for promoting wound healing A61N1/0472Structure-related aspects A61N1/0476Array electrodes (including any electrode arrangement with more than one electrode for at least one of the polarities) A61N1/048Electrodes characterised by a specific connection between lead and electrode A61N1/0484Garment electrodes worn by the patient A61N1/0488Details about the lead A61N1/0492Patch electrodes A61N1/0412, A61N1/0428 take precedence A61N1/0496characterised by using specific chemical compositions, e.g. hydrogel compositions, adhesives A61N1/05for implantation or insertion into the body, e.g. heart electrode A61N1/06 takes precedence A61N1/0502Skin piercing electrodes A61N1/0504Subcutaneous electrodes A61N1/0507Electrodes for the digestive system A61N1/0509Stomach and intestinal electrodes A61N1/0512Anal electrodes A61N1/0514Electrodes for the urinary tract A61N1/0517Esophageal electrodes A61N1/0519Endotracheal electrodes A61N1/0521Genital electrodes A61N1/0524Vaginal electrodes A61N1/0526Head electrodes A61N1/0551 takes precedence A61N1/0529Electrodes for brain stimulation A61N1/0531Brain cortex electrodes A61N1/0534Electrodes for deep brain stimulation A61N1/0536Preventing neurodegenerative response or inflammatory reaction A61N1/0539Anchoring of brain electrode systems, e.g. within burr hole A61N1/0541Cochlear electrodes A61N1/0543Retinal electrodes A61N1/0546Nasal electrodes A61N1/0548Oral electrodes A61N1/0551Spinal or peripheral nerve electrodes A61N1/0553Paddle shaped electrodes, e.g. for laminotomy A61N1/0556Cuff electrodes A61N1/0558Anchoring or fixation means therefor A61N1/056Transvascular endocardial electrode systems A61N1/0563specially adapted for defibrillation or cardioversion A61N1/0565Electrode heads A61N1/0568with drug delivery A61N1/057Anchoring means; Means for fixing the head inside the heart A61N1/0573chacterised by means penetrating the heart tissue, e.g. helix needle or hook A61N1/0575with drug delivery A61N2001/0578having means for removal or extraction A61N2001/058Fixing tools A61N2001/0582Suture sleeves A61N2001/0585Coronary sinus electrodes A61N1/0587Epicardial electrode systems; Endocardial electrodes piercing the pericardium A61N1/059Anchoring means A61N1/0592Introducing the lead through the pericardium with a needle A61N1/0595Temporary leads A61N1/0597Surface area electrodes, e.g. cardiac harness A61N1/06for high-frequency therapy A61N1/08Arrangements or circuits for monitoring, protecting, controlling or indicating for external stimulators A61N1/3603; for implantable neurostimulators A61N1/36128; for heart stimulators A61N1/37; for defibrillators A61N1/3925 A61N2001/083Monitoring integrity of contacts, e.g. by impedance measurement A61N1/086Magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] compatible leads A61N1/10Applying static electricity applying ionised gases or vapours A61N1/44 A61N1/14Leading-off electric charges, e.g. by earthing carrying-off electrostatic charges, in general H05F3/00 A61N1/16Screening or neutralising undesirable influences from or using, atmospheric or terrestrial radiation or fields using atmospheric electricity or earth currents H05F3/00 A61N1/18Applying electric currents by contact electrodes A61N1/20continuous direct currents A61N1/205for promoting a biological process A61N1/22Electromedical belts , e.g. neck chains, armbands A61N1/24with built-in power source A61N1/26Electromedical brushesElectromedical massage devices massage devices in general A61H; Combs A61N1/28Apparatus for applying thermoelectric currents A61N1/30Apparatus for iontophoresis, i.e. transfer of media in ionic state by an electromotoric force into the body, or cataphoresis A61N1/303Constructional details electrodes for external use A61N1/0428 A61N1/306Arrangements where at least part of the apparatus is introduced into the body A61N1/32alternating or intermittent currents applying electric fields by inductive or capacitive coupling A61N1/40; microwave apparatus A61N5/02 A61N1/321Electromedical belts A61N1/322Electromedical brushes, combs, massage devices A61N1/323Interference currents, i.e. treatment by several currents summed in the body A61N1/325for iontophoresis, i.e. transfer of media in ionic state by an electromotoric force into the body electrodes for external use A61N1/0428 A61N1/326for promoting growth of cells, e.g. bone cells A61N1/327for enhancing the absorption properties of tissue, e.g. by electroporation A61N1/328for improving the appearance of the skin, e.g. facial toning or wrinkle treatment A61N1/36for stimulation A61N1/36002Cancer treatment, e.g. tumour A61N1/36003of motor muscles, e.g. for walking assistance A61N1/36007of urogenital or gastrointestinal organs, e.g. for incontinence control A61N1/3601of respiratory organs A61N1/36014External stimulators, e.g. with patch electrodes external pacemakers A61N1/3625 A61N1/36017with leads or electrodes penetrating the skin A61N1/36021for treatment of pain A61N1/36025for treating a mental or cerebral condition A61N1/36028for aversion therapy A61N1/3603Control systems A61N1/36031using physiological parameters for adjustment A61N1/36034specified by the stimulation parameters A61N1/36036of the outer, middle or inner ear A61N1/36038Cochlear stimulation A61N1/36039fitting procedures A61N1/3604for correcting spinal deformities, e.g. scoliosis A61N1/36042of grafted tissue, e.g. skeletal muscle A61N1/36046of the eye A61N1/3605Implantable neurostimulators for stimulating central or peripheral nerve system A61N1/36053adapted for vagal stimulation A61N1/36114 takes precedence A61N1/36057adapted for stimulating afferent nerves A61N1/3606adapted for a particular treatment A61N1/36062Spinal stimulation A61N1/36064Epilepsy A61N1/36067Movement disorders, e.g. tremor or Parkinson disease stimulating motor muscle A61N1/36003 A61N1/36071Pain A61N1/36075Headache or migraine A61N1/36078Inducing or controlling sleep or relaxation non-implantable stimulator A61M21/00 A61N1/36082Cognitive or psychiatric applications, e.g. dementia or Alzheimer's disease A61N1/36085Eating disorders or obesity A61N1/36089Addiction or withdrawal from substance abuse such as alcohol or drugs A61N1/36092Mental training A61N1/36096Mood disorders, e.g. depression, anxiety or panic disorder A61N1/361Phantom sensations, e.g. tinnitus A61N1/36103Neuro-rehabilitation; Repair or reorganisation of neural tissue, e.g. after stroke A61N1/36107Sexual dysfunction stimulating genital organs A61N1/36007 A61N1/3611Respiration control stimulating respiratory organs A61N1/3601 A61N1/36114Cardiac control, e.g. by vagal stimulation stimulating the heart A61N1/362 A61N1/36117for treating hypertension A61N1/36121Production of neurotransmitters; Modulation of genes expression A61N1/36125Details of circuitry or electric components A61N1/36128Control systems A61N1/36132using patient feedback A61N1/36135using physiological parameters A61N1/36139with automatic adjustment A61N1/3614based on impedance measurement A61N1/36142for improving safety A61N1/36146specified by the stimulation parameters A61N1/3615Intensity A61N1/36153Voltage A61N1/3616 takes precedence A61N1/36157Current A61N1/3616 takes precedence A61N1/3616Voltage density or current density A61N1/36164Sub-threshold or non-excitatory signals non-excitatory signals to the heart A61N1/3628 A61N1/36167Timing, e.g. stimulation onset A61N1/36171Frequency A61N1/36175Pulse width or duty cycle A61N1/36178Burst or pulse train parameters A61N1/36182Direction of the electrical field, e.g. with sleeve around stimulating electrode A61N1/36185Selection of the electrode configuration A61N1/36189using modulation techniques A61N1/36192Amplitude modulation A61N1/36196Frequency modulation A61N1/362Heart stimulators heart defibrillators A61N1/39 A61N1/3621for treating or preventing abnormally high heart rate A61N1/3622comprising two or more electrodes co-operating with different heart regions A61N1/3624occurring in the atrium, i.e. atrial tachycardia A61N1/3625External stimulators A61N1/3627for treating a mechanical deficiency of the heart, e.g. congestive heart failure or cardiomyopathy A61N1/3628using sub-threshold or non-excitatory signals A61N1/3629in combination with non-electric therapy A61N1/365controlled by a physiological parameter, e.g. heart potential evoked response A61N1/371 A61N1/36507controlled by gradient or slope of the heart potential A61N1/36514controlled by a physiological quantity other than heart potential, e.g. blood pressure controlled by two or more physical parameters A61N1/36585 A61N1/36521the parameter being derived from measurement of an electrical impedance A61N1/36528the parameter being measured by means of ultrasound A61N1/36535controlled by body position or posture A61N1/36542controlled by body motion, e.g. acceleration A61N1/3655controlled by body or blood temperature A61N1/36557controlled by chemical substances in blood A61N1/36564controlled by blood pressure A61N1/36571controlled by blood flow rate, e.g. blood velocity or cardiac output A61N1/36578controlled by mechanical motion of the heart wall, e.g. measured by an accelerometer or microphone A61N1/36585controlled by two or more physical parameters A61N1/36592controlled by the heart rate variability A61N1/368comprising more than one electrode co-operating with different heart regions A61N1/3622, A61N1/3627 take precedence A61N1/3682with a variable atrioventricular delay A61N1/3684for stimulating the heart at multiple sites of the ventricle or the atrium A61N1/36842Multi-site stimulation in the same chamber A61N1/36843Bi-ventricular stimulation A61N1/3686configured for selecting the electrode configuration on a lead A61N1/3688 takes precedence A61N1/3688configured for switching the pacing mode, e.g. from AAI to DDD A61N1/37MonitoringProtecting A61N1/3702Physiological parameters A61N1/365 takes precedence; evoked response A61N1/371 A61N1/3704Circuits specially adapted therefor, e.g. for sensitivity control A61N1/3706Pacemaker parameters stimulation threshold A61N1/371 A61N1/3708for power depletion A61N1/371Capture, i.e. successful stimulation A61N1/3712Auto-capture, i.e. automatic adjustment of the stimulation threshold A61N1/3714Atrial capture A61N1/3716with reduction of residual polarisation effects A61N1/3718Monitoring of or protection against external electromagnetic fields or currents A61N1/372Arrangements in connection with the implantation of stimulators A61N1/37205Microstimulators, e.g. implantable through a cannula A61N1/37211Means for communicating with stimulators A61N1/37217characterised by the communication link, e.g. acoustic or tactile A61N1/37223Circuits for electromagnetic coupling A61N1/37229Shape or location of the implanted or external antenna A61N1/37235Aspects of the external programmer A61N1/37241providing test stimulations A61N1/37247User interfaces, e.g. input or presentation means A61N1/37252Details of algorithms or data aspects of communication system, e.g. handshaking, transmitting specific data or segmenting data A61N1/37254Pacemaker or defibrillator security, e.g. to prevent or inhibit programming alterations by hackers or unauthorised individuals A61N1/37258Alerting the patient A61N1/37264Changing the program; Upgrading firmware A61N1/3727characterised by the modulation technique A61N1/37276characterised by means for reducing power consumption during telemetry A61N1/37282characterised by communication with experts in remote locations using a network A61N1/37288Communication to several implantable medical devices within one patient A61N2001/37294Means for testing medical devices within the package prior to implantation A61N1/375Constructional arrangements, e.g. casings A61N1/37512Pacemakers A61N1/37514Brain implants A61N1/37516Intravascular implants A61N1/37518Anchoring of the implants, e.g. fixation A61N1/3752Details of casing-lead connections A61N1/3754Feedthroughs A61N1/3756Casings with electrodes thereon, e.g. leadless stimulators A61N1/3758Packaging of the components within the casing A61N1/378Electrical supply A61N1/3782producing a voltage above the power source level A61N1/3785generated by biological activity or substance, e.g. body movement A61N1/3787from an external energy source A61N1/38for producing shock effects A61N1/385Devices for inducing an abnormal cardiac function, e.g. fibrillation A61N1/39Heart defibrillators A61N1/3904External heart defibrillators [EHD] A61N1/39044in combination with cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] therapy A61N1/39046User protection from shock A61N1/3906characterised by the form of the shockwave A61N1/3912Output circuitry therefor, e.g. switches A61N1/3918characterised by shock pathway, e.g. by electrode configuration A61N1/3925Monitoring; Protecting A61N1/3931Protecting, e.g. back-up systems A61N1/3937Monitoring output parameters A61N1/3943for threshold determination A61N1/395for treating atrial fibrillation A61N1/3956Implantable devices for applying electric shocks to the heart, e.g. for cardioversion A61N1/3962in combination with another heart therapy A61N1/39622Pacing therapy A61N1/39624Pain reduction therapy A61N1/3968Constructional arrangements, e.g. casings A61N1/375 takes precedence A61N1/3975Power supply A61N1/378 takes precedence A61N1/3981High voltage charging circuitry A61N1/3987characterised by the timing or triggering of the shock A61N1/3993User interfaces for automatic external defibrillators A61N1/40Applying electric fields by inductive or capacitive coupling microwave apparatus A61N5/00; Applying radio-frequency signals A61N1/403for thermotherapy, e.g. hyperthermia A61N1/406using implantable thermoseeds or injected particles for localized hyperthermia preparations of seeds and particles A61K41/0052 A61N1/44Applying ionised fluids ion generators H01J37/00 A61N1/445Hydro-electric baths A61N2/00Magnetotherapy A61N2/002in combination with another treatment A61N2/004specially adapted for a specific therapy A61N2/006for magnetic stimulation of nerve tissue A61N2/008for pain treatment or analgesia A61N2/02using magnetic fields produced by coils, including single turn loops or electromagnets A61N2/12 takes precedence A61N2/06using magnetic fields produced by permanent magnets A61N2/12 takes precedence A61N2/12using variable magnetic fields obtained by mechanical movement A61N5/00Radiation therapy ultrasound therapy A61N7/00; devices or apparatus applicable to both therapy and diagnosis A61B6/00 A61N2005/002Cooling systems A61N2005/005for cooling the radiator A61N2005/007for cooling the patient A61N5/01Devices for producing movement of radiation source during therapy A61N5/1077 takes precedence A61N5/02using microwaves A61N5/022Apparatus adapted for a specific treatment A61N5/025Warming the body, e.g. hyperthermia treatment A61N2005/027using a phased array A61N5/04Radiators for near-field treatment A61N5/045specially adapted for treatment inside the body A61N5/06using light A61N5/0601Apparatus for use inside the body A61N2005/0602for treatment of blood vessels A61N5/0603for treatment of body cavities A61N2005/0604Lungs and/or airways A61N2005/0605Ear A61N2005/0606Mouth A61N2005/0607Nose A61N2005/0608Rectum A61N2005/0609Stomach and/or esophagus A61N2005/061Bladder and/or urethra A61N2005/0611Vagina A61N2005/0612using probes penetrating tissue; interstitial probes A61N5/0613Apparatus adapted for a specific treatment A61N5/0614Tanning A61N2005/0615using UV light sources having a specific spectrum A61N5/0616Skin treatment other than tanning A61N5/0617Hair treatment A61N5/0618Psychological treatment A61N5/0619Acupuncture A61N5/062Photodynamic therapy, i.e. excitation of an agent A61N5/0621Hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice treatment A61N5/0622Optical stimulation for exciting neural tissue A61N5/0624for eliminating microbes, germs, bacteria on or in the body A61N5/0625Warming the body, e.g. hyperthermia treatment A61N2005/0626Monitoring, verifying, controlling systems and methods A61N2005/0627Dose monitoring systems and methods A61N2005/0628including a radiation sensor A61N2005/0629Sequential activation of light sources A61N2005/063comprising light transmitting means, e.g. optical fibres A61N2005/0631using crystals A61N2005/0632Constructional aspects of the apparatus A61N2005/0633Arrangements for lifting or hinging the frame which supports the light sources A61N2005/0634Mechanisms that allow a space saving storage of the apparatus A61N2005/0635characterised by the body area to be irradiated A61N2005/0636Irradiating the whole body A61N2005/0637in a horizontal position A61N2005/0638with a specially adapted support surface A61N2005/0639with additional sources directed at, e.g. the face or the feet A61N2005/064in a vertical position A61N2005/0641with rotation of the patient A61N2005/0642Irradiating part of the body at a certain distance A61N2005/0643Applicators, probes irradiating specific body areas in close proximity A61N2005/0644Handheld applicators A61N2005/0645Applicators worn by the patient A61N2005/0647the applicator adapted to be worn on the head A61N2005/0648the light being directed to the eyes A61N2005/0649using suction to fix the applicator to the tissue A61N2005/065Light sources therefor A61N2005/0651Diodes A61N2005/0652Arrays of diodes A61N2005/0653Organic light emitting diodes A61N2005/0654Lamps A61N2005/0655Tubes A61N2005/0656Chemical light sources A61N2005/0657Natural light sources, e.g. captured sunlight A61N2005/0658characterised by the wavelength of light used A61N2005/0659infra-red A61N2005/066far infrared A61N2005/0661ultra-violet A61N2005/0662Visible light A61N2005/0663Coloured light A61N2005/0664Details A61N2005/0665Reflectors A61N2005/0666for redirecting light to the treatment area A61N2005/0667Filters A61N2005/0668Apparatus adapted for operation in a moist environment, e.g. bath or shower A61N5/067using laser light A61N2005/073using polarised light A61N5/10X-ray therapyGamma-ray therapyParticle-irradiation therapy A61N5/01 takes precedence A61N5/1001using radiation sources introduced into or applied onto the body; brachytherapy A61N5/1002Intraluminal radiation therapy A61N2005/1003having means for centering a radioactive source within the lumen, e.g. balloons A61N2005/1004having expandable radiation sources A61N2005/1005with asymmetrical radiation pattern A61N5/1007Arrangements or means for the introduction of sources into the body A61N2005/1008Apparatus for temporary insertion of sources, e.g. afterloaders A61N2005/1009Apparatus for loading seeds into magazines or needles A61N2005/101Magazines or cartridges for seeds A61N2005/1011Apparatus for permanent insertion of sources A61N2005/1012Templates or grids for guiding the introduction of sources A61N5/1014Intracavitary radiation therapy A61N5/1015Treatment of resected cavities created by surgery, e.g. lumpectomy A61N5/1016Gynaecological radiation therapy A61N5/1017Treatment of the eye, e.g. for "macular degeneration" A61N2005/1018with multiple channels for guiding radioactive sources A61N2005/1019Sources therefor A61N2005/1021Radioactive fluid A61N2005/1022Generators, e.g. X-ray tubes A61N2005/1023Means for creating a row of seeds, e.g. spacers A61N2005/1024Seeds A61N2005/1025Wires A61N5/1027Interstitial radiation therapy A61N5/1028using radiation sources applied onto the body A61N5/1029Radioactive dressings A61N5/103Treatment planning systems A61N5/1031using a specific method of dose optimization A61N2005/1032Genetic optimization methods A61N2005/1034Monte Carlo type methods; particle tracking A61N2005/1035Simulated annealing A61N5/1036Leaf sequencing algorithms A61N5/1037taking into account the movement of the target, e.g. 4D-image based planning A61N5/1038taking into account previously administered plans applied to the same patient, i.e. adaptive radiotherapy A61N5/1039using functional images, e.g. PET or MRI A61N2005/1041using a library of previously administered radiation treatment applied to other patients A61N5/1042with spatial modulation of the radiation beam within the treatment head A61N5/1043Scanning the radiation beam, e.g. spot scanning or raster scanning A61N5/1044with multiple repetitions of the scanning pattern A61N5/1045using a multi-leaf collimator, e.g. for intensity modulated radiation therapy or IMRT A61N5/1047with movement of the radiation head during application of radiation, e.g. for intensity modulated arc therapy or IMAT A61N5/1048Monitoring, verifying, controlling systems and methods A61N5/1049for verifying the position of the patient with respect to the radiation beam A61N2005/105using a laser alignment system A61N2005/1051using an active marker markers in general A61B90/39 A61N2005/1052using positron emission tomography [PET] single photon emission computer tomography [SPECT] imaging A61N2005/1054using a portal imaging system A61N2005/1055using magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] A61N2005/1056by projecting a visible image of the treatment field A61N2005/1057monitoring flexing of the patient support or the radiation treatment apparatus A61N2005/1058using ultrasound imaging A61N2005/1059using cameras imaging the patient A61N2005/1061using an x-ray imaging system having a separate imaging source A61N2005/1062using virtual X-ray images, e.g. digitally reconstructed radiographs [DRR] A61N2005/1063maintaining the position when the patient is moved from an imaging to a therapy system A61N5/1064for adjusting radiation treatment in response to monitoring A61N5/1065Beam adjustment A61N5/1067in real time, i.e. during treatment A61N5/1068Gating the beam as a function of a physiological signal A61N5/1069Target adjustment, e.g. moving the patient support A61N5/107in real time, i.e. during treatment A61N5/1071for verifying the dose delivered by the treatment plan A61N2005/1072taking into account movement of the target A61N2005/1074Details of the control system, e.g. user interfaces A61N5/1075for testing, calibrating, or quality assurance of the radiation treatment apparatus A61N2005/1076using a dummy object placed in the radiation field, e.g. phantom A61N5/1077Beam delivery systems A61N5/1078Fixed beam systems A61N5/1079Sharing a beam by multiple treatment stations A61N5/1081Rotating beam systems with a specific mechanical construction, e.g. gantries A61N5/1082having multiple beam rotation axes A61N5/1083Robot arm beam systems A61N5/1084for delivering multiple intersecting beams at the same time, e.g. gamma knives A61N2005/1085characterised by the type of particles applied to the patient A61N2005/1087Ions; Protons A61N2005/1088generated by laser radiation A61N2005/1089Electrons A61N2005/109Neutrons A61N2005/1091Kilovoltage or orthovoltage range photons A61N2005/1092Details A61N2005/1094Shielding, protecting against radiation A61N2005/1095Elements inserted into the radiation path within the system, e.g. filters or wedges A61N2005/1096Elements inserted into the radiation path placed on the patient, e.g. bags, bolus, compensators A61N2005/1097Means for immobilizing the patient A61N2005/1098Enhancing the effect of the particle by an injected agent or implanted device A61N7/00Ultrasound therapy lithotripsy A61B17/22, A61B17/225; massage using supersonic vibration A61H23/00 ; using ultrasound for introducing media into the body A61M37/0092 A61N2007/0004Applications of ultrasound therapy A61N2007/0008Destruction of fat cells A61N2007/0013Fracture healing A61N2007/0017Wound healing A61N2007/0021Neural system treatment A61N2007/0026Stimulation of nerve tissue A61N2007/003Destruction of nerve tissue A61N2007/0034Skin treatment A61N2007/0039using microbubbles A61N2007/0043intra-cavitary A61N2007/0047interstitial A61N2007/0052using the same transducer for therapy and imaging A61N2007/0056Beam shaping elements A61N2007/006Lenses A61N2007/0065Concave transducers A61N2007/0069Reflectors A61N2007/0073using multiple frequencies A61N2007/0078with multiple treatment transducers A61N2007/0082Scanning transducers A61N2007/0086Beam steering A61N2007/0091with moving parts, e.g. transducers, lenses, reflectors A61N2007/0095by modifying an excitation signal A61N7/02Localised ultrasound hyperthermia hyperthermia in general A61F7/00 A61N7/022intracavitary A61N2007/025interstitial A61N2007/027with multiple foci created simultaneously