C30BSINGLE-CRYSTAL GROWTH by using ultra-high pressure, e.g. for the formation of diamonds, B01J3/06UNIDIRECTIONAL SOLIDIFICATION OF EUTECTIC MATERIAL OR UNIDIRECTIONAL DEMIXING OF EUTECTOID MATERIALREFINING BY ZONE-MELTING OF MATERIAL zone-refining of metals or alloys C22BPRODUCTION OF A HOMOGENEOUS POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIAL WITH DEFINED STRUCTURE casting of metals, casting of other substances by the same processes or devices B22D; working of plastics B29; modifying the physical structure of metals or alloys C21D, C22FSINGLE CRYSTALS OR HOMOGENEOUS POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIAL WITH DEFINED STRUCTUREAFTER-TREATMENT OF SINGLE CRYSTALS OR A HOMOGENEOUS POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIAL WITH DEFINED STRUCTURE for producing semiconductor devices or parts thereof H01L, H10APPARATUS THEREFORIn this subclass, the following expressions are used with the meaning indicated: "single-crystal" includes also twin crystals and a predominantly single crystal product; "homogeneous polycrystalline material" means a material with crystal particles, all of which have the same chemical composition; "defined structure" means the structure of a material with grains which are oriented in a preferential way or have larger dimensions than normally obtained.In this subclass: the preparation of crystals or a homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure of particular materials or shapes is classified in the group for the process as well as in group C30B29/00; an apparatus specially adapted for a specific process is classified in the appropriate group for the process. Apparatus to be used in more than one kind of process is classified in group C30B35/00.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C30B1/00Single-crystal growth from solids or gels C30B1/00Single-crystal growth directly from the solid state unidirectional demixing of eutectoid materials C30B3/00; under a protective fluid C30B27/00 C30B1/02by thermal treatment, e.g. strain annealing C30B1/12 takes precedence C30B1/023from solids with amorphous structure C30B1/026Solid phase epitaxial growth through a disordered intermediate layer C30B1/04Isothermal recrystallisation C30B1/06Recrystallisation under a temperature gradient C30B1/08Zone recrystallisation C30B1/10by solid state reactions or multi-phase diffusion C30B1/12by pressure treatment during the growth C30B3/00Unidirectional demixing of eutectoid materials C30B5/00Single-crystal growth from gels under a protective fluid C30B27/00 C30B5/02with addition of doping materials C30B7/00Single-crystal growth from liquidsUnidirectional solidification of eutectic materials C30B7/00Single-crystal growth from solutions using solvents which are liquid at normal temperature, e.g. aqueous solutions from molten solvents C30B9/00; by normal or gradient freezing C30B11/00; under a protective fluid C30B27/00 C30B7/005Epitaxial layer growth C30B7/02by evaporation of the solvent C30B7/04using aqueous solvents C30B7/06using non-aqueous solvents C30B7/08by cooling of the solution C30B7/10by application of pressure, e.g. hydrothermal processes C30B7/105using ammonia as solvent, i.e. ammonothermal processes C30B7/12by electrolysis C30B7/14the crystallising materials being formed by chemical reactions in the solution C30B9/00Single-crystal growth from melt solutions using molten solvents by normal or gradient freezing C30B11/00; by zone-melting C30B13/00; by crystal pulling C30B15/00; on immersed seed crystal C30B17/00; by liquid phase epitaxial growth C30B19/00; under a protective fluid C30B27/00 C30B9/02by evaporation of the molten solvent C30B9/04by cooling of the solution C30B9/06using as solvent a component of the crystal composition C30B9/08using other solvents C30B9/10Metal solvents C30B9/12Salt solvents, e.g. flux growth C30B9/14by electrolysis C30B11/00Single-crystal growth by normal freezing or freezing under temperature gradient, e.g. Bridgman-Stockbarger method C30B13/00, C30B15/00, C30B17/00, C30B19/00 take precedence; under a protective fluid C30B27/00 C30B11/001Continuous growth C30B11/002Crucibles or containers for supporting the melt C30B11/003Heating or cooling of the melt or the crystallised material C30B11/005by irradiation or electric discharge C30B11/006Controlling or regulating C30B11/007Mechanisms for moving either the charge or the heater C30B11/008using centrifugal force to the charge C30B11/02without using solvents C30B11/06 takes precedence C30B11/04adding crystallising materials or reactants forming it in situ to the melt C30B11/06at least one but not all components of the crystal composition being added C30B11/065before crystallising, e.g. synthesis C30B11/08every component of the crystal composition being added during the crystallisation C30B11/10Solid or liquid components, e.g. Verneuil method C30B11/12Vaporous components, e.g. vapour-liquid-solid-growth C30B11/14characterised by the seed, e.g. its crystallographic orientation C30B13/00Single-crystal growth by zone-meltingRefining by zone-melting C30B17/00 takes precedence; by changing the cross-section of the treated solid C30B15/00; under a protective fluid C30B27/00; zone-refining of specific materials, see the relevant subclasses for the materials C30B13/005Continuous growth C30B13/02Zone-melting with a solvent, e.g. travelling solvent process C30B13/04Homogenisation by zone-levelling C30B13/06the molten zone not extending over the whole cross-section C30B13/08adding crystallising materials or reactants forming it in situ to the molten zone C30B13/10with addition of doping materials C30B13/12in the gaseous or vapour state C30B13/14Crucibles or vessels C30B13/16Heating of the molten zone C30B13/18the heating element being in contact with, or immersed in, the molten zone C30B13/20by induction, e.g. hot wire technique C30B13/18 takes precedence C30B13/22by irradiation or electric discharge C30B13/24using electromagnetic waves C30B13/26Stirring of the molten zone C30B13/28Controlling or regulating C30B13/285Crystal holders, e.g. chucks C30B13/30Stabilisation or shape controlling of the molten zone, e.g. by concentrators, by electromagnetic fieldsControlling the section of the crystal C30B13/32Mechanisms for moving either the charge or the heater C30B13/34characterised by the seed, e.g. by its crystallographic orientation C30B15/00Single-crystal growth by pulling from a melt, e.g. Czochralski method under a protective fluid C30B27/00 C30B15/002Continuous growth C30B15/005Simultaneous pulling of more than one crystal C30B15/007Pulling on a substrate C30B15/02adding crystallising materials or reactants forming it in situ to the melt C30B15/04adding doping materials, e.g. for n-p-junction C30B15/06Non-vertical pulling C30B15/08Downward pulling C30B15/10Crucibles or containers for supporting the melt C30B15/12Double crucible methods C30B15/14Heating of the melt or the crystallised materials C30B15/16by irradiation or electric discharge C30B15/18using direct resistance heating in addition to other methods of heating, e.g. using Peltier heat C30B15/20Controlling or regulating controlling or regulating in general G05 C30B15/203the relationship of pull rate (v) to axial thermal gradient (G) C30B15/206the thermal history of growing the ingot C30B15/22Stabilisation or shape controlling of the molten zone near the pulled crystalControlling the section of the crystal C30B15/24using mechanical means, e.g. shaping guides shaping dies for edge-defined film-fed crystal growth C30B15/34 C30B15/26using television detectorsusing photo or X-ray detectors C30B15/28using weight changes of the crystal or the melt, e.g. flotation methods C30B15/30Mechanisms for rotating or moving either the melt or the crystal flotation methods C30B15/28 C30B15/305Stirring of the melt C30B15/32Seed holders, e.g. chucks C30B15/34Edge-defined film-fed crystal-growth using dies or slits C30B15/36characterised by the seed, e.g. its crystallographic orientation C30B17/00Single-crystal growth onto a seed which remains in the melt during growth, e.g. Nacken-Kyropoulos method C30B15/00 takes precedence C30B19/00Liquid-phase epitaxial-layer growth C30B19/02using molten solvents, e.g. flux C30B19/04the solvent being a component of the crystal composition C30B19/06Reaction chambersBoats for supporting the meltSubstrate holders C30B19/061Tipping system, e.g. by rotation C30B19/062Vertical dipping system C30B19/063Sliding boat system C30B19/064Rotating sliding boat system C30B19/065Multiple stacked slider system C30B19/066Injection or centrifugal force system C30B19/067Boots or containers C30B19/068Substrate holders C30B19/08Heating of the reaction chamber or the substrate C30B19/10Controlling or regulating controlling or regulating in general G05 C30B19/103Current controlled or induced growth C30B19/106adding crystallising material or reactants forming it in situ to the liquid C30B19/12characterised by the substrate C30B21/00Unidirectional solidification of eutectic materials C30B21/02by normal casting or gradient freezing C30B21/04by zone-melting C30B21/06by pulling from a melt C30B23/00Single-crystal growth from vapours C30B23/00Single-crystal growth by condensing evaporated or sublimed materialsGroups C30B23/002 - C30B23/005 take precedence over groups C30B23/007 - C30B23/08 C30B23/002Controlling or regulating C30B23/005Controlling or regulating flux or flow of depositing species or vapour C30B23/007Growth of whiskers or needles C30B23/02Epitaxial-layer growth C30B23/025characterised by the substrate C30B23/04Pattern deposit, e.g. by using masks C30B23/06Heating of the deposition chamber, the substrate or the materials to be evaporated C30B23/063Heating of the substrate C30B23/066Heating of the material to be evaporated C30B23/08by condensing ionised vapours by reactive sputtering C30B25/06 C30B25/00Single-crystal growth by chemical reaction of reactive gases, e.g. chemical vapour-deposition growth C30B25/005Growth of whiskers or needles C30B25/02Epitaxial-layer growth C30B25/025Continuous growth C30B25/04Pattern deposit, e.g. by using masks C30B25/06by reactive sputtering C30B25/08Reaction chambersSelection of materials therefor C30B25/10Heating of the reaction chamber or the substrate C30B25/105by irradiation or electric discharge C30B25/12Substrate holders or susceptors C30B25/14Feed and outlet means for the gasesModifying the flow of the reactive gases C30B25/16Controlling or regulating controlling or regulating in general G05 C30B25/165the flow of the reactive gases C30B25/18characterised by the substrate C30B25/183being provided with a buffer layer, e.g. a lattice matching layer C30B25/186being specially pre-treated by, e.g. chemical or physical means C30B25/20the substrate being of the same materials as the epitaxial layer C30B25/205the substrate being of insulating material C30B25/22Sandwich processes C30B27/00Single-crystal growth under a protective fluid C30B27/02by pulling from a melt C30B28/00Production of homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure C30B28/02directly from the solid state C30B28/04from liquids C30B28/06by normal freezing or freezing under temperature gradient C30B28/08by zone-melting C30B28/10by pulling from a melt C30B28/12directly from the gas state C30B28/14by chemical reaction of reactive gases C30B29/00Single crystals or homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure characterised by the material or by their shapeIn groups C30B29/02 - C30B29/58, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, a material is classified in the last appropriate place. C30B29/02Elements C30B29/04Diamond C30B29/06Silicon C30B29/08Germanium C30B29/10Inorganic compounds or compositions C30B29/12Halides C30B29/14Phosphates C30B29/16Oxides C30B29/18Quartz C30B29/20Aluminium oxides C30B29/22Complex oxides C30B29/225based on rare earth copper oxides, e.g. high T-superconductors C30B29/24with formula AMeO3, wherein A is a rare earth metal and Me is Fe, Ga, Sc, Cr, Co or Al, e.g. ortho ferrites C30B29/26with formula BMe2O4, wherein B is Mg, Ni, Co, Al, Zn, or Cd and Me is Fe, Ga, Sc, Cr, Co, or Al C30B29/28with formula A3Me5O12 wherein A is a rare earth metal and Me is Fe, Ga, Sc, Cr, Co or Al, e.g. garnets C30B29/30NiobatesVanadatesTantalates C30B29/32TitanatesGermanatesMolybdatesTungstates C30B29/34Silicates C30B29/36Carbides C30B29/38Nitrides C30B29/40AIIIBV compounds wherein A is B, Al, Ga, In or Tl and B is N, P, As, Sb or Bi C30B29/403AIII-nitrides C30B29/406Gallium nitride C30B29/42Gallium arsenide C30B29/44Gallium phosphide C30B29/46Sulfur-, selenium- or tellurium-containing compounds C30B29/48AIIBVI compounds wherein A is Zn, Cd or Hg, and B is S, Se or Te C30B29/50Cadmium sulfide C30B29/52Alloys C30B29/54Organic compounds C30B29/56Tartrates C30B29/58Macromolecular compounds C30B29/60characterised by shape C30B29/602Nanotubes C30B29/605Products containing multiple oriented crystallites, e.g. columnar crystallites C30B29/62Whiskers or needles C30B29/64Flat crystals, e.g. plates, strips or discs C30B29/66Crystals of complex geometrical shape, e.g. tubes, cylinders C30B29/68Crystals with laminate structure, e.g. "superlattices" C30B30/00Production of single crystals or homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure characterised by the action of electric or magnetic fields, wave energy or other specific physical conditionsWhen classifying in this group, classification is also made in groups C30B1/00 - C30B27/00 according to the process of crystal growth. C30B30/02using electric fields, e.g. electrolysis C30B30/04using magnetic fields C30B30/06using mechanical vibrations C30B30/08in conditions of zero-gravity or low gravity C30B31/00After-treatment of single crystals or homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure C30B31/00Diffusion or doping processes for single crystals or homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structureApparatus therefor C30B31/02by contacting with diffusion materials in the solid state C30B31/04by contacting with diffusion materials in the liquid state C30B31/045by electrolysis C30B31/06by contacting with diffusion material in the gaseous state C30B31/08the diffusion materials being a compound of the elements to be diffused C30B31/10Reaction chambersSelection of materials therefor C30B31/103Mechanisms for moving either the charge or heater C30B31/106Continuous processes C30B31/12Heating of the reaction chamber C30B31/14Substrate holders or susceptors C30B31/16Feed and outlet means for the gasesModifying the flow of the gases C30B31/165Diffusion sources C30B31/18Controlling or regulating C30B31/185Pattern diffusion, e.g. by using masks C30B31/20Doping by irradiation with electromagnetic waves or by particle radiation C30B31/22by ion-implantation C30B33/00After-treatment of single crystals or homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure C30B31/00 takes precedence C30B33/005Oxydation C30B33/02Heat treatment C30B33/04, C30B33/06 take precedence C30B33/04using electric or magnetic fields or particle radiation C30B33/06Joining of crystals C30B33/08Etching C30B33/10in solutions or melts C30B33/12in gas atmosphere or plasma C30B35/00Apparatus not otherwise provided for, specially adapted for the growth, production or after-treatment of single crystals or of a homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined structure C30B35/002Crucibles or containers C30B35/005Transport systems C30B35/007Apparatus for preparing, pre-treating the source material to be used for crystal growth