B32BLAYERED PRODUCTS, i.e. PRODUCTS BUILT-UP OF STRATA OF FLAT OR NON-FLAT, e.g. CELLULAR OR HONEYCOMB, FORM This subclass covers: layered products comprising different kinds of material or layered products not characterised by the particular kind of material used; a product similar to a layered product but comprising only material in the form of a sheet or network embedded in a mass of plastics or of physically-similar substances which mass penetrates the said sheet or network and lies on both sides of the latter (e.g. so that the sheet or network reinforces the plastics substance) PROVIDED THAT the embedded sheet or network extends coherently or connectedly over substantially the whole area of the product; thus the embedded sheet or network may be a fabric or a series of rods connected by cross wires. The manner of making such a product is, however, classified in this subclass only if it is essentially a process of building-up an assembly of layers of which at least one outer layer is preformed. If the embedded material comprises only a series of unconnected rods, the product is not classified in this subclass. This subclass does not cover: processes or apparatus used in, or in connection with, the production or treatment of any product, if the process or apparatus is fully classifiable in a single other class or subclass for processes or apparatus, e.g. B05, B29, B44D, C08J, C09J, C23; compositions or preparation or treatment thereof, unless they are essentially restricted to layered products and cannot be fully classified in another class without ignoring this restriction; etched metallic pattern on the surface of a printed circuit board. In this subclass: a film formed on a layer by spreading a substance thereon is not considered to constitute a layer itself if it serves only as an adhesive or its purpose is merely to finish a surface of a productwith exclusion to B32B15/01 - B32B15/018, a coating formed directly onto a substrate layer is not considered to constitute a layer when at the moment of its contact with the substrate it does not have the form of a layer with the exception of layers that come under the meaning of Note (4).groups designating products cover also methods or apparatus specially adapted for producing such products. In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "layer" is a sheet or strip or anything else having a small thickness relatively to its other dimensions which, together with at least one other layer, exists in a product, whether it pre-existed, e.g. as a separate sheet or strip, or was formed during the production of the layered product, e.g. formed in-situ as with casting, extrusion or moulding. It may be deformed out of the flat plane to form a three-dimensional shape. It may or may not be homogeneous or cohesive; it may be an assembly of fibres or pieces of material. It may be discontinuous, e.g. in the form of a grating, honeycomb, or frame. It may or may not be in complete contact with the next layer, e.g. a corrugated layer against a flat layer;"layered product" comprises at least two layers secured together. The term "secured" includes any method of uniting layers, e.g. needling, stitching, gluing, nailing, dovetailing or the interposition of an adhesive or adhesive impregnated support. It may also be an intermediate stage in the production of an article which is not layered in its final form, e.g. a panel with a protective layer that is stripped off when the panel is placed in its position of use. The layers are preformed layers or layers formed IN SITU on a preformed layer and may consist of coherent solid materials, including honeycombs and other cellular materials or of non-coherent solid materials composed of assemblies of strands, strips, fibres, tiles or the like; "filamentary layer" means a layer of threads or filaments of any substance (e.g. wires) of more or less unlimited length placed in an orderly arrangement and secured together; it may be woven, knitted, braided, or netted, or formed of threads crossed or laid side by side and bonded together;"fibrous layer" means a random assembly of fibres or filaments, usually of limited length, e.g. felt, fleece; the fibres being interengaged or connected, e.g. by adhesive. If a layered product is characterised by the way it is produced and not by its structure or composition, the production method should be classified in groups B32B37/00 or B32B38/00, or in subclass B29C, for example in groups B29C45/16 or B29C48/18. In this subclass, The classification of layered products is provided for in many classes, most of which are confined to a particular kind of material. However, in order that this subclass may provide a basis for making a complete search with respect to layered products, all relevant subject matter is classified in this subclass even though it may also be classified in other classes. In groups B32B37/00, B32B38/00, B32B41/00 and B32B39/00, the following expressions are used with the meaning indicated:"lay-up" is considered to be the action of combining separate layers, one on top of the other, in order to form a half-product for entering the laminating process"laminating" means the action of combining previously unconnected but possibly laid up layers to become one product whose layers will remain together;"partial laminating" occurs when one layer does not fully cover a surface of another layer, whereby the layer with the greater surface area is laminated on only part of its surface or when two coextensive layers are bonded on only part of their facing surfaces;"adhesive" means a substance applied in any state or in any manner, which has bonding properties.In this subclass, combination sets [C-Sets] are used. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules are found in the definitions of B32B.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B32B3/24 covered by B32B3/266B32B17/12 covered by B32B17/067
B32B1/00 B32B1/00Layered products having a general shape other than planeFor classification of a product in this group, surface unevennesses or non-uniformities and the shape of individual layers are ignored. B32B1/02Receptacles , i.e. rigid containers, e.g. tanks B32B1/04characterised by feature of form at particular places, e.g. in edge regions not used B32B1/06characterised by fillings or added members in hollow portions not used B32B1/08Tubular products B32B3/00Layered products comprising a layer with external or internal discontinuities or unevennesses, or a layer of non-planar form fibrous or filamentary layer B32B5/02; particulate layer B32B5/16; foamed layer B32B5/18Layered products having particular features of form receptacles or tubular products B32B1/00 B32B3/02characterised by features of form at particular places, e.g. in edge regions non-uniform thickness B32B3/263 B32B3/04characterised by at least one layer folded at the edge, e.g. over another layer ; characterised by at least one layer enveloping or enclosing a material B32B3/06for securing layers togetherfor attaching the product to another member, e.g. to a support , or to another product, e.g. groove/tongue, interlocking B32B3/08characterised by added members at particular parts layer formed of separate pieces of material which are juxtaposed side-by-side B32B3/14, B32B3/18 B32B3/085spaced apart pieces on the surface of a layer B32B3/10characterised by a discontinuous layer, i.e. formed of separate pieces of materialIn this group, a series of spaced separate elements forming in effect a broken surface should not be regarded as a layer. B32B3/12characterised by a layer of regularly- arranged cells, e.g. a honeycomb structure B32B3/14characterised by a face layer formed of separate pieces of material which are juxtaposed side-by-side B32B5/02 takes precedence B32B3/16secured to a flexible backing B32B3/18characterised by an internal layer formed of separate pieces of material which are juxtaposed side-by-side B32B5/02 takes precedence B32B3/20of hollow pieces, e.g. tubesof pieces with channels or cavities B32B3/22of spaced pieces not used B32B3/26characterised by a particular shape of the outline of the cross-section of a continuous layercharacterised by a layer with cavities or internal voids foam layer B32B5/18; layer of synthetic resin characterised by fillers that create voids or cavities B32B27/205; characterised by an apertured layer B32B3/263characterised by a layer having non-uniform thickness B32B3/266characterised by an apertured layer, the apertures going through the whole thickness of the layer, e.g. expanded metal, perforated layer, slit layer regular cells B32B3/12 B32B3/28characterised by a layer comprising a deformed thin sheet , i.e. the layer having its entire thickness deformed out of the plane, e.g. corrugated, crumpled B32B29/08 takes precedence B32B3/30characterised by a layer formed with recesses or projections, e.g. hollows, grooves, protuberances, ribs apertured layer B32B3/266; layer with cavities or internal voids B32B3/26 B32B5/00Layered products characterised by the non- homogeneity or physical structure , i.e. comprising a fibrous, filamentary, particulate or foam layer; Layered products characterised by having a layer differing constitutionally or physically in different parts B32B5/02characterised by structural features of a fibrous or filamentary layer layer formed of metallic wires B32B15/02; layer formed of natural mineral fibres B32B19/02; layer formed of wood fibres B32B21/02This group covers, in addition to filamentary and fibrous layers as defined in Note (4) following the title of this subclass, layers of substances having an intrinsic fibrous nature (e.g. paper, wood), if the fibrous nature is important and the particular substance is not important.When classifying in group B32B5/02, the chemical composition of the fibres is further classified by using the Indexing symbols B32B2262/00 - B32B2262/16. B32B5/022Non-woven fabric B32B5/024Woven fabric B32B5/026Knitted fabric B32B5/028Net structure, e.g. spaced apart filaments bonded at the crossing points B32B5/04characterised by a layer being specifically extensible by reason of its structure or arrangement , e.g. by reason of the chemical nature of the fibres or filaments B32B5/06characterised by a fibrous or filamentary layer mechanically connected, e.g. by needling to another layer, e.g. of fibres, of paperGroup B32B5/06 is impacted by reclassification into groups B32B5/067 and B32B5/073.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/067characterised by the fibrous or filamentary layer being mechanically connected by hydroentanglingGroup B32B5/067 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/06.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/073characterised by the fibrous or filamentary layer being mechanically connected to another layer by sewing, stitching, hook-and-loop fastening or stitchbondingGroup B32B5/073 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/06.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/08the fibres or filaments of a layer being of different substances , e.g. conjugate fibres, mixture of different fibres B32B5/10characterised by a fibrous or filamentary layer reinforced with filaments B32B5/12characterised by the relative arrangement of fibres or filaments of different layers, e.g. the fibres or filaments being parallel or perpendicular to each other
B32B5/14characterised by a layer differing constitutionally or physically in different parts, e.g. denser near its faces B32B5/142Variation across the area of the layer B32B5/145Variation across the thickness of the layer B32B5/147by treatment of the layer B32B5/16characterised by features of a layer formed of particles, e.g. chips, powder or granules layer formed of natural mineral particles B32B19/00; layer being formed of wood fibres, chips or particles B32B21/02 B32B5/18characterised by features of a layer of foamed material B32B5/20foamed in situ B32B5/22characterised by the presence of two or more layers which are next to each other and are fibrous, filamentary, formed of particles or foamed layer formed of natural mineral fibres or particles next to a foam layer B32B19/047, next to a layer made of particles B32B19/048, or next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B19/06; paper layer or cardboard layer next to a paper layer or cardboard layer B32B29/005, next to a foam layer B32B29/007, next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B29/02, or next to a particulate layer B32B29/04 B32B5/24one layer being a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B5/245another layer next to it being a foam layer B32B5/26another layer next to it also being fibrous or filamentary relative arrangement of fibres or filaments of different layers B32B5/12Group B32B5/26 is impacted by reclassification into groups B32B5/262, B32B5/263, B32B5/265, B32B5/266, B32B5/267, B32B5/268, B32B5/269, B32B5/271, B32B5/273, B32B5/275, B32B5/277, B32B5/279 and B32B5/2795.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/262characterised by one fibrous or filamentary layer being a woven fabric layerGroups B32B5/262 and B32B5/263 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/26.
Groups B32B5/26, B32B5/262 and B32B5/263 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/263next to one or more woven fabric layers
B32B5/265characterised by one fibrous or filamentary layer being a non-woven fabric layerGroups B32B5/265, B32B5/266, B32B5/267, B32B5/268, B32B5/269, B32B5/271 and B32B5/273 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/26.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/266next to one or more non-woven fabric layers B32B5/267characterised by at least one non-woven fabric layer that is a spunbonded fabric B32B5/268characterised by at least one non-woven fabric layer that is a melt-blown fabric B32B5/269characterised by at least one non-woven fabric layer that is a melt-blown fabric next to a non-woven fabric layer that is a spunbonded fabric B32B5/271characterised by separate non-woven fabric layers that comprise chemically different strands or fibre material B32B5/273including a separate net structure layer
B32B5/275characterised by one woven fabric layer next to a non-woven fabric layerGroups B32B5/275 and B32B5/277 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/26.
Groups B32B5/26, B32B5/275 and B32B5/277 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/277including an additional non-woven fabric layer
B32B5/279characterised by a knit fabric layer next to a non-woven fabric layerGroup B32B5/279 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/26.
Groups B32B5/26 and B32B5/279 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/2795characterised by a knit fabric layer next to a woven fabric layerGroup B32B5/2795 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group B32B5/26.
Groups B32B5/26 and B32B5/2795 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
B32B5/28impregnated with or embedded in a plastic substance not used
B32B5/30one layer being formed of particles, e.g. chips, granules, powder B32B5/32at least two layers being foamed and next to each other
B32B7/00Layered products characterised by the relation between layersLayered products characterised by the relative orientation of features between layers, or by the relative values of a measurable parameter between layers, i.e. products comprising layers having different physical, chemical or physicochemical propertiesLayered products characterised by the interconnection of layers B32B7/02Physical, chemical or physicochemical properties B32B7/022Mechanical properties B32B7/023Optical properties B32B7/025Electric or magnetic properties B32B7/027Thermal properties B32B7/028Heat-shrinkability B32B7/03with respect to the orientation of features direction of fibres or filaments B32B5/12 B32B7/035using arrangements of stretched films, e.g. of mono-axially stretched films arranged alternately B32B7/04Interconnection of layers B32B7/05the layers not being connected over the whole surface, e.g. discontinuous connection or patterned connection using interposed adhesives or bonding materials applied in spaced arrangements B32B7/14 B32B7/06permitting easy separation B32B7/08by mechanical means B32B7/09by stitching, needling or sewing by mechanically connecting fibrous layers to another layer B32B5/06 B32B7/10at least one layer having inter-reactive properties B32B7/12using interposed adhesives or interposed materials with bonding properties B32B7/14applied in spaced arrangements, e.g. in stripes
B32B9/00Layered products characterised by particular substances used In groups B32B9/00 - B32B29/00, the following expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "specific substance" covers specified alternative substances if they are all covered by a single main group;"particulate layer" means a layer of particles, e.g. chips, chopped fibres, powder;"essentially" means that if an alteration or removal of such a layer occurred it would alter the scope of the invention B32B9/00Layered products comprising a layer of a particular substance not covered by groups B32B11/00 - B32B29/00 B32B9/002comprising natural stone or artificial stone B32B9/005comprising one layer of ceramic material, e.g. porcelain, ceramic tile layered products with at least two ceramic layers composed mainly of ceramic B32B18/00 B32B9/007comprising carbon, e.g. graphite, composite carbon B32B9/02comprising animal or vegetable substances , e.g. cork, bamboo, starch B32B9/025comprising leather B32B9/04comprising such particular substance as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a glass layer B32B17/06; layered products with at least two ceramic layers composed mainly of ceramic B32B18/00 B32B9/041of metal B32B9/042of wood B32B9/043of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B9/045of synthetic resin B32B9/046of foam B32B9/047made of fibres or filaments B32B9/048made of particles B32B9/06of paper or cardboard B32B11/00Layered products comprising a layer of bituminous or tarry substances B32B11/02with fibres or particles being present as additives in the layer B32B11/04comprising such bituminous or tarry substance as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a glass layer B32B17/06 B32B11/042of wood B32B11/044of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B11/046of synthetic resin B32B11/048of foam B32B11/06of paper or cardboard B32B11/08of metal B32B11/10next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B11/12next to a particulate layer B32B13/00Layered products comprising a a layer of water-setting substance, e.g. concrete, plaster, asbestos cement, or like builders' material B32B13/02with fibres or particles being present as additives in the layer B32B13/04comprising such water setting substance as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a glass layer B32B17/06 B32B13/042of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B13/045of foam B32B13/047made of particles B32B13/06of metal B32B13/08of paper or cardboard B32B13/10of woodof wood particle board B32B13/12of synthetic resin B32B13/14next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B15/00Layered products comprising a layer of metal B32B15/01all layers being exclusively metallic making layered metal workpieces by pressure cladding B23K20/22; making coatings with a metallic material characterised by its composition C23C30/00 B32B15/011all layers being formed of iron alloys or steels B32B15/012one layer being formed of an iron alloy or steel, another layer being formed of aluminium or an aluminium alloy B32B15/013one layer being formed of an iron alloy or steel, another layer being formed of a metal other than iron or aluminium B32B15/015the said other metal being copper or nickel or an alloy thereof B32B15/016all layers being formed of aluminium or aluminium alloys B32B15/017one layer being formed of aluminium or an aluminium alloy, another layer being formed of an alloy based on a non ferrous metal other than aluminium B32B15/018one layer being formed of a noble metal or a noble metal alloy B32B15/02Layer formed of wires, e.g. mesh B32B15/04comprising metal as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a bituminous or tarry layer B32B11/08; next to a water-setting substance layer B32B13/06; next to a glass layer B32B17/061; next to a cellulosic plastic layer B32B23/042 B32B15/043of metal B32B15/01 takes precedence B32B15/046of foam B32B15/06of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B15/08of synthetic resin B32B15/082comprising vinyl resinscomprising acrylic resins B32B15/085comprising polyolefins B32B15/088comprising polyamides B32B15/09comprising polyesters B32B15/092comprising epoxy resins B32B15/095comprising polyurethanes B32B15/098comprising condensation resins of aldehydes, e.g. with phenols, ureas or melamines B32B15/10of wood B32B15/12of paper or cardboard B32B15/14next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B15/16next to a particulate layer B32B15/18comprising iron or steel B32B15/011, B32B15/012 and B32B15/013 take precedence B32B15/20comprising aluminium or copper B32B15/016 and B32B15/017 take precedence B32B17/00Layered products essentially comprising sheet glass, or glass, slag, or like fibresIn this group, a layer of organic glass is not considered as a glass layer but as a synthetic resin layer. B32B17/02in the form of fibres or filaments B32B17/04bonded with or embedded in a plastic substance B32B17/06comprising glass as the main or only constituent of a layer, next to another layer of a specific material B32B17/061of metal B32B17/062of wood B32B17/063of rubber B32B17/065of paper or cardboard B32B17/066of foam B32B17/067of fibres or filaments B32B17/068of particles B32B17/069of intumescent material B32B17/10311 takes precedence B32B17/08of cellulosic plastic substance or gelatin B32B17/10of synthetic resin B32B17/10005laminated safety glass or glazingIn this group, C-Sets are used. The detailed information about the C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules is present in the Definitions of B32B. B32B17/10009characterized by the number, the constitution or treatment of glass sheets B32B17/10018comprising only one glass sheet B32B17/10027the glass sheet not being an outer layer B32B17/10036comprising two outer glass sheets B32B17/10045with at least one intermediate layer consisting of a glass sheet B32B17/10055with at least one intermediate air space B32B17/10064comprising at least two glass sheets, only one of which being an outer layer B32B17/10073comprising at least two glass sheets, neither of which being an outer layer B32B17/10082Properties of the bulk of a glass sheet B32B17/10091thermally hardened B32B17/101having a predetermined coefficient of thermal expansion [CTE] B32B17/1011having predetermined tint or excitation purity B32B17/10119having a composition deviating from the basic composition of soda-lime glass, e.g. borosilicate B32B17/10128Treatment of at least one glass sheet B32B17/10137Chemical strengthening B32B17/10146Face treatment, e.g. etching, grinding or sand blasting B32B17/10155Edge treatment or chamfering B32B17/10165Functional features of the laminated safety glass or glazing B32B17/10174Coatings of a metallic or dielectric material on a constituent layer of glass or polymer B32B17/10183being not continuous, e.g. in edge regions B32B17/10192patterned in the form of columns or grids B32B17/10201Dielectric coatings B32B17/10211Doped dielectric layer, electrically conductive, e.g. SnO2:F B32B17/1022Metallic coatings B32B17/10229Metallic layers sandwiched by dielectric layers B32B17/10238in the form of particles B32B17/10247Laminated safety glass or glazing containing decorations or patterns for aesthetic reasons containing metal wires for aesthetic reasons B32B17/10422 B32B17/10256created by printing techniques B32B17/10266on glass pane B32B17/10275on interlayer B32B17/10284on intermediate layer B32B17/10293Edge features, e.g. inserts or holes B32B17/10302Edge sealing B32B17/10311Intumescent layers for fire protection B32B17/10321Laminated safety glass or glazing containing liquid layers B32B17/1033Laminated safety glass or glazing containing temporary protective coatings or layers B32B17/10339Specific parts of the laminated safety glass or glazing being colored or tinted tinted glass sheet B32B17/1011; tinted interlayer B32B17/10651 B32B17/10348comprising an obscuration band B32B17/10357comprising a tinted intermediate film B32B17/10366Reinforcements of the laminated safety glass or glazing against impact or intrusion containing metal wires for reinforcement B32B17/10412 B32B17/10376Laminated safety glass or glazing containing metal wires B32B17/10385for ohmic resistance heating B32B17/10394Alarm wires B32B17/10403for radiation shielding B32B17/10412for reinforcement B32B17/10422for aesthetic reasons B32B17/10431Specific parts for the modulation of light incorporated into the laminated safety glass or glazing B32B17/1044Invariable transmission B32B17/10449Wavelength selective transmission B32B17/10458Polarization selective transmission B32B17/10467Variable transmission B32B17/10477thermochromic B32B17/10486photochromic B32B17/10495optoelectronic, i.e. optical valve B32B17/10504Liquid crystal layer B32B17/10513Electrochromic layer B32B17/10522Electrophoretic layer B32B17/10532Suspended particle layer B32B17/10541comprising a light source or a light guide B32B17/1055characterized by the resin layer, i.e. interlayer B32B17/10559Shape of the cross-section B32B17/10568varying in thickness B32B17/10577Surface roughness B32B17/10587created by embossing B32B17/10596created by melt fracture B32B17/10605Type of plasticiser B32B17/10614comprising particles for purposes other than dyeing B32B17/10623Whitening agents reflecting visible light B32B17/10633Infrared radiation absorbing or reflecting agents B32B17/10642Thermally conductive agents B32B17/10651comprising colorants, e.g. dyes or pigments B32B17/1066imparting a tint in certain regions only, i.e. shade band B32B17/10669Luminescent agents B32B17/10678comprising UV absorbers or stabilizers, e.g. antioxidants B32B17/10688Adjustment of the adherence to the glass layers B32B17/10697being cross-linked B32B17/10706being photo-polymerized B32B17/10715containing polyether B32B17/10724containing polyamide B32B17/10733containing epoxy B32B17/10743containing acrylate (co)polymers or salts thereof B32B17/10752containing polycarbonate B32B17/10761containing vinyl acetal B32B17/1077containing polyurethane B32B17/10779containing polyester B32B17/10788containing ethylene vinylacetate B32B17/10798containing silicone B32B17/10807Making laminated safety glass or glazing; Apparatus therefor B32B17/10816by pressing B32B17/10825Isostatic pressing, i.e. using non rigid pressure-exerting members against rigid parts B32B17/10834using a fluid B32B17/10844using a membrane between the layered product and the fluid B32B17/10853the membrane being bag-shaped B32B17/10862using pressing-rolls B32B17/10871in combination with particular heat treatment B32B17/1088by superposing a plurality of layered products B32B17/10889shaping the sheets, e.g. by using a mould B32B17/10816 takes precedence B32B17/10899by introducing interlayers of synthetic resin B32B17/10908in liquid form B32B17/10917between two pre-positioned glass layers B32B17/10926by spraying B32B17/10935as a preformed layer, e.g. formed by extrusion B32B17/10944in powder form B32B17/10954by using an aligning laminating device B32B17/10963specially adapted for repairing the layered products B32B17/10972Degassing during the lamination B32B17/10816 takes precedence B32B17/10981Pre-treatment of the layers B32B17/1099After-treatment of the layered product, e.g. cooling B32B18/00Layered products essentially comprising ceramics, e.g. refractory products In group B32B18/00, features relating to interlayers,additional compositional information or further processing are indexed with symbols chosen from C04B2237/00 - C04B2237/88 B32B19/00Layered products comprising a layer of natural mineral fibres or particles, e.g. asbestos, mica B32B19/02the layer of fibres or particles being impregnated or embedded in a plastic substance B32B19/04next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a glass layer B32B17/067 B32B19/041of metal B32B19/042of wood B32B19/043of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B19/045of synthetic resin B32B19/046of paper or cardboard B32B19/047of foam B32B19/048made of particles B32B19/06next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B19/08comprising asbestos B32B21/00Layered products comprising a layer of wood, e.g. wood board, veneer, wood particle board B32B21/02the layer being formed of fibres, chips, or particles , e.g. MDF, HDF, OSB, chipboard, particle board, hardboard B32B21/04comprising wood as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a layer of a particular substance B32B9/042; next to a bituminous or tarry layer B32B11/042; next to a water setting substance layer B32B13/10; next to a metal layer B32B15/10; next to a glass layer B32B17/062; next to a layer formed of natural mineral fibres or particles B32B19/042; next to a cellulosic plastic layer B32B23/044 B32B21/042of wood B32B21/13 takes precedence B32B21/045of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B21/047of foam B32B21/06of paper or cardboard B32B21/08of synthetic resin B32B21/10Next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B21/12next to a particulate layer B32B21/13all layers being exclusively wood B32B21/14comprising wood board or veneer B32B23/00Layered products comprising a layer of cellulosic plastic substances , i.e. substances obtained by chemical modification of cellulose, e.g. cellulose ethers, cellulose esters, viscose B32B23/02in the form of fibres or filaments not used B32B23/04comprising such cellulosic plastic substance as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a glass layer B32B17/08 B32B23/042of metal B32B23/044of wood B32B23/046of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B23/048of foam B32B23/06of paper or cardboard B32B23/08of synthetic resin B32B23/10next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B23/12next to a particulate layer B32B23/14characterised by containing special compounding ingredients B32B23/16Modifying agents B32B23/18Fillers B32B23/20comprising esters B32B23/22comprising ethers B32B25/00Layered products comprising a layer of natural or synthetic rubber fibrous or filamentary layer made of a natural or synthetic rubber B32B5/02; particulate layer made of a natural or synthetic rubber B32B5/16; foamed layer made of a natural or synthetic rubber B32B5/18 B32B25/02with fibres or particles being present as additives in the layer B32B25/04comprising rubber as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a layer of a particular substance B32B9/043; next to a bituminous or tarry layer B32B11/044; next to a water setting substance layer B32B13/042; next to a metal layer B32B15/06; next to a glass layer B32B17/063; next to a layer formed of natural mineral fibres or particles B32B19/043; next to a wood layer B32B21/045; next to a cellulosic plastic layer B32B23/046 B32B25/042of natural rubber or synthetic rubber B32B25/045of foam B32B25/047of particles B32B25/06of paper or cardboard B32B25/08of synthetic resin B32B25/10next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B25/12comprising natural rubber B32B25/14comprising synthetic rubber copolymers B32B25/18 and B32B25/20 take precedence B32B25/16comprising polydienes homopolymers or poly-halodienes homopolymers B32B25/12 takes precedence B32B25/18comprising butyl or halobutyl rubber B32B25/20comprising silicone rubber B32B27/00Layered products comprising a layer of synthetic resin fibrous or filamentary layer made of a synthetic resin B32B5/02; particulate layer made of a synthetic resin B32B5/16; foamed layer made of a synthetic resin B32B5/18 This group covers all synthetic resins except those covered by B32B25/00 or B32B23/00 B32B27/02in the form of fibres or filaments not used B32B27/04as impregnant, bonding, or embedding substance not used B32B27/06as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a layer of a particular substance B32B9/045; next to a bituminous or tarry layer B32B11/046; next to a water setting substance layer B32B13/12; next to a metal layer B32B15/08; next to a glass layer B32B17/10; next to a layer formed of natural mineral fibres or particles B32B19/045; next to a wood layer B32B21/08; next to a cellulosic plastic layer B32B23/08; next to a natural or synthetic rubber layer B32B25/08 B32B27/065of foam B32B27/08of synthetic resin B32B27/10of paper or cardboard B32B27/12next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B27/14next to a particulate layer B32B27/16specially treated, e.g. irradiated B32B27/18characterised by the use of special additives B32B27/20using fillers, pigments, thixotroping agents B32B27/205the fillers creating voids or cavities, e.g. by stretching B32B27/22using plasticisers B32B27/24using solvents or swelling agents B32B27/26using curing agents B32B27/28comprising synthetic resins not wholly covered by any one of the sub-groups B32B27/30 - B32B27/42 B32B27/281comprising polyimides B32B27/283comprising polysiloxanes B32B27/285comprising polyethers B32B27/286comprising polysulphones; polysulfides B32B27/288comprising polyketones B32B27/30comprising vinyl (co)polymers; comprising acrylic (co)polymers B32B27/302comprising aromatic vinyl (co)polymers, e.g. styrenic (co)polymers B32B27/304comprising vinyl halide (co)polymers, e.g. PVC, PVDC, PVF, PVDF B32B27/306comprising vinyl acetate or vinyl alcohol (co)polymers B32B27/308comprising acrylic (co)polymers B32B27/32comprising polyolefins comprising vinyl (co)polymers or acrylic (co)polymers B32B27/30 B32B27/322comprising halogenated polyolefins, e.g. PTFE B32B27/325comprising polycycloolefins B32B27/327comprising polyolefins obtained by a metallocene or single-site catalyst B32B27/34comprising polyamides B32B27/36comprising polyesters B32B27/365comprising polycarbonates B32B27/38comprising epoxy resins B32B27/40comprising polyurethanes B32B27/42comprising condensation resins of aldehydes, e.g. with phenols, ureas or melamines B32B29/00Layered products comprising a layer of paper or cardboard B32B29/002as the main or only constituent of a layer, which is next to another layer of the same or of a different material next to a layer of a particular substance B32B9/06; next to a bituminous or tarry layer B32B11/06; next to a water-setting substance layer B32B13/08; next to a metal layer B32B15/12; next to a glass layer B32B17/065; next to a layer formed of natural mineral fibres or particles B32B19/046; next to a wood layer B32B21/06; next to a cellulosic plastic layer B32B23/06; next to a natural or synthetic rubber layer B32B25/06; next to a synthetic resin layer B32B27/10 B32B29/005next to another layer of paper or cardboard layer B32B29/007next to a foam layer B32B29/02next to a fibrous or filamentary layer B32B29/04next to a particulate layer B32B29/06specially treated, e.g. surfaced, parchmentised B32B29/08Corrugated paper or cardboard B32B33/00Layered products characterised by particular properties or particular surface features, e.g. particular surface coatingsLayered products designed for particular purposes not covered by another single class B32B37/00Methods or apparatus for making layered productsTreatment of the layers or of the layered products In groups B32B37/00 , B32B38/00, B32B41/00 and B32B39/00, the following expressions are used with the meaning indicated: "lay-up" is condisered to be the action of combining separate layers,one on top of the other, in order to form a half-product for entering the laminating process"laminating" means the action of combining previously unconnected but possibly laid up layers to become one product whose layers will remain together;"partial laminating" occurs when one layer does not fully cover a surface of another layer, whereby the layer with the greater surface area is laminated on only part of its surface;"adhesive" means a layer, or part of a layer, applied in any state or in any manner which is incorporated for the purpose of bonding. B32B37/00Methods or apparatus for laminating, e.g. by curing or by ultrasonic bonding B32B37/0007involving treatment or provisions in order to avoid deformation or air inclusion, e.g. to improve surface quality B32B37/0015to avoid warp or curl B32B37/0023around holes, apertures or channels present in at least one layer B32B37/003to avoid air inclusion B32B37/0038involving application of liquid to the layers prior to lamination, e.g. wet laminating B32B37/12 takes precedence B32B37/0046characterised by constructional aspects of the apparatus B32B37/0053Constructional details of laminating machines comprising rollers; Constructional features of the rollers B32B2037/0061the apparatus being an office laminator B32B2037/0069the apparatus being originally designed for another function, e.g. printer, photocopier B32B37/0076characterised in that the layers are not bonded on the totality of their surfaces B32B37/0084Point bonding B32B2037/0092in which absence of adhesives is explicitly presented as an advantage B32B37/02characterised by a sequence of laminating steps, e.g. by adding new layers at consecutive laminating stations B32B37/025Transfer laminating B32B37/04characterised by the partial melting of at least one layer B32B37/06characterised by the heating method B32B37/065resulting in the laminate being partially bonded B32B37/0076 takes precedence B32B37/08characterised by the cooling method B32B37/085Quenching B32B37/10characterised by the pressing technique, e.g. using action of vacuum or fluid pressure B32B37/1009using vacuum and fluid pressure B32B37/1018using only vacuum B32B37/1027Pressing using at least one press band B32B37/1036Pressing between one press band and a cylinder B32B37/1045Intermittent pressing, e.g. by oscillating or reciprocating motion of the pressing means B32B37/0076 takes precedence B32B37/1054Regulating the dimensions of the laminate, e.g. by adjusting the nip or platen gap B32B2037/1063using an electrostatic force B32B2037/1072using a fluid jet B32B2037/1081using a magnetic force B32B2037/109using a squeegee B32B37/12characterised by using adhesives B32B37/1207Heat-activated adhesive B32B37/04 takes precedence B32B2037/1215Hot-melt adhesive B32B2037/1223film-shaped B32B2037/123net-shaped B32B2037/1238in the form of powder B32B2037/1253curable adhesive B32B2037/1261moisture curable B32B2037/1269multi-component adhesive B32B2037/1276water-based adhesive B32B37/1284Application of adhesive B32B37/1292selectively, e.g. in stripes, in patterns B32B37/0076 takes precedence B32B37/14characterised by the properties of the layers B32B37/142Laminating of sheets, panels or inserts, e.g. stiffeners, by wrapping in at least one outer layer, or inserting into a preformed pocket B32B37/144using layers with different mechanical or chemical conditions or properties, e.g. layers with different thermal shrinkage, layers under tension during bonding constructional features for tensioning B32B38/1825 B32B37/146whereby one or more of the layers is a honeycomb structure B32B2037/148whereby layers material is selected in order to facilitate recycling of the laminate B32B37/15with at least one layer being manufactured and immediately laminated before reaching its stable state, e.g. in which a layer is extruded and laminated while in semi-molten state B32B37/153at least one layer is extruded and immediately laminated while in semi-molten state B32B37/156at least one layer is calendered and immediately laminated B32B37/16with all layers existing as coherent layers before laminating B32B37/18involving the assembly of discrete sheets or panels only B32B37/182one or more of the layers being plastic B32B37/185Laminating sheets, panels or inserts between two discrete plastic layers B32B37/187the layers being placed in a carrier before going through the lamination process B32B37/20involving the assembly of continuous webs only B32B37/203One or more of the layers being plastic B32B37/206Laminating a continuous layer between two continuous plastic layers B32B37/22involving the assembly of both discrete and continuous layers B32B37/223One or more of the layers being plastic B32B37/226Laminating sheets, panels or inserts between two continuous plastic layers B32B37/24with at least one layer not being coherent before laminating, e.g. made up from granular material sprinkled onto a substrate B32B37/15 takes precedence B32B2037/243Coating B32B2037/246Vapour deposition B32B37/26with at least one layer which influences the bonding during the lamination process, e.g. release layers or pressure equalising layers B32B2037/262Partition plates or sheets for separating several laminates pressed simultaneously B32B2037/264Pressure equalizing layers B32B2037/266Cushioning layers B32B2037/268Release layers B32B37/28involving assembly of non-flat intermediate products which are flattened at a later step, e.g. tubes B32B37/30Partial laminating B32B38/00Ancillary operations in connection with laminating processesIn this group, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "in connection with laminating processes" means ancillary operations are carried out either as steps of the lamination processes, orin line with the lamination processes, just before or immediately after. B32B38/0004Cutting, tearing or severing, e.g. bursting; Cutter details cutting in general B26D; laminating combined with punching or perforating B32B38/04; removing all or part of the layers B32B38/10; cutting in combination with laying up and registration B32B38/185 takes precedence B32B38/0008Electrical discharge treatment, e.g. corona, plasma treatment; wave energy or particle radiation heat treatment B32B38/0036 B32B38/0012Mechanical treatment, e.g. roughening, deforming, stretching B32B2038/0016Abrading B32B2038/002Sandblasting B32B2038/0024Crushing B32B2038/0028Stretching, elongating B32B38/0032increasing porosity B32B38/04 takes precedence B32B38/0036Heat treatment for heating or cooling of layers during lamination B32B37/06, B32B37/08 B32B38/004by physically contacting the layers, e.g. by the use of heated platens or rollers B32B2038/0044for creating local stresses B32B2038/0048Annealing, relaxing B32B2038/0052Other operations not otherwise provided for B32B2038/0056Moistening B32B2038/006Relieving internal or residual stresses B32B2038/0064Smoothing, polishing, making a glossy surface B32B2038/0068Changing crystal orientation B32B2038/0072Orienting fibers B32B2038/0076Curing, vulcanising, cross-linking B32B2038/008Sewing, stitching B32B2038/0084Foaming B32B2038/0088Expanding, swelling B32B2038/0092Metallizing B32B2038/0096Riveting B32B38/04Punching, slitting or perforating B32B2038/042Punching B32B2038/045Slitting B32B2038/047Perforating B32B38/06Embossing B32B38/08Impregnating B32B38/10Removing layers, or parts of layers, mechanically or chemically B32B38/105on edges B32B38/12Deep-drawing B32B38/14Printing or colouring B32B38/145Printing B32B38/16DryingSofteningCleaning B32B38/162Cleaning B32B38/164Drying B32B2038/166Removing moisture B32B2038/168Removing solvent B32B38/18Handling of layers or the laminate B32B38/1808characterised by the laying up of the layers B32B38/1816Cross feeding of one or more of the layers B32B38/1825characterised by the control or constructional features of devices for tensioning, stretching or registration B32B38/1833Positioning, e.g. registration or centering B32B38/1841during laying up B32B38/185combined with the cutting of one or more layers B32B38/1858using vacuum B32B38/1866conforming the layers or laminate to a convex or concave profile B32B38/1875Tensioning B32B38/1883Detensioning B32B2038/1891Using a robot for handling the layers B32B39/00Layout of apparatus or plants, e.g. modular laminating systems B32B41/00Arrangements for controlling or monitoring lamination processesSafety arrangements B32B41/02Safety arrangements B32B2041/04Detecting wrong registration, misalignment, deviation, failure B32B2041/06Starting the lamination machine or method B32B43/00Operations specially adapted for layered products and not otherwise provided for, e.g. repairingApparatus therefor B32B43/003Cutting B32B43/006Delaminating B32B2250/00Layer arrangementsCoating, impregnation or embedding of layersComposition of fibres, particles or foam present on a layerResin or rubber layer containing a blend of polymers or recycled material B32B2250/00Layers arrangement B32B2250/022 layers B32B2250/033 layers B32B2250/044 layers B32B2250/055 or more layers B32B2250/20All layers being fibrous or filamentary B32B2250/22All layers being foamed B32B2250/24All layers being polymeric B32B2250/242All polymers belonging to those covered by group B32B27/32 B32B2250/244All polymers belonging to those covered by group B32B27/36 B32B2250/246All polymers belonging to those covered by groups B32B27/32 and B32B27/30 B32B2250/248All polymers belonging to those covered by group B32B25/00 B32B2250/26All layers being made of paper or paperboard B32B2250/40Symmetrical or sandwich layers, e.g. ABA, ABCBA, ABCCBA B32B2250/42Alternating layers, e.g. ABAB(C), AABBAABB(C) B32B2250/44Number of layers variable across the laminate B32B2255/00Coating on the layer surfaceThis group is for classification of coatings on a layered product. Specific details of coatings or processes thereof can be found in C08J7/00, B05D, C09D, C09J, C23C or D06M. B32B2255/02on fibrous or filamentary layer B32B2255/04on a particulate layer B32B2255/06on metal layer B32B2255/062metal layer being a foamed layer B32B2255/08on wood layer B32B2255/10on synthetic resin layer or on natural or synthetic rubber layer B32B2255/102synthetic resin or rubber layer being a foamed layer B32B2255/12on paper layer B32B2255/20Inorganic coating B32B2255/205Metallic coating B32B2255/24Organic non-macromolecular coating B32B2255/26Polymeric coating B32B2255/28Multiple coating on one surface B32B2260/00Layered product comprising an impregnated, embedded, or bonded layer wherein the layer comprises an impregnation, embedding, or binder material B32B2260/02Composition of the impregnated, bonded or embedded layer B32B2260/021Fibrous or filamentary layer layers of natural mineral fibres or particles being impregnated in a plastic substance B32B19/02 B32B2260/023Two or more layers B32B2260/025Particulate layer layers of natural mineral fibres or particles being impregnated in a plastic substance B32B19/02 B32B2260/026Wood layer B32B2260/028Paper layer B32B2260/04Impregnation, embedding, or binder material B32B2260/042Bituminous or tarry substance B32B2260/044Water-setting substance, e.g. concrete, plaster B32B2260/046Synthetic resin B32B2260/048Natural or synthetic rubber B32B2262/00Composition or structural features of fibres which form a fibrous or filamentary layer or are present as additives B32B2262/02Synthetic macromolecular fibres B32B2262/0207Elastomeric fibres B32B2262/0215Thermoplastic elastomer fibers B32B2262/0223Vinyl resin fibres B32B2262/023Aromatic vinyl resin, e.g. styrenic (co)polymers B32B2262/0238Vinyl halide, e.g. PVC, PVDC, PVF, PVDF B32B2262/0246Acrylic resin fibres B32B2262/0253Polyolefin fibres vinyl or acrylic copolymers B32B2262/0223 or B32B2262/0246 B32B2262/0261Polyamide fibres B32B2262/0269Aromatic polyamide fibres B32B2262/0276Polyester fibres B32B2262/0284Polyethylene terephthalate [PET] or polybutylene terephthalate [PBT] B32B2262/0292Polyurethane fibres B32B2262/04Cellulosic plastic fibres, e.g. rayon B32B2262/06Vegetal fibres B32B2262/062Cellulose fibres, e.g. cotton B32B2262/065Lignocellulosic fibres, e.g. jute, sisal, hemp, flax, bamboo B32B2262/067Wood fibres B32B2262/08Animal fibres, e.g. hair, wool, silk B32B2262/10Inorganic fibres layered products comprising a layer of natural mineral fibres B32B19/00 B32B2262/101Glass fibres B32B2262/103Metal fibres B32B2262/105Ceramic fibres B32B2262/106Carbon fibres, e.g. graphite fibres B32B2262/108Rockwool fibres B32B2262/12Conjugate fibres, e.g. core/sheath or side-by-side B32B2262/124Non-woven fabric B32B2262/128Woven fabric B32B2262/132Knitted fabric B32B2262/136Net structure B32B2262/14Mixture of at least two fibres made of different materials B32B2262/144Non-woven fabric B32B2262/148Woven fabric B32B2262/152Knitted fabric B32B2262/156Net structure B32B2262/16Structural features of fibres, filaments or yarns e.g. wrapped, coiled, crimped or covered B32B2264/00Composition or properties of particles which form a particulate layer or are present as additives B32B2264/02Synthetic macromolecular particles B32B2264/0207Particles made of materials belonging to B32B25/00 B32B2264/0214Particles made of materials belonging to B32B27/00 B32B2264/0221Thermoplastic elastomer particles B32B2264/0228Vinyl resin particles, e.g. polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl alcohol polymers or ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers B32B2264/0235Aromatic vinyl resin, e.g. styrenic (co)polymers B32B2264/0242Vinyl halide, e.g. PVC, PVDC, PVF or PVDF (co)polymers B32B2264/025Acrylic resin particles, e.g. polymethyl methacrylate or ethylene-acrylate copolymers B32B2264/0257Polyolefin particles, e.g. polyethylene or polypropylene homopolymers or ethylene-propylene copolymers B32B2264/0264Polyamide particles B32B2264/0271Aromatic polyamide particles B32B2264/0278Polyester particles B32B2264/0285PET or PBT B32B2264/0292Polyurethane particles B32B2264/04Cellulosic particles, e.g. rayon B32B2264/06Vegetal particles B32B2264/062Cellulose particles, e.g. cotton B32B2264/065Lignocellulosic particles, e.g. jute, sisal, hemp, flax, bamboo B32B2264/067Wood particles B32B2264/08Animal particles, e.g. leather B32B2264/10Inorganic particles B32B2264/101Glass B32B2264/102Oxide or hydroxide B32B2264/1021Silica B32B2264/1022Titania B32B2264/1023Alumina B32B2264/1024Zirconia B32B2264/1025Zinc oxide B32B2264/1026Mica B32B2264/1027Clay B32B2264/104Oxysalt, e.g. carbonate, sulfate, phosphate or nitrate particles B32B2264/105Metal B32B2264/1051Silver or gold B32B2264/1052Aluminum B32B2264/1053Alkali metal B32B2264/1054Alkaline earth metal B32B2264/1055Copper or nickel B32B2264/1056Iron or steel B32B2264/1057Chromium B32B2264/1058Titanium B32B2264/1059Zinc B32B2264/107Ceramic B32B2264/108Carbon, e.g. graphite particles B32B2264/12Mixture of at least two particles made of different materials B32B2264/20Particles characterised by shape B32B2264/201Flat or platelet-shaped particles, e.g. flakes B32B2264/202Solid spheres B32B2264/203Expanded, porous or hollow particles B32B2264/2031Porous particles B32B2264/2032Hollow spheres B32B2264/204Rod- or needle-shaped particles B32B2264/30Particles characterised by physical dimension B32B2264/301Average diameter smaller than 100 nm B32B2264/302Average diameter in the range from 100 nm to 1000 nm B32B2264/303Average diameter greater than 1µm B32B2264/304Particle length B32B2264/305Particle size distribution, e.g. unimodal size distribution B32B2264/306Multimodal particle size distribution B32B2264/3065bimodal size distribution B32B2264/307Surface area of particles B32B2264/308Aspect ratio of particles B32B2264/40Pretreated particles B32B2264/401with inorganic substances B32B2264/402with organic substances B32B2264/4021with silicon-containing compounds B32B2264/403coated or encapsulated B32B2264/50Particles characterised by their position or distribution in a layer B32B2264/501homogeneously distributed B32B2264/502distributed in a gradient manner B32B2264/503distributed in a predetermined pattern in a thickness direction B32B2264/504distributed in a predetermined pattern in a direction perpendicular to the thickness B32B2266/00Composition of foam B32B2266/02Organic B32B2266/0207Materials belonging to B32B25/00 B32B2266/0214Materials belonging to B32B27/00 B32B2266/0221Vinyl resin B32B2266/0228Aromatic vinyl resin, e.g. styrenic (co)polymers B32B2266/0235Vinyl halide, e.g. PVC, PVDC, PVF, PVDF B32B2266/0242Acrylic resin B32B2266/025Polyolefin vinyl or acrylic copolymers B32B2266/0221, B32B2266/0242 B32B2266/0257Polyamide B32B2266/0264Polyester B32B2266/0271Epoxy resin B32B2266/0278Polyurethane B32B2266/0285Condensation resins of aldehydes, e.g. with phenols, ureas, melamines B32B2266/0292Thermoplastic elastomer B32B2266/031Bituminous or tarry material B32B2266/04Inorganic B32B2266/045Metal B32B2266/049Water-setting material, e.g. concrete, plaster or asbestos cement B32B2266/053Mineral element, e.g. asbestos or mica B32B2266/057Silicon-containing material, e.g. glass B32B2266/06Open cell foam B32B2266/08Closed cell foam B32B2266/10characterised by the foam pores B32B2266/102Nanopores, i.e. with average diameter smaller than 0.1 µm B32B2266/104Micropores, i.e. with average diameter in the range from 0.1 µm to 0.1 mm B32B2266/106Unimodal pore distribution B32B2266/108Bimodal pore distribution B32B2266/12Gel B32B2266/122Hydrogel, i.e. a gel containing an aqueous composition B32B2266/124Organogel, i.e. a gel containing an organic composition B32B2266/126Aerogel, i.e. a supercritically dried gel B32B2266/128Xerogel, i.e. an air dried gel B32B2266/14Adhesive foam B32B2270/00Resin or rubber layer containing a blend of at least two different polymers B32B2272/00Resin or rubber layer comprising scrap, waste or recycling material B32B2274/00Thermoplastic elastomer material thermoplastic elastomer fibres B32B2262/0215, thermoplastic elastomer particles B32B2264/0221, thermoplastic elastomer foam B32B2266/0292 B32B2305/00Condition, form, state or properties of the layers or laminate B32B2305/00Condition, form or state of the layers or laminate B32B2305/02Cellular or porous B32B2305/022Foam B32B2305/024Honeycomb B32B2305/026Porous B32B2305/028Hollow fillersSyntactic material B32B2305/07Parts immersed or impregnated in a matrix B32B2305/073partially B32B2305/076Prepregs B32B2305/08Reinforcements B32B2305/10Fibres of continuous length B32B2305/18Fabrics, textiles B32B2305/182knitted B32B2305/184Braided fabrics B32B2305/186Knitted fabrics B32B2305/188Woven fabrics B32B2305/20in the form of a non-woven mat B32B2305/22Fibres of short length B32B2305/24Whiskers B32B2305/28in the form of a mat B32B2305/30Fillers, e.g. particles, powders, beads, flakes, spheres, chips B32B2305/34Inserts B32B2305/342Chips B32B2305/345Heating elements B32B2305/347Security elements B32B2305/38Meshes, lattices or nets B32B2305/54Filled microcapsules B32B2305/55Liquid crystals B32B2305/70Scrap or recycled material B32B2305/72Cured, e.g. vulcanised, cross-linked B32B2305/74Partially cured B32B2305/77Uncured, e.g. green B32B2305/80Sintered B32B2307/00Properties of the layers or laminate B32B2307/10having particular acoustical properties B32B2307/102Insulating B32B2307/20having particular electrical or magnetic properties, e.g. piezoelectric B32B2307/202Conductive B32B2307/204Di-electric B32B2307/206Insulating B32B2307/208Magnetic, paramagnetic B32B2307/21Anti-static B32B2307/212Electromagnetic interference shielding B32B2307/30having particular thermal properties B32B2307/302Conductive B32B2307/304Insulating B32B2307/306Resistant to heat B32B2307/3065Flame resistant or retardant, fire resistant or retardant B32B2307/308Heat stability dimensional stability B32B2307/734 B32B2307/31Heat sealable B32B2307/40having particular optical properties light or UV resistant B32B2307/71 B32B2307/402Coloured B32B2307/4023on the layer surface, e.g. ink B32B2307/4026within the layer by addition of a colorant, e.g. pigments, dyes B32B2307/404Multi-coloured B32B2307/406Bright, glossy, shiny surface B32B2307/408Matt, dull surface B32B2307/409Iridescent, pearlescent surface B32B2307/41Opaque B32B2307/412Transparent B32B2307/414Translucent B32B2307/416Reflective B32B2307/418Refractive B32B2307/42Polarizing, birefringent, filtering B32B2307/422Luminescent, fluorescent, phosphorescent B32B2307/50having particular mechanical properties B32B2307/51Elastic B32B2307/514Oriented B32B2307/516mono-axially B32B2307/518bi-axially B32B2307/52multi-axially B32B2307/536Hardness B32B2307/538Roughness B32B2307/54Yield strengthTensile strength B32B2307/542Shear strength B32B2307/544Torsion strengthTorsion stiffness B32B2307/546Flexural strengthFlexion stiffness B32B2307/548Creep B32B2307/552Fatigue strength B32B2307/554Wear resistance B32B2307/558Impact strength, toughness B32B2307/56Damping, energy absorption B32B2307/58Cuttability B32B2307/581Resistant to cut B32B2307/582Tearability B32B2307/5825Tear resistant B32B2307/584Scratch resistance B32B2307/70Other properties B32B2307/702Amorphous B32B2307/704Crystalline B32B2307/706Anisotropic B32B2307/708Isotropic B32B2307/71Resistive to light or to UV B32B2307/712Weather resistant B32B2307/714Inert, i.e. inert to chemical degradation, corrosion B32B2307/7145Rot proof, resistant to bacteria, mildew, mould, fungi B32B2307/716Degradable B32B2307/7163Biodegradable B32B2307/7166Water-soluble, water-dispersible B32B2307/718Weight, e.g. weight per square meter B32B2307/72Density B32B2307/722Non-uniform density B32B2307/724Permeability to gases, adsorption B32B2307/7242Non-permeable B32B2307/7244Oxygen barrier B32B2307/7246Water vapor barrier B32B2307/7248Odour barrier B32B2307/726Permeability to liquids, absorption B32B2307/7265Non-permeable B32B2307/728Hydrophilic B32B2307/73Hydrophobic B32B2307/732Dimensional properties B32B2307/734Dimensional stability B32B2307/736Shrinkable B32B2307/738Thermoformability B32B2307/74Oxygen absorber B32B2307/744Non-slip, anti-slip B32B2307/746Slipping, anti-blocking, low friction B32B2307/748Releasability B32B2307/75Printability B32B2307/752Corrosion inhibitor B32B2307/754Self-cleaning B32B2307/756Refurbishable, i.e. marks or scratches can be removed B32B2307/758Odour absorbent B32B2307/762Self-repairing, self-healing B32B2307/764Insect repellent B32B2309/00Operating proceduresApparatus details B32B2309/00Parameters for the laminating or treatment processApparatus details B32B2309/02Temperature B32B2309/022Temperature vs pressure profiles B32B2309/025Temperature vs time profiles B32B2309/027Ambient temperature B32B2309/04Time B32B2309/06Angles B32B2309/08Dimensions, e.g. volume B32B2309/10linear, e.g. length, distance, width B32B2309/105Thickness B32B2309/12Pressure B32B2309/125Pressure vs time profiles B32B2309/14Velocity, e.g. feed speeds B32B2309/16Tension B32B2309/60In a particular environment B32B2309/62Inert B32B2309/64Sterile B32B2309/65Dust free, e.g. clean room B32B2309/66Fluid other than air B32B2309/68Vacuum B32B2309/70Automated, e.g. using a computer or microcomputer B32B2309/72For measuring or regulating, e.g. systems with feedback loops B32B2310/00Treatment by energy or chemical effects B32B2310/021using electrical effects B32B2310/08 and B32B2310/12 take precedence B32B2310/022Electrical resistance B32B2310/024Peltier effect B32B2310/025Electrostatic charges B32B2310/027using friction B32B2310/028using vibration, e.g. sonic or ultrasonic B32B2310/04using liquids, gas or steam B32B2310/0409using liquids B32B2310/0418other than water B32B2310/0427Liquified gases B32B2310/0436Oil B32B2310/0445using gas or flames B32B2310/0427 takes precedence B32B2310/0454Hot air B32B2310/0463other than air B32B2310/0472inert gas B32B2310/0481Ozone B32B2310/049using steam or damp B32B2310/08by wave energy or particle radiation B32B2310/0806using electromagnetic radiation B32B2310/0812using induction B32B2310/0818using eddy currents B32B2310/0825using IR radiation B32B2310/0831using UV radiation B32B2310/0837using actinic light B32B2310/0843using laser B32B2310/085using X-ray B32B2310/0856using gamma-ray B32B2310/0862using microwave B32B2310/0868using radio frequency B32B2310/0875using particle radiation B32B2310/0881using ion-radiation, e.g. alpha-rays B32B2310/0887using electron radiation, e.g. beta-rays B32B2310/0893using neutron radiation B32B2310/12using dielectric properties B32B2310/14Corona, ionisation, electrical discharge, plasma treatment B32B2311/00Inorganic materials used for the layers, laminate or apparatus components B32B2311/00Metals, their alloys or their compoundsAlloys and compounds of specific metals are indexed with the same indexing code as the specific metals B32B2311/005Shape memory alloys B32B2311/02Noble metals B32B2311/04Gold B32B2311/06Platinum B32B2311/08Silver B32B2311/09Palladium B32B2311/10Mercury B32B2311/12Copper B32B2311/14Lead B32B2311/16Tin B32B2311/18Titanium B32B2311/20Zinc B32B2311/22Nickel or cobalt B32B2311/24Aluminium B32B2311/30Iron, e.g. steel B32B2313/00Elements other than metals B32B2313/02Boron B32B2313/04Carbon B32B2315/00Other materials containing non-metallic inorganic compounds not provided for in groups B32B2311/00 - B32B2313/04 B32B2315/02Ceramics B32B2315/06Concrete B32B2315/08Glass B32B2315/085Glass fiber cloth or fabric B32B2315/10Mica B32B2315/12Asbestos B32B2315/14Mineral wool B32B2315/16Clay B32B2315/18Plaster B32B2317/00Other natural products or their composites used for the layers, laminate or apparatus components not provided for in groups B32B2311/00 - B32B2315/18 and B32B2319/00 - B32B2398/20 B32B2317/00Animal or vegetable based B32B2317/02Cork B32B2317/04Linoleum B32B2317/06BoneHornIvory B32B2317/08Natural leather B32B2317/10Natural fibres, e.g. wool, cotton B32B2317/12Paper, e.g. cardboard B32B2317/122Kraft paper B32B2317/125impregnated with thermosetting resin B32B2317/127Corrugated cardboard B32B2317/16Wood, e.g. woodboard, fibreboard, woodchips B32B2317/18Cellulose, modified cellulose or cellulose derivatives, e.g. viscose B32B2317/10, B32B2317/12, B32B2317/16 take precedence B32B2317/20Starch B32B2317/22Natural rubber synthetic rubber B32B2319/00 B32B2317/24Oil B32B2318/02 takes precedence B32B2318/00Mineral based B32B2318/02Oil B32B2318/04Stone B32B2319/00Organic materials used for the layers, laminate or apparatus components B32B2319/00Synthetic rubber natural rubber B32B2317/22In groups B32B2319/00 - B32B2386/00, C-Sets are used. Detailed information about C-Sets construction and the associated syntax rules is found in the Definitions. B32B2323/00Polyalkenes B32B2323/04Polyethylene B32B2323/043HDPE, i.e. high density polyethylene B32B2323/046LDPE, i.e. low density polyethylene B32B2323/10Polypropylene B32B2323/16EPDM, i.e. ethylene propylene diene monomer B32B2325/00Polymers of vinyl-aromatic compounds, e.g. polystyrene B32B2327/00Polyvinylhalogenides B32B2327/06PVC, i.e. polyvinylchloride B32B2327/12containing fluorine B32B2327/18PTFE, i.e. polytetrafluoroethylene B32B2329/00Polyvinylalcohols, polyvinylethers, polyvinylaldehydes, polyvinylketones or polyvinylketals B32B2329/04Polyvinylalcohol B32B2329/06PVB, i.e. polyinylbutyral B32B2331/00Polyvinylesters B32B2331/04Polymers of vinyl acetate, e.g. PVA B32B2333/00Polymers of unsaturated acids or derivatives thereof B32B2333/04Polymers of esters B32B2333/08Polymers of acrylic acid esters, e.g. PMA, i.e. polymethylacrylate B32B2333/12Polymers of methacrylic acid esters, e.g. PMMA, i.e. polymethylmethacrylate B32B2355/00Specific polymers obtained by polymerisation reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds, not provided for in a single one of index codes B32B2323/00 - B32B2333/00 B32B2355/02ABS polymers, i.e. acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene polymers B32B2361/00Phenoplast, aminoplast B32B2363/00Epoxy resins B32B2367/00Polyesters, e.g. PET, i.e. polyethylene terephthalate B32B2369/00Polycarbonates B32B2371/00Polyethers, e.g. PEEK, i.e. polyether-etherketonePEK, i.e. polyetherketone B32B2375/00PolyureasPolyurethanes B32B2377/00Polyamides B32B2379/00Other polymers having nitrogen, with or without oxygen or carbon only, in the main chain B32B2379/08Polyimides B32B2383/00Polysiloxanes B32B2386/00Specific polymers obtained by polycondensation or polyaddition not provided for in a single one of index codes B32B2363/00 - B32B2383/00 B32B2391/00Waxes B32B2395/00Bituminous material, e.g. tar, asphalt B32B2398/00Unspecified macromolecular compounds B32B2398/10Thermosetting resins B32B2398/20Thermoplastics B32B2405/00Particular articlesParts of specific articles are indexed with the same indexing codes as the articles B32B2405/00Adhesive articles, e.g. adhesive tapes labels B32B2519/00 B32B2410/00Agriculture-related articles B32B2413/00Belts conveyor belts B32B2433/02; drive belts B32B2433/04 B32B2419/00Buildings or parts thereof walls, panels B32B2607/00 B32B2419/02Bricks B32B2419/04Tiles for floors or walls tiles for roofs B32B2419/06 B32B2419/06Roofs, roof membranes B32B2425/00Cards, e.g. identity cards, credit cards B32B2429/00Carriers for sound or information B32B2429/02Records or discs B32B2432/00Cleaning articles, e.g. mops, wipes personal care B32B2555/00 B32B2433/00Closed loop articles B32B2433/02Conveyor belts B32B2433/04Driving belts B32B2435/00Closures, end caps, stoppers B32B2435/02for containers B32B2437/00Clothing anti-ballistic clothing B32B2571/02 B32B2437/02Gloves, shoes B32B2437/04Caps, helmets B32B2439/00ContainersReceptacles closures therefor B32B2435/00 B32B2439/02Open containers B32B2439/06Bags, sacks, sachets B32B2439/40Closed containers B32B2439/46Bags B32B2439/60Bottles B32B2439/62Boxes, cartons, cases B32B2439/66Cans, tins B32B2439/70Food packaging B32B2439/80Medical packaging B32B2451/00Decorative or ornamental articles wall paper B32B2607/02 B32B2457/00Electrical equipment B32B2457/04Insulators B32B2457/08PCBs, i.e. printed circuit boards B32B2457/10Batteries B32B2457/12Photovoltaic modules B32B2457/14Semiconductor wafers B32B2457/16Capacitors B32B2457/18Fuel cells B32B2457/20Displays, e.g. liquid crystal displays, plasma displays B32B2457/202LCD, i.e. liquid crystal displays B32B2457/204Plasma displays B32B2457/206Organic displays, e.g. OLED B32B2457/208Touch screens B32B2459/00Nets, e.g. camouflage nets B32B2471/00Floor coverings B32B2419/04 takes precedence B32B2471/02Carpets B32B2471/04Mats B32B2475/00Frictional elements B32B2479/00Furniture upholstery B32B2601/00 B32B2509/00Household appliances B32B2509/10Refrigerators or refrigerating equipment B32B2519/00Labels, badges B32B2519/02RFID tags B32B2535/00Medical equipment, e.g. bandage, prostheses, catheter medical patches B32B2556/00 B32B2551/00Optical elements B32B2551/08Mirrors B32B2553/00Packaging equipment or accessories not otherwise provided for B32B2553/02Shock absorbing B32B2553/023for use in loose form, e.g. dunnage B32B2553/026Bubble films B32B2554/00Paper of special types, e.g. banknotes B32B2555/00Personal care B32B2555/02Diapers or napkins B32B2556/00Patches, e.g. medical patches, repair patches B32B2559/00Photographic equipment or accessories B32B2571/00Protective equipment B32B2571/02defensive, e.g. armour plates, anti-ballistic clothing camouflage nets B32B2459/00 B32B2581/00SealsSealing equipmentGaskets B32B2590/00Signboards, advertising panels, road signs B32B2597/00Tubular articles, e.g. hoses, pipes B32B2601/00Upholstery B32B2603/00Vanes, blades, propellers, rotors with blades B32B2605/00Vehicles B32B2605/003Interior finishings B32B2605/006Transparent parts made from plastic material, e.g. windows B32B2605/08Cars B32B2605/10Trains B32B2605/12Ships B32B2605/16Submarines B32B2605/18Aircraft blades, propellers B32B2603/00 B32B2607/00Walls, panels B32B2607/02Wall papers, wall coverings