C13KSACCHARIDES OBTAINED FROM NATURAL SOURCES OR BY HYDROLYSIS OF NATURALLY OCCURRING DISACCHARIDES, OLIGOSACCHARIDES OR POLYSACCHARIDES chemically synthesised sugars or sugar derivatives C07H; polysaccharides, e.g. starch, derivatives thereof C08B; malt C12C; fermentation or enzyme-using processes for preparing compounds containing saccharide radicals C12P19/00; production of sucrose C13B C13K1/00 C13K1/00Glucose separation from invert sugar C13K3/00Glucose-containing syrups C13K1/02obtained by saccharification of cellulosic materials manufacture of fodder A23K10/32 C13K1/04Purifying C13K1/06obtained by saccharification of starch or raw materials containing starch C13K1/08Purifying C13K1/10Crystallisation C13K3/00Invert sugarSeparation of glucose or fructose from invert sugar C13K5/00Lactose C13K7/00Maltose C13K11/00Fructose separation from invert sugar C13K3/00 C13K13/00Sugars not otherwise provided for in this class C13K13/002Xylose C13K13/005Lactulose C13K13/007Separation of sugars provided for in subclass C13K C13K3/00 takes precedence