A01HNEW PLANTS OR NON-TRANSGENIC PROCESSES FOR OBTAINING THEMPLANT REPRODUCTION BY TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUES This subclass covers all aspects related to new plants, including disease resistance, cold resistance and growth speed. In this subclass, angiosperms, i.e. flowering plants, are classified in group A01H6/00 according to their botanic taxonomy and in group A01H5/00 according to their plant parts, where disclosed.
A01H1/00Processes A01H1/00Processes for modifying genotypes ; Plants characterised by associated natural traits A01H4/00 takes precedenceGroup A01H1/00 is impacted by reclassification into groups A01H1/02, A01H1/021, A01H1/022, A01H1/023, A01H1/024, A01H1/026, A01H1/04, A01H1/045, A01H1/09, A01H1/10, A01H1/101, A01H1/102, A01H1/103, A01H1/104, A01H1/105, A01H1/106, A01H1/107, A01H1/108, A01H1/109, A01H1/12, A01H1/1205, A01H1/121, A01H1/1215, A01H1/122, A01H1/1225, A01H1/123, A01H1/1235, A01H1/124, A01H1/1245, A01H1/125, A01H1/1255, A01H1/126, A01H1/1265, A01H1/127, and A01H1/129.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/02Methods or apparatus for hybridisationArtificial pollination ; FertilityGroup A01H1/02 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group A01H1/00.
Group A01H1/02 is also impacted by reclassification into groups A01H1/021, A01H1/022, A01H1/023, A01H1/024, and A01H1/026.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/021Methods of breeding using interspecific crosses, i.e. interspecies crossesGroup A01H1/021 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups A01H1/00 and A01H1/02.
Groups A01H1/00, A01H1/02 and A01H1/021 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/022Genic fertility modification, e.g. apomixisGroups A01H1/022, A01H1/023, and A01H1/024 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups A01H1/00 and A01H1/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/023Male sterility A01H1/024Female sterility
A01H1/026by treatment with chemicalsGroup A01H1/026 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups A01H1/00 and A01H1/02.
Groups A01H1/00, A01H1/02, and A01H1/026 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/027Apparatus for pollination
A01H1/04Processes of selection involving genotypic or phenotypic markers; Methods of using phenotypic markers for selectionThis group covers the use of phenotypic markers for selection, insofar as the output or input traits are not covered by groups A01H1/10 - A01H1/129.Group A01H1/04 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group A01H1/00.
Group A01H1/04 is also impacted by reclassification into group A01H1/045.
Groups A01H1/00, A01H1/04, and A01H1/045 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/045using molecular markersGroup A01H1/045 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups A01H1/00 and A01H1/04.
Groups A01H1/00, A01H1/04, and A01H1/045 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/06Processes for producing mutations, e.g. treatment with chemicals or with radiation specific mutations prepared by genetic engineering on plant cell or plant tissues C12N15/00 ; process for producing transgenic plants C12N15/82 A01H1/08Methods for producing changes in chromosome numberGroup A01H1/08 is impacted by reclassification into group A01H1/09.
Groups A01H1/08, and A01H1/09 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/09Apparatus for producing changes in chromosome numberGroup A01H1/09 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group A01H1/08.
Groups A01H1/08, and A01H1/09 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/10Processes for modifying non-agronomic quality output traits, e.g. for industrial processing; Value added, non-agronomic traitsGroups A01H1/10 - A01H1/109 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group A01H1/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/101involving biosynthetic or metabolic pathways, i.e. metabolic engineering, e.g. nicotine or caffeine A01H1/102involving modified carbohydrate or sugar alcohol metabolism, e.g. starch biosynthesis A01H1/103Non-starch polysaccharides, e.g. cellulose, fructans or levans A01H1/104involving modified lipid metabolism, e.g. seed oil composition A01H1/105involving altered sterol composition A01H1/106involving fruit development, senescence or ethylene biosynthesis, e.g. modified tomato ripening or cut flower shelf-life A01H1/107involving pigment biosynthesis A01H1/108involving amino acid content, e.g. synthetic storage proteins or altering amino acid biosynthesis A01H1/109involving lignin biosynthesis
A01H1/12Processes for modifying agronomic input traits, e.g. crop yieldGroups A01H1/12 - A01H1/129 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group A01H1/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H1/1205Abscission; Dehiscence; Senescence A01H1/121Plant growth habits A01H1/1215Flower development or morphology, e.g. flowering promoting factor [FPF] A01H1/122for stress resistance, e.g. heavy metal resistance A01H1/1225for drought, cold or salt resistance A01H1/123for herbicide resistance A01H1/1235to glyphosate A01H1/124to sulfonylurea A01H1/1245for biotic stress resistance, e.g. pathogen, pest or disease resistance A01H1/125for bacterial resistance A01H1/1255for fungal resistance A01H1/126for virus resistance A01H1/1265for nematode resistance A01H1/127for insect resistance A01H1/129involving hormone-influenced development, e.g. auxin
A01H3/00Processes for modifying phenotypes , e.g. symbiosis with bacteria A01H4/00 takes precedence A01H3/02by controlling duration, wavelength, intensity, or periodicity of illumination A01H3/04by treatment with chemicals A01H4/00Plant reproduction by tissue culture techniques ; Tissue culture techniques therefor A01H4/001Culture apparatus for tissue cultureGroup A01H4/001 is impacted by reclassification into group A01H4/002.
Groups A01H4/001 and A01H4/002 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H4/002Culture media for tissue cultureGroup A01H4/002 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group A01H4/001.
Groups A01H4/001 and A01H4/002 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
A01H4/003Cutting apparatus specially adapted for tissue culture A01H4/005Methods for micropropagation; Vegetative plant propagation using cell or tissue culture techniques A01H4/006Encapsulated embryos for plant reproduction, e.g. artificial seeds A01H4/008Methods for regeneration to complete plants
A01H5/00Products A01H5/00Angiosperms, i.e. flowering plants, characterised by their plant partsAngiosperms characterised otherwise than by their botanic taxonomy A01H5/02Flowers A01H5/04Stems A01H5/06Roots A01H5/08Fruits A01H5/10Seeds A01H5/12Leaves A01H6/00Angiosperms, i.e. flowering plants, characterised by their botanic taxonomy A01H6/02Amaranthaceae or Chenopodiaceae, e.g. beet or spinach A01H6/024Beta vulgaris [beet] A01H6/028Spinacia oleracea [spinach] A01H6/04Amaryllidaceae, e.g. onion A01H6/045Allium cepa [onion] A01H6/06Apiaceae, e.g. celery or carrot A01H6/064Apium graveolens [celery] A01H6/068Daucus carota [carrot] A01H6/08Apocynaceae, e.g. Madagascar periwinkle A01H6/084Catharanthus, e.g. Madagascar periwinkle A01H6/088Mandevilla A01H6/10Aroideae, e.g. Zantedeschia A01H6/12Asparagaceae, e.g. Hosta A01H6/14Asteraceae or Compositae, e.g. safflower, sunflower, artichoke or lettuce A01H6/1408Aster A01H6/1416Carthamus tinctorius [safflower] A01H6/1424Chrysanthemum A01H6/1432Cynara cardunculus [artichoke] A01H6/144Dahlia A01H6/1448Echinacea A01H6/1456Gerbera A01H6/1464Helianthus annuus [sunflower] A01H6/1472Lactuca sativa [lettuce] A01H6/148Osteospermum A01H6/1488Stevia A01H6/1496Tagetes [marigold] A01H6/16Balsaminaceae, e.g. Impatiens A01H6/165Impatiens A01H6/18Begoniaceae, e.g. Begonia A01H6/185Begonia A01H6/20Brassicaceae, e.g. canola, broccoli or rucola A01H6/201Brassica juncea A01H6/202Brassica napus [canola] A01H6/203Brassica oleraceae, e.g. broccoli or kohlrabi A01H6/204Brassica rapa A01H6/205Eruca sativa [rucola, arugula or rocket] A01H6/206Raphanus sativus [radish] A01H6/207Sinapis alba [white mustard] A01H6/22Bromeliaceae A01H6/223Aechmea fasciata A01H6/225Guzmania A01H6/228Vriesea A01H6/24Cactaceae, e.g. cactus or Easter cactus A01H6/26Campanulaceae A01H6/264Campanula A01H6/268Lobelia A01H6/28Cannabaceae, e.g. cannabis A01H6/30Caryophyllaceae A01H6/305Dianthus carnations A01H6/32Crassulaceae A01H6/324Kalanchoe A01H6/328Sedum A01H6/34Cucurbitaceae, e.g. bitter melon, cucumber or watermelon  A01H6/342Citrullus lanatus [watermelon] A01H6/344Cucumis melo [melon] A01H6/346Cucumis sativus[cucumber] A01H6/348Cucurbita, e.g. squash or pumpkin A01H6/36Ericaceae, e.g. azalea, cranberry or blueberry A01H6/364Rhododendron, e.g. Azalea A01H6/368Vaccinium, e.g. cranberry, blueberry A01H6/38Euphorbiaceae, e.g. Poinsettia A01H6/385Euphorbia, e.g. Poinsettia A01H6/40Gentianaceae, e.g. Exacum A01H6/42Geraniaceae, e.g. Geranium A01H6/425Pelargonium [Geranium] A01H6/44Gesneriaceae, e.g. African violet A01H6/444Saintpaulia [African violet] A01H6/448Streptocarpus A01H6/46Gramineae or Poaceae, e.g. ryegrass, rice, wheat or maize A01H6/4606Agrostis [bentgrass] A01H6/4612Cynodon [Bermudagrass] A01H6/4618Fescue A01H6/4624Hordeum vulgarus [barley] A01H6/463Lolium [ryegrass] A01H6/4636Oryza sp. [rice] A01H6/4642Panicum [switchgrass] A01H6/4648Paspalum A01H6/4654Pennisetum [pearl millet] A01H6/466Poa, e.g. bluegrass A01H6/4666Sorghum, e.g. sudangrass A01H6/4672Triticale A01H6/4678Triticum sp. [wheat] A01H6/4684Zea mays [maize] A01H6/469Zoysia A01H6/48Hydrangeacae, e.g. Hydrangea A01H6/50Lamiaceae, e.g. lavender, mint or chia A01H6/502Lavendula, e.g. lavender A01H6/504Mentha sp., e.g. mint A01H6/506Ocimum basilicum [basil] A01H6/508Salvia sp., e.g. chia A01H6/52Lauraceae, e.g. avocado A01H6/525Persea [avocado] A01H6/54Leguminosae or Fabaceae, e.g. soybean, alfalfa or peanut A01H6/541Arachis hypogaea [peanut] A01H6/542Glycine max [soybean] A01H6/543Lupinus A01H6/544Medicago sativa [alfalfa] A01H6/545Phaseolus, e.g. kidney beans, scarlet runners or spotted beans A01H6/546Pisum sativum [pea] A01H6/547Vigna [cowpea] A01H6/56Liliaceae, e.g. Alstroemeria or Lilium A01H6/564Alstroemeria A01H6/568Lilium A01H6/58Linaceae, e.g. flax A01H6/60Malvaceae, e.g. cotton or hibiscus A01H6/604Gossypium [cotton] A01H6/608Hibiscus A01H6/62Orchidaceae [Orchid family] A01H6/64Papaveraceae, e.g. poppy A01H6/66Pedaliaceae, e.g. sesame A01H6/68Plantaginaceae, e.g. Antirrhinum A01H6/70Polemoniaceae, e.g. Phlox A01H6/72Ranunculaceae, e.g. Clematis A01H6/74Rosaceae, e.g. strawberry, apple, almonds, pear, rose, blackberries or raspberries A01H6/7409Fragaria, i.e. strawberries A01H6/7418Malus domestica, i.e. apples A01H6/7427Prunus, e.g. almonds A01H6/7436Apricots A01H6/7445Cherries A01H6/7454Nectarines A01H6/7463Peaches A01H6/7472Plums A01H6/7481Pyrus, i.e. pears A01H6/749Rosa, i.e. roses A01H6/7499Rubus, e.g. blackberries or raspberries A01H6/76Rubiaceae, e.g. Pentas A01H6/78Rutaceae, e.g. lemons or limes A01H6/785Citrus, e.g. lemons or limes A01H6/80Saxifragaceae, e.g. Heuchera A01H6/82Solanaceae, e.g. pepper, tobacco, potato, tomato or eggplant A01H6/821Calibrachoa A01H6/822Capsicum sp. [pepper] A01H6/823Nicotiana, e.g. tobacco A01H6/824Petunia A01H6/825Solanum lycopersicum [tomato] A01H6/826Solanum melongena [eggplant] A01H6/827Solanum tuberosum [potato] A01H6/84Urticaceae, e.g. ramie A01H6/86Verbenaceae, e.g. Verbena A01H6/88Vitaceae, e.g. Vitus [grape] A01H7/00Gymnosperms, e.g. conifers A01H9/00Pteridophytes, e.g. ferns, club-mosses, horse-tails A01H11/00Bryophytes, e.g. mosses, liverworts A01H13/00Algae unicellular algae C12N1/12 A01H15/00FungiLichens fungal microorganisms C12N1/14 A01H17/00Symbiotic or parasitic combinations including one or more new plants, e.g. mycorrhiza lichens A01H15/00