G10HELECTROPHONIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSINSTRUMENTS IN WHICH THE TONES ARE GENERATED BY ELECTROMECHANICAL MEANS OR ELECTRONIC GENERATORS, OR IN WHICH THE TONES ARE SYNTHESISED FROM A DATA STOREThis subclass covers musical instruments in which individual notes are constituted as electric oscillations under the control of a performer and the oscillations are converted to sound-vibrations by a loud-speaker or equivalent instrument.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G10H1/00 G10H1/00Details of electrophonic musical instruments G10H1/0008Associated control or indicating means G10H1/0016Means for indicating which keys, frets or strings are to be actuated, e.g. using lights or leds G10H1/0025Automatic or semi-automatic music composition, e.g. producing random music, applying rules from music theory or modifying a musical piece automatically producing a series of tones G10H1/26 G10H1/0033Recording/reproducing or transmission of music for electrophonic musical instruments G10H1/0041in coded form G10H1/005on magnetic tape G10H1/0058Transmission between separate instruments or between individual components of a musical system G10H1/0083 takes precedence G10H1/0066using a MIDI interface G10H1/0075with translation or conversion means for unvailable commands, e.g. special tone colors G10H1/0083using wireless transmission, e.g. radio, light, infrared G10H1/0091Means for obtaining special acoustic effects combined with modulation G10H1/043 G10H1/02Means for controlling the tone frequencies, e.g. attack or decayMeans for producing special musical effects, e.g. vibratos or glissandos G10H1/04by additional modulation G10H1/043Continuous modulation G10H1/045by electromechanical means G10H1/047by acousto-mechanical means, e.g. rotating speakers or sound deflectors G10H1/053during execution only voice controlled instruments G10H5/005 G10H1/0535by switches incorporating a mechanical vibrator, the envelope of the mechanical vibration being used as modulating signal G10H1/055by switches with variable impedance elements G10H1/0551using variable capacitors G10H1/0553using optical or light-responsive means G10H1/0555using magnetic or electromagnetic means G10H1/0556using piezo-electric means G10H1/0558using variable resistors G10H1/057by envelope-forming circuits G10H1/0575using a data store from which the envelope is synthesized tones synthesized from a data store G10H7/00 G10H1/06Circuits for establishing the harmonic content of tones , or other arrangements for changing the tone colour G10H1/08by combining tones G10H1/14, G10H1/16 take precedence; chord G10H1/38 G10H1/10for obtaining chorus, celeste or ensemble effects continuous modulation G10H1/043 G10H1/12by filtering complex waveforms G10H1/14, G10H1/16 take precedence G10H1/125using a digital filter G10H1/14during execution voice controlled instruments G10H5/005 G10H1/16by non-linear elements G10H1/14 takes precedence G10H1/18Selecting circuits G10H1/181Suppression of switching-noise G10H1/182Key multiplexing G10H1/185 takes precedence G10H1/183Channel-assigning means for polyphonic instruments G10H1/185associated with key multiplexing G10H1/186Microprocessor-controlled keyboard and assigning means G10H1/187using multiplexed channel processors G10H1/186 takes precedence G10H1/188with means to assign more than one channel to any single key G10H1/20for transposition G10H1/22for suppressing tonesPreference networks G10H1/24for selecting plural preset register stops G10H1/26for automatically producing a series of tones G10H1/28to produce arpeggios G10H1/30to reiteratively sound two tones G10H1/32Constructional details G10H1/34Switch arrangements, e.g. keyboards or mechanical switches specially adapted for electrophonic musical instruments G10H1/342for guitar-like instruments with or without strings and with a neck on which switches or string-fret contacts are used to detect the notes being played electric guitars in which the tones are generated by the vibration of strings G10H3/18 G10H1/344Structural association with individual keys electrically operated wind-actuated organs G10B3/22 G10H1/346Keys with an arrangement for simulating the feeling of a piano key, e.g. using counterweights, springs, cams G10H1/348Switches actuated by parts of the body other than fingers G10H1/36Accompaniment arrangements G10H1/361Recording/reproducing of accompaniment for use with an external source, e.g. karaoke systems G10H1/363using optical disks, e.g. CD, CD-ROM, to store accompaniment information in digital form G10H1/365the accompaniment information being stored on a host computer and transmitted to a reproducing terminal by means of a network, e.g. public telephone lines G10H1/366with means for modifying or correcting the external signal, e.g. pitch correction, reverberation, changing a singer's voice G10H1/368displaying animated or moving pictures synchronized with the music or audio part G10H1/38Chord G10H1/383Chord detection and/or recognition, e.g. for correction, or automatic bass generation G10H1/386One-finger or one-key chord systems G10H1/40Rhythm G10H1/42comprising tone forming circuits G10H1/44Tuning means G10H1/46Volume control G10H3/00Instruments in which the tones are generated by electromechanical means G10H3/02using mechanical interrupters G10H3/03using pick-up means for reading recorded waves, e.g. on rotating discs drums, tapes or wires G10H3/06using photoelectric pick-up means G10H3/08using inductive pick-up means G10H3/09using tapes or wires G10H3/10using capacitive pick-up means G10H3/12using mechanical resonant generators, e.g. strings or percussive instruments, the tones of which are picked up by electromechanical transducers, the electrical signals being further manipulated or amplified and subsequently converted to sound by a loudspeaker or equivalent instrument G10H3/125Extracting or recognising the pitch or fundamental frequency of the picked up signal G10H3/14using mechanically actuated vibrators with pick-up means G10H3/24 takes precedence G10H3/143characterised by the use of a piezo-electric or magneto-strictive transducer G10H3/146using a membrane, e.g. a drum; Pick-up means for vibrating surfaces, e.g. housing of an instrument G10H3/16using a reed G10H3/18using a string, e.g. electric guitar mechanical features G10D1/085 G10H3/181Details of pick-up assemblies G10H3/182using two or more pick-up means for each string G10H3/183in which the position of the pick-up means is adjustable G10H3/185in which the tones are picked up through the bridge structure G10H3/186Means for processing the signal picked up from the strings filtering G10H1/12 G10H3/187for distorting the signal, e.g. to simulate tube amplifiers changing the tone color by non-linear elements G10H1/16 G10H3/188for converting the signal to digital format transmission using a MIDI interface G10H1/0066 G10H3/20using a tuning fork, rod or tube G10H3/22using electromechanically actuated vibrators with pick-up means G10H3/24 takes precedence G10H3/24incorporating feedback means, e.g. acoustic G10H3/26using electric feedback G10H5/00Instruments in which the tones are generated by means of electronic generators G10H7/00 takes precedence G10H5/002Instruments using voltage controlled oscillators and amplifiers or voltage controlled oscillators and filters, e.g. Synthesisers G10H5/005Voice controlled instruments G10H5/007Real-time simulation of G10B, G10C, G10D-type instruments using recursive or non-linear techniques, e.g. waveguide networks, recursive algorithms G10H5/02using generation of basic tones G10H5/04with semiconductor devices as active elements G10H3/10, G10H3/12 take precedence G10H5/06tones generated by frequency multiplication or division of a basic tone G10H5/07resulting in complex waveforms G10H5/08tones generated by heterodyning G10H5/10using generation of non-sinusoidal basic tones, e.g. saw-tooth G10H5/06 takes precedence G10H5/12using semiconductor devices as active elements G10H5/14using electromechanical resonators, e.g. quartz crystals, as frequency determining element G10H5/02, G10H5/08 take precedence G10H5/16using cathode ray tubes G10H7/00Instruments in which the tones are synthesised from a data store, e.g. computer organs G10H7/002using a common processing for different operations or calculations, and a set of microinstructions (programme) to control the sequence thereof G10H7/004with one or more auxiliary processor in addition to the main processing unit G10H7/006using two or more algorithms of different types to generate tones, e.g. according to tone color or to processor workload G10H7/008Means for controlling the transition from one tone waveform to another G10H7/02in which amplitudes at successive sample points of a tone waveform are stored in one or more memories G10H7/04in which amplitudes are read at varying rates, e.g. according to pitch G10H7/045using an auxiliary register or set of registers, e.g. a shift-register, in which the amplitudes are transferred before being read G10H7/06in which amplitudes are read at a fixed rate, the read-out address varying stepwise by a given value, e.g. according to pitch G10H7/08by calculating functions or polynomial approximations to evaluate amplitudes at successive sample points of a tone waveform G10H7/10using coefficients or parameters stored in a memory, e.g. Fourier coefficients G10H7/12 takes precedence G10H7/105using Fourier coefficients G10H7/12by means of a recursive algorithm using one or more sets of parameters stored in a memory and the calculated amplitudes of one or more preceding sample points G10H2210/00 G10H2210/00Aspects or methods of musical processing having intrinsic musical character, i.e. involving musical theory or musical parameters or relying on musical knowledge, as applied in electrophonic musical tools or instruments processing aspects without intrinsic musical character G10H2250/00 G10H2210/005Musical accompaniment, i.e. complete instrumental rhythm synthesis added to a performed melody, e.g. as output by drum machines background music G10H2210/021 G10H2210/011Fill-in added to normal accompaniment pattern G10H2210/015Accompaniment break, i.e. interrupting then restarting G10H2210/021Background music, e.g. for video sequences, elevator music musical accompaniment G10H2210/005 G10H2210/026for games, e.g. videogames G10H2210/031Musical analysis, i.e. isolation, extraction or identification of musical elements or musical parameters from a raw acoustic signal or from an encoded audio signal neural networks for electrophonic musical instruments or musical processing G10H2250/311 G10H2210/036of musical genre, i.e. analysing the style of musical pieces, usually for selection, filtering or classification G10H2210/041based on mfcc [mel -frequency spectral coefficients] G10H2210/046for differentiation between music and non-music signals, based on the identification of musical parameters, e.g. based on tempo detection G10H2210/051for extraction or detection of onsets of musical sounds or notes, i.e. note attack timings G10H2210/056for extraction or identification of individual instrumental parts, e.g. melody, chords, bassIdentification or separation of instrumental parts by their characteristic voices or timbres G10H2210/061for extraction of musical phrases, isolation of musically relevant segments, e.g. musical thumbnail generation, or for temporal structure analysis of a musical piece, e.g. determination of the movement sequence of a musical work G10H2210/066for pitch analysis as part of wider processing for musical purposes, e.g. transcription, musical performance evaluationPitch recognition, e.g. in polyphonic soundsEstimation or use of missing fundamental G10H2210/071for rhythm pattern analysis or rhythm style recognition rhythm pattern per se G10H2210/341 G10H2210/076for extraction of timing, tempoBeat detection tempo display G10H2220/081; tempo control G10H2210/375 G10H2210/081for automatic key or tonality recognition, e.g. using musical rules or a knowledge base G10H2210/086for transcription of raw audio or music data to a displayed or printed staff representation or to displayable MIDI-like note-oriented data, e.g. in pianoroll format G10H2210/091for performance evaluation, i.e. judging, grading or scoring the musical qualities or faithfulness of a performance, e.g. with respect to pitch, tempo or other timings of a reference performance G10H2210/095Inter-note articulation aspects, e.g. legato or staccato G10H2210/101Music Composition or musical creationTools or processes therefor G10H2210/105Composing aid, e.g. for supporting creation, edition or modification of a piece of music G10H2210/111Automatic composing, i.e. using predefined musical rules G10H2210/115using a random process to generate a musical note, phrase, sequence or structure using a random process to build a rhythm pattern G10H2210/356; random rhythm pattern selection G10H2210/366 G10H2210/121using a knowledge base G10H2210/125Medley, i.e. linking parts of different musical pieces in one single piece, e.g. sound collage, DJ mix G10H2210/131Morphing, i.e. transformation of a musical piece into a new different one, e.g. remix G10H2210/136Morphing interpolation, i.e. interpolating in pitch, harmony or time, tempo or rhythm, between two different musical pieces, e.g. to produce a new musical work G10H2210/141Riff, i.e. improvisation, e.g. repeated motif or phrase, automatically added to a piece, e.g. in real time G10H2210/145Composing rules, e.g. harmonic or musical rules, for use in automatic compositionRule generation algorithms therefor G10H2210/151using templates, i.e. incomplete musical sections, as a basis for composing G10H2210/155Musical effects G10H2210/161Note sequence effects, i.e. sensing, altering, controlling, processing or synthesising a note trigger selection or sequence, e.g. by altering trigger timing, triggered note values, adding improvisation or ornaments, also rapid repetition of the same note onset, e.g. on a piano, guitar, e.g. rasgueado, drum roll smooth variations of amplitude, pitch or timbre within a note without distinct onsets, e.g. vibrato G10H2210/201 G10H2210/165Humanizing effects, i.e. causing a performance to sound less machine-like, e.g. by slightly randomising pitch or tempo G10H2210/171Ad-lib effects, i.e. adding a musical phrase or improvisation automatically or on player's request, e.g. one-finger triggering of a note sequence G10H2210/175Fillnote, i.e. adding isolated notes or passing notes to the melody G10H2210/181Gracenote, i.e. adding a different and very short ornamental note at the beginning or at the end of a melody note, e.g. appoggiatura, acciaccatura, sparsh-swar G10H2210/185Arpeggio, i.e. notes played or sung in rapid sequence, one after the other, rather than ringing out simultaneously, e.g. as a chordGenerators therefor, i.e. arpeggiatorsDiscrete glissando effects on instruments not permitting continuous glissando, e.g. xylophone or piano, with stepwise pitch variation and on which distinct onsets due to successive note triggerings can be heard G10H2210/191Tremolo, tremulando, trill or mordent effects, i.e. repeatedly alternating stepwise in pitch between two note pitches or chords, without any portamento between the two notes other common forms of tremolo, e.g. same note repetition, bisbigliando, amplitude tremolo, tremulants, percussion roll G10H2210/161 or G10H2210/205 G10H2210/195Modulation effects, i.e. smooth non-discontinuous variations over a time interval, e.g. within a note, melody or musical transition, of any sound parameter, e.g. amplitude, pitch, spectral response, playback speed stepwise or discontinuous variations over time, e.g. sequence effects G10H2210/161 G10H2210/201Vibrato, i.e. rapid, repetitive and smooth variation of amplitude, pitch or timbre within a note or chord discontinuities, note sequences or separate note onsets during the variation G10H2210/161; tremolo, i.e. stepwise pitch alternation G10H2210/191 G10H2210/205Amplitude vibrato, i.e. repetitive smooth loudness variation without pitch change or rapid repetition of the same note, bisbigliando, amplitude tremolo, tremulants percussion roll G10H2210/161 G10H2210/211Pitch vibrato, i.e. repetitive and smooth variation in pitch, e.g. as obtainable with a whammy bar or tremolo arm on a guitar non-repetitive smooth pitch variation, e.g. glissando G10H2220/221; repeatedly alternating stepwise in pitch between two notes G10H2210/191 G10H2210/215Rotating vibrato, i.e. simulating rotating speakers, e.g. Leslie effect G10H2210/221Glissando, i.e. pitch smoothly sliding from one note to another, e.g. gliss, glide, slide, bend, smear, sweep; "discrete glissando" on instruments not permitting continuous glissando, like the xylophone or the piano, e.g. arpeggio G10H2210/185 G10H2210/225Portamento, i.e. smooth continuously variable pitch-bend, without emphasis of each chromatic pitch during the pitch change, which only stops at the end of the pitch shift, as obtained, e.g. by a MIDI pitch wheel or trombone pitch bend with emphasis of each chromatic pitch during pitch change, e.g. glissando, G10H2210/221 G10H2210/231Wah-wah spectral modulation, i.e. tone color spectral glide obtained by sweeping the peak of a bandpass filter up or down in frequency, e.g. according to the position of a pedal, by automatic modulation or by voice formant detectioncontrol devices therefor, e.g. wah pedals for electric guitars G10H2210/235Flanging or phasing effects, i.e. creating time and frequency dependent constructive and destructive interferences, obtained, e.g. by using swept comb filters or a feedback loop around all-pass filters with gradually changing non-linear phase response or delays G10H2210/241Scratch effects, i.e. emulating playback velocity or pitch manipulation effects normally obtained by a disc-jockey manually rotating a LP record forward and backward G10H2210/245Ensemble, i.e. adding one or more voices, also instrumental voices G10H2210/251Chorus, i.e. automatic generation of two or more extra voices added to the melody, e.g. by a chorus effect processor or multiple voice harmonizer, to produce a chorus or unison effect, wherein individual sounds from multiple sources with roughly the same timbre converge and are perceived as one G10H2210/255Unison, i.e. two or more voices or instruments sounding substantially the same pitch, e.g. at the same time G10H2210/261Duet, i.e. automatic generation of a second voice, descant or counter melody, e.g. of a second harmonically interdependent voice by a single voice harmonizer or automatic composition algorithm, e.g. for fugue, canon or round composition, which may be substantially independent in contour and rhythm G10H2210/265Acoustic effect simulation, i.e. volume, spatial, resonance or reverberation effects added to a musical sound, usually by appropriate filtering or delays physical modeling of room acoustics G10H2250/531; formant synthesis G10H2250/481 G10H2210/271Sympathetic resonance, i.e. adding harmonics simulating sympathetic resonance from other strings G10H2210/275Helmholtz resonance effect, i.e. using, exciting or emulating air resonance in a cavity G10H2210/281Reverberation or echo G10H2210/285Electromechanical effectors therefor, i.e. using springs or similar electromechanical audio delay units G10H2210/291Reverberator using both direct, i.e. dry, and indirect, i.e. wet, signals or waveforms, indirect signals having sustained one or more virtual reflections G10H2210/295Spatial effects, musical uses of multiple audio channels, e.g. stereo Helmholtz resonance effects G10H2210/275; reverberation or echo G10H2210/281 G10H2210/301Soundscape or sound field simulation, reproduction or control for musical purposes, e.g. surround or 3D soundGranular synthesis G10H2210/305Source positioning in a soundscape, e.g. instrument positioning on a virtual soundstage, stereo panning or related delay or reverberation changesChanging the stereo width of a musical source G10H2210/311Distortion, i.e. desired non-linear audio processing to change the tone color, e.g. by adding harmonics or deliberately distorting the amplitude of an audio waveform distortion functions G10H2250/201, G10H2250/205 G10H2210/315Dynamic effects for musical purposes, i.e. musical sound effects controlled by the amplitude of the time domain audio envelope, e.g. loudness-dependent tone color or musically desired dynamic range compression or expansion crossfading or envelope processing per se G10H2250/025 G10H2210/321Missing fundamental, i.e. creating the psychoacoustic impression of a missing fundamental tone through synthesis of higher harmonics, e.g. to play bass notes pitched below the frequency range of reproducing speakers G10H2210/325Musical pitch modification pitch analysis G10H2210/066; musical effects G10H2210/155 G10H2210/331Note pitch correction, i.e. modifying a note pitch or replacing it by the closest one in a given scale G10H2210/335Chord correction, i.e. modifying one or several notes within a chord, e.g. to correct wrong fingering or to improve harmony natural chords G10H2210/586 G10H2210/341Rhythm pattern selection, synthesis or composition Rhythm analysis G10H2210/071; accompaniment G10H2210/005 G10H2210/346Pattern variations, break or fill-in accompaniment G10H2210/005 G10H2210/351Inserting a drum roll, e.g. as pattern break G10H2210/356Random process used to build a rhythm pattern G10H2210/361Selection among a set of pre-established rhythm patterns G10H2210/366Random process affecting a selection among a set of pre-established patterns G10H2210/371Rhythm syncopation, i.e. timing offset of rhythmic stresses or accents, e.g. note extended from weak to strong beat or started before strong beat G10H2210/375Tempo or beat alterationsMusic timing control tempo display G10H2220/081; tempo analysis G10H2210/076; humanising effect G10H2210/165; scratch effect G10H2210/241 G10H2210/381Manual tempo setting or adjustment tempo setting by interpretation of conducting movements G10H2220/206 G10H2210/385Speed change, i.e. variations from preestablished tempo, tempo change, e.g. faster or slower, accelerando or ritardando, without change in pitch with repetitive changes in pitch, e.g. scratch DJ effects G10H2210/241 G10H2210/391Automatic tempo adjustment, correction or control G10H2210/395Special musical scales, i.e. other than the 12- interval equally tempered scaleSpecial input devices therefor keyboards G10H2220/221 G10H2210/401Microtonal scalei.e. continuous scale of pitches, also interval-free input devices, e.g. continuous keyboards for violin, singing voice or trombone synthesis G10H2210/405Honkytonk scale, for producing, e.g. a honky-tonk piano effect, i.e. with deliberately detuned notes within each octave G10H2210/411Railsback scale, i.e. stretched scale for piano tuning with bass keys having lower pitches and treble keys having higher pitches than foreseen by the equally tempered scale G10H2210/415Equally tempered scale, i.e. note tuning scale in which every pair of adjacent notes has an identical frequency ratio equal to 2 to the power 1/n if the scale has n notes per octave G10H2210/42110 equal intervals per octave G10H2210/42519 equal intervals per octave, offering better major thirds, far better minor thirds and overall far greater consonance than normal 12-semitone equal temperament, at the cost of a flatter fifth G10H2210/431Quarter tone scale, i.e. 24 equal intervals per octave, e.g. for Arabic music other Arabic scales, double harmonic scale or major locrian scale G10H2210/511 G10H2210/435Huygens scale, i.e. 31 equal intervals per octave, provides near-just major thirds, and provides decent matches for harmonics up to at least 13, despite a slightly less accurate fifth than the standard 12 interval equally tempered scale G10H2210/441Janko scale, i.e. 41 equal intervals per octave, e.g. as used in the "tonal plexus" keyboard with 211 keys per octave arranged in 12 staggered columns, i.e. in 41 regions of 5 keys each plus 6 duplicate enharmonic keys janko keyboards, i.e. not using the janko scale G10H2220/251 G10H2210/44545 equal intervals per octave G10H2210/451Holder scale or Holdrian comma, i.e. 53 equal intervals per octave, with 31 intervals equal to an almost just perfect fifthKeyboards therefor, e.g. "generalized keyboard" of Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet G10H2210/45570 equal intervals per octave G10H2210/461Jankovski scale or twelfth tone scale, i.e. octave divided in 72 equal intervals, e.g. moria in Byzantine music theory janko keyboard G10H2220/251 G10H2210/46584 equal intervals per octave G10H2210/471Natural or just intonation scales, i.e. based on harmonics consonance such that most adjacent pitches are related by harmonically pure ratios of small integers pitch correction only when playing chords to ensure chord consonance G10H2210/586 G10H2210/476Zarlino scales, e.g. octave subdivision based on the pitch ratios 9/8 + 10/9 + 16/15 + 9/8 + 10/9 + 9/8 + 16/15 G10H2210/481Pythagorean scale, i.e. in which the frequency relationships of all intervals should be based on the perfect fifth, with ratio 3:2 G10H2210/486Werckmeister scales, i.e. family of scales with 12 mostly rational intervals, e.g. for organs G10H2210/491Meantone scales, i.e. in which all non-octave intervals are generated from a stack of tempered perfect fifthsand wherein, by choosing an appropriate size for major and minor thirds, the syntonic comma is tempered to unison, e.g. quarter comma meantone, syntonic comma, d'Alembert modified meantone G10H2210/496Redfield scales, i.e. 12 intervals per octave, based on note ratios equal to (2**p)*(3**q)*(5**r) with p, q, r positive or negative integers G10H2210/501Altered natural scale, i.e. 12 unequal intervals not foreseen in the above G10H2210/506Danielou 53 interval scale, with note ratios equal to (2**p)(3**q)(5**r), with p, q, r positive or negative integers 53 interval equally tempered Holder scale G10H2210/451 G10H2210/511Arabic scales, i.e. either double harmonic scale or major locrian scalevosta or zaid modes 17 or 24 equal interval scales used in arabic music G10H2210/415 or G10H2210/431 G10H2210/515Balinese scales, e.g. for gamelan, with instruments played in pairs and tuned slightly apart to produce interference beating ideally at a consistent speed for all pairs of notes in all registersBalinese pentatonic scales, e.g. Balinese slendro scale, or five-tone modes of the heptatonic pelog scale, itself substantially a 7-note subset of 9-tone equal temperament pentatonic javanese slendro scale G10H2210/541 G10H2210/521Polynesian scales G10H2210/525Diatonic scales, e.g. aeolian, ionian or major, dorian, locrian, lydian, mixolydian, phrygian, i.e. seven note, octave-repeating musical scales comprising five whole steps and two half steps for each octave, in which the two half steps are separated from each other by either two or three whole steps G10H2210/531Bluenote scale, i.e. 7-tone scale of 2+1+2+1+3+1+2 semitones hexatonic blues scales G10H2210/535 G10H2210/535Hexatonal or hexatonic scales, i.e. six pitches or notes per octave, e.g. whole tone scale, augmented scale, Prometheus scale, blues scale G10H2210/541Pentatonal or pentatonic scale, i.e. five pitches or notes per octave, e.g. basic chinese musical scale, black piano keys, javanese gamelan slendro scale, japanese shakuhachi flute balinese pentatonic scales with deliberate interference beating, e.g. balinese gamelan slendro scale G10H2210/515 G10H2210/545Yona Nuki, i.e. a family of pentatonic scales without fourth or seventh, e.g. Hirajoshi, Iwato, Kumoi, Sino-indian [Raga Amritavarsini] used, e.g. for japanese traditional music, koto or shamisen tunings G10H2210/551Okinawa pentatonic scale, i.e. Okinawan min'yo, e.g. including the half-steps omitted in the min'yo pentatonic scale used in the main japanese islands G10H2210/555Tonality processing, involving the key in which a musical piece or melody is played tonality analysis, detection or identification G10H2210/081 G10H2210/561Changing the tonality within a musical piece G10H2210/565Manual designation or selection of a tonality G10H2210/571ChordsChord sequences special keyboards for playing chords, e.g. accordion G10H2230/245, janko keyboard G10H2220/251 G10H2210/576Chord progression G10H2210/581Chord inversion G10H2210/586Natural chords, i.e. adjustment of individual note pitches in order to generate just intonation chords scale natural G10H2210/471; chord correction G10H2210/335; musical analysis G10H2210/031 G10H2210/591Chord with a suspended note, e.g. 2nd or 4th G10H2210/596Chord augmented G10H2210/601Chord diminished G10H2210/606Chord ninth, i.e. including ninth or above, e.g. 11th or 13th G10H2210/611Chord ninth or above, to which is added a tension note G10H2210/616Chord seventh, major or minor G10H2210/621Chord seventh dominant G10H2210/626Chord sixth G10H2220/00Input/output interfacing specifically adapted for electrophonic musical tools or instruments G10H2220/005Non-interactive screen display of musical or status data graphical user interfaces specifically adapted for electrophonic musical instruments G10H2220/091; fingering displays G10H2220/041 G10H2220/011Lyrics displays, e.g. for karaoke applications G10H2220/015Musical staff, tablature or score displays, e.g. for score reading during a performance. graphical musical score editing G10H2220/121; musical score displays resulting from a transcription G10H2210/086 G10H2220/021Indicator, i.e. non-screen output user interfacing, e.g. visual or tactile instrument status or guidance information using lights, LEDs, seven segments displays screen displays G10H2220/005, graphical user interfaces adapted for electrophonic musical instruments G10H2220/091; tactile key feedback G10H2220/311 G10H2220/026associated with a key or other user input device, e.g. key indicator lights G10H2220/031Blinking or flashing indicator lights G10H2220/036Chord indicators, e.g. displaying note fingering when several notes are to be played simultaneously as a chord G10H2220/041Remote key fingering indicator, i.e. fingering shown on a display separate from the instrument itself or substantially disjoint from the keys G10H2220/046Drumpad indicator, e.g. drumbeat strike indicator light on a drumpad or rim G10H2220/051Fret indicator, e.g. for playing guidance on a string instrument or string instrument emulator G10H2220/056Hand or finger indicator, e.g. for indicating which hand or which specific finger should be used G10H2220/061LED, i.e. using a light-emitting diode as indicator G10H2220/066Colour, i.e. indications with two or more different colours G10H2220/071Pedal indicator, e.g. guitar pedal status lights G10H2220/076String indicator, e.g. on a stringed musical instrument for indicating which string is to be played, plucked or bowed G10H2220/081Beat indicator, e.g. marks or flashing LEDs to indicate tempo or beat positions analysis tempo G10H2210/076; tempo or beat alterations G10H2210/375; rhythm pattern G10H2210/341 G10H2220/086Beats per minute [bpm] indicator, i.e. displaying a tempo value, e.g. in words or as numerical value in beats per minute analysis tempo G10H2210/076; tempo or beat alterations G10H2210/375 G10H2220/091Graphical user interface [GUI] specifically adapted for electrophonic musical instruments, e.g. interactive musical displays, musical instrument icons or menusDetails of user interactions therewith GUI in general G06F3/048 G10H2220/096using a touch screen touch screen note input, e.g. using a displayed keyboard G10H2220/241; personal digital assistant [PDA] G10H2230/015 G10H2220/101for graphical creation, edition or control of musical data or parameters G10H2220/106using icons, e.g. selecting, moving or linking icons, on-screen symbols, screen regions or segments representing musical elements or parameters G10H2220/111for graphical orchestra or soundstage control, e.g. on-screen selection or positioning of instruments in a virtual orchestra, using movable or selectable musical instrument icons soundstage sound field effects G10H2210/305 G10H2220/116for graphical editing of sound parameters or waveforms, e.g. by graphical interactive control of timbre, partials or envelope non-graphical waveform editing G10H2250/615 G10H2220/121for graphical editing of a musical score, staff or tablature mere score display G10H2220/015; score transcription G10H2210/086 G10H2220/126for graphical editing of individual notes, parts or phrases represented as variable length segments on a 2D or 3D representation, e.g. graphical edition of musical collage, remix files or pianoroll representations of MIDI-like files G10H2220/131for abstract geometric visualisation of music, e.g. for interactive editing of musical parameters linked to abstract geometric figures G10H2220/135Musical aspects of games or videogamesMusical instrument-shaped game input interfaces game background music G10H2210/026; musical game scoring or performance evaluation G10H2210/091 G10H2220/141Games on or about music, i.e. based on musical knowledge, e.g. musical multimedia quizzes teaching of music per se G09B15/00 G10H2220/145Multiplayer musical games, e.g. karaoke-like multiplayer videogames G10H2220/151Musical difficulty level setting or selection G10H2220/155User input interfaces for electrophonic musical instruments graphical user interfaces specifically adapted for electrophonic musical instruments G10H2220/091; input means in general G06F3/00 G10H2220/161with 2D or x/y surface coordinates sensing graphical user interface or touchscreen input G10H2220/091; microtonal keyboard G10H2210/401 G10H2220/165for string input, i.e. special characteristics in string composition or use for sensing purposes, e.g. causing the string to become its own sensor transducers, e.g. piezoelectric or magnetic G10H2220/461; plectrum sensors G10H2220/191; guitar neck sensors or fret switches G10H2220/301 G10H2220/171using electrified strings, e.g. strings carrying coded or AC signals for transducing, sustain, fret length or fingering detection G10H2220/175using nonmagnetic string materials, e.g. nylonSensors specially adapted therefor piezoelectric transducers G10H2220/525 G10H2220/181by nonresonant wave interaction, i.e. string sensing using wavelengths unrelated to string resonant wavelengths, e.g. ultrasonic waves, microwave or light waves, propagated along a musical instrument string to measure its fret length, e.g. for MIDI transcription G10H2220/185Stick input, e.g. drumsticks with position or contact sensors stick for music conducting applications, e.g. conductor baton movement detection G10H2220/206 G10H2220/191Plectrum or pick sensing, e.g. for detection of string striking or plucking Plectra in general, e.g. for stringed musical instruments G10D3/173 G10H2220/195Particle energy or molecular configuration used as musical control data G10H2220/201for movement interpretation, i.e. capturing and recognizing a gesture or a specific kind of movement, e.g. to control a musical instrument G10H2220/206Conductor baton movement detection used to adjust rhythm, tempo or expressivity of, e.g. the playback of musical pieces G10H2220/211for microphones, i.e. control of musical parameters either directly from microphone signals or by physically associated peripherals, e.g. karaoke control switches or rhythm sensing accelerometer within the microphone casing microphones per se H04R G10H2220/215using a magnetic strip on a card or sheet G10H2220/221Keyboards, i.e. configuration of several keys or key-like input devices relative to one another details of individual keys or key-like devices G10H2220/265; continuous keyboards or keyboards implementing specific musical scales, e.g. quartertone G10H2210/395; switch matrix keyboards, e.g. on guitar necks G10H2220/295 G10H2220/226Whole-tone keyboards, i.e. having as many keys on the upper row as on the lower row G10H2220/231Alphanumeric, used for musical purposes or with additional musical features, e.g. typewriter or pc-type keyboard reconfigured such that letters or symbols are assigned to musical notes G10H2220/236representing an active musical staff or tablature, i.e. with key-like position sensing at the expected note positions on the staff active keyboard representation on a touchscreen G10H2220/241 G10H2220/241on touchscreens, i.e. keys, frets, strings, tablature or staff displayed on a touchscreen display for note input purposes G10H2220/246with reduced number of keys per octave, some notes missing G10H2220/251arranged as 2D or 3D arraysKeyboards ergonomically organised for playing chords or for transposing, e.g. Janko keyboard special keyboards for playing chords, e.g. accordion G10H2230/245 G10H2220/256foldable or rollable, e.g. for transport G10H2220/261Numeric keypad used for musical purposes, e.g. musical input via a telephone or calculator-like keyboard G10H2220/265Key design detailsSpecial characteristics of individual keys of a keyboardKey-like musical input devices, e.g. finger sensors, pedals, potentiometers, selectors keyboards G10H2220/221, special musical scales G10H2210/395 G10H2220/271Velocity sensing for individual keys, e.g. by placing sensors at different points along the kinematic path for individual key velocity estimation by delay measurement between adjacent sensor signals velocity sensing common to several keys G10H2220/221 G10H2220/275Switching mechanism or sensor details of individual keys, e.g. details of key contacts, hall effect or piezoelectric sensors used for key position or movement sensing purposesMounting thereof G10H2220/281with two contacts, switches or sensor triggering levels along the key kinematic path G10H2220/285with three contacts, switches or sensor triggering levels along the key kinematic path G10H2220/291with four or more contacts, switches or sensor triggering levels along the key kinematic path G10H2220/295Switch matrix, e.g. contact array common to several keys, the actuated keys being identified by the rows and columns in contact G10H2220/301Fret-like switch array arrangements for guitar necks G10H2220/305using a light beam to detect key, pedal or note actuation light beams in general G10H2220/411 G10H2220/311with controlled tactile or haptic feedback effectoutput interfaces therefor G10H2220/315for joystick-like proportional control of musical inputVideogame input devices used for musical input or control, e.g. gamepad, joysticks joysticks per se G06F3/033, G05G9/047, A63F13/20 G10H2220/321Garment sensors, i.e. musical control means with trigger surfaces or joint angle sensors, worn as a garment by the player, e.g. bracelet, intelligent clothing vital parameter sensing G10H2220/371; wearable interfaces in general G06F3/00 G10H2220/326Control glove or other hand or palm-attached control device G10H2220/331Ring or other finger-attached control device G10H2220/336Control shoe or boot, i.e. sensor-equipped lower part of lower limb, e.g. shoe, toe ring, sock, ankle bracelet or leg control attachment garment sensors G10H2220/321; floor sensing devices, e.g. sensing mats G10H2220/341 G10H2220/341Floor sensors, e.g. platform or groundsheet with sensors to detect foot position, balance or pressure, steps, stepping rhythm, dancing movements or jumping shoe sensors G10H2220/336 G10H2220/346Hopscotch sensing mats, i.e. including several step sensing zones, e.g. for detection of rhythmic dancing in time to background music according to stepping indications games involving music G10H2220/135; performance evaluation or scoring G10H2210/091, videogames in general A63F13/00 G10H2220/351Environmental parameters, e.g. temperature, ambient light, atmospheric pressure, humidity, used as input for musical purposes G10H2220/355Geolocation input, i.e. control of musical parameters based on location or geographic position, e.g. provided by GPS, WiFi network location databases or mobile phone base station position databases G10H2220/361Mouth control in general, i.e. breath, mouth, teeth, tongue or lip-controlled input devices or sensors detecting, e.g. lip position, lip vibration, air pressure, air velocity, air flow or air jet angle G10H2220/365Bow control in general, i.e. sensors or transducers on a bowInput interface or controlling process for emulating a bow, bowing action or generating bowing parameters, e.g. for appropriately controlling a specialised sound synthesiser bowed string instrument sound synthesis per se G10H2250/445; electrophonic stringed instrument details G10H2230/075 G10H2220/371Vital parameter control, i.e. musical instrument control based on body signals, e.g. brainwaves, pulsation, temperature, perspirationbiometric information signals from body positions or movements G10H2220/321 G10H2220/376using brain waves, e.g. EEG G10H2220/381using glottal signals from an electroglottograph [EGG] or from a neck-worn glottis pick-up device G10H2220/386using genetic information [DNA] or unique characterizing features of individuals, e.g. fingerprints, iris, facial or vocal features G10H2220/391Angle sensing for musical purposes, using data from a gyroscope, gyrometer or other angular velocity or angular movement sensing device angles measured by an accelerometer or gravimeter G10H2220/395; angles calculated from 3D position sensing G10H2220/401; player body joint angle sensing G10H2220/321 G10H2220/395Acceleration sensing or accelerometer use, e.g. 3D movement computation by integration of accelerometer data, angle sensing with respect to the vertical, i.e. gravity sensing. conductor baton movement sensing G10H2220/206, angle sensing without reference to gravity G10H2220/391; player body joint angle sensing G10H2220/321 G10H2220/4013D sensing, i.e. three-dimensional (x, y, z) position or movement sensing. movement pattern or gesture sensing G10H2220/201; geolocation sensing G10H2220/355, 3D sensing with accelerometer G10H2220/395 G10H2220/405Beam sensing or control, i.e. input interfaces involving substantially immaterial beams, radiation, or fields of any nature, used, e.g. as a switch as in a light barrier, or as a control device, e.g. using the theremin electric field sensing principle theremins G10H2230/051 G10H2220/411Light beams key actuation detection using light G10H2220/305 G10H2220/415Infrared beams G10H2220/421Laser beams G10H2220/425Radio control, i.e. input or control device involving a radio frequency signal G10H2220/431Use of microwaves G10H2220/435Ultrasound, i.e. input or control device involving inaudible pressure waves, e.g. focused as a beam G10H2220/441Image sensing, i.e. capturing images or optical patterns for musical purposes or musical control purposes image analysis, inspection, positioning or tracking G06T7/00, recognising music notations G06V30/304 G10H2220/445Bar codes or similar machine readable optical code patterns, e.g. two dimensional mesh pattern, for musical input or control purposes bar codes G06K7/10 G10H2220/451Scanner input, e.g. scanning a paper document such as a musical score for automated conversion into a musical file format G10H2220/455Camera input, e.g. analyzing pictures from a video camera and using the analysis results as control data G10H2220/461Transducers, i.e. details, positioning or use of assemblies to detect and convert mechanical vibrations or mechanical strains into an electrical signal, e.g. audio, trigger or control signal contact microphones for use on musical instrument H04R1/46 G10H2220/465Bridge-positioned, i.e. assembled to or attached with the bridge of a stringed musical instrument G10H2220/471at bottom, i.e. transducer positioned at the bottom of the bridge, between the bridge and the body of the instrument G10H2220/475on the side, i.e. picking up vibrations from a side of the bridge G10H2220/481on top, i.e. transducer positioned between the strings and the bridge structure itself G10H2220/485One transducer per string, e.g. 6 transducers for a 6 string guitar G10H2220/491Two or more transducers per string, e.g. 8 transducers on a 4-string violin bridge G10H2220/495Single bridge transducer, common to all strings G10H2220/501Two or more bridge transducers, at least one transducer common to several strings G10H2220/505Dual coil electrodynamic string transducer, e.g. for humbucking, to cancel out parasitic magnetic fields G10H2220/511Stacked, i.e. one coil on top of the other G10H2220/515Staggered, i.e. two coils side by side G10H2220/521Hall effect transducers or similar magnetic field sensing semiconductor devices, e.g. for string vibration sensing or key movement sensing G10H2220/525Piezoelectric transducers for vibration sensing or vibration excitation in the audio rangePiezoelectric strain sensing, e.g. as key velocity sensorPiezoelectric actuators, e.g. key actuation in response to a control voltage G10H2220/531made of piezoelectric film G10H2220/535Piezoelectric polymer transducers, e.g. made of stretched and poled polyvinylidene difluoride [PVDF] sheets in which the molecular chains of vinylidene fluoride CH2-CF2 have been oriented in a preferential direction G10H2220/541using piezoceramics, e.g. lead titanate [PbTiO3], zinc oxide [Zn2 O3], lithium niobate [LiNbO3], sodium tungstate [NaWO3], bismuth ferrite [BiFeO3] G10H2220/545Barium titanate piezoceramics [BaTiO3] G10H2220/551using LZT or PZT [lead-zirconate-titanate] piezoceramics [Pb[ZrxTi1-x]O3, 0=x=1] G10H2220/555Bimorph transducers, i.e. piezoelectric bending multilayer structures with one or more piezoelectric layers, e.g. piezo on metal, serial bimorph or parallel bimorph G10H2220/561Piezoresistive transducers, i.e. exhibiting vibration, pressure, force or movement -dependent resistance, e.g. strain gauges, carbon-doped elastomers or polymers for piezoresistive drumpads, carbon microphones G10H2220/565Shielding, electromagnetic or magnetic, e.g. for transducers, i.e. for controlling, orienting or suppressing magnetic fields or for preventing unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy in electrophonic musical instruments, their vicinity or their interconnections dual coil humbucking transducers G10H2220/505 G10H2230/00General physical, ergonomic or hardware implementation of electrophonic musical tools or instruments, e.g. shape or architecture G10H2230/005Device type or category G10H2230/011Hybrid piano, e.g. combined acoustic and electronic piano with complete hammer mechanism as well as key-action sensors coupled to an electronic sound generator G10H2230/015PDA [personal digital assistant] or palmtop computing devices used for musical purposes, e.g. portable music players, tablet computers, e-readers or smart phones in which mobile telephony functions need not be used touch-screen interfaces G10H2220/096 G10H2230/021Mobile ringtone, i.e. generation, transmission, conversion or downloading of ringing tones or other sounds for mobile telephonySpecial musical data formats or protocols herefor mobile telephone transmission specifically adapted for electrophonic musical tools or instruments G10H2240/251 G10H2230/025Computing or signal processing architecture features G10H2230/031Use of cache memory for electrophonic musical instrument processes, e.g. for improving processing capabilities or solving interfacing problems G10H2230/035Power management, i.e. specific power supply solutions for electrophonic musical instruments, e.g. auto power shut-off, energy saving designs, power conditioning, connector design, avoiding inconvenient wiring G10H2230/041Processor load management, i.e. adaptation or optimization of computational load or data throughput in computationally intensive musical processes to avoid overload artifacts, e.g. by deliberately suppressing less audible or less relevant tones or decreasing their complexity G10H2230/045Special instrument [spint], i.e. mimicking the ergonomy, shape, sound or other characteristic of a specific acoustic musical instrument category G10H2230/051Spint theremin, i.e. mimicking electrophonic musical instruments in which tones are controlled or triggered in a touch-free manner by interaction with beams, jets or fields, e.g. theremin, air guitar, water jet controlled musical instrument, i.e. hydrolauphone G10H2230/055Spint toy, i.e. specifically designed for children, e.g. adapted for smaller fingers or simplified in some wayMusical instrument-shaped game input interfaces with simplified control features G10H2230/061Spint organ, i.e. mimicking acoustic musical instruments with pipe organ or harmonium featuresElectrophonic aspects of acoustic pipe organs or harmoniumsMIDI-like control therefor G10H2230/065Spint piano, i.e. mimicking acoustic musical instruments with piano, cembalo or spinet features, e.g. with piano-like keyboardElectrophonic aspects of piano-like acoustic keyboard instrumentsMIDI-like control therefor G10H2230/071Spint harpsichord, i.e. mimicking plucked keyboard instruments, e.g. harpsichord, virginal, muselar, spinet, clavicytherium, ottavino, archicembalo G10H2230/075Spint stringed, i.e. mimicking stringed instrument features, electrophonic aspects of acoustic stringed musical instruments without keyboardMIDI-like control therefor string instrument sound synthesis G10H2250/441 G10H2230/081Spint viola G10H2230/085Spint cello G10H2230/091Spint hurdygurdy, i.e. mimicking characteristics of acoustic instruments with rosined wheel rubbing against strings G10H2230/095Spint zither, i.e. mimicking any neckless stringed instrument in which the strings do not extend beyond the sounding board G10H2230/101Spint koto, i.e. mimicking any traditional asian-style plucked zither with movable bridges G10H2230/105Spint dulcimer, i.e. mimicking any zither-like instrument with small hand-played mallet hammers Appalachian dulcimer G10H2230/095 G10H2230/111Spint ukulele, i.e. mimicking any smaller guitar-like flat bridge string instruments G10H2230/115Spint sitar, i.e. mimicking any long-necked plucked string instrument with a large number of additional non-playable sympathetic resonating strings or an additional gourd-like resonating chamber G10H2230/121Spint mandolin, i.e. mimicking instruments of the lute family with hard sounding board, e.g. with strings arranged and tuned in pairs for tremolo playing lute with skin -like sounding board G10H2230/151 G10H2230/125Spint harp, i.e. mimicking harp-like instruments, e.g. large size concert harp, with pedal G10H2230/131Spint harp celtic, i.e. mimicking smaller sized harps without pedal, eg. celtic harp, lever harp, folk harp, Irish harp G10H2230/135Spint guitar, i.e. guitar-like instruments in which the sound is not generated by vibrating strings, e.g. guitar-shaped game interfaces G10H2230/141Spint guitar drum, i.e. mimicking a guitar used at least partly as a percussion instrument G10H2230/145Spint guitar keyboard, i.e. mimicking a combination of a guitar-like instrument, with or without strings, and a piano-like keyboard, e.g. with white and black keys arranged like on a piano G10H2230/151Spint banjo, i.e. mimicking a stringed instrument with a piece of plastic or animal skin stretched over a circular frame or gourd, e.g. shamisen or other skin-covered lutes G10H2230/155Spint wind instrument, i.e. mimicking musical wind instrument featuresElectrophonic aspects of acoustic wind instrumentsMIDI-like control therefor. wind instrument sound synthesis G10H2250/461; mouth control, e.g. breath G10H2220/361; natural aerodynamic noise synthesis, e.g. wind G10H2250/431 G10H2230/161Spint whistle, i.e. mimicking wind instruments in which the air is split against an edge, e.g. musical whistles, three tone samba whistle, penny whistle, pea whistlewhistle-emulating mouth interfacesMIDI control therefor, e.g. for calliope G10H2230/165Spint recorder, i.e. mimicking any end-blown whistle flute with several finger holes, e.g. recorders, xiao, kaval, shakuhachi and hocchiku flutes G10H2230/171Spint brass mouthpiece, i.e. mimicking brass-like instruments equipped with a cupped mouthpiece, e.g. allowing it to be played like a brass instrument, with lip controlled sound generation as in an acoustic brass instrumentEmbouchure sensor or MIDI interfaces therefor G10H2230/175Spint trumpet, i.e. mimicking cylindrical bore brass instruments, e.g. bugle G10H2230/181Spint trombone, i.e. mimicking trombones or other slide musical instruments permitting a continuous musical scale microtonal scale G10H2210/401 G10H2230/185Spint horn, i.e. mimicking conical bore brass instruments hornpipes G10H2230/241 G10H2230/191Spint French horn, i.e. mimicking an orchestral horn with valves for switching pipe lengths English horn G10H2230/231 G10H2230/195Spint flute, i.e. mimicking or emulating a transverse flute or air jet sensor arrangement therefor, e.g. sensing angle, lip position, etc, to trigger octave change; input breath G10H2220/361; end-blown flutes G10H2230/161 G10H2230/201Spint piccolo, i.e. half-size transverse flute, e.g. ottavino piccolo clarinet G10H2230/241 G10H2230/205Spint reed, i.e. mimicking or emulating reed instruments, sensors or interfaces therefor G10H2230/211Spint harmonica, i.e. mimicking mouth operated wind instruments with multiple tuned free reeds, a.k.a. harmonica, blues harp, mouth organ, pitch pipe, ChengGong, free reed instruments not operated by mouth, e.g. accordion G10H2230/245 G10H2230/215Spint bagpipe, i.e. mimicking instruments with enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoirBagpipe-like electrophonic instrumentMidi-like interfaces therefor G10H2230/221Spint saxophone, i.e. mimicking conical bore musical instruments with single reed mouthpiece, e.g. saxophones, electrophonic emulation or interfacing aspects therefor G10H2230/225Spint oboe, i.e. mimicking double reed woodwind with conical bore, e.g. oboe G10H2230/231Spint english horn G10H2230/235Spint bassoon, i.e. mimicking double reed low range woodwind with doubled back conical bore, e.g. bassoon G10H2230/241Spint clarinet, i.e. mimicking any member of the single reed cylindrical bore woodwind instrument family, e.g. piccolo clarinet, octocontrabass, chalumeau, hornpipes, zhaleika G10H2230/245Spint accordion, i.e. mimicking accordionsElectrophonic instruments with one or more typical accordion features, e.g. special accordion keyboards or bellows, electrophonic aspects of mechanical accordions, Midi-like control therefor G10H2230/251Spint percussion, i.e. mimicking percussion instrumentsElectrophonic musical instruments with percussion instrument featuresElectrophonic aspects of acoustic percussion instruments, MIDI-like control therefor gensound percussion G10H2250/435 G10H2230/255Spint xylophone, i.e. mimicking any multi-toned percussion instrument with a multiplicity of tuned resonating bodies, regardless of their material or shape, e.g. xylophone, vibraphone, lithophone, metallophone, marimba, balafon, ranat, gamban, anklong G10H2230/261Spint triangle G10H2230/265Spint maracas, i.e. mimicking shells or gourds filled with seeds or dried beans, fitted with a handle, e.g. maracas, rumba shakers, shac-shacs G10H2230/271Spint gong, i.e. mimicking circular flat, nippled or bowl-shaped metallic percussion instruments G10H2230/321 takes precedence G10H2230/275Spint drum G10H2230/281Spint drum assembly, i.e. mimicking two or more drums or drumpads assembled on a common structure, e.g. drum kit multi-toned percussion instruments G10H2230/255 G10H2230/285Spint drum tomtom, i.e. mimicking side-mounted drums without snares, e.g. in a drumkit G10H2230/291Spint drum bass, i.e. mimicking bass drumsPedals or interfaces therefor G10H2230/295Spint drum brush, i.e. mimicking use of a brush to generate or trigger a percussive sound G10H2230/301Spint drum rim, i.e. mimicking using or striking the rim of a drum or percussion instrument, rimshotInterfacing aspects of the generation of different drumsound harmonic contents when a drum sensor is struck closer to the rim G10H2230/305Spint drum snare, i.e. mimicking using strands of snares made of curled metal wire, metal cable, plastic cable, or gut cords stretched across the drumhead, e.g. snare drum, side drum, military drum, field drum G10H2230/311Spint bongo G10H2230/315Spint conga G10H2230/321Spint cymbal, i.e. mimicking thin center-held gong-like instruments made of copper-based alloys, e.g. ride cymbal, china cymbal, sizzle cymbal, swish cymbal, zill, i.e. finger cymbals G10H2230/325Spint cymbal crash, i.e. mimicking thin-edged cymbals designed to produce a loud, sharp "crash", either mounted on a stand and played with a drum stick, e.g. crash cymbal, or played in pairs by hand, e.g. clash cymbals G10H2230/331Spint cymbal hihat, e.g. mimicking high-hat cymbalDetails of the pedal interface, of the pedal action emulation or of the generation of the different sounds resulting from this pedal action G10H2230/335Spint cyldrum [cylindrical body hit or struck on the curved surface for musical purposes, e.g. drinking glass, oil drum] G10H2230/341Spint claves, i.e. mimicking a pair of thick dowels producing a bright clicking sound when struck against each other G10H2230/345Spint castanets, i.e. mimicking a joined pair of concave shells held in the hand to produce clicks for rhythmic accents or a ripping or rattling sound consisting of a rapid series of clicks, e.g. castanets, chácaras, krakebs, qraqib, garagab G10H2230/351Spint bell, i.e. mimicking bells, e.g. cow-bells bells in general G10K1/06 G10H2230/355Spint spint, i.e. electrophonic musical instruments with features of acoustic instruments covered by G10D17/00, electrophonic aspects of acoustic instruments covered by G10D17/00, e.g. aeolian harps, MIDI-like control therefor G10H2230/361Spint mechautomatic, i.e. electrophonic musical instruments with features of traditional mechanical automatic acoustic instruments, e.g. electrophonic emulation of historic mechanical pianoroll pianos, electrophonic aspects of partly mechanical automatic acoustic instruments covered by G10F, e.g. hybrid pianos, MIDI-like control therefor G10H2230/365Ergonomy of electrophonic musical instruments G10H2230/371Using hook and loop-type fastener or similar attachment to fasten detachable elements G10H2240/00Data organisation or data communication aspects, specifically adapted for electrophonic musical tools or instruments G10H2240/005Data structures for use in electrophonic musical devicesData structures including musical parameters derived from musical analysis audio retrieval G06F16/60 G10H2240/011Files or data streams containing coded musical information, e.g. for transmission audio coding G10L19/00 G10H2240/016File editing, i.e. modifying musical data files or streams as such editing by means of a graphical user interface G10H2220/091 G10H2240/021for MIDI-like files or data streams G10H2240/026File encryption of specific electrophonic music instrument file or stream formats, e.g. MIDI, note oriented formats, sound banks, wavetables digital rights management [DRM] G06F21/00; encryption H04L9/00 G10H2240/031File merging MIDI, i.e. merging or mixing a MIDI-like file or stream with a non-MIDI file or stream, e.g. audio or video G10H2240/036File multilingual, e.g. multilingual lyrics for karaoke G10H2240/041File watermark, i.e. embedding a hidden code in an electrophonic musical instrument file or stream for identification or authentification purposes audio watermarking G10L19/018 G10H2240/046File format, i.e. specific or non-standard musical file format used in or adapted for electrophonic musical instruments, e.g. in wavetables details of musical waveform synthesis G10H2250/541 G10H2240/051AC3, i.e. Audio Codec 3, Dolby Digital G10H2240/056MIDI or other note-oriented file format G10H2240/061MP3, i.e. MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III, lossy audio compression G10H2240/066MPEG audio-visual compression file formats, e.g. MPEG-4 for coding of audio-visual objects MP3 G10H2240/061 G10H2240/071Wave, i.e. Waveform Audio File Format, coding, e.g. uncompressed PCM audio according to the RIFF bitstream format method G10H2240/075Musical metadata derived from musical analysis or for use in electrophonic musical instruments additional information unrelated to its juxtaposed musical file data G10H2240/091; audio retrieval G06F16/60 G10H2240/081Genre classification, i.e. descriptive metadata for classification or selection of musical pieces according to style analysis genre G10H2210/036 G10H2240/085Mood, i.e. generation, detection or selection of a particular emotional content or atmosphere in a musical piece G10H2240/091Info, i.e. juxtaposition of unrelated auxiliary information or commercial messages with or between music files metadata G10H2240/075 G10H2240/095Identification code, e.g. ISWC for musical worksIdentification dataset G10H2240/101User identification G10H2240/105User profile, i.e. data about the user, e.g. for user settings or user preferences G10H2240/111User Password, i.e. security arrangements to prevent third party unauthorised use, e.g. password, id number, code, pin G10H2240/115Instrument identification, i.e. recognizing an electrophonic musical instrument, e.g. on a network, by means of a code, e.g. IMEI, serial number, or a profile describing its capabilities G10H2240/121Musical libraries, i.e. musical databases indexed by musical parameters, wavetables, indexing schemes using musical parameters, musical rule bases or knowledge bases, e.g. for automatic composing methods audio retrieval G06F16/60 G10H2240/125Library distribution, i.e. distributing musical pieces from a central or master library G10H2240/131Library retrieval, i.e. searching a database or selecting a specific musical piece, segment, pattern, rule or parameter set G10H2240/135Library retrieval index, i.e. using an indexing scheme to efficiently retrieve a music piece G10H2240/141Library retrieval matching, i.e. any of the steps of matching an inputted segment or phrase with musical database contents, e.g. query by humming, singing or playingthe steps may include, e.g. musical analysis of the input, musical feature extraction, query formulation, or details of the retrieval process G10H2240/145Sound library, i.e. involving the specific use of a musical database as a sound bank or wavetableindexing, interfacing, protocols or processing therefor G10H2240/151Thumbnail, i.e. retrieving, playing or managing a short and musically relevant song preview from a library, e.g. the chorus thumbnail extraction, analysis phrases G10H2210/061 G10H2240/155Library update, i.e. making or modifying a musical database using musical parameters as indices data structures involving musical parameters G10H2240/005 G10H2240/161Memory and use thereof, in electrophonic musical instruments, e.g. memory map data structures G10H2240/005; memory cache G10H2230/031; libraries G10H2240/121; files G10H2240/011 G10H2240/165Memory card, i.e. removable module or card for storing music data for an electrophonic musical instrument G10H2240/171Transmission of musical instrument data, control or status informationTransmission, remote access or control of music data for electrophonic musical instruments details about the transmitted data contents G10H2240/011 G10H2240/175for jam sessions or musical collaboration through a network, e.g. for composition, ensemble playing or repeatingCompensation of network or internet delays therefor G10H2240/181Billing, i.e. purchasing of data contents for use with electrophonic musical instrumentsProtocols thereforManagement of transmission or connection time therefor G10H2240/185Error prevention, detection or correction in files or streams for electrophonic musical instruments G10H2240/191CRC, i.e. error detection using a cyclic redundancy check G10H2240/195Reed-solomon error detection or correction, i.e. by considering the message symbols as polynomial coefficients G10H2240/201Physical layer or hardware aspects of transmission to or from an electrophonic musical instrument, e.g. voltage levels, bit streams, code words or symbols over a physical link connecting network nodes or instruments G10H2240/205Synchronous transmission of an analog or digital signal, e.g. according to a specific intrinsic timing, or according to a separate clock G10H2240/211Wireless transmission, e.g. of music parameters or control data by radio, infrared or ultrasound beam G10H2220/405 G10H2240/215Spread spectrum, i.e. transmission on a bandwidth considerably larger than the frequency content of the original information G10H2240/221Time division multiplexing, with different channels in different time slots, the data in the time slots may be in digital or analog form G10H2240/225Frequency division multiplexing G10H2240/231Quadrature modulation, e.g. QAM G10H2240/235Pulse amplitude modulation, e.g. quantized or analog G10H2240/241Telephone transmission, i.e. using twisted pair telephone lines or any type of telephone network G10H2240/245ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network] G10H2240/251Mobile telephone transmission, i.e. transmitting, accessing or controlling music data wirelessly via a wireless or mobile telephone receiver, analog or digital, e.g. DECT GSM, UMTS smartphone, PDA or palmtop used for musical purposes G10H2230/015; mobile ringtone G10H2230/021 G10H2240/255Optical fibre transmission for electrophonic musical instrument purposes, e.g. hum mitigation G10H2240/261Satellite transmission for musical instrument purposes, e.g. processing for mitigation of satellite transmission delays G10H2240/265CATV transmission, i.e. electrophonic musical instruments connected to community antennas or cable television networks G10H2240/271Serial transmission according to any one of RS-232 standards for serial binary single-ended data and control signals between a DTE and a DCE G10H2240/275Musical interface to a personal computer PCI bus, "peripheral component interconnect bus" G10H2240/281Protocol or standard connector for transmission of analog or digital data to or from an electrophonic musical instrument G10H2240/285USB, i.e. either using a USB plug as power supply or using the USB protocol to exchange data G10H2240/291SCSI, i.e. Small Computer System Interface G10H2240/295Packet switched network, e.g. token ring circuit-switched networks, e.g. traditional analog telephone transmission G10H2240/241 G10H2240/301Ethernet, e.g. according to IEEE 802.3 G10H2240/305Internet or TCP/IP protocol use for any electrophonic musical instrument data or musical parameter transmission purposes G10H2240/311MIDI transmission G10H2240/056 takes precedence G10H2240/315Firewire, i.e. transmission according to IEEE1394 G10H2240/321Bluetooth G10H2240/325Synchronizing two or more audio tracks or files according to musical features or musical timings synchronised lyrics, e.g. for karaoke G10H2220/011 G10H2250/00Aspects of algorithms or signal processing methods without intrinsic musical character, yet specifically adapted for or used in electrophonic musical processing methods with intrinsic musical character G10H2210/00 G10H2250/005Algorithms for electrophonic musical instruments or musical processing, e.g. for automatic composition or resource allocation mathematical functions therefor G10H2250/131; details of musical waveform synthesis G10H2250/541 G10H2250/011Genetic algorithms, i.e. using computational steps analogous to biological selection, recombination and mutation on an initial population of, e.g. sounds, pieces, melodies or loops to compose or otherwise generate, e.g. evolutionary music or sound synthesis G10H2250/015Markov chains, e.g. hidden Markov models [HMM], for musical processing, e.g. musical analysis or musical composition G10H2250/021Dynamic programming, e.g. Viterbi, for finding the most likely or most desirable sequence in music analysis, processing or composition Viterbi decoding H03M13/41 G10H2250/025Envelope processing of music signals in, e.g. time domain, transform domain or cepstrum domain G10H2250/031Spectrum envelope processing G10H2250/035Crossfade, i.e. time domain amplitude envelope control of the transition between musical sounds or melodies, obtained for musical purposes, e.g. for ADSR tone generation, articulations, medley, remix audio mixers H04H60/04 G10H2250/041Delay lines applied to musical processing reverberation effects G10H2210/281; time-delay networks H03H9/30; chain of active-delay devices H03K5/133 G10H2250/046with intermediate taps G10H2250/051with variable time delay or variable length G10H2250/055Filters for musical processing or musical effectsFilter responses, filter architecture, filter coefficients or control parameters therefor tone controls H03G5/00; graphic equalizers H03G9/00; digital filters in general H03H17/00; current or voltage-controlled filters H03H11/1291 G10H2250/061Allpass filters G10H2250/065Lattice filter, Zobel network, constant resistance filter or X-section filter, i.e. balanced symmetric all-pass bridge network filter exhibiting constant impedance over frequency G10H2250/071All pole filter, i.e. autoregressive [AR] filter IIR defined by their temporal impulse response G10H2250/121 G10H2250/075All zero filter, i.e. moving average [MA] filter or finite inpulse response [FIR] filter FIR defined by their temporal impulse response G10H2250/115 G10H2250/081Autoregressive moving average [ARMA] filter G10H2250/085Butterworth filters G10H2250/091Chebyshev filters Chebyshev polynomials G10H2250/191 G10H2250/095Filter coefficient interpolation G10H2250/101Filter coefficient updateAdaptive filters, i.e. with filter coefficient calculation in real time G10H2250/105Comb filters G10H2250/111Impulse response, i.e. filters defined or specifed by their temporal impulse response features, e.g. for echo or reverberation applications reverberation effects G10H2210/281 G10H2250/115FIR impulse, e.g. for echoes or room acoustics, the shape of the impulse response is specified in particular according to delay times FIR filters for musical processing G10H2250/075 G10H2250/121IIR impulse all pole filters for musical processing G10H2250/071 G10H2250/125Notch filters G10H2250/131Mathematical functions for musical analysis, processing, synthesis or composition algorithms for musical processing G10H2250/005; computation of mathematical functions G06F17/10 and G06F7/544 G10H2250/135Autocorrelation G10H2250/141Bessel functions, e.g. for smoothing or modulating, for FM audio synthesis or for expressing the vibration modes of a circular drum membrane G10H2250/145Convolution, e.g. of a music input signal with a desired impulse response to compute an output transforms, i.e. mathematical transforms into domains appropriate for musical signal processing, coding or compression G10H2250/215 G10H2250/151Fuzzy logic G10H2250/155Graham function, i.e. mathematical description of the fluid dynamics of air flowing through a gap, where there is a given pressure differential on either side of the gap, e.g. to model air velocity in wind instruments for physical modeling sound synthesis G10H2250/161Logarithmic functions, scaling or conversion, e.g. to reflect human auditory perception of loudness or frequency G10H2250/165Polynomials, i.e. musical processing based on the use of polynomials, e.g. distortion function for tube amplifier emulation, filter coefficient calculation, polynomial approximations of waveforms, physical modeling equation solutions G10H2250/171Hermite polynomials G10H2250/175Jacobi polynomials of several variables, e.g. Heckman-Opdam polynomials, or of one variable only, e.g. hypergeometric polynomials G10H2250/181Gegenbauer or ultraspherical polynomials, e.g. for harmonic analysis G10H2250/185Legendre polynomials, e.g. for the modeling of air flow dynamics in wind instruments G10H2250/191Chebyshev polynomials, e.g. to provide filter coefficients for sharp rolloff filters Chebyshev filters G10H2250/091; Chebyshev windows G10H2250/271 G10H2250/195Lagrange polynomials, e.g. for polynomial interpolation or cryptography G10H2250/201Parabolic or second order polynomials, occurring, e.g. in vacuum tube distortion modeling or for modeling the gate voltage to drain current relationship of a JFET G10H2250/205Third order polynomials, occurring, e.g. in vacuum tube distortion modeling G10H2250/211Random number generators, pseudorandom generators, classes of functions therefor musical processes using white noise or nonwhite noise generators G10H2250/295; noise formant generator G10H2250/495; magnetic or electromagnetic noise shielding G10H2220/565 G10H2250/215Transforms, i.e. mathematical transforms into domains appropriate for musical signal processing, coding or compression G10H2250/221Cosine transformDCT [discrete cosine transform], e.g. for use in lossy audio compression such as MP3 MP3 format G10H2240/061 G10H2250/225MDCT [Modified discrete cosine transform], i.e. based on a DCT of overlapping data adaptive MDCT compression, e.g. ATRAC [adaptive transform acoustic coding] G10H2250/575 G10H2250/231Fermat transform G10H2250/235Fourier transformDiscrete Fourier Transform [DFT]Fast Fourier Transform [FFT] G10H2250/241Hadamard transform, Walsh-Hadamard transform, Hadamard-Rademacher-Walsh transform, Walsh transform, or Walsh-Fourier transform G10H2250/245Hartley transform,Discrete Hartley transform [DHT]Fast Hartley transform [FHT] G10H2250/251Wavelet transform, i.e. transform with both frequency and temporal resolution, e.g. for compression of percussion soundsDiscrete Wavelet Transform [DWT] G10H2250/255Z-transform, e.g. for dealing with sampled signals, delays or digital filters G10H2250/261Window, i.e. apodization function or tapering function amounting to the selection and appropriate weighting of a group of samples in a digital signal within some chosen time interval, outside of which it is zero valued G10H2250/265Blackman Harris window G10H2250/271Chebyshev window Chebyshev polynomials G10H2250/191; Chebyshev filters G10H2250/091 G10H2250/275Gaussian window G10H2250/281Hamming window G10H2250/285Hann or Hanning window G10H2250/291Kaiser windowsKaiser-Bessel Derived [KBD] windows, e.g. for MDCT G10H2250/295Noise generation, its use, control or rejection for music processing white noise or pseudorandom generators G10H2250/211; use of noise in formant synthesis G10H2250/495; automatic gain control H03G3/32; speech or noise detection G10L25/84 G10H2250/301Pink 1/f noise or flicker noise G10H2250/305Noise or artifact control in electrophonic musical instruments transducer shielding G10H2220/565; filter notch G10H2250/125; waveform aliasing G10H2250/545 G10H2250/311Neural networks for electrophonic musical instruments or musical processing, e.g. for musical recognition or control, automatic composition or improvisation musical analysis G10H2210/031; neural networks G06N3/02 G10H2250/315Sound category-dependent sound synthesis processes [Gensound] for musical use details of musical waveform synthesis G10H2250/541; general musical sound synthesis principles G10H2250/471Sound category-specific synthesis-controlling parameters or control means therefor G10H2250/321Gensound animals, i.e. generating animal voices or sounds G10H2250/325Birds G10H2250/331Ducks G10H2250/335Sea birds, e.g. seagulls G10H2250/341Cats G10H2250/345Cattle, e.g. cows G10H2250/351Dogs G10H2250/355Elk or other animals in the Cervidae family, e.g. moose, wapiti, reindeer G10H2250/361Insects, e.g. cricket G10H2250/365Gensound applause, e.g. handclappingCheeringBooing crowd sounds G10H2250/401 G10H2250/371Gensound equipment, i.e. synthesizing sounds produced by man-made devices, e.g. machines G10H2250/375Harbour, i.e. sounds which are part of a harbour soundscape, e.g. ships, fog horn, buoy, bells, cranes G10H2250/381Road, i.e. sounds which are part of a road, street or urban traffic soundscape, e.g. automobiles, bikes, trucks, traffic, vehicle horns, collisions G10H2250/385Train, i.e. sounds which are part of a railroad soundscape, e.g. steam engines, diesel, electric, train whistles, rail wheels, railway crossing G10H2250/391Gensound footsteps, i.e. footsteps, kicks or tap-dancing sounds G10H2250/395Gensound nature G10H2250/401Crowds, e.g. restaurant, waiting hall, demonstration, subway corridor at rush hour applause, cheering, booing G10H2250/365 G10H2250/405Fire, e.g. cracks and pops of burning wood G10H2250/411Water, e.g. seashore, waves, brook, waterfall, dripping faucet G10H2250/415Weather G10H2250/421Rain G10H2250/425Thunder G10H2250/431Natural aerodynamic noises, e.g. wind gust sounds, rustling leaves, beating sails gensound wind instruments G10H2250/461; spint wind instruments G10H2230/155 G10H2250/435Gensound percussion, i.e. generating or synthesising the sound of a percussion instrumentControl of specific aspects of percussion sounds, e.g. harmonics, under the influence of hitting force, hitting position, settings or striking instruments such as mallet, drumstick, brush, hand spint percussion G10H2230/231 G10H2250/441Gensound string, i.e. generating the sound of a string instrument, controlling specific features of said sound spint piano G10H2230/065; spint stringed instruments G10H2230/075 G10H2250/445Bowed string instrument sound generation, controlling specific features of said sound, e.g. use of fret or bow control parameters for violin effects synthesis bow interfaces per se G10H2220/365; modulation effects G10H2210/195; spint viola G10H2230/081; spint cello G10H2230/085 G10H2250/451Plucked or struck string instrument sound synthesis, controlling specific features of said sound spint harpsichord G10H2230/071; spint stringed instruments G10H2230/075 G10H2250/455Gensound singing voices, i.e. generation of human voices for musical applications, vocal singing sounds or intelligible words at a desired pitch or with desired vocal effects, e.g. by phoneme synthesis formant synthesis G10H2250/481; parcor synthesis G10H2250/505; modulation effects G10H2210/195; ensemble effects G10H2210/245; speech synthesis in general G10L13/00 G10H2250/461Gensound wind instruments, i.e. generating or synthesising the sound of a wind instrument, controlling specific features of said sound spint wind instruments G10H2230/155; mouth or breath sensors G10H2220/361; natural aerodynamic noise synthesis, e.g. wind G10H2250/431 G10H2250/465Reed instrument sound synthesis, controlling specific features of said sound spint reed G10H2230/205 G10H2250/471General musical sound synthesis principles, i.e. sound category-independent synthesis methods details of musical waveform synthesis G10H2250/541; special instrument [spint] G10H2230/045; sound category-specific synthesis G10H2250/315 G10H2250/475FM synthesis, i.e. altering the timbre of simple waveforms by frequency modulating them with frequencies also in the audio range, resulting in different-sounding tones exhibiting more complex waveforms G10H2250/481Formant synthesis, i.e. simulating the human speech production mechanism by exciting formant resonators, e.g. mimicking vocal tract filtering as in LPC synthesis vocoders, wherein musical instruments may be used as excitation signal to the time-varying filter estimated from a singer's speech gensound singing voices G10H2250/455; parcor synthesis G10H2250/505; effect Helmholtz G10H2210/275 G10H2250/485Formant correction therefor G10H2250/491Formant interpolation therefor G10H2250/495Use of noise in formant synthesis G10H2250/501Formant frequency shifting, sliding formants wah-wah spectral modulation G10H2210/231 G10H2250/505Parcor synthesis, i.e. music synthesis using partial autocorrelation techniques, e.g. in which the impulse response of the digital filter in a parcor speech synthesizer is used as a musical signal gensound singing voices G10H2250/455; formant synthesis G10H2250/481 G10H2250/511Physical modelling or real-time simulation of the acoustomechanical behaviour of acoustic musical instruments using, e.g. waveguides or looped delay lines models in general G05B17/00 G10H2250/515Excitation circuits or excitation algorithms therefor G10H2250/521Closed loop models therefor, e.g. with filter and delay line G10H2250/525Pluridimensional array-based models therefor G10H2250/531Room models, i.e. acoustic physical modelling of a room, e.g. concert hall reverberation or echo G10H2210/281; soundscape or sound field simulation G10H2210/301 G10H2250/535Waveguide or transmission line-based models G10H2250/541Details of musical waveform synthesis, i.e. audio waveshape processing from individual wavetable samples, independently of their origin or of the sound they represent sound category-dependent sound synthesis G10H2250/315; special instruments [spint] G10H2230/045; general musical sound synthesis principles G10H2250/471 G10H2250/545Aliasing, i.e. preventing, eliminating or deliberately using aliasing noise, distortions or artifacts in sampled or synthesised waveforms, e.g. by band limiting, oversampling or undersampling, respectively G10H2250/551Waveform approximation, e.g. piecewise approximation of sinusoidal or complex waveforms G10H2250/555Piecewise linear waveform approximation G10H2250/561Parabolic waveform approximation, e.g. using second order polynomials or parabolic responses parabolic or second order polynomials G10H2250/201 G10H2250/565Polynomial waveform approximation, i.e. using polynomials of third order or higher third order polynomials G10H2250/205 G10H2250/571Waveform compression, adapted for music synthesisers, sound banks or wavetables audio compression G10L19/00 G10H2250/575Adaptive MDCT-based compression, e.g. using a hybrid subband-MDCT, as in ATRAC non adaptive MDCT G10H2250/225 G10H2250/581Codebook-based waveform compression G10H2250/585CELP [code excited linear prediction] G10H2250/591DPCM [delta pulse code modulation] G10H2250/595ADPCM [adaptive differential pulse code modulation] G10H2250/601Compressed representations of spectral envelopes, e.g. LPC [linear predictive coding], LAR [log area ratios], LSP [line spectral pairs], reflection coefficients G10H2250/605Dynamic range companding algorithms, e.g. "mu"-law, primarily used in the digital telephone systems of North America and Japan, or A-law as used in European digital telephone systems G10H2250/611Waveform decimation, i.e. integer division of the sampling rate for reducing the number of samples in a discrete-time signal, e.g. by low-pass anti-alias filtering followed by the actual downsampling G10H2250/615Waveform editing, i.e. setting or modifying parameters for waveform synthesis. graphical sound editing G10H2220/116 G10H2250/621Waveform interpolation G10H2250/625Interwave interpolation, i.e. interpolating between two different waveforms, e.g. timbre or pitch or giving one waveform the shape of another while preserving its frequency or vice versa G10H2250/631Waveform resampling, i.e. sample rate conversion or sample depth conversion waveform decimation G10H2250/611 G10H2250/635Waveform resolution or sound quality selection, e.g. selection of high or low sampling rates, lossless, lossy or lossier compression algorithms G10H2250/641Waveform sampler, i.e. music samplersSampled music loop processing, wherein a loop is a sample of a performance that has been edited to repeat seamlessly without clicks or artifacts G10H2250/645Waveform scaling, i.e. amplitude value normalisation