C07KPEPTIDES peptides in foodstuffs A23; obtaining protein compositions for foodstuffs, working-up proteins for foodstuffs A23J; preparations for medicinal purposes A61K; peptides containing beta-lactam rings C07D; cyclic dipeptides not having in their molecule any other peptide link than those which form their ring, e.g. piperazine-2,5-diones, C07D; ergot alkaloids of the cyclic peptide type C07D519/02; macromolecular compounds having statistically distributed amino acid units in their molecules, i.e. when the preparation does not provide for a specific; but for a random sequence of the amino acid units, homopolyamides and block copolyamides derived from amino acids C08G69/00; macromolecular products derived from proteins C08H1/00; preparation of glue or gelatine C09H; single cell proteins, enzymes C12N; genetic engineering processes for obtaining peptides C12N15/00; compositions for measuring or testing processes involving enzymes C12Q; investigation or analysis of biological material G01N33/00 In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated: "amino acids" are compounds in which at least one amino group and at least one carboxyl group are bound to the same carbon skeleton and the nitrogen atom of the amino group may form part of a ring;"normal peptide link" is one between an alpha-amino group of an amino acid and the carboxyl group - in position 1 - of another alpha-amino acid;"abnormal peptide link" is a link where at least one of the linked amino acids is not an alpha-amino acid or a link formed by at least one carboxyl or amino group being part of the side chain of a alpha-amino acid;"peptides" are compounds containing at least two amino acid units, which are bound through at least one normal peptide link, including oligopeptides, polypeptides and proteins, where:"linear peptides" may comprise rings formed through S-S bridges, or through a hydroxy or a mercapto group of an hydroxy- or mercapto-amino acid and the carboxyl group of another amino acid, (e.g. peptide lactones) but do not comprise rings which are formed only through peptide links;"cyclic peptides" are peptides comprising at least one ring formed only through peptide links; the cyclisation may occur only through normal peptide links or through abnormal peptide links, e.g. through the 4-amino group of 2,4-diamino-butanoic acid. Thus, cyclic compounds in which at least one link in the ring is a non-peptide link are considered as "linear peptides";"depsipeptides" are compounds containing a sequence of at least two alpha-amino acids and at least one alpha-hydroxy carboxylic acid, which are bound through at least one normal peptide link and ester links, derived from the hydroxy carboxylic acids, where:"linear depsipeptides" may comprise rings formed through S-S bridges, or through an hydroxy or a mercapto group of an hydroxy- or mercapto-amino acid and the carboxyl group of another amino- of hydroxy-acid but do not comprise rings formed only through peptide or ester links derived from hydroxy carboxylic acids, e.g. Gly-Ala-Gly-OCH2CO2H and Gly-OCH2CO-Ala-Gly are considered as "linear depsipeptides", but HOCH2CO-Gly-Ala-Gly does not contain an ester link, and is thus a derivative of Gly-Ala-Gly which is covered by C07K5/08;"cyclic depsipeptides" are peptides containing at least one ring formed only through peptide or ester links - derived from hydroxy carboxylic acids -, e.g. Gly-Ala-Gly-OCH2CO. Fragments of peptides or peptides modified by removal or addition of amino acids, by substitution of amino acids by others, or by combination of these modifications, are classified as the parent peptides. However, fragments of peptides having only four or less amino acids are also classified in group C07K5/00. Peptides prepared by chemical processes and having an amino acid sequence derived from naturally occurring peptides are classified with the natural one.Peptides prepared by recombinant DNA technology are not classified according to the host, but according to the original peptide expressed, e.g. HIV peptide expressed in E. coli is classified with HIV peptides. When classifying in this subclass, classification is also made in group B01D15/08 insofar as subject matter of general interest relating to chromatography is concerned. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: C07K5/023 covered by C07K5/0202C07K5/027 covered by C07K5/0205C07K5/03 covered by C07K5/0207C07K5/033 covered by C07K5/021C07K5/037 covered by C07K5/0215C07K5/062 covered by C07K5/06017C07K5/065 covered by C07K5/06078C07K5/068 covered by C07K5/06086C07K5/072 covered by C07K5/06104C07K5/075 covered by C07K5/0613C07K5/078 covered by C07K5/06139C07K5/083 covered by C07K5/0804C07K5/087 covered by C07K5/0812C07K5/09 covered by C07K5/0815C07K5/093 covered by C07K5/0819C07K5/097 covered by C07K5/0821C07K5/103 covered by C07K5/1005C07K5/107 covered by C07K5/1016C07K5/11 covered by C07K5/1019C07K5/113 covered by C07K5/1021C07K5/117 covered by C07K5/1024C07K14/185 covered by C07K14/1816C07K14/725 covered by C07K14/705C07K14/73 covered by C07K14/70514C07K14/735 covered by C07K14/70535C07K14/74 covered by C07K14/70539
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
C07K1/00 C07K1/00General methods for the preparation of peptides , i.e. processes for the organic chemical preparation of peptides or proteins of any length C07K1/003by transforming the C-terminal amino acid to amides C07K1/006of peptides containing derivatised side chain amino acids C07K1/02in solution C07K1/003, C07K1/006 take precedence C07K1/023using racemisation inhibiting agents C07K1/026by fragment condensation in solution C07K1/04on carriers C07K1/003, C07K1/006 take precedence C07K1/042characterised by the nature of the carrier C07K1/045using devices to improve synthesis, e.g. reactors, special vessels C07K1/047Simultaneous synthesis of different peptide species; Peptide libraries C07K1/06using protecting groups or activating agents C07K1/003, C07K1/006 take precedence C07K1/061using protecting groups C07K1/062for alpha- or omega-carboxy functions C07K1/063for alpha-amino functions C07K1/064for omega-amino or -guanidino functions C07K1/065for hydroxy functions, not being part of carboxy functions C07K1/066for omega-amido functions C07K1/067for sulfur-containing functions C07K1/068for heterocyclic side chains C07K1/08using activating agents C07K1/003, C07K1/006 take precedence C07K1/082containing phosphorus C07K1/084containing nitrogen C07K1/086containing sulfur C07K1/088containing other elements, e.g. B, Si, As C07K1/10using coupling agents C07K1/006 takes precedence C07K1/107by chemical modification of precursor peptides C07K1/1072by covalent attachment of residues or functional groups C07K1/1075by covalent attachment of amino acids or peptide residues C07K1/1077by covalent attachment of residues other than amino acids or peptide residues, e.g. sugars, polyols, fatty acids C07K1/113without change of the primary structure C07K1/1133by redox-reactions involving cystein/cystin side chains C07K1/1136by reversible modification of the secondary, tertiary or quarternary structure, e.g. using denaturating or stabilising agents C07K1/12by hydrolysis , i.e. solvolysis in general C07K1/122Hydrolysis with acids different from HF C07K1/124Hydrazinolysis C07K1/126Aminolysis C07K1/128sequencing C07K1/13Labelling of peptides C07K1/14ExtractionSeparationPurification C07K1/145by extraction or solubilisation C07K1/16by chromatography C07K1/165mixed-mode chromatography C07K1/18Ion-exchange chromatography C07K1/20Partition-, reverse-phase or hydrophobic interaction chromatography C07K1/22Affinity chromatography or related techniques based upon selective absorption processes C07K1/24by electrochemical means C07K1/26Electrophoresis C07K1/28Isoelectric focusing C07K1/285multi dimensional electrophoresis C07K1/30by precipitation C07K1/303by salting out C07K1/306by crystallization Large single crystals of proteins from solutions are classified in C30B7/00 for the method and in C30B29/58 for the crystal C07K1/32as complexes C07K1/34by filtration, ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis C07K1/36by a combination of two or more processes of different types C07K2/00Peptides of undefined number of amino acidsDerivatives thereof C07K4/00Peptides having up to 20 amino acids in an undefined or only partially defined sequenceDerivatives thereof C07K4/02from viruses C07K4/04from bacteria C07K4/06from fungi C07K4/08from algaefrom lichens C07K4/10from plants C07K4/12from animalsfrom humansIf no indication to the contrary is given, all amino acids are considered to be in the natural L-form C07K5/00Peptides containing up to four amino acids in a fully defined sequenceDerivatives thereof C07K5/02containing at least one abnormal peptide link C07K5/0202containing the structure -NH-X-X-C(=0)-, X being an optionally substituted carbon atom or a heteroatom, e.g. beta-amino acids C07K5/0205containing the structure -NH-(X)3-C(=0)-, e.g. statine or derivatives thereof C07K5/0207containing the structure -NH-(X)4-C(=0), e.g. 'isosters', replacing two amino acids C07K5/021containing the structure -NH-(X)n-C(=0)-, n being 5 or 6; for n > 6, classification in C07K5/06 - C07K5/10, according to the moiety having normal peptide bonds C07K5/0212containing the structure -N-C-N-C(=0)-, e.g. retro-inverso peptides C07K5/0215containing natural amino acids, forming a peptide bond via their side chain functional group, e.g. epsilon-Lys, gamma-Glu C07K5/0217containing the structure -C(=O)-C-N-C(=O)-N-C-C(=O)- C07K5/022containing the structure -X-C(=O)-(C)n-N-C-C(=O)-Y-; X and Y being heteroatoms; n being 1 or 2 C07K5/0222with the first amino acid being heterocyclic, e.g. Pro, Trp C07K5/0225containing the structure -N-C-C(=O)-N-C(=O)-C-N- C07K5/0227containing the (partial) peptide sequence -Phe-His-NH-(X)2-C(=0)-, e.g. Renin-inhibitors with n = 2 - 6; for n > 6 see C07K5/06 - C07K5/10 C07K5/04containing only normal peptide links In groups C07K5/06 - C07K5/10 the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
neutral: amino acids having in the sidechain the same number of amino groups and carboxylic acid groups or derivatives thereof, e.g. Gly;
basic: amino acids having in the sidechain more amino groups than carboxylic acid groups or derivatives thereof, e.g. Arg;
acidic: amino acids having in the sidechain more carboxylic acid groups or derivatives thereof than amino groups, e.g. Asp;
aliphatic: amino acids having only acyclic carbon atoms in the sidechain, e.g. Ala aromatic;
cycloaliphatic: amino acids having a carbocyclic ring in the sidechain, e.g. Phe
heterocyclic: amino acids wherein the sidechain contains or is part of a heteroring, e.g. Pro;
side chain: the R radical in the optionally functionalised amino acid R-CH(NH2)C02H)
C07K5/06Dipeptides C07K5/06008with the first amino acid being neutral C07K5/06017and aliphatic C07K5/06026the side chain containing 0 or 1 carbon atom, i.e. Gly or Ala C07K5/06034the side chain containing 2 to 4 carbon atoms C07K5/06043Leu-amino acid C07K5/06052Val-amino acid C07K5/0606the side chain containing heteroatoms not provided for by C07K5/06086 - C07K5/06139, e.g. Ser, Met, Cys, Thr C07K5/06069Ser-amino acid C07K5/06078and aromatic or cycloaliphatic C07K5/06086with the first amino acid being basic C07K5/06095Arg-amino acid C07K5/06104with the first amino acid being acidic C07K5/06113Asp- or Asn-amino acid C07K5/06121the second amino acid being aromatic or cycloaliphatic C07K5/0613Aspartame C07K5/06139with the first amino acid being heterocyclic C07K5/06147and His-amino acid; Derivatives thereof C07K5/06156and Trp-amino acid; Derivatives thereof C07K5/06165and Pro-amino acid; Derivatives thereof C07K5/06173and Glp-amino acid; Derivatives thereof C07K5/06182and Pristinamycin II; Derivatives thereof C07K5/06191containing heteroatoms different from O, S, or N C07K5/08Tripeptides C07K5/0802with the first amino acid being neutral C07K5/0804and aliphatic C07K5/0806the side chain containing 0 or 1 carbon atoms, i.e. Gly, Ala C07K5/0808the side chain containing 2 to 4 carbon atoms, e.g. Val, Ile, Leu C07K5/081the side chain containing O or S as heteroatoms, e.g. Cys, Ser C07K5/0812and aromatic or cycloaliphatic C07K5/0815with the first amino acid being basic C07K5/0817the first amino acid being Arg C07K5/0819with the first amino acid being acidic C07K5/0821with the first amino acid being heterocyclic, e.g. His, Pro, Trp C07K5/0823and Pro-amino acid; Derivatives thereof C07K5/0825and Glp-amino acid; Derivatives thereof C07K5/0827containing heteroatoms different from O, S, or N C07K5/10Tetrapeptides C07K5/1002with the first amino acid being neutral C07K5/1005and aliphatic C07K5/1008the side chain containing 0 or 1 carbon atoms, i.e. Gly, Ala C07K5/101the side chain containing 2 to 4 carbon atoms, e.g. Val, Ile, Leu C07K5/1013the side chain containing O or S as heteroatoms, e.g. Cys, Ser C07K5/1016and aromatic or cycloaliphatic C07K5/1019with the first amino acid being basic C07K5/1021with the first amino acid being acidic C07K5/1024with the first amino acid being heterocyclic C07K5/1027containing heteroatoms different from O, S, or N C07K5/12Cyclic peptides with only normal peptide bonds in the ringCyclic peptides containing at least one abnormal peptide link are classified as linear peptides C07K5/123Tripeptides C07K5/126Tetrapeptides
C07K7/00Peptides having 5 to 20 amino acids in a fully defined sequenceDerivatives thereof In this subgroup cyclic compounds related to specific compounds which are classified in a specific group, e.g. C07K7/062, are classified in this specific group only C07K7/02Linear peptides containing at least one abnormal peptide link C07K7/04Linear peptides containing only normal peptide links C07K7/06having 5 to 11 amino acids C07K7/062Serum thymic factor C07K7/065Thymic humoral factor C07K7/067Hemoregulatory peptides based on sequence Glp-Glu-Asp-Cys-Lys C07K7/08having 12 to 20 amino acids gastrins C07K14/595; somatostatins C07K14/655; melanotropins C07K14/68 C07K7/083Neurotensin C07K7/086Bombesin; Related peptides having more than 20 amino acids C07K14/57572 C07K7/14Angiotensins: Related peptides C07K7/16OxytocinsVasopressinsRelated peptides C07K7/18KallidinsBradykininsRelated peptides C07K7/22Tachykinins, e.g. Eledoisins , Substance PRelated peptides C07K7/23Luteinising hormone-releasing hormone [LHRH]Related peptides C07K7/28Gramicidins A, B, DRelated peptides C07K7/50Cyclic peptides containing at least one abnormal peptide link C07K7/52with only normal peptide links in the ring C07K7/54with at least one abnormal peptide link in the ring C07K7/56the cyclisation not occurring through 2,4-diamino-butanoic acid C07K7/58BacitracinsRelated peptides C07K7/60the cyclisation occurring through the 4-amino group of 2,4-diamino-butanoic acid C07K7/62PolymyxinsRelated peptides C07K7/64Cyclic peptides containing only normal peptide links C07K7/645Cyclosporins; Related peptides C07K7/66Gramicidins S, CTyrocidins A, B, CRelated peptides C07K9/00Peptides having up to 20 amino acids, containing saccharide radicals and having a fully defined sequenceDerivatives thereof C07K9/001the peptide sequence having less than 12 amino acids and not being part of a ring structure C07K9/003Peptides being substituted by heterocyclic radicals, e.g. bleomycin, phleomycin C07K9/005containing within the molecule the substructure with m, n > 0 and m+n > 0, A, B, D, E being heteroatoms; X being a bond or a chain, e.g. muramylpeptides C07K9/006the peptide sequence being part of a ring structure C07K9/008directly attached to a hetero atom of the saccharide radical, e.g. actaplanin, avoparcin, ristomycin, vancomycin C07K11/00Depsipeptides having up to 20 amino acids in a fully defined sequenceDerivatives thereof C07K11/02cyclic, e.g. valinomycins Derivatives thereof C07K14/00Peptides having more than 20 amino acidsGastrinsSomatostatinsMelanotropinsDerivatives thereof C07K14/001by chemical synthesis C07K14/003Peptide-nucleic acids (PNAs) C07K14/005from viruses When classifying in this group, subject-matter related to viral proteins shall be classified by the symbol C07K14/005 together with (a number of) appropriate indexing codes out of C12N2710/00-C12N2795/00 1. From 2012-03-15 groups C07K14/01 - C07K14/19 and subgroups thereof are no longer used for the classification of new documents. 2. Reclassification of the back-file follows the principle outlined in the Note here above C07K14/01DNA viruses C07K14/015Parvoviridae, e.g. feline panleukopenia virus, human parvovirus C07K14/02Hepadnaviridae, e.g. hepatitis B virus C07K14/025Papovaviridae, e.g. papillomavirus, polyomavirus, SV40, BK virus, JC virus C07K14/03Herpetoviridae, e.g. pseudorabies virus C07K14/032Pseudorabies virus, i.e. Anjetzky virus C07K14/035Herpes simplex virus I or II C07K14/04Varicella-zoster virus C07K14/045Cytomegalovirus C07K14/05Epstein-Barr virus C07K14/055Marek's disease virus C07K14/06Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus C07K14/065Poxviridae, e.g. avipoxvirus C07K14/07Vaccinia virusVariola virus C07K14/075Adenoviridae C07K14/08RNA viruses C07K14/082Arteriviridae, e.g. EAV, PRRSV C07K14/085Picornaviridae, e.g. coxsackie virus, echovirus, enterovirus C07K14/09Foot-and-mouth disease virus C07K14/095Rhinovirus C07K14/10Hepatitis A virus C07K14/105Poliovirus C07K14/11Orthomyxoviridae, e.g. influenza virus C07K14/115Paramyxoviridae, e.g. parainfluenza virus C07K14/12Mumps virusMeasles virus C07K14/125Newcastle disease virus C07K14/13Canine distemper virus C07K14/135Respiratory syncytial virus C07K14/14Reoviridae, e.g. rotavirus, bluetongue virus, Colorado tick fever virus C07K14/145Rhabdoviridae, e.g. rabies virus, Duvenhage virus, Mokola virus or vesicular stomatitis virus C07K14/15Retroviridae, e.g. bovine leukaemia virus, feline leukaemia virus human T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma virus C07K14/155Lentiviridae, e.g. visna-maedi virus, equine infectious virus, FIV, SIV C07K14/16HIV-1 ; HIV-2 C07K14/161gag-pol, e.g. p55, p24/25, p17/18, p7, p6, p66/68, p51/52, p31/34, p32, p40 C07K14/162env, e.g. gp160, gp110/120, gp41, V3, peptid T, CD4-Binding site C07K14/163Regulatory proteins, e.g. tat, nef, rev, vif, vpu, vpr, vpt, vpx C07K14/165Coronaviridae, e.g. avian infectious bronchitis virus C07K14/17Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus C07K14/175Bunyaviridae, e.g. California encephalitis virus, Rift valley fever virus, Hantaan virus C07K14/18Togaviridae; Flaviviridae C07K14/1808Alphaviruses or Group A arboviruses, e.g. sindbis, VEE, EEE, WEE, semliki forest virus rubella virus C07K14/19 C07K14/1816Flaviviridae, e.g. pestivirus, mucosal disease virus, bovine viral diarrhoea virus, classical swine fever virus (hog cholera virus), border disease virus C07K14/1825Flaviviruses or Group B arboviruses, e.g. yellow fever virus, japanese encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis, dengue C07K14/1833Hepatitis C; Hepatitis NANB C07K14/1841Hepatitis G; Hepatitis NANBNCNDNE C07K14/19Rubella virus C07K14/195from bacteria In groups C07K14/20 - C07K14/365, where appropriate, after the bacteria terminology, the indication of the order (O), family (F) or genus (G) of the bacteria is given in brackets. C07K14/20from Spirochaetales (O), e.g. Treponema, Leptospira C07K14/205from Campylobacter (G) C07K14/21from Pseudomonadaceae (F) C07K14/212Moraxellaceae, e.g. Acinetobacter, Moraxella, Oligella, Psychrobacter C07K14/215from Halobacteriaceae (F) C07K14/22from Neisseriaceae (F) C07K14/225from Alcaligenes (G) C07K14/23from Brucella (G) C07K14/235from Bordetella (G) C07K14/24from Enterobacteriaceae (F), e.g. Citrobacter, Serratia, Proteus, Providencia, Morganella, Yersinia C07K14/245Escherichia (G) C07K14/25Shigella (G) C07K14/255Salmonella (G) C07K14/26Klebsiella (G) C07K14/265Enterobacter (G) C07K14/27Erwinia (G) C07K14/275Hafnia (G) C07K14/28from Vibrionaceae (F) C07K14/285from Pasteurellaceae (F), e.g. Haemophilus influenza C07K14/29from Richettsiales (O) C07K14/295from Chlamydiales (O) C07K14/30from Mycoplasmatales, e.g. Pleuropneumonia-like organisms [PPLO] C07K14/305from Micrococcaceae (F) C07K14/31from Staphylococcus (G) C07K14/315from Streptococcus (G), e.g. Enterococci C07K14/3153Streptokinase C07K14/3156from Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) Streptokinase C07K14/3153 C07K14/32from Bacillus (G) C07K14/325Bacillus thuringiensis crystal protein (delta-endotoxin) C07K14/33from Clostridium (G) C07K14/335from Lactobacillus (G) C07K14/34from Corynebacterium (G) C07K14/345from Brevibacterium (G) C07K14/35from Mycobacteriaceae (F) C07K14/355from Nocardia (G) C07K14/36from Actinomycesfrom Streptomyces (G) C07K14/365from Actinoplanes (G) C07K14/37from fungi C07K14/375from Basidiomycetes C07K14/38from Aspergillus C07K14/385from Penicillium C07K14/39from yeasts C07K14/395from Saccharomyces C07K14/40from Candida C07K14/405from algae C07K14/41from lichens C07K14/415from plants C07K14/42Lectins, e.g. concanavalin, phytohaemagglutinin C07K14/425Zeins C07K14/43Sweetening agents, e.g. thaumatin, monellin C07K14/435from animalsfrom humans C07K14/43504from invertebrates C07K14/43509from crustaceans C07K14/43513from arachnidae C07K14/43518from spiders C07K14/43522from scorpions C07K14/43527from ticks C07K14/43531from mites C07K14/43536from worms C07K14/4354from nematodes C07K14/43545from Caenorhabditis C07K14/4355from cestodes C07K14/43554from Taenia C07K14/43559from trematodes C07K14/43563from insects C07K14/43568from wasps C07K14/43572from bees C07K14/43577from flies C07K14/43581from Drosophila C07K14/43586from silkworms C07K14/4359from fleas C07K14/43595from coelenteratae, e.g. medusae C07K14/44from protozoa C07K14/445Plasmodium C07K14/45Toxoplasma C07K14/455Eimeria C07K14/46from vertebrates C07K14/461from fish C07K14/463from amphibians C07K14/465from birds C07K14/47from mammals C07K14/4701not used C07K14/4702Regulators; Modulating activity C07K14/4703Inhibitors; Suppressors C07K14/4705stimulating, promoting or activating activity C07K14/4706Guanosine triphosphatase activating protein, GAP C07K14/4707Muscular dystrophy C07K14/4708Duchenne dystrophy C07K14/471Myotonic dystrophy C07K14/4711Alzheimer's disease; Amyloid plaque core protein C07K14/4712Cystic fibrosis C07K14/4713Autoimmune diseases, e.g. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, rheumathoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus; Autoantigens C07K14/4715Pregnancy proteins, e.g. placenta proteins, alpha-feto-protein, pregnancy specific beta glycoprotein C07K14/4716Muscle proteins, e.g. myosin, actin C07K14/4717Plasma globulins, lactoglobulin C07K14/4718Cytokine-induced proteins C07K14/472Complement proteins, e.g. anaphylatoxin, C3a, C5a C07K14/4721Lipocortins C07K14/4722G-proteins C07K14/4723Cationic antimicrobial peptides, e.g. defensins C07K14/4725Proteoglycans, e.g. aggreccan C07K14/4726Lectins C07K14/4727Mucins, e.g. human intestinal mucin C07K14/4728Calcium binding proteins, e.g. calmodulin C07K14/473alpha-Glycoproteins C07K14/4731Recognins, e.g. malignin C07K14/4732Casein in foodstuffs A23J C07K14/4733Acute pancreatitis-associated protein C07K14/4735Villin C07K14/4736Retinoblastoma protein C07K14/4737C-reactive protein C07K14/4738Cell cycle regulated proteins, e.g. cyclin, CDC, INK-CCR cell cycle dependent kinases C12N9/12 C07K14/474Pancreatic thread protein; Reg protein C07K14/4741Keratin; Cytokeratin C07K14/4742Bactericidal/Permeability-increasing protein [BPI] C07K14/4743Insulin-like growth factor binding protein C07K14/4745Cancer-associated SCM-recognition factor, CRISPP C07K14/4746p53 C07K14/4747Apoptosis related proteins C07K14/4748Tumour specific antigens; Tumour rejection antigen precursors [TRAP], e.g. MAGE C07K14/475Growth factorsGrowth regulators C07K14/4753Hepatocyte growth factor; Scatter factor; Tumor cytotoxic factor II C07K14/4756Neuregulins, i.e. p185erbB2 ligands, glial growth factor, heregulin, ARIA, neu differentiation factor C07K14/48Nerve growth factor [NGF] C07K14/485Epidermal growth factor [EGF] (urogastrone) C07K14/49Platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF] C07K14/495Transforming growth factor [TGF] C07K14/50Fibroblast growth factors [FGF] C07K14/501acidic FGF [aFGF] C07K14/503basic FGF [bFGF] C07K14/505Erythropoietin [EPO] C07K14/51Bone morphogenetic factorOsteogeninsOsteogenic factorBone-inducing factor C07K14/515Angiogenesic factorsAngiogenin C07K14/52CytokinesLymphokinesInterferons C07K14/521Chemokines C07K14/522Alpha-chemokines, e.g. NAP-2, ENA-78, GRO-alpha/MGSA/NAP-3, GRO-beta/MIP-2alpha, GRO-gamma/MIP-2beta, IP-10, GCP-2, MIG, PBSF, PF-4, KC C07K14/523Beta-chemokines, e.g. RANTES, I-309/TCA-3, MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta/ACT-2/LD78/SCIF, MCP-1/MCAF, MCP-2, MCP-3, LDCF-1, LDCF-2 C07K14/524Thrombopoietin, i.e. C-MPL ligand C07K14/525Tumour necrosis factor [TNF] C07K14/5255Lymphotoxin [LT] C07K14/53Colony-stimulating factor [CSF] C07K14/535Granulocyte CSFGranulocyte-macrophage CSF C07K14/54Interleukins [IL] C07K14/5403IL-3 C07K14/5406IL-4 C07K14/5409IL-5 C07K14/5412IL-6 C07K14/5415Leukaemia inhibitory factor [LIF] C07K14/5418IL-7 C07K14/5421IL-8 C07K14/5425IL-9 C07K14/5428IL-10 C07K14/5431IL-11 C07K14/5434IL-12 C07K14/5437IL-13 C07K14/544IL-14 C07K14/5443IL-15 C07K14/5446IL-16 C07K14/545IL-1 C07K14/55IL-2 C07K14/555Interferons [IFN] C07K14/56IFN-alpha C07K14/565IFN-beta C07K14/57IFN-gamma C07K14/575Hormones derived from pro-opiomelanocortin, pro-enkephalin or pro-dynorphin C07K14/665, e.g. corticotropin C07K14/695 C07K14/57509Corticotropin releasing factor [CRF] (Urotensin) C07K14/57518Placental lactogen; Chorionic somatomammotropin C07K14/57527Calcitonin gene related peptide C07K14/57536Endothelin, vasoactive intestinal contractor [VIC] C07K14/57545Neuropeptide Y C07K14/57554Prolactin C07K14/57563Vasoactive intestinal peptide [VIP]; Related peptides C07K14/57572Gastrin releasing peptide bombesin C07K7/086 C07K14/57581Thymosin; Related peptides C07K14/5759Products of obesity genes, e.g. leptin, obese (OB), tub, fat C07K14/58Atrial natriuretic factor complexAtriopeptinAtrial natriuretic peptide [ANP]CardionatrinCardiodilatin C07K14/582at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/585Calcitonins C07K14/5855at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/59Follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH]Chorionic gonadotropins, e.g. HCGLuteinising hormone [LH]Thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH] C07K14/592at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/595GastrinsCholecystokinins [CCK] C07K14/5955at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/60Growth-hormone releasing factors (GH-RF) (Somatoliberin) C07K14/605Glucagons C07K14/61Growth hormones [GH] (Somatotropin) C07K14/615Extraction from natural sources C07K14/62Insulins C07K14/622at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/625Extraction from natural sources C07K14/63Motilins C07K14/635Parathyroid hormone (parathormone)Parathyroid hormone-related peptides C07K14/64Relaxins C07K14/645Secretins C07K14/65Insulin-like growth factors (Somatomedins), e.g. IGF-1, IGF-2 C07K14/655Somatostatins C07K14/6555at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/66Thymopoietins C07K14/662at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/665derived from pro-opiomelanocortin, pro-enkephalin or pro-dynorphin C07K14/67Lipotropins, e.g. beta, gamma lipotropin C07K14/672with at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/675Beta-endorphins C07K14/6755with at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/68Melanocyte-stimulating hormone [MSH] C07K14/685Alpha-melanotropin C07K14/69Beta-melanotropin C07K14/695Corticotropin [ACTH] C07K14/6955with at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/70Enkephalins C07K14/702with at least 1 amino acid in D-form C07K14/705ReceptorsCell surface antigensCell surface determinants tumour specific antigens C07K14/4748 C07K14/70503Immunoglobulin superfamily C07K14/70507CD2 C07K14/7051T-cell receptor (TcR)-CD3 complex C07K14/70514CD4 C07K14/70517CD8 C07K14/70521CD28, CD152 C07K14/70525ICAM molecules, e.g. CD50, CD54, CD102 C07K14/70528CD58 C07K14/70532B7 molecules, e.g. CD80, CD86 C07K14/70535Fc-receptors, e.g. CD16, CD32, CD64 (CD2314/705F) C07K14/70539MHC-molecules, e.g. HLA-molecules C07K14/70542CD106 C07K14/70546Integrin superfamily C07K14/7055Integrin beta1-subunit-containing molecules, e.g. CD29, CD49 C07K14/70553Integrin beta2-subunit-containing molecules, e.g. CD11, CD18 C07K14/70557Integrin beta3-subunit-containing molecules, e.g. CD41, CD51, CD61 C07K14/7056Lectin superfamily, e.g. CD23, CD72 C07K14/70564Selectins, e.g. CD62 C07K14/70567Nuclear receptors, e.g. retinoic acid receptor [RAR], RXR, nuclear orphan receptors C07K14/70571for neuromediators, e.g. serotonin receptor, dopamine receptor C07K14/70575NGF/TNF-superfamily, e.g. CD70, CD95L, CD153, CD154 NGF C07K14/48, TNF C07K14/525 C07K14/70578NGF-receptor/TNF-receptor superfamily, e.g. CD27, CD30, CD40, CD95 NGF-receptor C07K14/71, TNF-receptor C07K14/7151 C07K14/70582CD71 C07K14/70585CD44 C07K14/70589CD45 C07K14/70592CD52 C07K14/70596Molecules with a "CD"-designation not provided for elsewhere C07K14/71for growth factorsfor growth regulators C07K14/715for cytokinesfor lymphokinesfor interferons C07K14/7151for tumor necrosis factor [TNF], for lymphotoxin [LT] C07K14/7153for colony-stimulating factors [CSF] C07K14/7155for interleukins [IL] C07K14/7156for interferons [IFN] C07K14/7158for chemokines C07K14/72for hormones for neuromediators C07K14/70571 C07K14/721Steroid/thyroid hormone superfamily, e.g. GR, EcR, androgen receptor, oestrogen receptor C07K14/723G protein coupled receptor, e.g. TSHR-thyrotropin-receptor, LH/hCG receptor, FSH receptor C07K14/745Blood coagulation or fibrinolysis factors C07K14/7455Thrombomodulin C07K14/75Fibrinogen C07K14/755Factors VIII , e.g. factor VIII C (AHF), factor VIII Ag (VWF) C07K14/76Albumins C07K14/765Serum albumin, e.g. HSA C07K14/77Ovalbumin C07K14/775Apolipopeptides C07K14/78Connective tissue peptides, e.g. collagen, elastin, laminin, fibronectin, vitronectin, cold insoluble globulin [CIG] C07K14/785Alveolar surfactant peptidesPulmonary surfactant peptides C07K14/79Transferrins, e.g. lactoferrins, ovotransferrins C07K14/795Porphyrin- or corrin-ring-containing peptides C07K14/80Cytochromes C07K14/805HaemoglobinsMyoglobins C07K14/81Protease inhibitors C07K14/8103Exopeptidase (E.C. 3.4.11-19) inhibitors C07K14/8107Endopeptidase (E.C. 3.4.21-99) inhibitors C07K14/811Serine protease (E.C. 3.4.21) inhibitors C07K14/8114Kunitz type inhibitors C07K14/8117Bovine/basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI, aprotinin) C07K14/8121Serpins C07K14/8125Alpha-1-antitrypsin C07K14/8128Antithrombin III C07K14/8132Plasminogen activator inhibitors C07K14/8135Kazal type inhibitors, e.g. pancreatic secretory inhibitor, ovomucoid C07K14/8139Cysteine protease (E.C. 3.4.22) inhibitors, e.g. cystatin C07K14/8142Aspartate protease (E.C. 3.4.23) inhibitors, e.g. HIV protease inhibitors C07K14/8146Metalloprotease (E.C. 3.4.24) inhibitors, e.g. tissue inhibitor of metallo proteinase, TIMP C07K14/815from leeches, e.g. hirudin, eglin C07K14/82Translation products from oncogenes C07K14/825Metallothioneins C07K16/00Immunoglobulins [IGs], e.g. monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies antibodies with enzymatic activity, e.g. abzymes C12N9/0002 Documents characterised by the technical aspects of the construction of an antibody or fragment thereof, should be classified in C07K16/00 - C07K16/065 or C07K16/46 - C07K16/468Documents not characterised by the technical aspects of the construction of an antibody or fragment thereof, should be classified only according to their specificity, where necessary accompanied by one or more appropriate indexing codes C07K16/005constructed by phage libraries C07K16/02from eggs C07K16/04from milk C07K16/06from serum C07K16/065Purification, fragmentation C07K16/08against material from viruses C07K16/081from DNA viruses C07K16/082Hepadnaviridae, e.g. hepatitis B virus C07K16/084Papovaviridae, e.g. papillomavirus, polyomavirus, SV40, BK virus, JC virus C07K16/085Herpetoviridae, e.g. pseudorabies virus, Epstein-Barr virus C07K16/087Herpes simplex virus C07K16/088Varicella-zoster virus, e.g. cytomegalovirus C07K16/10from RNA viruses , e.g. hepatitis E virus C07K16/1009Picornaviridae, e.g. hepatitis A virus C07K16/1018Orthomyxoviridae, e.g. influenza virus C07K16/1027Paramyxoviridae, e.g. respiratory syncytial virus C07K16/1036Retroviridae, e.g. leukemia viruses C07K16/1045Lentiviridae, e.g. HIV, FIV, SIV C07K16/1054gag-pol, e.g. p17, p24 C07K16/1063env, e.g. gp41, gp110/120, gp160, V3, PND, CD4 binding site C07K16/1072Regulatory proteins, e.g. tat, rev, vpt C07K16/1081Togaviridae, e.g. flavivirus, rubella virus, hog cholera virus C07K16/109Hepatitis C virus; Hepatitis G virus C07K16/12against material from bacteria C07K16/1203from Gram-negative bacteria C07K16/1207from Spirochaetales (O), e.g. Treponema, Leptospira C07K16/121from Helicobacter (Campylobacter) (G) C07K16/1214from Pseudomonadaceae (F) C07K16/1217from Neisseriaceae (F), e.g. Acinetobacter C07K16/1221from Brucella (G) C07K16/1225from Bordetella (G) C07K16/1228from Enterobacteriaceae (F), e.g. Citrobacter, Serratia, Proteus, Providencia, Morganella, Yersinia C07K16/1232from Escherichia (G) C07K16/1235from Salmonella (G) C07K16/1239from Vibrionaceae (G) C07K16/1242from Pasteurellaceae (F), e.g. Haemophilus influenza C07K16/1246from Rickettsiales (O) C07K16/125from Chlamydiales (O) C07K16/1253from Mycoplasmatales, e.g. Pleuropneumonia-like organisms [PPLO] C07K16/1257from Bacteridaceae (F) C07K16/126from Legionella (G) C07K16/1264from Rhizobiaceae (F) C07K16/1267from Gram-positive bacteria C07K16/1271from Micrococcaceae (F), e.g. Staphylococcus C07K16/1275from Streptococcus (G) C07K16/1278from Bacillus (G) C07K16/1282from Clostridium (G) C07K16/1285from Corynebacterium (G) C07K16/1289from Mycobacteriaceae (F) C07K16/1292from Actinomyces; from Streptomyces (G) C07K16/1296from Listeria C07K16/14against material from fungi, algea or lichens C07K16/16against material from plants C07K16/18against material from animals or humans C07K16/20from protozoa C07K16/205Plasmodium C07K16/22against growth factors ; against growth regulators C07K16/24against cytokines, lymphokines or interferons C07K16/241Tumor Necrosis Factors C07K16/242Lymphotoxin [LT] C07K16/243Colony Stimulating Factors C07K16/244Interleukins [IL] C07K16/245IL-1 C07K16/246IL-2 C07K16/247IL-4 C07K16/248IL-6 C07K16/249Interferons C07K16/26against hormones ; against hormone releasing or inhibiting factors C07K16/28against receptors, cell surface antigens or cell surface determinants C07K16/2803against the immunoglobulin superfamily C07K16/2806against CD2 C07K16/2809against the T-cell receptor (TcR)-CD3 complex C07K16/2812against CD4 C07K16/2815against CD8 C07K16/2818against CD28 or CD152 C07K16/2821against ICAM molecules, e.g. CD50, CD54, CD102 C07K16/2824against CD58 C07K16/2827against B7 molecules, e.g. CD80, CD86 C07K16/283against Fc-receptors, e.g. CD16, CD32, CD64 CD23 C07K16/2851 C07K16/2833against MHC-molecules, e.g. HLA-molecules C07K16/2836against CD106 C07K16/2839against the integrin superfamily C07K16/2842against integrin beta1-subunit-containing molecules, e.g. CD29, CD49 C07K16/2845against integrin beta2-subunit-containing molecules, e.g. CD11, CD18 C07K16/2848against integrin beta3-subunit-containing molecules, e.g. CD41, CD51, CD61 C07K16/2851against the lectin superfamily, e.g. CD23, CD72 C07K16/2854against selectins, e.g. CD62 C07K16/2857against nuclear receptors, e.g. retinoic acid receptor [RAR], RXR, orphan receptor C07K16/286against neuromediator receptors, e.g. serotonin receptor, dopamine receptor C07K16/2863against receptors for growth factors, growth regulators C07K16/2866against receptors for cytokines, lymphokines, interferons C07K16/2869against hormone receptors for antibodies against neuromediator receptors C07K16/286 C07K16/2872against prion molecules, e.g. CD230 C07K16/2875against the NGF/TNF superfamily, e.g. CD70, CD95L, CD153, CD154 against NGF C07K16/22, against TNF C07K16/241 C07K16/2878against the NGF-receptor/TNF-receptor superfamily, e.g. CD27, CD30, CD40, CD95 C07K16/2881against CD71 C07K16/2884against CD44 C07K16/2887against CD20 C07K16/289against CD45 C07K16/2893against CD52 C07K16/2896against molecules with a "CD"-designation, not provided for elsewhere C07K16/30from tumour cells C07K16/3007Carcino-embryonic Antigens C07K16/3015Breast C07K16/3023Lung C07K16/303Liver or Pancreas C07K16/3038Kidney, bladder C07K16/3046Stomach, Intestines C07K16/3053Skin, nerves, brain C07K16/3061Blood cells C07K16/3069Reproductive system, e.g. ovaria, uterus, testes, prostate C07K16/3076against structure-related tumour-associated moieties C07K16/3084against tumour-associated gangliosides C07K16/3092against tumour-associated mucins C07K16/32against translation products of oncogenes C07K16/34against blood group antigens C07K16/36against blood coagulation factors C07K16/38against protease inhibitors of peptide structure C07K16/40against enzymes C07K16/42against immunoglobulins C07K16/4208against an idiotypic determinant on Ig C07K16/4216against anti-viral Ig C07K16/4225against anti-HIV Ig C07K16/4233against anti-bacterial Ig C07K16/4241against anti-human or anti-animal Ig C07K16/425against anti-protozoal Ig C07K16/4258against anti-receptor Ig C07K16/4266against anti-tumor receptor Ig C07K16/4275against anti-CD4 Ig C07K16/4283against an allotypic or isotypic determinant on Ig C07K16/4291against IgE C07K16/44against material not provided for elsewhere , e.g. haptens, metals, DNA, RNA, amino acids C07K16/46Hybrid immunoglobulins hybrids of an immunoglobulin with a peptide not being an immunoglobulin C07K19/00 C07K16/461Igs containing Ig-regions, -domains or -residues form different species C07K16/462Igs containing a variable region (Fv) from one specie and a constant region (Fc) from another C07K16/464Igs containing CDR-residues from one specie grafted between FR-residues from another C07K16/465with additional modified FR-residues C07K16/467Igs with modifications in the FR-residues only C07K16/468Immunoglobulins having two or more different antigen binding sites, e.g. multifunctional antibodies C07K17/00Carrier-bound or immobilised peptides carrier-bound or immobilised enzymes C12N11/00Preparation thereof C07K17/02Peptides being immobilised on, or in, an organic carrier C07K17/04entrapped within the carrier, e.g. gel, hollow fibre C07K17/06attached to the carrier via a bridging agent C07K17/08the carrier being a synthetic polymer C07K17/10the carrier being a carbohydrate C07K17/12Cellulose or derivatives thereof C07K17/14Peptides being immobilised on, or in, an inorganic carrier C07K19/00Hybrid peptides
C07K2299/00 C07K2299/00Coordinates from 3D structures of peptides, e.g. proteins or enzymes C07K2317/00Immunoglobulins specific features C07K2317/10characterized by their source of isolation or production C07K2317/11isolated from eggs C07K2317/12isolated from milk C07K2317/13isolated from plants C07K2317/14Specific host cells or culture conditions, e.g. components, pH or temperature C07K2317/20characterized by taxonomic origin C07K2317/21from primates, e.g. man C07K2317/22from camelids, e.g. camel, llama or dromedary C07K2317/23from birds C07K2317/24containing regions, domains or residues from different species, e.g. chimeric, humanized or veneered C07K2317/30characterized by aspects of specificity or valency C07K2317/31multispecific C07K2317/32specific for a neo-epitope on a complex, e.g. antibody-antigen or ligand-receptor C07K2317/33Crossreactivity, e.g. for species or epitope, or lack of said crossreactivity C07K2317/34Identification of a linear epitope shorter than 20 amino acid residues or of a conformational epitope defined by amino acid residues C07K2317/35Valency C07K2317/40characterized by post-translational modification C07K2317/41Glycosylation, sialylation, or fucosylation C07K2317/50characterized by immunoglobulin fragments C07K2317/51Complete heavy chain or Fd fragment, i.e. VH + CH1 C07K2317/515Complete light chain, i.e. VL + CL C07K2317/52Constant or Fc regionIsotype C07K2317/522CH1 domain C07K2317/524CH2 domain C07K2317/526CH3 domain C07K2317/528CH4 domain C07K2317/53Hinge C07K2317/54F(ab')2 C07K2317/55Fab or Fab' C07K2317/56variable (Fv) region, i.e. VH and/or VL C07K2317/565Complementarity determining region [CDR] C07K2317/567Framework region [FR] C07K2317/569Single domain, e.g. dAb, sdAb, VHH, VNAR or nanobody® C07K2317/60characterized by non-natural combinations of immunoglobulin fragments C07K2317/62comprising only variable region components C07K2317/622Single chain antibody (scFv) C07K2317/624Disulfide-stabilized antibody (dsFv) C07K2317/626Diabody or triabody C07K2317/64comprising a combination of variable region and constant region components C07K2317/66comprising a swap of domains, e.g. CH3-CH2, VH-CL or VL-CH1 C07K2317/70characterized by effect upon binding to a cell or to an antigen C07K2317/71Decreased effector function due to an Fc-modification C07K2317/72Increased effector function due to an Fc-modification C07K2317/73Inducing cell death, e.g. apoptosis, necrosis or inhibition of cell proliferation C07K2317/732Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity [ADCC] C07K2317/734Complement-dependent cytotoxicity [CDC] C07K2317/74Inducing cell proliferation C07K2317/75Agonist effect on antigen C07K2317/76Antagonist effect on antigen, e.g. neutralization or inhibition of binding C07K2317/77Internalization into the cell C07K2317/80remaining in the (producing) cell, i.e. intracellular antibodies or intrabodies C07K2317/81functional in the endoplasmatic reticulum [ER] or the Golgi apparatus C07K2317/82functional in the cytoplasm, the inner aspect of the cell membrane, the nucleus or the mitochondria C07K2317/90characterized by (pharmaco)kinetic aspects or by stability of the immunoglobulin C07K2317/92Affinity (KD), association rate (Ka), dissociation rate (Kd) or EC50 value C07K2317/94Stability, e.g. half-life, pH, temperature or enzyme-resistance C07K2318/00Antibody mimetics or scaffolds C07K2318/10Immunoglobulin or domain(s) thereof as scaffolds for inserted non-Ig peptide sequences, e.g. for vaccination purposes C07K2318/20Antigen-binding scaffold molecules wherein the scaffold is not an immunoglobulin variable region or antibody mimetics C07K2319/00Fusion polypeptide C07K2319/01containing a localisation/targetting motif C07K2319/02containing a signal sequence C07K2319/03containing a transmembrane segment C07K2319/033containing a motif for targeting to the internal surface of the plasma membrane, e.g. containing a myristoylation motif C07K2319/034containing a motif for targeting to the periplasmic space of Gram negative bacteria as a soluble protein, i.e. signal sequence should be cleaved C07K2319/035containing a signal for targeting to the external surface of a cell, e.g. to the outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria, GPI- anchored eukaryote proteins C07K2319/036targeting to the medium outside of the cell, e.g. type III secretion C07K2319/04containing an ER retention signal such as a C-terminal HDEL motif C07K2319/05containing a GOLGI retention signal C07K2319/055containing a signal for localisation to secretory granules (for exocytosis) C07K2319/06containing a lysosomal/endosomal localisation signal C07K2319/07containing a mitochondrial localisation signal C07K2319/08containing a chloroplast localisation signal C07K2319/09containing a nuclear localisation signal C07K2319/095containing a nuclear export signal C07K2319/10containing a tag for extracellular membrane crossing, e.g. TAT or VP22 C07K2319/20containing a tag with affinity for a non-protein ligand C07K2319/21containing a His-tag C07K2319/22containing a Strep-tag C07K2319/23containing a GST-tag C07K2319/24containing a MBP (maltose binding protein)-tag C07K2319/30Non-immunoglobulin-derived peptide or protein having an immunoglobulin constant or Fc region, or a fragment thereof, attached thereto C07K2319/31fusions, other than Fc, for prolonged plasma life, e.g. albumin C07K2319/32fusions with soluble part of a cell surface receptor, "decoy receptors" C07K2319/33fusions for targeting to specific cell types, e.g. tissue specific targeting, targeting of a bacterial subspecies C07K2319/35containing a fusion for enhanced stability/folding during expression, e.g. fusions with chaperones or thioredoxin C07K2319/40containing a tag for immunodetection, or an epitope for immunisation C07K2319/41containing a Myc-tag C07K2319/42containing a HA(hemagglutinin)-tag C07K2319/43containing a FLAG-tag C07K2319/50containing protease site C07K2319/55containing a fusion with a toxin, e.g. diphteria toxin C07K2319/60containing spectroscopic/fluorescent detection, e.g. green fluorescent protein [GFP] C07K2319/61containing an enzyme fusion for detection (lacZ, luciferase) C07K2319/70containing domain for protein-protein interaction C07K2319/705containing a protein-A fusion C07K2319/71containing domain for transcriptional activaation, e.g. VP16 C07K2319/715containing a domain for ligand dependent transcriptional activation, e.g. containing a steroid receptor domain C07K2319/72containing SH2 domain C07K2319/73containing coiled-coiled motif (leucine zippers) C07K2319/735containing a domain for self-assembly, e.g. a viral coat protein (includes phage display) C07K2319/74containing a fusion for binding to a cell surface receptor C07K2319/75containing a fusion for activation of a cell surface receptor, e.g. thrombopoeitin, NPY and other peptide hormones C07K2319/80containing a DNA binding domain, e.g. Lacl or Tet-repressor C07K2319/81containing a Zn-finger domain for DNA binding C07K2319/85containing an RNA binding domain C07K2319/90containing a motif for post-translational modification C07K2319/91containing a motif for glycosylation C07K2319/912containing a GPI (phosphatidyl-inositol glycane) anchor C07K2319/915containing a motif for acylation C07K2319/92containing an intein ("protein splicing")domain C07K2319/95containing a motif/fusion for degradation (ubiquitin fusions, PEST sequence)