F01BMACHINES OR ENGINES, IN GENERAL OR OF POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT TYPE, e.g. STEAM ENGINES of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F01C; of non-positive-displacement type F01D; internal-combustion aspects of reciprocating-piston engines F02B57/00, F02B59/00; crankshafts, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; flywheels F16F; gearings for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion in general F16H; pistons, piston rods, cylinders, for engines in general F16JThis subclass covers, with the exception of the matter provided for in subclasses F01C - F01P : engines for elastic fluids, e.g. steam engines; engines for liquids and elastic fluids; machines for elastic fluids; machines for liquids and elastic fluids.Attention is drawn to the note preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "steam" and "special vapour".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01B1/00 F01B1/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines characterised by number or relative disposition of cylinders or by being built-up from separate cylinder-crankcase elements F01B3/00, F01B5/00 take precedence F01B1/01with one single cylinder F01B1/02with cylinders all in one line F01B1/04with cylinders in V-arrangement F01B1/06with cylinders in star or fan arrangement F01B1/0603the connection of the pistons with an element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F01B1/0606with cam-actuated distribution member(s) F01B1/061with two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F01B1/0613directly located side by side F01B1/0617coupling of several cylinders-barrels F01B1/062the connection of the pistons with an actuating or actuated element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F01B1/0624with cam-actuated distribution member(s) F01B1/0627each machine piston being provided with channels, which are coacting with the cylinder and are used as a distribution member for another piston-cylinder unit F01B1/0631the piston-driving or -driven cam being provided with an inlet or an outlet F01B1/0634with two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F01B1/0637directly located side by side F01B1/0641Details, component parts specially adapted for such machines F01B1/0644Pistons F01B1/0648Cams F01B1/0651consisting of several cylindrical elements, e.g. rollers F01B1/0655cylinders F01B1/0658Arrangements for pressing or connecting the pistons against the actuating or actuated cam F01B1/0662hydraulically F01B1/0665Disconnecting the pistons from the actuating or actuated cam in general F01B31/24 F01B1/0668Supporting and guiding means for the piston F01B1/0672Draining of the machine housing; arrangements dealing with leakage fluid F01B1/0675Controlling F01B1/0679by using a valve in a system with several pump or motor chambers, wherein the flow path through the chambers can be changed, e.g. series-parallel F01B1/0682by changing the effective cross sectional piston working surface F01B1/0686by changing the effective piston stroke F01B1/0689by changing the excentricity of one element relative to another element F01B1/0693by changing the phase relationship between two actuating or actuated cams F01B1/0696by changing the phase relationship between the actuating or actuated cam and the distributing means F01B1/08with cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft and of "flat" type F01B1/10with more than one main shaft, e.g. coupled to common output shaft combinations of two or more machines or engines F01B21/00 F01B1/12Separate cylinder-crankcase elements coupled together to form a unit F01B3/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F01B3/0002having stationary cylinders F01B3/0005having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F01B3/0008having self-acting distribution members, e.g. actuated by working fluid F01B3/0011Cylindrical distribution members F01B3/0014Conical distribution members F01B3/0017Component parts, details, e.g. sealings, lubrication F01B3/002Cylinders F01B3/0023Actuating or actuated elements F01B3/0026Actuating or actuated element bearing means or driving or driven axis bearing means F01B3/0029Casings, housings F01B3/0032having rotary cylinder block F01B3/0035having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F01B3/0038inclined to main shaft axis F01B3/0041Arrangements for pressing the cylinder barrel against the valve plate, e.g. fluid pressure F01B3/0044Component parts, details, e.g. valves, sealings, lubrication F01B3/0047Particularities in the contacting area between cylinder barrel and valve plate F01B3/005Bearing arrangements F01B3/0052Cylinder barrel F01B3/0055Valve means, e.g. valve plate F01B3/0058Cylindrical valve means F01B3/0061Conical valve means F01B3/0064Machine housing F01B3/0067cylinder barrel bearing means F01B3/007Swash plate F01B3/0073swash plate bearing means or driving or driven axis bearing means F01B3/0076Connection between cylinder barrel and inclined swash plate F01B3/0079having pistons with rotary and reciprocating motion, i.e. spinning pistons F01B3/0082Details F01B3/0085Pistons F01B3/0088Piston shoe retaining means F01B3/0091Casings, housings F01B3/0094Driving or driven means F01B2003/0097Z-shafts, i.e. driven or driving shafts in Z-form F01B3/02with wobble-plate F01B3/04the piston motion being transmitted by curved surfaces F01B3/045by two or more curved surfaces, e.g. for two or more pistons in one cylinder F01B3/06by multi-turn helical surfaces and automatic reversal F01B3/08the helices being arranged on the pistons F01B3/10Control of working-fluid admission or discharge peculiar thereto suitable for more general application F01L F01B3/101for machines with stationary cylinders F01B3/102Changing the piston stroke by changing the position of the swash plate F01B3/103for machines with rotary cylinder block F01B3/104by turning the valve plate F01B3/105by moving the swash plate in a direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the cylinder barrel F01B3/106by changing the inclination of the swash plate F01B3/107using wedges F01B3/108by turning the swash plate (with fixed inclination) F01B3/109by changing the inclination of the axis of the cylinder barrel relative to the swash plate F01B3/106 takes precedence F01B5/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with cylinder axes arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main shaft axis F01B5/003the connection of the pistons with an actuated or actuating element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F01B5/006the connection of the pistons with an actuated or actuating element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F01B7/00Machines or engines with two or more pistons reciprocating within same cylinder or within essentially coaxial cylinders in opposite arrangement relative to main shaft F01B1/08 F01B7/02with oppositely reciprocating pistons F01B7/04acting on same main shaft F01B7/06using only connecting-rods for conversion of reciprocatory into rotary motion or vice versa F01B7/08with side rods F01B7/10having piston-rod of one piston passed through other piston F01B7/12using rockers and connecting-rods F01B7/14acting on different main shafts F01B7/16with pistons synchronously moving in tandem arrangement F01B7/18with differential piston F01B7/20 takes precedence F01B7/20with two or more pistons reciprocating one within another, e.g. one piston forming cylinder of the other F01B9/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines characterised by connections between pistons and main shafts and not specific to preceding groups connections disengageable during idling F01B31/24 F01B9/02with crankshaft F01B9/023of Bourke-type or Scotch yoke F01B9/026Rigid connections between piston and rod; Oscillating pistons F01B9/04with rotary main shaft other than crankshaft F01B9/042the connections comprising gear transmissions F01B2009/045Planetary gearings F01B9/047with rack and pinion F01B9/06the piston motion being transmitted by curved surfaces F01B2009/061by cams F01B2009/063Mono-lobe cams F01B2009/065Bi-lobe cams F01B2009/066Tri-lobe cams F01B2009/068Quadri-lobe cams F01B9/08with ratchet and pawl F01B11/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines without rotary main shaft, e.g. of free-piston type F01B11/001in which the movement in the two directions is obtained by one double acting piston motor F01B11/002one side of the double acting piston motor being always under the influence of the fluid under pressure F01B11/003the fluid under pressure being continuously delivered to one motor chamber and reacting the other chamber through a valve located in the piston, to bring the piston back in its start-position F01B11/004in which the movement in the two directions is obtained by two single acting piston motors, each acting in one direction F01B2011/005with oscillating pistons, i.e. the pistons are arranged in ring like cylinder sections and oscillate with respect to the center of the ring F01B11/006one single acting piston motor being always under the influence of the fluid under pressure F01B11/007in which the movement in only one direction is obtained by a single acting piston motor, e.g. with actuation in the other direction by spring means F01B11/008with actuation in the other direction by gravity F01B11/009in which the movement in two directions is obtained by two or more double acting piston motors F01B11/02Equalising or cushioning devices F01B11/04Engines combined with reciprocatory driven devices, e.g. hammers with pumps F01B23/08; predominating aspects of driven devices, see the relevant classes for the devices F01B11/06for generating vibration only F01B11/08with direct fluid transmission link F01B11/02 takes precedence F01B13/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with rotating cylinders in order to obtain the reciprocating-piston motion machines or engines of flexible-wall type F01B19/00 F01B13/02with one cylinder only F01B13/04with more than one cylinder F01B3/0032 takes precedence F01B13/045with cylinder axes arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main shaft axis F01B13/06in star arrangement F01B13/061the connection of the pistons with the actuated or actuating element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F01B13/062cylinder block and actuating or actuated cam both rotating F01B13/064 and F01B13/066 take precedence F01B13/063with two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F01B13/064cylinder block and actuating or actuated cam both rotating F01B13/066 takes precedence F01B13/065directly located side by side F01B13/066cylinder block and actuating or actuated cam both rotating F01B13/067with pistons and cylinders having two different parallel axis of rotation F01B13/068the connection of the pistons with an actuated or actuating element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F01B15/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with movable cylinders other than provided for in group F01B13/00 with movable cylinder sleeves for working fluid control F01L F01B15/002having cylinders in star or fan arrangement, the connection of the pistons with the actuated or actuating element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F01B15/005having cylinders in star or fan arrangement, the connection of the pistons with the actuated or actuating element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F01B15/007having spinning cylinders, i.e. the cylinders rotating about their longitudinal axis F01B15/02with reciprocating cylinders with one piston within another F01B7/20 F01B15/04with oscillating cylinder F01B15/06Control of working-fluid admission or discharge peculiar thereto F01B15/065by cam-actuated distribution members F01B17/00Reciprocating-piston machines or engines characterised by use of uniflow principle F01B17/02Engines F01B17/022with fluid heating F01B17/025using liquid air F01B17/027using separators F01B17/04Steam enginesin this group the following indexing codes are used: F01B2170/0411 - F01B2170/0494 F01B19/00Positive-displacement machines or engines of flexible-wall type F01B19/02with plate-like flexible members F01B19/04with tubular flexible members F01B21/00Combinations of two or more machines or engines F01B23/00 takes precedence; regulating or controlling, see the relevant groups; combinations of two or more pumps F04; fluid gearing F16H F01B21/02the machines or engines being all of reciprocating-piston type F01B21/04the machines or engines being not all of reciprocating-piston type, e.g. of reciprocating steam engine with steam turbine F01B23/00Adaptations of machines or engines for special useCombinations of engines with devices driven thereby F01B11/00 takes precedence; fluid gearing F16H; aspects predominantly concerning driven devices, see the relevant classes for these devices; regulating or controlling, see the relevant groups F01B23/02Adaptations for driving vehicles, e.g. locomotives arrangements in vehicles, see the relevant classes for vehicles F01B23/04the vehicles being waterborne vessels F01B23/06Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, hand-held tools or the like F01B23/08Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, pumps F01B23/10Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, electric generators F01B23/12Adaptations for driving rolling mills or other heavy reversing machinery F01B25/00Regulating, controlling, or safety means regulating or controlling in general G05in this group the following indexing codes are used: F01B2250/001 - F01B2250/009 F01B25/02Regulating or controlling by varying working-fluid admission or exhaust, e.g. by varying pressure or quantity distributing or expansion valve gear F01L F01B25/04Sensing elements F01B25/06responsive to speed F01B25/08Final actuators F01B25/10Arrangements or adaptations of working-fluid admission or discharge valves valves in general F16K F01B25/12Devices dealing with sensing elements or final actuators or transmitting means between them, e.g. power-assisted sensing elements alone F01B25/04; final actuators alone F01B25/08 F01B25/14peculiar to particular kinds of machines or engines F01B25/16Safety means responsive to specific conditions against water hammer or the like in steam engines F01B31/34 F01B25/18preventing rotation in wrong direction F01B25/20Checking operation on safety devices F01B25/22Braking by redirecting working-fluid F01B25/24thereby regenerating energy F01B25/26Warning devices F01B27/00Starting of machines or engines starting combustion engines F02N F01B27/02of reciprocating-piston engines F01B27/04by directing working-fluid supply, e.g. by aid of by-pass steam conduits F01B27/06specially for compound engines F01B27/08Means for moving crank off dead-centre turning-gear in general F16H F01B29/00Machines or engines with pertinent characteristics other than those provided for in preceding main groups F01B29/02Atmospheric engines, i.e. atmosphere acting against vacuum F01B29/04characterised by means for converting from one type to a different one F01B29/06from steam engine into combustion engine F01B29/08Reciprocating-piston machines or engines not otherwise provided for F01B29/10Engines refrigeration machines F25B F01B29/12Steam engines toy steam engines A63H29/16 F01B31/00Component parts, details, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, other groups machine or engine casings, other than those peculiar to steam engines, F16M F01B31/005Silencing equipment silencing for steam engines F01B31/16 F01B31/02De-icing means for engines having icing phenomena F01B31/04Means for equalising torque in reciprocating-piston machines or engines compensation of inertial forces, suppression of vibration in systems F16F F01B31/06Means for compensating relative expansion of component parts F01B31/08Cooling of steam engines cooling of fluid machines or engines in general F01PHeatingHeat insulation heat insulation in general F16L59/00 F01B31/10Lubricating arrangements of steam engines of fluid machines or engines in general F01M F01B31/12Arrangements of measuring or indicating devices warning apparatus F01B25/26; measuring instruments or the like per se G01 F01B31/14Changing of compression ratio F01B31/16Silencers specially adapted for steam engines arrangements of exhaust pipes or tubes on steam engines F01B31/30; gas-flow silencers or exhaust silencers for machines or engines in general F01N F01B31/18Draining F01B31/20of cylinders F01B31/22Idling devices, e.g. having by-passing valves F01B31/24Disengagement of connections between pistons and main shafts F01B31/26Other component parts, details, or accessories, peculiar to steam engines F01B31/28Cylinders or cylinder covers F01B31/30Arrangements of steam conduits F01B31/32Arrangements or adaptations of vacuum breakers F01B31/34Safety means against water hammers or against the penetration of water steam traps F16T F01B31/36automatically cutting-off steam supply F01B2170/00 F01B2170/00Steam engines, e.g. for locomotives or ships F01B2170/04To-be-deleted with administrative transfer to parent group F01B2170/0405To-be-deleted with administrative transfer to parent group F01B2170/0411for locomotives F01B2170/0417for locomobiles driven by small motors F01B2170/0423Single acting steam engines with 1, 2 or 3 cylinders F01B2170/0429Double acting high pressure machines F01B2170/0435Compound machines with double or plural expansionAuxiliaries driven by main engine F01B2170/0441Compound engines with monolytic pistons in same cylinder F01B2170/0447Machines with more than one piston in a cylinder and with counter moving pistons F01B2170/0452Engines without connecting rods F01B2170/0458Moving cylinders for steam engines, e.g. with telescopic cylinder arrangements F01B2170/0464Oscillating cylinders for steam engines F01B2170/047General arrangements for steam engines F01B2170/0476Components or parts for steam engines F01B2170/0482with toroidal cylinder space F01B2170/0488To-be-deleted with administrative transfer to parent group F01B2170/0494with fixed cylinder space F01B2250/00Accessories of steam enginesArrangements or control devices of piston pumps, compressors without crank shafts or condensors for so far as they influence the functioning of the engines F01B2250/001Valves for steam inlet or outlet F01B2250/002Valves, brakes, control or safety devices for steam engines F01B2250/003Apparatus for control or receiver or condensor pressure F01B2250/004Devices for draining or idling of steam cylinders or for uncoupling piston and connecting rod F01B2250/005Oil separators for steam engines F01B2250/006Arrangement of or controlling of piston pumps or compressors without crank shaft F01B2250/007Condensing devices for steam engines F01B2250/008Surface condensors for so far as they influence the functioning of the engine F01B2250/009Condenser pumps for steam engines