F02KJET-PROPULSION PLANTS features of jet-propulsion plants common to gas-turbine plants, air intakes or fuel supply control of air-breathing jet-propulsion plants F02C7/00, F02C9/00In this subclass, the following expression is used with the meaning indicated: "jet-propulsion plants" means plants using combustion to produce a fluid stream from which a propulsive thrust on the plant is obtained on the reaction principle."jet-pipe" means the exhaust duct of a jet engine that carries the exhaust to the nozzle.Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01. F02K1/00 F02K1/00Plants characterised by the form or arrangement of the jet pipe or nozzleJet pipes or nozzles peculiar thereto rocket nozzles F02K9/97 F02K1/002with means to modify the direction of thrust vector F02K1/54 takes precedence; thrust vectoring of rockets F02K9/80 F02K1/004by using one or more swivable nozzles rotating about their own axis F02K1/006within one plane only F02K1/008in any rearward direction F02K1/04Mounting of an exhaust cone in the jet pipe F02K1/06Varying effective area of jet pipe or nozzle by using fluid jets to influence the jet flow F02K1/30 F02K1/08by axially moving or transversely deforming an internal member, e.g. the exhaust cone F02K1/085by transversely deforming an internal member F02K1/09by axially moving an external member, e.g. a shroud F02K1/12 takes precedence F02K1/10by distorting the jet pipe or nozzle F02K1/11by means of pivoted eyelids F02K1/12by means of pivoted flaps F02K1/1207of one series of flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure F02K1/1215 - F02K1/1292 take precedence F02K1/1215of two series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure, and the downstream series having its flaps hinged at their downstream ends on a fixed structure F02K1/1223of two series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure and the downstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on the downstream ends of the flaps of the upstream series F02K1/123of two series of flaps, both having their flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure F02K1/1238of two series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure and the downstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a substantially axially movable structure F02K1/1246of two series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure and the downstream series having its flaps hinged at their downstream ends on a substantially axially movable structure F02K1/1253of one series of flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure and of a substantially axially movable external member F02K1/1261of one series of flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a substantially axially movable structure F02K1/1269of three series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure and the internal downstream series having its flaps hinged at their downstream ends on the downstream ends of the flaps of the external downstream series hinged on a fixed structure at their upstream ends F02K1/1276of three series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a substantially axially movable structure and the downstream or external series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure F02K1/1284of three series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure and the internal downstream series having its flaps hinged at their downstream ends on the downstream ends of the flaps of the external downstream series hinged at their upstream ends on a substantially axially movable structure F02K1/1292of three series of flaps, the upstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on a fixed structure, the internal downstream series having its flaps hinged at their upstream ends on the downstream ends of the flaps of the upstream series and at their downstream ends on the downstream ends of the flaps of the external downstream series hinged at their upstream ends on a substantially axially movable structure F02K1/15Control or regulation F02K1/16conjointly with another control F02K1/165with air intake control F02K1/17with control of fuel supply F02K1/18automatic F02K1/28using fluid jets to influence the jet flow F02K1/30for varying effective area of jet pipe or nozzle F02K1/32for reversing thrust F02K1/34for attenuating noise F02K1/36having an ejector F02K1/38Introducing air inside the jet F02K1/28 takes precedence F02K1/383with retractable elements F02K1/386mixing devices in the jet pipe, e.g. for mixing primary and secondary flow F02K1/40Nozzles having means for dividing the jet into a plurality of partial jets or having an elongated cross-section outlet F02K1/42the means being movable into an inoperative position F02K1/44Nozzles having means, e.g. a shield, reducing sound radiation in a specified direction F02K1/40 takes precedence F02K1/46Nozzles having means for adding air to the jet or for augmenting the mixing region between the jet and the ambient air, e.g. for silencing F02K1/28, F02K1/36, F02K1/38 take precedence F02K1/48Corrugated nozzles F02K1/50Deflecting outwardly a portion of the jet by retractable scoop-like baffles F02K1/52Nozzles specially constructed for positioning adjacent to another nozzle or to a fixed member, e.g. fairing F02K1/54Nozzles having means for reversing jet thrust reversing jet thrust using fluid jets F02K1/32 F02K1/56Reversing jet main flow F02K1/563in specified direction, e.g. to obviate its reinjection F02K1/566by blocking the rearward discharge by means of a translatable member F02K1/58Reversers mounted on the inner cone or the nozzle housing or the fuselage F02K1/60by blocking the rearward discharge by means of pivoted eyelids or clamshells, e.g. target-type reversers F02K1/605the aft end of the engine cowling being movable to uncover openings for the reversed flow F02K1/62by blocking the rearward discharge by means of flaps F02K1/625the aft end of the engine cowling being movable to uncover openings for the reversed flow F02K1/64Reversing fan flow F02K1/645using inflatable diaphragms F02K1/66using reversing fan blades F02K1/68Reversers mounted on the engine housing downstream of the fan exhaust section F02K1/70using thrust reverser flaps or doors mounted on the fan housing F02K1/72the aft end of the fan housing being movable to uncover openings in the fan housing for the reversed flow F02K1/74Reversing at least one flow in relation to at least one other flow in a plural- flow engine F02K1/76Control or regulation of thrust reversers F02K1/763with actuating systems or actuating devices; Arrangement of actuators for thrust reversers F02K1/766with blocking systems or locking devices; Arrangement of locking devices for thrust reversers F02K1/78Other construction of jet pipes F02K1/80Couplings or connections F02K1/805Sealing devices therefor, e.g. for movable parts of jet pipes or nozzle flaps F02K1/82Jet pipe walls, e.g. liners F02K1/822Heat insulating structures or liners, cooling arrangements, e.g. post combustion liners; Infra-red radiation suppressors F02K1/825Infra-red radiation suppressors F02K1/827Sound absorbing structures or liners F02K3/00Plants including a gas turbine driving a compressor or a ducted fan F02K3/02in which part of the working fluid by-passes the turbine and combustion chamber F02K3/025the by-pass flow being at least partly used to create an independent thrust component F02K3/04the plant including ducted fans, i.e. fans with high volume, low pressure outputs, for augmenting the jet thrust, e.g. of double-flow type F02K3/06with front fan F02K3/062with aft fan F02K3/065with front and aft fans F02K3/068being characterised by a short axial length relative to the diameter F02K3/072with counter-rotating , e.g. fan rotors F02K3/075controlling flow ratio between flows F02K3/077the plant being of the multiple flow type, i.e. having three or more flows F02K3/08with supplementary heating of the working fluidControl thereof control of fuel supply therefor F02C9/26 F02K3/10by after-burners F02K3/105 takes precedence F02K3/105Heating the by-pass flow F02K3/11by means of burners or combustion chambers F02K3/115by means of indirect heat exchange F02K3/12characterised by having more than one gas turbine F02K5/00Plants including an engine, other than a gas turbine, driving a compressor or a ducted fan F02K5/02the engine being of the reciprocating-piston type F02K5/023the compressor being of the reciprocating-piston type F02K5/026 takes precedence F02K5/026free-piston engines F02K7/00Plants in which the working fluid is used in a jet only, i.e. the plants not having a turbine or other engine driving a compressor or a ducted fanControl thereof rocket-engine plants F02K9/00 F02K7/005the engine comprising a rotor rotating under the actions of jets issuing from this rotor F02K7/02the jet being intermittent, i.e. pulse-jet F02K7/04with resonant combustion chambers F02K7/06with combustion chambers having valves F02K7/067having aerodynamic valves F02K7/075with multiple pulse-jet engines F02K7/08the jet being continuous F02K7/10characterised by having ram-action compression, i.e. aero-thermo-dynamic-ducts or ram-jet engines F02K7/105using a solid fuel F02K7/12Injection-induction jet engines F02K7/14with external combustion, e.g. scram-jet engines F02K7/16Composite ram-jet/turbo-jet engines F02K7/18Composite ram-jet/rocket engines F02K7/20Composite ram-jet/pulse-jet engines F02K9/00Rocket-engine plants, i.e. plants carrying both fuel and oxidant thereforControl thereof F02K9/08using solid propellants F02K9/72 takes precedence; using semi-solid or pulverulent propellants F02K9/70 F02K9/10Shape or structure of solid propellant charges F02K9/12made of two or more portions burning at different rates or having different characteristics F02K9/14made from sheet-like materials, e.g. of carpet-roll type, of layered structure F02K9/16of honeycomb structure F02K9/18of the internal-burning type having a star or like shaped internal cavity F02K9/20of the external-burning type F02K9/22of the front-burning type F02K9/24Charging rocket engines with solid propellantsMethods or apparatus specially adapted for working solid propellant charges F02K9/26Burning control F02K9/10, F02K9/34, F02K9/86, F02K9/92 and F02K9/94 take precedence F02K9/28having two or more propellant charges with the propulsion gases exhausting through a common nozzle F02K9/30with the propulsion gases exhausting through a plurality of nozzles F02K9/32Constructional partsDetails not otherwise provided for F02K9/34CasingsCombustion chambersLiners thereof F02K9/343Joints, connections, seals therefor F02K9/346Liners, e.g. inhibitors F02K9/36Propellant charge supports F02K9/38Safety devices, e.g. to prevent accidental ignition F02K9/40Cooling arrangements for nozzles F02K9/972 F02K9/42using liquid or gaseous propellants F02K9/72 takes precedence F02K9/425Propellants F02K9/44Feeding propellants F02K9/46using pumps F02K9/48driven by a gas turbine fed by propellant combustion gases or fed by vaporized propellants or other gases F02K9/50using pressurised fluid to pressurise the propellants F02K9/52Injectors F02K9/54Leakage detectorsPurging systemsFiltration systems F02K9/56Control F02K9/563of propellant feed pumps F02K9/566elements and safety devices, e.g. pressure relief valves F02K9/58Propellant feed valves F02K9/60Constructional partsDetails not otherwise provided for F02K9/605Reservoirs F02K9/62Combustion or thrust chambers F02K9/64having cooling arrangements F02K9/66of the rotary type F02K9/68Decomposition chambers F02K9/70using semi- solid or pulverulent propellants F02K9/72using liquid and solid propellants, i.e. hybrid rocket-engine plants F02K9/74combined with another jet-propulsion plant F02K9/76with another rocket-engine plantMultistage rocket-engine plants F02K9/763with solid propellant F02K9/766with liquid propellant F02K9/78with an air-breathing jet-propulsion plant with a ram-jet engine F02K7/18 F02K9/80characterised by thrust or thrust vector control burning control of solid propellants F02K9/26; feeding control of liquid or gaseous propellants F02K9/56; re-ignitable, restartable or intermittently operated rocket-engine plants F02K9/94 F02K9/805servo-mechanisms or control devices therefor F02K9/82by injection of a secondary fluid into the rocket exhaust gases F02K9/84using movable nozzles F02K9/86using nozzle throats of adjustable cross- section F02K9/978 takes precedence F02K9/88using auxiliary rocket nozzles F02K9/90using deflectors F02K9/82 takes precedence F02K9/92incorporating means for reversing or terminating thrust F02K9/94Re-ignitable or restartable rocket- engine plantsIntermittently operated rocket-engine plants F02K9/95characterised by starting or ignition means or arrangements safety devices F02K9/38 F02K9/96characterised by specially adapted arrangements for testing or measuring F02K9/97Rocket nozzles thrust or thrust vector control F02K9/80 F02K9/972Fluid cooling arrangements for nozzles F02K9/64 takes precedence F02K9/974Nozzle- linings; Ablative coatings F02K9/976Deployable nozzles F02K9/978Closures for nozzles; Nozzles comprising ejectable or discardable elements F02K99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass