F28FDETAILS OF HEAT-EXCHANGE AND HEAT-TRANSFER APPARATUS, OF GENERAL APPLICATION water and air traps, air venting F16In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F28F1/00 F28F1/00Tubular elementsAssemblies of tubular elements specially adapted for movement F28F5/00 F28F1/003Multiple wall conduits, e.g. for leak detection leak-detection in metal cooled nuclear reactor steam generators F22B1/066 F28F1/006with variable shape, e.g. with modified tube ends, with different geometrical features F28F1/025, F28F1/06, F28F1/08, F28F9/16, F28F9/18 take precedence F28F1/02Tubular elements of cross-section which is non-circular F28F1/08, F28F1/10 take precedence F28F1/022with multiple channels F28F1/025with variable shape, e.g. with modified tube ends, with different geometrical features F28F1/06, F28F1/08, F28F9/16, F28F9/18 take precedence F28F2001/027with dimples F28F1/04polygonal, e.g. rectangular F28F1/022 takes precedence F28F1/045with assemblies of stacked elements F28F1/06crimped or corrugated in cross-section F28F1/08Tubular elements crimped or corrugated in longitudinal section F28F1/10Tubular elements and assemblies thereof with means for increasing heat-transfer area, e.g. with fins, with projections, with recesses crimped or corrugated elements F28F1/06, F28F1/08 F28F1/105the means being corrugated elements extending around the tubular elements F28F1/12the means being only outside the tubular element F28F1/122and being formed of wires F28F1/124and being formed of pins F28F1/126consisting of zig-zag shaped fins F28F1/105 takes precedence F28F1/128Fins with openings, e.g. louvered fins F28F1/14and extending longitudinally F28F1/38 takes precedence F28F1/16the means being integral with the element, e.g. formed by extrusion F28F1/22 takes precedence F28F1/18the element being built-up from finned sections F28F1/20the means being attachable to the element F28F1/22 takes precedence F28F1/22the means having portions engaging further tubular elements F28F1/24and extending transversely F28F1/38 takes precedence F28F1/26the means being integral with the element F28F1/32 takes precedence F28F1/28the element being built-up from finned sections F28F1/30the means being attachable to the element F28F1/32 takes precedence F28F1/32the means having portions engaging further tubular elements F28F1/325Fins with openings F28F1/34and extending obliquely F28F1/38 takes precedence F28F1/36the means being helically wound fins or wire spirals F28F1/38and being staggered to form tortuous fluid passages F28F1/40the means being only inside the tubular element F28F1/405and being formed of wires F28F1/42the means being both outside and inside the tubular element F28F1/422with outside means integral with the tubular element and inside means integral with the tubular element F28F1/424 takes precedence F28F1/424Means comprising outside portions integral with inside portions F28F1/426the outside portions and the inside portions forming parts of complementary shape, e.g. concave and convex F28F2001/428Particular methods for manufacturing outside or inside fins F28F1/44and being formed of wire mesh F28F3/00Plate-like or laminated elementsAssemblies of plate-like or laminated elements specially adapted for movement F28F5/00 F28F3/005Arrangements for preventing direct contact between different heat-exchange media F28F3/10 takes precedence F28F3/02Elements or assemblies thereof with means for increasing heat-transfer area, e.g. with fins, with recesses, with corrugations F28F3/08 takes precedence F28F3/022the means being wires or pins F28F3/025the means being corrugated, plate-like elements F28F3/027with openings, e.g. louvered corrugated fins; Assemblies of corrugated strips F28F3/04the means being integral with the element F28F3/042in the form of local deformations of the element F28F3/044the deformations being pontual, e.g. dimples F28F3/046the deformations being linear, e.g. corrugations F28F3/048in the form of ribs integral with the element or local variations in thickness of the element, e.g. grooves, microchannels F28F3/06the means being attachable to the element F28F3/08Elements constructed for building-up into stacks, e.g. capable of being taken apart for cleaning F28F3/083capable of being taken apart F28F3/086having one or more openings therein forming tubular heat-exchange passages F28F3/10Arrangements for sealing the margins F28F3/12Elements constructed in the shape of a hollow panel, e.g. with channels F28D1/02, F28D1/03 take precedence F28F3/14by separating portions of a pair of joined sheets to form channels, e.g. by inflation manufacture thereof B23P F28F5/00Elements specially adapted for movement arrangements for moving the elements, see the appropriate subclass for the apparatus concerned F28F5/02Rotary drums or rollers F28F5/04Hollow impellers, e.g. stirring vane F28F5/06Hollow screw conveyors F28F7/00Elements not covered by group F28F1/00, F28F3/00 or F28F5/00 F28F7/02Blocks traversed by passages for heat-exchange media F28D7/0008 takes precedence F28F9/00CasingsHeader boxesAuxiliary supports for elementsAuxiliary members within casings F28F9/001Casings in the form of plate-like arrangements; Frames enclosing a heat exchange core F28F9/002with fastening means for other structures F28F2009/004Common frame elements for multiple cores F28F9/005Other auxiliary members within casings, e.g. internal filling means or sealing means F28F9/007Auxiliary supports for elements F28F9/0075Supports for plates or plate assemblies F28F9/013for tubes or tube-assemblies F28F9/0131formed by plates F28F9/0138 takes precedence F28F9/0132formed by slats, tie-rods, articulated or expandable rods F28F9/0133formed by concentric strips F28F9/0135formed by grids having only one tube per closed grid opening F28F9/0132 and F28F9/0133 take precedence F28F9/0136formed by intersecting strips F28F9/0137formed by wires, e.g. helically coiled F28F9/0135 takes precedence F28F9/0138formed by sleeves for finned tubes F28F9/02Header boxesEnd plates F28F9/0202Header boxes having their inner space divided by partitions F28F9/0204for elongated header box, e.g. with transversal and longitudinal partitions F28F9/0207the longitudinal or transversal partitions being separate elements attached to header boxes F28F9/0212, F28F9/0217 take precedence F28F9/0209having only transversal partitions F28F9/0212the partitions being separate elements attached to header boxes F28F9/0214having only longitudinal partitions F28F9/0217the partitions being separate elements attached to header boxes F28F9/0219Arrangements for sealing end plates into casing or header box; Header box sub-elements F28F9/0236 takes precedence F28F9/0221Header boxes or end plates formed by stacked elements F28F9/0224Header boxes formed by sealing end plates into covers F28F9/0221 takes precedence F28F9/0226with resilient gaskets F28F9/0229Double end plates; Single end plates with hollow spaces F28F9/0231Header boxes having an expansion chamber F28F9/0234having a second heat exchanger disposed there within, e.g. oil cooler F28F9/0236floating elements F28F9/0239floating header boxes F28F9/0241floating end plates F28F9/0243Header boxes having a circular cross-section F28F9/0246Arrangements for connecting header boxes with flow lines F28F9/0248Arrangements for sealing connectors to header boxes F28F9/0251Massive connectors, e.g. blocks; Plate-like connectors F28F9/0253with multiple channels, e.g. with combined inflow and outflow channels F28F9/0256Arrangements for coupling connectors with flow lines F28F9/0258of quick acting type, e.g. with snap action F28F9/026with static flow control means, e.g. with means for uniformly distributing heat exchange media into conduits F28F9/0263by varying the geometry or cross-section of header box F28F9/0265by using guiding means or impingement means inside the header box F28F9/0268in the form of multiple deflectors for channeling the heat exchange medium F28F9/027in the form of distribution pipes F28F9/0273with multiple holes F28F9/0275with multiple branch pipes F28F9/0278in the form of stacked distribution plates or perforated plates arranged over end plates F28F9/028by using inserts for modifying the pattern of flow inside the header box, e.g. by using flow restrictors or permeable bodies or blocks with channels F28F9/0282by varying the geometry of conduit ends, e.g. by using inserts or attachments for modifying the pattern of flow at the conduit inlet or outlet F28F2009/0285Other particular headers or end plates F28F2009/0287having passages for different heat exchange media F28F2009/029with increasing or decreasing cross-section, e.g. having conical shape F28F2009/0292with fins F28F2009/0295comprising cooling circuits F28F2009/0297Side headers, e.g. for radiators having conduits laterally connected to common header F28F9/04Arrangements for sealing elements into header boxes or end plates arrangements for sealing flow lines connectors to header boxes F28F9/0248 F28F9/06by dismountable joints F28F9/08by wedge-type connections, e.g. taper ferrule F28F9/10by screw-type connections, e.g. gland F28F9/12by flange-type connections F28F9/14by force-joining F28F9/16by permanent joints, e.g. by rolling metal-working procedures in general B21, B32; particularly B21D39/06, B23K F28F9/162by using bonding or sealing substances, e.g. adhesives F28F9/18 takes precedence F28F9/165by using additional preformed parts, e.g. sleeves, gaskets F28F9/185 takes precedence F28F9/167the parts being inserted in the heat-exchange conduits F28F9/18by welding F28F9/182the heat-exchange conduits having ends with a particular shape, e.g. deformed; the heat-exchange conduits or end plates having supplementary joining means, e.g. abutments F28F9/185with additional preformed parts F28F9/187at least one of the parts being non-metallic, e.g. heat-sealing plastic elements F28F9/20Arrangements of heat reflectors, e.g. separately-insertible reflecting walls F28F9/22Arrangements for directing heat-exchange media into successive compartments, e.g. arrangements of guide plates F28F2009/222Particular guide plates, baffles or deflectors, e.g. having particular orientation relative to an elongated casing or conduit F28F2009/224Longitudinal partitions F28F2009/226Transversal partitions F28F2009/228Oblique partitions F28F9/24Arrangements for promoting turbulent flow of heat-exchange media, e.g. by plates F28F1/38 takes precedence; in general F15D F28F9/26Arrangements for connecting different sections of heat-exchange elements, e.g. of radiators connecting different sections in water heaters F24H9/14 , connecting headers with inlet or outlet fittings F28F9/0246 F28F9/262for radiators F28D1/0408 takes precedence F28F9/264by sleeves, nipples F28F9/266by screw-type connections F28F9/268by permanent joints, e.g. by welding F28F11/00Arrangements for sealing leaky tubes and conduits stopping flow from or in pipes in general F16L55/10 F28F11/02using obturating elements, e.g. washers, inserted and operated independently of each other F28F11/06 takes precedence F28F11/04using pairs of obturating elements, e.g. washers, mounted upon central operating rods F28F11/06 takes precedence F28F11/06using automatic tube obturating appliances F28F13/00Arrangements for modifying heat-transfer, e.g. increasing, decreasing F28F1/00 - F28F11/00 take precedence F28F2013/001Particular heat conductive materials, e.g. superconductive elements for thermal joints F28F2013/006 F28F13/003by using permeable mass, perforated or porous materials F28F13/18 takes precedence F28F2013/005Thermal joints F28F2013/006Heat conductive materials F28F2013/008Variable conductance materials; Thermal switches F28F13/02by influencing fluid boundary boundary-layer control in general F15D F28F13/04by preventing the formation of continuous films of condensate on heat-exchange surfaces, e.g. by promoting droplet formation F28F13/18 takes precedence F28F13/06by affecting the pattern of flow of the heat-exchange media F28F13/003 takes precedence; static flow control means in header boxes F28F9/026 F28F13/08by varying the cross-section of the flow channels F28F13/10by imparting a pulsating motion to the flow, e.g. by sonic vibration F28F13/12by creating turbulence, e.g. by stirring, by increasing the force of circulation F28F13/08 takes precedence F28F13/125by stirring F28F13/14by endowing the walls of conduits with zones of different degrees of conduction of heat F28F13/16by applying an electrostatic field to the body of the heat-exchange medium F28F13/18by applying coatings, e.g. radiation-absorbing, radiation-reflectingby surface treatment, e.g. polishing F28F13/182especially adapted for evaporator or condenser surfaces F28F13/187 takes precedence F28F13/185Heat-exchange surfaces provided with microstructures or with porous coatings F28F13/187especially adapted for evaporator surfaces or condenser surfaces, e.g. with nucleation sites F28F17/00Removing ice or water from heat-exchange apparatus F28F17/005Means for draining condensates from heat exchangers, e.g. from evaporators F28B9/08 takes precedence F28F19/00Preventing the formation of deposits or corrosion, e.g. by using filters or scrapers F28F19/002by using inserts or attachments F28F19/004by using protective electric currents, voltages, cathodes, anodes, electric short-circuits F28F19/006Preventing deposits of ice F28F19/008by using scrapers F28F19/01by using means for separating solid materials from heat-exchange fluids, e.g. filters F28F19/02by using coatings, e.g. vitreous or enamel coatings F28F19/04of rubberof plastics materialof varnish F28F19/06of metal F28F21/00Constructions of heat-exchange apparatus characterised by the selection of particular materials coatings for modifying heat-transfer F28F13/18; coatings for preventing the formation of deposits or corrosion F28F19/02 F28F21/003for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/006of glass F28F21/02of carbon, e.g. graphite F28F21/04of ceramicof concreteof natural stone F28F21/045for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/06of plastics material F28F21/061for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/062the heat-exchange apparatus employing tubular conduits F28F21/063for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/065the heat-exchange apparatus employing plate-like or laminated conduits F28F21/066for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/067Details F28F21/068for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/08of metal F28F21/081Heat exchange elements made from metals or metal alloys F28F21/082from steel or ferrous alloys F28F21/083from stainless steel F28F21/084from aluminium or aluminium alloys F28F21/085from copper or copper alloys F28F21/086from titanium or titanium alloys F28F21/087from nickel or nickel alloys F28F21/088for domestic or space-heating systems F28F21/089Coatings, claddings or bonding layers made from metals or metal alloys F28F19/06 takes precedence F28F23/00Features relating to the use of intermediate heat-exchange materials, e.g. selection of compositions heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K5/00 F28F23/02Arrangements for obtaining or maintaining same in a liquid state F28F25/00Component parts of trickle coolers arrangements for increasing heat transfer F28F13/00; controlling arrangements F28F27/00 F28F2025/005Liquid collection; Liquid treatment; Liquid recirculation; Addition of make-up liquid F28F25/02for distributing, circulating, and accumulating liquid spraying or atomising in general B05B, B05D F28F25/04Distributing or accumulator troughs F28F25/06Spray nozzles or spray pipes F28F25/08Splashing boards or grids, e.g. for converting liquid sprays into liquid filmsElements or beds for increasing the area of the contact surface packing elements per se B01J19/30, B01J19/32 F28F25/082Spaced elongated bars, laths; Supports therefor F28F25/085Substantially horizontal grids; Blocks F28F25/087Vertical or inclined sheets; Supports or spacers F28F25/10for feeding gas or vapour F28F25/12DuctsGuide vanes, e.g. for carrying currents to distinct zones F28F27/00Control arrangements or safety devices specially adapted for heat-exchange or heat-transfer apparatus control arrangements in general G05 F28F27/003specially adapted for cooling towers F28F27/006specially adapted for regenerative heat-exchange apparatus F28F27/02for controlling the distribution of heat-exchange media between different channels static flow control means in header boxes F28F9/026; arrangements of guide plates or guide vanes F28F9/22, F28F25/12 F28F99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F28F2200/00 F28F2200/00PredictionSimulationTesting measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums G01K17/06 F28F2200/005Testing heat pipes F28F2210/00Heat exchange conduits F28F2210/02with particular branching, e.g. fractal conduit arrangements F28F2210/04Arrangements of conduits common to different heat exchange sections, the conduits having channels for different circuits F28F2210/06having walls comprising obliquely extending corrugations, e.g. in the form of threads F28F2210/08Assemblies of conduits having different features F28F2210/10Particular layout, e.g. for uniform temperature distribution F28F2215/00Fins F28F2215/02Arrangements of fins common to different heat exchange sections, the fins being in contact with different heat exchange media F28F2215/04Assemblies of fins having different features, e.g. with different fin densities F28F2215/06Hollow finsfins with internal circuits F28F2215/08with openings, e.g. louvers zig-zag fins with openings F28F1/128, common transversal fins with openings F28F1/325, corrugated fins with openings F28F3/027 F28F2215/10Secondary fins, e.g. projections or recesses on main fins F28F2215/12with U-shaped slots for laterally inserting conduits F28F2215/14in the form of movable or loose fins F28F2220/00Closure means, e.g. end caps on header boxes or plugs on conduits F28F2225/00Reinforcing means F28F2225/02for casings F28F2225/04for conduits F28F2225/06for fins F28F2225/08for header boxes F28F2230/00Sealing means F28F2235/00Means for filling gaps between elements, e.g. between conduits within casings F28F2240/00Spacing means F28F2245/00CoatingsSurface treatments F28F2245/02hydrophilic F28F2245/04hydrophobic F28F2245/06having particular radiating, reflecting or absorbing features, e.g. for improving heat transfer by radiation F28F2245/08self-cleaning F28F2250/00Arrangements for modifying the flow of the heat exchange media in general F28F13/06, e.g. flow guiding means in casings F28F9/22Particular flow patterns F28F2250/02Streamline-shaped elements F28F2250/04Communication passages between channels F28F2250/06Derivation channels, e.g. bypass F28F2250/08Fluid driving means, e.g. pumps, fans F28F2250/10Particular pattern of flow of the heat exchange media F28F2250/102with change of flow direction F28F2250/104with parallel flow F28F2250/106with cross flow F28F2250/108with combined cross flow and parallel flow F28F2255/00Heat exchanger elements made of materials having special features or resulting from particular manufacturing processes F28F2255/02Flexible elements F28F2255/04comprising shape memory alloys or bimetallic elements F28F2255/06composite, e.g. polymers with fillers or fibres F28F2255/08pressedstampeddeep-drawn F28F2255/10made by hydroforming F28F2255/12expanded or perforated metal plate F28F2255/14molded F28F2255/143injection molded F28F2255/146overmolded F28F2255/16extruded F28F2255/18sintered F28F2255/20with nanostructures F28F2260/00Heat exchangers or heat exchange elements having special size, e.g. microstructures microheat pipes F28D2015/0225; nanostructures F28F2255/20 F28F2260/02having microchannels F28F2265/00Safety or protection arrangementsArrangements for preventing malfunction control or monitoring devices F28F27/00 F28F2265/02in the form of screens or covers heat shields F28F2265/10 F28F2265/06by using means for draining heat exchange media from heat exchangers F28F2265/10for preventing overheating, e.g. heat shields thermal insulation F28F2270/00 F28F2265/12for preventing overpressure F28F2265/14for preventing damage by freezing, e.g. for accommodating volume expansion F28F2265/16for preventing leakage F28F2265/18for removing contaminants, e.g. for degassing F28F2265/20for preventing development of microorganisms F28F2265/22for draining F28F2265/24for electrical insulation F28F2265/26for allowing differential expansion between elements floating header box elements F28F9/0236 F28F2265/28for preventing noise by preventing vibrations F28F2265/30 F28F2265/30for preventing vibrations F28F2265/32for limiting movements, e.g. stops, locking means F28F2270/00Thermal insulationThermal decoupling F28F2270/02by using blind conduits F28F2275/00FasteningJoining F28F2275/02by using bonding materials brazing F28F2275/04by embedding elements in particular materials F28F2275/025by using adhesives F28F2275/04by brazing brazing heat exchangers B23K1/0012 F28F2275/045with particular processing steps, e.g. by allowing displacement of parts during brazing or by using a reservoir for storing brazing material F28F2275/06by welding welding heat exchangers B23K2101/14 F28F2275/061by diffusion bonding F28F2275/062by impact pressure or friction welding F28F2275/064by induction welding or by using microwaves F28F2275/065by ultrasonic or vibration welding F28F2275/067by laser welding F28F2275/068by explosive welding F28F2275/08by clamping or clipping F28F2275/085with snap connection F28F2275/10by force joining F28F2275/12by methods involving deformation of the elements F28F2275/122by crimping, caulking or clinching F28F2275/125by bringing elements together and expanding F28F2275/127by shrinking F28F2275/14by using form fitting connection, e.g. with tongue and groove F28F2275/143with pin and hole connections F28F2275/146with bayonet connections F28F2275/16with toothed elements, e.g. with serrations F28F2275/18by using wedge effect F28F2275/20with threaded elements F28F2275/205with of tie-rods F28F2275/22by using magnetic effect F28F2280/00Mounting arrangementsArrangements for facilitating assembling or disassembling of heat exchanger parts F28F2280/02Removable elements F28F2280/04Means for preventing wrong assembling of parts F28F2280/06Adapter frames, e.g. for mounting heat exchanger cores on other structure and for allowing fluidic connections F28F2280/08Tolerance compensating means F28F2280/10Movable elements, e.g. being pivotable elements specially adapted for movements F28F5/00 F28F2280/105with hinged connections