F04BPOSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDSPUMPS machines for liquids, or pumps, of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F04C; non-positive-displacement pumps F04D; pumping of fluid by direct contact of another fluid or by using inertia of fluid to be pumped F04FIn this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "piston" also covers a plunger.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the titles of class B81 and subclass B81B relating to "microstructural devices" and "microstructural systems".Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "machines", "pumps", and "positive displacement".Machines, pumps or pumping installations having flexible working members are classified in groups F04B43/00 or F04B45/00.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F04B35/02 covered by F04B9/08
F04B1/00Pumps for liquids or for liquid and elastic fluidsPositive-displacement machines for liquids F04B1/00Multi-cylinder machines or pumps characterised by number or arrangement of cylinders machines or pumps with pistons coacting within one cylinder F04B3/00 F04B1/005Pumps with cylinder axis arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main shaft axis F04B1/02having two cylinders in V-arrangement F04B1/04 F04B1/03with cylinder axis arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main shaft axis F04B1/04having cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F04B1/0404Details or component parts F04B1/0408Pistons F04B1/0413Cams F04B1/0417consisting of two or more cylindrical elements, e.g. rollers F04B1/0421Cylinders F04B1/0426Arrangements for pressing the pistons against the actuated camArrangements for connecting the pistons to the actuated cam F04B1/043Hydraulic arrangements F04B1/0435Arrangements for disconnecting the pistons from the actuated cam F04B1/0439Supporting or guiding means for the pistons F04B1/0443Draining of the housingArrangements for handling leaked fluids F04B1/0448Sealing means, e.g. for shafts or housings for pistons F04B1/0408 ; Stoffing boxes F04B53/164 F04B1/0452Distribution members, e.g. valves machines or pumps with cam-actuated distribution members at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B1/0472; machines or pumps with cam-actuated distribution members at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B1/0531; the piston-driving cams being provided with inlets and outlets F04B1/0535 F04B1/0456Cylindrical F04B1/0461Conical F04B1/0465plate-like F04B1/047with actuating or actuated elements at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B1/0472with cam-actuated distribution members F04B1/0474with two or more serially arranged radial piston-cylinder units F04B1/0476located side-by-side F04B1/0478Coupling of two or more cylinder-barrels F04B1/053with actuating or actuated elements at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B1/0531with cam-actuated distribution members F04B1/0533each machine piston having channels that coact with the cylinder and serve as distribution members for another piston-cylinder unit F04B1/0535the piston-driving cams being provided with inlets and outlets F04B1/0536with two or more serially arranged radial piston-cylinder units F04B1/0538located side-by-side F04B1/06Control F04B1/063by using a valve in a system with several pumping chambers wherein the flow-path through the chambers can be changed, e.g. between series and parallel flow F04B1/066by changing the phase relationship between the actuating cam and the distributing means F04B1/07by varying the relative eccentricity between two members, e.g. a cam and a drive shaft F04B1/08regulated by delivery pressure F04B1/10the cylinders being movable, e.g. rotary F04B3/006 takes precedence F04B1/107with actuating or actuated elements at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B1/1071with rotary cylinder blocks F04B1/1072with cylinder blocks and actuating cams rotating together in two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F04B1/1075 F04B1/1074with two or more serially arranged radial piston-cylinder units F04B1/1075with cylinder blocks and actuating cams rotating together in two or more series radial piston-cylinder units directly located side-by-side F04B1/1078 F04B1/1077located side-by-side F04B1/1078with cylinder blocks and actuating cams rotating together F04B1/113with actuating or actuated elements at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B1/1133with rotary cylinder blocks F04B1/1136with a rotary cylinder with a single piston reciprocating within the cylinder F04B1/12having cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B1/122Details or component parts, e.g. valves, sealings or lubrication means for machines or pumps having rotary cylinder blocks F04B1/2014 F04B1/124Pistons F04B1/126Piston shoe retaining means F04B1/128Driving means F04B1/14having stationary cylinders F04B1/141Details or component parts F04B1/143Cylinders F04B1/145Housings F04B1/146Swash platesActuating elements F04B1/148Bearings therefor F04B1/16having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F04B1/18having self-acting distribution members, i.e. actuated by working fluid F04B1/182Check valves F04B1/184Cylindrical distribution members F04B1/186Conical distribution members F04B1/188Plate-like distribution members F04B1/20having rotary cylinder block F04B1/2007Arrangements for pressing the cylinder barrel against the valve plate, e.g. by fluid pressure F04B1/2014Details or component parts F04B1/2021characterised by the contact area between cylinder barrel and valve plate F04B1/2028Bearings F04B1/2035Cylinder barrels F04B1/2042Valves F04B1/205Cylindrical F04B1/2057Conical F04B1/2064Housings F04B1/2071Bearings for cylinder barrels F04B1/2078Swash plates F04B1/2085Bearings for swash plates or driving axles F04B1/2092Means for connecting rotating cylinder barrels and rotating inclined swash plates F04B1/22having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F04B1/24inclined to the main shaft axis F04B1/26Control F04B1/28of machines or pumps with stationary cylinders F04B1/29by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B1/295by changing the inclination of the swash plate F04B1/30of machines or pumps with rotary cylinder blocks F04B1/303by turning the valve plate F04B1/306by turning the swash plate, e.g. with fixed inclination F04B1/32by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B1/322by moving the swash plate in a direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the cylinder barrel F04B1/324by changing the inclination of the swash plate F04B1/326using wedges F04B1/328by changing the inclination of the axis of the cylinder barrel relative to the swash plate F04B1/34Control not provided for in groups F04B1/02, F04B1/03, F04B1/06 or F04B1/26 F04B3/00Machines or pumps with pistons coacting within one cylinder, e.g. multi-stage F04B3/003with two or more pistons reciprocating one within another, e.g. one piston forning cylinder of the other F04B3/006with rotating cylinder block F04B5/00Machines or pumps with differential-surface pistons F04B5/02with double-acting pistons F04B7/00Piston machines or pumps characterised by having positively-driven valving F04B7/0003the distribution member forming both the inlet and discharge distributor for one single pumping chamber F04B7/0208 takes precedence F04B7/0007and having a rotating movement F04B7/0011and having an oscillating movement F04B7/0015and having a slidable movement F04B7/0019a common distribution member forming a single discharge distributor for a plurality of pumping chambers F04B7/0233 takes precedence F04B7/0023and having a rotating movement F04B7/0026and having an oscillating movement F04B7/003and having a slidable movement F04B7/0034and having an orbital movement, e.g. elbow-pipe type members F04B7/0038the distribution member forming a single inlet for a plurality of pumping chambers or a multiple discharge for one single pumping chamber F04B7/0042with specific kinematics of the distribution member F04B7/0003, F04B7/0019 take precedence F04B7/0046for rotating distribution members F04B7/0049for oscillating distribution members F04B7/0053for reciprocating distribution members F04B7/0057Mechanical driving means therefor, e.g. cams F04B7/0061for a rotating member F04B7/0065being mounted on the main shaft F04B7/0069for a sliding member F04B7/0073the member being of the lost-motion type, e.g. friction-actuated members, or having means for pushing it against or pulling it from its seat F04B7/0076the members being actuated by electro-magnetic means F04B7/008the distribution being realised by moving the cylinder itself, e.g. by sliding or swinging F04B7/0291 takes precedence F04B7/0084Component parts or details specially adapted therefor F04B7/0088Sealing arrangements between the distribution members and the housing F04B7/0092for oscillating distribution members F04B7/0096for pipe-type distribution members F04B7/02the valving being fluid-actuated F04B7/0208the distribution member forming both the inlet and discharge distributor for one single pumping chamber F04B7/0216and having an oscillating movement F04B7/0225and having a slidable movement F04B7/0233a common distribution member forming a single discharge distributor for a plurality of pumping chambers F04B7/0241and having an oscillating movement F04B7/025and having a slidable movement F04B7/0258and having an orbital movement, e.g. elbow-pipe type members F04B7/0266the inlet and discharge means being separate members F04B7/0275and being deformable, e.g. membranes F04B7/0283and having a rotating movement F04B7/0291the distribution being realised by moving the cylinder itself, e.g. by sliding or swinging F04B7/04in which the valving is performed by pistons and cylinders coacting to open and close intake or outlet ports F04B7/045Two pistons coacting within one cylinder F04B7/06the pistons and cylinders being relatively reciprocated and rotated F04B9/00Piston machines or pumps characterised by the driving or driven means to or from their working members F04B9/02the means being mechanical F04B9/025Driving of pistons coacting within one cylinder F04B9/04the means being cams, eccentrics or pin-and-slot mechanisms F04B9/042the means being cams F04B9/045the means being eccentrics F04B9/047the means being pin-and-slot mechanisms F04B9/06the means including spring- or weight-loaded lost-motion devices F04B9/08the means being fluid F04B9/10the fluid being liquid F04B9/103having only one pumping chamber F04B9/1035the movement of the pump piston in the two directions being obtained by two single-acting liquid motors each acting in one direction F04B9/105reciprocating movement of the pumping member being obtained by a double-acting liquid motor F04B9/1053one side of the double-acting liquid motor being always under the influence of the liquid under pressure F04B9/1056with fluid-actuated inlet or outlet valve mechanically controlled F04B7/00 F04B9/107rectilinear movement of the pumping member in the working direction being obtained by a single-acting liquid motor, e.g. actuated in the other direction by gravity or a spring F04B9/1073with actuation in the other direction by gravity F04B9/1076with fluid-actuated inlet or outlet valve mechanically controlled F04B7/00 F04B9/109having plural pumping chambers F04B9/1095having two or more pumping chambers in series F04B9/111with two mechanically connected pumping members F04B9/1115the movement of the pumping pistons in only one direction being obtained by a single-acting piston liquid motor, e.g. actuation in the other direction by spring means F04B9/113reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by a double-acting liquid motor F04B9/115reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by two single-acting liquid motors, each acting in one direction F04B9/117the pumping members not being mechanically connected to each other F04B9/1172the movement of each pump piston in the two directions being obtained by a double-acting piston liquid motor F04B9/1174with fluid-actuated inlet or outlet valve mechanically controlled F04B7/00 F04B9/1176the movement of each piston in one direction being obtained by a single-acting piston liquid motor F04B9/1178the movement in the other direction being obtained by a hydraulic connection between the liquid motor cylinders F04B9/12the fluid being elastic, e.g. steam or air F04B9/1207using a source of partial vacuum or sub-atmospheric pressure F04B9/1215the return stroke being obtained by a spring F04B9/1222the return stroke being obtained by an elastic fluid under pressure F04B9/123having only one pumping chamber F04B9/1235the movement of the pump piston in the two directions being obtained by two single-acting piston fluid motors, each acting in one direction F04B9/125reciprocating movement of the pumping member being obtained by a double-acting elastic-fluid motor F04B9/1253one side of the double-acting piston fluid motor being always under the influence of the fluid under pressure F04B9/1256with fluid-actuated inlet or outlet valve mechanically controlled F04B7/00 F04B9/127rectilinear movement of the pumping member in the working direction being obtained by a single-acting elastic-fluid motor, e.g. actuated in the other direction by gravity or a spring F04B9/1273with actuation in the other direction by gravity F04B9/1276with fluid-actuated inlet or outlet valve mechanically controlled F04B7/00 F04B9/129having plural pumping chambers F04B9/1295having two or more pumping chambers in series F04B9/131with two mechanically connected pumping members F04B9/1315the movement of the pumping pistons in only one direction being obtained by a single-acting piston fluid motor, e.g. actuation in the other direction by spring means F04B9/133reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by a double-acting elastic-fluid motor F04B9/135reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by two single-acting elastic-fluid motors, each acting in one direction F04B9/137the pumping members not being mechanically connected to each other F04B9/1372the movement of each pump piston in the two directions is obtained by a double-acting piston fluid motor F04B9/1374with fluid-actuated inlet or outlet valve mechanically controlled F04B7/00 F04B9/1376the movement of each piston in one direction being obtained by a single-acting piston fluid motor F04B9/1378the movement in the other direction being obtained by an hydraulic connection between the fluid motor cylinders F04B9/14Pumps characterised by muscle-power operation hand-held spraying or dispensing apparatus using pumps or bulbs B05B11/00 F04B11/00Equalisation of pulses, e.g. by use of air vesselsCounteracting cavitation F04B11/0008using accumulators F04B11/0016with a fluid spring F04B11/0025the spring fluid being in direct contact with the pumped fluid F04B11/0033with a mechanical spring F04B11/0041by piston speed control F04B11/0058 takes precedence F04B11/005using two or more pumping pistons F04B11/0058with piston speed control F04B11/0066with special shape of the actuating element F04B11/0075connected in series F04B11/0083the pistons having different cross-sections F04B11/0091using a special shape of fluid pass, e.g. throttles, ducts F04B13/00Pumps specially modified to deliver fixed or variable measured quantities F04B13/02of two or more fluids at the same time F04B15/00Pumps adapted to handle specific fluids, e.g. by selection of specific materials for pumps or pump parts F04B15/02the fluids being viscous or non-homogeneous F04B15/023supply of fluid to the pump by gravity through a hopper, e.g. without intake valve F04B2015/026with a priming plunger or piston ahead of the pumping piston and connected on the same piston rod F04B15/04the fluids being hot or corrosive for liquids near their boiling point, e.g. under subnormal pressure, F04B15/06 F04B15/06for liquids near their boiling point, e.g. under subnormal pressure F04B15/08the liquids having low boiling points F04B2015/081Liquefied gases F04B2015/0812Air F04B2015/0814Argon F04B2015/0816Carbon monoxide F04B2015/0818Carbon dioxide F04B2015/082Helium F04B2015/0822Hydrogen F04B2015/0824Nitrogen F04B2015/0826Oxygen F04B17/00Pumps characterised by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors F04B17/003driven by piezo-electric means F04B43/046 and F04B43/095 take precedence F04B17/006Solar operated F04B17/02driven by wind motors F04B17/03driven by electric motors F04B17/04using solenoids F04B17/042the solenoid motor being separated from the fluid flow F04B17/044using solenoids directly actuating the piston F04B17/046the fluid flowing through the moving part of the motor F04B17/048the fluid flowing around the moving part of the motor F04B17/05driven by internal-combustion engines F04B17/06Mobile combinations F04B19/00Machines or pumps having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04B1/00 - F04B17/00 F04B19/003free-piston type pumps F04B19/006Micropumps F04B43/043 and F04B43/095 take precedence F04B19/02having movable cylinders F04B19/022reciprocating cylinders F04B19/025cylinders rotating around their own axis F04B19/027cylinders oscillating around an axis perpendicular to their own axis F04B19/04Pumps for special use F04B19/06Pumps for delivery of both liquid and elastic fluids at the same time wet gas pumps F04B37/20 F04B19/08Scoop devices F04B19/10of wheel type F04B19/12of helical or screw-type F04B19/14of endless-chain type, e.g. with the chains carrying pistons co-operating with open-ended cylinders F04B19/16Adhesion-type liquid-lifting devices F04B19/18Adhesion members therefor F04B19/20Other positive-displacement pumps F04B19/22of reciprocating-piston type F04B19/24Pumping by heat expansion of pumped fluid F04B23/00Pumping installations or systems pumps characterised by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors F04B17/00 F04B23/02having reservoirs F04B23/021the pump being immersed in the reservoir F04B23/023only the pump-part being immersed, the driving-part being outside the reservoir F04B23/025the pump being located directly adjacent the reservoir F04B23/026a pump-side forming a wall of the reservoir F04B23/028the pump being mounted on top of the reservoir F04B23/04Combinations of two or more pumps F04B23/06the pumps being all of reciprocating positive-displacement type F04B23/08the pumps being of different types F04B23/10at least one pump being of the reciprocating positive-displacement type F04B23/103being a radial piston pump F04B23/106being an axial piston pump F04B23/12at least one pump being of the rotary-piston positive-displacement type F04B23/14at least one pump being of the non-positive-displacement type F04B25/00Pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B25/00Multi-stage pumps F04B25/005with two cylinders F04B25/02of stepped piston type F04B25/04having cylinders coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B27/00Multi-cylinder pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids and characterised by number or arrangement of cylinders multi-stage pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B25/00 F04B27/005with two cylinders F04B27/02having cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft F04B27/04having cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F04B27/0404Details, component parts specially adapted for such pumps F04B27/0409Pistons F04B27/0414Cams F04B27/0418consisting of several cylindrical elements, e.g. rollers F04B27/0423Cylinders F04B27/0428Arrangements for pressing or connecting the pistons against the actuated cam F04B27/0432hydraulically F04B27/0437Disconnecting the pistons from the actuated cam F04B27/0442Supporting and guiding means for the pistons F04B27/0446Draining of the engine housing; Arrangements dealing with leakage fluid F04B27/0451Particularities relating to the distribution members F04B27/0472, F04B27/0531 and F04B27/0535 take precedence F04B27/0456to cylindrical distribution members F04B27/046to conical distribution members F04B27/0465to plate like distribution members F04B27/047with an actuating element at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B27/0472with cam-actuated distribution members F04B27/0474with two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F04B27/0476directly located side-by-side F04B27/0478Coupling of several cylinder-barrels F04B27/053with an actuating element at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B27/0531with cam-actuated distribution members F04B27/0533each machine piston being provided with channels, which are coacting with the cylinder and are used as a distribution member for another piston-cylinder unit F04B27/0535the piston-driving cam being provided with an inlet or an outlet F04B27/0536with two or more series radial piston-cylinder units F04B27/0538directly located side-by-side F04B27/06the cylinders being movable, e.g. rotary F04B27/08 takes precedence F04B27/0606having cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement, the connection of the pistons with an actuating element being at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B27/0612rotary cylinder block F04B27/0619cylinder block and actuating cam rotating together F04B27/0631 and F04B27/0644 take precedence F04B27/0625with two or more series radial piston cylinder units F04B27/0631cylinder block and actuating cam both rotating F04B27/0644 takes precedence F04B27/0638directly located side by side F04B27/0644cylinder block and actuating cam both rotating F04B27/065having cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement, the connection of the pistons with an actuating element being at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B27/0657rotary cylinder block F04B27/0663the rotary cylinder being provided with only one piston, reciprocating within this cylinder F04B27/067Control F04B27/0673by using a valve in a system with several pumping chambers, wherein the flow-path through the chambers can be changed, e.g. series-parallel F04B27/0676by changing the phase relationship between the actuating cam and the distribution means F04B27/073by varying the relative eccentricity between two members, e.g. a cam and a drive shaft F04B27/08having cylinders coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B27/0804having rotary cylinder block F04B27/0808having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F04B27/0813inclined to main shaft axis F04B27/0817arrangements for pressing the cylinder barrel against the valve plate, e.g. by fluid pressure F04B27/0821component parts, details, e.g. valves, sealings, lubrication F04B27/0826particularities in the contacting area between cylinder barrel and valve plate F04B27/083bearing means F04B27/0834cylinder barrel F04B27/0839valve means, e.g. valve plate F04B27/0843cylindrical valve means F04B27/0847conical valve means F04B27/0852machine housing F04B27/0856cylinder barrel bearing means F04B27/086swash plate F04B27/0865swash plate bearing means or driving axis bearing means F04B27/0869connection between rotating cylinder barrel and rotating inclined swash plate F04B27/0873Component parts, e.g. sealings; Manufacturing or assembly thereof F04B27/0878Pistons F04B27/0882piston shoe retaining means F04B27/0886Piston shoes F04B27/0891casings, housings F04B27/0895driving means F04B27/10having stationary cylinders F04B27/1009Distribution members F04B27/1018Cylindrical distribution members F04B27/1027Conical distribution members F04B27/1036Component parts, details, e.g. sealings, lubrication F04B27/1045Cylinders F04B27/1054Actuating elements F04B27/1063Actuating-element bearing means or driving-axis bearing means F04B27/1072Pivot mechanisms F04B27/1081Casings, housings F04B27/109Lubrication F04B27/12having plural sets of cylinders or pistons F04B27/14Control F04B27/16of pumps with stationary cylinders F04B27/18by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B27/1804Controlled by crankcase pressure F04B2027/1809Controlled pressure F04B2027/1813Crankcase pressure F04B2027/1818Suction pressure F04B2027/1822Valve-controlled fluid connection F04B2027/1827between crankcase and discharge chamber F04B2027/1831between crankcase and suction chamber F04B2027/1836between crankcase and working chamber F04B2027/184Valve controlling parameter F04B2027/1845Crankcase pressure F04B2027/185Discharge pressure F04B2027/1854External parameters F04B2027/1859Suction pressure F04B2027/1863with an auxiliary valve, controlled by F04B2027/1868Crankcase pressure F04B2027/1872Discharge pressure F04B2027/1877External parameters F04B2027/1881Suction pressure F04B2027/1886Open (not controlling) fluid passage F04B2027/189between crankcase and discharge chamber F04B2027/1895between crankcase and suction chamber F04B27/20of pumps with rotary cylinder block F04B27/22by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B27/24Control not provided for in a single group of groups F04B27/02 - F04B27/22 F04B29/00Other pumps with movable, e.g. rotatable cylinders F04B31/00Free-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluidsSystems incorporating such pumps muscle-driven pumps in which the stroke is not defined by gearing F04B33/00 F04B33/00Pumps actuated by muscle power, e.g. for inflating F04B33/005specially adapted for inflating tyres of non-motorised vehicles, e.g. cycles, tricycles F04B33/02with intermediate gearing F04B35/00Piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids and characterised by the driving means to their working members, or by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors, not otherwise provided for F04B35/002driven by internal combustion engines F04B35/004driven by floating elements F04B35/006driven by steam engines F04B35/008the means being a fluid transmission link F04B35/01the means being mechanical F04B35/04the means being electric F04B35/045using solenoids F04B35/06Mobile combinations F04B37/00Pumps having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04B25/00 - F04B35/00 F04B37/02for evacuating by absorption or adsorption F04B37/04Selection of specific absorption or adsorption materials F04B37/06for evacuating by thermal means F04B37/08by condensing or freezing, e.g. cryogenic pumps F04B37/085Regeneration of cryo-pumps F04B37/10for special use for evacuating by absorption or adsorption F04B37/02; for evacuating by thermal means F04B37/06 F04B37/12to obtain high pressure F04B37/14to obtain high vacuum F04B37/16Means for nullifying unswept space F04B37/18for specific elastic fluids F04B37/20for wet gases, e.g. wet air F04B39/00Component parts, details, or accessories, of pumps or pumping systems specially adapted for elastic fluids, not otherwise provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04B25/00 - F04B37/00 F04B39/0005adaptations of pistons F04B39/0011liquid pistons F04B39/0016with valve arranged in the piston F04B39/0022piston rods F04B39/0027Pulsation and noise damping means F04B39/0033with encapsulations F04B39/0038of inlet or outlet channels F04B39/0044with vibration damping supports F04B39/005with direct action on the fluid flow using absorptive materials F04B39/0055with a special shape of fluid passage, e.g. bends, throttles, diameter changes, pipes F04B39/0061using muffler volumes F04B39/0066using sidebranch resonators, e.g. Helmholtz resonators F04B39/0072characterised by assembly or mounting F04B39/0077by generating oil foam F04B39/0083using blow off silencers F04B39/0088using mechanical tuned resonators F04B39/0094crankshaft F04B39/02Lubrication of machines or engines in general F01M F04B39/0207with lubrication control systems F04B39/0215characterised by the use of a special lubricant F04B39/0223characterised by the compressor type swash-plate compressors F04B27/109 F04B39/023Hermetic compressors F04B39/0238with oil distribution channels F04B39/0246in the rotating shaft F04B39/0253using centrifugal force for transporting the oil F04B39/0261with an auxiliary oil pump F04B39/0269with device for spraying lubricant or with mist lubrication F04B39/0276the pump being of the reciprocating piston type, e.g. oscillating, free-piston compressors F04B39/0284Constructional details, e.g. reservoirs in the casing swash-plate compressors F04B27/0878, F04B27/109 F04B39/0292Lubrication of pistons or cylinders F04B39/04Measures to avoid lubricant contaminating the pumped fluid F04B39/041sealing for a reciprocating rod sealing in general F16J F04B39/042sealing being provided on the piston F04B39/044sealing with a rolling diaphragm between piston and cylinder F04B39/045Labyrinth-sealing between piston and cylinder F04B39/047Sealing between piston and carter being provided by a bellow F04B39/048Sealing between piston and carter being provided by a diaphragm F04B39/06CoolingHeatingPrevention of freezing F04B39/062Cooling by injecting a liquid in the gas to be compressed F04B39/064Cooling by a cooling jacket in the pump casing F04B39/066Cooling by ventilation F04B39/068prevention of freezing F04B39/08Actuation of distribution members F04B39/10Adaptations or arrangements of distribution members F04B39/1006the members being ball valves F04B39/1013the members being of the poppet valve type F04B39/102the members being disc valves F04B39/1026without spring F04B39/1033 takes precedence F04B39/1033annular disc valves F04B39/104the members being parallel flexible strips F04B39/1046Combination of in- and outlet valve F04B39/1053the members being Hoerbigen valves F04B39/106the members being parallel non-flexible strips F04B39/1066Valve plates F04B39/1073the members being reed valves F04B39/108circular reed valves F04B39/1086flat annular reed valves F04B39/1093the members being low-resistance valves allowing free streaming F04B39/12CasingsCylindersCylinder headsFluid connections F04B39/121Casings F04B39/122Cylinder block F04B39/123Fluid connections F04B39/125Cylinder heads F04B39/126Cylinder liners F04B39/127Mounting of a cylinder block in a casing F04B39/128Crankcases F04B39/14Provisions for readily assembling or disassembling F04B39/16FiltrationMoisture separation F04B41/00Pumping installations or systems specially adapted for elastic fluids free-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids or systems incorporating such pumps F04B31/00; piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids and characterised by the driving means to their working members, or by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors, not otherwise provided for F04B35/00 F04B41/02having reservoirs F04B41/04Conversion of internal-combustion engine cylinder units to pumps F04B41/06Combinations of two or more pumps F04B43/00Machines or pumps having flexible working members F04B43/00Machines, pumps, or pumping installations having flexible working members pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B45/00 F04B43/0009Special features F04B43/0018the periphery of the flexible member being not fixed to the pump-casing, but acting as a valve F04B43/0027without valves F04B43/0036the flexible member being formed as an O-ring F04B43/0045with a number of independent working chambers which are actuated successively by one mechanism F04B43/0054particularities of the flexible members F04B43/0063bell-shaped flexible members F04B43/0072of tubular flexible members F04B43/0081systems, control, safety measures F04B43/009leakage control; pump systems with two flexible members; between the actuating element and the pumped fluid F04B43/02having plate-like flexible members, e.g. diaphragms F04B43/14 takes precedence F04B43/021the plate-like flexible member is pressed against a wall by a number of elements, each having an alternating movement in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate-like flexible member and each having its own driving mechanism F04B43/023double acting plate-like flexible member F04B43/025two or more plate-like pumping members in parallel F04B43/026each plate-like pumping flexible member working in its own pumping chamber F04B43/028with in- or outlet valve arranged in the plate-like flexible member valve arranged in the piston F04B53/12 F04B43/04Pumps having electric drive F04B43/043Micropumps F04B43/046with piezo-electric drive F04B43/06Pumps having fluid drive F04B43/067the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B43/073the actuating fluid being controlled by at least one valve F04B43/0733with fluid-actuated pump inlet or outlet valves; with two or more pumping chambers in series F04B43/0736with two or more pumping chambers in parallel F04B43/08having tubular flexible members F04B43/12 takes precedence F04B43/082the tubular flexible member being pressed against a wall by a number of elements, each having an alternating movement in a direction perpendicular to the axes of the tubular member and each having its own driving mechanism F04B43/084the tubular member being deformed by stretching or distortion F04B43/086with two or more tubular flexible members in parallel F04B43/1136 takes precedence F04B43/088with two or more tubular flexible members in series F04B43/1133 takes precedence F04B43/09Pumps having electric drive F04B43/095Piezo-electric drive F04B43/10Pumps having fluid drive F04B43/107the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B43/113the actuating fluid being controlled by at least one valve F04B43/1133with fluid-actuated pump inlet or outlet valves; with two or more pumping chambers in series F04B43/1136with two or more pumping chambers in parallel F04B43/12having peristaltic action F04B43/1207the actuating element being a swash plate F04B43/1215having no backing plate (deforming of the tube only by rollers) F04B43/1223the actuating elements, e.g. rollers, moving in a straight line during squeezing F04B43/123using an excenter as the squeezing element F04B43/1238using only one roller as the squeezing element, the roller moving on an arc of a circle during squeezing F04B43/1246the roller being placed at the outside of the tubular flexible member F04B43/1253by using two or more rollers as squeezing elements, the rollers moving on an arc of a circle during squeezing F04B43/1261the rollers being placed at the outside of the tubular flexible member F04B43/1269the rotary axes of the rollers lying in a plane perpendicular to the rotary axis of the driving motor F04B43/1276Means for pushing the rollers against the tubular flexible member F04B43/1284Means for pushing the backing-plate against the tubular flexible member F04B43/1292Pumps specially adapted for several tubular flexible members F04B43/14having plate-like flexible members F04B45/00Pumps or pumping installations having flexible working members and specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B45/02having bellows F04B45/022with two or more bellows in parallel F04B45/024with two or more bellows in series F04B45/027having electric drive F04B45/033having fluid drive F04B45/0333the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B45/0336the actuating fluid being controlled by one or more valves F04B45/04having plate-like flexible members, e.g. diaphragms F04B45/10 takes precedence F04B45/041double acting plate-like flexible pumping member F04B45/043two or more plate-like pumping flexible members in parallel F04B45/045with in- or outlet valve arranged in the plate-like pumping flexible members F04B45/047Pumps having electric drive F04B45/053Pumps having fluid drive F04B45/0533the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B45/0536the actuating fluid being controlled by one or more valves F04B45/06having tubular flexible members F04B45/02, F04B45/08 take precedence F04B45/061with fluid drive F04B45/062the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B45/064the actuating fluid being controlled by one or more valves F04B45/065with electric drive F04B45/067Pumps having electric drive F04B45/073Pumps having fluid drive F04B45/0733the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B45/0736the actuating fluid being controlled by one or more valves F04B45/08having peristaltic action F04B45/085the actuating element being a swash plate F04B45/10having plate-like flexible members F04B47/00Pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for raising fluids from great depths, e.g. well pumps by using positive or negative pressurised fluid medium acting directly on the liquid to be pumped F04F1/00 F04B47/005Sand trap arrangements F04B47/02the driving mechanisms being situated at ground level F04B47/12 takes precedence F04B47/022driving of the walking beam F04B47/024actuated by muscle power F04B47/026Pull rods, full rod component parts F04B47/028details of the walking beam F04B47/04the driving means incorporating fluid means F04B47/06having motor-pump units situated at great depth F04B47/08the motors being actuated by fluid F04B47/10the units or parts thereof being liftable to ground level by fluid pressure F04B47/12having free plunger lifting the fluid to the surface F04B47/14Counterbalancing F04B47/145with fluid means F04B49/00Control , e.g. of pump delivery, or pump pressure of, or safety measures for, machines, pumps, or pumping installations, not otherwise provided for, or of interest apart from, groups F04B1/00 - F04B47/00The classification symbols in group F04B49/00 and subgroups can be followed by additional symbols preceded by the sign "+". The symbols are applied in subgroups F04B49/06, F04B49/08, F04B49/16 and F04B49/225. The symbols have the meanings as listed below:
+C specially adapted for pumps for elastic fluids,
e.g. compressors
+P specially adapted for pumps for liquids
F04B49/002Hydraulic systems to change the pump delivery F04B49/005changing the phase relationship of two working pistons in one working chamber or the phase-relationship of a piston and a driven distribution member F04B49/007Installations or systems with two or more pumps or pump cylinders, wherein the flow-path through the stages can be changed, e.g. from series to parallel centrifugal pumps F04D15/0072 F04B49/02Stopping, starting, unloading or idling control F04B49/022by means of pressure F04B49/025by means of floats F04B49/03by means of valves F04B49/035Bypassing F04B49/04Regulating by means of floats F04B49/025 takes precedence F04B49/06Control using electricity regulating by means of floats actuating electric switches F04B49/04 F04B49/065and making use of computers F04B49/08Regulating by delivery pressure F04B49/10Other safety measures F04B49/103Responsive to speed F04B49/106Responsive to pumped volume F04B49/12by varying the length of stroke of the working members F04B49/121Lost-motion device in the driving mechanism F04B49/123by changing the eccentricity of one element relative to another element F04B49/125by changing the eccentricity of the actuation means, e.g. cams or cranks, relative to the driving means, e.g. driving shafts F04B49/128 takes precedence F04B49/126with a double eccenter mechanism F04B49/128by changing the eccentricity of the cylinders, e.g. by moving a cylinder block F04B49/14Adjusting abutments located in the path of reciprocation F04B49/16by adjusting the capacity of dead spaces of working chambers F04B49/18by changing the effective cross-section of the working surface of the piston F04B49/20by changing the driving speed F04B49/22by means of valves F04B49/03 takes precedence F04B49/225with throttling valves or valves varying the pump inlet opening or the outlet opening F04B49/24Bypassing F04B49/243by keeping open the inlet valve F04B49/246by keeping open the outlet valve
F04B51/00Testing machines, pumps, or pumping installations F04B53/00Component parts, details or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04B1/00 - F04B23/00 or F04B39/00 - F04B47/00 F04B53/001Noise damping F04B53/002by encapsulation F04B53/003by damping supports F04B53/004by mechanical resonators F04B53/005Adaptations or arrangements of valves used as foot valves, of suction strainers, or of mud-boxes F04B53/006Crankshafts F04B53/007Cylinder heads F04B53/008Spacing or clearance between cylinder and piston F04B53/02Packing the free space between cylinders and pistons F04B53/04Draining F04B53/06Venting F04B53/08CoolingHeatingPreventing freezing F04B53/10ValvesArrangement of valves F04B53/1002Ball valves F04B53/1005being formed by two closure members working in series F04B53/1007having means for guiding the closure member F04B53/101having means for limiting the opening height F04B53/1012and means for controlling the opening height F04B53/1015Combinations of ball valves working in parallel F04B53/1017Semi-spherical ball valves F04B53/102Disc valves F04B53/1022having means for guiding the closure member axially F04B53/1025the guiding means being provided within the valve opening F04B53/1027the guiding means being provided at both sides of the disc F04B53/103Flat-annular type disc valves F04B53/1032Spring-actuated disc valves F04B53/1022, F04B53/103 take precedence F04B53/1035with means for limiting the opening height F04B53/1037Flap valves F04B53/104the closure member being a rigid element oscillating around a fixed point F04B53/1042by means of a flexible connection F04B53/1045the valve being formed by two elements F04B53/1047the valve being formed by one or more flexible elements F04B53/105one flexible element oscillating around a fixed point F04B53/1052two flexible elements oscillating around a fixed point F04B53/1055more than two flexible elements oscillating around a fixed point F04B53/1057the valve being a tube, e.g. normally closed at one end F04B53/106the valve being a membrane F04B53/1062fixed at two or more points at its periphery F04B53/1065fixed at its centre F04B53/1067fixed at its whole periphery and with an opening at its centre F04B53/107the opening normally being closed by a fixed element F04B53/1072the valve being an elastic body, the length thereof changing in the opening direction F04B53/1075the valve being a flexible annular ring F04B53/1077Flow resistance valves, e.g. without moving parts F04B53/108Valves characterised by the material F04B53/1082magnetic F04B53/1085having means for limiting the opening height F04B53/101 and F04B53/1035 take precedence F04B53/1087Valve seats F04B53/109inlet and outlet valve forming one unit F04B53/1092and one single element forming both the inlet and outlet closure member F04B53/1095Valves linked to another valve of another pumping chamber F04B53/1097with means for lifting the closure member for pump cleaning purposes F04B53/12arranged in or on pistons F04B53/121the valve being an annular ring surrounding the piston, e.g. an O-ring F04B53/122the piston being free-floating, e.g. the valve being formed between the actuating rod and the piston F04B53/123Flexible valves F04B53/124Oscillating valves F04B53/125Reciprocating valves F04B53/126Ball valves F04B53/127Disc valves F04B53/128Annular disc valves F04B53/129Poppet valves F04B53/14Pistons, piston-rods or piston-rod connections F04B53/141Intermediate liquid piston between the driving piston and the pumped liquid F04B43/06 and F04B43/10 take precedence F04B53/142Intermediate liquid-piston between a driving piston and a driven piston F04B9/10, F04B43/06, F04B43/10 and F04B53/141 take precedence F04B53/143Sealing provided on the piston F04B53/144Adaptation of piston-rods F04B53/145Rod shock absorber F04B53/146Piston-rod guiding arrangements F04B53/147Mounting or detaching of piston rod F04B53/148the piston being provided with channels which are coacting with the cylinder and are used as a distribution member for another piston-cylinder unit F04B53/16CasingsCylindersCylinder liners or headsFluid connections F04B53/162Adaptations of cylinders F04B53/164Stoffing boxes F04B53/166Cylinder liners F04B53/168Mounting of cylinder liners in cylinders F04B53/18Lubricating F04B53/20Filtering F04B53/22Arrangements for enabling ready assembly or disassembly
F04B2201/00 F04B2201/00Pump parameters F04B2201/02Piston parameters F04B2201/0201Position of the piston F04B2201/02011Angular position of a piston rotating around its own axis F04B2201/0202Linear speed of the piston F04B2201/0203Acceleration of the piston F04B2201/0204Power on the piston F04B2201/0205Piston ring wear F04B2201/0206Length of piston stroke F04B2201/0207Number of pumping strokes in unit time F04B2201/02071Total number of pumping strokes F04B2201/0208Leakage across the piston F04B2201/0209Duration of piston stroke F04B2201/021Rotational speed of a piston rotating around its own axis F04B7/06 F04B2201/04Carter parameters F04B2201/0401Carter pressure F04B2201/0402Lubricating oil temperature F04B2201/0403Carter housing temperature F04B2201/0404Lubricating oil condition F04B2201/0405Leakage F04B2201/0406Pressure change across an oil filter F04B2201/06Valve parameters F04B2201/0601Opening times F04B2201/06011of the inlet valve only F04B2201/06012of the outlet valve only F04B2201/0602Valve acceleration F04B2201/0603Valve wear F04B2201/0604Valve noise F04B2201/0605Leakage over a valve F04B2201/0606Opening width or height F04B2201/06061of the inlet valve F04B2201/06062of the outlet valve F04B2201/08Cylinder or housing parameters F04B2201/0801Temperature F04B2201/0802Vibration F04B2201/0803Leakage F04B2201/0804Noise F04B2201/0805Rotational speed of a rotating cylinder block F04B2201/0806Resonant frequency F04B2201/0807Number of working cylinders F04B2201/0808Size of the dead volume F04B2201/12Parameters of driving or driven means F04B2201/1201Rotational speed of the axis F04B2201/1202Torque on the axis F04B2201/1203Power on the axis F04B2201/1204Position of a rotating inclined plate F04B2201/12041Angular position F04B2201/1205Position of a non-rotating inclined plate F04B2201/12051Angular position F04B2201/1206Rotational speed of a rotating inclined plate F04B2201/1207Wear of the bearings F04B2201/1208Angular position of the shaft F04B2201/1209Radial force on the bearings F04B2201/121Load on the sucker rod F04B2201/1211Position of the walking beam F04B2201/1212Oil pressure in the bearings F04B2201/1213Eccentricity of an outer annular cam F04B2201/124Coupling parameters F04B2201/1241Engagement F04B2201/127Braking parameters F04B2203/00Motor parameters F04B2203/02of rotating electric motors F04B2203/0201Current F04B2203/0202Voltage F04B2203/0203Magnetic flux F04B2203/0204Frequency of the electric current F04B2203/0205Temperature F04B2203/0206Vibration F04B2203/0207Torque F04B2203/0208Power F04B2203/0209Rotational speed F04B2203/021Lubricating-oil temperature F04B2203/0211Noise F04B2203/0212Amplitude of the electric current F04B2203/0213Pulses per unit of time (pulse motor) F04B2203/0214Number of working motor-pump units F04B2203/04of linear electric motors F04B2203/0401Current F04B2203/0402Voltage F04B2203/0403Magnetic flux F04B2203/0404Frequency of the electric current F04B2203/0405Temperature F04B2203/0406Vibration F04B2203/0407Force F04B2203/0408Power F04B2203/0409Linear speed F04B2203/041Lubricating-oil temperature F04B2203/0411Noise F04B2203/06of internal combustion engines F04B2203/0601Temperature F04B2203/0602Vibration F04B2203/0603Torque F04B2203/0604Power F04B2203/0605Rotational speed F04B2203/0606Lubricating-oil temperature F04B2203/0607Fuel consumption F04B2203/06071position of the carburettor valve F04B2203/09of linear hydraulic motors F04B2203/0901Opening time of the valves F04B2203/0902Liquid pressure in a working chamber F04B2203/0903Position of the driving piston F04B2203/091Opening time of the valves F04B2203/10of linear elastic fluid motors F04B2203/1001Opening time of the valves F04B2203/11of a gas turbine F04B2203/1101Rotational speed of the turbine F04B2203/1102Flow rate of the driving fluid F04B2203/1103Rotation sense of the turbine F04B2203/12of rotating hydraulic motors F04B2203/1201Rotational speed F04B2203/1202Pressure at the motor inlet F04B2205/00Fluid parameters F04B2205/01Pressure before the pump inlet F04B2205/02Pressure in the inlet chamber F04B2205/03Pressure in the compression chamber F04B2205/04Pressure in the outlet chamber F04B2205/05Pressure after the pump outlet F04B2205/06Pressure in a (hydraulic) circuit F04B2205/061after a throttle F04B2205/062before a throttle F04B2205/063in a reservoir linked to the pump outlet F04B2205/064in a reservoir linked to the pump inlet F04B2205/065between two stages in a multi-stage pump F04B2205/07Pressure difference over the pump F04B2205/08Pressure difference over a throttle F04B2205/0801the throttle being a filter F04B2205/09Flow through the pump F04B2205/10Inlet temperature F04B2205/11Outlet temperature F04B2205/111after a throttle F04B2205/112between two stages in a multi-stage pump F04B2205/12Pressure pulsations before the pump F04B2205/13Pressure pulsations after the pump F04B2205/14Viscosity F04B2205/15By-passing over the pump F04B2205/151Opening width of a bypass valve F04B2205/16Opening or closing of a valve in a circuit F04B2205/17Opening width of a throttling device F04B2205/171before the pump inlet F04B2205/172after the pump outlet F04B2205/173in a circuit F04B2205/18Pressure in a control cylinder/piston unit F04B2205/50Presence of foreign matter in the fluid F04B2205/501of solid particles F04B2205/503of gas in a liquid flow, e.g. gas bubbles F04B2207/00External parameters F04B2207/01Load in general F04B2207/02External pressure F04B2207/03External temperature F04B2207/04Settings F04B2207/041of flow F04B2207/0411maximum F04B2207/0412minimum F04B2207/0413medium F04B2207/042of pressure F04B2207/0421maximum F04B2207/0422minimum F04B2207/0423medium F04B2207/043of time F04B2207/044of the rotational speed of the driving motor F04B2207/0441maximum F04B2207/0442minimum F04B2207/045of the resonant frequency of the unit motor-pump F04B2207/046of length of piston stroke F04B2207/047of the nominal power of the driving motor F04B2207/048of a reference voltage of the driving motor F04B2207/70Warnings F04B2207/701Sound F04B2207/702Light F04B2207/703Stopping F04B2207/704Idling