F16LPIPESJOINTS OR FITTINGS FOR PIPESSUPPORTS FOR PIPES, CABLES OR PROTECTIVE TUBINGMEANS FOR THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERALIn this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "pipe" means a conduit of closed cross-section, which is specially adapted to convey fluids, materials or objects; "hose" means a pipe, as defined above, which has flexibility as an essential characteristic.Attention is drawn to the following places: A61M39/00Tube connectors, tube couplings or branch units, specially adapted for medical useB05B1/20Perforated pipesB60T17/04Arrangement of piping or air hoses in brake systemsB63B35/03Pipe-laying vesselsB64D39/04Adaptation of hose constructions for refuelling aircraft during flightB65G51/00Conveying articles through pipes or tubes by fluid flow or pressureB65G53/00Conveying materials in bulk through pipes or tubesB67D7/38Arrangements of hoses in apparatus for transferring liquids, e.g. fuel, from bulk to vehicles or portable containersE01D19/10Fastening of pipes or cables to bridgesE03BWater supply installationsE03D11/17Means for connecting water-closet bowls to the flushing pipeE03D11/18Siphons for water-closetsE03F3/04Pipes or fittings specially adapted to sewersE04D13/08Down pipes for roof drainage; Clamping means thereforE04F17/00Vertical ducts, channels in buildings, e.g. chimneysE21F1/04Air ducts for ventilation of mines or tunnels; Connections thereforE21F17/02Suspension devices for tubes or the like in mines or tunnelsF01NGas flow silencers or exhaust apparatus for machines or enginesF16B7/00Connections of rods or tubesF16N21/00Conduits, junctions for lubrication systemsF17C3/02Thermal insulation of vessels not under pressure for storing liquefied or solidified gases, e.g. Dewar flaskF17DPipe-line systems, pipe-linesF22B37/10Water tubes of steam boilersF23J13/04Joints, connections for chimneys or fluesF24H9/12Connecting circulation pipes to heatersF28F9/04Arrangements for sealing elements into header boxes or end plates of heat-exchangersG21C15/22Structural association of coolant tubes with headers or other pipes in nuclear reactorsH02G3/04Protective tubing or conduits for electric cablesH02G3/26Installations of electric cables or lines, or protective tubing on or in walls,ceilings or floors.
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16L19/03 covered by F16L19/0212; F16L59/05 covered by F16L59/021. F16L101/14 covered by F16L2101/10
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16L1/00 F16L1/00Laying or reclaiming pipesRepairing or joining pipes on or under water F16L1/024Laying or reclaiming pipes on land, e.g. above the ground F16L1/12 takes precedence F16L1/0243above ground F16L1/026 takes precedence F16L1/0246at a certain height off the ground F16L1/026in or on a frozen surface F16L1/028in the ground F16L1/026 takes precedence F16L1/032the pipes being continuous F16L1/038 takes precedence F16L1/036the pipes being composed of sections of short length F16L1/038 takes precedence F16L1/038the pipes being made in situ F16L1/06Accessories therefor, e.g. anchors F16L1/065fixed on or to vehicles F16L1/09for bringing two tubular members closer to each other F16L1/10for aligning F16L1/11for the detection or protection of pipes in the ground F16L1/12Laying or reclaiming pipes on or under water F16L1/123Devices for the protection of pipes under water F16L1/126on or close to the surface F16L1/14between the surface and the bottom F16L1/15vertically F16L1/16on the bottom F16L1/161the pipe being composed of sections of short length F16L1/163by varying the apparent weight of the pipe during the laying operation F16L1/165by towing the pipe on or near the bottom F16L1/166Reclaiming pipes F16L1/168under ice F16L1/18the pipes being S- or J-shaped and under tension during laying F16L1/19the pipes being J-shaped F16L1/20Accessories therefor, e.g. floats, weights F16L1/201Anchor rods F16L1/202fixed on or to vessels F16L1/203the pipes being wound spirally prior to laying F16L1/205Pipe-laying ships F16L1/225, F16L1/23 and F16L1/235 take precedence F16L1/206Apparatus for forming or coating the pipes F16L1/207Pipe handling apparatus F16L1/225Stingers F16L1/23Pipe tensioning apparatus F16L1/235Apparatus for controlling the pipe during laying F16L1/24FloatsWeights F16L1/26Repairing or joining pipes on or under water F16L1/265Underwater vehicles moving on the bottom F16L3/00Supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing, e.g. hangers, holders, clamps, cleats, clips, brackets anchors for holding pipes on or under the ground F16L1/06; sound-damping supports F16L55/035; supports for insulated pipes F16L59/135 F16L3/003devices for holding the open end of a hose F16L3/006for pipes with a rectangular cross-section F16L3/01for supporting or guiding the pipes, cables or protective tubing, between relatively movable points, e.g. movable channels F16L3/012using reels cores for coiled material, e.g. reels, in general B65H75/00 F16L3/015using articulated- or supple-guiding elements F16L3/02partly surrounding the pipes, cables or protective tubing bands or chains F16L3/14 F16L3/04and pressing it against a wall or other support F16L3/06with supports for wires F16L3/08substantially surrounding the pipe, cable or protective tubing F16L3/085for pipes being in an angled relationship to each other F16L3/10divided, i.e. with two or more members engaging the pipe, cable or protective tubing F16L3/1008with two members engaging the pipe, cable or tubing, both being made of thin band material completely surrounding the pipe F16L3/1033 takes precedence F16L3/1016the members being joined by means of two screws F16L3/1025the members being joined by quick acting means F16L3/1033with two members engaging the pipe, cable or tubing, the two members being joined only on one side of the pipe F16L3/1041and being adapted to accommodate pipes of various diameters F16L3/105one member carrying a substantially radial tightening element F16L3/1058one member being flexible or elastic F16L3/1066with three or more members surrounding the pipe F16L3/1075with two members, the two members being joined with a hinge on one side and fastened together on the other side F16L3/1083with two members, the two members being hooked in on one side and fastened together on the other side F16L3/1091with two members, the two members being fixed to each other with fastening members on each side F16L3/11and hanging from a pendant F16L3/14 takes precedence F16L3/12comprising a member substantially surrounding the pipe, cable or protective tubing F16L3/1203with a pair of arms moved automatically to closed position by overcenter spring F16L3/1207the ends of the member and the fixing elements being placed on both sides of the pipe F16L3/1211with a substantially-radial tightening or securing member F16L3/1215the pipe being fixed by rotation of an element F16L3/1218the pipe being only supported and not fixed F16L3/1222the member having the form of a closed ring, e.g. used for the function of two adjacent pipe sections F16L3/1226elongated supports, e.g. to support a curved pipe F16L3/123and extending along the attachment surface F16L3/1233the member being of metal, with or without an other layer of other material F16L3/1236the member being of a material other than metal F16L3/127and extending away from the attachment surface F16L3/13and engaging it by snap action F16L3/1203 takes precedence F16L3/133and hanging from a pendant F16L3/14 takes precedence F16L3/137and consisting of a flexible band F16L3/14Hangers in the form of bands or chains F16L3/16with special provision allowing movement of the pipe F16L3/01 takes precedence; supporting pipes or cables inside other pipes or sleeves F16L7/00 F16L3/18allowing movement in axial direction F16L3/20allowing movement in transverse direction F16L3/202the transverse movement being converted to a rotational movement F16L3/215 takes precedence F16L3/205having supporting springs F16L3/2053the axis of each spring being parallel with the direction of the movement of the pipe F16L3/2056the axis of at least one spring being oblique or perpendicular to the direction of the movement of the pipe F16L3/21providing constant supporting spring force F16L3/215the movement being hydraulically or electrically controlled F16L3/217hydraulically F16L3/22specially adapted for supporting a number of parallel pipes at intervals F16L3/221having brackets connected together by means of a common support F16L3/222having single supports directly connected together F16L3/223each support having one transverse base for supporting the pipes F16L3/23, F16L3/237 take precedence F16L3/2235each pipe being supported by a common element fastened to the base F16L3/227each pipe being supported by a separate element fastened to the base F16L3/23for a bundle of pipes or a plurality of pipes placed side by side in contact with each other F16L3/237 takes precedence F16L3/233by means of a flexible band F16L3/2332having a single plastic locking barb F16L3/2334the barb having a plurality of serrations F16L3/2336having two or more locking barbs F16L3/2338 takes precedence F16L3/2338having at least one metal locking barb F16L3/237for two pipes F16L3/24with a special member for attachment to profiled girders F16L3/243the special member being inserted in the profiled girder F16L3/2431the special member being inserted and subsequently rotated to a limited extent F16L3/245the special member embracing the entire profiled girder F16L3/26specially adapted for supporting the pipes all along their length, e.g. pipe channels or ducts channels for electric cables formed by wire H02G3/0443 F16L5/00Devices for use where pipes, cables or protective tubing pass through walls or partitions passing insulated pipes through walls F16L59/121; arrangements for leading electric cables or lines through walls, floors or ceilings H02G3/22 F16L5/02SealingGroup F16L5/14 takes precedence over groups F16L5/022, F16L5/025, F16L5/027 andF16L5/04 - F16L5/12. F16L5/022by welding F16L5/025the pipe being movable F16L5/10 takes precedence F16L5/027by means of a joint of the quick-acting type F16L5/04to form a firebreak device F16L5/06by means of a swivel nut compressing a ring or sleeve F16L5/08by means of axial screws compressing a ring or sleeve F16L5/10by using sealing rings or sleeves only F16L5/12the pipe being cut in two pieces F16L5/14for double-walled or multi-channel pipes F16L7/00Supporting of pipes or cables inside other pipes or sleeves, e.g. for enabling pipes or cables to be inserted or withdrawn from under roads or railways without interruption of traffic sleeves for supporting pipes, cables or protective tubing, between relatively movable points F16L3/01, fixation devices of optical cables in ducts G02B6/508, installation of electric cables H02G1/08 F16L7/02and sealing the pipes or cables inside the other pipes, cables or sleeves F16L9/00Pipes F16L9/00Rigid pipes F16L9/003with a rectangular cross-section ducting arrangements in air-conditioning or ventilation F24F13/02 F16L9/006specially profiled F16L9/003 takes precedence F16L9/01of wood F16L9/16 - F16L9/22 take precedence F16L9/02of metal F16L9/16 - F16L9/22 take precedence F16L9/04Reinforced pipes F16L9/042the reinforcement comprising one or more layers of a helically wound cord, wire or strip F16L9/047 takes precedence F16L9/045using profiled strips F16L9/047comprising reinforcement rings F16L9/06Corrugated pipes F16L9/08of concrete, cement, or asbestos cement, with or without reinforcement F16L9/16 - F16L9/22 take precedence F16L9/085Reinforced pipes F16L9/10of glass or ceramics, e.g. clay, clay tile, porcelain F16L9/16 - F16L9/22 take precedence F16L9/105of glass F16L9/12of plastics with or without reinforcement F16L9/16 - F16L9/22 take precedence F16L9/121with three layers F16L9/123with four layers F16L9/125electrically conducting F16L9/127the walls consisting of a single layer F16L9/128Reinforced pipes F16L9/133the walls consisting of two layers F16L9/14Compound tubes, i.e. made of materials not wholly covered by any one of the preceding groups F16L9/16 - F16L9/22 take precedence F16L9/147comprising only layers of metal and plastics with or without reinforcement F16L9/153comprising only layers of metal and concrete with or without reinforcement F16L9/16wound from sheets or strips, with or without reinforcement F16L9/165of metal F16L9/17obtained by bending a sheet longitudinally and connecting the edges F16L9/18Double-walled pipesMulti-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L9/19Multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L9/20Pipe assemblies F16L9/21made of sound-absorbing materials or with sound-absorbing structure F16L9/22Pipes composed of a plurality of segments F16L11/00Hoses, i.e. flexible pipes F16L11/005consisting completely or partially of material other than fibres, plastics or metal F16L11/02made of fibres or threads, e.g. of textile which may or may not be impregnated, or provided with an impermeable layer, e.g. fire-hoses F16L11/04made of rubber or flexible plastics F16L11/042formed by bending a sheet and connecting the edges covers for the protection of the insulation F16L59/10; rigid pipes F16L9/17 F16L11/045with four or more layers without reinforcement F16L2011/047with a diffusion barrier layer F16L11/06with homogeneous wall F16L11/11 takes precedence F16L11/08with reinforcements embedded in the wall F16L11/11 takes precedence F16L11/081comprising one or more layers of a helically wound cord or wire in combination with braided layers F16L11/088 F16L11/082two layers F16L11/083three or more layers F16L11/085comprising one or more braided layers in combination with layers of a helically wound core or wire F16L11/088 F16L11/086two layers F16L11/087three or more layers F16L11/088comprising a combination of one or more layers of a helically wound cord or wire with one or more braided layers F16L11/10with reinforcements not embedded in the wall F16L11/11 takes precedence F16L11/11with corrugated wall F16L11/24 takes precedence F16L11/111with homogeneous wall F16L11/112having reinforcements embedded in the wall F16L11/115having reinforcements not embedded in the wall F16L11/118having arrangements for particular purposes, e.g. electrically conducting F16L11/1185electrically conducting F16L11/12with arrangements for particular purposes, e.g. specially profiled, with protecting layer, heated, electrically conducting F16L11/11 takes precedence F16L11/121specially profiled cross sections F16L11/122Hoses provided with integrated fixing means, e.g. hooks F16L11/124Distinguishing marks for hoses F16L11/125non-inflammable or heat-resistant hoses F16L11/127electrically conducting F16L11/133buoyant F16L11/14made of rigid material, e.g. metal or hard plastics F16L11/15corrugated F16L11/16 takes precedence F16L11/16wound from profiled strips or bands F16L11/18Articulated hoses, e.g. composed of a series of rings F16L11/20Double-walled hoses , i.e. two concentric hoses F16L11/22Multi-channel hoses F16L11/24wound from strips or bands F16L11/16 takes precedence F16L11/26made of sound-absorbing materials or with sound-absorbing structure F16L13/00Pipe jointsHose nipples hose connections for pneumatic tyre valves B60C29/066; special adaptations of pipe joints for use with watercloset bowls E03D11/13; for steam boilers F22B37/107 F16L13/00Non-disconnectible pipe-joints, e.g. soldered, adhesive or caulked joints joints for rigid pipes of plastics F16L47/00; non-disconnectible pipe-joints to walls or other pipes, the joined pipe axis being perpendicular to the plane of the wall or to the axis of the other pipe F16L41/082 F16L13/002for pipes having a rectangular cross-section F16L13/004Shrunk pipe-joints F16L13/007specially adapted for joining pipes of dissimilar materials joints between metal and plastic pipes F16L47/24 F16L13/013Accessories therefor F16L13/02Welded joints F16L13/0209Male-female welded joints F16L13/0245 and F16L13/0254 take precedence F16L13/0218having an inner or outer ring F16L13/0245 and F16L13/0254 take precedence F16L13/0227having an inner ring F16L13/0236having an outer ring F16L13/0245with holes in the sleeve or spigot being filled with weld F16L13/0254the pipes having an internal or external coating F16L13/0263having an internal coating F16L13/0272having an external coating F16L13/0281cold welded non-electric welding without the application of heat B23K20/00 F16L13/029for concrete pipes F16L13/04with arrangements for preventing overstressing F16L13/06with tension relief of the weld by means of detachable members, e.g. divided tension rings, bolts in flanges F16L13/08Soldered joints specially adapted for connecting metal hoses to rigid members F16L33/26 F16L13/10Adhesive or cemented joints F16L13/103Adhesive joints for hoses F16L33/34 F16L13/106Tools F16L13/11using materials which fill the space between parts of a joint before hardening F16L13/113for concrete pipes F16L13/116for socket pipes F16L13/12with a seal made of lead, caulked packing, or the like F16L13/122for male-female connections F16L13/124 and F16L13/126 take precedence F16L13/124for concrete pipes F16L13/126Attachments F16L13/128Tools F16L13/14made by plastically deforming the material of the pipe, e.g. by flanging, rolling F16L13/141by crimping or rolling from the outside F16L13/142with a sealing element inserted into the female part before crimping or rolling F16L13/143with a sealing element placed around the male part before crimping or rolling F16L2013/145Tools specially adapted therefor F16L13/146by an axially moveable sleeve F16L13/147by radially expanding the inner part F16L13/168 and E21B43/103 take precedence F16L13/148specially designed to ensure an intended leakage until correct deformation F16L13/16the pipe joint consisting of overlapping extremities having mutually co-operating collars F16L13/161the pipe or collar being deformed by crimping or rolling F16L13/163one collar being bent over the other F16L13/165the pipe or collar being deformed by an axially movable sleeve F16L13/166Deformed by radially expanding an inner part F16L13/168 takes precedence F16L13/168for screw threaded pipes E21B43/103 takes precedence F16L15/00Screw-threaded joints hose connections with parts screwed directly on or into the hose F16L33/24; joining pipes to wall F16L41/00Forms of screw-threads for such joints F16L15/001with conical threads F16L15/002with more then one threaded section F16L15/003with sealing rings F16L15/004with axial sealings having at least one plastically deformable sealing surface with sealing rings F16L15/003 F16L15/005for thin-walled pipes having at least their extremities deformed so as to have the shape of screw-threads F16L15/006with straight threads F16L15/007with more than one threaded section F16L15/008with sealing rings F16L15/009with axial sealings having at least one plastically deformable sealing surface with sealing rings F16L15/008 F16L15/02allowing substantial longitudinal adjustment by use of a long screw-threaded part F16L15/04with additional sealings F16L15/06characterised by the shape of the screw-thread F16L15/08with supplementary elements F16L15/04, F16L41/00 and F16L43/02 take precedence F16L17/00Joints with packing adapted to sealing by fluid pressure for hoses F16L33/16 compensating devices F16L51/00 F16L17/02with sealing rings arranged between outer surface of pipe and inner surface of sleeve or socket F16L17/025the sealing rings having radially directed ribs F16L17/03having annular axial lips F16L17/032the sealing rings having only one lip F16L17/035the sealing rings having two lips parallel to each other F16L17/04with longitudinally split or divided sleeve F16L17/06with sealing rings arranged between the end surfaces of the pipes or flanges or arranged in recesses in the pipe ends or flanges F16L17/063forming a whole with the pipe or joint for screw-threaded joint F16L15/06 F16L17/067Plastics sealing rings F16L17/073the sealing rings having two lips parallel to each other F16L17/08Metal sealing rings F16L17/10the packing being sealed by the pressure of a fluid other than the fluid in or surrounding the pipe F16L19/00Joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. a swivel nut, screwed on or into one of the joint parts screw-threaded joints F16L15/00; F16L17/00 takes precedence; if using bolts or equivalent connecting means F16L23/00; electrically insulating F16L25/02; adjustable joints, joints allowing movement F16L27/00; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L49/06 F16L19/005comprising locking means for the threaded member locking of screws or nuts per se F16B39/00 F16L19/02Pipe ends provided with collars or flanges, integral with the pipe or not, pressed together by a screwed member F16L19/0206the collar not being integral with the pipe F16L19/0212using specially adapted sealing means F16L19/0218comprising only sealing rings F16L19/0225without sealing rings F16L19/0231with specially adapted means for positioning the threaded member behind the collar F16L19/0237specially adapted for use with attachments, e.g. reduction units, T-pieces, bends or the like branch units per se F16L41/02; bends per se F16L43/00; pipe units with cleaning aperture per se F16L45/00 F16L19/0243specially adapted for use with coated pipes F16L19/025the pipe ends having integral collars or flanges F16L19/028the collars or flanges being obtained by deformation of the pipe wall F16L19/0283and having a bell-mouthed shape F16L19/0286and being formed as a flange F16L19/04using additional rigid rings, sealing directly on at least one pipe end, which is flared either before or during the making of the connection F16L19/041the ring being an insert F16L19/043 takes precedence F16L19/043with additional sealing means F16L19/045consisting of cutting edges on one of the connecting parts which penetrate into the wall of the pipe F16L19/046consisting of a soft ring F16L19/048specially adapted for use with attachments, e.g. reduction units, T-pieces, bends or the like branch units per se F16L41/02; bends per se F16L43/00; pipe units with cleaning aperture per se F16L45/00 F16L19/05with a rigid pressure ring between the screwed member and the exterior of the flared pipe end F16L19/055the pressure ring being rotatably connected to the threaded member F16L19/06in which radial clamping is obtained by wedging action on non-deformed pipe ends F16L19/061a pressure ring being arranged between the clamping ring and the threaded member or the connecting member F16L19/062specially adapted for use with attachments, e.g. reduction units, T-pieces, bends or the like branch units per se F16L41/02; bends per se F16L43/00; pipe units with cleaning aperture per se F16L45/00 F16L19/063by means of conical threaded surfaces F16L19/065the wedging action being effected by means of a ring F16L19/0653the ring being rotatably connected to one of the connecting parts F16L19/0656integral with one of the connecting parts F16L19/07adapted for use in socket or sleeve connections F16L19/075specially adapted for spigot-and-socket joints for pipes of the same diameter F16L19/08with metal rings which bite into the wall of the pipe F16L19/045 takes precedence F16L19/083the longitudinal cross-section of the ring not being modified during clamping F16L19/086with additional sealing means F16L19/10the profile of the ring being altered F16L19/103with more than one ring per pipe end being used F16L19/106the ring comprising a shoulder against which the pipe end abuts F16L19/12with additional sealing means F16L19/14the rings being integral with one of the connecting parts F16L21/00Joints with sleeve or socket F16L13/00, F16L15/00, F16L17/00, F16L19/00, F16L25/0027, F16L27/00, F16L37/00 take precedence ; specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L47/06; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L49/02 F16L21/002Sleeves or nipples for pipes of the same diameter; Reduction pieces with elastic sealing rings F16L21/022 F16L21/005made of elastic material, e.g. partly or completely surrounded by clamping devices comprising packing adapted to sealing by fluid pressure F16L17/04, F16L11/20; hose clips F16L33/02 F16L21/007clamped by a wedging action F16L21/02with elastic sealing rings between pipe and sleeve or between pipe and socket, e.g. with rolling or other prefabricated profiled rings F16L21/06, F16L21/08 take precedence ; sealing ring with radial ribs F16L17/025; sealing ring with axial lips F16L17/03; if adjustability is essential F16L27/00 F16L21/022used with sleeves or nipples for pipes of the same diameter, or with reduction pieces F16L21/025 takes precedence F16L21/025Rolling sealing rings F16L21/03placed in the socket before connection F16L21/022, F16L21/025 take precedence F16L21/035placed around the spigot end before connection F16L21/022, F16L21/025 take precedence F16L21/04in which sealing rings are compressed by axially-movable members for joints using a threaded member F16L19/07; quick acting couplings F16L37/00; devices for covering leaks from inside a pipe F16L55/162 F16L21/045the members passing through the sealing rings F16L21/05comprising a first ring being placed on a male part and a second ring in the sleeve or socket F16L21/06with a divided sleeve or ring clamping around the pipe-ends flanged joints F16L23/00; couplings of the quick-acting type F16L37/00 F16L21/065tightened by tangentially-arranged threaded pins F16L21/08with additional locking means F16L17/035, F16L17/04, F16L21/04, F16L21/06 take precedence; screwed joints F16L19/08; couplings of the quick-acting type F16L37/00 F16L23/00Flanged joints F16L13/00, F16L17/00, F16L19/00 take precedence; adjustable joints F16L27/00; for hoses F16L33/00; couplings of the quick-acting type F16L37/00; for double-walled or multi-channel pipes or assemblies F16L39/00; connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L47/00; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material pipe F16L49/00 F16L23/003Auxiliary devices F16L23/006Attachments F16L23/02the flanges being connected by members tensioned axially F16L23/12 takes precedence F16L23/024characterised by how the flanges are joined to, or form an extension of, the pipes F16L23/026by welding F16L23/028the flanges being held against a shoulder F16L23/0283the collar being integral with the pipe F16L23/0286the shoulder not being formed from the pipe F16L23/032characterised by the shape or composition of the flanges F16L23/036characterised by the tensioning members, e.g. specially adapted bolts or C-clamps F16L23/04the flanges being connected by members tensioned in the radial plane F16L23/12 takes precedence F16L23/06connected by toggle-action levers quick acting couplings tightened by toggle-action levers F16L37/20 F16L23/08connection by tangentially arranged pin and nut F16L23/10with a pivoting or swinging pin F16L23/12specially adapted for particular pipes F16L23/125with an internal or external coating F16L23/14for rectangular pipes F16L23/16characterised by the sealing means F16L23/162the pipe ends abutting each other F16L23/165comprising a viscous mass, e.g. hardenable F16L23/167in connection with the appearance or detection of leaks F16L23/18the sealing means being rings F16L23/20made exclusively of metal F16L23/22made exclusively of a material other than metal F16L23/24specially adapted for unequal expansion of the parts of the joint F16L25/00Constructive types of pipe joints not provided for in groups F16L13/00 - F16L23/00 adjustable or allowing movement F16L27/00; with fluid cut-off means F16L29/00; quick-acting F16L37/00; for double-walled or multi-channel pipes F16L39/00; connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L47/00; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L49/00 ; Details of pipe joints not otherwise provided for, e.g. electrically conducting or insulating means F16L25/0009Joints for pipes with a square or rectangular cross-section F16L25/0018Abutment joints F16L25/0027Joints for pipes made of reinforced concrete F16L25/0036Joints for corrugated pipes F16L25/0045of the quick-acting type F16L25/0054with specially shaped sealing rings F16L25/0063with two corrugated pipes being directly connected to each other F16L25/0072Joints for pipes of dissimilar materials non-disconnectible joints for pipes of dissimilar materials F16L13/007; joints between metal and plastic pipes F16L47/24 F16L25/0081Pipe joints comprising a liquid or fusible seal F16L25/009Combination of a quick-acting type coupling and a conventional one F16L25/01specially adapted for realising electrical conduction between the two pipe ends of the joint or between parts thereof F16L25/02Electrically insulating joints or couplings F16L25/021for screw-threaded joints F16L25/023for joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. a swivel nut, screwed on or into one of the joint parts F16L25/025for joints with sleeve or socket F16L25/026for flanged joints F16L25/028for branching pipes, for joining pipes to walls F16L25/03in non-disconnectable pipe joints F16L25/04comprising a collar or ring having a threaded pin rigid with the pipe-encircling member F16L25/06comprising radial locking means F16L25/065the locking means being actuated by radial screws F16L25/08in the form of screws, nails or the like F16L25/10Sleeveless joints between two pipes, one being introduced into the other F16L25/12Joints for pipes being spaced apart axially F16L25/14Joints for pipes of different diameters or cross-section F16L27/00Adjustable joints, Joints allowing movement of the quick-acting type F16L37/50; for double-walled or multi-channel pipe assemblies F16L39/04; connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L47/00; connecting arrangements specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L49/00 F16L27/02Universal joints, i.e. with mechanical connection allowing angular movement or adjustment of the axes of the parts in any direction F16L27/023Universal and rotating joints F16L27/026Universal and axially displaceable joints F16L27/04with partly spherical engaging surfaces F16L27/042comprising two pipes normally at right angles to each other F16L27/044specially adapted for tubing between vehicles F16L27/047held in place by a screwed member having an internal spherical surface F16L27/053held in place by bolts passing through flanges F16L27/06with special sealing means between the engaging surfaces F16L27/067the sealing means being actuated by the medium pressure F16L27/073one of the cooperating surfaces forming the sealing means F16L27/08allowing adjustment or movement only about the axis of one pipe F16L27/0804the fluid passing axially from one joint element to another F16L27/0808the joint elements extending coaxially for some distance from their point of separation F16L27/0812with slide bearings F16L27/0816having radial sealing F16L27/082having axial sealing F16L27/0824with ball or roller bearings F16L27/0828having radial bearings connections of quick-acting couplings maintained by balls or rollers under radial pressure F16L37/22 F16L27/0832having axial bearings F16L27/0837the joint elements being bends F16L27/0841forming an angle of less than 90 degrees F16L27/0845forming an angle of 90 degrees F16L27/0849the fluid being turned through an angle when passing from one joint element to another F16L27/0853with spherical hinge F16L27/0857with hinge and bellows sealing F16L27/0861Arrangements of joints with one another and with pipes or hoses F16L27/0865between vehicles F16L27/087Joints with radial fluid passages F16L27/093of the "banjo" type, i.e. pivoting right-angle couplings F16L27/10comprising a flexible connection only , e.g. for damping vibrations F16L27/1004introduced in exhaust pipes for hot gases F16L27/1008comprising a swivel nut or collar engaging the pipe F16L27/1012Flanged joints F16L27/1017Joints with sleeve or socket F16L27/1021comprising an intermediate resilient element, e.g. a ring F16L27/1025Abutment joints F16L27/103in which a flexible element, e.g. a rubber-metal laminate, which undergoes constraints consisting of shear and flexure, is sandwiched between partly curved surfaces F16L27/107the ends of the pipe being interconnected by a flexible sleeve F16L27/108the sleeve having the form of a bellows with only one corrugation F16L27/1085the bellows being externally or internally reinforced F16L27/11the sleeve having the form of a bellows with multiple corrugations F16L27/111the bellows being reinforced F16L27/113the ends of the pipe being interconnected by a rigid sleeve F16L27/1133the sleeve being longitudinally divided F16L27/1136the sleeve comprising a screwed member F16L27/12allowing substantial longitudinal adjustment or movement by use of screw-thread F16L15/02 F16L27/125having longitudinal and rotary movement F16L27/127with means for locking the longitudinal adjustment or movement in the final mounted position F16L27/1273by quick-acting means F16L27/1274by means of a swivel nut F16L27/1275by means of at least an external threaded bolt F16L27/12751the threaded bolt extending longitudinally F16L29/00Joints with fluid cut-off means quick-acting joints with cut-off means F16L37/28 F16L29/002joints with taps taps in general F16K5/00 F16L29/005joints with cut-off devices which can be perforated cut-off devices with a breakable closure member in general F16K13/04 F16L29/007Joints with cut-off devices controlled separately takes precedence; operating means for cut-off devices in general F16K31/00 F16L29/02with a cut-off device in one of the two pipe ends, the cut-off device being automatically opened when the coupling is applied F16L29/04with a cut-off device in each of the two pipe ends, the cut-off devices being automatically opened when the coupling is applied F16L31/00Arrangements for connecting hoses to one another or to flexible sleeves F16L33/00 takes precedence F16L31/02for branching hoses F16L33/00Arrangements for connecting hoses to rigid membersRigid hose connectors, i.e. single members engaging both hoses F16L33/003comprising elements arranged in the hose walls F16L33/006for hoses of plastics other than artificial rubber F16L33/01adapted for hoses having a multi-layer wall F16L33/02Hose-clips F16L33/021with the ends bent around each other F16L33/023fixed by bending one end of the strap F16L33/025tightened by deforming radially extending loops or folds F16L33/03Self-locking elastic clips F16L33/035fixed by means of teeth or hooks F16L33/04tightened by tangentially-arranged threaded pin and nut F16L33/06in which the threaded pin is rigid with the hose-encircling member F16L33/08in which a worm coacts with a part of the hose-encircling member that is toothed like a worm-wheel F16L33/085with a scroll-type screw F16L33/10with a substantially-radial tightening member F16L33/12with a pivoted or swinging tightening or securing member, e.g. toggle lever F16L33/14with a taping-bolt, i.e. winding up the end of the hose-encircling member F16L33/16with sealing or securing means using fluid pressure F16L33/18characterised by the use of additional sealing means F16L33/20Undivided rings, sleeves or like members contracted on the hose or expanded in the hose by means of toolsArrangements using such members F16L33/207only a sleeve being contracted on the hose F16L33/2071the sleeve being a separate connecting member F16L33/2073directly connected to the rigid member F16L33/2075by quick acting F16L33/2076by plastic deformation F16L33/2078connected to the rigid member via an intermediate element F16L33/213only a sleeve being expanded inside the hose F16L33/22with means not mentioned in the preceding groups for gripping the hose between inner and outer parts F16L33/221the external piece comprising segments hingedly connected to an interior part F16L33/222the external piece comprising segments pressed against the hose by wedge shaped elements F16L33/223the sealing surfaces being pressed together by means of a member, e.g. a swivel nut, screwed on or into one of the joint parts F16L33/224a clamping ring being arranged between the threaded member and the connecting member F16L33/225a sleeve being movable axially F16L33/226the sleeve being screwed over the hose F16L33/227the hose being introduced into or onto the connecting member and automatically locked F16L37/084 takes precedence F16L33/228a flexible wire being coiled upon the hose F16L33/23the outer parts being segmented, the segments being pressed against the hose by tangentially arranged members F16L33/24with parts screwed directly on or into the hose F16L33/22 takes precedence F16L33/245the inner or outer part being moulded in situ F16L33/26specially adapted for hoses of metal F16L33/28for hoses with one end terminating in a radial flange or collar F16L33/30comprising parts inside the hoses only F16L33/24 takes precedence F16L33/32comprising parts outside the hoses only F16L33/24 takes precedence F16L33/34with bonding obtained by vulcanisation, gluing, melting, or the like F16L35/00Special arrangements used in connection with end fittings of hoses, e.g. safety or protecting devices F16L35/005Nozzles F16L37/00Couplings of the quick-acting type radially binding sleeves F16L17/04, F16L21/06; connecting hoses to rigid members F16L33/00; connections made automatically when vehicles are brought together B60D, B61G; specially adapted for lubricating devices F16N21/00 F16L37/002which can be controlled at a distance F16L37/004using magnets F16L37/006plug-cocks F16L37/008for branching pipes; for joining pipes to walls F16L37/02in which the connection is maintained only by friction of the parts being joined F16L37/22 takes precedence F16L37/025with an inner elastic part pressed against an outer part by reason of its elasticity F16L37/04with an elastic outer part pressing against an inner part by reason of its elasticity with locking members F16L37/08 F16L37/05tightened by the pressure of a mechanical element F16L37/06tightened by fluid pressure F16L37/08in which the connection between abutting or axially overlapping ends is maintained by locking members F16L37/22 - F16L37/26 take precedence F16L37/082using an element which is hinged on one end of the pipe-ends and which is maintained in locked position by a screw tightened against the other pipe-end F16L37/084combined with automatic locking F16L37/0841by means of a transversally slidable locking member surrounding the tube F16L37/0842by means of a ring which is split into a plurality of component parts which are held in place by means of a resilient ring member F16L37/0844by means of a ring pivoting so as to lie against the tube F16L37/0845by means of retaining members associated with the packing member F16L37/0847by means of hooks F16L37/096, F16L37/098 take precedence F16L37/0848rocking freely F16L37/086by means of latching members pushed radially by spring-like elements F16L37/088by means of a split elastic ring F16L37/0885with access to the split elastic ring from a radial or tangential opening in the coupling F16L37/0887with an axially movable separate member for releasing the coupling F16L37/091by means of a ring provided with teeth or fingers F16L37/0915with a separate member for releasing the coupling F16L37/092by means of elements wedged between the pipe and the frusto-conical surface of the body of the connector F16L37/0925with rings which bite into the wall of the pipe F16L37/0926with an inner support sleeve arranged within the pipe F16L37/0927the wedge element being axially displaceable for releasing the coupling F16L37/096by means of hooks hinged about an axis F16L37/098by means of flexible hooks F16L37/0982with a separate member for releasing the coupling F16L37/0985the flexible hook extending radially inwardly from an outer part and engaging a bead, recess or the like on an inner part F16L37/0982 takes precedence F16L37/0987the flexible hook being progressively compressed by axial tensile loads acting on the coupling F16L37/10using a rotary external sleeve or ring on one part F16L37/101in which the coupling is coaxial with the pipe F16L37/103the connection being maintained by the eccentricity of the two parts of the joint F16L37/105the rotating sleeve having on its inner surface several axially spaced and circumferentially discontinuous threads which engage with the threads on the male part which are also spaced axially and circumferentially discontinuous F16L37/107Bayonet-type couplings F16L37/113the male part having lugs on its periphery penetrating into the corresponding slots provided in the female part F16L37/12using hooks, pawls or other movable or insertable locking members F16L37/084 takes precedence F16L37/1205using hooks hinged about an axis placed behind a flange and which act behind the other flange F16L37/121using freely rocking hooks F16L37/1215 takes precedence F16L37/1215using hooks provided with a screw-thread adapted to engage and mesh with an appropriate corresponding part F16L37/122using hooks tightened by a wedge section F16L37/1225using a retaining member the extremities of which, e.g. in the form of a U, engage behind a shoulder of both parts F16L37/123using a retaining member in the form of a wedge F16L37/1235the connection taking place from inside the pipes F16L37/124using bolts, fixed to a flange, which are able to tilt in slots of another flange, and being maintained there by the tightening of nuts F16L37/127using hooks hinged about an axis F16L37/1215 takes precedence F16L37/133using flexible hooks F16L37/1215 takes precedence F16L37/138using an axially movable sleeve F16L37/14Joints secured by inserting between mating surfaces an element, e.g. a piece of wire, a pin, a chain F16L37/142where the securing element is inserted tangentially F16L37/144the securing element being U-shaped F16L37/146the securing element being a rigid pin, screw or the like F16L37/148the securing element being flexible F16L37/144 takes precedence F16L37/15the element being a wedge F16L37/16Joints tightened by the action of a wedge-shaped hinged hooks F16L37/18Joints tightened by eccentrics or rotatable cams F16L37/20Joints tightened by toggle-action levers F16L37/22in which the connection is maintained by means of balls, rollers or helical springs under radial pressure between the parts F16L37/23by means of balls F16L37/24in which the connection is made by inserting one member axially into the other and rotating it to a limited extent, e.g. with bayonet action F16L37/242in which the rotation takes place between the eccentric parts F16L37/244the coupling being co-axial with the pipe F16L37/2445in which a male cylindrical element is introduced into a female cylindrical element, each element containing several threads axially spaced and circumferentially discontinuous which engage with each other as a result of the rotation of one of the elements F16L37/248Bayonet-type couplings F16L37/252the male part having lugs on its periphery penetrating in the corresponding slots provided in the female part F16L37/256the coupling not being coaxial with the pipe F16L37/26in which the connection is made by transversely moving the parts together, with or without their subsequent rotation F16L37/28with fluid cut-off means F16L37/30with fluid cut-off means in each of two pipe-end fittings F16L37/32at least one of two lift valves being opened automatically when the coupling is applied F16L37/33the lift valves being of the ball type F16L37/34at least one of the lift valves being of the sleeve type, i.e. a sleeve is telescoped over an inner cylindrical wall F16L37/35at least one of the valves having an axial bore F16L37/36with two lift valves being actuated to initiate the flow through the coupling after the two coupling parts are locked against withdrawal F16L37/367with two gate valves or sliding valves F16L37/373with two taps or cocks F16L37/38with fluid cut-off means in only one of the two pipe-end fittings F16L37/40with a lift valve being opened automatically when the coupling is applied F16L37/407the lift valve being of the ball type F16L37/413the lift valve being of the sleeve type, i.e. a sleeve being telescoped over an inner cylindrical wall F16L37/42the valve having an axial bore communicating with lateral apertures F16L37/44with one lift valve being actuated to initiate the flow through the coupling after the two coupling parts are locked against withdrawal F16L37/46with a gate valve or sliding valve F16L37/47with a tap or cock F16L37/48for fastening a pipe on the end of a tap F16L37/50adjustableallowing movement of the parts joined F16L37/505allowing substantial longitudinal adjustment or movement by means of screw-thread F16L15/02 F16L37/52Universal joints, i.e. with a mechanical connection allowing angular movement or adjustment of the axes of the parts in any direction F16L37/53allowing adjustment or movement only about the axis of one pipe F16L37/54for pipes under pressure which are supported only on one side F16L37/56for double-walled or multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L37/565Concentric pipes F16L37/58the extremities of the two halves of the joint being pressed against each other without being locked in position F16L37/60with plug and fixed wall housing F16L37/62pneumatically or hydraulically actuated F16L39/00Joints or fittings for double-walled or multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L39/005for concentric pipes F16L39/02for hoses F16L39/04allowing adjustment or movement of the multiline swivel type F16L39/06 F16L39/06of the multiline swivel type, e.g. comprising a plurality of axially mounted modules F16L41/00Branching pipesJoining pipes to walls F16L39/00 takes precedence ; characterised by couplings of the quick-acting type F16L37/008; specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L47/26 F16L41/001the wall being a pipe plate details or component parts of steam super heaters F22G3/00; heat exchangers F28 F16L41/002of concrete, cement or asbestos-cement F16L41/004Joining to walls at other than 90 degrees F16L41/002, F16L41/008 take precedence F16L41/005adjustable and comprising a hollow threaded part in an opening F16L41/007adjustable and comprising a bend F16L41/008for connecting a measuring instrument connecting means for pressure measuring apparatus G01L19/0007 F16L41/02Branch units, e.g. made in one piece, welded, riveted F16L41/021T- or cross-pieces F16L41/025, F16L41/026, F16L41/028 take precedence F16L41/023Y- pieces F16L41/025, F16L41/026, F16L41/028 take precedence F16L41/025with rectangular cross-section F16L41/026with a layer protecting against erosion F16L41/028of concrete, cement or asbestos-cement F16L41/03comprising junction pieces for four or more pipe members F16L41/04Tapping pipe walls, i.e. making connections through the walls of pipes while they are carrying fluidsFittings therefor F16L41/045without removal of material F16L41/065 takes precedence F16L41/06making use of attaching means embracing the pipe F16L41/065without removal of material F16L41/08Joining pipes to walls or pipes, the joined pipe axis being perpendicular to the plane of the wall or to the axis of another pipe F16L41/02 takes precedence F16L41/082Non-disconnectible joints, e.g. soldered, adhesive or caulked joints F16L41/084Soldered joints F16L41/086fixed with screws F16L41/088fixed using an elastic grommet between the extremity of the tube and the wall F16L41/10the extremity of the pipe being screwed into the wall F16L41/12using attaching means embracing the pipe F16L41/14by screwing an intermediate part against the inside or outside of the wall F16L41/086 takes precedence F16L41/16the branch pipe comprising fluid cut-off means F16L41/18the branch pipe being movable F16L43/00BendsSiphons with cleaning apertures F16L45/00 F16L43/001made of metal F16L43/002and formed from sheet having a circular passage F16L43/003having a rectangular cross-section F16L43/005Return bends coiled tube furnaces for thermal non-catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon oils C10G9/20 F16L43/006telescopic F16L43/007made of concrete, cement or asbestos-cement F16L43/008made from plastic material F16L43/02adapted to make use of special securing means F16L45/00Pipe units with cleaning aperture and closure therefor F16L47/00Connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics connections for hoses of plastics F16L33/006 F16L47/005the first pipe being joined to the ends of two other pipes placed one inside the other, e.g. gas pipe with protective sheath F16L47/02Welded jointsAdhesive joints F16L47/03Welded joints with an electrical resistance incorporated in the joint F16L47/04with a swivel nut or collar engaging the pipe F16L47/041the plastic pipe end being flared either before or during the making of the connection F16L47/06with sleeve or socket formed by or in the pipe end F16L47/065with sealing rings arranged between outer surface of pipe and inner surface of sleeve or socket, the sealing rings being placed previously on the male part F16L47/08with sealing rings arranged between the outer surface of one pipe end and the inner surface of the sleeve or socket, the sealing rings being placed previously in the sleeve or socket F16L47/10the sealing rings being maintained in place by additional means F16L47/12with additional locking means F16L47/14Flanged joints F16L47/145for rectangular pipes F16L47/16Screw-threaded joints F16L47/18Adjustable jointsJoints allowing movement F16L47/20based principally on specific properties of plastics F16L47/22using shrink-down material F16L47/24for joints between metal and plastics pipes F16L47/26for branching pipesfor joining pipes to wallsAdaptors therefor F16L47/265Reduction units F16L47/28Joining pipes to walls or to other pipes, the axis of the joined pipe being perpendicular to the wall or to the axis of the other pipe F16L47/285with fluid cut-off means in the branching pipe F16L47/30using attaching means embracing the pipe F16L47/32Branch units, e.g. made in one piece, welded, riveted F16L47/34Tapping pipes, i.e. making connections through walls of pipes while carrying fluidsFittings therefor F16L47/345making use of attaching means embracing the pipe F16L49/00Connecting arrangements, e.g. joints, specially adapted for pipes of brittle material, e.g. glass, earthenware F16L49/02Joints with a sleeve or socket F16L49/04Flanged joints F16L49/06Joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. swivel nut, screwed on, or into, one of the joint parts F16L49/08Adjustable jointsJoints allowing movement F16L51/00Expansion-compensation arrangements for pipe-lines telescopic pipes F16L27/12 F16L51/005for concrete pipe-lines F16L51/02making use of bellows or an expansible folded or corrugated tube F16L51/021having a rectangular cross-section F16L51/022with a single corrugation F16L51/023consisting of flexible rings F16L51/024non-metallic flexible pipe connections F16L27/10 F16L51/025with several corrugations F16L51/026with interior reinforcement F16L51/027with external reinforcement F16L51/028with the expansion or contraction of each corrugation being limited F16L51/029consisting of flexible rings F16L51/03comprising two or more bellows F16L51/035for cancelling the axial loading resulting from fluid pressure F16L51/04making use of bends, e.g. lyre-shaped F16L53/00Heating of pipes or pipe systemsCooling of pipes or pipe systems F16L53/30Heating of pipes or pipe systems F16L53/32using hot fluids F16L53/34using electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, e.g. using induction, dielectric or microwave heating F16L53/35Ohmic-resistance heating F16L53/37the heating current flowing directly through the pipe to be heated F16L53/38using elongate electric heating elements, e.g. wires or ribbons F16L53/70Cooling of pipes or pipe systems F16L53/75using cooling fins F16L55/00Devices or appurtenances for use in, or in connection with, pipes or pipe systems the preceding groups and groups F16L57/00, F16L59/00 take precedence; repairing or joining pipes on or under water F16L1/26; nozzles B05B; cleaning of pipes B08B9/02; arrangements of draining devices for water main or service pipe systems E03B7/08; devices for preventing bursting of water pipes by freezing E03B7/10; draining devices for hydrants E03B9/14; for domestic plumbing installations E03C1/00; steam traps for draining of liquids from enclosures containing gases or vapours F16T; arrangements for sealing leaky tubes or conduits of heat-exchangers F28F11/00 F16L55/005Devices restraining ruptured tubes from whipping F16L55/02Energy absorbersNoise absorbers in valves F16K47/00 F16L55/027Throttle passages F16L55/02709in the form of perforated plates F16L55/02718placed transversely F16L55/02727placed parallel to the axis of the pipe F16L55/02736using transversal baffles defining a tortuous path F16L55/02745by passing through a mass of particles or a porous member F16L55/02754using a central core throttling the passage F16L55/02763using an element with multiple tubes F16L55/02772using spirally or helically shaped channels F16L55/02781The regulating element being provided with radial outputs F16L55/0279The fluid flowing two or more times longitudinally in opposite directions, e.g. using parallel or concentric tubes F16L55/033Noise absorbers F16L55/027 takes precedence F16L55/0331by inserting an elongated element in the pipe F16L55/0332by inserting a body of compressible material in the pipe F16L55/0333by means of an active system F16L55/0335by means of external rings F16L55/0336by means of sound-absorbing materials F16L55/0337by means of a flexible connection F16L55/0338by means of a membrane F16L55/035in the form of specially adapted hangers or supports F16L55/04Devices damping pulsations or vibrations in fluids F16L55/02 takes precedence F16L55/041specially adapted for preventing vibrations flexible pipe connections F16L27/10 F16L55/043specially adapted for protecting instruments from water hammer or vibrations F16L55/045specially adapted to prevent or minimise the effects of water hammer F16L55/05Buffers therefor F16L55/052Pneumatic reservoirs F16L55/053the gas in the reservoir being separated from the fluid in the pipe F16L55/054the reservoir being placed in or around the pipe from which it is separated by a sleeve-shaped membrane F16L55/055Valves therefor F16L55/07Arrangement or mounting of devices, e.g. valves, for venting or aerating or draining apparatus for draining F16T F16L55/09Air conditioning, e.g. de-watering, in pneumatic systems F16L55/10Means for stopping flow from or in pipes or hoses F16L29/00, F16L37/28 take precedence; valves F16K F16L55/1003by introduction of paste, powder, particles, or the like F16L55/1007Couplings closed automatically when broken F16L55/1011Soluble closing devices F16L55/1015Couplings closed automatically when disengaging force exceeds preselected value F16L55/1007 takes precedence F16L55/1018Pivoting closing devices F16L55/1022Fluid cut-off devices automatically actuated F16L55/1026Fire protection devices in general A62C F16L55/103by temporarily freezing liquid sections in the pipe F16L55/105Closing devices introduced radially into the pipe or hose F16L55/11Plugs F16L55/128 takes precedence F16L55/1108fixed by screwing or by means of a screw-threaded ring F16L55/1116glued or welded F16L55/1125fixed by rotating a limited amplitude F16L55/1133fixed by means of balls F16L55/1141the plug being made of elastic material F16L55/115Caps F16L55/1286 takes precedence F16L55/1152fixed by screwing or by means of a screw-threaded ring F16L55/1155fixed by rotating a limited amplitude F16L55/1157using hooks, pawls, or other movable or insertable locking members F16L55/12by introducing into the pipe a member expandable in situ inflatable cut-off valves F16K7/10 F16L55/124introduced radially into the pipe or hose F16L55/128introduced axially into the pipe or hose F16L55/1283Plugging pig F16L55/1286The closing device being a cap F16L55/13the closure device being a plug fixed by plastic deformation F16L55/132the closure device being a plug fixed by radially deforming the packing F16L55/134by means of an inflatable packing F16L55/136the closure device being a plug fixed by radially expanding or deforming a split ring, hooks or the like F16L55/16Devices for covering leaks in pipes or hoses, e.g. hose-menders F16L55/1604by means of a by-pass conduit F16L55/1608by replacement of the damaged part of the pipe F16L55/1612by means of a plug F16L55/1616the material forming the pipe or hose being self-sealing F16L55/162from inside the pipe F16L55/1612 takes precedence F16L55/163a ring, a band or a sleeve being pressed against the inner surface of the pipe F16L55/164a sealing fluid being introduced in the pipe F16L55/1645 takes precedence F16L55/1645a sealing material being introduced inside the pipe by means of a tool moving in the pipe F16L55/16455a part of the tool defining, together with the inner wall of the pipe, an enclosed space into which sealing material is injected F16L55/165a pipe or flexible liner being inserted in the damaged section F16L55/1651the flexible liner being everted F16L55/1652the flexible liner being pulled into the damaged section F16L55/1653and being pressed into contact with the pipe by a tool which moves inside along the pipe F16L55/1654and being inflated F16L55/1655a pipe being formed inside the old pipe by winding strip-material F16L55/1656materials for flexible liners hoses in general F16L11/00 F16L55/1657lengths of rigid pipe being inserted F16L55/1658 takes precedence F16L55/1658the old pipe being ruptured prior to insertion of a new pipe F16L55/168from outside the pipe F16L55/1683by means of a patch which is fixed on the wall of the pipe by means of an adhesive, a weld or the like F16L55/1686by winding a tape F16L55/17by means of rings, bands or sleeves pressed against the outside surface of the pipe or hose F16L55/1705with a substantially radial tightening member F16L55/171the ring or the sleeve being tightened by a wedge section F16L55/1715the ring or the sleeve being tightened by hooks, pawls, or other movable members coupling of the quick-acting type F16L37/12 F16L55/172the ring, band or sleeve being tightened by a tangentially arranged threaded pin and a nut F16L55/1725in which the threaded pin is rigid with the hose encircling member F16L55/175by using materials which fill a space around the pipe before hardening F16L55/178by clamping an outer gasket against a joint with sleeve or socket F16L55/179specially adapted for bends, branch units, branching pipes or the like F16L55/18Appliances for use in repairing pipes F16L55/10 takes precedence F16L55/24Preventing accumulation of dirt or other matter in the pipes, e.g. by traps, by strainers F16L55/26Pigs or moles, i.e. devices movable in a pipe or conduit with or without self-contained propulsion means Pigs or moles specially adapted for particular applications are classified in the relevant places for the applications, e.g. stopping flow from or in pipes or hoses F16L55/12repairing pipes F16L55/18applying liquids or other fluent materials to the inside of tubes B05C7/08cleaning pipes or tubes or systems of pipes or tubes B08B9/02welding or cutting B23K37/02earth drilling E21Bseparating products F17D3/08;cleaning chimneys F23J3/02cleaning internal or external surfaces of heat-exchange or heat-transfer conduits F28Gmeasuring, testing G01inspection of vessels in nuclear reactors G21C17/003inspection or maintenance of pipe-lines or tubes in nuclear installations G21C17/017 installing electric, or combined optical and electric, cables or lines H02GIn this group, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of group F16L2101/00. F16L55/265specially adapted for work at or near a junction between a main and a lateral pipe F16L55/28Constructional aspects F16L55/30of the propulsion means, e.g. towed by cables F16L55/32being self-contained F16L55/34the pig or mole being moved step by step F16L55/36jet driven F16L55/38driven by fluid pressure F16L55/40of the body F16L55/42gelled or degradable F16L55/44expandable F16L55/46Launching or retrieval of pigs or moles F16L55/48Indicating the position of the pig or mole in the pipe or conduit F16L57/00Protection of pipes or objects of similar shape against external or internal damage or wear protection under water F16L1/123; supporting of pipes inside other pipes or sleeves F16L7/00; used in connection with end fittings of hoses F16L35/00; protection thereof during transport B65D59/00 F16L57/005specially adapted for the ends of pipes F16L57/02against cracking or buckling F16L57/04against fire or other external sources of extreme heat F16L57/06against wear F16L57/04 takes precedence F16L58/00Protection of pipes or pipe fittings against corrosion or incrustation compound tubes F16L9/14 F16L58/02by means of internal or external coatings F16L58/04Coatings characterised by the materials used F16L58/16 takes precedence F16L58/06by cement, concrete, or the like F16L58/08by metal F16L58/10by rubber or plastics F16L58/1009the coating being placed inside the pipe F16L58/1018the protective layer being fixed by means of anchoring devices F16L58/1027the coating being a sprayed layer F16L58/1036the coating being a preformed pipe F16L58/1027 takes precedence F16L58/1045the coating being an extruded or a fused layer F16L58/1054the coating being placed outside the pipe F16L58/1063the coating being a sheet wrapped around the pipe F16L58/1072the coating being a sprayed layer F16L58/1081the coating being a preformed pipe F16L58/109the coating being an extruded layer F16L58/12by tar or bitumen F16L58/14by ceramic or vitreous materials F16L58/16the coating being in the form of a bandage F16L58/18specially adapted for pipe fittings F16L58/181for non-disconnectible pipe joints in general F16L13/00 F16L58/182for screw-threaded joints in general F16L15/00 F16L58/184for joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. a swivel nut, screwed on or into one of the joint parts in general F16L19/00 F16L58/185for joints with sleeve or socket in general F16L21/00 F16L58/187for flanged joints in general F16L23/00 F16L58/188for branching pipes; for joining pipes to walls in general F16L41/00 F16L59/00Thermal insulation in general F16L59/02Shape or form of insulating materials, with or without coverings integral with the insulating materials chemical aspects see the relevant classes F16L59/021comprising a single piece or sleeve, e.g. split sleeve, two half sleeves F16L59/022with a single slit F16L59/023with a hinge opposite the slit F16L59/024composed of two half sleeves F16L59/025with more then two segments F16L59/026Mattresses, mats, blankets or the like F16L59/027Bands, cords, strips or the like for helically winding around a cylindrical object F16L59/028Composition or method of fixing a thermally insulating material F16L59/029layered F16L59/04Arrangements using dry fillers, e.g. using slag wool which is added to the object to be insulated by pouring, spreading, spraying or the like F16L59/06Arrangements using an air layer or vacuum F16L59/065using vacuum F16L59/075 takes precedence F16L59/07the air layer being enclosed by one or more layers of insulation F16L59/075the air layer or the vacuum being delimited by longitudinal channels distributed around the circumference of a tube F16L59/08Means for preventing radiation, e.g. with metal foil F16L59/10Bandages or covers for the protection of the insulation, e.g. against the influence of the environment or against mechanical damage integral with the insulation materials F16L59/02 F16L59/103Rigid covers for tee pieces F16L59/106Flexible covers for flanges, junctions, valves or the like F16L59/11Rigid covers for elbows F16L59/12Arrangements for supporting insulation from the wall or body insulated, e.g. by means of spacers between pipe and heat-insulating materialArrangements specially adapted for supporting insulated bodies F16L59/121for pipes passing through walls or partitions F16L59/123Anchoring devices; Fixing arrangements for preventing the relative longitudinal displacement of an inner pipe with respect to an outer pipe, e.g. stress cones F16L59/125Helical spacers F16L59/13Resilient supports F16L59/135Hangers or supports specially adapted for insulated pipes F16L59/14Arrangements for the insulation of pipes or pipe systems F16L59/02 - F16L59/12 take precedence F16L59/141in which the temperature of the medium is below that of the ambient temperature rigid pipes of wood F16L9/006; vacuum insulation F16L59/065 F16L59/143Pre-insulated pipes F16L59/145providing fire-resistance in general F16L57/04 F16L59/147the insulation being located inwardly of the outer surface of the pipe F16L59/15for underground pipes F16L59/153for flexible pipes F16L59/16Arrangements specially adapted to local requirements at flanges, junctions, valves or the like F16L59/161Housings for valves, tee pieces, or the like F16L59/163Branch units in general F16L41/02; Insulation forming a whole with branches F16L59/165Repairing insulated pipes F16L59/166covering the end of an insulated section F16L59/168Flexible insulating material or covers for flanges, junctions, valves or the like F16L59/18adapted for joints F16L59/181Joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. a swivel nut, screwed on or into one of the joint parts in general F16L19/00 F16L59/182Joints with sleeve or socket in general F16L21/00 F16L59/184Flanged joints in general F16L23/00 F16L59/185Adjustable joints, joints allowing movement in general F16L27/00 F16L59/187Arrangements for connecting hoses to one another, to flexible sleeves or to rigid members in general F16L31/00, F16L33/00 F16L59/188Couplings of the quick-acting type in general F16L37/00 F16L59/20for non-disconnectable joints F16L59/21adapted for expansion-compensation devices F16L59/22adapted for bends F16L2101/00 F16L2101/00Uses or applications of pigs or moles F16L2101/10Treating the inside of pipes F16L2101/12Cleaning F16L2101/16Coating by application of fluent materials, e.g. painting F16L2101/18Lining other than coating F16L2101/20Expelling gases or fluids F16L2101/30Inspecting, measuring or testing F16L2101/40Separating transported fluids F16L2101/50Pulling cables or the like F16L2101/60Stopping leaks F16L2101/70Drill-well operations F16L2201/00Special arrangements for pipe couplings F16L2201/10Indicators for correct coupling F16L2201/20Safety or protective couplings F16L2201/30Detecting leaks F16L2201/40for special environments F16L2201/44sterile F16L2201/60Identification or marking F16L2201/80Dust covers