C10HPRODUCTION OF ACETYLENE BY WET METHODS purification of acetylene C07C7/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C10H1/00 C10H1/00Acetylene gas generators with dropwise, gravity, non-automatic water feed valves, cocks F16K C10H1/02Valves C10H1/04Screw valves C10H1/06Cocks C10H1/08Other means for controlling the water feed C10H1/10Water feed from above through a central or lateral pipe C10H1/12Water feed from above through porous materials C10H3/00Acetylene gas generators with automatic water feed regulation by means independent of the gas-holder C10H3/02with membranes C10H3/04with floats C10H3/06with pistons C10H5/00Acetylene gas generators with automatic water feed regulation by the gas-holder C10H5/02with overflow for the water C10H5/04by drop-by-drop water valves connected with the gas-holder C10H5/06by drop-by-drop water cocks connected with the gas-holder C10H5/08with gas-holder-connected water valves or cocks according to the submersion system C10H7/00Acetylene gas generators with water feed by Kipp's principle C10H7/02with water feed from below C10H7/04with water feed from above C10H9/00Acetylene gas generators according to Dobereiner's principle with fixed carbide bell C10H9/02with water feed from below through porous materials (by capillary feed) C10H9/04with gas cock actuated by the gas holder C10H9/06with the depth of the gas outlet pipe regulated by the gas-holder C10H9/08with movable gas-holder C10H9/10by wetting the carbide only at the bottom C10H11/00Acetylene gas generators with submersion of the carbide in water C10H11/02inside the gas-holder C10H11/04with sealing and reaction water separated from each other C10H13/00Acetylene gas generation with combined dipping and drop-by-drop system C10H15/00Acetylene gas generators with carbide feed, with or without regulation by the gas pressure C10H15/02with non-automatic carbide feed C10H15/04Closure means at the filling-hopper C10H15/06with automatic carbide feed by valves C10H15/08by flap or slide valves C10H15/10by float valves C10H15/12by measuring valves, including pocket-wheels C10H15/14with feed worm or feed conveyors C10H15/16with feed drums C10H15/18with movable feed disc and fixed carbide-receptacle C10H15/20with carbide feed by cartridges or other packets C10H15/22with carbide feed of pulverous carbide from receptacles or through the gas-holder C10H15/24with carbide feed by pistons C10H17/00High-pressure acetylene gas generators C10H19/00Other acetylene gas generators C10H19/02Rotary carbide receptacles C10H21/00Details of acetylene generatorsAccessory equipment for, or features of, the wet production of acetylene C10H21/02Packages of carbide for use in generators, e.g. cartridges C10H21/04Placing packages in the generator C10H21/06Opening devices for packages in the generator C10H21/08Safety devices for acetylene generators C10H21/10Carbide compositions C10H21/12Gas-tight sealing means, e.g. liquid seals in generators C10H21/14Ventilation meansCooling devices C10H21/16Removing sludge from generators