C11BPRODUCING, e.g. BY PRESSING RAW MATERIALS OR BY EXTRACTION FROM WASTE MATERIALS, REFINING OR PRESERVING FATS, FATTY SUBSTANCES, e.g. LANOLIN, FATTY OILS OR WAXESESSENTIAL OILSPERFUMES drying-oils C09FIn this subclass, boron and silicon are considered as metals C11B1/00 C11B1/00Production of fats or fatty oils from raw materials C11B1/02Pretreatment C11B1/025by enzymes or microorganisms, living or dead C11B1/04of vegetable raw material C11B1/025 takes precedence C11B1/06by pressing C11B1/08by hot pressing C11B1/10by extracting C11B1/102in counter-current; utilisation of an equipment wherein the material is conveyed by a screw C11B1/104using super critical gases or vapours C11B1/106using ultra-sounds C11B1/108after-treatment, e.g. of miscellae C11B1/12by melting out C11B1/14with hot water or aqueous solutions C11B1/16with steam C11B3/00Refining fats or fatty oils C11B3/001by a combination of two or more of the means hereafter C11B3/003by enzymes or microorganisms, living or dead C11B3/005by wave energy or electric current, e.g. electrodialysis C11B3/006by extraction C11B3/008by filtration, e.g. including ultra filtration, dialysis C11B3/005 takes precedence C11B3/02by chemical reaction C11B3/003 takes precedence C11B3/04with acids C11B3/06with bases C11B3/08with oxidising agents C11B3/10by adsorption When classifying in this group, classification is also made in group B01D15/08 insofar as subject matter of general interest relating to chromatography is concerned. C11B3/12by distillation C11B3/14with the use of indifferent gases or vapours, e.g. steam C11B3/16by mechanical means C11B5/00Preserving by using additives, e.g. anti-oxidants In groups C11B5/0007 - C11B5/0092, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, a composition is classified in the last appropriate place C11B5/0007Organic substances C11B5/0014Hydrocarbons C11B5/0021containing oxygen C11B5/0028Carboxylic acids; Their derivates C11B5/0035Phenols; Their halogenated and aminated derivates, their salts, their esters with carboxylic acids C11B5/0042containing nitrogen C11B5/005Amines or imines C11B5/0035 takes precedence C11B5/0057Amides or imides C11B5/0064Heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen in the ring C11B5/0071containing halogens, sulfur or phosphorus halogenated phenols C11B5/0035 C11B5/0078Metal hydrides or organo-metallic compounds, i.e. organic compounds containing a metal-to-carbon link C11B5/0085Substances of natural origin of unknown constitution, f.i. plant extracts C11B5/0092Mixtures C11B7/00Separation of mixtures of fats or fatty oils into their constituents, e.g. saturated oils from unsaturated oils In groups C11B7/0008 - C11B7/0091, in the absence of an indication to the contrary an invention is classified in the last appropriate place C11B7/0008by differences of solubilities, e.g. by extraction, by separation from a solution by means of anti-solvents addition of a minor amount of solvent intended to lower the melting point C11B7/0083, C11B7/0091 C11B7/0016in hydrocarbons or halogenated hydrocarbons in pressure liquefied gases C11B7/005 C11B7/0025in solvents containing oxygen in their molecule C11B7/0033in solvents containing other heteroatoms in their molecule C11B7/0041in mixtures of individualized solvents (water is not taken into account) C11B7/005in solvents used at superatmospheric pressures C11B7/0058in solvents or mixtures of solvents of different natures or compositions used in succession C11B7/0066between two or more non-miscible solvent phases C11B7/0075by differences of melting or solidifying points C11B7/0083with addition of auxiliary substances, e.g. cristallisation promotors, filter aids, melting point depressors, if a characterised solution is formed C11B7/0008 C11B7/0091non-solvents, e.g. water wherein the fat or oil is dispersed account a more washing out of fractions is not taken into C11B9/00Essential oilsPerfumes C11B9/0003Compounds of unspecified constitution defined by the chemical reaction for their preparation C11B9/0007Aliphatic compounds C11B9/0011containing S C11B9/0015containing oxygen as the only heteroatom C11B9/0019carbocylic acids; Salts or esters thereof C11B9/0023containing nitrogen as the only heteroatom C11B9/0026compounds containing an alicyclic ring not condensed with another ring C11B9/003the ring containing less than six carbon atoms C11B9/0034the ring containing six carbon atoms C11B9/0038the ring containing more than six carbon atoms C11B9/0042compounds containing condensed hydrocarbon rings C11B9/0046containing only two condensed rings C11B9/0049the condensed rings sharing two common C atoms C11B9/0053both rings being six-membered C11B9/0057Spiro compounds C11B9/0061compounds containing a six-membered aromatic ring not condensed with another ring C11B9/0065Nitriles C11B9/0069Heterocyclic compounds C11B9/0073containing only O or S as heteroatoms C11B9/0076the hetero rings containing less than six atoms C11B9/008the hetero rings containing six atoms C11B9/0084the hetero rings containing more than six atoms C11B9/0088Spiro compounds C11B9/0092containing only N as heteroatom C11B9/0096containing at least two different heteroatoms, at least one being nitrogen C11B9/02Recovery or refining of essential oils from raw materials C11B9/022Refining C11B9/025Recovery by solvent extraction C11B9/027Recovery of volatiles by distillation or stripping C11B11/00Recovery or refining of other fatty substances, e.g. lanolin or waxes C11B11/005Lanolin; Woolfat C11B13/00Recovery of fats, fatty oils or fatty acids from waste materials C11B13/005of residues of the fabrication of wood-cellulose (in particular tall-oil) C11B13/02from soap stock C11B13/04from spent adsorption materials C11B15/00Solidifying fatty oils, fats, or waxes by physical processes