F17DPIPE-LINE SYSTEMSPIPE-LINES pumps or compressors F04; fluid dynamics F15D; valves or the like F16K; pipes, laying pipes, supports, joints, branches, repairing, work on the entire line, accessories F16L; steam traps or the like F16T; fluid-pressure electric cables H01B9/06In this subclass, pipe-line systems are interpreted as systems described in flow sheets as well as arrangements of co-operating elements, the elements per se being covered in the relevant subclasses.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F17D1/00 F17D1/00Pipe-line systems conveying articles or materials through a pipe- line by means of a fluid carrier B65G51/00, B65G53/00; liquids B67D; special devices for transferring liquids from bulk storage containers into vehicles or boats or vice versa, e.g. loading or unloading vehicles or portable containers B67D7/00; conveying material which has been excavated by a dredger or soil shifter through a pipe-line E02F7/10; sewer pipe-line systems E03F3/00; thermal insulation of pipe-lines F16L59/00; central heating systems F24D F17D1/005for a two-phase gas-liquid flow F17D1/02for gases or vapours F17D1/04for distribution of gas F17D1/05Preventing freezing by heating F16L53/30 F17D1/06for steam F17D1/065Arrangements for producing propulsion of gases or vapours F17D1/07by compression F17D1/075by mere expansion from an initial pressure level, e.g. by arrangement of a flow-control valve F17D1/08for liquids or viscous products water-main or service pipe systems E03B7/04; domestic hot-water supply systems F24D17/00 F17D1/082for cold fluids, e.g. liquefied gas F17D1/086 takes precedence F17D1/084for hot fluids F17D1/086 takes precedence F17D1/086for explosives F17D1/088for solids or suspensions of solids in liquids, e.g. slurries F17D1/086 takes precedence F17D1/12Conveying liquids or viscous products by pressure of another fluid F17D1/13Conveying liquids or viscous products by gravity F17D1/14Conveying liquids or viscous products by pumping F17D1/16Facilitating the conveyance of liquids or effecting the conveyance of viscous products by modification of their viscosity changing the flow or the viscosity by adding a chemical agent C09K3/00, C10M F17D1/17by mixing with another liquid , i.e. diluting F17D1/18by heating F17D1/20Arrangements or systems of devices for influencing or altering dynamic characteristics of the systems, e.g. for damping pulsations caused by opening or closing of valves fluid dynamics F15D; damping pulsations in fluids in pipes in general F16L55/04 F17D3/00Arrangements for supervising or controlling working operations F17D3/01for controlling, signalling, or supervising the conveyance of a product F17D3/03for controlling, signalling, or supervising the conveyance of several different products following one another in the same conduit, e.g. for switching from one receiving tank to another F17D3/05the different products not being separated separation of contaminants by distillation B01D3/00 F17D3/08the different products being separated by "go-devils", e.g. spheres cleaning devices moved along inside a pipe-lines by fluid pressure B08B9/04; pigs or moles per se, their launching and detection F16L55/26 F17D3/10for taking out the product in the line sampling in general, examining the physical or chemical properties of materials G01N F17D3/12for injecting a composition into the line F17D3/14for eliminating water separation of liquids B01D, e.g. B01D17/00; separation of gases or vapours B01D53/00 F17D3/145in gas pipelines F17D3/16for eliminating particles in suspension from liquids by sedimentation B01D21/00; separation by filtration or otherwise B01D24/00 - B01D51/00; centrifugal apparatus B04 F17D3/18for measuring the quantity of conveyed product measuring volume or volume flow, in general G01F F17D5/00Protection or supervision of installations arrangements for protecting foundations E02D31/00; protecting pipes from damage or internal or external wear F16L57/00, against corrosion and scale F16L58/00; investigation of the fluid-tightness of structures G01M3/00 F17D5/005of gas pipelines, e.g. alarm F17D5/02Preventing, monitoring, or locating loss F17D5/04by means of a signalling fluid enclosed in a double wall F17D5/06using electric or acoustic means F17D5/08Protection of installations or persons from the effects of high voltage induced in the pipe-line emergency protective circuit arrangements H02H