F26BDRYING SOLID MATERIALS OR OBJECTS BY REMOVING LIQUID THEREFROM racks for drying fruit and vegetables A01F25/12; drying foodstuffs A23; drying hair A45D20/00; body-drying implements A47K10/00; drying household articles A47L, e.g. drying footwear A47L23/20; drying gases and vapours B01D; chemical and physical processes for dewatering or like separating liquids from solids B01D43/00; centrifugal apparatus B04; drying ceramics C04B33/30; drying yarns and fabrics in association with some other form of treatment D06C; drying frames for laundry without heating or positive air circulation, domestic and like spin-dryers, wringing and hot pressing laundry D06F; furnaces, kilns, ovens F27; treatment including a drying step of semiconductor substrates, e.g. wafers, H01L21/67028The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F26B11/06 covered by F26B11/0486F26B13/02 covered by F26B13/10F26B13/04 covered by F26B13/10F26B13/20 covered by F26B13/104F26B23/08 covered by F26B3/343, F26B3/347
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F26B1/00Processes for drying F26B1/00Preliminary treatment of solid materials or objects to facilitate drying , e.g. mixing or backmixing the materials to be dried with predominantly dry solids F26B5/005 takes precedence F26B1/005by means of disintegrating, e.g. crushing, shredding, milling the materials to be dried F26B17/102, F26B17/103 take precedence F26B3/00Drying solid materials or objects by processes involving the application of heat in specific machines or apparatus F26B9/00 - F26B19/00 F26B3/005by applying a combustible liquid onto the materials, the liquid being burnt off subsequently F26B3/02by convection, i.e. heat being conveyed from a heat source to the materials or objects to be dried by a gas or vapour, e.g. air F26B3/283 and F26B3/343 take precedence F26B3/04the gas or vapour circulating over or surrounding the materials or objects to be dried F26B3/14 takes precedence F26B3/06the gas or vapour flowing through the materials or objects to be dried F26B3/14 takes precedence F26B3/08so as to loosen them, e.g. to form a fluidised bed "fluidised-bed" technique in general B01J8/24; centrifugal fluidised beds F26B7/007 F26B3/082arrangements of devices for distributing fluidising gas, e.g. grids, nozzles F26B3/0926 takes precedence; such devices per se B01J8/44 F26B3/084with heat exchange taking place in the fluidised bed , e.g. combined direct and indirect heat exchange F26B3/088using inert thermally-stabilised particles F26B3/092agitating the fluidised bed, e.g. by vibrating or pulsating F26B3/0923by mechanical means, e.g. vibrated plate, stirrer F26B3/0926by pneumatic means, e.g. spouted beds F26B3/097using a magnetic field to stabilise the fluidised bed F26B3/10the gas or vapour carrying the materials or objects to be dried with it F26B3/12in the form of a spray , i.e. sprayed or dispersed emulsions or suspensions spray drying of solutions B01D1/18 F26B3/14the materials or objects to be dried being moved by gravity F26B3/16in a counter-flow of the gas or vapour F26B3/18by conduction, i.e. the heat is conveyed from the heat source, e.g. gas flame, to the materials or objects to be dried by direct contact F26B3/20the heat source being a heated surface , e.g. a moving belt or conveyorF26B3/22 takes precedence F26B3/205the materials to be dried covering or being mixed with heated inert particles which may be recycled F26B3/22the heat source and the materials or objects to be dried being in relative motion, e.g. of vibration F26B3/225the materials or objects to be dried being immersed in a fluidised bed of heated particles for webs F26B13/106 F26B3/24the movement being rotation F26B3/26the movement being performed by gravity F26B3/28by radiation, e.g. from the sun F26B3/283in combination with convection F26B3/286by solar radiation F26B3/30from infra-red-emitting elements by radiation emanating from passages containing heated fluids other than combustion gases F26B23/10 F26B3/305the infra-red radiation being generated by combustion or combustion gases F26B3/32by development of heat within the materials or objects to be dried , e.g. by fermentation or other microbiological action F26B3/34by using electrical effects F26B3/343in combination with convection F26B3/347Electromagnetic heating, e.g. induction heating or heating using microwave energy F26B3/353Resistance heating , e.g. using the materials or objects to be dried as an electrical resistance F26B3/36by using mechanical effects, e.g. by friction by using ultrasonic vibrations F26B5/02 F26B5/00Drying solid materials or objects by processes not involving the application of heat separating liquids from solids by straining B01D; replacing liquids in wet solids by other liquids, e.g. water by spirit, B01D12/00; drying by electrophoresis B01J F26B5/005by dipping them into or mixing them with a chemical liquid, e.g. organic; chemical, e.g. organic, dewatering aids F26B3/005 takes precedence; using chemical vapours or gases F26B21/14 F26B5/02by using ultrasonic vibrations using sonic energy generated by pulse jet combustion F26B23/026 F26B5/04by evaporation or sublimation of moisture under reduced pressure, e.g. in a vacuum F26B11/049 and F26B17/128 take precedence In subgroups F26B5/04 and F26B5/06, the term "not including the application of heat" is disregarded for classification purposes. When drying with the use of vacuum, frequently heat is applied to compensate for the cooling effect or to promote sublimation from the frozen state F26B5/041for drying flowable materials, e.g. suspensions, bulk goods, in a continuous operation, e.g. with locks or other air tight arrangements for charging/discharging F26B5/042for drying articles or discrete batches of material in a continuous or semi-continuous operation, e.g. with locks or other air tight arrangements for charging/discharging F26B5/044for drying materials in a batch operation in an enclosure having a plurality of shelves which may be heated F26B5/045 takes precedence F26B5/045for drying thin, flat articles in a batch operation, e.g. leather, rugs, gels F26B5/047for continuous drying of material in long length, e.g. webs F26B5/048in combination with heat developed by electro-magnetic means, e.g. microwave energy F26B5/06the process involving freezing F26B5/065the product to be freeze-dried being sprayed, dispersed or pulverised F26B5/08by centrifugal treatment F26B5/10the process involving freezing F26B5/12by suction F26B5/14by applying pressure, e.g. wringingby brushingby wiping F26B5/16by contact with sorbent bodies, e.g. absorbent mouldby admixture with sorbent materials F26B7/00Drying solid materials or objects by processes using a combination of processes not covered by a single one of groups F26B3/00 and F26B5/00 F26B1/005, F26B5/04, F26B23/026 take precedence F26B7/002using an electric field and heat F26B7/005using admixture with sorbent materials and heat, e.g. generated by the mixture F26B7/007centrifugal fluidised beds F26B9/00Machines or apparatus for drying F26B9/00Machines or apparatus for drying solid materials or objects at rest or with only local agitationDomestic airing cupboards domestic laundry drying cabinets or chambers having heating or ventilating means D06F58/10 F26B9/003Small self-contained devices, e.g. portable F26B9/006Removable covering devices, e.g. pliable or flexible F26B9/02in buildings special types of buildings E04H F26B9/04in presses or clamping devices F26B9/06in stationary drums or chambers F26B9/063for drying granular material in bulk, e.g. grain bins or silos with false floor shallow layer rotary sweep drying bins F26B9/10; perforated wall silos with drying air channels in the stack F26B9/103 F26B9/066the products to be dried being disposed on one or more containers, which may have at least partly gas-previous walls, e.g. trays or shelves in a stack F26B9/003 takes precedence; in combination with duct systems F26B21/00 F26B9/08including agitating devices , e.g. pneumatic recirculation arrangements unloading devices F26B25/002; spouted beds F26B3/0926 F26B9/082mechanically agitating or recirculating the material being dried F26B9/085moving the material in a substantially vertical sense using conveyors or agitators, e.g. screws or augers with vertical axis, which are positioned inside the drying enclosure F26B9/087the recirculation path being positioned outside the drying enclosure F26B9/10in the open airin pans or tables in roomsDrying stacks of loose material on floors which may be covered, e.g. by a roof ventilating means of stacks for agricultural produce A01F25/08 F26B9/103using fixed or removable drying air channels placed in the stack, e.g. horizontally or vertically F26B9/106the channels to be inserted into the stack, e.g. after its formation F26B11/00Machines or apparatus for drying solid materials or objects with movement which is non-progressive F26B11/02in moving drums or other mainly-closed receptacles F26B11/18 takes precedence F26B11/022Arrangements of drives, bearings, supports F26B11/024Arrangements for gas-sealing the drum F26B11/026Arrangements for charging or discharging the materials to be dried, e.g. discharging by reversing drum rotation, using spiral-type inserts F26B11/028Arrangements for the supply or exhaust of gaseous drying medium for direct heat transfer, e.g. perforated tubes, annular passages, burner arrangements, dust separation, combined direct and indirect heating F26B11/04rotating about a horizontal or slightly-inclined axis F26B11/022, F26B11/024, F26B11/026, F26B11/028 take precedence F26B11/0404with internal subdivision of the drum, e.g. for subdividing or recycling the material to be dried spiral-type or other inserts for discharging purposes F26B11/026 F26B11/0409the subdivision consisting of a plurality of substantially radially oriented internal walls, e.g. forming multiple sector-shaped chambers F26B11/0413the subdivision consisting of concentric walls, e.g. multi-pass or recirculation systems; the subdivision consisting of spiral-shaped walls tubular or annular passages for supply or exhaust of drying gas F26B11/028 F26B11/0418the subdivision consisting of a plurality of parallel tubes, e.g. through which the material to be dried is conveyed in single or multi-pass fashion sector-shaped tubes F26B11/0409 F26B11/0422the tubes having internal members F26B11/0427Constructional details, e.g. arrangements of drives, supports, bearings, gas-sealing, heating medium supply or exhaust F26B11/0431Arrangements for feeding or discharging materials to be dried F26B11/0436comprising multiple stages, e.g. multiple rotating drums subsequently receiving the material to be dried; Provisions for heat recuperation F26B11/044the drum or receptacle having a variable outer or inner diameter in axial direction, e.g. trunconical; the drum or receptacle having a polygonal or non-cylindrical shape F26B11/0436, F26B11/049 take precedence F26B11/0445having conductive heating arrangements, e.g. heated drum wall F26B11/045using heated internal elements, e.g. which move through or convey the materials to be dried loose bodies, e.g. balls F26B11/0472 F26B11/0454the elements being discs F26B11/0459the elements being chains F26B11/0463having internal elements, e.g. which are being moved or rotated by means other than the rotating drum wall F26B11/0404, F26B11/0445 take precedence F26B11/0468for disintegrating, crushing, or for being mixed with the materials to be dried F26B11/0472the elements being loose bodies or materials, e.g. balls, which may have a sorbent effect chains fixed to the drum F26B11/0459 F26B11/0477for mixing, stirring or conveying the materials to be dried, e.g. mounted to the wall, rotating with the drum F26B11/0481the elements having a screw- or auger-like shape, or form screw- or auger-like channels F26B11/0486the elements being held stationary, e.g. internal scraper blades F26B11/049with provisions for working under increased or reduced pressure, with or without heating F26B11/0495with provisions for drying by electro-magnetic means, e.g. radiation, microwaves burner arrangements F26B11/028 F26B11/08rotating about a vertical or steeply-inclined axis F26B11/10with stirring devices which are held stationary F26B11/12in stationary drums or other mainly-closed receptacles with moving stirring devices F26B11/22 takes precedence F26B11/14the stirring device moving in a horizontal or slightly-inclined plane F26B11/16the stirring device moving in a vertical or steeply-inclined plane F26B11/18on or in moving dishes, trays, pans, or other mainly-open receptacles F26B11/181the receptacle being a foraminous, perforated or open-structured drum or drum-like container, e.g. rotating around a substantially horizontal or vertical axis; the receptacle being multiple perforated drums, e.g. in superimposed arrangement F26B11/182Arrangements for the supply or exhaust of gaseous drying medium, e.g. perforated tubes F26B11/185 takes precedence F26B11/184provided with internal means for mixing, stirring or conveying the materials to be dried F26B11/182, F26B11/185 take precedence F26B11/185the drum provided with internal subdivisions or multiple walls F26B11/187the subdivisions consisting of sector-shaped perforated chambers F26B11/188the subdivisions consisting of concentric perforated walls, or spiral-shaped walls F26B11/20with stirring devices which are held stationary F26B11/22on or in stationary dishes, trays, pans, or other mainly-open receptacles, with moving stirring devices F26B13/00Machines and apparatus for drying fabrics, fibres, yarns, or other materials in long lengths, with progressive movement F26B13/001Drying and oxidising yarns, ribbons or the like F26B13/002Drying coated, e.g. enamelled, varnished, wires F26B13/003in the shape of spools, coils, bobbins or the like F26B21/007 takes precedence; drying yarn hanks F26B15/124 F26B13/004Drying ribbons F26B13/005Seals, locks, e.g. gas barriers for web drying enclosures F26B13/006with movement in a spiral path F26B13/007Treating a particular portion of the web or plate, e.g. the edge F26B13/008Controlling the moisture profile across the width of the material F26B13/06with movement in a sinuous or zig-zag path F26B13/08using rollers F26B13/10Arrangements for feeding, heating or supporting materialsControlling movement, tension or position of materials heating processes F26B3/00 F26B13/101Supporting materials without tension, e.g. on or between foraminous belts F26B13/102the materials, e.g. web, being supported in loops by rods or poles, which may be moving transversely, e.g. festoon dryers F26B13/103with mechanical supporting means, e.g. belts, rollers, and fluid impingement arrangement having a displacing effect on the materials F26B13/104supported by fluid jets only; Fluid blowing arrangements for flotation dryers, e.g. coanda nozzles F26B13/105Drying webs by contact with heated surfaces other than rollers or drums F26B13/106by moving them through a fluidised bed of heated particles F26B13/107Arrangements for guiding the feed end or trailing end of the materials, e.g. threading of webs F26B13/108using one or more blowing devices, e.g. nozzle bar, the effective area of which is adjustable to the width of the material F26B13/12Controlling movement, tension or position of material F26B13/14Rollers, drums, cylinderssorbent surfaces F26B13/26; Arrangement of drives, supports, bearings, cleaning F26B13/145on the non-perforated outside surface of which the material is being dried by convection or radiation F26B13/16perforated in combination with hot air blowing or suction devices, e.g. sieve drum dryersF26B13/18 takes precedence F26B13/18heated or cooled, e.g. from inside, the material being dried on the outside surface by conduction F26B13/183Arrangements for heating, cooling, condensate removal F26B13/186using combustion F26B13/22Arrangements of gas flames F26B13/24Arrangements of devices using drying processes not involving heating such processes per se F26B5/00 F26B13/26using sorbent surfaces, e.g. bands or coverings on rollers F26B13/28for applying pressurefor brushingfor wiping F26B13/30for applying suction F26B13/16 takes precedence F26B15/00Machines or apparatus for drying objects with progressive movementMachines or apparatus with progressive movement for drying batches of material in compact form F26B13/00, F26B17/00 take precedence; conveyors in general B65G F26B2015/003the load carrying elements having provisions for defining drying gas ducts, e.g. panels F26B2015/006the drying tunnel not being partitioned by load carrying elements F26B15/02with movement in the whole or part of a circle F26B15/04in a horizontal plane F26B15/06involving several planes, one above the other F26B15/08in a vertical plane F26B15/085with endless clamp or tray conveyor, e.g. wicket conveyor F26B15/10with movement in a path composed of one or more straight lines, e.g. compound , the movement being in alternate horizontal and vertical directions F26B15/105the articles, e.g. can lids, discs, being conveyed by means of rotating screw spindles F26B15/12the lines being all horizontal or slightly inclined F26B15/122the objects or batches of material being carried by transversely moving rollers or rods which may rotate F26B15/124the objects being yarn hanks F26B15/126the material being "pasta" products, e.g. spaghetti F26B15/128the rods being attached at one end to an endless conveying means, the other end being free to receive hollow articles, e.g. cans F26B15/14the objects or batches of materials being carried by trays or racks or receptacles, which may be connected to endless chains or belts trays, racks per se F26B25/18; with vertical movement F26B15/22 F26B15/143the receptacles being wholly or partly foraminous, e.g. containing a batch of loose material F26B15/146, F26B15/205, F26B15/26 take precedence F26B15/146applying multiple superimposed tray conveyors, the materials to be dried being dropped onto subsequent conveyor stretches, e.g. by allowing the trays to tilt at one point F26B15/16the objects or batches of materials being carried by wheeled trucks F26B15/18the objects or batches of materials being carried by endless belts F26B15/20the lines being all vertical or steeply inclined F26B15/205the objects or batches of materials being carried by a vertical stack of foraminous trays or shelves either moving through a shaft or forming, with their edges, a moving shaft, the shaft being supplied with drying air F26B15/22the objects or batches of materials being carried by endless belts the objects or batches of material being carried by trays or holders supported by endless belts or chains F26B15/205 takes precedence; vertical bulk material conveyor-driers F26B17/06 F26B15/24in a zig-zag path F26B15/26with movement in a helical path F26B17/00Machines or apparatus for drying materials in loose, plastic, or fluidised form, e.g. granules, staple fibres, with progressive movement F26B13/00 takes precedence ; feed or discharge arrangements F26B25/002 F26B17/001the material moving down superimposed floors superimposed belts F26B17/08 F26B17/002with floors which may rotate and turn over as a whole or in part, e.g. around a horizontal axis superimposed tray conveyors F26B15/146 F26B17/003with fixed floors provided with scrapers F26B17/006 and F26B17/007 take precedence F26B17/005with rotating floors, e.g. around a vertical axis, which may have scrapers F26B17/002, F26B17/006, F26B17/007 take precedence F26B17/006the movement being imparted by oscillation or vibration F26B17/007having a sieve, e.g. classifying arrangement F26B17/008the material being a slurry or paste applied onto moving elements, e.g. chains, plates, for drying thereon, and subsequently removed therefrom the element being an endless web or belt-like conveyor F26B17/023; the element being a disc F26B17/282; the element being loose inert particles F26B3/205 F26B17/02with movement performed by belts carrying the materialswith movement performed by belts or elements attached to endless belts or chains propelling the materials over stationary surfaces the movement being in a helical path F26B15/26; F26B17/003, F26B17/263 take precedence F26B17/023the material being a slurry or paste, which adheres to a moving belt-like endless conveyor for drying thereon, from which it may be removed in dried state, e.g. by scrapers, brushes or vibration F26B17/026the material being moved in-between belts which may be perforated F26B17/04the belts being all horizontal or slightly inclined F26B17/08 takes precedence F26B17/045the material on the belt being agitated, dispersed or turned over by mechanical means, e.g. by vibrating the belt, by fixed, rotating or oscillating elements F26B17/06the belts being all vertical or steeply inclined F26B17/08 takes precedence ; for materials in discrete batches F26B15/22 F26B17/08the belts being arranged in a sinuous or zig-zag path F26B17/026 takes precedence; superimposed tray conveyors F26B15/146 F26B17/10with movement performed by fluid currents, e.g. issuing from a nozzle, e.g. pneumatic, flash, vortex or entrainment dryersF26B3/08 takes precedence F26B17/101the drying enclosure having the shape of one or a plurality of shafts or ducts, e.g. with substantially straight and vertical axis F26B17/107 takes precedence F26B17/102with material recirculation, classifying or disintegrating means F26B17/103 takes precedence F26B17/103with specific material feeding arrangements, e.g. combined with disintegrating means F26B17/104with fixed or moving internal bodies for defining or changing the course of the entrained material F26B17/105the shaft or duct, e.g. its axis, being other than straight, i.e. curved, zig-zag, closed-loop, spiral F26B17/106the drying enclosure, e.g. its axis, being substantially straight and horizontal, e.g. pneumatic drum dryers; the drying enclosure consisting of multiple substantially straight and horizontal stretches F26B17/107 takes precedence F26B17/107pneumatically inducing within the drying enclosure a curved flow path, e.g. circular, spiral, helical; Cyclone or Vortex dryers swirl or curved flow path induced mechanically, i.e. by rotating element F26B3/0923 F26B17/108using impinging streams of entrained material F26B17/12with movement performed solely by gravity , i.e. the material moving through a substantially vertical drying enclosure, e.g. shaft F26B17/122the material moving through a cross-flow of drying gas; the drying enclosure, e.g. shaft, consisting of substantially vertical, perforated walls F26B17/124the vertical walls having the shape of at least two concentric cylinders with the material to be dried moving in-between F26B17/126the vertical walls consisting of baffles, e.g. in louvre-arrangement F26B17/128with provisions for working under reduced or increased pressure, with or without heating F26B17/14the materials moving through a counter-current of gas F26B17/1408the gas being supplied and optionally extracted through ducts extending into the moving stack of material in combination with fluid-heated closed tubes or other heating elements in contact with the stack of material F26B17/16 F26B17/1416the ducts being half open or perforated and arranged horizontally F26B17/1425the ducts being perforated and arranged vertically F26B17/1433the drying enclosure, e.g. shaft, having internal members or bodies for guiding, mixing or agitating the material, e.g. imposing a zig-zag movement onto the material F26B17/1408, F26B17/16 take precedence F26B17/1441the members or bodies being stationary, e.g. fixed panels, baffles, grids, the position of which may be adjustable F26B17/145consisting of non-perforated panels or baffles F26B17/1458consisting of perforated panels or baffles; consisting of grids F26B17/1466the members or bodies being in movement F26B17/1475the movement being a vibration or oscillation F26B17/26 takes precedence F26B17/1483the movement being a rotation around a vertical axis F26B17/1491the movement being a rotation around a horizontal axis F26B17/16the materials passing down a heated surface , e.g. fluid-heated closed ducts or other heating elements in contact with the moving stack of material F26B17/128 takes precedence F26B17/18with movement performed by rotating helical blades or other rotary conveyors which may be heated moving materials in stationary chambers , e.g. troughs F26B17/20the axis of rotation being horizontal or slightly inclined F26B17/205with multiple chambers, e.g. troughs, in superimposed arrangement F26B17/22the axis of rotation being vertical or steeply inclined F26B17/003 takes precedence F26B17/24with movement performed by shooting or throwing the materials , e.g. after which the materials are subject to impact F26B17/108 takes precedence F26B17/26with movement performed by reciprocating or oscillating conveyors propelling materials over stationary surfaceswith movement performed by reciprocating or oscillating shelves, sieves, or trays F26B17/006 takes precedence F26B17/263the conveying element making a rotary working movement while being transversely moved in one direction, the reverse or return movement being effected in an inoperative state, e.g. lifted, in rest F26B17/266the materials to be dried being moved in a helical, spiral or circular path, e.g. vibrated helix F26B17/28with movement performed by rollers or discs with material passing over or between them, e.g. suction drum, sieve , the axis of rotation being in fixed position moving rotating rollers F26B15/122 F26B17/282the materials adhering to, and being dried on, the surface of rotating discs with or without scraping devices F26B17/284the materials being dried on the non-perforated surface of heated rollers or drums arrangements for heating or cooling drums, for removal of condensate F26B13/183 F26B17/286Arrangements for application of materials to be dried onto the drums or rollers; Arrangements for removing dried materials from the drums or rollers, e.g. doctor blades F26B17/288the materials being dried on perforated drums or rollers, e.g. sieve or suction drums F26B17/30with movement performed by rotary or oscillating containerswith movement performed by rotary floors the material moving down superimposed floors F26B17/001 F26B17/32the movement being in a horizontal or slightly inclined plane F26B17/34the movement being in a vertical or steeply inclined plane F26B19/00Machines or apparatus for drying solid materials or objects not covered by groups F26B9/00 - F26B17/00 F26B19/005Self-contained mobile devices, e.g. for agricultural produce movable devices with radiation means F26B3/28; small self-contained devices for drying objects at rest F26B9/003 F26B20/00Combinations of machines or apparatus covered by two or more of groups F26B9/00 - F26B19/00 F26B21/00Details of general application F26B21/00Arrangements or duct systems, e.g. in combination with pallet boxes, for supplying and controlling air or gases for drying solid materials or objects F26B9/10 takes precedence; systems for vehicle body drying B60S3/002 ; air conditioning or ventilation in general F24F F26B21/001Drying-air generating units, e.g. movable, independent of drying enclosure F26B21/002heating the drying air indirectly, i.e. using a heat exchanger F26B23/001 takes precedence; closed-loop systems F26B23/10 F26B21/003Supply-air or gas filters F26B21/004Nozzle assemblies; Air knives; Air distributors; Blow boxes F26B3/082, F26B13/104, F26B13/108, F26B21/006 take precedence F26B21/005Drying-steam generating means F26B21/006the gas supply or exhaust being effected through hollow spaces or cores in the materials or objects, e.g. tubes, pipes, bottles F26B9/003 and F26B9/103 take precedence F26B21/007the objects being bobbin- or spool-like bodies F26B21/008the objects being flexible articles, which may be blown up by the drying gas, e.g. tubes, sausage casings fire hoses A62C33/02 F26B21/02Circulating air or gases in closed cycles, e.g. wholly within the drying enclosure F26B21/08, F26B21/14, F26B23/022 take precedence F26B21/022with provisions for changing the drying gas flow pattern, e.g. by reversing gas flow, by moving the materials or objects through subsequent compartments, at least two of which have a different direction of gas flow varying fan speed F26B21/12 F26B21/024by using movable fan units F26B21/026by reversing fan rotation F26B21/028by air valves, movable baffles or nozzle arrangements F26B21/04partly outside the drying enclosure F26B21/006 takes precedence F26B21/06Controlling, e.g. regulating, parameters of gas supply F26B21/14 takes precedence; control in general G05 F26B21/08Humidity F26B21/083by using sorbent or hygroscopic materials, e.g. chemical substances, molecular sieves F26B21/086by condensing the moisture in the drying medium, which may be recycled, e.g. using a heat pump cycle F26B21/10TemperaturePressure F26B23/026 takes precedence F26B21/12Velocity of flowQuantity of flow , e.g. by varying fan speed, by modifying cross flow area F26B21/004 takes precedence; changing air flow pattern F26B21/022 F26B21/14using gases or vapours other than air or steam , e.g. inert gases F26B21/145Condensing the vapour onto the surface of the materials to be dried using condensing steam F26B3/00; using chemical liquids F26B5/005 F26B23/00Heating arrangements by radiation, e.g. infra-red, ultra-violet, solar F26B3/28 and F26B3/30 ; using heated air or gases F26B21/00 F26B23/001using waste heat F26B23/002recovered from dryer exhaust gases F26B23/022 takes precedence F26B23/004by compressing and condensing vapour in exhaust gases, i.e. using an open cycle heat pump system F26B23/005using a closed cycle heat pump system with recycling of drying medium F26B21/086; using a heat pipe system F26B23/007recovered from the dried product burning the product F26B23/028 F26B23/008using a heat pump cycle F26B23/02using combustion heating F26B3/305, F26B13/186, F26B21/001, F26B23/10 take precedence F26B23/022incinerating volatiles in the dryer exhaust gases, the produced hot gases being wholly, partly or not recycled into the drying enclosure F26B23/024by means of catalytic oxidation F26B23/026with pulse combustion, e.g. pulse jet combustion drying of particulate materials F26B23/028using solid fuel; burning the dried product F26B23/04using electric heating F26B23/10 takes precedence F26B23/06resistance heating F26B23/10using tubes or passages containing heated fluids , e.g. acting as radiative elements; Closed-loop systems for combustion gases F26B3/305 F26B25/00Details of general application not covered by group F26B21/00 or F26B23/00 loading, conveying, and unloading in general B65G F26B25/001Handling, e.g. loading or unloading arrangements F26B25/002for bulk goods F26B17/103 takes precedence F26B25/003for articles F26B25/004in the shape of discrete sheets wicket conveyors F26B15/085 F26B25/005Treatment of dryer exhaust gases incineration of volatiles F26B23/022 F26B25/006Separating volatiles, e.g. recovering solvents from dryer exhaust gases F26B25/007Dust filtering; Exhaust dust filters F26B25/008Seals, locks, e.g. gas barriers or air curtains, for drying enclosures F26B11/024 and F26B13/005 take precedence F26B25/009Alarm systems; Safety sytems, e.g. preventing fire and explosions using inert gases F26B21/14 F26B25/02Applications of driving mechanisms, not covered by another subclass F26B25/04Agitating, stirring, or scraping devices arrangement of doctor blades F26B17/286 F26B25/06Chambers, containers, or receptacles large containers having means for heating, cooling, aerating or other conditioning of contents B65D88/74 F26B25/063Movable containers or receptacles, e.g. carts, trolleys, pallet-boxes for use in freeze-drying apparatus F26B5/06; in general B62D F26B25/066Movable chambers, e.g. collapsible, demountable self-contained mobile devices, e.g. for agricultural produce F26B19/005 F26B25/08Parts thereof F26B25/10Floors, roofs, or bottomsFalse bottoms F26B25/12Walls or sidesDoors F26B25/14Chambers, containers, receptacles of simple construction F26B25/16mainly closed, e.g. drum F26B25/18mainly open, e.g. dish, tray, pan , rack for drying agricultural produce A01F25/12 F26B25/185Spacers; Elements for supporting the goods to be dried, i.e. positioned in-between the goods to build a ventilated stack separators for articles packaged in stacks B65D57/00; manipulating spacers for stacking purposes B65G57/005 F26B25/20Rollers F26B25/06, F26B13/14 take precedence F26B25/22Controlling the drying process in dependence on liquid content of solid materials or objects F26B25/225by repeated or continuous weighing of the material or a sample thereof F26B2200/00 F26B2200/00Drying processes and machines for solid materials characterised by the specific requirements of the drying good F26B2200/02Biomass, e.g. waste vegetative matter, straw F26B2200/04Garbage F26B2200/06Grains, e.g. cereals, wheat, rice, corn F26B2200/08Granular materials F26B2200/10Grass F26B2200/12Manure F26B2200/14Sand F26B2200/16Sea weedMarine products F26B2200/18Sludges, e.g. sewage, waste, industrial processes, cooling towers F26B2200/20Teas, i.e. drying, conditioning, withering of tea leaves F26B2200/22Tobacco leaves F26B2200/24Wood particles, e.g. shavings, cuttings, saw dust F26B2210/00Drying processes and machines for solid materials or objects characterised by the specific requirements of the drying good F26B2210/00Drying processes and machines for solid objects characterised by the specific requirements of the drying good F26B2210/02Ceramic articles or ceramic semi-finished articles F26B2210/04Eggs F26B2210/06Long pasta, e.g. spaghetti F26B2210/08Short pasta, e.g. macaroni, vermicelli F26B2210/10Umbrellas F26B2210/12Vehicle bodies, e.g. after being painted F26B2210/14Veneer, i.e. wood in thin sheets F26B2210/16Wood, e.g. lumber, timber