G01TMEASUREMENT OF NUCLEAR OR X-RADIATION radiation analysis of materials, mass spectrometry G01N23/00; tubes for determining the presence, intensity, density or energy of radiation or particles H01J47/00This subclass covers the measurement of X-radiation, gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation, cosmic radiation or neutron radiation.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class G01.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G01T1/00 G01T1/00Measuring X-radiation, gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation, or cosmic radiation G01T3/00, G01T5/00 take precedence G01T1/003Scintillation (flow) cells G01T1/006Total absorption calorimeters; Shower detectors G01T1/02Dosimeters G01T1/15 takes precedence G01T1/023Scintillation dose-rate meters G01T1/026Semiconductor dose-rate meters G01T1/04Chemical dosimeters G01T1/06, G01T1/08 take precedence G01T1/06Glass dosimeters using colour change; including plastic dosimeters G01T1/08Photographic dosimeters photometry G01J1/52 G01T1/10Luminescent dosimeters G01T1/105Read-out devices G01T1/115 takes precedence G01T1/11Thermo-luminescent dosimeters thermo-luminescent compositions C09K11/00 G01T1/115Read-out devices G01T1/12Calorimetric dosimeters G01T1/14Electrostatic dosimeters construction of ionisation chambers H01J47/02 ; electrometers G01R5/28 G01T1/142Charging devicesRead-out devices G01T1/15Instruments in which pulses generated by a radiation detector are integrated, e.g. by a diode pump circuit G01T1/16Measuring radiation intensity G01T1/29 takes precedence ; self-powered detectors G01T3/006; using an ionisation chamber filled with a liquid or solid, e.g. frozen liquid, dielectric G01T3/008 G01T1/1603with a combination of at least two different types of detector see provisionally also G01T1/16 G01T1/1606with other specified detectors not provided for in the other sub-groups of G01T1/16 see provisionally also G01T1/16 G01T1/161Applications in the field of nuclear medicine, e.g. in vivo counting apparatus for radiation diagnosis A61B6/00 G01T1/1611using both transmission and emission sources sequentially SPECT imaging G01T1/1642; PET imaging G01T1/2985; detecting hidden objects, e.g. weapons, explosives G01V5/0008 G01T1/1612with scintillation detectors G01T1/20 takes precedence G01T1/1614with semiconductor detectors G01T1/24 takes precedence G01T1/1615using both transmission and emission sources simultaneously SPECT imaging G01T1/1642; PET imaging G01T1/2985; detecting hidden objects, e.g. weapons, explosives G01V5/0008 G01T1/1617with scintillation detectors G01T1/20 takes precedence G01T1/1618with semiconductor detectors G01T1/24 takes precedence G01T1/163Whole body counters hand or feet contamination measurement G01T1/167; lung, brain, thyroid, kidney or the like counting G01T1/16 G01T1/1635involving relative movement between detector and subject; scanning beds profile scanning G01T1/166; positioning patients, tiltable tables for radiation diagnosis A61B6/04 G01T1/164Scintigraphy G01T1/1641Static instruments for imaging the distribution of radioactivity in one or two dimensions using one or several scintillating elements; Radio-isotope cameras G01T1/1642using a scintillation crystal and position sensing photodetector arrays, e.g. ANGER cameras G01T1/1644using an array of optically separate scintillation elements permitting direct location of scintillations G01T1/1645 takes precedence G01T1/1645using electron optical imaging means, e.g. image intensifier tubes, coordinate photomultiplier tubes, image converter G01T1/1647Processing of scintigraphic data not related to a particular imaging system G01T1/2992 G01T1/1648Ancillary equipment for scintillation cameras, e.g. reference markers, devices for removing motion artifacts, calibration devices adapted for flow studies G01T1/1647 G01T1/166involving relative movement between detector and subject scanners in general without using scintigraphy G01T1/2964 G01T1/1663Processing methods of scan data, e.g. involving contrast enhancement, background reduction, smoothing, motion correction, dual radio-isotope scanning, computer processing for measuring spatial distribution of radiation G01T1/2992; general purpose image data processing G06T1/00; computerized tomography G06T11/003; Ancillary equipment colour printers G01T1/1666 G01T1/1666adapted for printing different symbols or colours according to the intensity or energy level of the detected radioactivity depth discrimination in colour G01T1/2985 G01T1/167Measuring radioactive content of objects, e.g. contamination whole body counters G01T1/163 G01T1/169Exploration, location of contaminated surface areas G01T1/17Circuit arrangements not adapted to a particular type of detector pulse-selection circuits H03K, G01R G01T1/171Compensation of dead-time counting losses see provisionally also G01T1/17 G01T1/172with coincidence circuit arrangements G01T1/178 takes precedence ; combination of detectors, see G01T1/1603, G01T1/30, G01T1/361 G01T1/175Power supply circuits G01T1/178for measuring specific activity in the presence of other radioactive substances, e.g. natural, in the air or in liquids such as rain water G01T1/18with counting-tube arrangements, e.g. with Geiger counters tubes H01J47/08; with alarm provision G01T7/125 G01T1/185with ionisation chamber arrangements G01T1/20with scintillation detectors G01T1/2002Optical details, e.g. reflecting or diffusing layers G01T1/2004Scintilloscopes fluoroscopes G21K4/00; radiation diagnosis A61B6/00 G01T1/2006using a combination of a scintillator and photodetector which measures the means radiation intensity G01T1/2008using a combination of different types of scintillation detectors, e.g. phoswich G01T1/201using scintillating fibres G01T1/2012using stimulable phosphors, e.g. stimulable phosphor sheets G01T1/2014Reading out of stimulable sheets, e.g. latent image G01T1/2016Erasing of stimulable sheets, e.g. with light, heat or the like G01T1/2018Scintillation-photodiode combinationsGroup G01T1/2018 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01T1/20181 - G01T1/2019.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20181Stacked detectors, e.g. for measuring energy and positional information using a combination of different types of scintillation detectors, e.g. phoswich detectors, G01T1/2008Group G01T1/20181 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Group G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20181 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20182Modular detectors, e.g. tiled scintillators or tiled photodiodes stacked detectors G01T1/20181Group G01T1/20182 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Groups G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20182 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20183Arrangements for preventing or correcting crosstalk, e.g. optical or electrical arrangements for correcting crosstalkGroup G01T1/20183 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Groups G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20183 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20184Detector read-out circuitry, e.g. for clearing of traps, compensating for traps or compensating for direct hitsGroup G01T1/20184 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Groups G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20184 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20185Coupling means between the photodiode and the scintillator, e.g. optical couplings using adhesives with wavelength-shifting fibresGroup G01T1/20185 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Groups G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20185 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20186Position of the photodiode with respect to the incoming radiation, e.g. in the front of, below or sideways the scintillatorGroup G01T1/20186 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Groups G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20186 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20187Position of the scintillator with respect to the photodiode, e.g. photodiode surrounding the crystal, the crystal surrounding the photodiode, shape or size of the scintillatorGroup G01T1/20187 is incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
Groups G01T1/2018 and G01T1/20187 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20188Auxiliary details, e.g. casings or coolingGroups G01T1/20188, G01T1/20189, and G01T1/2019 are incomplete pending reclassification from group G01T1/2018.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01T1/20189Damping or insulation against damage, e.g. caused by heat or pressure G01T1/2019Shielding against direct hits
G01T1/202the detector being a crystal G01T1/2023Selection of materials see provisionally also G01T1/202 G01T1/2026Well-type detectors see provisionally also G01T1/202 G01T1/203the detector being made of plastics G01T1/2033Selection of materials see provisionally also G01T1/203 G01T1/2036Well-type detectors see provisionally also G01T1/203 G01T1/204the detector being a liquid G01T1/2042Composition for liquid scintillation systems G01T1/2045Liquid scintillation quench systems G01T1/2047Sample preparation G01T1/205the detector being a gas G01T1/208Circuits specially adapted for scintillation detectors, e.g. for the photo-multiplier section
G01T1/22with Cerenkov detectors G01T1/24with semiconductor detectors G01T1/241Electrode arrangements, e.g. continuous or parallel strips or the like constructional or manufacturing details H01L31/00 G01T1/242Stacked detectors, e.g. for depth information constructional or manufacturing details H01L25/00 G01T1/243Modular detectors, e.g. arrays formed from self contained units constructional or manufacturing details H01L25/00 G01T1/244Auxiliary details, e.g. casings, cooling, damping or insulation against damage by, e.g. heat, pressure or the like G01T1/245using memory cells G01T1/246utilizing latent read-out, e.g. charge stored and read-out later G01T1/247Detector read-out circuitry for processing gain or off-set correction H04N G01T1/248Silicon photomultipliers [SiPM], e.g. an avalanche photodiode [APD] array on a common Si substrate G01T1/249specially adapted for use in SPECT or PET SPECT imaging G01T1/1642; PET imaging G01T1/2985; detecting hidden objects, e.g. weapons, explosives G01V5/0008 G01T1/26with resistance detectors photoresistors H01L31/00 G01T1/28with secondary-emission detectors
G01T1/29Measurement performed on radiation beams, e.g. position or section of the beamMeasurement of spatial distribution of radiation G01T1/2907Angle determination; Directional detectors; Telescopes prospecting by the use of nuclear radiation, e.g. of natural or induced radioactivity G01V5/00 G01T1/2914Measurement of spatial distribution of radiation G01T1/2921Static instruments for imaging the distribution of radioactivity in one or two dimensions; Radio-isotope cameras using scintigraphy G01T1/1641 G01T1/2928using solid state detectors G01T1/2935using ionisation detectors G01T1/2942using autoradiographic methods G01T1/295using coded aperture devices, e.g. Fresnel zone plates handling of radiation of particles, e.g. using diaphragms, collimators, diffraction G21K1/00 G01T1/2957using channel multiplier arrays channel multipliers H01J43/18; G01T1/1645 takes precedence G01T1/2964Scanners using scintigraphy G01T1/166 G01T1/2971using solid state detectors G01T1/2978Hybrid imaging systems, e.g. using a position sensitive detector (camera) to determine the distribution in one direction and using mechanical movement of the detector or the subject in the other direction or using a camera to determine the distribution in two dimensions and using movement of the camera or the subject to increase the field of view G01T1/2985 takes precedence G01T1/2985In depth localisation, e.g. using positron emitters; Tomographic imaging (longitudinal and transverse section imaging; apparatus for radiation diagnosis sequentially in different planes, steroscopic radiation diagnosis); using external radiation sources A61B6/02 G01T1/2992Radioisotope data or image processing not related to a particular imaging system; Off-line processing of pictures, e.g. rescanners for measuring radiation intensity G01T1/1663; digital computing or data processing equipment or methods specially adapted for nuclear physics or nuclear engineering G06F15/00; general purpose image data processing G06T1/00; computerized tomography G06T11/003 G01T1/30Measuring half-life of a radioactive substance period meters for nuclear fission reactors G21C17/14 G01T1/32Measuring polarisation of particles G01T1/34Measuring cross-section, e.g. absorption cross-section of particles G01T1/36Measuring spectral distribution of X-rays or of nuclear radiation spectrometry pulse selection circuits per se H03K; investigation of materials by radiation diffraction G01N23/20; spectrometer tubes H01J49/00 G01T1/361with a combination of detectors of different types, e.g. anti-Compton spectrometers intensity measurement with a combination of detectors G01T1/1603; with coincidence circuit G01T1/172; se provisionally also G01T1/36G01T1/361 takes precedence over G01T1/362 G01T1/362with scintillation detectors see provisionally also G01T1/36, G01T1/20 G01T1/363with Cerenkov detectors G01T1/365with ionisation detectors, e.g. proportional counter see provisionally also G01T1/36 G01T1/366with semi-conductor detectors see provisionally also G01T1/36 G01T1/367with resistance detectors see provisionally also G01T1/36 G01T1/368with secondary-emission detectors see provisionally G01T1/36 G01T1/38Particle discrimination and measurement of relative mass, e.g. by measurement of loss of energy with distance (dE/dx) constructional details of semiconductor detectors therefor H01L31/00 G01T1/40Stabilisation of spectrometers
G01T3/00Measuring neutron radiation G01T5/00 takes precedence G01T3/001Spectrometry G01T3/003Recoil spectrometers light-nuclei recoil ionisation tubes per se H01J47/1277 G01T3/005Time-of-flight spectrometers see provisionally also G01T3/00 G01T3/006using self-powered detectors (for neutrons as well as for Y- or X-rays) , e.g. using Compton-effect (Compton diodes) or photo-emission or a (n,B) nuclear reaction photovoltaic semiconductors H01L31/00; photo-tubes H01J40/00; thermionic generators H01J45/00; radioisotopic generators G21H1/00, e.g. G21H1/02, G21H1/04 G01T3/008using an ionisation chamber filled with a gas, liquid or solid, e.g. frozen liquid, dielectric G01T3/006 takes precedence G01T3/02by shielding other radiation G01T3/04using calorimetric devices G01T3/06with scintillation detectors G01T3/065Spectrometry G01T3/08with semiconductor detectors G01T3/085Spectrometry G01T5/00Recording of movements or tracks of particles spark chambers H01J47/00Processing or analysis of such tracks G01T5/002using a combination of several movement of track recording devices detectors associated with recording chambers and only serving to trigger these chambers, see the appropriate groups of the chamber, e.g. G01T5/04 - G01T5/08; see provisionally also G01T5/00 and other sub-groups G01T5/004Non-electrical readout of multi-wire or parallel-plate chambers non-electrical readout in such chambers per se H01J47/22 G01T5/006by optical methods G01T5/008by acoustical methods G01T5/02Processing of tracksAnalysis of tracks G01T5/04Cloud chambers, e.g. Wilson chamber G01T5/06Bubble chambers G01T5/08Scintillation chambers discharge tubes H01J40/00, H01J47/00; semiconductor devices H01L G01T5/10Plates or blocks in which tracks of nuclear particles are made visible by after-treatment, e.g. using photographic emulsion, using mica G01T5/12Circuit arrangements with multi-wire or parallel-plate chambers, e.g. spark chambers tubes per se H01J47/00 G01T5/122for readout of each individual wires; readout in such chambers per se H01J47/16; for processing the output signals G01T5/125by using delay lines G01T5/127by using magnetostrictive delay lines G01T7/00Details of radiation-measuring instruments G01T7/005calibration techniques stabilization of spectrometer G01T1/40 G01T7/02Collecting means for receiving or storing samples to be investigated and possibly directly transporting the samples to the measuring arrangement; particularly for investigating radioactive fluids sampling, preparing specimens for investigation in general G01N1/00, G01N1/02; shielded cells or rooms structurally combined with manipulatin devices G21F; measuring of chromatographically separated samples G01N30/00 - G01N30/96 G01T7/04by filtration G01T7/06by electrostatic precipitation G01T7/04 takes precedence G01T7/08Means for conveying samples received G01T7/10using turntables G01T7/12Provision for actuation of an alarm G01T7/125Alarm- or controlling circuits using ionisation chambers, proportional counters or Geiger-Mueller tubes, also functioning as UV detectors measuring radiation intensity with counting tubes G01T1/18; measuring radiation intensity with ionisation chambers G01T1/185; fire alarms actuated by presence of radiation of particles, e.g. of infra-red radiation, of ions G08B17/11; flame monitoring in combustion devices F23Q7/00, F23N; discharge tubes per se H01J47/00