G04BMECHANICALLY-DRIVEN CLOCKS OR WATCHESMECHANICAL PARTS OF CLOCKS OR WATCHES IN GENERALTIME PIECES USING THE POSITION OF THE SUN, MOON OR STARS spring- or weight-driven mechanisms in general F03G; electromechanical clocks or watches G04C; electromechanical clocks with attached or built-in means operating any device at pre-selected times or after predetermined time intervals G04C23/00; clocks or watches with stop devices G04F7/08This subclass covers mechanically-driven clocks or clockwork calendars, and the mechanical part of such clocks or calendars.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G04B1/00Driving mechanisms G04B1/00Driving mechanisms driving mechanisms for Turkish time G04B19/22; driving mechanisms in the hands G04B45/043; driving mechanisms for phonographic apparatus G11B19/00; springs, driving weight engines F03G; driving mechanisms for cinematography G03B1/00; driving mechnisms; driving mechanisms for time fuses for missiles F42C; driving mechnisms for toys A63H29/00 G04B1/02with driving weight G04B1/04Mechanisms in which the clockwork acts as the driving weight G04B1/06with several weights winding up several weights simultaneously G04B3/00 G04B1/08Driving weightsChainsChain wheelsArbors for chain wheels wheels and spindles in general F16F G04B1/10with mainspring synchronous motors with power reserve G04C15/0054; springs in general F16F G04B1/105having a form other than a helix G04B1/12 and G04B1/14 take precedence G04B1/12with several mainsprings installations with a mainspring and an auxiliary spring G04B1/225; winding-up several mainsprings simultaneously G04B3/008 G04B1/14MainspringsBridles therefor mainsprings with bridles G04B1/18; alloys C22C; springs in general F16F ; constructions for compensation of changes in the motive power of the mainspring G04B1/22; construction of the hairspring G04B17/066; arrangements facilitating the removal of the mainspring G04B33/14 G04B1/145Composition and manufacture of the springs compositions and manufacture of components, wheels, spindles, pivots, or the like G04B13/02; compositions of component escapements G04B15/14; composition and manufacture or hairsprings G04B17/066; compensation for the effects of variations of temperature of springs using alloys, especially for hairsprings G04B17/227; materials for bearings of clockworks G04B31/00; heat treatment and chemical or mechanical treatment for control of the structure C21D8/00; iron and steel alloys C22C; non-ferrous alloys C22C and B22F G04B1/16BarrelsArborsBarrel axles arrangements facilitating the removal of the mainspring G04B33/14 G04B1/165Spring cylinder with friction transmission to the gearing (especially for Roskopf clockworks); friction clutch between spring and spring cylinder G04B1/185 G04B1/18Constructions for connecting the ends of the mainsprings with the barrel or the arbor mainsprings and bridles therefor G04B1/14; clamping the hairspring on the regulator G04B18/026; clamping the hairspring on the arbor G04B17/32 G04B1/185Friction clutch between spring and spring cylinder friction transmission between spring cylinder and gearing G04B1/165; other arrangements for protection against rupture or overwinding G04B1/20 G04B1/20Protecting arrangements against rupture or overwinding of the mainspring located in the barrel or attached to the barrel in connection with keys or the like G04B3/06, G04B3/10; in connection with automatic winding devices G04B5/24 ; protecting arrangements in which the spring and the spring cylinder are connected by friction G04B1/185; protecting arrangements G04B9/02; calibers with arrangements affording protection of the clockwork against damage as a consequence of a rupture of the mainspring G04B33/16; electric winding arrangements with protection against overwinding of mechanical clockworks G04C1/10; driving mechanisms for gramophones G11B19/22, G11B19/28 G04B1/205Stop-mechanisms G04B1/22Compensation of changes in the motive power of the mainspring by mechanical shaping of the mainspring G04B1/14 ; automatic regulation of the pendulum G04B18/003; of the regulator G04B19/28 G04B1/225with the aid of an interposed power-accumulator (secondary spring) which is always tensioned winding up several mainsprings or driving weights simultaneously G04B3/008 G04B1/24with both mainsprings and driving weights winding up several mainsprings or driving weights simultaneously G04B3/008 G04B1/26driven by liquids or gasesLiquid or gaseous drives for mechanically-controlled secondary clocks winding up by pneumatic means G04B3/12; winding up automatically by wind power G04B5/203; winding up by electro-thermal or electro-pneumatic arrangements G04C1/003; thermo-electric or thermo-pneumatic driving mechanisms G04C3/18 G04B1/265Clockwork systems working therewith winding up electrical or mechanical clocks G04C1/006; electrical clockwork installations G04C13/00 G04B3/00Winding G04B3/00Normal winding of clockworks by hand or mechanicallyWinding up several mainsprings or driving weights simultaneously automatic winding up G04B5/00; combined normal and automatic winding up G04B7/00; click devices G04B11/00; winding up the striking mechanism by the clockwork and vice versa G04B21/14; mechanical devices for setting the time-indication by using the winding means G04B27/02, G04B27/083; calibers of which the mainsprings are easily removable G04B33/14; winding mechanical clocks electrically G04C1/00; tools for setting springs G04D1/04; driving mechanisms for gramophones G11B19/00; driving mechanisms for cinematographs G03B1/00 G04B3/001by push button crown combined with push button G04B3/046; construction of push button G04B3/048; waterproof push buttons G04B37/106 G04B3/003by lever mechanism G04B3/005by draw mechanism G04B3/006Mechanical winding up; winding up with special equipment removably-mounted keys G04B3/02; winding up equipment for clocks with automatic winding up equipment G04B5/00 G04B3/008Winding up several mainsprings or driving weights simultaneously driving mechanisms with several weights G04B1/06; driving mechanisms with several mainsprings G04B1/12; driving mechanisms with a mainspring and a secondary spring G04B1/225; driving mechanisms with mainsprings and driving weights G04B1/24; winding up the striking mechanisms with the clockwork and vice versa G04B21/14 G04B3/02Removably-mounted keys or the like special tools for clockworks with difficult access, universal keys for watches with a small crown G04B3/006; keys with means preventing overwinding G04B3/06; protecting means preventing overwinding G04B3/10 G04B3/04Rigidly-mounted keys, knobs or crowns jointed winding-stem G04B37/06 G04B3/041Construction of crowns for rotating movement; connection with the winding stem; winding stems G04B3/043Locking of the operating element, also by mounting in a concealed place G04B3/045Storing the operating element, also bringing it out of storage G04B3/046Operation by rotation and axial movement with extra function of axial shift of operating element, e.g. crown combined with push button winding up by push button G04B3/001 G04B3/048Operation exclusively by axial movement of a push-button, e.g. for chronographs winding up by push button G04B3/001; hermetically sealed push button G04B37/106 G04B3/06Keys or the like with means preventing overwinding protecting devices arranged in, or attached to, the barrel G04B1/20; in connection with automatic winding devices G04B1/24 ; construction of removably-mounted keys G04B3/02; means preventing overwinding, including those attached to the case, G04B3/10; protecting means G04B9/02; protection against overwinding for electrical winding up arrangements for mechanical clocks G04C1/10 G04B3/08by parts of the cases setting the time-indicating means by parts of the case G04B27/00 G04B3/10Protecting means preventing overwinding arranged in, or attached to, the barrel G04B1/20; in connection with keys G04B3/06; in connection with automatic winding devices G04B5/24 ; protection G04B9/02; of electrical winding up arrangements for mechanical clocks G04C1/10 G04B3/12by mechanical means, e.g. pneumatic motor winding up with electric or electromechanical means G04C ; liquid or gas driving mechanisms G04B1/26; automatic winding up by wind power G04B5/203 G04B5/00Automatic winding up normal winding up by hand or mechanically G04B3/00; automatic winding in combination with hand winding G04B7/00; electrical winding of mechanical clockworks G04C1/00; advertising by making use of vibrations or shocks of land vehicles G09F21/045 G04B5/002by moving of parts of the clockwork which are not primarily for winding up G04B5/005by relative movement between watch bands, case or parts of the case G04B5/007Clockworks, which wind up by driving the function, e.g. perpetua mobilia see also F03G7/10 G04B5/02by self-winding caused by the movement of the watch bearings, suspensions for oscillating weights G04B5/18; mechanisms for transformation of an oscillating movement into a rotating movement in only one direction G04B11/00 G04B5/04by oscillating weights the movement of which is limited setting the time indicating means with the aid of a rocking bar G04B27/00 G04B5/06acting in one direction only G04B5/08acting in both directions G04B5/10by oscillating weights the movement of which is not limited G04B5/12acting in one direction only G04B5/14acting in both directions G04B5/16Construction of the weights G04B5/165Weights consisting of several parts diverse weights which are movable in more than one plane G04B5/187 G04B5/18Supports, suspensions or guide arrangements, for oscillating weights transmission of the movement of the winding up weight to the mainspring G04B5/04, G04B5/10; support of the driving weight by protecting means which prevent overwinding, e.g. by interposing of a glide clutch G04B5/24; bearings in general G04B33/00 G04B5/181The bearing of the rocking bar is in the centre of rotation combined with a support or guide arrangement G04B5/182Guide arrangement of the moving weight in a straight course G04B5/184Guide arrangement of the moving weight in a circular course G04B5/185Suspension of the moving weight by elastic means G04B5/187 takes precedence G04B5/187Bearing, guide arrangements or suspension allowing movement in more than one plane, e.g. there is more than one moving weight, or more than one plane in which the weight moves, and it can change place relative to the clockwork G04B5/188Bearing, guide arrangements or suspension of the movement forming oscillating weight G04B5/19Suspension of the oscillating weight at its centre of rotation G04B5/195the centre of rotation not being the centre of the clockwork G04B5/20by movements of other objects, e.g. by opening a hand-bag, by opening a case, by opening a doorWinding up by wind power G04B5/203by liquids or gases driven by liquids or gases G04B1/26; winding up by pneumatic motor G04B3/12; winding up by electrothermal or electropneumatic driving means G04C1/003; driving of the clockwork by such means G04C3/18 G04B5/206by rotating axles, e.g. tachometers direct drive of the clockwork, e.g. without winding up of a spring or the like by a rotating axle G04B7/00; combination with measuring instruments in general G04B47/06 G04B5/22by thermometric, barometric or like effects or alterations by electrothermal or electropneumatic driving means G04C1/003; driving the clockwork by such means G04C3/18 G04B5/24Protecting means preventing overwinding arranged in, or attached to, the barrel G04B1/20; in connection with keys or the like G04B3/06; in connection with parts of the cases G04B3/10 ; support of the moving weight G04B5/18; protection means G04B9/02; electrical driving means for mechanical clockworks G04C1/10 G04B5/245by locking the moving weight G04B7/00Combined normal and automatic winding up normal winding up by hand or mechanically G04B3/00; automatic winding up G04B5/00; electric winding up of mechanical clockworks G04C1/003 G04B9/00Supervision of the state of winding, e.g. indicating the amount of winding G04B9/005by optical indication of the amount of winding G04B9/02Devices controlled by such state, e.g. device affording protection means against overwinding protecting means preventing overwinding arranged in or on the barrel G04B1/20; protecting means in connection with keys or the like G04B3/06; in connection with parts of the cases G04B3/10; in connection with automatic winding devices G04B5/24 ; electric winding up of mechanical clockworks G04C1/10 G04B9/025Acoustical or electrical indicating means G04B11/00Click devicesStop clicksClutches mechanisms for winding up by hand G04B3/00; automatic winding up G04B5/00; clutches in general, class 111 G04B11/001Clutch mechanism between two rotating members with transfer of movement in both directions, possibly with limitation on the transfer of power G04B11/003with friction member, e.g. with spring action G04B11/005with magnetic elements G04B11/006Clutch mechanism between two rotating members with transfer of movement in only one direction (free running devices) G04B11/008with friction members, e.g. click springs or jumper G04B11/02Devices allowing the motion of a rotatable part in only one direction G04B11/022with a ratchet which makes contact with the rotating member by means of teeth G04B11/024rotatable about a fixed axis by means of spring action G04B11/026with clamping member G04B11/028with friction member, e.g. click spring G04B11/04Pawl constructions therefor, e.g. pawl secured to an oscillating member actuating a ratchet G04B13/00Transmission of the driving force on the escape and on the regulation mechanism G04B13/00Gearwork gearwork for driving the hands G04B19/02; calibers G04B33/00; dispositions and components for transmission in general F16H G04B13/001with the choice of adjustable or varying transmission ratio G04B13/002where rotation in one direction is changed into a stepping movement G04B13/003with a step for each complete revolution counters in general H03K G04B13/005where a revolution in both directions is changed into a revolution in one direction G04B13/006with two free wheel positions G04B13/007with differential work G04B13/008Differentials G04B13/02WheelsPinionsSpindlesPivots bearings G04B31/00 ; chain wheels, spindles for chain wheels, also chains and driving weights G04B1/08Groups G04B13/02, G04B13/021, G04B13/022, G04B13/023, G04B13/025, G04B13/027 and G04B13/028 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G04B13/026.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G04B13/021elastic fitting with a spindle, axis or shaft G04B13/022with parts made of hard material, e.g. silicon, diamond, sapphire, quartz and the like G04B13/023allowing rotational slipping when a threshold torque is exceeded G04B13/025with elastic means between the toothing and the hub of a toothed wheel G04B13/026Assembly and manufacture assembly and manufacture of springs G04B1/145; machines and tools for the manufacture of chain wheels for clocks G04D3/00; component parts and manufacture of the escape wheel G04B15/14; steel alloys C22C33/00 - C22C38/00; manufacture of pinions from synthetic material B29; non-ferrous alloys C22C; pinions manufactured by milling and planing B23FGroup G04B13/026 is no longer used for the classification of documents as of 2022-05-01.
The content of this group is being reclassified into groups G04B13/02, G04B13/021, G04B13/022, G04B13/023, G04B13/025, G04B13/027 and G04B13/028.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G04B13/027planar toothing: shape and design adjusting the backlash of the arbors G04B35/00 G04B13/028wheels in which the teeth are conic, contrate, etc; also column wheels construction start-stop mechanisms with column wheels G04F7/0847
G04B15/00Operating mechanisms G04B15/00Escapements in striking mechanisms G04B21/06; electric or magnetic means for converting oscillatory to rotary motion in electromechanical time-pieces G04C5/005 G04B15/02permanently in contact with the regulating mechanism G04B15/04Cylinder escapements G04B15/06Free escapements G04B15/08Lever escapements G04B15/10with constant impulses for the regulating mechanism electrically driven pendulums with mechanical pulse transmission and constant pulse G04C3/022; electrically driven pendulums with mechanical pulse transmission and constant pulse G04C3/045 G04B15/12Adjusting tools therefor G04D1/02Restricting the amplitude of the lever or the like adjusting the gear train G04B35/00 G04B15/14Component parts or constructional details, e.g. construction of the lever or the escape wheel assembly and manufacture of the spring G04B1/145; assembly and manufacture of components, e.g. pinions, spindles G04B13/02; lubrication of clockwork bearings G04B31/008; oils for clockwork bearings in general G04B31/08 G04B17/00Regulating mechanisms G04B17/00Mechanisms for stabilising frequency for setting frequency G04B18/00; magnetic G04C5/005; in striking mechanisms G04B21/06; stopping and regulating of the running G04B23/023; electrically driven mechanical regulation G04C3/165; electrical and thermo-electric regulating mechanisms G04C5/00 G04B17/005Regulating mechanisms where the movement is maintained by pneumatic means oscillation generation by pneumatic means G04F5/12 G04B17/02Oscillators acting by gravity, e.g. pendulum swinging in a plane setting the pendulum to the required length G04B18/003; temperature compensation for pendulums G04B17/225; bearings in general, e.g. knife-edge G04B31/00; clocks fitted in pendulums G04B45/043; imitation pendulums driven by the clock mechanism G04B45/0046, G04B45/0053; pendulum ornamentation G04B45/0061; contacts actuated by a pendulum G04C13/065; measurement of force with a pendulum G01V7/12 G04B17/025Composite and multiple pendulums; Synchronisation of mechanical pendulums, e.g. electrical synchronisation G04C3/025; pendulum systems G04C13/028 G04B17/04Oscillators acting by spring tension G04B17/045with oscillating blade springs mechanical oscillations maintained by electro-magnetic means, e.g. tuning forks G04C3/10 G04B17/06Oscillators with hairsprings, e.g. balance electrically driven balances G04C3/04; contacts actuated by a balance G04C13/065 G04B17/063Balance construction balances with frequency adjustment screw G04B18/006; balances with temperature compensation G04B17/222; balancing devices G04B17/28 G04B17/066Manufacture of the spiral spring locking of the spiral spring by the regulating lever G04B18/026; spiral spring with temperature compensation G04B17/227; fixation of the spiral spring on the collet G04B17/32; mainspring G04B1/14 G04B17/08Oscillators with coil springs stretched and unstretched axially G04B17/10Oscillators with torsion strips or springs acting in the same manner as torsion strips, e.g. weight oscillating in a horizontal plane electrically driven torsion pendulum G04C3/033 G04B17/20Compensation of mechanisms for stabilising frequency G04B17/22for the effect of variations of temperature alloys with small expansion coefficient C21C, C22C; adjustment of the regulator dependant on adjustment of the hands G04B18/028; depending on the difference in time with a comparison clockwork G04C11/007 G04B17/222with balances construction of balances G04B17/063 G04B17/225with pendulums construction of pendulums G04B17/02; setting frequency on the pendulum G04B18/003 G04B17/227composition and manufacture of the material used composition and manufacture of hairsprings G04B17/066; of springs G04B1/145; anti-magnetic alloys G04B43/007; ferrous alloys C22C; non-ferrous alloys C22C, B22F G04B17/24for the effect of variations of atmospheric pressure G04B17/26for the effect of variations of the impulses G04B17/28for the effect of unbalance of the weights, e.g. tourbillon construction of the balance G04B17/063; setting the frequency by adjusting devices fixed on the balance G04B18/006 G04B17/285Tourbillons or carrousels G04B17/30Rotating governors, e.g. centrifugal governors, fan governors for striking mechanism G04B21/06 ; electrically driven G04C3/0335 G04B17/32Component parts or constructional details, e.g. collet, stud , virole or piton G04B17/325for fastening the hairspring in a fixed position, e.g. using a block G04B17/34for fastening the hairspring onto the balance G04B17/345Details of the spiral roll G04B18/00Mechanisms for setting frequency for stabilising frequency G04B17/00 G04B18/003by displacement of devices carried by the pendulum or by adjusting the pendulum length pendulums and suspension G04B17/02; self- adjustment of the regulating lever G04B18/028, G04B17/22, G04C11/007; adjusting the stroke of the pendulum G04B18/04; time indicating by acoustic means G04B21/00; synchronisation with a standard clock G04C11/007; metronome with a variable length G04F5/027 G04B18/006by adjusting the devices fixed on the balance construction of the pendulum G04B17/063; balancing G04B17/28 G04B18/02Regulator or adjustment devicesIndexing devices , e.g. raquettes G04B18/021adjusting the indexing device from the outside G04B18/023with means for fine adjustment of the indexing device G04B18/025Fixing of the indexing device G04B18/026Locking the hair spring in the indexing device, e.g. goupille of the raquette hairsprings G04B17/066; locking the mainspring on the axle G04B1/18 G04B18/028Setting the regulator by means coupled to or depending on another device, e.g. by the time indication setting mechanism automatic adjustment of the pendulum length G04B17/225, G04B18/003, G04C11/007; automatic adjustment of the regulator for temperature compensation G04B17/22; automatic adjustment of the regulator dependant on the tension of the mainspring G04B1/22 G04B18/04Adjusting the beat of the pendulum, balance, or the like, e.g. putting into beat G04B18/06by setting the collet or the stud of a hairspring G04B18/08Component parts or constructional details G04B17/32 takes precedence G04B19/00Time indicating G04B19/00Indicating the time by visual means indicating the time optically by electric means G04C17/00, e.g. by electric lamps G04C17/02; display arrangements in general G09F G04B19/02Back-gearing arrangements between gear train and hands transmissions in general G04B13/00 G04B19/025for simultaneous indicating on several dials indicating means allowing simultaneous indication G04B19/048; with several separate dials G04B19/08; extra hands for indicating different local apparent times G04B19/23; with several clockworks G04B37/0083 G04B19/04HandsDiscs with a single mark or the like moving indicating arrangements which have scales or numbers with stationary hands or reading means G04B19/20; optical projection of the position of the hands G04B19/34 G04B19/042Construction and manufacture of the hands; arrangements for increasing reading accuracy hands with illumination G04B19/305; specially shaped hands, e.g. figures or pictures G04B45/0061; clockwork in the hands G04B45/043; invisible drive of the hands G04B45/046 G04B19/044Mounting and setting of the hands on the axle G04B19/046Indicating by means of a disc with a mark or window for simultaneous indicating G04B19/048 G04B19/048having the possibility of indicating on more than one scale, e.g. hands with variable length which work on different scales simultaneous indicating on several dials G04B19/025; indicating by discs used as hands G04B19/046; used as moving scales G04B19/202; different indications on several scales or dials, e.g. for different local apparent times G04B19/23 G04B19/06Dials moving discs G04B19/20; illuminated dials or hands G04B19/30; for time-pieces without clockwork G04B49/04 ; machines and arrangements for the manufacture of dials or hands G04D3/0048 G04B19/065with several parts G04B19/08Geometrical arrangement of the graduations G04B19/082varying from the normal closed scale G04B19/085varying from the normal 12 hour arrangement G04B19/087with several separate scales for indicating the same or different times of the clockwork; indicating devices making several simultaneous indications possible G04B19/048 G04B19/10Ornamental shape of the graduations or the surface of the dialAttachment of the graduations to the dial cases for special purposes, e.g. ring or button watches G04B37/12; indicating means with special effects G04B45/00 G04B19/103attached or inlaid numbers attaching of jewels or ornaments G04B47/042; arrangements for attaching bearing jewels, or the like G04D3/04 G04B19/106Special number markings G04B19/12Selection of materials for dials or graduations markings G04B19/14Fastening the dials to the clock or watch plates tools, arrangements and machines for the manufacture of watch plates G04D3/0048 G04B19/16Shiftable dials, e.g. indicating alternately from 1 to 12 and from 13 to 24 dials with a scale other than the normal 12 hour scale G04B19/085 G04B19/163numbers which are visible alternately from 1 to 12 and from 13 to 24 on the same dial G04B19/085 G04B19/166with rotating scales G04B19/18Graduations on the crystal or glass, on the bezel, or on the rim G04B19/20Indicating by numbered bands, drums, discs, or sheets indicating means without numbers or hands in general G04B19/04; illuminated G04B19/30; with optical projection G04B19/34; gearwork and linking in general G04B13/00; electrically driven G04C19/04; counter mechanisms G06M G04B19/202by means of turning discs disc-shaped indicating devices with a reference mark or a window G04B19/046; discs driven by clockwork and producing optical special effects G04B45/0007; with inscriptions or drawings driven by a clockwork G04B45/0023; with figures or parts of figures driven by clockwork G04B45/0038 G04B19/205by means of sheets G04B19/207by means of bands bands as time indicating means with a reference mark or window G04B19/04 G04B19/21Drums drum-shaped or spatial indicating devices G04B19/04; fixed scales or dials G04B19/06; scales disposed on a terrestrial globe for indicating local times in different places G04B19/22; clockwork combined with a lamp with no functional relationship G04B47/02 G04B19/22Arrangements for indicating different local apparent timesUniversal time pieces indicating by means of numbers or signs disposed on moving devices G04B19/20; illumination of dials or hands G04B19/30; combination with a terrestial globe in general G04B47/02; electronic time-zone watches G04G9/0076 G04B19/221mechanisms for correcting the hours hand only, i.e. independently for minutes and seconds hands G04B19/223with rotary disc, rotary bezel, or rotary dial G04B19/225driving mechanism for the bezel G04B19/226three-dimensionally shaped, e.g. terrestrial globes, cylinders and the like G04B19/228with linear time graduation G04B19/23by means of additional hands or additional pairs of hands simultaneous indication on several dials G04B19/025; indicating devices giving several simultaneous indications G04B19/048 G04B19/235mechanisms for correcting the additional hand or hands time setting G04B27/00 G04B19/24Clocks or watches with date or week-day indicators , i.e. calendar clocks or watchesClockwork calendars G04B19/241the date is indicated by one or more hands G04B19/243characterised by the shape of the date indicator G04B19/24306combination of different shapes, e.g. bands and discs, discs and drums for electrically driven timepieces G04C17/0041 G04B19/24313Independent date indicating devices activated by hand or by clockwork G04B19/2432Driving or releasing mechanisms wherein the date indicators are driven or released mechanically by a clockwork movement G04B19/24326driven or released stepwise by the clockwork movement G04B19/24333driven or released stepwise by an energy source which is released at determined moments by the clockwork movement G04B19/2434driven or released by their own energy source which is released at regular time intervals G04B19/24346band-shaped G04B19/24306 takes precedence; for electrically driven timepieces G04C17/0016 G04B19/24353Independent date indicating devices activated by hand or by clockwork G04B19/2436Driving or releasing mechanisms wherein the date indicators are driven or released mechanically by a clockwork movement G04B19/24366driven or released stepwise by the clockwork movement G04B19/24373driven or released stepwise by an energy source which is released at determined moments by the clockwork movement G04B19/2438driven or released by their own energy source which is released at regular time intervals G04B19/24386sheet-shaped G04B19/24306 takes precedence; flap-shaped for electrically driven timepieces G04C17/0033 G04B19/24393Driving or releasing mechanisms wherein the date indicators are driven or released mechanically by a clockwork movement G04B19/247disc-shaped G04B19/24306 takes precedence; for electrically driven timepieces G04C17/0058 G04B19/25Devices for setting the date indicators manually G04B19/253Driving or releasing mechanisms G04B19/25306Independent date indicating devices activated by hand or by clockwork, e.g. calendar watches G04B19/25313driven or released by a steady movement G04B19/2532automatically corrected at the end of mounths having less than 31 days G04B19/25326manually corrected at the end of months having less than 31 days G04B19/25333wherein the date indicators are driven or released mechanically by a clockwork movement G04B19/2534driven or released continuously by the clockwork movement G04B19/25346manually corrected at the end of months having less than 31 days G04B19/25353driven or released stepwise by the clockwork movement G04B19/2536automatically corrected at the end of months having less than 31 days G04B19/25366manually corrected at the end of months having less than 31 days G04B19/25373driven or released stepwise by an energy source which is released at determined moments by the clockwork movement G04B19/2538automatically corrected at the end of months having less than 31 days G04B19/25386manually corrected at the end of months having less than 31 days G04B19/25393driven or released by their own energy source which is released at regular time intervals G04B19/257drum-shaped or three-dimensional shaped G04B19/24306 takes precedence; for electrically driven timepieces G04C17/0083 G04B19/2571Independent date indicators activated by hand or by clockwork G04B19/2573Driving or releasing mechanisms wherein the date indicators are driven or released mechanically by a clockwork movement G04B19/2575driven or released stepwise by the clockwork movement G04B19/2576driven or released stepwise by an energy source which is released at determined moments by the clockwork movement G04B19/2578driven or released by their own energy source which is released at regular time intervals G04B19/26Clocks or watches with indicators for tides, for the phases of the moon, or the like planetaria G09B27/00 - G09B27/06; arrangements for table reference, e.g. menstrual tables G06C3/00 G04B19/262with indicators for astrological informations G04B19/264with indicators for biological cycles G04B19/266with indicators for tides G04B19/268with indicators for the phases of the moon G04B19/28Adjustable guide marks or pointers for indicating determined points of time inscriptions or pictures moved by hand G04B45/003 G04B19/283on rotatable rings, i.e. bezel for graduations on the bezels G04B19/18 G04B19/286with locking means to prevent undesired rotations in both directions G04B19/30Illumination of dials or hands dials in general G04B19/06; moving indicating means with numbers or hands, in general G04B19/20; arrangements for indicating different local apparent times by means of a globe illuminated from inside G04B19/22; continuous indication of the time by non-electric light sources G04B25/00, e.g. by electric lamps G04C17/02; illumination by electric lamps which function at fixed times or periodically G04C19/02; illuminated panels G09F13/00 G04B19/305the hands carrying the light source hands and manufacture thereof G04B19/042; projection of hands or dials G04B19/34; illumination of scales and/or hands on moving scales H03J1/02; on compasses G01C17/24; on weighing apparatus G01G23/18; on measuring instruments G01D11/28 G04B19/32by luminescent substances disc or drum shaped indicating means with marks or windows G04B19/04; with numbers or number-marks G04B19/20; cases for housing the electrical parts G04G17/00; projection of hands and/or scales on weighing apparatus G01G19/00; on measuring instruments G01D5/262; for advertising G09F19/18 G04B19/34Position of the hands projected optically for advertising G09F19/18; indicating by discs or drums with mark or window G04B19/04, with figures or signs G04B19/20; illumination of dials or hands G04B19/30, case for electrical components G04C3/008; optical projection of a pointer and/or scale for weighing apparatus G01G23/32; for measuring instruments G01D5/262 G04B21/00Indicating the time by acoustic means at preselected times G04B23/00; by electro-acoustic means G04C21/04; indicating the time by means other than acoustically, or by combined means G04B25/00; indicating the time by visual means G04B19/00, G04C17/00; acoustic signalling arrangements G08B3/00 G04B21/005Periodical acoustic signalling arrangements G04B21/02 takes precedence; adjustment of the frequencyby setting the length of the pendulum G04B18/003; metronomes G04F5/02 G04B21/02Regular striking mechanisms giving the full hour, half hour or quarter hour electrically operating striking mechanism G04C21/06 G04B21/022with saw mechanism with electric drive G04C21/08 G04B21/025with silent saw action G04B21/027with locking wheel electrically driven G04C21/10 G04B21/04Hour wheelsRacks or rakesSnails or similar control mechanisms G04B21/06Details of striking mechanisms, e.g. hammer, fan governor escapements in general G04B15/00; mechanisms for stabilising frequency G04B17/00; resistance regulators G05D13/00; mechanical toys A63H G04B21/08Sounding bodiesWhistlesMusical apparatus with electro-acoustical transmitters G04C21/00, G04B23/08; sounding arrangements in alarm clocks G04B23/028; cases with arrangements for enhancing sound production G04B37/0075; carillons and sounding boards G10F1/08, G04B1/10, G10D13/08 G04B21/10Releasing or locking the regular stroke, e.g. for silence during the night G04B21/12Reiterating watches or clocks G04B21/14Winding-up the striking mechanism by the clockworkwinding up the clockwork by the striking mechanism winding up by hand or mechanically G04B3/00 G04B23/00Arrangements producing acoustic signals at preselected times indicating the time by optical means G04B19/00, G04C17/00; indicating the time by acoustic means G04B21/00; indicating the time by means other than acoustic or optical, or by a combination of means G04B25/00; acoustic time signals produced electrically G04C21/00; coin-freed alarm clocks G07F17/0007; acoustic signalling means G08B3/00 G04B23/005by starting up musical boxes or other musical recordings starting up and stopping of phonographs by means of clockwork apparatus G11B33/06 G04B23/02Alarm clocks electrically released alarm signals G04C21/00 waking up by electric lamps G04C19/02; by other means G04B25/005; alarm clocks with electric contacts G04C23/06 G04B23/021Controls (winding up the alarm; adjusting and indicating the waking time) G04B23/023Driving, e.g. by springs or common drive with the clockwork; gears; escapements escapements in general G04B15/00; regulating means for clockworks in general G04B17/00 G04B23/025Signal triggering in alarm clocks which deliver also or only non-acoustic signals G04B25/005 G04B23/026Hammer driving; hammers; devices with several hammers or sounding bodies; vibrators G04B23/028Sounding bodies; boxes used as sounding cases; fixation on or in the case sounding bodies G04B21/08; case enhancing transmission of sound waves G04B37/0075 G04B23/03Alarm signal stop arrangements G04B23/04with coarse and fine setting of the preselected times G04B23/06adjustable for several preselected times with automatic stopping of the signal G04B23/08operating on successive days without resettingoperating only once in each 24 hours G04B23/10with presignalwith repeated signalwith changeable intensity of sound G04B23/12Alarm watches to be worn in pockets or on the wrist giving signals by stimulating the skin G04B25/04 G04B25/00Indicating the time by other means or by combined means electric or electromechanical indicating G04C ; illumination of dials or hands G04B19/30; indicating the time by acoustic means G04B21/00; arrangements producing acoustic signals at preselected times G04B23/00; continuously indicating the time optically by electric means G04C19/00; producing acoustic time signals by electrical means G04C21/00; devices for cooking eggs A47J29/00 G04B25/005in alarm clocks G04B25/04 takes precedence G04B25/02by feelingClocks or watches for blind persons G04B25/04Alarm clocks or watches with devices stimulating the skin normal pocket or wrist alarm clocks G04B23/12 G04B25/06by moving figures, e.g. cuckoo clocks, trumpet clocks figures or part of figures set in motion by the clockwork and creating an optical special effect G04B45/0007; figures or parts of figures not used to indicate time G04B45/0038; clockworks driving inscriptions or figures G04B45/0023; time indication by means of plates or bands driven electrically G04C19/04 G04B27/00Mechanical devices for setting the time indicating means G04B27/001Internal gear therefor, e.g. for setting the second hand or for setting several clockworks G04B27/002The setting apparatus being crown shaped G04B27/02 takes precedence G04B27/004having several simultaneous functions, e.g. stopping or starting the clockwork or the hands G04B27/02 takes precedence G04B27/005stepwise or on determined values G04B27/02 takes precedence G04B27/007otherwise than manually G04B27/02 takes precedence; oscillator weights in general G04B5/04 G04B27/008with parts which are put together with the winding parts, but are functionally separate from them G04B27/02by making use of the winding means winding by hand or mechanically G04B3/00 G04B27/023changing of the winding position to the setting position and vice versa is done with an independant part of the winding or setting mechanism G04B27/045 and G04B27/065 take precedence; by part of the case G04B27/086 G04B27/026for several clockworks or pairs of hands and/or supplementary functions G04B27/04with clutch wheel support and displacement of the winding stem through the case, means for preventing the stem from going too far, fixation G04B37/06 G04B27/045Changing the winding position to the setting position and vice versa is done with an independant part of the winding or setting mechanism G04B27/06with rocking bar support and displacement of the winding stem through the case, means preventing the stem from going too far, fixation G04B37/06 G04B27/065Changing the winding position to the setting position and vice versa is done with an independant part of the winding or setting mechanism G04B27/08by using parts of the case winding by using parts of the case G04B3/08 G04B27/083which may be used for winding when changed form the normal position G04B27/086which, after displacing a supplementary part, may be used for winding similar devices G04B27/023; in mechanisms with coupled pinions G04B27/045; in rocking mechanisms G04B27/065 G04B29/00Frameworks, supports, or arrangements of the clockwork parts in relation to each other, so called "calibers" G04B29/00Frameworks G04B29/02PlatesBridgesCocks G04B29/022Bridges G04B29/025Cocks G04B29/027Materials and manufacturing alloys, in general C22C G04B29/04Connecting or supporting parts G04B31/00BearingsPoint suspensions or counter-point suspensionsPivot bearingsSingle parts therefor bearings in general F16C ; manufacture and composition of springs G04B1/145; suspension of oscillating weights G04B5/18; suspension of a pendulum G04B17/02; bearings for electrical measurement apparatus G01R1/10, G01R1/12, G01R11/12, G01R11/14; inserting jewels A44C17/04; inserting cutting diamonds B23P5/00; devices for fixation of bearing jewels, bearing sleeves, or the like G04D3/04 G04B31/004characterised by the material used G04B31/008Jewel bearings G04B31/04 takes precedence G04B31/0082with jewel hole and cap jewel shock damping bearings with jewel hole and cap jewel G04B31/04 G04B31/0085with cap jewel only G04B31/0087with jewel hole only G04B31/012Metallic bearings G04B31/0123with metallic ball bearings and metallic roller bearings G04B31/0126Metallic step-bearings G04B31/016Plastic bearings G04B31/02Shock-damping bearings shock damping in the case G04B37/052, G04B37/055, G04B37/0418 G04B31/04with jewel hole and cap jewel jewel bearings with jewel hole and cap jewel G04B31/0082; tools for inserting jewel bearings G04D3/042 G04B31/06Manufacture or mounting processes G04B31/08Lubrication self-lubricated plastic bearings G04B31/016; lubrication of the escape wheel G04B15/14; lubrication of synchronous clockworks G04C15/009; lubrication devices and lubricant containers G04D5/00 G04B33/00Calibers disposition of components of the automatic winding mechanism in relation to the clockwork G04B5/18 G04B33/02Circular calibers G04B33/04Non-circular calibers G04B33/06of extremely flat shape G04B33/08in which the gear train is arranged in different planes, e.g. parallel or inclined to each other G04B33/10 takes precedence case for special purposes, e.g. button or ring clockworks G04B37/12 G04B33/10with seconds hand arranged in the centre of the dial G04B33/12for extremely long running times G04B33/14Calibers of which the mainsprings or barrels are easily removable mainsprings G04B1/14; barrels, arbors G04B1/16 ; normal or mechanical winding G04B3/00 G04B33/16with arrangements affording protection of the clockwork against damage as a consequence of a rupture of the mainspring protection devices against the rupture of the mainspring or its over-tension, placed in the spring-drum or fixed on it against rupture if the mainspring is wound too far G04B1/20 G04B35/00Adjusting the gear train, e.g. the backlash of the arbors, depth of meshing of the gears adjusting the escapement G04B15/12 G04B37/00Protection of the clockwork against damage from the outside G04B37/00Cases cases with a special shape G04B45/0069; ornamentation of the case G04B47/04; cartridges A45C11/00 - A45C11/38 G04B37/0008for pocket watches and wrist watches G04B37/0016with folding cover or folding bottom (hinge without spring) G04B37/0025with cover or bottom with a spring (savonette) bench watches opening or closing with spring action G04B37/0463 G04B37/0033with cover or bottom which can slide or turn (without a spring action) G04B37/0041the cover or the bottom can slide or turn with a spring action G04B37/005with cover or protection device which can be completely removed, either by lifting off or by sliding, or by turning (protection covers, protection cases also against humidity) G04B37/0058for shaped watches G04B37/0066for wall clocks and balances feet and stands for clocks G04B37/1473 G04B37/0075with means to enhance sound transmission sonorous means for chimes G04B21/08; for alarm clocks G04B23/028; clockworks combined with musical devices G04B47/025 G04B37/0083for more than one clockwork G04B37/0091for clock parts, e.g. for the escapement or the electric motor protection cases and air tight vacuum means for clockwork parts G04B37/088 G04B37/02Evacuated casesCases filled with gas or liquidsCases containing substances for absorbing or binding moisture or dust G04B37/04Mounting the clockwork in the caseShock absorbing mountings G04B37/0409Fixed mounting relating to wall clocks and pendulums G04B37/0418with shock damping means shock damping bearings G04B31/02; protection against shocks with shields G04B43/002 G04B37/0427Mountings relative to pocket and wrist watches allowing a rocking movement about a hinge or any other movement covers and protective cases which may be removed completely either by direct removal or by sliding or turning G04B37/005; ornamentation and interchangeable parts of cases, modifying the external appearance of the clockwork G04B47/046 G04B37/0436Clockwork movements coming out without springs, for allowing time reading or winding G04B37/0445Clockwork movements which come out by spring action for time reading and winding G04B37/0454Free standing watches (montre chevalet) G04B37/0463Free standing watches where the clockwork, on opening or closing the case, is ejected or returned by spring action, or possibly with a spring for opening or closing the case cases with spring action cover G04B37/0025; wrist watches or pocket watches which can be used as free standing watches with the aid of certain parts of the case G04B37/148 G04B37/0472Rocking mounting of the clockwork G04B37/0481Mountings relative to wall-clockworks and to pendulums allowing certain movements G04B37/049Mountings for sound-damping G04B37/05Fixed mountings for pocket or wrist watches G04B37/052with shock damping means not related to the winding stem shock damping bearings G04B31/02; shock protection G04B43/002 G04B37/055with shock damping means including the winding stem shock damping bearings G04B31/02; shock protection G04B43/002 G04B37/057for shaped watches G04B37/06Forming the passage for the winding stem through the caseDivided winding stems watertight protection means for the winding stem G04B37/10; fixing the knob to the case G04B37/1466; winding and setting the hands with the winding stem with clutch wheel G04B27/04, with rocking bar G04B27/06 G04B37/062Means for preventing the winding stem from being pulled out too far G04B37/064by a tirette G04B37/066Divided stem (tige brisee) normal winding stems G04B3/041 G04B37/068Stem passage not being part of the layout of the clockwork G04B37/08Hermetic sealing of openings, joints, passages or slits covers or protecting devices which can be directly removed, or by sliding or turning G04B37/005; hermetic sealing of watch or crystal with special pieces G04B39/02; hermetically-sealed electrical switches H01H23/06 G04B37/081Complete encasings for wrist or pocket watches also comprising means for hermetic sealing of the winding stem and crown hermetic sealing of the stem or crown G04B37/10 G04B37/082without special hermetic sealing pieces G04B37/083for shaped watches G04B37/084Complete encasings for wrist or pocket watches without means for hermetic sealing of winding stem or crown G04B37/085without special hermetic sealing pieces G04B37/086for shaped watches G04B37/087Protection of wrist or pocket watch cases against dust G04B37/088Means affording hermetic sealing inside the case, e.g. protective case for the clockwork against dust, the escapement being in a hermetically sealed case case for watch pieces G04B37/0091; synchronous motor lubrication G04C15/009 G04B37/10of winding stems construction of winding crowns G04B3/041; in combination with hermetic sealing G04B37/081 G04B37/103by screwing the crown onto the case G04B37/106of push buttons winding up by push button G04B3/001; crown in the form of push button G04B3/046; construction of push buttons G04B3/048 G04B37/11of the back cover of pocket or wrist watches G04B37/113without special hermetic sealing pieces G04B37/116for shaped watches G04B37/12Cases for special purposes, e.g. watch combined with ring, watch combined with button watch guards or protectors A45C11/10, A45C11/12; watches combined with cosmetic powder containers A45D33/30 ; domed dial G04B19/10; calibers in which the clockwork is disposed on different planes G04B33/08; means for fixing watches on items of clothing G04B37/1433; cases having means for fixing onto a normal bracelet G04B37/1486; cases giving special affects due to their particular shape G04B45/0069; watches combined with various objects and therefore having a specially shaped case G04B47/00 G04B37/122used as a mirror G04B37/125allowing note taking cases with means for holding sheets of note-paper G04B37/127; adjustable guide marks or pointers for indicating determined points of time G04B19/28; changeable indicators G04B45/0092 G04B37/127used as containers or cartridges means for incorporating a battery in the case G04G17/00 G04B37/14Suspending devices, supports or stands for time-pieces insofar as they form part of the case wrist watch straps, fastening means therefor A44C5/00 G04B37/1406Means for fixing the clockwork pieces on other objects (possibly on walls) G04B37/1413Separable means G04B37/142Means which can be adjusted as a function of the clockwork piece G04B37/1426Means whereby the clockwork piece may move with regard to its suspension device G04B37/1433Fixation on items of clothing, e.g. with clips button watches G04B37/12; brooches, or the like A44C1/00; other similar fixation means, in general A45F5/02 G04B37/144Fixation on flat support, e.g. on dashboard G04B37/1446Means for suspending pocket-, or other types of watches, e.g. on small chains bracelet fixings G04B37/1486 G04B37/1453Construction and manufacture of case crown and clip G04B37/146with the case crown and a clip G04B37/1466Fixing the case crown onto the case G04B37/1473Supports and feet for supporting the clockwork cases for standing clockworks in general G04B37/0066 G04B37/148formed by parts of the case standing watches by bringing them out of the case or purse G04B37/0463 G04B37/1486Arrangements for fixing to a bracelet building watches into bracelets (montre marquise) G04B37/12; arrangements for hanging pocket- or other watches on chains G04B37/1446 G04B37/1493by means of a feather spring (Barette á ressort) G04B37/16Fastening the case to the bracelet G04B37/18for pocket or wrist watches G04B37/02 - G04B37/16 take precedence G04B37/20with hinged covers or backs G04B37/22Materials or processes of manufacturing pocket watch or wrist watch cases machines or tools for the manufacture of clockwork cases G04D3/0064, G04D3/0097, G04D3/029; decoration or tools therefor G04B45/0076Groups G04B37/22, G04B37/223, G04B37/225, G04B37/226 and G04B37/228 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G04B37/221.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G04B37/221Wear resistant casesGroup G04B37/221 is no longer used for the classification of documents as of 2022-05-01.
The content of this group is being reclassified into groups G04B37/22, G04B37/223, G04B37/225, G04B37/226 and G04B37/228.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G04B37/223metallic cases coated with a nonmetallic layer G04B37/225Non-metallic cases G04B37/226coated with a metallic layer G04B37/228Wooden cases
G04B39/00Watch crystalsFastening or sealing of crystalsClock glasses G04B39/002made of glass G04B39/004from a material other than glass G04B39/006out of wear resistant material, e.g. sapphire G04B39/008with means for magnified reading combinations with a magnifying glass in general G04B47/00 G04B39/02Sealing crystals or glasses sealing the case and the winding stem G04B37/08 G04B39/025without special sealing parts G04B41/00Locking or holding devices for pendulums, chimes, or the like, for use during transport G04B41/005holding and locking of the pendulum only G04B43/00Protecting clockworks by shields or other means against external influences, e.g. magnetic fields demagnetising apparatus G04D9/00 G04B43/002Component shock protection arrangements shock damping bearings G04B31/02; shock-damping in the case G04B37/04; protection of the pendulum or chime during transport G04B41/00 G04B43/005Protection against temperature influences G04B43/007Antimagnetic alloys antimagnetic alloys with temperature compensation G04B17/227; apparatus for antimagnetising G04D9/00; alloys in general C22C
G04B45/00Clocks with unusual features G04B45/00Time pieces of which the indicating means or cases provoke special effects, e.g. aesthetic effects ornamental shaping of dials G04B19/10 lubrication of clockwork bearings G04B31/008; special effects and pictures in general B44F G04B45/0007Light-, colour-, line-, or spot-effects caused by parts or pictures moved by the clockwork disc-shaped indicating parts G04B19/046, G04B19/202; figures or parts thereof for indicating the time, moved by the clockwork G04B25/06 G04B45/0015Light-, colour-, line- or spot-effects caused by or on stationary parts change of appearance by exchangeable case parts G04B47/046 G04B45/0023Inscriptions or pictures moved by the clockwork, e.g. for advertising clocks with abrupt time indication G04B13/00; disc-shaped indicating elements G04B19/046, G04B19/202; advertising in general G09F G04B45/003Inscriptions and pictures moved by hand clockworks with abrupt time indication G04B13/00; adjustable hands or mechanisms G04B19/28; combination of clockwork with counter, e.g. for sports results G04B47/00; movable ornaments and decorations G04B47/044 G04B45/0038Figures or parts thereof moved by the clockwork disc-shaped indicating means G04B19/046. G04B19/202; time indicating by moving figures G04B25/06; normal moving parts of the clockwork visible through a window, e.g. the escapement G04B45/02 G04B45/0046with oscillating motion, in pocket- or wrist watches G04B45/0053with oscillating motion in hanging or standing clockworks such as imitation of a real pendulum G04B45/0061Moving parts of the clockwork, e.g. pendulum, hands in special form, mostly constructed as a figure cases and non moving parts of the clockwork in various forms G04B45/0069; decoration and manufacturing methods therefor, also for moving parts G04B45/0076; construction of normal pendulums G04B17/02; construction of normal hands G04B19/042 G04B45/0069Cases and fixed parts with a special shape movable parts with a special shape G04B45/0061; decoration in general, and methods of manufacture thereof G04B45/0076; cases in general G04B37/00; combination with genuine utensils or mounting therein G04B47/00 G04B45/0076Decoration of the case and of parts thereof, e.g. as a method of manufacture thereof specially shaped G04B45/0061, G04B45/0069; decoration with inscriptions and pictures G04B45/0084; construction of the hands G04B19/042; decoration by adding extra pieces to the clockwork G04B47/04; colouring by treatment of the surface, e.g. by oxidation C25D G04B45/0084Pictures or inscriptions on the case or parts thereof, attaching complete pictures decoration and manfuacture thereof G04B45/0076; special decorative parts which are attached to the case or other parts G04B47/04 G04B45/0092Changeable parts cases or clockworks with holders or as holders G04B37/127 G04B45/02Time pieces of which the clockwork is visible partly or wholly figures or parts thereof moved by the clockwork G04B45/0038 G04B45/04Time pieces with invisible drive, e.g. with hands attached to a rotating glass disc for advertising G09F23/00; disc-shaped hands with marks or notches G04B19/046 G04B45/043the clockwork being positioned in the hands or pendulum gearwork G04B1/00; pendulums G04B17/02; construction of the hands G04B19/042 G04B45/046the driving mechanism of the hands being invisible because of special shielding construction of the hands G04B19/042 G04B47/00Time-pieces combined with other articles which do not interfere with the running or the time-keeping of the time-piece clockwork cases for special purposes G04B37/12; clocks with magnifying glass built in the face G04B39/00; time-pieces in which parts or cases produce special effects, e.g. aesthetic effects, G04B45/00, particularly with inscriptions or pictures moved by hand G04B45/003, with specially shaped cases or parts G04B45/0069; combination of writing or drawing implements with devices for indicating time B43K29/087; combined with cameras, projectors, or photographic printing apparatus G03B29/00 G04B47/001Mounting or fixing to the steering wheel of a vehicle G04B47/003Mounting in and combined with adjustable indicating means, e.g. date indicating means adjustable by hand, marks or counters calendar clocks G04B19/24 G04B47/005combined with a key G04B47/006combined with a lighter G04B47/008combined with a thermometer G04B47/02Installations within mirrors, pictures, furniture or other household articles clock-lamps, globe-clocks with a fixed dial, G04B19/04; clock in the form of a lamp with a dial mounted upon it, moved by the clockwork G04B19/21; clockwork in the form of a globe for indicating different local apparent times G04B19/22; illumination of the dial and the hands G04B19/30; clock-lamps with the lamp switched on and off by the clockwork mechanism G04C19/02, within keys G04B47/005, within lighters G04B47/006, within pens B43K29/087 G04B47/025in musical instruments or loudspeakers sounding bodies with chimes G04B21/08; in alarm clocks G04B23/028; cases with arrangements for enhancing the sound production G04B37/0075 G04B47/04with attached ornaments or amusement apparatus decorated cases see G04B45/00 G04B47/042Fastening of jewels and the like set on or into numbers G04B19/103; jewel bearings G04B31/008; setting of jewels and tools therefor A44C; devices for setting jewel bearings G04D3/04 G04B47/044Movable decorations and parts thereof inscriptions and pictures moved by hand G04B45/003 G04B47/046Changeable decorations and parts thereof, decorations for the case which change the external appearance of the clockwork clip-on -, sliding - or tilting protective lids or covers G04B37/005; with a clockwork which can be mounted on different cases for changing its external appearance G04B37/0427; clockworks which can be mounted in different cases for changing their purpose G04B37/14; decoration of the case or parts thereof G04B45/0076; changeable pictures or inscriptions G04B45/0092 G04B47/048Clockwork combined with toys devices for teaching clock reading G09B19/12; indicating play time G07C1/28 G04B47/06with attached measuring instruments, e.g. pedometer, barometer, thermometer or compass in combination with a tachometer which winds up the clockwork G04B5/206 G04B47/061calculating scales for indicating relationship between quantity and time indicating or recording of quantity-time ratios G01D; meters for measuring average speed, measuring speed by chronograph G01P; slide rules and calculating wheels G06G G04B47/063measuring physiological quantities, e.g. pedometers, heart-rate sensors, blood pressure gauges and the like G04B47/065with a compass compasses G01C17/00 G04B47/066with a pressure sensor G04B47/068with a thermometer G04B49/00Time-pieces using the position of the sun, moon or stars devices for fixing the place and time by astronomical observations G01C21/00 G04B49/02Sundials normal dials G04B19/06 G04B49/04Graduation or shaping of dials G04B99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass