B27MWORKING OF WOOD NOT PROVIDED FOR IN SUBCLASSES B27B - B27LMANUFACTURE OF SPECIFIC WOODEN ARTICLESIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B27M1/00 B27M1/00Working of wood not provided for in subclasses B27B - B27L, e.g. by stretching B27M1/003Mechanical surface treatment B27M1/006for preparation of impregnation by deep incising B27M1/02by compressing B27M1/04by punching out B27M1/06by burning or charring, e.g. cutting with hot wire as surface treatment B44B ; cutting synthetic materials with heated tools B26F3/06 - B26F3/12 B27M1/08by multi-step processes B27M3/00Manufacture or reconditioning of specific semi-finished or finished articles features of copying devices B23Q; manufacture of plywood or veneer, shaping plywood or veneer into articles B27D; of central layers for plywood B27D1/06; nailing or stapling machines in general B27F7/00; of elements for cooperage or wheel making B27H ; presses therefor B27D3/00 B27M3/0006Devices for fixing fittings into holes B27M3/0013of composite or compound articles working veneer or plywood B27D B27M3/002characterised by oblong elements connected at their ends B27M3/006 takes precedence B27M3/0026characterised by oblong elements connected laterally B27M3/006 takes precedence; making fencing or the like comprising bars connected by wires B21F29/02; cane or similar material joined by strand or wire twisting B27J1/006 B27M3/0033by a plurality of clamps each used with similar articles and each functionning similarly but time-delayed B27M3/004by nails, staples or screws B27M3/0046by rods or tie wires B27M3/0053using glue B27M3/006characterised by oblong elements connected both laterally and at their ends B27M3/0066characterised by tongue and groove or tap hole connections B27M3/0073characterised by nailing, stapling or screwing connections B27M3/008characterised by bar or grill connections B27M3/0086characterised by connecting using glue B27M3/0093of raised panels, i.e. panels having a profiled surface B27M3/02of roofing elements, e.g. shingles B27M3/04of flooring elements, e.g. parqueting blocks assembling wooden elements on backings of other substances B32B, e.g. B32B21/042, E04F15/16; furniture joints F16B12/00 B27M3/06of composite floor plates per se by assembling or jointing the parqueting blocks B27M3/08of specially shaped wood laths or strips covering of mouldings with veneer B27D1/08 B27M3/10of airscrew blades milling of propeller blades B23C3/16 B27M3/12of railings, stairs, stair stringers, ladders, or parts thereof B27M3/14of railroad sleepers B27M3/16of tool handles or tools, e.g. mallets B27M3/18of furniture or of doors B27D5/003 takes precedence B27M3/20of lastsof shoes, e.g. sabotsof parts of shoes, e.g. heels B27M3/22of sport articles, e.g. bowling pins, frames of tennis rackets, skis, paddles B27M3/24of household utensils, e.g. spoons, clothes hangers, clothes pegs B27M3/26of smokers utensils, e.g. pipes B27M3/28of dowels or bolts wood screws B23G B27M3/30of bobbins B27M3/32of tapered poles, e.g. mine props B27M3/34of cases, trunks, or boxes, of wood or equivalent material which cannot satisfactorily be bent without softening nailing or stapling in general B25C, B27F; of cardboard, paper, or similarly workable material B31B ; Manufacture of cleats therefor manufacture of tubes, coops or barrels B27D1/00, B27D1/08; by folding grooved panels B27G5/00 B27M3/36Machines or devices for attaching blanks together, e.g. for making wire-bound boxes manufacture of wire-bound wooden tubes B27H5/02 B27M3/38of walking sticks or of sticks for umbrellas