G05DSYSTEMS FOR CONTROLLING OR REGULATING NON-ELECTRIC VARIABLES This subclass does not cover features of general applicability to regulating systems, e.g. anti-hunting arrangements, which are covered by subclass G05B. In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"systems" includes self-contained devices such as speed governors, pressure regulators. Control systems specially adapted for particular apparatus, machines or processes are classified in the subclasses for the apparatus, machines or processes, provided that there is specific provision for control or regulation relevant to the special adaptation, either at a detailed level, e.g. A21B1/40: "for regulating temperature in bakers' ovens", or at a general level, e.g. B23K9/095: "for automatic control of welding parameters in arc welding". Otherwise, classification is made in the most appropriate place in this subclass. In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G05D1/00 G05D1/00Control of position, course or altitude of land, water, air, or space vehicles, e.g. automatic pilot radio navigation systems or analogous systems using other waves G01S G05D1/0005with arrangements to save energy G05D1/0011associated with a remote control arrangement G05D1/0016characterised by the operator's input device input arrangements for computing systems in general G06F3/00 G05D1/0022characterised by the communication link data switching networks in general H04L12/00 G05D1/0027involving a plurality of vehicles, e.g. fleet or convoy travelling traffic control systems for road vehicles G08G1/00 ; for marine craft G08G3/00 ; for aircraft G08G5/00 ; fleet control of land vehicles from a control room G05D1/0297 G05D1/0033by having the operator tracking the vehicle either by direct line of sight or via one or more cameras located remotely from the vehicle G05D1/0038by providing the operator with simple or augmented images from one or more cameras located onboard the vehicle, e.g. tele-operation images analyzed by a computer and used for automatic navigation G05D1/0246 G05D1/0044by providing the operator with a computer generated representation of the environment of the vehicle, e.g. virtual reality, maps maps used for automatic navigation G05D1/0274 ; flight directors G01C23/005 G05D1/005by providing the operator with signals other than visual, e.g. acoustic, haptic G05D1/0055with safety arrangements G05D1/0061for transition from automatic pilot to manual pilot and vice versaGroup G05D1/0061 is impacted by reclassification into groups B60W10/00 - B60W50/16, B60W60/005 - B60W60/0061, B60W2300/00 - B60W2530/213, B60W2540/041 - B60W2540/049, B60W2552/00 - B60W2556/65, B60W2710/00 - B60W2720/406, and B60W2754/00 - B60W2900/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G05D1/0066for limitation of acceleration or stress G05D1/0072to counteract a motor failure G05D1/0077using redundant signals or controls
G05D1/0083to help an aircraft pilot in the rolling phase G05D1/0088characterized by the autonomous decision making process, e.g. artificial intelligence, predefined behaviours using knowledge based models G06N5/00Group G05D1/0088 is impacted by reclassification into groups B60W10/00 - B60W60/00276, B60W2300/00 - B60W2530/213, B60W2540/041 - B60W2540/049, B60W2552/00 - B60W2556/65, B60W2710/00 - B60W2720/406, and B60W2754/00 - B60W2900/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G05D1/0094involving pointing a payload, e.g. camera, weapon, sensor, towards a fixed or moving target G05D1/02Control of position or course in two dimensions G05D1/0202specially adapted to aircraft G05D1/0204to counteract a sudden perturbation, e.g. cross-wind, gust G05D1/0206specially adapted to water vehicles G05D1/0208dynamic anchoring G05D1/021specially adapted to land vehicles This group covers control of position or course in two dimensions specially adapted for land vehicles, i.e. control systems to define a trajectory for a land vehicle, and to take suitable actions to make the vehicle follow said trajectory. Relationships with other classification places.
Subclass G01C covers navigation in general, i.e. determining the position and course of land vehicles, ships, aircraft, and space vehicles.
Subclass G01S covers radio, sonar or lidar navigation systems, i.e. navigation by use of radio, acoustic or optical waves, or analogue arrangements using other electromagnetic waves.
Subclass G08G covers navigation systems for traffic control purposes, i.e. systems in which the navigation is not performed autonomously by or in the vehicle, but where the vehicles are guided by instructions transmitted to them.
Aspects of navigation systems that are important per se should also be classified in the relevant groups of G01C (see for example list under "Informative References" below).
Aspects of radio, sonar or lidar navigation systems that are important per se should also be classified in the relevant groups of G01S (see for example list under "Informative References" below).
Aspects of navigation systems for traffic purposes that are important per se should also be classified in the relevant groups of G08G (see for example list under "Informative References" below).
Informative References.
Attention is drawn to the following places, which could be of interest for search: navigation, i.e. determining the position and course of land vehicles, ships, aircraft, and space vehicles G01C21/00measuring distance traversed on the ground by vehicles, e.g. using odometers G01C22/00position-fixing by co-ordinating a plurality of determinations of direction or position lines G01S5/00determining distance or velocity using waves and not using reflection or reradiation of waves G01S11/00radar systems specially designed for traffic control G01S13/91radar systems specially designed for for anti-collision purposes G01S13/93sonar systems specially designed for for anti-collision purposes G01S15/93lidar systems specially designed for for anti-collision purposes G01S17/93traffic control systems for road vehicles G08G1/00monitoring the location of fleet of vehicles in traffic control systems G08G1/127anti-collision traffic control systems G08G1/16
Group G05D1/021 is impacted by reclassification into groups B60W10/00 - B60W60/00276, B60W2300/00 - B60W2530/213, B60W2540/041 - B60W2540/049, B60W2552/00 - B60W2556/65, B60W2710/00 - B60W2720/406, and B60W2754/00 - B60W2900/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G05D1/0212with means for defining a desired trajectory involving a plurality of land vehicles G05D1/0287 G05D1/0214in accordance with safety or protection criteria, e.g. avoiding hazardous areas monitoring the location of vehicles within a certain area, e.g. forbidden or allowed areas, in traffic control systems for road vehicles G08G1/13Group G05D1/0214 is impacted by reclassification into groups B60W10/00 - B60W60/00276, B60W2300/00 - B60W2530/213, B60W2540/041 - B60W2540/049, B60W2552/00 - B60W2556/65, B60W2710/00 - B60W2720/406, and B60W2754/00 - B60W2900/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G05D1/0217in accordance with energy consumption, time reduction or distance reduction criteria G05D1/0219ensuring the processing of the whole working surface G05D1/0221involving a learning processGroup G05D1/0221 is impacted by reclassification into groups B60W10/00 - B60W60/00276, B60W2300/00 - B60W2530/213, B60W2540/041 - B60W2540/049, B60W2552/00 - B60W2556/65, B60W2710/00 - B60W2720/406, and B60W2754/00 - B60W2900/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G05D1/0223involving speed control of the vehicle vehicle fittings for automatically controlling, i.e. preventing speed from exceeding an arbitrarily established velocity or maintaining speed at a particular velocity, as selected by the vehicle operator B60K31/00Group G05D1/0223 is impacted by reclassification into groups B60W10/00 - B60W60/00276, B60W2300/00 - B60W2530/213, B60W2540/041 - B60W2540/049, B60W2552/00 - B60W2556/65, B60W2710/00 - B60W2720/406, and B60W2754/00 - B60W2900/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G05D1/0225involving docking at a fixed facility, e.g. base station or loading bay parking aids B62D15/027
G05D1/0227using mechanical sensing means, e.g. for sensing treated area G05D1/0229in combination with fixed guiding means G05D1/0231using optical position detecting means position-fixing by using electromagnetic waves other than radio waves, e.g. optical position detecting means G01S5/16 G05D1/0234using optical markers or beacons optical beacons per se G01S1/70 G05D1/0236in combination with a laser lasers per se H01S G05D1/0238using obstacle or wall sensors G05D1/0246 and G05D1/0289 take precedence; lidar systems designed for anti-collision purposes G01S17/93 G05D1/024in combination with a laser lasers per se H01S G05D1/0242using non-visible light signals, e.g. IR or UV signals G05D1/0244using reflecting strips G05D1/0246using a video camera in combination with image processing means G05D1/0248in combination with a laser lasers per se H01S G05D1/0251extracting 3D information from a plurality of images taken from different locations, e.g. stereo vision stereoscopic image analysis H04N13/00; depth recovery from images G06T7/593 G05D1/0253extracting relative motion information from a plurality of images taken successively, e.g. visual odometry, optical flow determining position or orientation from images G06T7/70 G05D1/0255using acoustic signals, e.g. ultra-sonic singals sonar systems designed for anti-collision purposes G01S15/93 G05D1/0257using a radar radar systems designed for anti-collision purposes between land vehicles or between land vehicle and fixed obstacles G01S13/931 G05D1/0259using magnetic or electromagnetic means G05D1/0261using magnetic plots G05D1/0263using magnetic strips G05D1/0265using buried wires G05D1/0268using internal positioning means G05D1/027comprising intertial navigation means, e.g. azimuth detector inertial navigation G01C21/16 ; inertial navigation combined with non-inertial navigation instruments G01C21/165 G05D1/0272comprising means for registering the travel distance, e.g. revolutions of wheels measuring distance traversed on the ground by vehicles, e.g. using odometers G01C22/00 G05D1/0274using mapping information stored in a memory device navigation using map-matching G01C21/30 G05D1/0276using signals provided by a source external to the vehicle involving a plurality of vehicles G05D1/0287 ; automatically controlling vehicle speed responsive to exernally generated signals B60K31/0058 G05D1/0278using satellite positioning signals, e.g. GPS G05D1/028using a RF signal G05D1/0282generated in a local control room G05D1/0285using signals transmitted via a public communication network, e.g. GSM network G05D1/0287involving a plurality of land vehicles, e.g. fleet or convoy travelling traffic control systems for road vehicles G08G1/00, particularly anticollision systems G08G1/16 In this group, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated: fleet means a plurality of vehicles controlled in a coordinated manner or under unified control;convoy (or platooning) means a plurality of vehicles following an identical trajectory, said vehicles being separated by a predetermined distance maintained by a control system G05D1/0289with means for avoiding collisions between vehicles vehicle fittings for automatically controlling speed inclusing means for detecting potential obstacles B60K31/0008 ; avoiding obstacles by action on the steering system B62D ; radar, sonar, lidar systems designed for anti-collision purposes G01S13/93, G01S15/93, G01S17/93 G05D1/0291Fleet control monitoring fleets in traffic control systems for road vehicles G08G1/127, G08G1/127 G05D1/0293Convoy travelling G05D1/0295by at least one leading vehicle of the fleet G05D1/0297by controlling means in a control room
G05D1/03using near-field transmission systems, e.g. inductive-loop type G05D1/021 and subgroups take precedence
G05D1/04Control of altitude or depth G05D1/042specially adapted for aircraft G05D1/044during banks G05D1/046to counteract a perturbation, e.g. gust of wind G05D1/048specially adapted for water vehicles G05D1/06Rate of change of altitude or depth G05D1/0607specially adapted for aircraft G05D1/0615to counteract a perturbation, e.g. gust of wind G05D1/0623by acting on the pitch G05D1/063by acting on the motors G05D1/0638by combined action on the pitch and on the motors G05D1/0646to follow the profile of undulating ground G05D1/0653during a phase of take-off or landing G05D1/0661specially adapted for take-off G05D1/0669specially adapted for vertical take-off G05D1/0676specially adapted for landing G05D1/0684on a moving platform, e.g. aircraft carrier G05D1/0688Emergency descent G05D1/0692specially adapted for under-water vehicles G05D1/08Control of attitude, i.e. control of roll, pitch, or yaw G05D1/0808specially adapted for aircraft G05D1/0816to ensure stability G05D1/0825using mathematical models G05D1/0833using limited authority control G05D1/0841to prevent a coupling between different modes G05D1/085to ensure coordination between different movements G05D1/0858specially adapted for vertical take-off of aircraft G05D1/0866specially adapted to captive aircraft G05D1/0875specially adapted to water vehicles G05D1/0891specially adapted for land vehicles G05D1/10Simultaneous control of position or course in three dimensions G05D1/12 takes precedence G05D1/101specially adapted for aircraft G05D1/102specially adapted for vertical take-off of aircraft G05D1/104involving a plurality of aircrafts, e.g. formation flying traffic control systems for aircraft G08G5/00 G05D1/105specially adapted for unpowered flight, e.g. glider, parachuting, forced landing parachutes per se B64D17/00 G05D1/106Change initiated in response to external conditions, e.g. avoidance of elevated terrain or of no-fly zones G05D1/1062specially adapted for avoiding bad weather conditions G05D1/1064specially adapted for avoiding collisions with other aircraft G05D1/107specially adapted for missiles G05D1/108animated with a rolling movement G05D1/12Target-seeking control
G05D3/00Control of position or direction G05D1/00 takes precedence; numerical control to execute positioning G05B19/18 G05D3/10without using feedback G05D3/105Solar tracker G05D3/12using feedback G05D3/121using synchromachines (selsyns) G05D3/122without modulation G05D3/124with modulation G05D3/125using discrete position sensor G05D3/127with electrical contact G05D3/128using clutch or brake G05D3/14using an analogue comparing device G05D3/1409with dc amplifier chain G05D3/1418with ac amplifier chain G05D3/1427with non-linear amplifier chain G05D3/1436with fine or coarse devices G05D3/1445with a plurality of loops G05D3/1454using models or predicting devices G05D3/1463using PID devices G05D3/1472with potentiometer G05D3/1481with discrete position sensor G05D3/149with clutch or brake G05D3/16whose output amplitude can only take a number of discrete values G05D3/18 takes precedence G05D3/165using clutch or brake G05D3/18delivering a series of pulses G05D3/183using stepping motor G05D3/186using clutch or brake G05D3/20using a digital comparing device G05D3/203using fine or coarse devices G05D3/206using clutch or brakes G05D5/00Control of dimensions of material G05D5/02of thickness, e.g. of rolled material of specific materials B21B, B29C, B32B, C03B, D21F G05D5/03characterised by the use of electric means G05D5/04of the size of items, e.g. of particles G05D5/06characterised by the use of electric means G05D7/00Control of flow level control G05D9/00; control of flow ratio G05D11/00In groups G05D7/0629 - G05D7/0694, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the last appropriate place. G05D7/005characterised by the use of auxiliary non-electric power combined with the use of electric means G05D7/01without auxiliary power G05D7/0106the sensing element being a flexible member, e.g. bellows, diaphragm, capsule G05D7/0113the sensing element acting as a valve G05D7/012the sensing element being deformable and acting as a valve G05D7/0126the sensing element being a piston or plunger associated with one or more springs G05D7/0133within the flow-path G05D7/014using sliding elements G05D7/0146the in-line sensing element being a piston or float without flexible member or spring G05D7/0153using slidable elements G05D7/016the sensing element being a ball G05D7/0166the sensing element being a float or a ball placed outside the flow path to be controlled G05D7/0173using pivoting sensing element acting as a valve mounted within the flow-path G05D7/018using rotary sensing element G05D7/0186without moving parts G05D7/0193using hydraulic or pneumatic amplifiers, relays or transmitters G05D7/03with auxiliary non-electric power G05D7/005 takes precedence G05D7/06characterised by the use of electric means G05D7/005 takes precedence G05D7/0605specially adapted for solid materials G05D7/0611characterised by the set value given to the control element G05D7/0617specially adapted for fluid materials G05D7/0623characterised by the set value given to the control element G05D7/0629characterised by the type of regulator means G05D7/0635by action on throttling means G05D7/0688, G05D7/0694 take precedence G05D7/0641using a plurality of throttling means G05D7/067 takes precedence G05D7/0647the plurality of throttling means being arranged in series G05D7/0652the plurality of throttling means being arranged in parallel G05D7/0658the plurality of throttling means being arranged for the control of a single flow from a plurality of converging flows G05D7/0652 takes precedence; ratio control G05D11/13 G05D7/0664the plurality of throttling means being arranged for the control of a plurality of diverging flows from a single flow G05D7/0652 takes precedence; ratio control G05D11/13 G05D7/067characterised by free surface flow open channel water distribution systems E02B13/00 G05D7/0676by action on flow sources G05D7/0688, G05D7/0694 take precedence G05D7/0682using a plurality of flow sources G05D7/0688by combined action on throttling means and flow sources G05D7/0694 takes precedence G05D7/0694by action on throttling means or flow sources of very small size, e.g. microfluidics microvalves F16K99/0001; microstructural devices per se B81B G05D9/00Level control, e.g. controlling quantity of material stored in vessel G05D9/02without auxiliary power G05D9/04with auxiliary non-electric power G05D9/12characterised by the use of electric means G05D11/00Control of flow ratio control of chemical or physico-chemical variables, e.g. pH-value, G05D21/00; control of humidity G05D22/00; control of temperature by varying the mixing ratio of two fluids having different temperatures G05D23/13; control of viscosity G05D24/00 G05D11/001with discontinuous action G05D11/003using interconnected flow control elements G05D11/005using synchronised pumps G05D11/006involving a first fluid acting on the feeding of a second fluid G05D11/008involving a fluid operating a pump motor G05D11/02Controlling ratio of two or more flows of fluid or fluent material G05D11/03without auxiliary power G05D11/035with auxiliary non-electric power G05D11/04by sensing weight of individual components, e.g. gravimetric procedure G05D11/06by sensing density of mixture, e.g. using aerometer G05D11/08by sensing concentration of mixture, e.g. measuring pH value G05D11/10by sensing moisture of non-aqueous liquids G05D11/12by sensing viscosity of mixture G05D11/13characterised by the use of electric means G05D11/131by measuring the values related to the quantity of the individual components G05D11/139 takes precedence G05D11/132by controlling the flow of the individual components G05D11/133 takes precedence G05D11/133with discontinuous action G05D11/134by sensing the weight of the individual components G05D11/135by sensing at least one property of the mixture G05D11/139 takes precedence G05D11/136by sensing the viscosity G05D11/137by sensing the density of the mixture G05D11/138by sensing the concentration of the mixture, e.g. measuring pH value G05D11/139by measuring a value related to the quantity of the individual components and sensing at least one property of the mixture G05D11/16Controlling mixing ratio of fluids having different temperatures, e.g. by sensing the temperature of a mixture of fluids having different viscosities G05D13/00Control of linear speedControl of angular speedControl of acceleration or deceleration, e.g. of a prime mover G05D13/02Details G05D13/04providing for emergency tripping of an engine in case of exceeding maximum speed G05D13/06providing for damping of erratic vibrations in governors G05D13/08without auxiliary power G05D13/10Centrifugal governors with fly-weights G05D13/12Details G05D13/14Fly weightsMountings thereofAdjusting equipment for limits, e.g. temporarily G05D13/16RisersTransmission gear thereforRestoring mechanisms therefor G05D13/18counterbalanced by spider springs acting immediately upon the fly-weights G05D13/20counterbalanced by spider springs acting upon the articulated riser G05D13/22counterbalanced by fluid pressure acting upon the articulated riser G05D13/24counterbalanced by two or more different appliances acting simultaneously upon the riser, e.g. with both spring force and fluid pressure or with both spring force and electromagnetic force G05D13/26with provision for modulating the degree of non-uniformity of speed G05D13/28with provision for performing braking effects in case of increased speed G05D13/30Governors characterised by fluid features in which the speed of a shaft is converted into fluid pressure G05D13/32using a pump G05D13/34with auxiliary non-electric power G05D13/36using regulating devices with proportional band, i.e. P regulating devices G05D13/38involving centrifugal governors of fly-weight type G05D13/40involving fluid governors of pump type G05D13/42involving fluid governors of flow-controller type, i.e. the width of liquid flow being controlled by fly-weights G05D13/44involving fluid governors of jet type G05D13/46using regulating devices with proportional band and integral action, i.e. PI regulating devices G05D13/48involving resilient restoring mechanisms G05D13/50involving connecting means or superimposing a proportional regulating device and an integral regulating device G05D13/52using regulating devices with proportional band and derivative action, i.e. PD regulating devices G05D13/54involving centrifugal governors of fly-weight type exerting an acceleratory effect G05D13/56involving restoring mechanisms exerting a delay effect G05D13/58involving means for connecting a speed regulating device and an acceleration regulating device G05D13/60using regulating devices with proportional band, derivative and integral action, i.e. PID regulating devices G05D13/62characterised by the use of electric means, e.g. use of a tachometric dynamo, use of a transducer converting an electric value into a displacement electric motor control H02P G05D13/64Compensating the speed difference between engines meshing by a differential gearing or the speed difference between a controlling shaft and a controlled shaft G05D13/62 takes precedence G05D13/66Governor units providing for co-operation with control dependent upon a variable other than speed G05D15/00Control of mechanical force or stressControl of mechanical pressure G05D15/01characterised by the use of electric means G05D16/00Control of fluid pressure G05D16/02Modifications to reduce the effects of instability, e.g. due to vibrations, friction, abnormal temperature, overloading or unbalance G05D16/024Controlling the inlet pressure, e.g. back-pressure regulator G05D16/028Controlling a pressure difference control of flow G05D7/00 G05D16/04without auxiliary power G05D16/0402with two or more controllers mounted in series G05D16/0404with two or more controllers mounted in parallel G05D16/06the sensing element being a flexible membrane, yielding to pressure, e.g. diaphragm, bellows, capsule G05D16/0608the controller being mounted within the flow path and having slidable elements G05D16/0611the sensing element being deformable, e.g. Bourdon tube G05D16/0613the deformable sensing element acting as a throttling member G05D16/0616the sensing element being a bellow G05D16/0619acting directly on the obturator G05D16/0622characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0625acting indirectly on the obturator, e.g. by a lever G05D16/0627characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/063the sensing element being a membrane G05D16/0633characterised by the properties of the membrane G05D16/0636characterised by the loading device of the membrane, e.g. spring G05D16/0638characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0641the obturator is a membrane G05D16/0644the membrane acting directly on the obturator G05D16/0647using one membrane without spring G05D16/065characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0652using several membranes without spring G05D16/0655using one spring-loaded membrane G05D16/0658characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0661characterised by the loading mechanisms of the membrane G05D16/0663using a spring-loaded membrane with a spring-loaded slideable obturator G05D16/0666characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0669characterised by the loading mechanisms of the membrane G05D16/0672using several spring-loaded membranes G05D16/0675the membrane acting on the obturator through a lever G05D16/0677using one membrane without spring G05D16/068characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0683using a spring-loaded membrane G05D16/0686characterised by the form of the lever G05D16/0688characterised by the form of the obturator G05D16/0691characterised by the loading mechanisms of the membrane G05D16/0694using a spring-loaded membrane with a spring-loaded slideable obturator G05D16/0697using several membranes G05D16/08Control of liquid pressure G05D16/10the sensing element being a piston or plunger G05D16/101the controller being arranged as a multiple-way valve G05D16/103the sensing element placed between the inlet and outlet multiple-way valve G05D16/101 G05D16/106Sleeve-like sensing elements; Sensing elements surrounded by the flow path G05D16/107with a spring-loaded piston in combination with a spring-loaded slideable obturator that move together over range of motion during normal operation G05D16/109with two or more pistons acting as a single pressure controller that move together over range of motion during normal operations controllers mounted in series G05D16/0402, controller mounted in parallel G05D16/0404 G05D16/12the sensing element being a float G05D16/14with auxiliary non-electric power G05D16/16derived from the controlled fluid G05D16/163using membranes within the main valve G05D16/166using pistons within the main valve G05D16/18derived from an external source G05D16/185using membranes within the main valve G05D16/187using pistons within the main valve G05D16/20characterised by the use of electric means G05D16/2006with direct action of electric energy on controlling means combination of electric and non-electric auxiliary G05D16/2093 G05D16/2013using throttling means as controlling means G05D16/202actuated by an electric motor G05D16/2022actuated by a proportional solenoid throttling means G05D16/2024 G05D16/2024the throttling means being a multiple-way valve G05D16/2026with a plurality of throttling means G05D16/2033the plurality of throttling means being arranged in series G05D16/204the plurality of throttling means being arranged in parallel G05D16/2046the plurality of throttling means being arranged for the control of a single pressure from a plurality of converging pressures G05D16/204 takes precedence G05D16/2053the plurality of throttling means comprising only a first throttling means acting on a higher pressure and a second throttling means acting on a lower pressure, e.g. the atmosphere G05D16/206the plurality of throttling means being arranged for the control of a plurality of diverging pressures from a single pressure G05D16/204 takes precedence G05D16/2066using controlling means acting on the pressure source G05D16/2073with a plurality of pressure sources G05D16/208using a combination of controlling means as defined in G05D16/2013 and G05D16/2066G05D16/2073 takes precedence G05D16/2086without direct action of electric energy on the controlling means combination of electric and non-electric auxiliary G05D16/2093 G05D16/2093with combination of electric and non-electric auxiliary power G05D16/2095using membranes within the main valve G05D16/2097using pistons within the main valve G05D17/00Control of torqueControl of mechanical power G05D17/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D19/00Control of mechanical oscillations, e.g. of amplitude, of frequency, of phase G05D19/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D21/00Control of chemical or physico-chemical variables, e.g. pH value G05D21/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D22/00Control of humidity G05D22/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D23/00Control of temperature In groups G05D23/01 - G05D23/32, the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the last appropriate place. G05D23/01without auxiliary power G05D23/015with mechanical sensing element not covered by groups G05D23/02 and G05D23/12 G05D23/02with sensing element expanding and contracting in response to changes of temperature G05D23/13 takes precedence G05D23/021the sensing element being a non-metallic solid, e.g. elastomer, paste G05D23/022the sensing element being placed within a regulating fluid flow G05D23/023the sensing element being placed outside a regulating fluid flow G05D23/024the sensing element being of the rod type, tube type, or of a similar type G05D23/025the sensing element being placed within a regulating fluid flow G05D23/026the sensing element being placed outside a regulating fluid flow G05D23/027for combustible fluid G05D23/028with fusing sensing element G05D23/08with bimetallic element G05D23/10with snap-action elements G05D23/12with sensing element responsive to pressure or volume changes in a confined fluid G05D23/121characterised by the sensing element G05D23/122using a plurality of sensing elements G05D23/123the sensing element being placed within a regulating fluid flow G05D23/125the sensing element being placed outside a regulating fluid flow G05D23/126using a capillary tube G05D23/127to control a gaseous fluid circulation G05D23/128the fluid being combustible G05D23/13by varying the mixing ratio of two fluids having different temperatures G05D23/1306for liquids G05D23/1393 takes precedence G05D23/1313without temperature sensing element G05D23/132with temperature sensing element G05D23/1326details of the sensor G05D23/1333measuring the temperature of incoming fluid G05D23/134measuring the temperature of mixed fluid G05D23/1346with manual temperature setting means G05D23/1353combined with flow controlling means G05D23/136with pressure equalizing means G05D23/1366using a plurality of sensing elements G05D23/1373measuring the temperature of mixed fluid G05D23/138for gases G05D23/1393 takes precedence G05D23/1386for steam and liquid G05D23/1393 takes precedence G05D23/1393characterised by the use of electric means G05D23/185with auxiliary non-electric power G05D23/1852with sensing element expanding and contracting in response to change of temperature G05D23/1854with bimetallic element G05D23/1856with sensing element responsive to pressure or volume change in a confined fluid G05D23/1858by varying the mixing ratio of fluids having different temperatures G05D23/19characterised by the use of electric means G05D23/1393 takes precedence G05D23/1902characterised by the use of a variable reference value G05D23/1904variable in time G05D23/1905associated with tele control G05D23/1906using an analogue comparing device G05D23/1909whose output amplitude can only take two discrete values G05D23/1912whose output amplitude can take more than two discrete values G05D23/1913delivering a series of pulses G05D23/1917using digital means G05D23/1919characterised by the type of controller G05D23/192using a modification of the thermal impedance between a source and the load G05D23/1921using a thermal motor G05D23/1923using thermal energy, the cost of which varies in function of time G05D23/1924using thermal energy, the availability of which is aleatory G05D23/1925using a combination of auxiliary electric and non-electric power G05D23/1927using a plurality of sensors G05D23/1902, G05D23/1917, and G05D23/1919 take precedence G05D23/1928sensing the temperature of one space G05D23/193sensing the temperaure in different places in thermal relationship with one or more spaces G05D23/1931to control the temperature of one space G05D23/1932to control the temperature of a plurality of spaces G05D23/1934each space being provided with one sensor acting on one or more control means G05D23/1935using sequential control G05D23/1951with control of the working time of a temperature controlling device G05D23/20with sensing elements having variation of electric or magnetic properties with change of temperature G05D23/13 takes precedence G05D23/2033details of the sensing element G05D23/2034the sensing element being a semiconductor G05D23/2035the sensing element being a ionized gas G05D23/2036the sensing element being a dielectric of a capacitor G05D23/2037details of the regulator G05D23/2039using mechanical means G05D23/22the sensing element being a thermocouple G05D23/2236details of the regulator G05D23/2237using discharge tubes G05D23/2239using photoelectric elements G05D23/224using selfs or transformers G05D23/24the sensing element having a resistance varying with temperature, e.g. a thermistor G05D23/2401using a heating element as a sensing element G05D23/2451Details of the regulator G05D23/2453using discharge tubes G05D23/2454using photoelectric elements G05D23/2456using selfs or transformers G05D23/26the sensing element having a permeability varying with temperature G05D23/27with sensing element responsive to radiation G05D23/275with sensing element expanding, contracting, or fusing in response to changes of temperature G05D23/27535Details of the sensing element G05D23/27536using fusible material G05D23/27537using expansible fluid G05D23/27539using conductible expansible fluid G05D23/2754using bimetallic element G05D23/27541using expansible solid G05D23/27543using the controlled element as sensing element G05D23/30Automatic controllers with an auxiliary heating device affecting the sensing element, e.g. for anticipating change of temperature G05D23/303using a sensing element having a resistance varying with temperature, e.g. thermistor G05D23/306using semiconductor devices G05D23/32with provision for adjustment of the effect of the auxiliary heating device, e.g. a function of time G05D24/00Control of viscosity G05D24/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D25/00Control of light, e.g. intensity, colour or phase optical devices or arrangements using movable or deformable elements for controlling light independent of the light source G02B26/00; devices or arrangements, the optical operation of which is modified by changing the optical properties of the medium of the devices or arrangements for the control of light, circuit arrangements specially adapted therefor, control of light by electro-magnetic waves, electrons or other elementary particles G02F1/00 G05D25/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D27/00Simultaneous control of variables covered by two or more of main groups G05D1/00 - G05D25/00 G05D27/02characterised by the use of electric means G05D29/00Simultaneous control of electric and non-electric variables G05D99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass
G05D2201/00 G05D2201/00Application G05D2201/02Control of position of land vehicles G05D2201/0201Agriculture or harvesting machine G05D2201/0202Building or civil engineering machine G05D2201/0203Cleaning or polishing vehicle G05D2201/0204Golf cart G05D2201/0205Harbour vehicle, e.g. crane G05D2201/0206Vehicle in a health care environment, e.g. for distribution of food or medicins in a hospital or for helping handicapped persons G05D2201/0207Unmanned vehicle for inspecting or visiting an area G05D2201/0208Lawn mower G05D2201/0209Combat or reconnaissance vehicle for military, police or security applications G05D2201/021Mining vehicle G05D2201/0211Vehicle in an office environment, e.g. for delivering mail or for videoconferencing G05D2201/0212Driverless passenger transport vehicle G05D2201/0213Road vehicle, e.g. car or truck G05D2201/0214Position controlled toy G05D2201/0215Vacuum cleaner G05D2201/0216Vehicle for transporting goods in a warehouse, factory or similar G05D2201/0217Anthropomorphic or bipedal robot G05D2201/0218Planetary exploration vehicle