C22BPRODUCTION AND REFINING OF METALS electrolytic C25PRETREATMENT OF RAW MATERIALS In this subclass, groups for obtaining metals include obtaining the metals by non-metallurgical processes, and obtaining metal compounds by metallurgical processes, as far as specifically indicated in the relevant groups . Thus, for example, group C22B11/00 covers the production of silver by reduction of ammoniacal silver oxide in solution, and group C22B17/00 includes the production of cadmium oxide by a metallurgical process. Furthermore, although compounds of arsenic and antimony are classified in C01G, production of the elements themselves is included in C22B, as well as the production of their compounds by metallurgical processes. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: C22B9/187 - C22B9/193 covered by C22B9/18C22B9/21 covered by C22B9/20C22B15/02 covered by C22B15/0032C22B15/04 covered by C22B15/0036C22B15/06 covered by C22B15/0041, C22B15/0043C22B15/14 covered by C22B15/006
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
C22B1/00 C22B1/00Preliminary treatment of ores or scrap C22B1/005Preliminary treatment of scrap C22B1/02 - C22B1/26 take precedence C22B1/02Roasting processes C22B1/16 takes precedence C22B1/04Blast roasting C22B1/06Sulfating roasting C22B1/08Chloridising roasting C22B1/10in fluidised form C22B1/11Removing sulfur, phosphorus or arsenic other than by roasting C22B1/14AgglomeratingBriquettingBindingGranulating C22B1/16SinteringAgglomerating C22B1/18in sinter pots C22B1/20in sintering machines with movable grates C22B1/205regulation of the sintering process C22B1/212in tunnel furnaces C22B1/214in shaft furnaces C22B1/216in rotary furnaces C22B1/22in other sintering apparatus C22B1/24BindingBriquetting ; Granulating C22B1/2406pelletizing C22B1/2413enduration of pellets C22B1/242with binders C22B1/243inorganic C22B1/244organic C22B1/245with carbonaceous material for the production of coked agglomerates C22B1/248of metal scrap or alloys C22B1/26Cooling of roasted, sintered, or agglomerated ores C22B3/00Extraction of metal compounds from ores or concentrates by wet processes When classifying in this group, the nature of any metal which is considered to represent information of interest for search may also be classified in the main groups only of C22B11/00 - C22B25/00, in group C22B19/34 or in any of groups C22B26/00 - C22B61/00. This can for example, be the case when it is considered of interest to enable searching for extraction of specific metals or their compounds. Such non-obligatory classification should be given as "additional information".This group covers methods directed to the extraction of three or more metals. For the recovery of one or two metals, see the other groups of this subclass concerning these metals C22B3/02Apparatus therefor C22B3/04by leaching C22B3/18 takes precedence C22B3/045Leaching using electrochemical processes C22B3/06in inorganic acid solutions , e.g. with acids generated in situ; in inorganic salt solutions other than ammonium salt solutions C22B3/065Nitric acids or salts thereof C22B3/08Sulfuric acid , other sulfurated acids or salts thereof C22B3/10Hydrochloric acid , other halogenated acids or salts thereof C22B3/12in inorganic alkaline solutions C22B3/14containing ammonia or ammonium salts C22B3/16in organic solutions C22B3/1608Leaching with acyclic or carbocyclic agents C22B3/1616Leaching with acyclic or carbocyclic agents of a single type C22B3/1625with amines amino acids C22B3/165 C22B3/1633with oximes C22B3/1641with ketones or aldehydes C22B3/165with organic acids C22B3/1658Leaching with acyclic or carbocyclic agents of different types in admixture, e.g. with organic acids added to oximes C22B3/1666Leaching with heterocyclic compounds C22B3/1675Leaching with a mixture of organic agents wherein one agent at least is a heterocyclic compounds C22B3/1683 takes precedence C22B3/1683Leaching with organo-metallic compounds C22B3/1691Leaching with a mixture of organic agents wherein at least one agent is an organo-metallic compound C22B3/18with the aid of microorganisms or enzymes, e.g. bacteria or algae C22B3/20Treatment or purification of solutions, e.g. obtained by leaching C22B3/18 takes precedence C22B3/205using adducts or inclusion complexes C22B3/22by physical processes, e.g. by filtration, by magnetic means , or by thermal decomposition treatment or purification of solutions by liquid-liquid extraction C22B3/26 C22B3/24by adsorption on solid substances, e.g. by extraction with solid resinsGroup C22B3/24 is impacted by reclassification into group C22B3/42.
Groups C22B3/24 and C22B3/42 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
C22B3/26by liquid-liquid extraction using organic compoundsIn groups C22B3/262 - C22B3/41:the last place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, compounds are classified in the last appropriate place;when two or more compounds are used successively, each compound is classified as such;mixtures containing two or more compounds covered individually by the same one of groups C22B3/262 - C22B3/387, are classified only in that group.Group C22B3/26 is impacted by reclassification into group C22B3/40.
Groups C22B3/26 and C22B3/40 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
C22B3/262using alcohols or phenols C22B3/28Amines C22B3/282Aliphatic amines C22B3/284Aromatic amines C22B3/286Amino-alcohols C22B3/288Quaternary ammonium C22B3/30Oximes C22B3/302Ethers or epoxides C22B3/304Crown ethers C22B3/306Ketones or aldehydes C22B3/32Carboxylic acids C22B3/322Oxalic acids C22B3/324Naphthenic acids C22B3/326Ramified chain carboxylic acids or derivatives thereof, e.g. "versatic" acids C22B3/33Cyanic acids, derivatives thereof C22B3/34containing sulfur , e.g. sulfonium C22B3/36Heterocyclic compounds C22B3/34 takes precedence C22B3/362Heterocyclic compounds of a single type C22B3/364Quinoline C22B3/37containing boron, silicon, selenium or tellurium C22B3/38containing phosphorus C22B3/381Phosphines, e.g. compounds with the formula PRnH3-n, with n = 0-3 C22B3/382Phosphine chalcogenides, e.g. compounds of the formula R3P=X with X = O, S, Se or Te C22B3/383Tervalent phosphorus oxyacids, esters thereof C22B3/384Pentavalent phosphorus oxyacids, esters thereof C22B3/3842Phosphinic acid, e.g. H2P(O)(OH) C22B3/3844Phosphonic acid, e.g. H2P(O)(OH)2 C22B3/3846Phosphoric acid, e.g. (O)P(OH)3 C22B3/385Thiophosphoric acids, or esters thereof C22B3/386Polyphosphoric oxyacids, or derivatives thereof C22B3/387Cyclic or polycyclic compounds C22B3/40MixturesGroup C22B3/40 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group C22B3/26.
Groups C22B3/26 and C22B3/40 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
C22B3/402of acyclic or carbocyclic compounds of different types C22B3/404of organic acids and oximes C22B3/406at least one compound thereof being a heterocyclic compound C22B3/408using a mixture of phosphorus-based acid derivatives of different types C22B3/409at least one compound being an organo-metallic compound
C22B3/41using a solution of normally solid organic compounds, e.g. dissolved polymers, sugars, or the like
C22B3/42by ion-exchange extractionGroup C22B3/42 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group C22B3/24.
Groups C22B3/24 and C22B3/42 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
C22B3/44by chemical processes treatment or purification of solutions by liquid-liquid extraction C22B3/26, by ion-exchange extraction C22B3/42 C22B3/46by substitution, e.g. by cementation
C22B4/00Electrothermal treatment of ores or metallurgical products for obtaining metals or alloys obtaining iron or steel C21B, C21C C22B4/005using plasma jets smelting, remelting, refining of metals using a plasma as heat source C22B9/22; generating or handling plasma in general H05H1/00; gas-filled discharge tubes for processing materials in general H01J37/32 C22B4/02Light metals C22B4/005 takes precedence C22B4/04Heavy metals C22B4/005 takes precedence C22B4/06Alloys C22B4/005 takes precedence C22B4/08Apparatus C22B4/005 takes precedence; electric heating elements H05B C22B5/00General methods of reducing to metals C22B5/02Dry methods smelting of sulfides or formation of mattes C22B5/04by aluminium, other metals or silicon C22B5/06by carbides or the like C22B5/08by sulfidesRoasting reaction methods C22B5/10by solid carbonaceous reducing agents C22B5/12by gases C22B5/14fluidised material C22B5/16with volatilisation or condensation of the metal being produced C22B5/18Reducing step-by-step C22B5/20from metal carbonyls C22B7/00Working up raw materials other than ores, e.g. scrap, to produce non-ferrous metals and compounds thereof; Methods of a general interest or applied to the winning of more than two metals briquetting of scrap C22B1/248; preliminary treatment of scrap C22B1/005 C22B7/001Dry processes C22B7/002by treating with halogens, sulfur or compounds thereof; by carburising, by treating with hydrogen (hydriding) C22B7/003only remelting, e.g. of chips, borings, turnings; apparatus used therefor C22B7/004separating two or more metals by melting out (liquation), i.e. heating above the temperature of the lower melting metal component(s); by fractional crystallisation (controlled freezing) C22B7/005Separation by a physical processing technique only, e.g. by mechanical breaking C22B7/006Wet processes C22B7/007by acid leaching C22B7/008by an alkaline or ammoniacal leaching C22B7/009General processes for recovering metals or metallic compounds from spent catalysts for recovering specific metals C22B11/00 - C22B61/00 C22B7/02Working-up flue dust C22B7/04Working-up slag C22B9/00General processes of refining or remelting of metalsApparatus for electroslag or arc remelting of metals C22B9/003by induction C22B9/006with use of an inert protective material including the use of an inert gas C22B9/02Refining by liquating, filtering, centrifuging, distilling, or supersonic wave action including acoustic waves; C22B9/003, C22B9/006, C22B9/05, C22B9/22 take precedence C22B9/023By filtering filtration of aluminium C22B21/066 C22B9/026by acoustic waves, e.g. supersonic waves C22B9/04Refining by applying a vacuum C22B9/05Refining by treating with gases, e.g. gas flushing also refining by means of a material generating gas in situ C22B9/055while the metal is circulating, e.g. combined with filtration C22B9/10with refining or fluxing agentsUse of materials therefor, e.g. slagging or scorifying agentsC22B9/18 takes precedenceC22B9/006 takes precedence C22B9/103Methods of introduction of solid or liquid refining or fluxing agents C22B9/106the refining being obtained by intimately mixing the molten metal with a molten salt or slag C22B9/14Refining in the solid state C22B9/16Remelting metals liquating C22B9/02 C22B9/18Electroslag remelting electroslag casting B22D23/10 C22B9/20Arc remelting C22B9/22with heating by wave energy or particle radiation by acoustic waves C22B9/026 C22B9/221by electromagnetic waves, e.g. by gas discharge lamps C22B9/223by laser beams working by laser beam B23K26/00 C22B9/225by microwaves C22B9/226by electric discharge, e.g. plasma C22B9/20 takes precedence; apparatus therefor H01J, H05B, H05H; chemical reactions with metals in a plasma C22B4/005 C22B9/228by particle radiation, e.g. electron beams C22B11/00Obtaining noble metals C22B11/02by dry processes C22B11/021Recovery of noble metals from waste materials C22B11/023from pyrometallurgical residues, e.g. from ashes, dross, flue dust, mud, skim, slag, sludge C22B11/025from manufactured products, e.g. from printed circuit boards, from photographic films, paper, or baths C22B11/026from spent catalysts C22B11/028using solid sorbents, e.g. getters or catchment gauzes C22B11/04by wet processes extraction of metal compounds by leaching in organic solutions C22B3/16; treatment or purification of solutions by liquid-liquid extraction C22B3/26 C22B11/042Recovery of noble metals from waste materials C22B11/044from pyrometallurgical residues, e.g. from ashes, dross, flue dust, mud, skim, slag, sludge C22B11/046from manufactured products, e.g. from printed circuit boards, from photographic films, paper or baths C22B11/048from spent catalysts C22B11/06Chloridising C22B11/08by cyaniding C22B11/10by amalgamating C22B11/12Apparatus therefor C22B13/00Obtaining lead C22B13/02by dry processes C22B13/025Recovery from waste materials C22B13/04by wet processes C22B13/045Recovery from waste materials C22B13/06Refining C22B13/08Separating metals from lead by precipitating, e.g. Parkes process C22B13/10Separating metals from lead by crystallising, e.g. by Pattison process C22B15/00Obtaining copper C22B15/0002Preliminary treatment C22B15/0004without modification of the copper constituent C22B15/0006by dry processes C22B15/0008by wet processes by flotation B03D C22B15/001with modification of the copper constituent C22B15/0013by roasting C22B15/0015Oxidizing roasting C22B15/0017Sulfating or sulfiding roasting C22B15/0019Chloridizing roasting segregation C22B15/0023 C22B15/0021by reducing in gaseous or solid state slag reduction C22B15/0054 C22B15/0023Segregation C22B15/0026Pyrometallurgy C22B15/0028Smelting or converting C22B15/003Bath smelting or converting C22B15/0032in shaft furnaces, e.g. blast furnaces C22B15/0034in rotary furnaces, e.g. kaldo-type furnaces C22B15/0036in reverberatory furnaces C22B15/0039in electric furnaces C22B15/0041in converters C22B15/0043in rotating converters C22B15/0045in muffles, crucibles, or closed vessels C22B15/0047flash smelting or converting C22B15/005in a succession of furnaces C22B15/0052Reduction smelting or converting C22B15/0054Slag, slime, speiss, or dross treating C22B15/0056Scrap treating C22B15/0058Spent catalysts C22B15/006working up of molten copper, e.g. refining C22B15/0063Hydrometallurgy C22B15/0065Leaching or slurrying with organic compounds C22B3/16 C22B15/0067with acids or salts thereof C22B15/0069containing halogen C22B15/0071containing sulfur C22B15/0073containing nitrogen C22B15/0076Cyanide groups C22B15/0078with ammoniacal solutions, e.g. ammonium hydroxide C22B15/008with non-acid solutions containing salts of alkali or alkaline earth metals C22B15/0082with water C22B15/0084Treating solutions with organic compounds C22B3/20 C22B15/0086by physical methods C22B15/0089by chemical methods C22B15/0091by cementation C22B15/0093by gases, e.g. hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide C22B15/0095Process control or regulation methods C22B15/0097Sulfur release abatement C22B17/00Obtaining cadmium C22B17/02by dry processes C22B17/04by wet processes C22B17/06Refining C22B19/00Obtaining zinc or zinc oxide C22B19/02Preliminary treatment of oresPreliminary refining of zinc oxide C22B19/04Obtaining zinc by distilling C22B19/06in muffle furnaces C22B19/08in blast furnaces C22B19/10in reverberatory furnaces C22B19/12in crucible furnaces C22B19/14in vertical retorts C22B19/16Distilling vessels C22B19/18Condensers, Receiving vessels C22B19/20Obtaining zinc otherwise than by distilling C22B19/22with leaching with acids C22B19/24with leaching with alkaline solutions, e.g. ammonia C22B19/26Refining solutions containing zinc values, e.g. obtained by leaching zinc ores treatment or purification of solutions by liquid-liquid extraction, by ion exchange or by adsorption C22B3/00 C22B19/28from muffle furnace residues C22B19/30from metallic residues or scraps C22B19/32Refining zinc C22B19/34Obtaining zinc oxide purifying zinc oxide C01G9/02 C22B19/36in blast or reverberatory furnaces C22B19/38in rotary furnaces C22B21/00Obtaining aluminium C22B21/0007Preliminary treatment of ores or scrap or any other metal source Bayer processes C01F C22B21/0015by wet processes C22B21/02, C22B21/04 and C22B21/06 take precedence C22B21/0023from waste materials C22B21/003from spent catalysts C22B21/0038by other processes electrolysis C25C; C22B21/02 and C22B21/04 take precedence C22B21/0046from aluminium halides C22B21/0053from other aluminium compounds C22B21/0061using metals, e.g. Hg or Mn C22B21/0069from scrap, skimmings or any secondary source aluminium, e.g. recovery of alloy constituents C22B21/0046, C22B21/0053 and C22B21/0092 take precedence C22B21/0076from spent catalysts C22B21/0084melting and handling molten aluminium C22B21/02, C22B21/04 and C22B21/06 take precedence C22B21/0092Remelting scrap, skimmings or any secondary source aluminium C22B21/02with reducing C22B21/04 takes precedence C22B21/04with alkali metals earth alkali metals included C22B21/06refining electrolytic refining C25C; C22B21/0046, C22B21/0061 take precedence C22B21/062using salt or fluxing agents C22B21/064, C22B21/066, and C22B21/068 take precedence C22B21/064using inert or reactive gases C22B21/066 and C22B21/068 take precedence C22B21/066Treatment of circulating aluminium, e.g. by filtration C22B21/068 takes precedence C22B21/068handling in vacuum C22B23/00Obtaining nickel or cobalt C22B23/005Preliminary treatment of ores, e.g. by roasting or by the Krupp-Renn process C22B23/02by dry processes C22B23/021by reduction in solid state, e.g. by segregation processes C22B23/023with formation of ferro-nickel or ferro-cobalt C22B23/025with formation of a matte or by matte refining or converting into nickel or cobalt, e.g. by the Oxford process leaching of mattes C22B23/04 C22B23/026from spent catalysts C22B23/028separation of nickel from cobalt C22B23/04by wet processes recovery or separation of nickel or cobalt using organic agents C22B3/00 C22B23/0407Leaching processes C22B23/0415with acids or salt solutions except ammonium salts solutions C22B23/0423Halogenated acids or salts thereof C22B23/043Sulfurated acids or salts thereof C22B23/0438Nitric acids or salts thereof C22B23/0446with an ammoniacal liquor or with a hydroxide of an alkali or alkaline-earth metal C22B23/0453Treatment or purification of solutions, e.g. obtained by leaching C22B23/0407 takes precedence C22B23/0461by chemical methods C22B23/0469by chemical substitution, e.g. by cementation C22B23/0476Separation of nickel from cobalt C22B23/0484in acidic type solutions C22B23/0492in ammoniacal type solutions C22B23/06Refining C22B23/065carbonyl methods C22B25/00Obtaining tin C22B25/02by dry processes C22B25/04by wet processes C22B25/06from scrap, especially tin scrap by electrolytic procedure C25C1/14 C22B25/08Refining C22B26/00Obtaining alkali, alkaline earth metals or magnesium C22B26/10Obtaining alkali metals C22B26/12Obtaining lithium C22B26/20Obtaining alkaline earth metals or magnesium C22B26/22Obtaining magnesium C22B30/00Obtaining antimony, arsenic or bismuth C22B30/02Obtaining antimony C22B30/04Obtaining arsenic extraction of metal compounds by leaching in organic solutions C22B3/16; treatment or purification of solutions by adsorption on solids C22B3/24, by liquid-liquid extraction C22B3/26, by ion-exchange extraction C22B3/42 C22B30/06Obtaining bismuth C22B34/00Obtaining refractory metals C22B34/10Obtaining titanium, zirconium or hafnium C22B34/12Obtaining titanium or titanium compounds from ores or scrap by metallurgical processing; preparation of titanium compounds from other titanium compounds see C01G23/00 - C01G23/08 C22B34/1204preliminary treatment of ores or scrap to eliminate non- titanium constituents, e.g. iron, without attacking the titanium constituent C22B34/1209by dry processes, e.g. with selective chlorination of iron or with formation of a titanium bearing slag C22B34/1213by wet processes, e.g. using leaching methods or flotation techniques C22B34/1218obtaining titanium or titanium compounds from ores or scrap by dry processes C22B34/1222using a halogen containing agent C22B34/1227using an oxygen containing agent C22B34/1231treatment or purification of titanium containing products obtained by dry processes, e.g. condensation C22B34/1236obtaining titanium or titanium compounds from ores or scrap by wet processes, e.g. by leaching C22B34/124using acidic solutions or liquors C22B34/1245containing a halogen ion as active agent C22B34/125containing a sulfur ion as active agent C22B34/1254using basic solutions or liquors C22B34/1259treatment or purification of titanium containing solutions or liquors or slurries C01G23/001 takes precedence C22B34/1263obtaining metallic titanium from titanium compounds, e.g. by reduction C22B34/129 takes precedence C22B34/1268using alkali or alkaline-earth metals or amalgams C22B34/1272reduction of titanium halides, e.g. Kroll process C22B34/1277using other metals, e.g. Al, Si, Mn C22B34/1281using carbon containing agents, e.g. C, CO, carbides C22B34/1286 takes precedence C22B34/1286using hydrogen containing agents, e.g. H2, CaH2, hydrocarbons C22B34/129obtaining metallic titanium from titanium compounds by dissociation, e.g. thermic dissociation of titanium tetraiodide, or by electrolysis or with the use of an electric arc C22B34/1295Refining, melting, remelting, working up of titanium C22B34/14Obtaining zirconium or hafnium treatment or purification of solutions by liquid-liquid extraction, by ion exchange or by adsorption C22B3/00, C01G25/003, C01G27/003 C22B34/20Obtaining niobium, tantalum or vanadium C22B34/22Obtaining vanadium C22B34/225from spent catalysts C22B34/24Obtaining niobium or tantalum C22B34/30Obtaining chromium, molybdenum or tungsten C22B34/32Obtaining chromium C22B34/325from spent catalysts C22B34/34Obtaining molybdenum treatment or purification of solutions by adsorption on solids C22B3/24, by liquid-liquid extraction C22B3/26, by ion-exchange extraction C22B3/42; preparation of molybdenum involving liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption or ion-exchange C01G39/003 C22B34/345from spent catalysts C22B34/36Obtaining tungsten C22B34/365from spent catalysts C22B35/00Obtaining beryllium C22B41/00Obtaining germanium treatment or purification of solutions by adsorption on solids C22B3/24, by liquid-liquid extraction C22B3/26, by ion-exchange extraction C22B3/42 C22B43/00Obtaining mercury C22B47/00Obtaining manganese C22B47/0009from spent catalysts C22B47/0018Treating ocean floor nodules C22B47/0027Preliminary treatment C22B47/0036by dry processes, e.g. smelting C22B47/0045by wet processes C22B47/0054leaching processes C22B47/0063with acids or salt solutions C22B47/0072 takes precedence C22B47/0072with an ammoniacal liquor or with a hydroxide of an alkali or alkaline-earth metal C22B47/0081Treatment or purification of solutions, e.g. obtained by leaching C22B47/0054 takes precedence C22B47/009refining, e.g. separation of metals obtained by the above methods C22B58/00Obtaining gallium or indium treatment or purification of solutions by liquid-liquid extraction, by ion-exchange or by adsorption C22B3/20 C22B59/00Obtaining rare earth metals C22B60/00Obtaining metals of atomic number 87 or higher, i.e. radioactive metals C22B60/02Obtaining thorium, uranium, or other actinides C22B60/0204obtaining uranium C22B60/0208preliminary treatment of ores or scrap C22B60/0213by dry processes C22B60/0217by wet processes C22B60/0221by leaching C22B60/0226using acidic solutions or liquors C22B60/023halogenated ion as active agent C22B60/0234sulfurated ion as active agent C22B60/0239nitric acid containing ion as active agent C22B60/0243phosphorated ion as active agent C22B60/0247using basic solutions or liquors C22B60/0252treatment or purification of solutions or of liquors or of slurries C22B60/0221 takes precedence C22B60/0256using biological agents, e.g. microorganisms or algae C22B60/026liquid-liquid extraction with or without dissolution in organic solvents C22B60/0265extraction by solid resins C22B60/0269Extraction by activated carbon containing adsorbents C22B60/0273Extraction by titanium containing adsorbents, e.g. by hydrous titanium oxide C22B60/0269 takes precedence C22B60/0278by chemical methods C22B60/0256, C22B60/026, C22B60/0265 take precedence C22B60/0282Solutions containing P ions, e.g. treatment of solutions resulting from the leaching of phosphate ores or recovery of uranium from wet-process phosphoric acid C22B60/0286refining, melting, remelting, working up uranium C22B60/0291obtaining thorium C22B60/0295obtaining other actinides except plutonium C22B60/04Obtaining plutonium C22B61/00Obtaining metals not elsewhere provided for in this subclass iron C21