B03CMAGNETIC OR ELECTROSTATIC SEPARATION OF SOLID MATERIALS FROM SOLID MATERIALS OR FLUIDSSEPARATION BY HIGH-VOLTAGE ELECTRIC FIELDS separating isotopes B01D59/00; combinations of magnetic or electrostatic separation with separation of solids by other means B03B, B07BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B03C1/00 B03C1/00Magnetic separation B03C1/002High gradient magnetic separation B03C1/005Pretreatment specially adapted for magnetic separation B03C1/01by addition of magnetic adjuvants B03C1/015by chemical treatment imparting magnetic properties to the material to be separated, e.g. roasting, reduction, oxidation B03C1/02acting directly on the substance being separated B03C1/021Separation using Meissner effect, i.e. deflection of superconductive particles in a magnetic field B03C1/023Separation using Lorentz force, i.e. deflection of electrically charged particles in a magnetic field B03C1/025High gradient magnetic separators B03C1/027with reciprocating canisters B03C1/029with circulating matrix or matrix elements B03C1/03rotating, e.g. of the carousel type B03C1/031Component partsAuxiliary operations B03C1/032Matrix cleaning systems B03C1/033characterised by the magnetic circuit B03C1/0332using permanent magnets B03C1/0335using coils B03C1/0337superconductive B03C1/034characterised by the matrix elements B03C1/035Open gradient magnetic separators, i.e. separators in which the gap is unobstructed, characterised by the configuration of the gap B03C1/0355using superconductive coils B03C1/04with the material carriers in the form of trays or with tables B03C1/06with magnets moving during operation B03C1/08with non-movable magnets B03C1/10with cylindrical material carriers B03C1/247 takes precedence B03C1/12with magnets moving during operationwith movable pole pieces B03C1/14with non-movable magnets B03C1/145with rotating annular or disc-shaped material carriers B03C1/16with material carriers in the form of belts B03C1/18with magnets moving during operation B03C1/20in the form of belts, e.g. cross-belt type B03C1/22with non-movable magnets B03C1/23with material carried by oscillating fieldswith material carried by travelling fields, e.g. generated by stationary magnetic coilsEddy-current separators, e.g. sliding ramp B03C1/24with material carried by travelling fields B03C1/247obtained by a rotating magnetic drum B03C1/253obtained by a linear motor B03C1/26with free falling material B03C1/035 takes precedence B03C1/28Magnetic plugs and dipsticks B03C1/282with associated accumulation indicator, e.g. Hall sensor B03C1/284with associated cleaning means, e.g. retractable non-magnetic sleeve B03C1/286disposed at the inner circumference of a recipient, e.g. magnetic drain bolt B03C1/288disposed at the outer circumference of a recipient B03C1/30Combinations with other devices, not otherwise provided for B03C1/32acting on the medium containing the substance being separated, e.g. magneto-gravimetric-, magnetohydrostatic-, or magnetohydrodynamic separation B03C3/00Separating dispersed particles from gases or vapour, e.g. air, by electrostatic effect B03C3/01Pretreatment of the gases prior to electrostatic precipitation B03C3/011PrefilteringFlow controlling B03C3/013Conditioning by chemical additives, e.g. with SO3 B03C3/014Addition of waterHeat exchange, e.g. by condensation B03C3/016by acoustic or electromagnetic energy, e.g. ultra-violet light B03C3/017Combinations of electrostatic separation with other processes, not otherwise provided for B03C3/0175Amassing particles by electric fields, e.g. agglomeration B03C3/019Post-treatment of gases B03C3/02Plant or installations having external electricity supply B03C3/025Combinations of electrostatic separators, e.g. in parallel or in series, stacked separators, dry-wet separator combinations B03C3/04dry type B03C3/06characterised by presence of stationary tube electrodes B03C3/08characterised by presence of stationary flat electrodes arranged with their flat surfaces parallel to the gas stream B03C3/09characterised by presence of stationary flat electrodes arranged with their flat surfaces at right angles to the gas stream B03C3/10characterised by presence of electrodes moving during separating action B03C3/12characterised by separation of ionising and collecting stations B03C3/14characterised by the additional use of mechanical effects, e.g. gravity B03C3/32 takes precedence B03C3/145Inertia B03C3/15Centrifugal forces B03C3/155Filtration B03C3/16wet type B03C3/28Plant or installations without electricity supply, e.g. using electrets B03C3/30in which electrostatic charge is generated by passage of the gases, i.e. tribo-electricity B03C3/32Transportable units, e.g. for cleaning room air B03C3/34Constructional details or accessories or operation thereof B03C3/36Controlling flow of gases or vapour B03C3/361by static mechanical means, e.g. deflector B03C3/363located before the filter B03C3/365located after the filter B03C3/366located in the filter, e.g. special shape of the electrodes B03C3/368by other than static mechanical means, e.g. internal ventilator or recycler B03C3/38Particle charging or ionising stations, e.g. using electric discharge, radioactive radiation or flames B03C3/383using radiation B03C3/386using flames B03C3/40Electrode constructions B03C3/41Ionising-electrodes B03C3/43radioactive B03C3/45Collecting-electrodes B03C3/455specially adapted for heat exchange with the gas stream B03C3/53 takes precedence B03C3/47flat, e.g. plates, discs, gratings B03C3/49tubular B03C3/455 takes precedence B03C3/51Catch- space electrodes, e.g. slotted-box form B03C3/53Liquid, or liquid-film, electrodes B03C3/60Use of special materials other than liquids B03C3/62ceramics B03C3/64synthetic resins B03C3/66Applications of electricity supply techniques B03C3/68Control systems therefor electricity supply or control systems for cleaning the electrodes B03C3/746, B03C3/763 B03C3/70insulating in electric separators B03C3/53 takes precedence B03C3/72Emergency control systems B03C3/74Cleaning the electrodes B03C3/743by using friction, e.g. by brushes or sliding elements B03C3/746Electricity supply or control systems therefor B03C3/76by using a mechanical vibrator, e.g. rapping gear ; by using impact B03C3/761Drive-transmitting devices therefor, e.g. insulated shafts B03C3/763Electricity supply or control systems therefor B03C3/765with electromagnetic rappers B03C3/766with pneumatic rappers B03C3/768with free falling masses, e.g. dropped metal balls B03C3/78by washing B03C3/80by gas or solid particle blasting B03C3/82Housings B03C3/84Protective coatings B03C3/86Electrode-carrying means B03C3/40 takes precedence B03C3/88Cleaning-out collected particles B03C3/885by travelling or oscillating electric fields, e.g. electric field curtains electrostatic non-mechanical conveyors in general B65G54/02 B03C5/00Separating dispersed particles from liquids by electrostatic effect flocculation or agglomeration of electric particles induced by electric field B01D21/0009; combined with centrifuges B04B5/10 In this group, the following term is used with the meaning indicated:"separating" means dimensional modifications of particle-liquid distributions, e.g. particle immobilisation, caging, translational or rotational motion B03C5/005Dielectrophoresis, i.e. dielectric particles migrating towards the region of highest field strength B03C5/02 takes precedence; electrophoresis B01D57/02 B03C5/02Separators B03C5/022Non-uniform field separators B03C5/024using high-gradient differential dielectric separation, i.e. using a dielectric matrix polarised by an external field B03C5/026using open-gradient differential dielectric separation, i.e. using electrodes of special shapes for non-uniform field creation, e.g. Fluid Integrated Circuit [FIC] B03C5/028using travelling electric fields, i.e. travelling wave dielectrophoresis [TWD] B03C7/00Separating solids from solids by electrostatic effect B03C7/003Pretreatment of the solids prior to electrostatic separation B03C7/006Charging without electricity supply, e.g. by tribo-electricity, pyroelectricity B03C7/02Separators B03C7/023Non-uniform field separators B03C7/026using travelling or oscillating electric fields B03C7/04with material carriers in the form of trays, troughs, or tables B03C7/06with cylindrical material carriers B03C7/08with material carriers in the form of belts B03C7/10with material falling in cascades B03C7/12with material falling free B03C9/00Electrostatic separation not provided for in any single one of the other main groups of this subclass B03C11/00Separation by high-voltage electrical fields, not provided for in other groups of this subclass B03C2201/00 B03C2201/00Details of magnetic or electrostatic separation B03C2201/02Electro-statically separating liquids from liquids B03C2201/04Ionising electrode being a wire B03C2201/06Ionising electrode being a needle B03C2201/08Ionising electrode being a rod B03C2201/10Ionising electrode has multiple serrated ends or parts B03C2201/12Cleaning the device by burning the trapped particles B03C2201/14the gas being moved electro-kinetically B03C2201/16Magnetic separating gases form gases, e.g. oxygen from air B03C2201/18Magnetic separation whereby the particles are suspended in a liquid B03C2201/20Magnetic separation whereby the particles to be separated are in solid form B03C2201/22characterised by the magnetical field, special shape or generation B03C2201/24for measuring or calculating parameters, efficiency, etc. B03C2201/26for use in medical applications B03C2201/28Parts being easily removable for cleaning purposes B03C2201/30for use in or with vehicles B03C2201/32Checking the quality of the result or the well-functioning of the device