B09CRECLAMATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL gatherers for removing stone or the like from the soil A01B43/00; sterilising soil by steam A01G11/00; removing undesirable matter, e.g. rubbish, from the land E01H15/00 In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "reclamation" means the partial or total elimination or the fixing of contaminants in soil. The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups:B09C1/04 covered by B09C1/02
B09C1/00 B09C1/00Reclamation of contaminated soil B09C1/002involving in-situ ground water treatment B09C1/005Extraction of vapours or gases using vacuum or venting B09C1/007by removing contaminants floating on the water table B09C1/02Extraction using liquids, e.g. washing, leaching , flotation B09C1/025using an oil as solvent or extracting agent B09C1/06thermally B09C1/062by using electrode or resistance heating elements B09C1/065by pyrolysis B09C1/067by vitrification B09C1/08chemically B09C1/085electrochemically, e.g. by electrokinetics B09C1/10microbiologically, biologically or by using enzymes B09C1/105using fungi or plants B09C2101/00 B09C2101/00In situ