B60GVEHICLE SUSPENSION ARRANGEMENTS air-cushion vehicles B60V; cycle suspensions B62K25/00Attention is drawn to the Note following the title of class B60.Indexing codes B60G2200/00 - B60G2800/00 are dedicated to particular aspects of suspension arrangements: B60G2200/00 refers to the type of suspension arrangement; B60G2202/00 refers to the suspension elements used (springs, dampers and actuators); B60G2204/00 refers to mounting features of suspension elements;B60G2206/00 refers to constructional and manufacturing details of suspension elements; B60G2300/00 refers to the type of vehicle; B60G2400/00 - B60G2800/00 refer to the electronic control of suspension arrangements, whereby: B60G2400/00 refers to input parameters of the control; B60G2401/00 refers to types of sensors used; B60G2500/00 refers to the controlled action or device; B60G2600/00 refers to particular details of the control system; B60G2800/00 refers to the result to be achieved by the control action.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B60G23/00 covered by B60G17/0165
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B60G1/00 B60G1/00Suspensions with rigid connection between axle and frame B60G1/02with continuous axle B60G1/04with divided axle B60G3/00Resilient suspensions for a single wheel pivoted suspensions arms per se, attachment thereof to sprung part of the vehicle, buffer means for limiting movement of arms B60G7/00; rigid axle suspensions B60G9/00; characterised by arrangement, location or type of springs B60G11/00 B60G3/01the wheel being mounted for sliding movement, e.g. in or on a vertical guide camber maintaining means B60G3/26 B60G3/02with a single pivoted arm B60G3/04the arm being essentially transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G3/06the arm being rigid B60G3/08the arm forming the axle housing B60G3/10the arm itself being resilient, e.g. leaf spring B60G7/003 takes precedence B60G3/12the arm being essentially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G3/14the arm being rigid B60G3/145the arm forming the axle housing B60G3/16the arm itself being resilient, e.g. leaf spring B60G7/003 takes precedence B60G3/18with two or more pivoted arms, e.g. parallelogram B60G3/185the arms being essentially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G3/20all arms being rigid B60G3/202having one longitudinal arm and two parallel transversal arms, e.g. dual-link type strut suspension B60G3/205with the pivotal point of the longitudinal arm being on the vertical plane defined by the wheel rotation axis and the wheel ground contact point B60G3/207the arms being essentially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G3/22a rigid arm forming the axle housing B60G3/225the arm being of the trailing wishbone type B60G3/24a rigid arm being formed by the live axle B60G3/22, B60G3/26 take precedence; driving arrangements B60K17/22, B60K17/30, B60K17/32 B60G3/26Means for maintaining substantially-constant wheel camber during suspension movement ; Means for controlling the variation of the wheel position during suspension movement B60G3/202, B60G3/22, B60G7/003, B60G7/006 take precedence; means for adjusting camber, castor, or toe-in B62D17/00 B60G3/265with a strut cylinder contributing to the suspension geometry by being linked to the wheel support via an articulation B60G3/28at least one of the arms itself being resilient, e.g. leaf spring B60G7/003 takes precedence B60G3/285the arm being essentially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G5/00Resilient suspensions for a set of tandem wheels or axles having interrelated movements B60G5/005the wheels being fixed on a non-pivotal structure, e.g. a sliding mount B60G5/01the set being characterised by having more than two successive axles B60G5/02mounted on a single pivoted arm , e.g. the arm being rigid B60G5/025the arm being transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G5/03the arm itself being resilient, e.g. a leafspring B60G5/053 takes precedence B60G5/04with two or more pivoted arms, the movements of which are resiliently interrelated , e.g. the arms being rigid B60G5/043the arms being transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G5/047at least one arm being resilient, e.g. a leafspring B60G5/053 takes precedence B60G5/053a leafspring being used as equilibration unit between two axle-supporting units B60G5/06the arms turning on a common pivot , e.g. being rigid B60G5/065at least one arm being resilient B60G7/00Pivoted suspension armsAccessories thereof means for maintaining substantially constant wheel camber during suspension movement B60G3/26; articulations for wheels B60G5/00; leaf spring attaching means B60G11/10, B60G11/12; trailing arm twist beam axle attaching means B60G21/052; articulations in general F16C B60G7/001Suspension arms, e.g. constructional features B60G7/006 takes precedence B60G7/003of adjustable length B60G7/005Ball joints B60G7/006 takes precedence; for steering linkage B62D7/16; ball joints per se F16C11/06 B60G7/006Attaching arms to sprung or unsprung part of vehicle, characterised by comprising attachment means controlled by an external actuator, e.g. a fluid or electrical motor B62D7/146 takes precedence B60G7/008Attaching arms to unsprung part of vehicle B60G7/005, B60G7/006 take precedence B60G7/02Attaching arms to sprung part of vehicle B60G7/006 takes precedence B60G7/04Buffer means for limiting movement of arms stops limiting fluid passage in fluid dampers F16F9/49; stroke-limiting stops for fluid dampers F16F9/58 B60G9/00Resilient suspensions of a rigid axle or axle housing for two or more wheels the axle being a part of a set of tandem axles B60G5/00-B60G5/065; with leaf springs B60G11/02-B60G11/08 B60G9/003the axle being rigidly connected to a trailing guiding device B60G9/006the axle being connected to two trailing arms with only one of them being rigidly connected to the axle B60G9/02the axle or housing being pivotally mounted on the vehicle , e.g. the pivotal axis being parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G9/003 takes precedence B60G9/022the axle having an imaginary pivotal point B60G9/025using linkages for the suspension of the axle allowing its lateral swinging displacement B60G9/027the axle having either a triangular, a "T" or "U" shape and being directly articulated with the chassis only by its middle apex, e.g. De Dion suspension B60G9/04the axle or housing not being pivotally mounted on the vehicle B60G9/003 takes precedence B60G11/00Resilient suspensions characterised by arrangement, location or kind of springs single wheel suspension by pivoted arm resilient in itself B60G3/00; adjusting spring characteristic B60G17/00; springs per se F16FThe term "torsion bar" includes torsion tube or the like. The term "rubber" includes synthetic substitutes of a similar nature. B60G11/003Lubrication devices for springs and dampers vehicle lubrication devices in general B60R17/00; for leaf springs in general F16F1/24 B60G11/006Centrally located spring units, e.g. all wheels being connected to a common spring unit B60G5/00, B60G17/033 take precedence B60G11/02having leaf springs only B60G11/006 takes precedence B60G11/025reparing devices for leaf springs B60G11/04arranged substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G11/06arranged obliquely to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G11/08arranged substantially transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G11/10characterised by means specially adapted for attaching the spring to axle or sprung part of the vehicle B60G11/107Sliding or rolling mountings B60G11/113Mountings on the axle B60G11/107 takes precedence B60G11/12Links, pins, or bushes B60G11/125Multiple-eye arrangements B60G11/14having helical, spiral or coil springs only B60G11/006 takes precedence B60G11/15Coil springs resisting deflection by winding up B60G11/16characterised by means specially adapted for attaching the spring to axle or sprung part of the vehicle B60G11/18having torsion-bar springs only B60G11/006 takes precedence; having rubber springs of the torsional-energy-absorption type B60G11/23B60G11/184 takes precedence over B60G11/181 - B60G11/183 B60G11/181arranged in a plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G11/182arranged in a plane oblique to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G11/183arranged in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle B60G11/184the torsion-bar consisting of a bundle of torsion elements B60G11/185the elements being rods B60G11/186of hexagonal cross-section B60G11/187the elements being leaf-springs loaded by twisting B60G11/188the elements being cables B60G11/189the torsion spring consisting of a tube with a slit B60G11/20characterised by means specially adapted for attaching the spring to axle or sprung part of the vehicle B60G11/22having rubber springs only B60G11/006 takes precedence B60G11/225Neidhart type rubber springs B60G11/23of the torsional-energy-absorption type B60G11/24characterised by means specially adapted for attaching the spring to axle or sprung part of the vehicle B60G11/26having fluid springs only, e.g. hydropneumatic springs B60G11/006, B60G15/12 take precedence B60G11/265hydraulic springs B60G11/27wherein the fluid is a gas B60G11/28characterised by means specially adapted for attaching the spring to axle or sprung part of the vehicle B60G11/30having pressure fluid accumulator therefor, e.g. accumulator arranged in vehicle frame dampers accumulating utilisable energy B60G13/14 B60G11/32having springs of different kinds B60G11/006 takes precedence B60G11/34including leaf springs B60G11/36and also helical, spiral or coil springs B60G11/38and also rubber springs B60G11/40the rubber springs being attached to the axle B60G11/42the rubber springs being attached to sprung part of the vehicle B60G11/44and also torsion-bar springs B60G11/46and also fluid springs B60G11/465with a flexible wall B60G11/48not including leaf springs B60G11/50having helical, spiral or coil springs, and also torsion-bar springs B60G11/52having helical, spiral or coil springs, and also rubber springs B60G11/54with rubber springs arranged within helical, spiral or coil springs B60G11/56having helical, spiral or coil springs, and also fluid springs B60G11/58arranged coaxially B60G11/60having both rubber springs and torsion-bar springs B60G11/62having both rubber springs and fluid springs B60G11/64having both torsion-bar springs and fluid springs B60G13/00Resilient suspensions characterised by arrangement, location or type of vibration dampers adjusting damping effect B60G17/06; vibration dampers per se F16F B60G13/001Arrangements for attachment of dampers mounting arrangements of combined spring and damper units B60G15/00; mountings of fluid dampers in general F16F9/54 B60G13/003characterised by the mounting on the vehicle body or chassis of the damper unit B60G13/005characterised by the mounting on the axle or suspension arm of the damper unit B60G13/006on the stub axle B60G13/008involving use of an auxiliary cylinder B60G13/006 takes precedence B60G13/02having dampers dissipating energy, e.g. frictionally B60G13/04mechanically, e.g. having frictionally-engaging springs as damping elements B60G13/06of fluid type B60G13/08hydraulic B60G13/10pneumatic B60G13/12quasi-fluid, i.e. having powdered medium B60G13/14having dampers accumulating utilisable energy, e.g. compressing air fluid springs with an accumulator B60G11/30 B60G13/16having dynamic absorbers as main damping means, i.e. spring-mass system vibrating out of phase B60G13/18combined with energy-absorbing means B60G15/00Resilient suspensions characterised by arrangement, location or type of combined spring and vibration damper, e.g. telescopic type combined spring and vibration-dampers per se F16F B60G15/02having mechanical spring B60G15/04and mechanical damper or dynamic damper B60G15/06and fluid damper B60G15/061with a coil spring being mounted inside the damper B60G15/062the spring being arranged around the damper B60G15/061, B60G15/067, B60G15/07 take precedence B60G15/063characterised by the mounting of the spring on the damper B60G15/065, B60G15/066 take precedence B60G15/065characterised by the use of a combination of springs B60G15/066the spring being different from a coil spring B60G15/065 takes precedence B60G15/067characterised by the mounting on the vehicle body or chassis of the spring and damper unit B60G15/068specially adapted for MacPherson strut-type suspension B60G15/07the damper being connected to the stub axle and the spring being arranged around the damper B60G15/068 takes precedence B60G15/08having fluid spring B60G15/10and mechanical damper or dynamic damper B60G15/12and fluid damper B60G15/14the damper being connected to the stub axle and the spring being arranged around the damper B60G17/00Resilient suspensions having means for adjusting the spring or vibration-damper characteristics, for regulating the distance between a supporting surface and a sprung part of vehicle or for locking suspension during use to meet varying vehicular or surface conditions, e.g. due to speed or load levelling or stabilising systems for tippers B60P1/045 B60G17/002by temperature regulation of the suspension unit, e.g. heat operated systems B60G17/005Suspension locking arrangements for retractable wheels B62D61/12 B60G17/015the regulating means comprising electric or electronic elements B60G17/002, B60G17/005 take precedence B60G17/0152characterised by the action on a particular type of suspension unit B60G17/01941 takes precedence B60G17/0155pneumatic unit B60G17/0157non-fluid unit, e.g. electric motor B60G17/016characterised by their responsiveness, when the vehicle is travelling, to specific motion, a specific condition, or driver input B60G17/017 takes precedence B60G17/0161mainly during straight-line motion B60G17/0164 takes precedence B60G17/0162mainly during a motion involving steering operation, e.g. cornering, overtaking B60G17/0164 takes precedence B60G17/0163the control involving steering geometry, e.g. four-wheel steering B60G17/0164mainly during accelerating or braking B60G17/0165to an external condition, e.g. rough road surface, side wind B60G17/017characterised by their use when the vehicle is stationary, e.g. during loading, engine start-up or switch-off B60G17/018characterised by the use of a specific signal treatment or control method B60G17/0182involving parameter estimation, e.g. observer, Kalman filter B60G17/0185for failure detection B60G17/019characterised by the type of sensor or the arrangement thereof B60G17/01941 takes precedence B60G17/01908Acceleration or inclination sensors characterised by the use of gyroscopes B60G21/08 B60G17/01916Mercury-switch type devices B60G17/01925Pendulum-type devices B60G17/01933Velocity, e.g. relative velocity-displacement sensors B60G17/01941characterised by the use of piezo-electric elements, e.g. sensors or actuators B60G17/0195characterised by the regulation being combined with other vehicle control systems conjoint control of vehicle sub-units including control of suspension systems B60W10/22 B60G17/02Spring characteristics , e.g. mechanical springs and mechanical adjusting meansB60G17/005, B60G17/015 take precedence B60G17/021the mechanical spring being a coil spring B60G17/0272 takes precedence B60G17/023the mechanical spring being a leaf spring B60G17/0275 takes precedence B60G17/025the mechanical spring being a torsion spring B60G17/0277, B60G21/0553 take precedence B60G17/027Mechanical springs regulated by fluid means B60G17/033 takes precedence B60G17/0272the mechanical spring being a coil spring B60G17/0275the mechanical spring being a leaf spring B60G17/0277the mechanical spring being a torsion spring B60G21/0553 takes precedence B60G17/033characterised by regulating means acting on more than one spring B60G17/04fluid spring characteristics B60G17/0408details, e.g. antifreeze for suspension fluid, pumps, retarding means per se B60G17/0416regulated by varying the resiliency of hydropneumatic suspensions B60G17/048 takes precedence B60G17/0424by varying the air pressure of the accumulator B60G17/0432by varying the number of accumulators connected to the hydraulic cylinder B60G17/0424 takes precedence B60G17/044Self-pumping fluid springs pumps for liquids F04 B60G17/048with the regulating means inside the fluid springs B60G17/044 takes precedence B60G17/0485the springs being pneumatic springs with a flexible wall, e.g. with levelling valves B60G17/052Pneumatic spring characteristics B60G17/048 takes precedence ; valves per se F16K B60G17/0521the spring having a flexible wall B60G17/0523Regulating distributors or valves for pneumatic springs B60G17/0525Height adjusting or levelling valves B60G17/0526Distributor units, e.g. for retractable wheels vehicles with retractable wheels per se B62D61/12 B60G17/0528Pressure regulating or air filling valves B60G17/056Regulating distributors or valves for hydropneumatic systemsB60G17/044 - B60G17/048, B60G17/0416 take precedence; Fluid interconnection systems to control vehicle inclination B60G21/06, B60G21/10; valves per se F16K B60G17/0565Height adjusting valves B60G17/06Characteristics of dampers , e.g. mechanical dampersB60G17/015 takes precedence B60G17/08Characteristics of fluid dampers adjusting fluid dampers in general F16F9/44 - F16F9/53 B60G21/00Interconnection systems for two or more resiliently-suspended wheels, e.g. for stabilising a vehicle body with respect to acceleration, deceleration or centrifugal forces B60G17/033 takes precedence ; levelling or stabilising systems for tippers B60P1/045; steering deflectable wheels combined with means for inwardly inclining the vehicle body on bends B62D9/02 B60G21/002longitudinally B60G21/005transversally B60G21/007means for adjusting the wheel inclination B60G21/02permanently interconnected B60G21/023longitudinally B60G21/026transversally B60G21/04mechanically B60G21/045between wheels on different axles on the same side of the vehicle, i.e. the left or the right side B60G21/05between wheels on the same axle but on different sides of the vehicle, i.e. the left and right wheel suspensions being interconnected B60G21/051Trailing arm twist beam axles B60G21/052Mounting means therefor B60G21/053adjustable B60G21/055Stabiliser bars B60G21/0551Mounting means therefor B60G21/0553adjustable B60G21/0555including an actuator inducing vehicle roll B60G21/0556including a releasable coupling B60G21/0555 takes precedence B60G21/0558including means varying the stiffness of the stabiliser B60G21/0556 takes precedence B60G21/06fluid B60G21/067between wheels on different axles on the same side of the vehicle, i.e. the left or the right side B60G21/073between wheels on the same axle but on different sides of the vehicle, i.e. the left and right wheel suspensions being interconnected B60G21/08characterised by use of gyroscopes gyroscopes for stabilising vehicle bodies without controlling suspension arrangements B62D37/06 B60G21/10not permanently interconnected, e.g. operative only on acceleration, only on deceleration or only at off-straight position of steering B60G21/103longitudinally B60G21/106transversally B60G99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass B60G99/002Suspension details of the suspension of the vehicle body on the vehicle chassis B60G99/004Other suspension arrangements with rubber springs B60G99/006Other suspension arrangements with metallic springs B60G99/008Other suspension arrangements with fluid springs B60G2200/00 B60G2200/00Indexing codes relating to suspension types B60G2200/10Independent suspensions B60G2200/13with longitudinal arms only B60G2200/132with a single trailing arm B60G2200/1322with a wishbone or triangular arm B60G2200/1324with a resilient trailing arm B60G2200/14with lateral arms B60G2200/141with one trailing arm and one lateral arm only B60G2200/142with a single lateral arm, e.g. MacPherson type B60G2200/1422the lateral arm being resilient B60G2200/1424the lateral arm having an L-shape B60G2200/143with lateral arms crossing each other, i.e. X formation as seen along the longitudinal axis B60G2200/144with two lateral arms forming a parallelogram B60G2200/1442including longitudinal rods B60G2200/154the lateral arm having an L-shape B60G2200/156wishbone-type arm formed by two links defining a virtual apex B60G2200/17with a strut contributing to the suspension geometry by being articulated onto the wheel support B60G2200/18Multilink suspensions, e.g. elastokinematic arrangements B60G2200/182with one longitudinal arm or rod and lateral rods B60G2200/184Assymetric arrangements B60G2200/20Semi-rigid axle suspensions B60G2200/21Trailing arms connected by a torsional beam, i.e. twist-beam axles B60G2200/22Trailing arms connected by a straight torsion bar B60G2200/23Trailing arms connected by a U-shaped torsion bar B60G2200/24Interconnected split axles B60G2200/30Rigid axle suspensions B60G2200/31with two trailing arms rigidly connected to the axle B60G2200/312with one of the two trailing arms being rigidly connected to the axle B60G2200/314with longitudinally arranged arms articulated on the axle B60G2200/315at least one of the arms having an A or V shape B60G2200/318two or more axles being mounted on a longitudinal rocking or walking beam B60G2200/32pivoted B60G2200/322with a single pivot point and a straight axle B60G2200/324with a single pivot point and a triangular "T" or "U"-shaped axle, e.g. DeDion arrangement B60G2200/326with two laterally spaced pivots, e.g. trailing frame B60G2200/34Stabilising mechanisms, e.g. for lateral stability B60G2200/341Panhard rod B60G2200/3415Scott-Russel linkage B60G2200/342Watt linkage B60G2200/343with an axle suspended by two pivoted rods in "V"-arrangement, the rods being coupled at its apex B60G2200/344with an axle suspended by two pivoted rods in an inverted "V"-arrangement, the rods being coupled at its apex B60G2200/345with an axle suspended by two pivoted rods in "X"-arrangement B60G2200/346with an axle suspended by two laterally displaced rods having an imaginary point of intersection above the wheel axis B60G2200/347with an axle suspended by two laterally displaced rods having an imaginary point of intersection below the wheel axis B60G2200/40Indexing codes relating to the wheels in the suspensions B60G2200/42Driven wheels or dead axles B60G2200/422Driving wheels or live axles B60G2200/44steerable B60G2200/445Self-steered wheels B60G2200/446Non-steerable wheels B60G2200/46camber angle B60G2200/462Toe-in/out B60G2200/4622Alignment adjustment B60G2200/464Caster angle B60G2200/466Damping acceleration or deceleration torque on wheel axle B60G2202/00Indexing codes relating to the type of spring, damper or actuator B60G2202/10Type of spring B60G2202/11Leaf spring B60G2202/112longitudinally arranged B60G2202/114transversally arranged B60G2202/116having a "C" form loaded only at its ends transversally to its central axis B60G2202/117having a "C" form loaded parallel to its central axis B60G2202/12Wound spring B60G2202/122subjected to tension B60G2202/13Torsion spring B60G2202/132comprising a longitudinal torsion bar and/or tube B60G2202/134comprising a transversal torsion bar and/or tube B60G2202/135Stabiliser bar and/or tube B60G2202/1351comprising at least two stabiliser bars parallel to each other B60G2202/136Twist-beam type arrangement B60G2202/1362including a second torsional element, e.g. second beam, stabiliser bar or tube B60G2202/14Plastic spring, e.g. rubber B60G2202/141subjected to tension B60G2202/142subjected to shear, e.g. Neidhart type B60G2202/1422Axial B60G2202/1424Torsional B60G2202/143subjected to compression B60G2202/144of rotary type B60G2202/15Fluid spring B60G2202/152Pneumatic spring B60G2202/1522of rotary type B60G2202/1524with two air springs per wheel, arranged before and after the wheel axis B60G2202/154with an accumulator B60G2202/16Magnetic spring B60G2202/20Type of damper B60G2202/21with two dampers per wheel, arranged before and after the wheel axis B60G2202/22Rotary Damper B60G2202/23Friction Damper B60G2202/24Fluid damper B60G2202/242Pneumatic damper B60G2202/25Dynamic damper B60G2202/30Spring/Damper and/or actuator Units B60G2202/31with the spring arranged around the damper, e.g. MacPherson strut B60G2202/312The spring being a wound spring B60G2202/314The spring being a pneumatic spring B60G2202/32The spring being in series with the damper and/or actuator B60G2202/322the damper being controllable B60G2202/40Type of actuator B60G2202/41Fluid actuator B60G2202/412Pneumatic actuator B60G2202/413Hydraulic actuator B60G2202/414using electrohydraulic valves B60G2202/415using other types of valves, e.g. mechanically operated valves B60G2202/416using a pump, e.g. in the line connecting the lower chamber to the upper chamber of the actuator B60G2202/42Electric actuator B60G2202/422Linear motor B60G2202/424electrostrictive materials, e.g. piezoelectric actuator B60G2202/43Mechanical actuator B60G2202/432Spring motor B60G2202/44Axial actuator, e.g. telescopic B60G2202/441where axial movement is translated to rotation of the connected end part B60G2202/442Rotary actuator B60G2202/45Other types, e.g. external jets for stability with particular characteristics B60G2202/49Other type, e.g. external jets for stability B60G2204/00Indexing codes related to suspensions per se or to auxiliary parts B60G2204/10Mounting of suspension elements B60G2204/11Mounting of sensors thereon B60G2204/111on pneumatic springs B60G2204/112on dampers, e.g. fluid dampers B60G2204/113Tyre related sensors B60G2204/114Steering column mounted sensors B60G2204/115Wheel hub bearing sensors B60G2204/116Sensors coupled to the suspension arm B60G2204/1162directly mounted on the suspension arm B60G2204/12Mounting of springs or dampers B60G2204/121Mounting of leaf springs B60G2204/122Mounting of torsion springs B60G2204/1222Middle mounts of stabiliser on vehicle body or chassis B60G2204/1224End mounts of stabiliser on wheel suspension B60G2204/1226on the trailing arms of a twist beam type arrangement B60G2204/124Mounting of coil springs B60G2204/1242on a damper, e.g. MacPerson strut B60G2204/12422anchoring the end coils on the spring support plate B60G2204/1244on a suspension arm B60G2204/1246on twist beam axles B60G2204/125Mounting of rubber type springs B60G2204/126Mounting of pneumatic springs B60G2204/1262on a damper B60G2204/127with the mounting of springs or dampers moving so that the direction of the related force vector can be changed, thus contributing to a variation of the loading of the wheel B60G2204/128Damper mount on vehicle body or chassis B60G2204/129Damper mount on wheel suspension or knuckle B60G2204/13with the spring, i.e. coil spring, or damper horizontally mounted B60G2204/1302inside the vehicle frame B60G2204/14Mounting of suspension arms B60G2204/143on the vehicle body or chassis B60G2204/1431of an L-shaped arm B60G2204/1432by vertical bolts or studs B60G2204/1434in twist-beam axles arrangement B60G2204/147on the vehicle engine body B60G2204/148on the unsprung part of the vehicle, e.g. wheel knuckle or rigid axle B60G2204/1482on rigid axle by elastic mount B60G2204/1484on an intermediate upright strut upon which the stub axle is pivoted B60G2204/149Mounting of rigid axle on wheel knuckle B60G2204/15Mounting of subframes B60G2204/16Mounting of vehicle body on chassis B60G2204/162Cabins, e.g. for trucks, tractors B60G2204/17Mounting of bogies, e.g. for trailers B60G2204/18Mounting of vehicle engines B60G2204/182Electric motor on wheel support B60G2204/19Mounting of transmission differential B60G2204/20Mounting of accessories, e.g. pump, compressor B60G2204/201of fluid lines B60G2204/202of cables B60G2204/2022using a suspension element (e.g. link, damper or spring) as part of the electrical circuitry B60G2204/22Linking of trailers to trucks, e.g. truck-trailer connections B60G2204/30In-wheel mountings B60G2204/40Auxiliary suspension partsAdjustment of suspensions B60G2204/41Elastic mounts, e.g. bushings B60G2204/4102having a pin or stud extending perpendicularly to the axis of the elastic mount B60G2204/4103having an eccentrically located inner sleeve B60G2204/4104Bushings having modified rigidity in particular directions B60G2204/41042by using internal cam surfaces B60G2204/41043formed by a U-shaped external bracket B60G2204/41044in a shell for being loaded mainly in axial direction, e.g. piston rod mounts, longitudinal push-pull rod mounts B60G2204/41046having the axis of an inner sleeve or pin inclined to the axis of the bush B60G2204/4106Elastokinematic mounts B60G2204/41062hydromountsinterconnected mounts B60G2204/4108Resilient element being enclosed and or pres-tressed in a solid container B60G2204/414Cardan joints B60G2204/416Ball or spherical joints B60G2204/418Bearings, e.g. ball or roller bearings B60G2204/419Gears B60G2204/4191Planetary or epicyclic gears B60G2204/4192rack and pinion B60G2204/4193worm gears B60G2204/42Joints with cam surfaces B60G2204/421Pivoted lever mechanisms for mounting suspension elements, e.g. Watt linkage B60G2204/422Links for mounting suspension elements B60G2204/4222for movement on predefined locus of, e.g. the wheel center B60G2204/423Rails, tubes, or the like, for guiding the movement of suspension elements B60G2204/4232Sliding mounts B60G2204/424Mechanisms for force adjustment, e.g. constant force mechanisms B60G2204/43Fittings, brackets or knuckles B60G2204/4302for fixing suspension arm on the vehicle body or chassis B60G2204/4304Bracket for lower cylinder mount of McPherson strut B60G2204/4305Bracket for mounting of hydraulic lines on a damper cylinder B60G2204/4306Bracket or knuckle for rigid axles, e.g. for clamping B60G2204/43065U-shaped bolts crossing each other B60G2204/4307Bracket or knuckle for torsional springs B60G2204/4308Protecting guards, e.g. for rigid axle damage protection B60G2204/44Centering or positioning means B60G2204/4402Spacers or shims B60G2204/4404Retainers for holding a fixing element, e.g. bushing, nut, bolt etc., until it is tightly fixed in position B60G2204/45Stops limiting travel B60G2204/4502using resilient buffer B60G2204/45021for limiting upper mount movement of a McPherson strut B60G2204/4504using cable or band to prevent extension B60G2204/46Means for locking the suspension B60G2204/4602Locking of a McPerson type strut upper mount on the vehicle body B60G2204/4604mechanically, e.g. using a hook as anticreep mechanism B60G2204/4605hydraulically, e.g. interrupting communication between the chambers of a hydraulic cylinder B60G2204/47Means for retracting the suspension B60G2204/4702pneumatically B60G2204/61Adjustable during maintenance B60G2204/62Adjustable continuously, e.g. during driving B60G2204/80Interactive suspensionsarrangement affecting more than one suspension unit B60G2204/81front and rear unit B60G2204/8102diagonally arranged B60G2204/82left and right unit on same axle B60G2204/83Type of interconnection B60G2204/8302Mechanical B60G2204/83022using cables, wires, belts or chains B60G2204/8304using a fluid B60G2204/8306PermanentContinuous B60G2206/00Indexing codes related to the manufacturing of suspensions: constructional features, the materials used, procedures or tools B60G2206/01Constructional features of suspension elements, e.g. arms, dampers, springs B60G2206/011Modular constructions B60G2206/0112Bogies for heavy vehicles B60G2206/0114Independent suspensions on subframes B60G2206/0116Integrated distribution control units with valves, accumulators, PCB's or the like B60G2206/012Hollow or tubular elements B60G2206/0122having a U profile with plate closing the profile in the total or partial length of the element B60G2206/013with embedded inserts for material reinforcement B60G2206/014with reinforcing nerves or branches B60G2206/016allowing controlled deformation during collision B60G2206/017forming an eye for the bushing B60G2206/10Constructional features of arms B60G2206/11the arm being a radius or track or torque or steering rod or stabiliser end link B60G2206/111of adjustable length B60G2206/1112Manually, for alignment purposes B60G2206/1114Self-adjustable during driving B60G2206/1116Actively adjustable during driving B60G2206/12with two attachment points on the sprung part of the vehicle B60G2206/121the arm having an H or X-shape B60G2206/122the arm having L-shape B60G2206/123the arm having T-shape B60G2206/124the arm having triangular or Y-shape, e.g. wishbone B60G2206/13with more than two attachment points on the sprung part of the vehicle B60G2206/14the arm forming a U-shaped recess for fitting a bush B60G2206/141The recess being integrally or seamlessly formed B60G2206/15the arm being resilient B60G2206/16the arm having a U profile and/or made of a plate B60G2206/161with middle section narrower than end section B60G2206/162with a plate closing the profile in the total or partial length of the arm B60G2206/20Constructional features of semi-rigid axles, e.g. twist beam type axles B60G2206/201with detachable cross beam and/or torsion stabiliser bar/tube B60G2206/202with a radially deformed tube as a cross member B60G2206/203with outwardly bent trailing arms to increase the width of the support or wheelbase B60G2206/30Constructional features of rigid axles B60G2206/31Straight axle B60G2206/312Cranked axle B60G2206/32Hollow cross section B60G2206/40Constructional features of dampers and/or springs B60G2206/41Dampers B60G2206/42Springs B60G2206/422Accumulators for hydropneumatic springs B60G2206/4222with a flexible separating wallMembrane construction B60G2206/424Plunger or top retainer construction for bellows or rolling lobe type air springs B60G2206/426Coil springs having a particular shape, e.g. curved axis, pig-tail end coils B60G2206/427Stabiliser bars or tubes B60G2206/428Leaf springs B60G2206/50Constructional features of wheel supports or knuckles, e.g. steering knuckles, spindle attachments B60G2206/60Subframe construction B60G2206/601Hanger bracket B60G2206/602Single transverse beam B60G2206/604with two parallel beams connected by cross members B60G2206/605Flexible constructions B60G2206/606Complex constructions B60G2206/70Materials used in suspensions B60G2206/71Light weight materials B60G2206/7101Fiber-reinforced plastics [FRP] B60G2206/7102Aluminium alloys B60G2206/7103Magnesium alloys B60G2206/7104Thermoplastics B60G2206/71042Polyester elastomer B60G2206/71043Polyamid elastomer B60G2206/71044Soft nylon B60G2206/7105Porous materials, ceramics, e.g. as filling material B60G2206/72Steel B60G2206/722Plates B60G2206/724Wires, bars or the like B60G2206/73RubberElastomers B60G2206/80Manufacturing procedures B60G2206/81Shaping B60G2206/8101by casting B60G2206/81012by injection moulding B60G2206/8102by stamping B60G2206/81022by forging B60G2206/8103by folding or bending B60G2206/81035involving heating to relieve internal stresses B60G2206/8104by drawing B60G2206/8105by extrusion B60G2206/8106by thermal treatment, e.g. curing hardening, vulcanisation B60G2206/81062to relieve internal stresses, e.g. during folding or bending B60G2206/8107by hydroforming B60G2206/8108by twisting B60G2206/8109by rolling B60G2206/811by cutting B60G2206/8111by machining B60G2206/8112by thermal spraying of molten material B60G2206/82Joining B60G2206/8201by welding B60G2206/82012Pressure welding B60G2206/82013Friction or heat welding B60G2206/82014Magnetic pulse welding welding by magnetic pulse in general B23K20/06 B60G2206/8205by conical or compressed rubber clamping inserts as joining means B60G2206/8206by riveting B60G2206/8207by screwing B60G2206/8208by hemming or seaming, e.g. by folding of the rim B60G2206/8209by deformation B60G2206/82092by press-fitting B60G2206/821by gluing B60G2206/83Punching B60G2206/84Hardening B60G2206/8401Annealing B60G2206/8402Quenching B60G2206/8403Shot-peening B60G2206/85Filament winding B60G2206/90Maintenance B60G2206/91Assembly procedures B60G2206/911using a modification kit B60G2206/92Tools or equipment used for assembling B60G2206/921Coil spring compressor B60G2206/93Tools used for adjustments B60G2206/931McPherson strut positioning tool B60G2206/94Tools used for supporting parts B60G2206/99Suspension element selection procedure depending on loading or performance requirements, e.g. selection of damper, spring or bush B60G2300/00Indexing codes relating to the type of vehicle B60G2300/02TrucksLoad vehicles B60G2300/022Fork lift trucks, Clark B60G2300/024Light trucks B60G2300/026Heavy duty trucks B60G2300/0262Multi-axle trucks B60G2300/03Silo or fluid transporting vehicles B60G2300/04Trailers B60G2300/042Semi-trailers B60G2300/044Truck-trailer connections B60G2300/06Cranes B60G2300/07Off-road vehicles B60G2300/08Agricultural vehicles B60G2300/082Tractors B60G2300/083Boom carrying vehicles, e.g. for crop spraying B60G2300/084Ridable lawn mowers B60G2300/09Construction vehicles, e.g. graders, excavators B60G2300/10Railway vehicles B60G2300/102having track following mechanismn for lateral stability B60G2300/12CyclesMotorcycles B60G2300/122Trikes B60G2300/124Quads B60G2300/13Small sized city motor vehicles B60G2300/14Buses B60G2300/16Aeroplanes B60G2300/18Helicopters B60G2300/20Toys B60G2300/22Perambulators B60G2300/24Wheelchairs B60G2300/26Carts B60G2300/27Racing vehicles, e.g. F1 B60G2300/28Amphibious vehicles B60G2300/30Load ramps B60G2300/32Track vehicles B60G2300/322Snowmobiles B60G2300/34Ambulances B60G2300/36Independent Multi-axle long vehicles B60G2300/37Vehicles having steerable wheels mounted on a vertically moving column B60G2300/38Low or lowerable bed vehicles B60G2300/40Variable track or wheelbase vehicles B60G2300/402Extra load carrying wheels, e.g. tag axles B60G2300/45Rolling frame vehicles B60G2300/50Electric vehiclesHybrid vehicles B60G2300/60Vehicles using regenerative power B60G2400/00Indexing codes relating to detected, measured or calculated conditions or factors B60G2400/05Attitude B60G2400/051Angle B60G2400/0511Roll angle B60G2400/0512Pitch angle B60G2400/0513Yaw angle B60G2400/0514Wheel angle detection B60G2400/05142Wheel camber B60G2400/05144Wheel toe B60G2400/05146Wheel caster B60G2400/0516Angular position of a suspension element B60G2400/05162the element being a suspension arm B60G2400/052Angular rate B60G2400/0521Roll rate B60G2400/0522Pitch rate B60G2400/0523Yaw rate B60G2400/053Angular acceleration B60G2400/0531Roll acceleration B60G2400/0532Pitch acceleration B60G2400/0533Yaw acceleration B60G2400/10AccelerationDeceleration B60G2400/102vertical B60G2400/104lateral or transversal with regard to vehicle B60G2400/1042using at least two sensors B60G2400/106longitudinal with regard to vehicle, e.g. braking B60G2400/1062using at least two sensors B60G2400/20Speed B60G2400/202Piston speedRelative velocity between vehicle body and wheel B60G2400/204Vehicle speed B60G2400/2042Lateral speed B60G2400/206Body oscillation speedBody vibration frequency B60G2400/208of wheel rotation B60G2400/25StrokeHeightDisplacement B60G2400/252vertical B60G2400/256horizontal B60G2400/257transversal with regard to vehicle B60G2400/258longitudinal with regard to vehicle B60G2400/30Propulsion unit conditions B60G2400/302Selected gear ratioTransmission function B60G2400/304neutral position B60G2400/306overdrive B60G2400/31Clutch condition B60G2400/32Torque on propulsion shaft B60G2400/33Throttle position B60G2400/34Accelerator pedal position B60G2400/35Position of fuel or air injector B60G2400/36Functioning of turbocharger B60G2400/37Brake pad or disc friction B60G2400/38Speed of engine rotation B60G2400/382Ignition switch B60G2400/39Brake pedal position B60G2400/40Steering conditions B60G2400/41Steering angle B60G2400/412of steering wheel or column B60G2400/4122Neutral position detection B60G2400/42Steering torque B60G2400/44Steering speed B60G2400/46Steering frequency B60G2400/47Rear wheel steering B60G2400/50Pressure B60G2400/51in suspension unit B60G2400/512in spring B60G2400/5122Fluid spring B60G2400/51222Pneumatic B60G2400/518in damper B60G2400/5182Fluid damper B60G2400/52in tyre B60G2400/60Load B60G2400/61Load distribution B60G2400/62Seat occupationPassenger presence B60G2400/63Location of the center of gravity B60G2400/64Wheel forces, e.g. on hub, spindle or bearing B60G2400/70Temperature of vehicle part or in the vehicle B60G2400/71of suspension unit B60G2400/712of spring B60G2400/7122Fluid spring B60G2400/716of damper B60G2400/7162Fluid damper B60G2400/72in vehicle interior B60G2400/73of other part than suspension unit B60G2400/732of propulsion unit B60G2400/80Exterior conditions B60G2400/82Ground surface B60G2400/821Uneven, rough road sensing affecting vehicle body vibration B60G2400/822Road friction coefficient determination affecting wheel traction B60G2400/8222Hydroplaning B60G2400/823Obstacle sensing B60G2400/824Travel path sensingTrack monitoring B60G2400/84Atmospheric conditions B60G2400/841Wind B60G2400/842Temperature B60G2400/8422of air B60G2400/8424of ground or road B60G2400/843HumidityRainfall B60G2400/845Darkness B60G2400/847SunshineLight B60G2400/90Other conditions or factors B60G2400/91Frequency B60G2400/92Travelling or driving time B60G2400/922Travelling distance B60G2400/94Deformation of a vehicle part B60G2400/942of vehicle body B60G2400/95Position of vehicle body elements B60G2400/952of door or bonnet B60G2400/954Wheelbase B60G2400/96Presence, absence or inactivity of driver B60G2400/97Relation between towing and towed vehicle, e.g. tractor-trailer combination B60G2400/972Angle of articulation B60G2400/98Stabiliser movement B60G2401/00Indexing codes relating to the type of sensors based on the principle of their operation B60G2401/10Piezoelectric elements B60G2401/11Electrostrictive transducers B60G2401/12Strain gauge B60G2401/122Wheatstone bridge circuit B60G2401/14Photo or light sensitive means, e.g. Infrared B60G2401/142Visual Display Camera, e.g. LCD B60G2401/144Fiber optic sensor B60G2401/15Doppler effect B60G2401/16GPS track data B60G2401/17Magnetic/Electromagnetic B60G2401/172Hall effect B60G2401/174Radar B60G2401/176Radio or audio sensitive means, e.g. Ultrasonic B60G2401/19Speech recognising means B60G2401/20Switches, e.g. mercury or ball type switches B60G2401/21Laser B60G2401/22Radioactivity sensitive materials B60G2401/23Memory materials B60G2401/24Heat sensitive materialstemperature gauge B60G2401/25Capacitance type, e.g. as level indicator B60G2401/26Resistance type, e.g. as level indicator B60G2401/27Gravitational, e.g. pendulum or axial movement type B60G2401/28Gyroscopes B60G2401/90Single sensor for two or more measurements B60G2401/902the sensor being an xy axis sensor B60G2401/904the sensor being an xyz axis sensor B60G2500/00Indexing codes relating to the regulated action or device B60G2500/02Supply or exhaust flow ratesPump operation B60G2500/022Minimisation of pressure cavitation effects upon demand B60G2500/04using inertia type valves B60G2500/10Damping action or damper B60G2500/102stepwise B60G2500/104continuous B60G2500/106duty rate B60G2500/11Damping valves B60G2500/112Fluid actuation B60G2500/114pressure regulating valves B60G2500/116for damping pressure oscillations of the fluid in hydraulic lines B60G2500/20Spring action or springs B60G2500/201Air spring system type B60G2500/2012Open systems B60G2500/2014Closed systems B60G2500/202Height or leveling valve for air-springs B60G2500/2021Arrangement of valves B60G2500/2022with valve seat actuation for selectively adjusting neutral height B60G2500/203Distributor valve units comprising several elements, e.g. valves, pump or accumulators B60G2500/204Pressure regulating valves for air-springs B60G2500/2041for variable volume air springs, e.g. using accumulators as expansion chambers B60G2500/2042Air filling valves B60G2500/2043Wheatstone bridge type valve arrangements B60G2500/2044Air exhausting valves B60G2500/2046Pressure equalising valves between two units B60G2500/205Air-compressor operation B60G2500/206Variable pressure accumulators for hydropneumatic suspensions B60G2500/2062by varying the air-pressure of the accumulator B60G2500/2064by varying the number of accumulators connected in parallel to the hydraulic cylinder B60G2500/22Spring constant B60G2500/30Height or ground clearance B60G2500/302using distributor valves B60G2500/32of only one vehicle part or side B60G2500/322only front part B60G2500/324only rear part B60G2500/326only left or right side B60G2500/40Steering B60G2500/42Sensibility B60G2600/00Indexing codes relating to particular elements, systems or processes used on suspension systems or suspension control systems B60G2600/02Retarders, delaying means, dead zones, threshold values, cut-off frequency, timer interruption B60G2600/04Means for informing, instructing or displaying B60G2600/042Monitoring means B60G2600/0422involving data transmission, e.g. via satellite or GPSfor data monitoring, telemetry or platooning purposes B60G2600/044Alarm means B60G2600/07Inhibiting means B60G2600/08Failure or malfunction detecting means B60G2600/082Sensor drift B60G2600/084Supervisory systems B60G2600/086Redundant systems B60G2600/09Feedback signal B60G2600/11Feedforward signal B60G2600/12Sampling or average detectingAddition or substraction B60G2600/122Summation signal B60G2600/124Error signal B60G2600/14Differentiating means, i.e. differential control B60G2600/16Integrating means, i.e. integral control B60G2600/17Proportional control, i.e. gain control B60G2600/172Weighting coefficients or factors B60G2600/18Automatic control means B60G2600/181Signal modulationpulse-width, frequency-phase B60G2600/182Active control means B60G2600/184Semi-Active control means B60G2600/186Analogue Controller Details and Signal Treatment B60G2600/187Digital Controller Details and Signal Treatment B60G2600/1871Optimal controlKalman Filters B60G2600/1872ObserverLuaponov function B60G2600/1873Model Following B60G2600/1874Modal analysis B60G2600/1875Other parameter or state estimation methods not involving the mathematical modelling of the vehicle B60G2600/1876Artificial intelligence B60G2600/1877Adaptive Control B60G2600/1878Neural Networks B60G2600/1879Fuzzy Logic Control B60G2600/188Spectral analysisTransformations B60G2600/1881Integral B60G2600/1882Fourier B60G2600/1883z-transform B60G2600/1884Laplace B60G2600/1885Euler equations B60G2600/189Statistical analysis B60G2600/20Manual control or setting means B60G2600/202using a remote, e.g. cordless, transmitter or receiver unit B60G2600/204Joystick actuated suspension B60G2600/206Control-by-wire B60G2600/21Self-controlled or adjusted B60G2600/22Magnetic elements B60G2600/24permanent magnets B60G2600/26ElectromagnetsSolenoids B60G2600/28Temporary fluctuations B60G2600/41SISO system, i.e. single input - single output system B60G2600/43MIMO system, i.e. multi input - multi output system B60G2600/44Vibration noise suppression B60G2600/60Signal noise suppressionElectronic filtering means B60G2600/602high pass B60G2600/604low pass B60G2600/66Humidifying or drying means B60G2600/68Filtering means, e.g. fluid filters B60G2600/70Computer memoryData storage, e.g. maps for adaptive control B60G2600/702Parallel processing B60G2600/704Electronic tags containing data, e.g. identification number of a componentGain values for the control of the unit, etc. B60G2600/71Distributed controlMaster - slave controllersRemote control units B60G2600/72Cooling or warming means B60G2600/73Electrical control B60G2600/74Analog systems B60G2600/76Digital systems B60G2600/77A/D, D/A signal converters B60G2600/82duty rate function B60G2600/85Speed of regulation B60G2600/90other signal treatment means B60G2800/00Indexing codes relating to the type of movement or to the condition of the vehicle and to the end result to be achieved by the control action B60G2800/01Attitude or posture control B60G2800/012Rolling condition B60G2800/0122Roll rigidity ratioWarping B60G2800/0124Roll-over conditions B60G2800/014PitchNose dive B60G2800/016Yawing condition B60G2800/019Inclination due to load distribution or road gradient B60G2800/0192longitudinal with regard to vehicle B60G2800/0194transversal with regard to vehicle B60G2800/16Running B60G2800/162Reducing road induced vibrations B60G2800/164HeavingSquatting B60G2800/166Platooning B60G2800/18Starting, accelerating B60G2800/182Traction B60G2800/20Stationary vehicle B60G2800/202kneeling, e.g. for letting passengers on/off B60G2800/203lowering the floor for loading/unloading B60G2800/204adjusting floor height to the loading ramp level B60G2800/2042using an anticreep mechanism to lock the height B60G2800/205jacking-up for changing tyre or vehicle inspection B60G2800/21Traction, slip, skid or slide control B60G2800/212TransversalSide-slip during cornering B60G2800/213by applying forward/backward torque on each wheel individually B60G2800/214by varying the load distribution B60G2800/215by applying a braking action on each wheel individually B60G2800/22Braking, stopping B60G2800/222during collision B60G2800/224automatically, based on dangerous living style B60G2800/226automatically, based on stopping at a preset or target point position B60G2800/24Steering, cornering B60G2800/242Obstacle avoidance manoeuvre B60G2800/244Oversteer B60G2800/246Understeer B60G2800/248Neutral steering behaviour B60G2800/70Estimating or calculating vehicle parameters or state variables B60G2800/702Improving accuracy of a sensor signal B60G2800/7022Calibration of a sensor, e.g. automatically B60G2800/704predicting unorthodox driving conditions for safe or optimal driving B60G2800/80Detection or control after a system or component failure B60G2800/802Diagnostics B60G2800/85System Prioritisation B60G2800/87System configuration based on vehicle type or model B60G2800/90System Controller type B60G2800/91Suspension Control B60G2800/912Attitude Controllevelling control B60G2800/9122ARS - Anti-Roll System Control B60G2800/9123Active Body Control [ABC] B60G2800/9124Roll-over protection systems, e.g. for warning or control B60G2800/914Height Control System B60G2800/915Suspension load distribution B60G2800/916Body Vibration Control B60G2800/92ABS - Brake Control B60G2800/922EBV - Electronic brake force distribution B60G2800/925Airbag deployment systems B60G2800/93Skid or slide control [ASR] B60G2800/94Electronic Stability Program (ESP, i.e. ABS+ASC+EMS) B60G2800/95Automatic Traction or Slip Control [ATC] B60G2800/952Electronic driving torque distribution B60G2800/954Four-wheel drive B60G2800/96ASC - Assisted or power Steering control B60G2800/962Four-wheel steering B60G2800/963Steer-by-wire B60G2800/964Auto-navigation B60G2800/965Automatic or driver-independent manoeuvre, e.g. for obstacle avoidance or roll-over prevention B60G2800/97Engine Management System [EMS] B60G2800/972Electronic Differential Lock [EDS] B60G2800/98Intelligent Transportation System or Bus [IDB] B60G2800/982Active Cruise Control, e.g. DISTRONIC type B60G2800/984Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems