F23DBURNERSIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F23D1/00 F23D1/00Burners for combustion of pulverulent fuel disposition of burners F23C F23D1/005burning a mixture of pulverulent fuel delivered as a slurry, i.e. comprising a carrying liquid F23D1/02Vortex burners, e.g. for cyclone-type combustion apparatus F23D1/04Burners producing cylindrical flames without centrifugal action F23D1/06Burners producing sheet flames F23D3/00Combustion of a liquid F23D3/00Burners using capillary action F23D3/02Wick burners F23D3/04with flame spreaders F23D3/12 takes precedence F23D3/06Inverted wick burners, e.g. for illumination F23D3/08characterised by shape, construction, or material, of wick F23D3/10Blue-flame burners F23D3/12with flame spreaders F23D3/14with mixing of air and fuel vapour in a chamber before the flame F23D3/16using candles F23D3/18Details of wick burners F23D3/20Flame spreaders F23D3/22Devices for mixing evaporated fuel with air F23D3/24Carriers for wicks F23D3/26Safety devices thereon F23D3/28Wick-adjusting devices F23D3/30directly engaging with the wick F23D3/32engaging with a tube carrying the wick F23D3/34Wick stop devicesWick-fixing devices F23D3/36Devices for trimming wicks F23D3/38Devices for replacement of wicks F23D3/40the capillary action taking place in one or more rigid porous bodies F23D5/00Burners in which liquid fuel evaporates in the combustion space, with or without chemical conversion of evaporated fuel F23D5/02the liquid forming a pool, e.g. bowl-type evaporators, dish-type evaporators F23D5/04Pot-type evaporators, i.e. using a partially-enclosed combustion space F23D5/045with forced draft F23D5/06the liquid forming a film on one or more plane or convex surfaces F23D5/08on cascaded surfaces F23D5/10on grids F23D5/12Details F23D5/123Inserts promoting evaporation F23D5/126Catalytic elements F23D5/14Maintaining predetermined amount of fuel in evaporator F23D5/16Safety devices F23D5/18Preheating devices F23D7/00Burners in which drops of liquid fuel impinge on a surface F23D9/00Burners in which a stream of liquid fuel impinges intermittently on a hot surface F23D11/00Burners using a direct spraying action of liquid droplets or vaporised liquid into the combustion space F23D11/001spraying nozzle combined with forced draft fan in one unit nozzles per se F23D11/38 F23D11/002spraying nozzle arranged within furnace openings refractory bricks or blocks specially shaped for burner openings F23M5/025 F23D11/004for producing radiant heat F23D11/005with combinations of different spraying or vaporising means F23D11/007combination of means covered by sub-groups F23D11/10 and F23D11/24 F23D11/008combination of means covered by sub-groups F23D5/00 and F23D11/00 F23D11/02the combustion space being a chamber substantially at atmospheric pressure F23D11/04the spraying action being obtained by centrifugal action F23D11/06using a horizontal shaft F23D11/08using a vertical shaft F23D11/10the spraying being induced by a gaseous medium, e.g. water vapour F23D11/101medium and fuel meeting before the burner outlet F23D11/102in an internal mixing chamber F23D11/103with means creating a swirl inside the mixing chamber F23D11/104intersecting at a sharp angle, e.g. Y-jet atomiser F23D11/105at least one of the fluids being submitted to a swirling motion F23D11/106medium and fuel meeting at the burner outlet F23D11/107at least one of both being subjected to a swirling motion F23D11/108medium and fuel intersecting downstream of the burner outlet F23D11/12characterised by the shape or arrangement of the outlets from the nozzle F23D11/14with a single outlet, e.g. slit F23D11/16in which an emulsion of water and fuel is sprayed F23D11/18the gaseous medium being water vapour generated at the nozzle F23D11/20the water vapour being superheated F23D11/22the gaseous medium being vaporised fuel, e.g. for a soldering lamp , or other gaseous fuel F23D11/24by pressurisation of the fuel before a nozzle through which it is sprayed by a substantial pressure reduction into a space F23D11/26with provision for varying the rate at which the fuel is sprayed F23D11/28with flow-back of fuel at the burner, e.g. using by-pass F23D11/30with return feed of uncombusted sprayed fuel to reservoir F23D11/32by electrostatic means F23D11/34by ultrasonic means or other kinds of vibrations F23D11/345with vibrating atomiser surfaces F23D11/36Details , e.g. burner cooling means, noise reduction means F23D11/38NozzlesCleaning devices therefor F23D11/383with swirl means F23D11/386Nozzle cleaning F23D11/40Mixing tubes or chambersBurner heads F23D11/402Mixing chambers downstream of the nozzle F23D11/404Flame tubes not forming part of the burner F23M9/06 F23D11/406Flame stabilising means, e.g. flame holders F23D11/408Flow influencing devices in the air tube F23D11/42Starting devices igniting F23Q F23D11/44Preheating devicesVaporising devices F23D11/441Vaporising devices incorporated with burners F23D11/443heated by the main burner flameGroup F23D11/443 is impacted by reclassification into group F23D11/445.
Groups F23D11/443 and F23D11/445 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D11/445the flame and the vaporiser not coming into direct contactGroup F23D11/445 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F23D11/443.
Groups F23D11/443 and F23D11/445 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D11/446heated by an auxiliary flame F23D11/448heated by electrical means
F23D11/46Devices on the vaporiser for controlling the feeding of the fuel
F23D14/00Burners for combustion of a gas, e.g. of a gas stored under pressure as a liquid F23D14/02Premix gas burners, i.e. in which gaseous fuel is mixed with combustion air upstream of the combustion zone F23D14/04induction type, e.g. Bunsen burner F23D14/045with a plurality of burner bars assembled together, e.g. in a grid-like arrangement F23D14/06with radial outlets at the burner head F23D14/065with injector axis inclined to the burner head axis F23D14/08with axial outlets at the burner head F23D14/085with injector axis inclined to the burner head axis F23D14/10with elongated tubular burner head F23D14/105with injector axis parallel to the burner head axis F23D14/12Radiant burnersGroup F23D14/12 is impacted by reclassification into groups F23D14/126, F23D14/147, F23D14/148, F23D14/149 and F23D14/151.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/125heating a wall surface to incandescence F23D14/126cooperating with refractory wall surfacesGroup F23D14/126 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F23D14/12 and F23D14/14.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/14using screens or perforated platesGroup F23D14/14 is impacted by reclassification into groups F23D14/126, F23D14/145, F23D14/147, F23D14/148, F23D14/149 and F23D14/151.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/145combustion being stabilised at a screen or a perforated plateGroup F23D14/145 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F23D14/14.
Groups F23D14/14 and F23D14/145 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/147with perforated plates as radiation intensifying meansGroup F23D14/147 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F23D14/12 and F23D14/14.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/148with grids, e.g. strips or rods, as radiation intensifying meansGroup F23D14/148 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F23D14/12 and F23D14/14.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/149with wires, threads or gauzes as radiation intensifying meansGroup F23D14/149 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F23D14/12 and F23D14/14.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/151with radiation intensifying means other than screens or perforated platesGroup F23D14/151 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F23D14/12 and F23D14/14.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/16using permeable blocks F23D14/18using catalysis for flameless combustionGroup F23D14/18 is impacted by reclassification into group F23D14/181.
Groups F23D14/18 and F23D14/181 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/181with carbon containing radiating surfaceGroup F23D14/181 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F23D14/18.
Groups F23D14/18 and F23D14/181 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F23D14/20Non-premix gas burners, i.e. in which gaseous fuel is mixed with combustion air on arrival at the combustion zone F23D14/38 takes precedence F23D14/22with separate air and gas feed ducts, e.g. with ducts running parallel or crossing each other F23D14/24at least one of the fluids being submitted to a swirling motion F23D14/26with provision for a retention flame pilot flame igniters F23Q9/00 F23D14/28in association with a gaseous fuel source, e.g. acetylene generator, or a container for liquefied gas F23D14/30Inverted burners, e.g. for illumination F23D14/32using a mixture of gaseous fuel and pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air F23D14/38 takes precedence F23D14/34Burners specially adapted for use with means for pressurising the gaseous fuel or the combustion air F23D14/36in which the compressor and burner form a single unit F23D14/38Torches, e.g. for brazing or heating nozzles F23D14/48 F23D14/40for welding F23D14/44 takes precedence F23D14/42for cutting F23D14/44 takes precedence F23D14/44for use under water F23D14/46Details , e.g. noise reduction means F23D14/465for torches F23D14/52 takes precedence F23D14/48Nozzles F23D14/50Cleaning devices therefor F23D14/52for torchesfor blow-pipes F23D14/54for cutting or welding metal F23D14/56for spreading the flame over an area, e.g. for desurfacing of solid material, for surface hardening, or for heating workpieces F23D14/58characterised by the shape or arrangement of the outlet or outlets from the nozzle, e.g. of annular configuration F23D14/583of elongated shape, e.g. slits F23D14/586formed by a set of sheets, strips, ribbons or the like F23D14/60Devices for simultaneous control of gas and combustion air F23D14/62Mixing devicesMixing tubes F23D14/64with injectors F23D14/66Preheating the combustion air or gas F23D14/68Treating the combustion air or gas, e.g. by filtering, or moistening F23D14/70Baffles or like flow-disturbing devices F23D14/72Safety devices, e.g. operative in case of failure of gas supply F23D14/725Protection against flame failure by using flame detection devices pilot flame igniters with interlock with main fuel supply F23Q9/08 F23D14/74Preventing flame lift-off F23D14/76Protecting flame and burner parts F23D14/78Cooling burner parts F23D14/80Selection of a non-toxic gas F23D14/82Preventing flashback or blowback F23D14/825using valves F23D14/84Flame spreading or otherwise shaping F23D14/70 takes precedence
F23D17/00Other burners F23D17/00Burners for combustion conjointly or alternatively of gaseous or liquid or pulverulent fuel F23D17/002gaseous or liquid fuel F23D17/005gaseous or pulverulent fuel F23D17/007liquid or pulverulent fuel F23D23/00Assemblies of two or more burners gas burners with provision for a retention flame F23D14/26 F23D91/00Burners specially adapted for specific applications, not otherwise provided for F23D91/02for use in particular heating operations F23D91/04for heating liquids, e.g. for vaporising or concentrating F23D99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23D2200/00 F23D2200/00Burners for fluid fuel F23D2201/00Burners adapted for particulate solid or pulverulent fuels F23D2201/10Nozzle tips F23D2201/101tiltable F23D2201/20Fuel flow guiding devices F23D2201/30Wear protection F23D2202/00Liquid fuel burners F23D2203/00Gaseous fuel burners F23D2203/002Radiant burner mixing tubes F23D2203/005Radiant burner heads F23D2203/007Mixing tubes, air supply regulation F23D2203/10Flame diffusing means F23D2203/101characterised by surface shape F23D2203/1012tubular F23D2203/1015spherical F23D2203/1017curved F23D2203/102using perforated plates F23D2203/1023with specific free passage areas F23D2203/1026with slotshaped openings F23D2203/103using screens F23D2203/104Grids, e.g. honeycomb grids F23D2203/105Porous plates F23D2203/1055with a specific void range F23D2203/106Assemblies of different layers F23D2203/107coated with catalysts F23D2203/108with stacked sheets or strips forming the outlets F23D2204/00Burners adapted for simultaneous or alternative combustion having more than one fuel supply F23D2204/10gaseous and liquid fuel F23D2204/20gaseous and pulverulent fuel F23D2204/30liquid and pulverulent fuel F23D2205/00Assemblies of two or more burners, irrespective of fuel type F23D2206/00Burners for specific applications F23D2206/0005Liquid fuel burners adapted for use in locomotives F23D2206/001Liquid fuel burners adapted for use in automobile steam boilers F23D2206/0015Gas burners for use in retort furnaces F23D2206/0021Gas burners for use in furnaces of the reverberatory, muffle or crucible type F23D2206/0026Vapour burners adapted for use in illumination devices F23D2206/0031Liquid fuel burners adapted for use in welding lamps F23D2206/0036Liquid fuel burners adapted for use in welding and cutting metals F23D2206/0042Vapour burners for illumination by radiation, with vaporiser heated by an auxiliary flame F23D2206/0047Vapour burners for illumination by radiation, with vaporiser heated by the main flame F23D2206/0052Vapour burners for illumination by radiation, with vaporiser heated by conduction F23D2206/0057Liquid fuel burners adapted for use in illumination and heating F23D2206/0063Catalytic burners adapted for use in illumination and heating F23D2206/0068Gas burners for illumination with slot type nozzles F23D2206/0073Gas burners for illumination with Argand nozzles F23D2206/0078Gas burners adapted for use in lamps with preheated air F23D2206/0084Gas burners adapted for use in ceiling and wagon lamps F23D2206/0089Gas burners for illumination using acetylene as a fuel F23D2206/0094Gas burners adapted for use in illumination and heating F23D2206/10Turbines F23D2207/00Ignition devices associated with burner F23D2208/00Control devices associated with burners F23D2208/005Controlling air supply in radiant gas burners F23D2208/10Sensing devices F23D2209/00Safety arrangements F23D2209/10Flame flashback F23D2209/20Flame lift-off / stability F23D2209/30Purging F23D2210/00Noise abatement F23D2210/101using noise dampening material F23D2211/00Thermal dilatation prevention or compensation F23D2212/00Burner material specifications F23D2212/005Radiant gas burners made of specific materials, e.g. rare earths F23D2212/10ceramic F23D2212/101Foam, e.g. reticulated F23D2212/103Fibres F23D2212/105Particles F23D2212/20metallic F23D2212/201Fibres F23D2212/203Particles F23D2213/00Burner manufacture specifications F23D2214/00Cooling F23D2900/00Special features of, or arrangements for burners using fluid fuels or solid fuels suspended in a carrier gas F23D2900/00001local catalytic coatings applied to burner surfaces F23D2900/00002Cleaning burner parts, e.g. burner tips F23D2900/00003Fuel or fuel-air mixtures flow distribution devices upstream of the outlet F23D2900/00004Burners specially adapted for generating high luminous flames, e.g. yellow for fuel-rich mixtures F23D2900/00006Liquid fuel burners using pure oxygen or O2-enriched air as oxidant for gaseous fuels F23D14/32 F23D2900/00008Burner assemblies with diffusion and premix modes, i.e. dual mode burners F23D2900/00011Burner with means for propagating the flames along a wall surface F23D2900/00012Liquid or gas fuel burners with flames spread over a flat surface, either premix or non-premix type, e.g. "Flächenbrenner" F23D2900/00013with means for spreading the flame in a fan or fishtail shape over a melting bath F23D2900/00014Pilot burners specially adapted for ignition of main burners in furnaces or gas turbines F23D2900/00015Pilot burners specially adapted for low load or transient conditions, e.g. for increasing stability F23D2900/00016Preventing or reducing deposit build-up on burner parts, e.g. from carbon F23D2900/00017Assembled burner modules F23D2900/00018Means for protecting parts of the burner, e.g. ceramic lining outside of the flame tube F23D2900/00019Outlet manufactured from knitted fibres F23D2900/01001Pulverised solid fuel burner with means for swirling the fuel-air mixture F23D2900/03081Catalytic wick burners F23D2900/03082Wick made of specific material, e.g. ceramic F23D2900/05001Burner using gel type fuel F23D2900/05002Use of porous members to convert liquid fuel into vapor F23D2900/11001Impinging-jet injectors or jet impinging on a surface F23D2900/11002Liquid fuel burners with more than one nozzle F23D2900/11101Pulverising gas flow impinging on fuel from pre-filming surface, e.g. lip atomizers F23D2900/11401Flame intercepting baffles forming part of burner head F23D2900/11402Airflow diaphragms at burner nozzle F23D2900/11403Flame surrounding tubes in front of burner nozzle F23D2900/14Special features of gas burners F23D2900/14001Sealing or support of burner plate borders F23D2900/14002of premix or non premix types, specially adapted for the combustion of low heating value [LHV] gas F23D2900/14003with more than one nozzle F23D2900/14004with radially extending gas distribution spokes F23D2900/14005Rotary gas burner F23D2900/14021Premixing burners with swirling or vortices creating means for fuel or air F23D2900/14041Segmented or straight line assembly of burner bars F23D2900/14042Star shaped assembly of burner bars or arms F23D2900/14061for cooking ranges having a coated burner cap F23D2900/14062for cooking ranges having multiple flame rings F23D2900/14063for cooking ranges having one flame ring fed by multiple venturis F23D2900/14064Burner heads of non circular shape F23D2900/1412for radiant burners F23D2900/14241Post-mixing with swirling means F23D2900/14381Single operating member opening and closing fuel and oxidant supply valves in torches F23D2900/14481Burner nozzles incorporating flow adjusting means F23D2900/14482Burner nozzles incorporating a fluidic oscillator F23D2900/14581with outlets consisting of a bed of irregular particles, e.g. glass F23D2900/14582with outlets consisting of layers of spherical particles F23D2900/14641with gas distribution manifolds or bars provided with a plurality of nozzles F23D2900/14642with jet mixers with more than one gas injection nozzles or orifices for a single mixing tube F23D2900/14681Adding steam or water vapor to primary or secondary combustion air F23D2900/14701Swirling means inside the mixing tube or chamber to improve premixing F23D2900/21Burners specially adapted for a particular use F23D2900/21001for use in blast furnaces F23D2900/21002for use in car heating systems F23D2900/21003for heating or re-burning air or gas in a duct F23D2900/21004for use in gas fed fireplaces F23D2900/21005for flame deposition, e.g. FHD, flame hydrolysis deposition F23D2900/21006for heating a catalyst in a car F23D2900/21007for producing soot, e.g. nanoparticle soot F23D2900/31Air supply for wick burners F23D2900/31001Wick burners without flame spreaders or burner hood F23D2900/31002Wick burners with flame spreaders or burner hood F23D2900/31003Inverted wick burners, Wick burners using preheated air F23D2900/31004Wick burners using alcohol as a fuel F23D2900/31005Wick burners using oil as a fuel F23D2900/31006Details of blue flame wick burners F23D2900/31007Blue flame burners without flame spreader or burner hood F23D2900/31008Blue flame burners with flame spreader or burner hood without a bead at the wick carrying tube F23D2900/31009Blue flame burners with flame spreader or burner hood with a bead at the wick carrying tube F23D2900/3101Blue flame burners with flame on one side only without a bead at the wick carrying tube F23D2900/31011Blue flame burners with flame on one side only and a bead at the wick carrying tube F23D2900/31012Wick adjusting devices directly engaging the wick F23D2900/31013Wick adjusting devices engaging the tube carrying the wick F23D2900/31014Wick stop devices and wick fixing devices F23D2900/31015Devices for mounting the wick to the carrier F23D2900/31016Burners in which the gas produced in the wick is not burned instantaneously F23D2900/31017Burners using carburetted gas F23D2900/31018Nozzles and cleaning devices therefor F23D2900/31019Mixing tubes and burner heads F23D2900/3102Preheating devicesStarting devices F23D2900/31021Vaporisers with devices for controlling the feeding of the fuel F23D2900/31022Alcohol vapour burners F23D2900/31023Vapour burners where the vaporiser is heated by conduction