E05FDEVICES FOR MOVING WINGS INTO OPEN OR CLOSED POSITIONCHECKS FOR WINGSWING FITTINGS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, CONCERNED WITH THE FUNCTIONING OF THE WING In this subclass, the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "closer" or "opener" includes devices for assisting wing-movement or for wing-counterbalancing.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. E05F1/00 E05F1/00Closers or openers for wings, not otherwise provided for in this subclass E05F1/002controlled by automatically acting means for powered-operated mechanisms E05F15/70 E05F1/004by thermostats, rain, wind or noise E05F1/006 takes precedence E05F1/006by emergency conditions, e.g. fire operating or controlling mechanisms for physical fire-barriers A62C2/24 E05F1/008by time control E05F1/02gravity-actuated , e.g. by use of counterweights E05F1/025with rectilinearly-moving counterweights E05F1/04for wings which lift during movement , operated by their own weight E05F1/043with cams, helical tracks E05F1/061 takes precedence E05F1/046with rectilinearly-inclined tracks for sliding wings E05F1/06Mechanisms in the shape of hinges or pivots, operated by the weight of the wing E05F1/061with cams or helical tracks E05F1/063with complementary, substantially identical and slidingly cooperating cam surfaces E05F1/066 takes precedence E05F1/065Cam-and-wheel arrangements E05F1/066Helical grooves, slots, threads or the like E05F1/068with inclined pivot-axes E05F1/08spring-actuated , e.g. for horizontally sliding wings counterbalancing sliding or lifting wings E05D; springs per se F16F, e.g. gas-springs F16F9/00 E05F1/10for swinging wings , e.g. counterbalance spring-assisted actuation of lids or covers of refuse receptacles B65F1/1623 E05F1/1008with a coil spring parallel with the pivot axis E05F1/1207 takes precedence E05F1/1016with a canted-coil torsion spring E05F1/1025with a compression or traction spring E05F1/1033with a torsion bar E05F1/123 takes precedence E05F1/1041with a coil spring perpendicular to the pivot axis E05F1/1246 takes precedence E05F1/105with a compression spring E05F1/1058for counterbalancing E05F1/1066with a traction spring E05F1/1075for counterbalancing E05F1/1083with a leaf or similar spring E05F1/1284 takes precedence E05F1/1091with a gas spring E05F1/1292 takes precedence E05F1/12Mechanisms in the shape of hinges or pivots, operated by springs for hinges with two or more pins E05D3/06 E05F1/1207with a coil spring parallel with the pivot axis E05F1/1215with a canted-coil torsion spring E05F1/1223with a compression or traction spring E05F1/123with a torsion bar E05F1/1238specially adapted for vehicles E05F1/1246with a coil spring perpendicular to the pivot axis E05F1/1253with a compression spring E05F1/1261for counterbalancing E05F1/1269with a traction spring E05F1/1276for counterbalancing E05F1/1284with a leaf or similar spring E05F1/1292with a gas spring E05F1/14with double-acting springs, e.g. for closing and opening or checking and closing no material E05F1/16for sliding wings E05F3/00Closers or openers with braking devices, e.g. checksConstruction of pneumatic or liquid braking devices construction of non-pneumatic or non-liquid braking devices E05F5/00; friction devices in hinges E05D11/08 E05F3/02with pneumatic piston brakes rotary type E05F3/14 E05F3/04with liquid piston brakes rotary type E05F3/14 E05F3/06in which a torsion spring rotates a member around an axis perpendicular to the axis of the piston E05F3/08in which a torsion spring rotates a member around an axis arranged in the direction of the axis of the piston E05F3/10with a spring, other than a torsion spring, and a piston, the axes of which are the same or lie in the same direction E05F3/102with rack-and-pinion transmission between driving shaft and piston within the closer housing E05F3/104with cam-and-slide transmission between driving shaft and piston within the closer housing E05F3/106with crank-arm transmission between driving shaft and piston within the closer housing E05F3/108with piston rod protruding from the closer housing; Telescoping closers E05F3/12Special devices controlling the circulation of the liquid, e.g. valve arrangement E05F3/223 takes precedence; valves per se F16K E05F3/14with fluid brakes of the rotary type E05F3/16with friction brakes E05F3/18with counteracting springs double-acting springs E05F1/14 E05F3/20in hinges E05F3/22Additional arrangements for closers, e.g. for holding the wing in opened or other position E05F3/221Mechanical power-locks, e.g. for holding the wing open or for free-moving zones E05F3/222electrically operated E05F3/223 takes precedence E05F3/223Hydraulic power-locks, e.g. with electrically operated hydraulic valves E05F3/224for assisting in opening the wing E05F3/225mounted at the bottom of wings, e.g. details related to seals, covers, connections to the wings, embedding in the floor E05F3/226with means to adjust the closed position of the wing E05F3/227mounted at the top of wings, e.g. details related to closer housings, covers, end caps or rails therefor E05F2003/228Arrangements where the end of the closer arm is sliding in a track E05F5/00Braking devices, e.g. checksStopsBuffers construction of pneumatic or liquid braking devices E05F3/00; braking devices, buffers or end stops on drawers for tables, cabinets or like furniture A47B88/473; combined with devices for holding wings open E05C17/00; devices for limiting opening of wings or for holding wings open by a movable member extending between frame and wing E05C17/04 E05F5/003for sliding wings E05D13/04 takes precedence E05F5/006for hinges having a cup-shaped fixing part, e.g. for attachment to cabinets or furniture E05F5/02specially for preventing the slamming of swinging wings during final closing movement, e.g. jamb stops E05F5/022specially adapted for vehicles, e.g. for hoods or trunks E05F5/025specially adapted for vehicle doors E05F5/027with closing action E05F5/04hand-operated , e.g. removableoperated by centrifugal action or by high closing speed E05F2005/043operated by centrifugal action at high closing speed E05F2005/046hand operated E05F5/06Buffers or stops limiting opening of swinging wings, e.g. floor or wall stopsE05F5/02 takes precedence E05F5/08with springs E05F5/10with piston brakes E05F5/12specially for preventing the closing of a wing before another wing has been closed E05F7/00Accessories for wings not provided for in other groups of this subclass specially adapted for furniture A47B95/00; door-lifters B66F, E04F21/00; knobs or handles E05B E05F7/005Aligning devices for wings E05F7/02for raising wings before being turned before sliding E05D15/565 E05F7/04Arrangements affording protection against rattling with buffering action E05F5/00 E05F7/06Devices for taking the weight of the wing, arranged away from the hinge axis E05F7/08Special means for transmitting movements between vertical and horizontal sliding bars, rods, or cables E05D15/5208 takes precedence E05F9/00Operating mechanisms for wings for safeguarding bank teller windows E05G5/00; for interconnected louvres E06B7/086; for blinds or roll-type closures E06B9/00 E05F9/00Means for operating wings by hand rods not guided in or on the frame, including those which also operate the fastening bolts or fastening devices for wings E05C E05F11/00Man-operated mechanisms for operating wings, including those which also operate the fastening connecting mechanisms for a plurality of wings E05F17/00 E05F11/02for wings in general, e.g. fanlights E05F11/36 takes precedence; for windows to be lowered vertically E05F11/38; for doors E05F11/54 E05F11/04with cords, chains or cables E05F11/06in guide-channels E05F11/08with longitudinally-moving bars guided, e.g. by pivoted links, in or on the frame E05F11/10Mechanisms by which a handle moves the bar E05F11/12Mechanisms by which the bar shifts the wing E05F11/14directly, i.e. without links, shifting the wing, e.g. by rack and gear or pin and slot E05F11/145by pin and slot E05F11/16shifting the wing by pivotally-connected members (moving) in a plane perpendicular to the pivot axis of the wing E05F11/18consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, only no material E05F11/20consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, and only one additional link no material E05F11/22consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, and two or more additional links in series no material E05F11/24shifting the wing by pivotally-connected members (moving) in a plane parallel to the pivot axis of the wing E05F11/26consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, only no material E05F11/28consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, and one or more additional links no material E05F11/30consisting of links in rhomb-form no material E05F11/32with rotary bars guided in the frame E05F11/34 takes precedence E05F11/34with screw mechanisms E05F11/36specially designed for passing through a wall E05F11/38for sliding windows, e.g. vehicle windows, to be opened or closed by vertical movement E05F11/382for vehicle windows E05F11/40 - E05F11/52 take precedence E05F11/385Fixing of window glass to the carrier of the operating mechanism E05F2011/387using arrangements in the window glass, e.g. holes E05F11/40operated by screw mechanism E05F11/405for vehicle windows E05F11/42operated by rack bars and toothed wheels or other push-pull mechanisms E05F11/423for vehicle windows E05F11/426Flexible rack-and-pinion arrangements E05F11/44operated by one or more lifting arms E05F11/445for vehicle windows E05F11/46operated by lazy-tongs mechanism E05F11/465for vehicle windows E05F11/48operated by cords or chains or other flexible elongated pulling elements, e.g. tapes E05F11/481for vehicle windows E05F11/483by cables E05F11/485with cable tensioners E05F11/486with one cable connection to the window glass E05F11/488with two cable connections to the window glass E05F11/50Crank gear with clutches or retaining brakes, for operating window mechanisms E05F11/505for vehicle windows E05F11/52combined with means for producing an additional movement, e.g. a horizontal or a rotary movement E05F11/525for vehicle windows E05F11/53for sliding windows, e.g. vehicle windows, to be opened or closed by horizontal movement E05F11/535for vehicle windows E05F11/54for doors E05F13/00Mechanisms operated by the movement or weight of a person or vehicle through power-operated wing-operating mechanisms E05F15/00 E05F13/02by devices, e.g. lever arms, affected by the movement of the user E05F13/04by platforms lowered by the weight of the user E05F15/00Power-operated mechanisms for wings motor-operated accessories in locks for completing closing or initiating opening of a wing E05B17/00 E05F15/40Safety devices, e.g. detection of obstructions or end positions E05F15/41Detection by monitoring transmitted force or torque E05F15/48 takes precedenceSafety couplings with activation dependent upon torque or force, e.g. slip couplings E05F15/42Detection using safety edges E05F15/43responsive to disruption of energy beams, e.g. light or sound E05F15/431specially adapted for vehicle windows or roofs E05F2015/432with acoustical sensors E05F2015/433using reflection from the obstruction E05F2015/434with optical sensors E05F2015/435by interruption of the beam E05F2015/436the beam being parallel to the wing edge E05F2015/437the beam being perpendicular to the wing edge E05F15/44responsive to changes in electrical conductivity E05F15/443specially adapted for vehicle windows or roofs E05F2015/447using switches in serial arrangement E05F15/46responsive to changes in electrical capacitance E05F15/47responsive to changes in fluid pressure E05F15/48by transmission of mechanical forces, e.g. rigid or movable members E05F2015/483for detection during opening E05F2015/487Fault detection of safety edges E05F15/49specially adapted for mechanisms operated by fluid pressure, e.g. detection by monitoring transmitted fluid pressure E05F15/47 takes precedence E05F15/50using fluid-pressure actuators E05F15/51for folding wings E05F15/53for swinging wings E05F15/54operated by linear actuators acting on a helical track coaxial with the swinging axis E05F15/56for horizontally-sliding wings E05F15/565for railway-cars E05F15/57for vertically-sliding wings E05F15/59for overhead wings E05F15/60using electrical actuators E05F15/603using rotary electromotors E05F15/605for folding wings E05F15/608for revolving wings E05F15/611for swinging wings E05F15/614operated by meshing gear wheels, one of which being mounted at the wing pivot axisoperated by a motor acting directly on the wing pivot axis E05F15/616operated by push-pull mechanisms E05F15/619using flexible or rigid rack-and-pinion arrangements E05F15/622using screw-and-nut mechanisms E05F15/624using friction wheels E05F15/627operated by flexible elongated pulling elements, e.g. belts, chains or cables using flexible elongated push-pull mechanisms E05F15/619 E05F15/63operated by swinging arms E05F2015/631the end of the arm sliding in a track; Slider arms therefor E05F15/632for horizontally-sliding wings E05F15/635operated by push-pull mechanisms, e.g. flexible or rigid rack-and-pinion arrangements E05F15/652 takes precedence E05F15/638allowing or involving a secondary movement of the wing, e.g. rotational or transversal E05F15/641operated by friction wheels E05F15/643operated by flexible elongated pulling elements, e.g. belts, chains or cables by flexible elongated push-pull mechanisms E05F15/635 E05F15/646allowing or involving a secondary movement of the wing, e.g. rotational or transversal E05F15/649operated by swinging arms E05F15/652operated by screw-and-nut mechanisms E05F15/655specially adapted for vehicle wings E05F15/657enabling manual drive, e.g. in case of power failure E05F15/659Control circuits therefor E05F15/662Motor units therefor, e.g. geared motors E05F15/665for vertically-sliding wings E05F15/668for overhead wings E05F15/67operated by flexible or rigid rack-and-pinion arrangements E05F15/673operated by screw-and-nut mechanisms E05F15/676operated by friction wheels E05F15/678operated by swinging lever arms E05F15/681operated by flexible elongated pulling elements, e.g. belts E05F15/684by chains E05F15/686by cables or ropes E05F15/689specially adapted for vehicle windows E05F15/692enabling manual drive, e.g. in case of power failure E05F15/695Control circuits therefor E05F15/697Motor units therefor, e.g. geared motors E05F15/70with automatic actuation E05F15/71responsive to temperature changes, rain, wind or noise E05F15/72responsive to emergency conditions, e.g. fire E05F15/73responsive to movement or presence of persons or objects E05F15/74using photoelectric cells E05F15/75responsive to the weight or other physical contact of a person or object E05F15/76responsive to devices carried by persons or objects, e.g. magnets or reflectors E05F15/77 takes precedence E05F2015/763using acoustical sensors E05F2015/765using optical sensors using photoelectric cells E05F15/74 E05F2015/767using cameras E05F15/77using wireless control E05F15/78using light beams E05F15/79using time control E05F17/00Special devices for shifting a plurality of wings operated simultaneously for simultaneously moving a plurality of interconnected ventilating lamellae E06B7/086 E05F17/001of prison cell doors E05F17/002for wings which lie one behind the other when closed E05F17/004for wings which abut when closed E05F2017/005for sliding wings E05F2017/007with means for interlocking the wings E05F2017/008for swinging wings E05F2700/00 E05F2700/00Operating mechanisms for sliding windows E05F2700/02Devices for moving and locking sliding windows E05F2700/04Devices for blocking sliding windows in general