F05BINDEXING SCHEME RELATING TO WIND, SPRING, WEIGHT, INERTIA OR LIKE MOTORS, TO MACHINES OR ENGINES FOR LIQUIDS COVERED BY SUBCLASSES F03B, F03D AND F03GThis subclass constitutes an internal scheme for indexing only. F05B2200/00 F05B2200/00Mathematical features F05B2200/10Basic functions F05B2200/11Sum F05B2200/12Subtraction F05B2200/13Product F05B2200/14Division F05B2200/15Inverse F05B2200/20Special functions F05B2200/21Root F05B2200/211Square root F05B2200/212Cubic root F05B2200/22Power F05B2200/221Square power F05B2200/222Cubic power F05B2200/23Logarithm F05B2200/24exponential F05B2200/25Hyperbolic trigonometric, e.g. sinh, cosh, tanh F05B2200/26trigonometric F05B2200/261Sine F05B2200/262Cosine F05B2200/263Tangent F05B2200/264Cotangent F05B2200/30miscellaneous F05B2200/31odd F05B2200/32even F05B2200/33bigger/smaller F05B2200/34biggest/smallest F05B2200/35first F05B2200/36last F05B2210/00Working fluidIndexing codes of group F05B2210/00 can be followed by a name for a specific working fluid preceded by the "+" sign, e.g. F05B2210/11 +water. F05B2210/10Kind or type F05B2210/11liquid, i.e. incompressible F05B2210/12gaseous, i.e. compressible F05B2210/13mixed, e.g. two-phase fluid F05B2210/132Pumps with means for separating and evacuating the gaseous phase F05B2210/14Refrigerants with particular properties, e.g. HFC-134a F05B2210/16Air or water being indistinctly used as working fluid, i.e. the machine can work equally with air or water without any modification F05B2210/18Air and water being simultaneously used as working fluid F05B2210/20Properties F05B2210/30Flow characteristics F05B2210/301with Mach-number kept constant along the flow F05B2210/302Pressure kept constant along the flow F05B2210/40Flow geometry or direction F05B2210/401upwards due to the buoyancy of compressed air F05B2210/402Axial inlet and radial outlet F05B2210/403Radial inlet and axial outlet F05B2210/404bidirectional, i.e. in opposite, alternating directions F05B2220/00Application F05B2220/10in ram-jet engines or ram-jet driven vehicles F05B2220/20within closed fluid conduits, e.g. pipes F05B2220/25as advertisement F05B2220/30in turbines F05B2220/301in steam turbines F05B2220/302in gas turbines F05B2220/31in ram-air turbines ("RATS") F05B2220/32in water turbines F05B2220/40in turbochargers F05B2220/50for auxiliary power units (APU's) F05B2220/60making use of surplus or waste energy F05B2220/602with energy recovery turbines F05B2220/604for domestic central heating or production of electricity F05B2220/61for hydrogen and/or oxygen production F05B2220/62for desalination F05B2220/64for aeration F05B2220/70in combination with F05B2220/702the other apparatus being a steam turbine F05B2220/703the other apparatus being a water turbine F05B2220/704the other apparatus being a gas turbine F05B2220/705the other apparatus being a wind turbine F05B2220/706an electrical generator F05B2220/7062of the direct current (D.C.) type F05B2220/7064of the alternating current (A.C.) type F05B2220/70642of the synchronous type F05B2220/70644of the asynchronous type, i.e. induction type F05B2220/70646Double fed induction generators (DFIGs) F05B2220/7066via a direct connection, i.e. a gearless transmission F05B2220/7068equipped with permanent magnets F05B2220/707of the linear type F05B2220/708Photoelectric means, i.e. photovoltaic or solar cells F05B2220/709Piezoelectric means F05B2230/00ManufactureManufacture comprises also treatment, assembly or disassembly methods, repairing, handling or the like. F05B2230/10by removing material F05B2230/101by electrochemical methods F05B2230/102by spark erosion methods F05B2230/103using lasers F05B2230/104Micromachining F05B2230/20essentially without removing material F05B2230/21by casting F05B2230/211by precision casting, e.g. microfusing or investment casting F05B2230/22by sintering F05B2230/23by permanently joining parts together F05B2230/232by welding F05B2230/233Electron beam welding F05B2230/234Laser welding F05B2230/235Tig/Mig welding F05B2230/236Diffusion bonding F05B2230/237Brazing F05B2230/238Soldering F05B2230/239Inertia or friction welding F05B2230/24by extrusion F05B2230/25by forging F05B2230/26by rolling F05B2230/30with deposition of material F05B2230/31Layer deposition F05B2230/311by torch or flame spray F05B2230/312by plasma spray F05B2230/313by physical vapour deposition F05B2230/314by chemical vapour deposition F05B2230/40Heat treatment F05B2230/41HardeningAnnealing F05B2230/50Building or constructing in particular ways F05B2230/502using existing or "off the shelf" parts, e.g. using standardised turbocharger elements F05B2230/60Assembly methods F05B2230/601using limited numbers of standard modules which can be adapted by machining F05B2230/604using positioning or alignment devices for aligning or centering, e.g. pins F05B2230/606using maintaining alignment while permitting differential dilatation F05B2230/608for adjusting the position or the alignment, e.g. wedges or excenters F05B2230/61using auxiliary equipment for lifting or holding hoisting on to a stationary structure with provisions on the structure itself F05B2240/916 F05B2230/6102carried on a floating platform F05B2230/70Disassembly methods F05B2230/80Repairing, retrofitting or upgrading methods F05B2230/90CoatingSurface treatment manufacture with deposition of material F05B2220/30 F05B2240/00ComponentsComponents are the basic elements of construction. F05B2240/10Stators F05B2240/11Shroud seal segments F05B2240/12Fluid guiding means, e.g. vanes F05B2240/121Baffles or ribs F05B2240/122Vortex generators, turbulators, or the like, for mixing by creating turbulence F05B2260/222 F05B2240/123Nozzles F05B2240/1231Plug nozzles F05B2240/124Cascades, i.e. assemblies of similar profiles acting in parallel F05B2240/13to collect or cause flow towards or away from turbines F05B2240/131by means of vertical structures, i.e. chimneys F05B2240/132creating a vortex or tornado effect F05B2240/133with a convergent-divergent guiding structure, e.g. a Venturi conduit F05B2240/14Casings, housings, nacelles, gondels or the like, protecting or supporting assemblies within F05B2240/142in the form of a standard ISO container F05B2240/20Rotors F05B2240/201using the Magnus-effect F05B2240/202with adjustable area of intercepted fluid F05B2240/2021by means of telescoping blades F05B2240/2022by means of tethering or coning blades F05B2240/2023by means of radially reefing blades F05B2240/21for wind turbines F05B2240/211with vertical axis F05B2240/212of the Darrieus type F05B2240/213of the Savonius type F05B2240/214of the Musgrove or "H"-type F05B2240/215of the panemone or "vehicle ventilator" type F05B2240/216of the anemometer type F05B2240/217of the crossflow- or "Banki"- or "double action" type F05B2240/218with horizontally hinged vanes F05B2240/221with horizontal axis F05B2240/2211of the multibladed, low speed, e.g. "American farm" type F05B2240/2212perpendicular to wind direction F05B2240/2213and with the rotor downwind from the yaw pivot axis F05B2240/231driven by aerodynamic lift effects F05B2240/232driven by drag F05B2240/24for turbines F05B2240/241of impulse type F05B2240/2411Pelton type F05B2240/242of reaction type F05B2240/243of the Archimedes screw type F05B2240/244of the cross-flow, e.g. Banki, Ossberger type F05B2240/30Characteristics of rotor blades, i.e. of any element transforming dynamic fluid energy to or from rotational energy and being attached to a rotor F05B2240/301Cross-section characteristics F05B2240/302Segmented or sectional blades F05B2240/303Details of the leading edge F05B2240/304Details of the trailing edge F05B2240/3042Serrated trailing edge F05B2240/305Flaps, slats or spoilers F05B2240/3052adjustable F05B2240/306Surface measures F05B2240/3062Vortex generators F05B2240/307Blade tip, e.g. winglets F05B2240/31of changeable form or shape F05B2240/311flexible or elastic F05B2240/312capable of being reefed F05B2240/3121around an axis orthogonal to rotor rotational axis F05B2240/313with adjustable flow intercepting area F05B2240/312 takes precedence F05B2240/32with roughened surfaces F05B2240/33Shrouds which are part of or which are rotating with the rotor F05B2240/37Multiple rotors F05B2240/372coaxially arranged F05B2240/374Auxiliary rotors attached to blades of main rotor F05B2240/40Use of a multiplicity of similar components F05B2240/50Bearings F05B2240/51magnetic F05B2240/511with permanent magnets F05B2240/515electromagnetic F05B2240/52Axial thrust bearings F05B2240/53Hydrodynamic or hydrostatic bearings F05B2240/54Radial bearings F05B2240/57Seals F05B2240/571Brush seals F05B2240/572Leaf seals F05B2240/60Shafts F05B2240/61hollow F05B2240/62flexible F05B2240/63Glands for admission or removal of fluids from shafts F05B2240/70Slinger plates or washers F05B2240/80Platforms for stationary or moving blades F05B2240/801cooled platforms F05B2240/85Electrical connection arrangements F05B2240/90Mounting on supporting structures or systems F05B2240/91on a stationary structure F05B2240/911already existing for a prior purpose F05B2240/9111which is a chimney F05B2240/9112which is a building F05B2240/9113which is a roadway, rail track, or the like for recovering energy from moving vehicles F05B2240/912on a tower F05B2240/9121on a lattice tower F05B2240/913on a mast F05B2240/914on an inflatable structure F05B2240/915which is vertically adjustable F05B2240/9151telescopically F05B2240/9152by being hinged F05B2240/91521at ground level F05B2240/916with provision for hoisting onto the structure F05B2240/917attached to cables F05B2240/9172of kite type with traction and retraction F05B2240/9174of kite type with a turbine and a flying pattern F05B2240/9176Wing, kites or buoyant bodies with a turbine attached without flying pattern F05B2240/92on an airborne structure F05B2240/921kept aloft due to aerodynamic effects F05B2240/922kept aloft due to buoyancy effects F05B2240/923which is a vehicle F05B2240/93on a structure floating on a liquid surface F05B2240/931which is a vehicle F05B2240/932which is a catamaran-like structure F05B2240/94on a movable wheeled structure F05B2240/941which is a land vehicle F05B2240/95offshore F05B2240/96as part of a wind turbine farm F05B2240/965as part of a water turbine farm F05B2240/97on a submerged structure F05B2240/98which is inflatable F05B2240/99characterised by colour or colour patterns F05B2250/00GeometryGeometry indicates the shape or form of a component or the configuration or arrangement of components in a machine or in a plant. F05B2250/02variable F05B2250/10two-dimensional F05B2250/11triangular F05B2250/12rectangular F05B2250/121square F05B2250/13trapezial F05B2250/131polygonal F05B2250/132hexagonal F05B2250/14elliptical F05B2250/141circular F05B2250/15spiral F05B2250/16parabolic F05B2250/17hyperbolic F05B2250/18patterned F05B2250/181ridged F05B2250/182crenellated, notched F05B2250/183zigzag F05B2250/184sinusoidal F05B2250/19machinedmiscellaneous F05B2250/191perforated F05B2250/192beveled F05B2250/193milled F05B2250/20three-dimensional F05B2250/21pyramidal F05B2250/22parallelepipedic F05B2250/221cubic F05B2250/23prismatic F05B2250/231cylindrical F05B2250/232conical F05B2250/24ellipsoidal F05B2250/241spherical F05B2250/25helical F05B2250/26paraboloidal F05B2250/27hyperboloidal F05B2250/28patterned F05B2250/281threaded F05B2250/282Cubic pattern F05B2250/283Honeycomb F05B2250/29machinedmiscellaneous F05B2250/291hollowed F05B2250/292tapered F05B2250/293lathed, e.g. rotation symmetrical F05B2250/30Arrangement of components F05B2250/31according to the direction of their main axis or their axis of rotation F05B2250/311the axes being in line F05B2250/312the axes being parallel to each other F05B2250/313the axes being perpendicular to each other F05B2250/314the axes being inclined in relation to each other F05B2250/315the main axis being substantially vertical F05B2250/32according to their shape F05B2250/321asymptotic F05B2250/322tangential F05B2250/323convergent F05B2250/324divergent F05B2250/33symmetrical F05B2250/34translated F05B2250/35rotated F05B2250/36in inner-outer relationship, e.g. shaft-bearing arrangements F05B2250/40Movement of component F05B2250/41with one degree of freedom F05B2250/411in rotation F05B2250/42with two degrees of freedom F05B2250/43with three degrees of freedom F05B2250/44one element moving inside another one, e.g. wave-operated member (wom) moving inside another member (rem) F05B2250/50Inlet or outlet F05B2250/501Inlet F05B2250/5011augmenting, i.e. with intercepting fluid flow cross sectional area greater than the rest of the machine behind the inlet F05B2250/5012concentrating only, i.e. with intercepting fluid flow cross sectional area not greater than the rest of the machine behind the inlet F05B2250/502Outlet F05B2250/503of regenerative pumps F05B2250/60StructureSurface texture F05B2250/61corrugated F05B2250/611undulated F05B2250/62smooth F05B2250/621polished F05B2250/70Shape F05B2250/71curved F05B2250/711convex F05B2250/712concave F05B2250/713inflexed F05B2250/72symmetric F05B2250/73asymmetric F05B2250/80Size or power range of the machines F05B2250/82Micromachines F05B2250/84Nanomachines Nanotechnology for interacting, sensing or actuating B82Y15/00 F05B2250/86Megamachines F05B2260/00Function F05B2260/02Transport, e.g. specific adaptations or devices for conveyance transport of wind turbines or equipments therefore F03D13/40 F05B2260/04Deployment, e.g. installing underwater structures F05B2260/10Particular cycles F05B2260/20Heat transfer, e.g. cooling F05B2260/201by impingement of a fluid F05B2260/202by film cooling F05B2260/203by transpiration cooling F05B2260/205Cooling fluid recirculation, i.e. after having cooled one or more components the cooling fluid is recovered and used elsewhere for other purposes F05B2260/207using a phase changing mass, (e.g. heat absorbing by melting or boiling) F05B2260/208using heat pipes F05B2260/209using vortex tubes F05B2260/211by intercooling, e.g. during a compression cycle F05B2260/212by water injection F05B2260/221Improvement of heat transfer F05B2260/222by creating turbulence vortex generators, turbulators or the like for mixing F05B2240/122 F05B2260/224by increasing the heat transfer surface F05B2260/2241using fins or ribs F05B2260/231Preventing heat transfer F05B2260/232characterised by the cooling medium F05B2260/233the medium being steam F05B2260/24for draft enhancement in chimneys, using solar or other heat sources F05B2260/30Retaining components in desired mutual position F05B2260/301Retaining bolts or nuts F05B2260/3011of the frangible or shear type F05B2260/302by means of magnetic or electromagnetic forces F05B2260/303with a bayonet coupling F05B2260/304Balancing of radial or axial forces on regenerative rotors F05B2260/305Reducing friction between regenerative impeller discs and casing walls F05B2260/31Locking rotor in position F05B2260/40Transmission of power F05B2260/402through friction drives F05B2260/4021through belt drives F05B2260/4022through endless chains F05B2260/4023through a friction clutch F05B2260/403through the shape of the drive components F05B2260/4031as in toothed gearing F05B2260/40311of the epicyclic, planetary or differential type F05B2260/40312Ratchet wheels F05B2260/404through magnetic drive coupling F05B2260/4041the driven magnets encircling the driver magnets F05B2260/406through hydraulic systems F05B2260/407through piezoelectric conversion F05B2260/408through magnetohydrodynamic conversion F05B2260/42Storage of energy F05B2260/421in the form of rotational kinetic energy, e.g. in flywheels F05B2260/422in the form of potential energy, e.g. pressurized or pumped fluid F05B2260/50Kinematic linkage, i.e. transmission of position F05B2260/502involving springs F05B2260/503using gears F05B2260/5032of the bevel or angled type F05B2260/504using flat or V-belts and pulleys F05B2260/505using chains and sprocketsusing toothed belts F05B2260/506using cams or eccentrics F05B2260/507using servos, independent actuators, etc. F05B2260/60Fluid transfer F05B2260/601using an ejector or a jet pump F05B2260/602Drainage F05B2260/603of leakage having past a seal seals F05B2240/57; glands F05B2240/63 F05B2260/604Vortex non-clogging type pumps F05B2260/63Preventing clogging or obstruction of flow paths by dirt, dust, or foreign particles F05B2260/64Aeration, ventilation, dehumidification or moisture removal of closed spaces F05B2260/70Adjusting of angle of incidence or attack of rotating blades F05B2260/71as a function of flow velocity F05B2260/72by turning around an axis parallel to the rotor centre line F05B2260/74by turning around an axis perpendicular the rotor centre line F05B2260/75the adjusting mechanism not using auxiliary power sources ("servos") F05B2260/76the adjusting mechanism using auxiliary power sources F05B2260/77the adjusting mechanism driven or triggered by centrifugal forces F05B2260/78the adjusting mechanism driven or triggered by aerodynamic forces F05B2260/79Bearing, support or actuation arrangements therefor F05B2260/80Diagnostics F05B2260/82Forecasts F05B2260/821Parameter estimation or prediction F05B2260/8211of the weather F05B2260/83Testing, e.g. methods, components or tools therefor F05B2260/84Modelling or simulation F05B2260/845Redundancy F05B2260/85Starting F05B2260/87Using a generator as a motor F05B2260/90Braking F05B2260/901using aerodynamic forces, i.e. lift or drag F05B2260/9011of the tips of rotor blades F05B2260/902using frictional mechanical forces F05B2260/903using electrical or magnetic forces F05B2260/904using hydrodynamic forces F05B2260/95Preventing corrosion coating or surface treatment F05B2230/90 F05B2260/96Preventing, counteracting or reducing vibration or noise F05B2260/962my means creating "anti-noise" F05B2260/964by damping means F05B2260/966by correcting static or dynamic imbalance F05B2260/97Reducing windage losses F05B2260/972in radial flow machines F05B2260/98Lubrication F05B2260/99Radar absorption F05B2270/00Control F05B2270/10Purpose of the control system F05B2270/101to control rotational speed (n) F05B2270/1011to prevent overspeed F05B2270/1012to prevent underspeed F05B2270/1013of different spools or shafts F05B2270/1014to keep rotational speed constant F05B2270/1016in variable speed operation F05B2270/102to control acceleration (u) F05B2270/1021by keeping it below damagingly high values F05B2270/1022by making it as high as possible F05B2270/103to affect the output of the engine F05B2270/1031Thrust F05B2270/1032Torque F05B2270/1033Power (if explicitly mentioned) F05B2270/104to match engine to driven device F05B2270/1041in particular the electrical frequency of driven generator F05B2270/107to cope with emergencies F05B2270/1071in particular sudden load loss F05B2270/10711applying a low voltage ride through method F05B2270/1072in particular blow-out and relight F05B2270/1073of one engine in a multi-engine system F05B2270/1074by using back-up controls F05B2270/1075by temporary overriding set control limits F05B2270/1076caused by water or hail ingestion F05B2270/1077Storm protection F05B2270/109to prolong engine life F05B2270/1091by limiting temperatures F05B2270/1095by limiting mechanical stresses F05B2270/1097by preventing reverse rotation F05B2270/11to maintain desired vehicle trajectory parameters F05B2270/111to control two or more engines simultaneously F05B2270/17to avoid excessive deflection of the blades F05B2270/18to control buoyancy F05B2270/19to avoid stroboscopic flicker shadow on surroundings F05B2270/20to optimise the performance of a machine F05B2270/202Tuning to wave conditions F05B2270/204taking into account the wake effect F05B2270/30Control parameters, e.g. input parameters F05B2270/301Pressure F05B2270/3011Inlet F05B2270/3013Outlet F05B2270/3015differential F05B2270/303Temperature F05B2270/3032excessive temperatures, e.g. caused by overheating F05B2270/304Spool rotational speed F05B2270/305Tolerances F05B2270/309Rate of change of parameters F05B2270/32Wind speeds F05B2270/3201"cut-off" or "shut-down" wind speed F05B2270/3202"cut-in" or starting wind speed F05B2270/321Wind directions F05B2270/322the detection or prediction of a wind gust F05B2270/323Air humidity F05B2270/324Air pressure F05B2270/325Air temperature F05B2270/326Rotor angle F05B2270/327Rotor or generator speeds F05B2270/328Blade pitch angle F05B2270/329Azimuth or yaw angle F05B2270/33Proximity of blade to tower F05B2270/331Mechanical loads F05B2270/332Maximum loads or fatigue criteria F05B2270/333Noise or sound levels F05B2270/334Vibration measurements F05B2270/335Output power or torque F05B2270/336Blade lift measurements F05B2270/337Electrical grid status parameters, e.g. voltage, frequency or power demand F05B2270/34Water level F05B2270/341Liquid flow velocity or direction F05B2270/342Wave conditions, e.g. amplitude, frequency or direction F05B2270/40Type of control system F05B2270/402passive or reactive, e.g. using large wind vanes F05B2270/404active, predictive, or anticipative F05B2270/50Control logic embodiment by F05B2270/502electrical means, e.g. relays or switches F05B2270/504electronic means, e.g. electronic tubes, transistors or IC's within an electronic circuit F05B2270/506hydraulic means, e.g. hydraulic valves within a hydraulic circuit F05B2270/508mechanical means, e.g. levers, gears or cams F05B2270/60Control system actuates through F05B2270/602electrical actuators F05B2270/604hydraulic actuators F05B2270/605Pneumatic actuators F05B2270/606mechanical actuators F05B2270/602 takes precedence F05B2270/70Type of control algorithm F05B2270/701proportional F05B2270/702differential F05B2270/703integral F05B2270/704proportional-differential F05B2270/705proportional-integral F05B2270/706proportional-integral-differential F05B2270/707fuzzy logic F05B2270/708with comparison tables F05B2270/709with neural networks F05B2270/80Devices generating input signals, e.g. transducers, sensors, cameras or strain gauges F05B2270/802Calibration thereof F05B2270/803Sampling thereof F05B2270/804Optical devices F05B2270/8041Cameras F05B2270/8042Lidar systems F05B2270/805Radars F05B2270/806Sonars F05B2270/807Accelerometers F05B2270/808Strain gaugesLoad cells F05B2270/809Encoders F05B2270/81Microphones F05B2270/821Displacement measuring means, e.g. inductive F05B2280/00MaterialsProperties thereof F05B2280/10Inorganic materials, e.g. metals F05B2280/101Iron F05B2280/1011Cast iron F05B2280/102Light metals F05B2280/1021Aluminium F05B2280/1022Beryllium F05B2280/1023Boron F05B2280/1024Lithium F05B2280/1025Magnesium F05B2280/103Heavy metals F05B2280/10301Refractory metals, e.g. V, W F05B2280/10302Chromium F05B2280/10303Molybdenum F05B2280/10304Titanium F05B2280/10305Zirconium F05B2280/10306Hafnium F05B2280/10307Manganese F05B2280/10308Lead F05B2280/10309Tin F05B2280/1031Zinc F05B2280/10311Mercury F05B2280/104Noble metals F05B2280/1041Silver F05B2280/1042Gold F05B2280/1043Platinum group, e.g. Pt, Ir F05B2280/1044Palladium F05B2280/1045Ruthenium F05B2280/1046Osmium F05B2280/1047Iridium F05B2280/1048Rhodium F05B2280/105Copper F05B2280/106Rare earth metals, e.g. Sc, Y F05B2280/107Alloys F05B2280/1071Steel alloys F05B2280/1072Copper alloys F05B2280/10721Bronze F05B2280/10722Phosphor-bronze alloy F05B2280/10723Nickel-Copper alloy, e.g. monel F05B2280/1073Aluminium alloy, e.g. AlCuMgPb F05B2280/1074Alloys not otherwise provided for F05B2280/10741Superalloys F05B2280/10742Heat stable alloys F05B2280/10743Ni - Si alloys F05B2280/10744Metal-aluminide intermetalllic compounds F05B2280/20Inorganic materials, e.g. non-metallic materials F05B2280/2001Glass F05B2280/20011MIBA F05B2280/20012Quartz F05B2280/2002Phosphor F05B2280/2003Silicon F05B2280/2004CeramicsOxides F05B2280/20041Aluminium oxides F05B2280/20042Zinc oxides F05B2280/20043Zirconium oxides F05B2280/2005Non-oxide ceramics F05B2280/2006Carbon, e.g. graphite F05B2280/2007Carbides F05B2280/20071of silicon F05B2280/20072of titanium, e.g. TiB F05B2280/20073of wolfram, e.g. tungsten carbide F05B2280/2008Nitrides F05B2280/20081of aluminium F05B2280/20082of boron F05B2280/20083of silicon F05B2280/20084of titanium F05B2280/20085of zirconium F05B2280/2009Sulfides F05B2280/20091of molybdenum F05B2280/201Sapphire F05B2280/2011Aluminium titanate F05B2280/2013Silica F05B2280/2014Arsenic F05B2280/2015Antimony F05B2280/2016Bismuth F05B2280/2017Barium F05B2280/30Inorganic materials not otherwise provided for F05B2280/40Organic materials F05B2280/4001Leather F05B2280/4002Cellulosic materials, e.g. wood F05B2280/4003Synthetic polymers, e.g. plastics F05B2280/4004Rubber F05B2280/4005PTFE [PolyTetraFluorEthylene] F05B2280/4006Polyamides, e.g. NYLON F05B2280/4007Thermoplastics F05B2280/4009Polyetherketones, e.g. PEEK F05B2280/401Silicon polymers F05B2280/4011Organic materials not otherwise provided for F05B2280/50Intrinsic material properties or characteristics F05B2280/5001Elasticity F05B2280/5002Thermal properties F05B2280/5003Expansivity F05B2280/50031similar F05B2280/50032dissimilar F05B2280/5004Heat transfer F05B2280/5005Reflective properties F05B2280/5006Shape memory F05B2280/5007Hardness F05B2280/5008Magnetic properties F05B2280/5009non-magnetic F05B2280/501Self lubricating materialsSolid lubricants F05B2280/5011Surface roughness F05B2280/60Properties or characteristics given to material by treatment or manufacturing F05B2280/6001Fabrics F05B2280/6002Woven fabrics F05B2280/6003Compositese.g. fibre-reinforced F05B2280/6004amorphous F05B2280/6005crystalline F05B2280/6006Directionally-solidified crystalline structures F05B2280/6007monocrystalline F05B2280/6008Structures F05B2280/6009Grain size F05B2280/601Syntactic F05B2280/6011Coating F05B2280/6012Foam F05B2280/6013Fibres F05B2280/6014Filler F05B2280/6015Resin F05B2280/70Treatments or modification of materials F05B2280/701Heat treatments F05B2280/702Reinforcements