F24FAIR-CONDITIONINGAIR-HUMIDIFICATIONVENTILATIONUSE OF AIR CURRENTS FOR SCREENING removing dirt or fumes from areas where they are produced B08B15/00; vertical ducts for carrying away waste gases from buildings E04F17/02; tops for chimneys or ventilating shafts, terminals for flues F23L17/02This subclass covers treatment, e.g. purification, of air supplied to human living or working spaces in air conditioning systems or in room units. In this subclass: air-humidification as auxiliary treatment in air-conditioning, i.e. in units wherein the air is also either cooled or heated, is covered by groups F24F1/00 or F24F3/14;air-humidification per se, e.g. "room humidifiers", is covered by group F24F6/00.In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:"air-conditioning" means the supply of air to or the treatment of air in rooms or spaces by means of cooling or a combination of cooling and a further kind of air treatment, e.g. humidification, heating or air purification;"ventilation" means the supply of air to, or its extraction from, rooms or spaces, and systems for circulating air within rooms or spaces, but does not cover the mere treatment of air being supplied to, extracted from, or circulated within, rooms or spaces.In this subclass, control or safety arrangements are classified in group F24F11/00. In order to indicate the type of air-treatment system in which these arrangements are used, further classification may be made in groups F24F1/00 - F24F9/00. F24F1/00 F24F1/00Room units for air-conditioning, e.g. separate or self-contained units or units receiving primary air from a central station F24F1/0003characterised by a split arrangement, wherein parts of the air-conditioning system, e.g. evaporator and condenser, are in separately located units F24F1/0007Indoor units, e.g. fan coil units self-contained units F24F1/02 F24F1/00073comprising a compressor in the indoor unit housing F24F1/00075receiving air from a central station F24F1/00077receiving heat exchange fluid entering and leaving the unit as a liquid F24F1/0011characterised by air outlets F24F1/0014having two or more outlet openings F24F1/0018characterised by fans with secondary air induced by injector action of the primary air F24F1/01 F24F1/0022Centrifugal or radial fans F24F1/0025Cross-flow or tangential fans F24F1/0029Axial fans F24F1/0033having two or more fans F24F1/0035characterised by introduction of outside air to the room F24F1/0038in combination with simultaneous exhaustion of inside air F24F1/0041characterised by exhaustion of inside air from the room in combination with simultaneous introduction of outside air F24F1/0038 F24F1/0043characterised by mounting arrangements F24F1/0047mounted in the ceiling or at the ceiling F24F1/005mounted on the floorstanding on the floor F24F1/0053mounted at least partially below the floorwith air distribution below the floor F24F1/0057mounted in or on a wall F24F1/0059characterised by heat exchangers F24F1/0063by the mounting or arrangement of the heat exchangers F24F1/0067by the shape of the heat exchangers or of parts thereof, e.g. of their fins F24F1/0068characterised by the arrangement of refrigerant piping outside the heat exchanger within the unit casing F24F1/0071with means for purifying supplied air perfuming or deodorising means F24F1/008 F24F1/0073characterised by the mounting or arrangement of filters F24F1/0076by electric means, e.g. ionisers or electrostatic separators F24F1/008with perfuming or deodorising means F24F1/0083with dehumidification means F24F1/0087with humidification means F24F1/009characterised by heating arrangements characterised by heat exchangers F24F1/0059 F24F1/0093with additional radiant heat-discharging elements, e.g. electric heaters F24F1/0097using thermoelectric or thermomagnetic means, e.g. Peltier elements F24F1/01in which secondary air is induced by injector action of the primary air F24F1/02Self-contained room units for air-conditioning, i.e. with all apparatus for treatment installed in a common casing F24F1/022comprising a compressor cycle F24F1/027mounted in wall openings, e.g. in windows F24F1/028characterised by air supply means, e.g. fan casings, internal dampers or ducts with secondary air induced by injector action of the primary air F24F1/01 F24F1/0284with horizontally arranged fan axis F24F1/0287with vertically arranged fan axis F24F1/029characterised by the layout or mutual arrangement of components, e.g. of compressors or fans F24F1/03characterised by mounting arrangements F24F1/031penetrating a wall or window F24F1/0314mounted on a wall F24F1/0317suspended from the ceiling F24F1/032characterised by heat exchangers F24F1/0323by the mounting or arrangement of the heat exchangers F24F1/0325by the shape of the heat exchangers or of parts thereof, e.g. of their fins F24F1/0326characterised by the arrangement of refrigerant piping outside the heat exchanger within the unit casing F24F1/0328with means for purifying supplied air perfuming or deodorising means F24F1/0355 F24F1/035characterised by the mounting or arrangement of filters F24F1/0353by electric means, e.g. ionisers or electrostatic separators F24F1/0355with perfuming or deodorising means F24F1/0358with dehumidification means F24F1/037with humidification means F24F1/0373characterised by heating arrangements characterised by heat exchangers F24F1/032 F24F1/0375with additional radiant heat-discharging elements, e.g. electric heaters F24F1/0378using thermoelectric or thermomagnetic means, e.g. Peltier elements F24F1/039using water to enhance cooling, e.g. spraying onto condensers F24F1/04Arrangements for portability F24F1/06Separate outdoor units, e.g. outdoor unit to be linked to a separate room comprising a compressor and a heat exchanger
In this group, the first place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the first appropriate place.
F24F1/08Compressors specially adapted for separate outdoor units F24F1/10Arrangement or mounting thereof F24F1/12Vibration or noise prevention thereof F24F1/14Heat exchangers specially adapted for separate outdoor units F24F1/16Arrangement or mounting thereof F24F1/18characterised by their shape F24F1/20Electric components for separate outdoor units F24F1/22Arrangement or mounting thereof F24F1/24Cooling of electric components F24F1/26Refrigerant piping F24F1/28for connecting several separate outdoor units F24F1/30for use inside the separate outdoor units F24F1/32for connecting the separate outdoor units to indoor units F24F1/34Protection means thereof, e.g. covers for refrigerant pipes F24F1/36Drip trays for outdoor units F24F1/38Fan details of outdoor units, e.g. bell-mouth shaped inlets or fan mountings F24F1/40Vibration or noise prevention at outdoor units for outdoor units compressors F24F1/12 F24F1/42characterised by the use of the condensate, e.g. for enhanced cooling F24F1/44characterised by the use of internal combustion engines F24F1/46Component arrangements in separate outdoor units F24F1/48characterised by air airflow, e.g. inlet or outlet airflow F24F1/50with outlet air in upward direction F24F1/52with inlet and outlet arranged on the same side, e.g. for mounting in a wall opening F24F1/54Inlet and outlet arranged on opposite sides F24F1/56Casing or covers of separate outdoor units, e.g. fan guards F24F1/58Separate protective covers for outdoor units, e.g. solar guards, snow shields or camouflage F24F1/60Arrangement or mounting of the outdoor unit F24F1/62Wall-mounted F24F1/64Ceiling-mounted, e.g. below a balcony F24F1/66under the floor level F24F1/68Arrangement of multiple separate outdoor units
F24F3/00Air-conditioning systems in which conditioned primary air is supplied from one or more central stations to distributing units in the rooms or spaces where it may receive secondary treatmentApparatus specially designed for such systems room units F24F1/00 F24F3/001in which the air treatment in the central station takes place by means of a heat-pump or by means of a reversible cycle reversible cycle for humidifying and drying air F24F3/147 F24F2003/003with primary air treatment in the central station and subsequent secondary air treatment in air treatment units located in or near the rooms F24F2003/005with a single air duct for transporting treated primary air from the central station to air treatment units located in or near the rooms F24F2003/006with two air ducts for separately transporting treated hot and cold primary air from the central station to air treatment units located in or near the rooms F24F2003/008Supplying highly filtered air to a room or to a limited area within a room F24F3/02characterised by the pressure or velocity of the primary air F24F3/04operating with high pressure or high velocity F24F3/044Systems in which all treatment is given in the central station, i.e. all-air systems F24F3/0442with volume control at a constant temperature F24F3/0444in which two airstreams are conducted from the central station via independent conduits to the space to be treated, of which one has a constant volume and a season-adapted temperature, while the other one is always cold and varies in volume F24F2003/0446with a single air duct for transporting treated air from the central station to the rooms F24F2003/0448with two air ducts for separately transporting treated hot and cold air from the central station to the rooms F24F3/048with temperature control at constant rate of air-flow F24F3/052Multiple duct systems, e.g. systems in which hot and cold air are supplied by separate circuits from the central station to mixing chambers in the spaces to be conditioned F24F3/0522in which warm or cold air from the central station is delivered via individual pipes to mixing chambers in the space to be treated, the cold air/warm air ratio being controlled by a thermostat in the space concerned, i.e. so-called Dual-duct System F24F3/0525in which the air treated in the central station is reheated F24F3/0527in which treated air having differing temperatures is conducted through independent conduits from the central station to various spaces to be treated, i.e. so-called "multi-Zone" systems F24F3/0525 takes precedence F24F3/056the air at least partially flowing over lighting fixtures, the heat of which is dissipated or used  outlets for directing or distributing air into rooms or spaces combined with lighting fixtures F24F13/078 F24F3/06characterised by the arrangements for the supply of heat-exchange fluid for the subsequent treatment of primary air in the room units F24F3/065with a plurality of evaporators or condensers F24F3/08with separate supply and return lines for hot and cold heat-exchange fluids i.e. so-called "4-conduit" system F24F3/10with separate supply lines and common return line for hot and cold heat-exchange fluids i.e. so-called "3-conduit" system F24F3/12characterised by the treatment of the air otherwise than by heating and cooling F24F3/14by humidificationby dehumidification F24F3/1405in which the humidity of the air is exclusively affected by contact with the evaporator of a closed-circuit cooling system or heat pump circuit F24F3/1411by absorbing or adsorbing water, e.g. using an hygroscopic desiccant F24F3/1417with liquid hygroscopic desiccants F24F3/1423with a moving bed of solid desiccants, e.g. a rotary wheel supporting solid desiccants F24F3/1429alternatively operating a heat exchanger in an absorbing/adsorbing mode and a heat exchanger in a regeneration mode F24F2003/1435comprising semi-permeable membrane F24F2003/144by dehumidification only F24F2003/1446by condensing F24F2003/1452heat extracted from the humid air for condensing is returned to the dried air F24F2003/1458using regenerators F24F2003/1464using rotating regenerators F24F3/147with both heat and humidity transfer between supplied and exhausted air F24F3/153with subsequent heating, i.e. with the air, given the required humidity in the central station, passing a heating element to achieve the required temperature F24F3/16by purification, e.g. by filteringby sterilisationby ozonisationGroup F24F3/16 is impacted by reclassification into groups F24F8/00, F24F8/20, F24F8/22, F24F8/24, F24F8/26, F24F8/28, F24F8/30, F24F8/40, F24F8/50, F24F8/60, F24F8/70, F24F8/80, and F24F8/95.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F3/163Clean air work stations, i.e. selected areas within a space which filtered air is passed F24F3/167Clean rooms, i.e. enclosed spaces in which a uniform flow of filtered air is distributed air distribution by perforated walls F24F7/10
F24F5/00Air-conditioning systems or apparatus not covered by F24F1/00 or F24F3/00 , e.g. using solar heat or combined with household units such as an oven or water heater F24F5/0003Exclusively-fluid systems F24F5/0007cooling apparatus specially adapted for use in air-conditioning F24F5/0046 takes precedence F24F5/001Compression cycle type F24F5/0014using absorption or desorption F24F5/0017using cold storage bodies, e.g. ice F24F5/0021using phase change material [PCM] for storage F24F2005/0025using heat exchange fluid storage tanks F24F2005/0028using hydridable metals as energy storage media F24F2005/0032Systems storing energy during the night F24F5/0035using evaporation F24F2005/0039using a cryogen, e.g. CO2 liquid or N2 liquid F24F5/0042characterised by the application of thermo-electric units or the Peltier effect F24F5/0046using natural energy, e.g. solar energy, energy from the ground F24F5/005using energy from the ground by air circulation, e.g. "Canadian well" F24F2005/0053receiving heat-exchange fluid from a well F24F2005/0057receiving heat-exchange fluid from a closed circuit in the ground F24F2005/006receiving heat-exchange fluid from the drinking or sanitary water supply circuit F24F2005/0064using solar energy F24F2005/0067with photovoltaic panels F24F5/0071adapted for use in covered swimming pools F24F5/0075Systems using thermal walls, e.g. double window F24F2005/0078Double windows F24F2005/0082Facades F24F5/0085Systems using a compressed air circuit F24F5/0089Systems using radiation from walls or panels F24F5/0092ceilings, e.g. cool ceilings F24F5/0096combined with domestic apparatus F24F6/00Air-humidification , e.g. cooling by humidification F24F2006/001using a water curtain F24F2006/003using a decorative fountain F24F2006/005using plants F24F2006/006with water treatment F24F2006/008Air-humidifier with water reservoir F24F6/02by evaporation of water in the air F24F6/025using electrical heating means F24F6/105 takes precedence F24F6/04using stationary unheated wet elements F24F6/043with self-sucking action, e.g. wicks F24F2006/046with a water pump F24F6/06using moving unheated wet elements F24F2006/065using slowly rotating discs for evaporation F24F6/08using heated wet elements F24F6/10heated electrically F24F6/105using the heat of lamps F24F6/12by forming water dispersions in the air F24F6/14using nozzles F24F2006/143using pressurised air for spraying F24F2006/146using pressurised water for spraying F24F6/16using rotating elements F24F6/18by injection of steam into the air F24F7/00VentilationGroup F24F7/00 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F7/003.
Groups F24F7/00 and F24F7/003 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2007/001with exhausting air ductsGroup F24F2007/001 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F7/003.
Groups F24F2007/001 and F24F7/003 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2007/002Junction box, e.g. for ducts from kitchen, toilet or bathroomGroup F24F2007/002 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F7/003.
Groups F24F2007/002 and F24F7/003 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2007/0025using vent ports in a wallGroup F24F2007/0025 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F7/003.
Groups F24F2007/0025 and F24F7/003 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F7/003in combination with air cleaningGroup F24F7/003 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F7/00, F24F2007/001, F24F2007/002, F24F2007/0025, F24F2007/004, and F24F2007/005.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2007/004Natural ventilation using convectionGroup F24F2007/004 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F7/003.
Groups F24F2007/004 and F24F7/003 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2007/005Cyclic ventilation, e.g. alternating air supply volume or reversing flow directionGroup F24F2007/005 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F7/003.
Groups F24F2007/005 and F24F7/003 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F7/007with forced flow using ducting systems F24F7/06 F24F7/013using wall or window fans, displacing air through the wall or window F24F7/02Roof ventilation ventilation of roof coverings E04D F24F7/025with forced air circulation by means of a built-in ventilator F24F7/04with ducting systems , e.g. by double walls; with natural circulation F24F7/02 takes precedence F24F7/06with forced air circulation, e.g. by fan positioning of a ventilator in or against a conduit F24F7/065fan combined with single duct; mounting arrangements of a fan in a duct F24F7/08with separate ducts for supplied and exhausted air with provisions for reversal of the input and output systems F24F7/10with air supply, or exhaust, through perforated wall, floor or ceiling outlet members for directing or distributing air into rooms or spaces, e.g. ceiling air-diffusers F24F13/06
F24F8/00Treatment, e.g. purification, of air supplied to human living or working spaces otherwise than by heating, cooling, humidifying or dryingGroups F24F8/00, F24F8/20, F24F8/22, F24F8/24, F24F8/26, F24F8/28, F24F8/30, F24F8/40, F24F8/50, F24F8/60, F24F8/70, F24F8/80, and F24F8/95 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F3/16.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/10by separation, e.g. by filteringGroup F24F8/10 is impacted by reclassification into groups F24F8/108, F24F8/117, F24F8/125, F24F8/133, F24F8/142, F24F8/15, F24F8/158, F24F8/167, F24F8/175, F24F8/183, F24F8/90, F24F8/96, F24F8/97, F24F8/98, and F24F8/99.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/108using dry filter elementsGroup F24F8/108 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/108 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/117using wet filteringGroup F24F8/117 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Group F24F8/117 is also impacted by reclassification into groups F24F8/125, F24F8/133, and F24F8/142.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/125using wet filter elementsGroup F24F8/125 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/117.
Groups F24F8/10, F24F8/117, and F24F8/125 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/133by direct contact with liquid, e.g. with sprayed liquidGroup F24F8/133 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/117.
Groups F24F8/10, F24F8/117, and F24F8/133 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/142Treatment of used liquid, e.g. cleaning for recyclingGroup F24F8/142 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/117.
Groups F24F8/10, F24F8/117, and F24F8/142 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/15by chemical meansGroups F24F8/15 - F24F8/167 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/158using active carbon F24F8/167using catalytic reactions
F24F8/175using biological materials, plants or microorganismsGroup F24F8/175 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/175 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/183by centrifugal separation, e.g. using vorticesGroup F24F8/183 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/183 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/192by electrical means, e.g. by applying electrostatic fields or high voltages F24F8/194by filtering using high voltage
F24F8/20by sterilisation F24F8/22using UV light F24F8/24using sterilising media F24F8/26using ozone F24F8/28specially adapted for combatting or avoiding Legionella bacteria F24F8/30by ionisation F24F8/40by ozonisation for sterilisation F24F8/26 F24F8/50by odorisation F24F8/60by adding oxygen F24F8/70by removing radon F24F8/80Self-contained air purifiers F24F8/90Cleaning of purification apparatusGroup F24F8/90 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/90 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/95specially adapted for specific purposes F24F8/96for removing pollenGroup F24F8/96 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/96 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/97for removing tobacco smokeGroup F24F8/97 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/97 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/98for removing ozoneGroup F24F8/98 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/98 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F8/99for treating air sourced from urban areas, e.g. from streetsGroup F24F8/99 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F8/10.
Groups F24F8/10 and F24F8/99 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F9/00Use of air currents for screening, e.g. air curtains F24F2009/002Room dividers F24F2009/005combined with a door F24F2009/007using more than one jet or band in the air curtain F24F11/00Control or safety arrangementsIn this group, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of groups F24F2110/00F24F2140/00. F24F11/0001for ventilation F24F11/30 takes precedence F24F2011/0002for admittance of outside air F24F2011/0004to create overpressure in a room F24F2011/0005to create underpressure in a room, keeping contamination inside F24F2011/0006using low temperature external supply air to assist cooling F24F11/0008for air-humidification F24F11/30 takes precedence F24F11/30for purposes related to the operation of the system, e.g. for safety or monitoringGroup F24F11/30 is impacted by reclassification into groups F24F11/32F24F11/88, F24F2120/00, and F24F2140/00.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
Groups F24F11/32F24F11/49 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Groups F24F11/30 and F24F11/32F24F11/49 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/32Responding to malfunctions or emergencies F24F11/33to fire, excessive heat or smoke F24F11/34by opening air passages F24F11/35by closing air passages F24F11/36to leakage of heat-exchange fluid F24F11/37Resuming operation, e.g. after power outagesEmergency starting F24F11/38Failure diagnosis F24F11/39Monitoring filter performance F24F11/41DefrostingPreventing freezing F24F11/42of outdoor units F24F11/43of indoor units F24F11/46Improving electric energy efficiency or saving F24F11/47Responding to energy costs F24F11/48prior to normal operation, e.g. pre-heating or pre-cooling F24F11/49ensuring correct operation, e.g. by trial operation or configuration checks
F24F11/50characterised by user interfaces or communicationGroups F24F11/50F24F11/61 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Groups F24F11/50F24F11/61 and F24F11/30 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/52Indication arrangements, e.g. displays F24F11/523for displaying temperature data F24F11/526giving audible indications F24F11/54using one central controller connected to several sub-controllers F24F11/56Remote control F24F11/57using telephone networks F24F11/58using Internet communication F24F11/59for presetting F24F11/61using timers
F24F11/62characterised by the type of control or by internal processing, e.g. using fuzzy logic, adaptive control or estimation of valuesGroups F24F11/62F24F11/67 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Groups F24F11/62F24F11/67 and F24F11/30 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/63Electronic processing F24F11/64using pre-stored data F24F11/65for selecting an operating modeGroup F24F11/65 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Group F24F11/65 is also impacted by reclassification into group F24F11/67.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/66Sleep mode F24F11/67Switching between heating and cooling modesGroup F24F11/67 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F11/30 and F24F11/65.
Groups F24F11/30, F24F11/65, and F24F11/67 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/70Control systems characterised by their outputsConstructional details thereofGroups F24F11/70F24F11/875 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Group F24F11/70 is also impacted by reclassification into groups F24F11/80F24F11/875.
All groups listed in this warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/72for controlling the supply of treated air, e.g. its pressure F24F11/74for controlling air flow rate or air velocityGroup F24F11/74 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30 and F24F11/70.
Group F24F11/74 is also impacted by reclassification into group F24F11/755.
All groups listed in this warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search
F24F11/745the air flow rate increasing with an increase of air-current or wind pressure F24F11/75for maintaining constant air flow rate or air velocity F24F11/755for cyclical variation of air flow rate or air velocityGroup F24F11/755 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F11/30, F24F11/70 and F24F11/74.
All groups listed in this warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/76by means responsive to temperature, e.g. bimetal springs F24F11/77by controlling the speed of ventilators
F24F11/79for controlling the direction of the supplied air
F24F11/80for controlling the temperature of the supplied airGroups F24F11/80F24F11/875 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F11/30 and F24F11/70.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/81by controlling the air supply to heat-exchangers or bypass channels F24F11/83by controlling the supply of heat-exchange fluids to heat-exchangersGroup F24F11/83 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F11/30 and F24F11/70.
Group F24F11/83 is also impacted by reclassification into groups F24F11/84 and F24F11/85.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/84using valvesGroup F24F11/84 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F11/30, F24F11/70 and F24F11/83.
All groups listed in this warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/85using variable-flow pumpsGroup F24F11/85 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F24F11/30, F24F11/70 and F24F11/83.
All groups listed should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/86by controlling compressors within refrigeration or heat pump circuits F24F11/87by controlling absorption or discharge of heat in outdoor units F24F11/871by controlling outdoor fans F24F11/873by controlling refrigerant heaters F24F11/875by controlling heat-storage apparatus
F24F11/88Electrical aspects, e.g. circuitsGroup F24F11/88 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Groups F24F11/30 and F24F11/88 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F11/89Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices
F24F12/00Use of energy recovery systems in air conditioning, ventilation or screening with both heat and humidity transfer between supplied and exhausted air F24F3/147 F24F12/001with heat-exchange between supplied and exhausted air F24F12/002using an intermediate heat-transfer fluid F24F12/003using a heat pump F24F2012/005using heat pipes F24F12/006using an air-to-air heat exchanger F24F12/002 takes precedence F24F2012/007using a by-pass for bypassing the heat-exchanger F24F2012/008cyclic routing supply and exhaust air F24F13/00Details common to, or for air-conditioning, air-humidification, ventilation or use of air currents for screening F24F13/02Ducting arrangements F24F13/0209characterised by their connecting means, e.g. flanges F24F13/0218Flexible soft ducts, e.g. ducts made of permeable textiles F24F13/0227using parts of the building, e.g. air ducts inside the floor, walls or ceiling of a building F24F13/0236with ducts including air distributors, e.g. air collecting boxes with at least three openings F24F13/0245Manufacturing or assembly of air ducts; Methods therefor F24F13/0254characterised by their mounting means, e.g. supports F24F13/0263Insulation for air ducts F24F13/0272Modules for easy installation or transport F24F13/0281Multilayer duct F24F13/029Duct comprising an opening for inspection, e.g. manhole F24F13/04Air-mixing units F24F13/06 takes precedence F24F13/06Outlets for directing or distributing air into rooms or spaces, e.g. ceiling air diffuser F24F13/0604integrated in or forming part of furniture F24F2013/0608Perforated ducts F24F2013/0612Induction nozzles without swirl means F24F2013/0616Outlets that have intake openings F24F13/062having one or more bowls or cones diverging in the flow direction F24F13/065formed as cylindrical or spherical bodies which are rotatable F24F13/068formed as perforated walls, ceilings or floors F24F13/078 takes precedence F24F13/072of elongated shape, e.g. between ceiling panels F24F13/075having parallel rods or lamellae directing the outflow, e.g. the rods or lamellae being individually adjustable F24F13/072 takes precedence F24F13/078combined with lighting fixtures F24F13/08Air-flow control members, e.g. louvres, grilles, flaps or guide plates F24F7/013F24F13/06 take precedence F24F13/081for guiding air around a curve F24F13/082Grilles, registers or guards F24F13/084with mounting arrangements, e.g. snap fasteners for mounting to the wall or duct F24F13/085including an air filter F24F2013/087using inflatable bellows F24F2013/088Air-flow straightener F24F13/10movable, e.g. dampers F24F13/105composed of diaphragms or segments F24F13/12built up of sliding members F24F13/14built up of tilting members, e.g. louvre F24F13/1406characterised by sealing means F24F13/1413using more than one tilting member, e.g. with several pivoting blades F24F13/15 takes precedence F24F13/142using pivoting blades with intersecting axles F24F13/1426characterised by actuating means F24F2013/1433with electric motors F24F2013/144with thermoactuators F24F2013/1446with gearings F24F2013/1453with cables, e.g. bowden cables F24F2013/146with springs F24F2013/1466with pneumatic means F24F2013/1473with cams or levers F24F2013/148with magnets F24F13/1486characterised by bearings, pivots or hinges F24F2013/1493using an elastic membrane F24F13/15with parallel simultaneously tiltable lamellae F24F13/16built up of parallelly-movable plates F24F13/18specially adapted for insertion in flat panels, e.g. in door or window-pane F24F13/20Casings or covers F24F2013/202Mounting a compressor unit therein F24F2013/205Mounting a ventilator fan therein F24F2013/207with control knobs; Mounting controlling members or control units therein F24F13/22Means for preventing condensation or evacuating condensate F24F2013/221to avoid the formation of condensate, e.g. dew F24F13/222for evacuating condensate F24F13/224in a window-type room air conditioner F24F2013/225by evaporating the condensate in the cooling medium, e.g. in air flow from the condenser F24F2013/227Condensate pipe for drainage of condensate from the evaporator F24F2013/228Treatment of condensate, e.g. sterilising F24F13/24Means for preventing or suppressing noise F24F2013/242Sound-absorbing material F24F2013/245using resonance F24F2013/247Active noise-suppression F24F13/26Arrangements for air-circulation by means of induction, e.g. by fluid coupling or thermal effect F24F13/28Arrangement or mounting of filters F24F13/30Arrangement or mounting of heat-exchangers F24F13/32Supports for air-conditioning, air-humidification or ventilation units
F24F2110/00Indexing scheme associated with group F24F11/00, relating to control inputs, e.g. measured or estimated values or parameters F24F2110/00Control inputs relating to air properties F24F2110/10Temperature F24F2110/12of the outside air F24F2110/20Humidity F24F2110/22of the outside air F24F2110/30Velocity F24F2110/32of the outside air F24F2110/40Pressure, e.g. wind pressureGroup F24F2110/40 is impacted by reclassification into groups F24F2140/10 and F24F2140/12.
Groups F24F2110/40, F24F2140/10, and F24F2140/12 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2110/50Air quality propertiesGroup F24F2110/50 is impacted by reclassification into group F24F2110/65.
Groups F24F2110/50 and F24F2110/65 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2110/52of the outside air F24F2110/60Odour F24F2110/62Tobacco smoke F24F2110/64Airborne particle content F24F2110/65Concentration of specific substances or contaminantsGroup F24F2110/65 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F2110/50.
Groups F24F2110/50 and F24F2110/65 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2110/66Volatile organic compounds [VOC] F24F2110/68Radon F24F2110/70Carbon dioxide F24F2110/72Carbon monoxide F24F2110/74Ozone F24F2110/76Oxygen
F24F2110/80Electric charge
F24F2120/00Control inputs relating to users or occupantsGroup F24F2120/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Groups F24F11/30 and F24F2120/00 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2120/10Occupancy F24F2120/12Position of occupants F24F2120/14Activity of occupants F24F2120/20Feedback from users
F24F2130/00Control inputs relating to environmental factors not covered by group F24F2110/00 F24F2130/10Weather information or forecasts F24F2130/20Sunlight F24F2130/30Artificial light F24F2130/40Noise F24F2140/00Control inputs relating to system statesGroup F24F2140/00 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F11/30.
Groups F24F11/30 and F24F2140/00 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2140/10PressureGroups F24F2140/10 and F24F2140/12 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F24F2110/40.
Groups F24F2110/40, F24F2140/10 and F24F2140/12 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F24F2140/12Heat-exchange fluid pressure
F24F2140/20Heat-exchange fluid temperature F24F2140/30Condensation of water from cooled air F24F2140/40Damper positions, e.g. open or closed F24F2140/50Load F24F2140/60Energy consumption
F24F2203/00 F24F2203/00Devices or apparatus used for air treatment F24F2203/02System or Device comprising a heat pump as a subsystem, e.g. combined with humidification/dehumidification, heating, natural energy or with hybrid system F24F2203/021Compression cycle F24F2203/023with turbine used for expansion F24F2203/025with turbine for compression F24F2203/026Absorption - desorption cycle F24F2203/028using a solid absorbing medium F24F2203/10Rotary wheel F24F2203/1004Bearings or driving means F24F2203/1008comprising a by-pass channel F24F2203/1012Details of the casing or cover F24F2203/1016combined with another type of cooling principle, e.g. compression cycle F24F2203/102combined with a heat pipe F24F2203/1024combined with a humidifier F24F2203/1028combined with a spraying device F24F2203/1032Desiccant wheel F24F2203/1036Details F24F2203/104Heat exchanger wheel F24F2203/1044performing other movements, e.g. sliding F24F2203/1048Geometric details F24F2203/1052comprising a non-axial air flow F24F2203/1056comprising a reheater F24F2203/106Electrical reheater F24F2203/1064Gas fired reheater F24F2203/1068comprising one rotor F24F2203/1072comprising two rotors F24F2203/1076comprising three rotors F24F2203/108comprising rotor parts shaped in sector form F24F2203/1084comprising two flow rotor segments F24F2203/1088comprising three flow rotor segments F24F2203/1092comprising four flow rotor segments F24F2203/1096comprising sealing means F24F2203/12Dehumidifying or humidifying belt type F24F2221/00Air-conditioning F24F2221/00Details or features not otherwise provided for F24F2221/02combined with lighting fixtures F24F2221/08Installation or apparatus for use in sport halls, e.g. swimming pools, ice rings F24F2221/10combined with, or integrated in, furniture F24F2221/12transportable F24F2221/125mounted on wheels F24F2221/14mounted on the ceiling F24F2221/16mounted on the roof F24F2221/17mounted in a wall F24F2221/18combined with domestic apparatus F24F2221/183combined with a hot-water boiler F24F2221/186combined with a fireplace F24F2221/20mounted in or close to a window F24F2221/22Cleaning ducts or apparatus F24F2221/225using a liquid F24F2221/26improving the aesthetic appearance F24F2221/28using the Coanda effect F24F2221/30comprising fireproof material F24F2221/32preventing human errors during the installation, use or maintenance, e.g. goofy proof F24F2221/34Heater, e.g. gas burner, electric air heater F24F2221/36Modules, e.g. for an easy mounting or transport F24F2221/38Personalised air distribution F24F2221/40HVAC with raised floors F24F2221/42Mobile autonomous air conditioner, e.g. robots F24F2221/44Protection from terrorism or theft F24F2221/46Air flow forming a vortex F24F2221/48HVAC for a wine cellar F24F2221/50HVAC for high buildings, e.g. thermal or pressure differences F24F2221/52Weather protecting means, e.g. against wind, rain or snow F24F2221/54Heating and cooling, simultaneously or alternatively F24F2221/56Cooling being a secondary aspect