F02FCYLINDERS, PISTONS OR CASINGS, FOR COMBUSTION ENGINESARRANGEMENTS OF SEALINGS IN COMBUSTION ENGINES Attention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01. In considering the relationship between class F16 and subclass F02F, class F16 will take precedence unless the subject-matter is specific to combustion engines. F02F1/00 F02F1/00CylindersCylinder heads  F02F1/002Integrally formed cylinders and cylinder heads F02F1/004Cylinder liners F02F1/08, F02F1/16 take precedence F02F2001/006having a ring at the inside of a liner or cylinder for preventing the deposit of carbon oil particles, e.g. oil scrapers F02F2001/008Stress problems, especially related to thermal stress F02F1/02having cooling means cylinder heads F02F1/26 F02F1/04for air cooling F02F1/045Attachment of cylinders to crankcase F02F1/06Shape or arrangement of cooling finsFinned cylinders F02F1/065with means for directing or distributing cooling medium F02F1/08running-liner and cooling-part of cylinder being different parts or of different material F02F1/10for liquid cooling F02F1/102Attachment of cylinders to crankcase F02F2001/104using an open deck, i.e. the water jacket is open at the block top face F02F2001/106using a closed deck, i.e. the water jacket is not open at the block top face F02F1/108Siamese-type cylinders, i.e. cylinders cast together F02F1/12Preventing corrosion of liquid-swept surfaces F02F1/14Cylinders with means for directing, guiding or distributing liquid stream F02F1/16Cylinder liners of wet type F02F1/163the liner being midsupported F02F1/166Spacer decks F02F1/18Other cylinders F02F1/183Oval or square cylinders F02F1/186for use in engines with two or more pistons reciprocating within same cylinder F02F1/20characterised by constructional features providing for lubrication F02F1/22characterised by having ports in cylinder wall for scavenging or charging F02F1/24Cylinder heads F02F2001/241specially adapted to pent roof shape of the combustion chamber F02F1/242Arrangement of spark plugs or injectors F02F1/243Cylinder heads and inlet or exhaust manifolds integrally cast together F02F2001/244Arrangement of valve stems in cylinder heads F02F2001/245the valve stems being orientated at an angle with the cylinder axis F02F2001/246and orientated radially from the combustion chamber surface F02F2001/247the valve stems being orientated in parallel with the cylinder axis F02F2001/248Methods for avoiding thermal stress-induced cracks in the zone between valve seat openings F02F2001/249with flame plate, e.g. insert in the cylinder head used as a thermal insulation between cylinder head and combustion chamber F02F1/26having cooling means F02F1/28for air cooling F02F1/30Finned cylinder heads F02F1/305the cylinder heads being of side valve type F02F1/32the cylinder heads being of overhead valve type F02F1/34with means for directing or distributing cooling medium  F02F1/36for liquid cooling F02F1/365the cylinder heads being of side valve type F02F1/38the cylinder heads being of overhead valve type F02F1/40cylinder heads with means for directing, guiding, or distributing liquid stream  F02F1/42Shape or arrangement of intake or exhaust channels in cylinder heads F02F2001/4207Arrangements with one conduit connected with two valves; Arrangements connecting one valve with two conduits F02F1/4214specially adapted for four or more valves per cylinder F02F1/4221particularly for three or more inlet valves F02F1/4228Helically-shaped channels  imparting a rotation to the charge in the cylinder F02B31/00 F02F1/4235of intake channels F02F1/4242with a partition wall inside the channel F02F1/425with a separate deviation element inside the channel F02F1/4257with an intake liner F02F1/4264of exhaust channels F02F1/4271with an exhaust liner F02F2001/4278Exhaust collectors F02F1/4285of both intake and exhaust channel F02F1/4292with liners F02F1/4257, F02F1/4271 take precedence F02F3/00Pistons  F02F2003/0007Monolithic pistons; One piece constructions; Casting of pistons F02F3/0015Multi-part pistons F02F3/0023the parts being bolted or screwed together F02F3/003the parts being connected by casting, brazing, welding or clamping F02F2003/0038by brazing F02F2003/0046by crimping F02F2003/0053by soldering F02F2003/0061by welding F02F3/0069the crown and skirt being interconnected by the gudgeon pin F02F3/0076the inside of the pistons being provided with ribs or fins F02F3/0084the pistons being constructed from specific materials F02F3/0092the material being steel-plate F02F3/02having means for accommodating or controlling heat expansion F02F3/022the pistons having an oval circumference or non-cylindrical shaped skirts, e.g. oval F02F3/025, F02F3/027 take precedence F02F3/025having circumferentially slotted piston skirts, e.g. T-slots F02F3/027the skirt wall having cavities F02F3/04having expansion-controlling inserts F02F3/042the inserts consisting of reinforcements in the skirt interconnecting separate wall parts, e.g. rods or strips F02F3/045the inserts being located in the crown F02F3/047the inserts being located around the gudgeon pin bearings F02F3/06the inserts having bimetallic effect F02F3/08the inserts being ring-shaped F02F3/10having surface coverings F02F3/02 takes precedence F02F3/105the coverings forming a double skirt F02F3/12on piston heads F02F3/14within combustion chambers F02F3/16having cooling means F02F3/18the means being a liquid or solid coolant, e.g. sodium, in a closed chamber in piston F02F3/20the means being a fluid flowing through or along piston F02F3/22the fluid being liquid F02F3/225the liquid being directed into blind holes F02F3/24having means for guiding gases in cylinders, e.g. for guiding scavenging charge in two-stroke engines F02F3/26having combustion chamber in piston head the surface thereof being covered F02F3/14 F02F3/28Other pistons with specially-shaped head F02F3/285the head being provided with an insert located in or on the combustion-gas-swept surface F02F5/00Piston rings, e.g. associated with piston crown not used see F16J9/00 F02F7/00Casings, e.g. crankcases or frames F02F7/0002Cylinder arrangements F02F7/0004Crankcases of one-cylinder engines F02F7/0007Crankcases of engines with cylinders in line F02F7/0009Crankcases of opposed piston engines F02F7/0012Crankcases of V-engines F02F7/0014Crankcases of W-, deldic, or quadratic engines, or the like F02F7/0017Crankcases of radial engines F02F7/0019Cylinders and crankshaft not in one plane (deaxation) F02F7/0021Construction F02F7/0024Casings for larger engines F02F7/0026Casings for horizontal engines F02F7/0029Space-frames F02F7/0031Construction kit principle (modular engines) F02F7/0034Built from sheet material and welded casings F02F7/0036Casings for two-stroke engines with scavenging conduits F02F7/0039Casings for small engines, especially with crankcase pumps F02F2007/0041Fixing Bolts F02F7/0043Arrangements of mechanical drive elements F02F7/0046Shape of casings adapted to facilitate fitting or dismantling of engine parts F02F7/0048Tunnel-type frames F02F7/0051Crankcase pump engines F02F7/0053Crankshaft bearings fitted in the crankcase F02F2007/0056using bearing beams, i.e. bearings interconnected by a beam or multiple beams F02F7/0058Longitudinally or transversely separable crankcases F02F7/006Camshaft or pushrod housings F02F2007/0063Head bolts; Arrangements of cylinder head bolts F02F7/0065Shape of casings for other machine parts and purposes, e.g. utilisation purposes, safety F02F7/0068Adaptations for other accessories F02F7/007Adaptations for cooling F02F7/0073Adaptations for fitting the engine, e.g. front-plates or bell-housings F02F2007/0075Front covers F02F2007/0078Covers for belt transmissions F02F7/008Sound insulation F02F7/0082Mounting of engine casings F02F7/0085Materials for constructing engines or their parts F02F7/0087Ceramic materials F02F2007/009Hypereutectic aluminum, e.g. aluminum alloys with high SI content F02F2007/0092Transparent materials F02F7/0095Constructing engine casings welded casings F02F7/0034 F02F2007/0097for large diesel engines F02F11/00Arrangements of sealings in combustion engines  piston rings  F16J9/00 F02F11/002involving cylinder heads F02F11/005involving cylinder liners F02F11/007involving rotary applications F02F2200/00 F02F2200/00Manufacturing F02F2200/02Riveting F02F2200/04Forging of engine parts F02F2200/06Casting casting of pistons F02F2003/0007 F02F2200/08using a lost model, e.g. foam casting F02F2200/11using wrought materials, e.g. wrought steels