B61LGUIDING RAILWAY TRAFFICENSURING THE SAFETY OF RAILWAY TRAFFIC power supply lines for electrically-propelled vehicles B60M; vehicle signalling in general B60Q; brakes or auxiliary equipment B61H, B61K; point or crossing construction E01B; insulated rail joints E01B11/54; optical devices in general G02; controlling in general G05; electric communication technique H04In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. B61L1/00 B61L1/00Devices along the route controlled by interaction with the vehicle or vehicle train, e.g. pedalsdetonators B61L5/20; operation of points or signals by passage of the vehicle B61L11/00, B61L13/00; central traffic control systems controlled by train B61L27/04; operation of gates, or gates and signals, by approaching vehicle B61L29/18 B61L1/02Electric devices associated with track , e.g. rail contacts B61L1/025actuated by variation of resistance or by piezo-electricity B61L1/04mechanically actuated by a part of the vehicle B61L1/045actuated by fluid-pressure B61L1/06actuated by deformation of railactuated by vibration in rail B61L1/08magnetically actuatedelectrostatically actuated B61L1/10actuated by electromagnetic radiationactuated by particle radiation B61L1/12Electric devices associated with overhead trolley wires B61L1/14Devices for indicating the passing of the end of the vehicle or vehicle train B61L1/16Devices for counting axlesDevices for counting vehicles counting moving objects in general G06M B61L1/161characterised by the counting methods B61L1/162characterised by the error correction B61L1/163Detection devices B61L1/164Mechanical B61L1/165Electrical B61L1/166Optical B61L1/167Circuit details B61L1/168Specific transmission details B61L1/169Diagnosis B61L1/18Railway track circuits automatically-operated track circuits specially adapted for section blocking for controlling traffic B61L23/00; rail joints E01B11/00 B61L1/181Details B61L1/182Use of current of indifferent sort or a combination of different current types B61L1/183Use of means on the vehicle for improving short circuit, e.g. in vehicles with rubber bandages B61L1/184Use of additional conductors for examining leakages between rails B61L1/185Use of direct current B61L1/186Use of rectified alternating current B61L1/187Use of alternating current B61L1/188Use of coded current B61L1/20Safety arrangements for preventing or indicating malfunction of the device, e.g. by leakage current, by lightning remote indicating means for abnormal operations conditions G08B21/00, G08B23/00; detectors for indicating the overheating of axle bearings B61K9/00 B61L3/00Devices along the route for controlling devices on the vehicle or vehicle train, e.g. to release brake, to operate a warning signal B61L3/002Recorders on the vehicle B61L3/004Memory means reproducing during the running of the vehicle or vehicle train, e.g. smart cards B61L3/006On-board optimisation of vehicle or vehicle train operation track-side optimisation of operation B61L27/16 B61L3/008On-board target speed calculation or supervision track-side control of safe travel B61L27/20; speed control circuitry B60L3/08; speed control of electric drives B60L15/20 B61L3/02at selected places along the route, e.g. intermittent control simultaneous mechanical and electrical control B61L3/04controlling mechanically arrangements of making elements acting directly on tread B60T1/04 B61L3/06controlling by electromagnetic or particle radiation, e.g. by light beam using radio waves B61L3/12 B61L3/065controlling optically B61L3/08controlling electrically B61L3/10using current passing between devices along the route and devices on the vehicle train B61L3/103Details of current transmitting conductors or contact brushes B61L3/106with mechanically controlled electrical switch on the vehicle B61L3/12using magnetic or electrostatic inductionusing radio waves B61L3/121using magnetic induction B61L2003/122German standard for inductive train protection, called "Induktive Zugsicherung"[INDUSI] B61L2003/123French standard for inductive train protection, called "Contrôle de vitesse par balises" [KVB] B61L3/125using short-range radio transmission long-range radio transmission B61L15/0027, B61L27/70 B61L3/126Constructional details B61L3/127for remote control of locomotives remote control of locomotives within a train consist B61C17/12 B61L3/128for control of tilting trains by external control devices, e.g. by Eurobalise tilting details B61F5/22 B61L3/14to cut-off the power supply to traction motors of electrically-propelled vehicles B61L3/16Continuous control along the route B61L3/18using electric current passing between devices along the route and devices on the vehicle or vehicle train B61L3/185using separate conductors B61L3/20employing different frequencies or coded pulse groups , e.g. using currents carried by traction current operating and signalling systems using network power supply H02J13/00 B61L3/22using magnetic or electrostatic inductionusing electromagnetic radiation B61L3/221using track circuits B61L3/222Arrangements on the track only B61L2003/223French cab signaling system, called "Transmission Voie-Machine" [TVM] B61L3/225using separate conductors along the route B61L2003/226German inductive continuous train control, called 'Linienzugbeeinflussung' [LZB] B61L3/227using electromagnetic radiation B61L2003/228Constructional details B61L3/24employing different frequencies or coded pulse groups , e.g. in combination with track circuits B61L3/243using alternating current B61L3/246using coded current B61L5/00Local operating mechanisms for points or track-mounted scotch-blocks track-mounted scotch-blocks per se B61KVisible or audible signalsLocal operating mechanisms for visible or audible signals B61L11/00 takes precedence B61L5/02Mechanical devices for operating points or scotch-blocks , e.g. local manual control B61L5/023using funicular driving means B61L5/026fixing switch-rails to the driving means B61L5/04Fluid-pressure devices for operating points or scotch-blocks B61L5/045using electrically controlled fluid-pressure operated driving means B61L5/06Electric devices for operating points or scotch-blocks , e.g. using electromotive driving means B61L5/062Wiring diagrams B61L5/065Construction of driving mechanism B61L5/067using electromagnetic driving means B61L5/08Underground actuating arrangements, e.g. for tramways B61L5/10Locking mechanisms for pointsMeans for indicating the setting of points B61L5/102Controlling electrically B61L5/105Controlling funicularly B61L5/107electrical control of points position B61L5/12Visible signals signalling means on the vehicle B61L15/00; signalling means for classification yards, or the like, with multiple indicating means B61L17/023; signalling means for road crossings B61L29/24; lighting in general F21; visible signalling arrangements in general G08B5/00 B61L5/125Fixed signals, beacons, or the like B61L5/14Form signals, e.g. semaphore arms illumination for points, form signals B61L9/00 B61L5/16Local operating mechanisms for form signals B61L5/161using electromotive driving means B61L5/162Wiring diagrams B61L5/163Driving mechanisms B61L5/165using electromagnetic driving means B61L5/166using electrically controlled gravity operated driving means B61L5/167using electrically controlled fluid-pressure operated driving means B61L5/168using funicular driving means B61L5/18Light signalsMechanisms associated therewith, e.g. blinders B61L5/1809Daylight signals B61L5/1818using mobile coloured screen B61L5/1827using light sources of different colours and a common optical system B61L5/1836using light sources of different colours and separate optical systems B61L5/1845Optical systems, lenses B61L5/1854Mounting and focussing of the light source in a lamp, fixing means B61L5/1863Lamp mountings on a mast B61L5/1872Mobile mounting arrangements on a mast; Arrangements for hoisting of the lamp along the mast B61L5/1881Wiring diagrams for power supply, control or testing B61L5/189using flashing light sources visible signalling in general using flashing light sources G08B5/38; thermal switches operating intermittently H01H61/06, H01H61/08 B61L5/20Audible signals, e.g. detonator audible signalling B61L5/203Detonators; Track mounting means; Composition of the detonative product B61L5/206Signalling means for special purposes B61L5/22Devices for initiating the release of detonators in a certain position of a signal B61L5/24Replacement of detonators B61L7/00Remote control of local operating means for points, signals, or trackmounted scotch-blocks B61L11/00 takes precedence; interlocking arrangements B61L19/00; transmission per se, see the relevant classes B61L7/02using mechanical transmissione.g. wire, lever B61L7/021Driving wheels or supports for traction wires B61L7/022Guiding means or supporting foundations in beton B61L7/024Coupling for wires or traction bars B61L7/025Bracing or compensating arrangements B61L7/027Control levers B61L7/028Indicating or fixing arrangements in the event of breaking or tension difference of transmission wires for points, signals or similar B61L7/04using fluid-pressure transmission B61L7/06using electrical transmission B61L7/061using electromotive driving means B61L7/062Wiring diagrams B61L7/063Construction of driving mechanism B61L7/065using electromagnetic driving means B61L7/066using electrically controlled fluid-pressure operated driving means B61L7/067Supply for electric safety arrangements B61L7/068Protection against eddy-currents, short-circuits, or the like, for electric safety arrangements B61L7/08Circuitry B61L7/081Direct line wire control B61L7/083Common line wire control using currents of different amplitudes, polarities, frequencies, or the like B61L7/085Common line wire control using synchronous distributors B61L7/086Common line wire control using relay distributors B61L7/088Common line wire control using series of coded pulses B61L7/10for light signals, e.g. for supervision, back-signalling B61L7/103Electric control of the setting of signals B61L7/106for form signals B61L9/00Illumination specially adapted for points, form signals, or gates lighting in general F21 B61L9/02non-electric B61L9/04electric B61L11/00Operation of points from the vehicle or by the passage of the vehicle B61L11/02using mechanical interaction between vehicle and track B61L11/04Trailable point locks B61L11/06with fluid-pressure transmission B61L11/08using electrical or magnetic interaction between vehicle and track B61L11/083Magnetic control B61L2011/086German radio based operations, called "Funkfahrbetrieb" [FFB] B61L13/00Operation of signals from the vehicle or by the passage of the vehicle B61L13/002actuated by the passage of the vehicle B61L13/005optically actuated B61L13/007acoustically actuated B61L13/02using mechanical interaction between vehicle and track pedals B61L1/00 B61L13/04using electrical or magnetic interaction between vehicle and track , e.g. by conductor circuits using special means or special conductors B61L13/042using isolated rail sections B61L13/045using separated rail contacts, pedals or similar B61L1/02 takes precedence B61L13/047controlling inductively or magnetically B61L15/00Indicators provided on the vehicle or vehicle train for signalling purposes ; On-board control or communication systems B61L15/0009wiring diagrams for start- or stop-signals on vehicles having one or more carriages and having electrical communication lines between the carriages B61L15/0018Communication with or on the vehicle or vehicle train line transmission systems H04B3/00 B61L15/0027Radio-based, e.g. using GSM-R B61L15/0036Conductor-based, e.g. using CAN-Bus, train-line or optical fibres B61L15/0045Destination indicators, identification panels or distinguishing signs on the vehicles displaying in general G09F B61L15/0054Train integrity supervision, e.g. end-of-train [EOT] devices B61L15/0063Multiple on-board control systems, e.g. "2 out of 3"-systems trackside multiple control systems B61L27/30 B61L15/0072On-board train data handling trackside train data handling B61L27/40 B61L15/0081On-board diagnosis or maintenance trackside diagnosis or maintenance B61L27/50 B61L15/009On-board display devices B61L15/02Head or tail indicators, e.g. light B61L17/00Switching systems for classification yards rail brakes B61K B61L17/02Details, e.g. indicating degree of track filling B61L17/023Signalling; Signals with multiple indicating means B61L17/026Brake devices B61L19/00Arrangements for interlocking between points and signals by means of a single interlocking device , e.g. central control remote control B61L7/00; station block arrangements B61L21/00 B61L19/02Interlocking devices having mechanical or fluid-pressure operation B61L19/023purely mechanical control levers B61L7/027 B61L19/026using fluid-pressure operated points or signals B61L19/04Detail- e.g. hand lever, back-signalling device B61L19/06Interlocking devices having electrical operation B61L2019/065with electronic means B61L19/08Special arrangements for power supply for interlocking devices B61L19/10with mechanical locks B61L19/12Details B61L19/14with electrical locks B61L19/16Details B61L21/00Station blocking between signal boxes in one yard interlocking between points and signals by means of a single interlocking device B61L19/00 B61L21/02Mechanical locking and release of the routeRepeat locksCoupling of semaphores B61L21/04Electrical locking and release of the routeElectrical repeat locks central interlocking B61L19/00 B61L21/06Vehicle-on-line indicationMonitoring locking and release of the route B61L21/065for signals, including signals actuated by the vehicle B61L21/08Order transmission and reception arrangements for giving or withholding permission B61L21/10Arrangements for trains which are closely following one another automatic central traffic control systems B61L27/04 B61L23/00Control, warning, or like safety means along the route or between vehicles or vehicle trains B61L23/002Control or safety means for heart-points and crossings of aerial railways, funicular rack-railway points or safety systems for model railways A63H; points, crossings or hearts for aerial railway, funicular rack railway E01B25/12 B61L23/005Automatic control or safety means for points for operator-less railway, e.g. transportation systems B61L23/007Safety arrangements on railway crossings B61L23/02for indicating along the route the failure of brakes B61L23/04for monitoring the mechanical state of the route B61L23/041Obstacle detection B61L23/042Track changes detection B61L23/044Broken rails B61L23/045Rail wear B61L23/047Track or rail movements B61L23/048Road bed changes, e.g. road bed erosion B61L23/06for warning men working on the route B61L23/08for controlling traffic in one direction only station blocking between signal boxes in one yard B61L21/00 B61L23/10manually operated , e.g. block arrangements B61L23/12partly operated by train B61L23/14automatically operated B61L23/16Track circuits specially adapted for section blocking B61L23/161using current of indifferent sorte or a combination of different current types B61L23/163using direct current B61L23/165using rectified alternating current B61L23/166using alternating current B61L23/168using coded current B61L23/18specially adapted for changing lengths of track sections in dependence upon speed and traffic density B61L23/20with transmission of instructions to stations along the route B61L23/22for controlling traffic in two directions over the same pair of rails station blocking between signal boxes in one yard B61L21/00 B61L23/24using token systems, e.g. train staffs, tablets B61L23/26with means for actuating signals from the vehicle or by passage of the vehicle B61L23/28using non-automatic blocking from a place along the route B61L23/30using automatic section blocking B61L23/32with provision for the blocking or passing sidings B61L23/34Control, warnings or like safety means indicating the distance between vehicles or vehicle trains by the transmission of signals therebetween B61L25/00Recording or indicating positions or identities of vehicles or vehicle trains or setting of track apparatus B61L25/02Indicating or recording positions or identities of vehicles or vehicle trains B61L25/021Measuring and recording of train speed B61L25/023Determination of driving direction of vehicle or vehicle train B61L25/025Absolute localisation, e.g. providing geodetic coordinates B61L25/026Relative localisation, e.g. using odometer B61L25/028Determination of vehicle position and orientation within a train consist, e.g. serialisation B61L25/04Indicating or recording train identities B61L25/041using reflecting tags B61L25/043using inductive tags B61L25/045using reradiating tags B61L25/046using magnetic tags B61L25/048using programmable tags B61L25/06Indicating or recording the setting of track apparatus, e.g. of points, of signals B61L25/065for signalling systems on the vehicle using current conduction B61L25/08Diagrammatic displays B61L27/00Central railway traffic control systemsTrackside controlCommunication systems specially adapted therefor B61L27/02Manual systems B61L27/04Automatic systems, e.g. controlled by trainChange-over to manual control B61L27/10Operations, e.g. scheduling or time tables B61L27/12Preparing schedules B61L27/14Following schedules B61L27/16Trackside optimisation of vehicle or vehicle train operation B61L27/18Crew rostersItineraries B61L27/20Trackside control of safe travel of vehicle or vehicle train, e.g. braking curve calculation B61L2027/202using European Train Control System [ETCS] B61L2027/204using Communication-based Train Control [CBTC] B61L27/30Trackside multiple control systems, e.g. switch-over between different systems B61L27/33Backup systems, e.g. switching when failures occur B61L27/37Migration, e.g. parallel installations running simultaneously B61L27/40Handling position reports or trackside vehicle data B61L27/50Trackside diagnosis or maintenance, e.g. software upgrades B61L27/53for trackside elements or systems, e.g. trackside supervision of trackside control system conditions B61L27/57for vehicles or vehicle trains, e.g. trackside supervision of train conditions B61L27/60Testing or simulation B61L27/70Details of trackside communication B61L29/00Safety means for rail/road crossing traffic B61L29/02Guards or obstacles for preventing access to the route cattle guards connected to the permanent way E01B17/00 B61L29/023Special gates B61L29/026Preventing access by means of obstacles raising across the route B61L29/04Gates for level crossings B61L29/06yielding to vehicles in one direction but operated in a different direction B61L29/08Operation of gatesCombined operation of gates and signals B61L29/10Means for securing gates in their desired position B61L29/12Manual operation B61L29/14mechanically B61L29/16electrically B61L29/18Operation by approaching rail vehicle or rail vehicle train B61L29/20mechanically B61L29/22electrically B61L29/222using conductor circuits with separate contacts or conductors B61L29/224using rail contacts B61L29/226using track-circuits, closed or short-circuited by train or using isolated rail-sections B61L29/228using optical means B61L29/24Means for warning road traffic that a gate is closed or closing, or that rail traffic is approaching, e.g. for visible or audible warning B61L29/243Transmission mechanism or acoustical signals for gates B61L29/246Signals or brake- or lighting devices mounted on the road vehicle and controlled from the vehicle train B61L29/26mechanically operated B61L29/28electrically operated B61L29/282magnetic or inductive control by the vehicle B61L29/284using rail-contacts, rail microphones, or the like, controlled by the vehicle B61L29/286using conductor circuits controlled by the vehicle B61L29/288Wiring diagram of the signal control circuits B61L29/30Supervision, e.g. monitoring arrangements B61L29/32Timing, e.g. advance warning of approaching train B61L99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass B61L2201/00 B61L2201/00Control methods B61L2201/02Fuzzy control B61L2205/00Communication or navigation systems for railway traffic B61L2205/02Global system for mobile communication - railways (GSM-R) B61L2205/04Satellite based navigation systems, e.g. GPS B61L2207/00Features of light signals B61L2207/02using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) B61L2210/00Vehicle systems B61L2210/02Single autonomous vehicles B61L2210/04Magnetic elevation vehicles (maglev)