B62BHAND-PROPELLED VEHICLES, e.g. HAND CARTS OR PERAMBULATORSSLEDGES characterised by animal propulsion B62C; propulsion of sledges by driver or engine B62MIn this subclass, the term "hand carts" also embraces hand-propelled wheeled devices in so far as the features thereof are generic to hand carts. This term also embraces pedestrian-controlled power-driven vehicles in so far as the features thereof are generic to hand cartsRollers are taken as being equivalent to wheelsThe following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B62B3/065 covered by B62B3/0618
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B62B1/00Hand carts B62B1/00Hand carts having only one axis carrying one or more transport wheelsEquipment therefor B62B1/002convertible from a one-axled vehicle to a two-axled vehicle B62B1/004being longitudinally nestable with each other B62B1/006being vertically stackable with each other B62B1/008having a prop or stand for maintaining position B62B1/02in which the wheel axis is disposed between the load and the handles B62B1/04involving parts being adjustable, collapsible, attachable, detachable, or convertible B62B1/042foldable B62B1/045foldable in one action B62B1/047by telescopic movement of the handle B62B1/06involving means for grappling or securing in place objects to be carriedLoading or unloading equipment B62B1/08having auxiliary wheels used during loading or unloading B62B1/10in which the load is intended to be transferred totally to the wheels B62B1/12involving parts being adjustable, collapsible, attachable, detachable, or convertible B62B1/125by means of telescoping elements B62B1/14involving means for grappling or securing in place objects to be carriedLoading or unloading equipment B62B1/142with object clamping means being movable substantially parallel to the ground surface B62B1/145Unloading equipment for pushing the load from the carrier platform B62B1/147the load support being in the form of a scoop B62B1/16involving tiltably-mounted containers B62B1/18in which the load is disposed between the wheel axis and the handles, e.g. wheelbarrows B62B1/183with spring-mounted wheels B62B1/186comprising an additional wheel, e.g. mounted on the struts B62B1/20involving parts being collapsible, attachable, detachable or convertible B62B1/202Detachable buckets B62B1/204Detachable elements on the buckets, e.g. for increasing volume B62B1/206and capable of being completely disassembled B62B1/208foldable B62B1/22involving means for grappling or securing in place objects to be carriedLoading or unloading equipment B62B1/24involving tiltably-mounted containers B62B1/26characterised by supports specially adapted to objects of definite shape B62B1/262the objects being of elongated shape, e.g. fishing rods, golf clubs B62B1/264the objects being of cylindrical shape, e.g. barrels, buckets, dustbins B62B1/266the objects being bags B62B1/268the objects being plates, doors, panels or the like B62B3/00Hand carts having more than one axis carrying transport wheelsSteering devices thereforEquipment therefor convertible from one-axled to two-axled vehicle B62B1/002 B62B3/001Steering devices B62B3/002characterised by a rectangular shape, involving sidewalls or racks B62B3/003Non-transparent side walls B62B3/004Details of doors or cover lids B62B3/005Details of storage means, e.g. drawers, bins or racks B62B3/006for stacking objects like trays, bobbins, chains B62B3/007Coaster wagons B62B3/008having more than two axes B62B3/009of the single-track type B62B3/02involving parts being adjustable, collapsible, attachable, detachable or convertible B62B3/022folding down the body to the wheel carriage or by retracting projecting parts collapsible containers B65D, e.g. B65D7/24, B65D9/12, B65D11/18 B62B3/025Foldable roll containers B62B3/027collapsible shopping trolleys B62B3/04involving means for grappling or securing in place objects to be carriedLoading or unloading equipment B62B3/06for simply clearing the load from the ground masted lift trucks B66F B62B3/0606manually operated B62B3/0612power operated B62B3/0618using fluid lifting mechanisms B62B3/0625using rigid mechanical lifting mechanisms, e.g. levers, cams or gears B62B3/0631with a parallelogram linkage B62B3/0637using flexible mechanical lifting mechanisms, e.g. ropes or chains B62B3/0643the wheels remaining stationary while the supporting surface is lifted B62B3/08involving tiltably-mounted containers B62B3/10characterised by supports specially adapted to objects of definite shape B62B3/102the objects being of elongated shape, e.g. rods or golf clubs B62B3/104the object being of cylindrical shape, e.g. barrels, buckets, dustbins B62B3/106the objects being bags B62B3/108the objects being plates, doors, panels, or the like B62B3/12characterised by three-wheeled construction B62B3/14characterised by provisions for nesting or stacking, e.g. shopping trolleys collapsible shopping trolleys B62B3/027 B62B3/1404Means for facilitating stowing or transporting of the trolleys; Antitheft arrangements B62B5/0423 takes precedence B62B3/1408Display devices mounted on it, e.g. advertisement displays B62B3/1412mounted on the frame B62B3/1416mounted on the handle B62B3/142mounted on the basket B62B3/1424Electronic display devices B62B3/1428Adaptations for calculators, memory aids or reading aids B62B3/1432mounted in the locking device B62B3/1436Covers, e.g. for protection in rain B62B3/144Adaptations for transporting children; Mounting of toys for the children B62B3/1444Transporting devices mounted on the shopping cart B62B3/1448Linings or cushions B62B3/1452Safety belts B62B3/1456Mounting of toys B62B3/146Lockers, hooks, e.g. for personal belongings B62B3/1464Bags or containers specially adapted to the baskets B62B3/1468Additional trays B62B3/1472Supports for specific articles B62B3/1468 takes precedence B62B3/1476the main load support being a platform B62B3/148Adaptations facilitating the transport to the counter B62B3/1484by an auxiliary access to the inside of the basket B62B3/1488Indicating or preventing transport of goods under the basket B62B3/1492Wheel arrangements B62B3/1496Assembling of baskets to the wheeled support B62B3/16vertically stackable B62B3/165roll baskets B62B3/18nestable by means of pivoted supports or support parts, e.g. baskets B62B3/1476 takes precedence B62B3/182Swinging baskets B62B3/184Nestable roll containers B62B3/186V-shaped when nested B62B3/188Z-shaped when nested B62B5/00Accessories or details specially adapted for hand carts B62B3/1404 , B62B9/00 take precedence; wheels, axles, or axle bearings for vehicles B60B; castors for vehicles, castors in general B60B33/00 B62B5/0003Adaptations for loading in or on a vehicle B62B5/0006Bumpers; Safety devices B62B5/0009Stops for moving parts, e.g. rubber elements to eliminate stop noise B62B5/0013Protection covers, e.g. against rain B62B5/0016Adaptations for connection to perambulators B62B5/002Adaptations for moving the carts by wheel chair users or other disabled persons B62B5/0023Arrangements for carrying as a back-pack B62B5/0026Propulsion aids B62B5/003Combustion engines B62B5/0033Electric motors B62B5/0036Arrangements of motors B62B5/004in wheels B62B5/0043One motor drives one wheel B62B5/0046One motor drives two wheels B62B5/005Detachably mounted motor units B62B5/0053Arrangements of batteries B62B5/0056Energy recuperation B62B5/0059facilitating hand propulsion when motor fails B62B5/0063guiding, e.g. by a rail B62B5/0066Transmission of movement B62B5/0069Control B62B5/0073Measuring a force B62B5/0076Remotely controlled B62B5/0079Towing by connecting to another vehicle B62B5/0083Wheeled supports connected to the transported object B62B5/0086arranged independently on either side of the transported load B62B5/0089Lifting lever on wheels or rollers B62B5/0093Flat dollys without hand moving equipment B62B5/0096Identification of the cart or merchandise, e.g. by barcodes or radio frequency identification [RFID] B62B5/02providing for travelling up or down a flight of stairs chairs or multi-track cycles specially adapted for invalids A61G5/00 B62B5/021specially adapted for escalators B62B5/023using an upwards pushing device B62B5/025with gliding elements, e.g. skids B62B5/026with spiders or adapted wheels B62B5/028with excentrically mounted wheels B62B5/04Braking mechanismsLocking devices against movement B62B5/0404automatic B62B5/0409when user rises from seat B62B5/0414dead man's brakes B62B5/0419braking when nested B62B5/0423braking or blocking when leaving a particular area B62B5/0428braking when supported on a transport belt B62B5/0433foot operated B62B5/0438hand operated B62B5/0442using a handle bar alone B62B5/0447using elements cooperating with a handle bar B62B5/0452by hydraulic means B62B5/0457by locking in a braking position B62B5/0461with positive engagement B62B5/0466by turning the wheels in different directions, e.g. toe-in B62B2005/0471Disk brakes B62B5/0476Rim brakes B62B5/048Hub brakes; drum brakes B62B5/0485by braking on the running surface, e.g. the tyre B62B5/049locking against movement by contacting the floor or a wall B62B5/0495by contacting a wall B62B5/06Hand moving equipment, e.g. handle bars for cycles B62K11/14, B62K21/12 B62B5/061both ends or periphery of cart fitted with handles B62B5/062elastically mounted, e.g. for wheelbarrows B62B5/063for low-lift hand trucks B62B5/064adaptable for different users, e.g. by means of pivoting elements B62B5/065by means of telescopic elements B62B5/066Handle bars rotatable about their longitudinal axis B62B5/067Stowable or retractable handle bars B62B5/068Connections to the body for moving the cart, e.g. harnesses B62B5/069Removable sleeves on handle bars, e.g. for protection against germs B62B5/08Children's seats B62B3/14 takes precedence; Seats or supports for other persons B62B5/082Children's seats B62B5/085Resting seats B62B5/087Platforms to stand upon B62B7/00Carriages for childrenPerambulators chairs or multi-track cycles specially adapted for invalids A61G5/00 B62B7/00Carriages for childrenPerambulators, e.g. dolls' perambulators B62B7/002having a single central pillar B62B7/004Carriages supporting a hammock-style seat B62B7/006Carriages supporting a rigid seat when detachable or rotatable B62B7/145 B62B7/008for two or more children B62B7/02having only a single wheel axis B62B7/04having more than one wheel axisSteering devices therefor B62B7/042Steering devices B62B7/044three wheeled B62B7/046with interchangeable front wheel unit B62B7/048Single track type B62B7/06collapsible or foldable B62B7/062Coupling unit between front wheels, rear wheels and handle B62B7/064the handle bar being parallel to the front leg B62B7/066the handle bar moves in parallel relation during folding B62B7/068by sliding a bushing along a rod, e.g. like folding means of an umbrella B62B7/08in the direction of, or at right angles to, the wheel axis B62B7/083the wheel axes being moved from each other during folding B62B7/086becoming smaller in all three dimensions B62B7/10by folding down the body to the wheel carriage or by retracting projecting parts into the box-shaped body B62B7/105with the wheels staying in a fixed relation to each other B62B7/12convertible, e.g. into children's furniture or toy children's chairs convertible to pushchairs A47D1/06 B62B7/123from seat to bed B62B7/147, B62B9/104 take precedence B62B7/126into a trailer, e.g. bicycle trailer B62B7/14with detachable or rotatably-mounted body the body usable as a child's seat in a vehicle B60N2/2848 B62B7/142Means for securing the body to the frame B62B7/145the body being a rigid seat, e.g. a shell B62B7/147rotatable as a whole to transform from seating to lying B62B9/00Accessories or details specially adapted for children's carriages or perambulators providing for travelling on snow B62B19/00 B62B9/005Safety means for traffic, e.g. lights, reflectors, mirrors etc. signaling means for cycles B62J B62B9/02providing for travelling up or down a flight of stairs B62B9/04with runners, e.g. sledge runners B62B9/06with spiders or the like B62B9/08Braking mechanismsLocking devices against movement B62B9/082foot operated B62B9/085hand operated B62B9/087by locking in a braking position B62B9/10Perambulator bodiesEquipment therefor collapsible or foldable B62B7/06; convertible B62B7/12 B62B9/102characterized by details of the seat B62B9/104with adjustable or reclining backrests B62B9/106with head guards B62B9/108Linings or cushions B62B9/12involving parts that are adjustable, attachable or detachable B62B9/102, B62B9/14 take precedence B62B9/14Equipment protecting from environmental influences, e.g. HoodsWeather screensCat nets B62B9/142by flexible canopies, covers or nets B62B9/145of the roll-up type B62B9/147Attachments or holders for umbrellas, parasols or sunshade panels details of umbrellas A45B25/00 B62B9/16Mud-guards or protecting devices for wheels B62B9/18Resilient suspensions of bodies B62B9/185by springs between seat and frame B62B9/20Handle barsHandles B62B9/203movable from front end to rear end position B62B9/206with two separate bars, i.e. not interconnected B62B9/22Devices for rocking or oscillating B62B9/24Safety guards for children, e.g. harness cat nets B62B9/14; devices for use in guiding or supporting children, e.g. safety harness A47D13/08 B62B9/245Removable front guards, e.g. with a tray B62B9/26Securing devices for bags or toys ; Arrangements of racks, bins, trays or other devices for transporting articles B62B9/28Auxiliary dismountable seats ; Additional platforms for children in standing-up position B62B11/00Hand-propelled vehicles not otherwise provided for rider propulsion of vehicles B62M1/00 B62B13/00Sledges characterised by animal propulsion B62C; propulsion of sledges by driver or engine B62M B62B13/00Sledges with runners ice boats or sailing sledges B62B15/00 B62B13/005comprising articulated sledge segments B62B13/02characterised by arrangement of runners B62B13/04arranged in a single line B62B13/043having one single runner monoski A63C5/03 B62B13/046with steering devices B62B13/06arranged in two or more parallel lines B62B13/08with steering devices B62B13/10with swivelling portions of the runnerswith a swivelling middle runner B62B13/12with tilting or bending runners B62B13/125the runners being bent in the shape of the curve to follow B62B13/14combined with braking devices B62B13/16Collapsible or foldable sledges B62B13/18Vehicles having alternatively-usable runners and wheels or other transport means B62B15/00Other sledgesIce boats or sailing sledgesWhen classifying in this group, details of sail or rigging arrangements which are suited for marine wind propulsion are also classified in the relevant groups of subclass B63H, e.g. in groups B63H8/00, B63H9/04. B62B15/001propelled by sails B62B15/002having skis or runners B62B15/003having floats B62B15/004having wheels B62B15/005the arrangement is similar to a bicycle B62B15/006Inflatable sledges B62B15/007Towed sledges B62B15/008Wheeled sledges B62B13/18 and B62B15/001 take precedence B62B15/009Wheels attachable to the runners B62B17/00Accessories or details of sledges propulsion devices for sledges B62M27/00, B62M29/00 B62B17/005Safety devices B62B17/02Runners attachable to or replacing vehicle wheels B62B19/00 B62B17/04resiliently suspended B62B17/06SuperstructuresAttachments therefor B62B17/061Handles B62B17/062Resilient suspensions of bodies B62B17/04 takes precedence B62B17/063Seats or other supports specially adapted for the user B62B17/065the user being standing up B62B17/066the user being hanging in a harness B62B17/067the user being sitting on his knees B62B17/068the user being laying on his belly B62B17/08Braking devices B62B19/00Runners for carrying wheeled vehicles to facilitate travel on ice or snow B62B19/02attachable to wheels B62B19/04replacing wheels B62B2202/00 B62B2202/00Indexing codes relating to type or characteristics of transported articles B62B2202/02Cylindrically-shaped articles, e.g. drums, barrels, flasks B62B2202/021Bottles B62B2202/022Gas bottles B62B2202/023Beverage holders, e.g. for a cup, tin or bottle B62B2202/025Reels, e.g. for filamentary or sheet material B62B2202/026Milkchurns B62B2202/028Buckets B62B2202/03Bales of hay or grass B62B2202/031Wheels, tires B62B2202/10Heavy objects, e.g. ISO-containers B62B2202/12Boxes, Crates B62B2202/20Dustbins, refuse containers B62B2202/22Flexible bags, e.g. for rubbish B62B2202/24Suit-cases, other luggage B62B2202/26Handbags, e.g. shopping bags B62B2202/30Furniture B62B2202/32Chairs B62B2202/34Music instruments, e.g. pianos B62B2202/35Music stands B62B2202/40Sport articles B62B2202/401Skis B62B2202/402for fishing B62B2202/403Boats or other water vehicles B62B2202/404Golf articles, e.g. golfbags B62B2202/406Golf clubs B62B2202/407Holders for balls, tees B62B2202/408Outboard motors B62B2202/41Projectiles, bombs, amunition B62B2202/42Persons or animals, dead or alive B62B2202/48Tools B62B2202/50Cleaning or gardening articles B62B2202/52Beach or picnic trolleys B62B2202/56ComputersScreens B62B2202/60Motors B62B2202/61Batteries B62B2202/62Tiles, bricks, paving slabs or the like B62B2202/64Documents, files or paper sheets B62B2202/65Clothes B62B2202/66Laundry B62B2202/67Service trolleys, e.g. in aircraft B62B2202/68Coffins B62B2202/70FlowersPotsPlants B62B2202/80Household appliances, e.g. bath tubs, toilets or radiators B62B2202/90Vehicles B62B2202/92Forklift trucks B62B2203/00Sledges characterised by animal propulsion B62C; propulsion of sledges by driver or engine B62M B62B2203/00Grasping, holding, supporting the objects B62B2203/02suspended B62B2203/04pivotally, e.g. for keeping it horizontally B62B2203/05Rocking means for facilitating tilting of the cart, e.g. by loading B62B2203/07Comprising a moving platform or the like, e.g. for unloading B62B2203/071turning around a vertical pivot axis B62B2203/073sliding in a horizontal plane B62B2203/10comprising lifting means B62B2203/11comprising a crane B62B2203/13comprising a self levelling surface B62B2203/20using forks or tines B62B2203/21the objects being supported between the tines B62B2203/22the fork comprising more than two tines B62B2203/24Changing the position of the fork or supports B62B2203/26the fork being independent from the supporting arms in which the wheels are incorporated B62B2203/28Guiding the forks into the pallets B62B2203/29Stops on the tines to arrest the pallets or other objects B62B2203/30using magnets or suction cups B62B2203/40Supporting bins or barrels by their handgrips or other protrusions B62B2203/42Grips for grasping the upper rim of the barrels B62B2203/44Clamping or supporting circumferentially B62B2203/50comprising weighing means B62B2203/60Positioning, means on a cart for loads B62B2203/70Comprising means for facilitating loading or unloading B62B2203/72means for pushing or pulling the load from/onto the platform B62B2203/74rolling means, e.g. rollers B62B2204/00VentilationHeatingCoolingInsulation B62B2204/02comprising a heating unit B62B2204/04comprising a cooling unit B62B2204/06comprising insulating materials B62B2205/00Hand-propelled vehicles or sledges being foldable or dismountable when not in use B62B2205/003with actuation mechanisms which drive the folding or unfolding operation B62B2205/006dismountable B62B2205/02foldable widthwise B62B2205/04box-shaped in folded position B62B2205/06Foldable with a scissor-like mechanism B62B2205/10Detachable wheels B62B2205/102stowed on top of each other B62B2205/104Detachable wheel units, e.g. together with the wheel shaft B62B2205/12Collapsible wheels B62B2205/121stowed on top of each other B62B2205/123comprising a foldable interconnecting shaft B62B2205/14Retractable wheels B62B2205/145retractable in the direction of the shaft, e.g. with telescopic shafts B62B2205/18Geared articulations B62B2205/20CatchesLocking or releasing an articulation B62B2205/22remotely controlled, e.g. from the handlebar B62B2205/23foot operated B62B2205/24to hold in the folded position B62B2205/26Arrangements for standing up in folded position B62B2205/30Detachable, retractable or collapsible load supporting means B62B2205/32Shelves B62B2205/33stowed in a vertical position B62B2206/00Adjustable or convertible hand-propelled vehicles or sledges B62B2206/003with actuation mechanisms which drive the adjustment or conversion operation B62B2206/006Convertible hand-propelled vehicles or sledges B62B2206/02adjustable in length or width B62B2206/04only the load support being adjustable B62B2206/06adjustable in height B62B2207/00Joining hand-propelled vehicles or sledges together B62B2207/02rigidly B62B2207/04Forklift trucks with wheeled pallets B62B2301/00Wheel arrangementsSteeringStabilityWheel suspension B62B2301/02comprising wheels for longitudinal travelling and wheels for lateral travelling B62B2301/04comprising a wheel pivotable about a substantially vertical axis, e.g. swivelling castors B62B2301/044arranged remote from the longitudinal centreline of the hand propelled vehicle B62B2301/046with means restricting the rotation about that axis B62B2301/0463by blocking the rotation at a position B62B2301/04632at two or more positions B62B2301/0465by urging the wheel into a position, e.g. into a straight forward position B62B2301/0467combined with means for braking the wheel B62B2301/05Details of the attachment of the wheel assembly to the chassis B62B2301/06Steering all wheels together simultaneously B62B2301/08comprising additional wheels to increase stability B62B2301/10Adjusting the position of the wheel axles to increase stability B62B2301/12comprising counterbalancing means to increase stability B62B2301/14the wheel arrangement pivoting around a horizontal-longitudinal axis B62B2301/20Resilient wheel suspension using springs B62B2301/22using leafsprings B62B2301/23the pressure of the wheel on the ground being controlled, e.g. by the load or the wheel slip B62B2301/25characterised by the ground engaging elements, e.g. wheel type B62B2301/252by using ball-shaped wheels B62B2301/254by using roller-shaped wheels B62B2301/256by using endless belts B62B2301/258by using screw-type propulsion B62B2301/33Wheels provided with protrusions, e.g. anti-slip protrusions B62B2301/34Protection against mud, e.g. by retracting or enclosing the wheels B62B2501/00ManufacturingConstructional features B62B2501/02Dimensions B62B2501/04Production features B62B2501/06Materials used B62B2501/062Cardboard or paper B62B2501/065Plastics B62B2501/067Wires