F41JTARGETSTARGET RANGESBULLET CATCHERS targets for shooting or hurling games A63F9/0204In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41J1/00 F41J1/00TargetsTarget standsTarget holders F41J2/00 - F41J11/00 take precedence; targets combined with bullet catchers F41J13/02 F41J1/01Target discs characterised by their material, structure or surface, e.g. clay pigeon targets characterised by their materialF41J5/044 takes precedence F41J1/08for ordnance, e.g. cannonsfor attacking by aircraftFull-scale models imitating target objects, e.g. tanks, aircraft F41J1/10Target standsTarget holders F41J2/00Reflecting targets, e.g. radar-reflector targetsActive targets transmitting electromagnetic or acoustic waves F41J2/02Active targets transmitting infra-red radiation F41J3/00Targets for arrows or darts, e.g. for sporting or amusement purposes targets for shooting or hurling games A63F9/0204 F41J3/0004Archery targets F41J3/0009Dartboards F41J3/0014Dartboard holders F41J3/0019Stands or wall mountings especially adapted for dartboards F41J3/0023Holders especially adapted for rotating the dartboard during use F41J3/0028Dart cabinets, i.e. cabinets adapted for the dartboard or dartboard accessories F41J3/0033Dartboards for use with safety darts F41J3/0038having a smooth surface especially for suction tips darts F41J3/0042having perforations for receiving blunt tip darts F41J3/0047having protrusions for receiving blunt tip darts in between F41J3/0052having a hook and loop surface for hook and loop tip darts F41J3/0057having a magnetic surface for receiving magnetic tip darts F41J3/0061Target faces F41J3/0066Segmentation of conventional target faces F41J3/0071Non-conventional target faces F41J3/0076Target faces simulating a different sport or game, e.g. football, billiard or rugby F41J3/008characterised by the material F41J3/0085made of natural fibres F41J3/009made of plastic or foam F41J3/0095Manufacture of dartboards F41J3/02Indicators or score boards for arrow or dart games F41J5/00 takes precedence; timetables, lists or forms for shooter enlistment B42D15/0066 F41J5/00Target indicating systemsTarget-hit or score detecting systems for shooting or hurling games A63F9/0204; devices for measuring projectile velocity using optical means G01P3/685 F41J5/02Photo-electric hit-detector systems comprising a light-emitting device for simulating the firing of a gun F41G3/2622; detecting by optical means G01V8/10 F41J5/04Electric hit-indicating systemsDetecting hits by actuation of electric contacts or switches F41J5/041Targets comprising two sets of electric contacts forming a coordinate system grid F41J5/042Targets comprising a system of electric contacts lying in the same plane for bridging by hitting projectiles F41J5/044Targets having two or more electrically-conductive layers for short- circuiting by penetrating projectiles F41J5/048one of the layers being in the form of discrete target sections F41J5/052Targets comprising a plurality of electric contacts, each corresponding to a discrete target section and being actuated by the movement thereof F41J5/056 takes precedence F41J5/056Switch actuation by hit-generated mechanical vibration of the target body, e.g. using shock or vibration transducers F41J5/06Acoustic hit-indicating systems, i.e. detecting of shock waves F41J5/056 takes precedence F41J5/08Infra-red hit-indicating systems F41J5/10Cinematographic hit-indicating systems cinematographic targets F41J9/14 F41J5/12for indicating the distance by which a bullet misses the target F41J5/02 - F41J5/10 takes precedence F41J5/14Apparatus for signalling hits or scores to the shooter, e.g. manually operated, or for communication between target and shooterApparatus for recording hits or scores F41J5/16Manually evaluating scores, e.g. using scoring plugs or gaugesApparatus for evaluating scores on targets after removal from the target holder F41J5/18Targets having hit-indicating means actuated or moved mechanically when the target has been hit, e.g. discs or flags the target as a whole disappearing or moving when hit F41J7/04 F41J5/20indicating which part of the target has been hit, i.e. the score F41J5/205having target sections displaced or broken when hit, e.g. for visual inspection F41J5/22the indicating means being a dispensing device F41J5/24Targets producing a particular effect when hit, e.g. detonation of pyrotechnic charge, bell ring, photograph F41J5/26exploding or disintegrating when hit F41J9/16 takes precedence F41J7/00Movable targets which are stationary when fired at F41J7/02movable for checking F41J7/04disappearing or moving when hit exploding targets F41J5/26; exploding clay-pigeon targets F41J9/165 F41J7/06Bobbing targets, i.e. targets intermittently or unexpectedly appearing F41J9/00Moving targets, i.e. moving when fired at F41J2/00 takes precedence F41J9/02Land-based targets , e.g. inflatable targets supported by fluid pressure F41J9/04Seagoing targets F41J9/06towed F41J9/08Airborne targets, e.g. drones, kites, balloons aircraft for towing targets B64D3/02 F41J9/10towed F41J9/14Cinematographic targets, e.g. moving-picture targets F41G3/26 takes precedence F41J9/16Clay-pigeon targetsClay-disc targets F41J1/01 takes precedence F41J9/165with hit-marking or tracer means F41J9/18Traps or throwing-apparatus therefor F41J9/20with spring-operated throwing arm F41J9/22cocked by manual action F41J9/24cocked by electromechanical means F41J9/26operated by fluid means F41J9/28operated by manual action F41J9/30characterised by using a magazine of targets F41J9/32characterised by means for obviating the anticipation of the flight path F41J11/00Target ranges timetables, lists or forms for shooter enlistment B42D15/0066 F41J11/02Safety means therefor F41J13/00Bullet catchers F41J13/02combined with targets