F01DNON-POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT MACHINES OR ENGINES, e.g. STEAM TURBINES machines or engines for liquids F03; non-positive displacement pumps F04DThis subclass covers: non-positive-displacement engines for elastic fluids, e.g. steam turbines; non-positive-displacement engines for liquids and elastic fluids; non-positive-displacement machines for elastic fluids; non-positive-displacement machines for liquids and elastic fluids.Attention is drawn to the Notes preceding class F01, especially as regards the definitions of "reaction type", e.g. with airfoil-like blades, and "impulse type", e.g. bucket turbines.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F01D1/00 F01D1/00Non-positive-displacement machines or engines, e.g. steam turbines wit working-fluid flows in opposite axial directions for balancing axial thrust F01D3/02; with other than pure rotation F01D23/00; turbines characterised by their use in special steam systems, cycles, or processes, regulating devices therefor F01K F01D1/02with stationary working-fluid guiding means and bladed or like rotor, e.g. multi-bladed impulse steam turbinesF01D1/24 takes precedence; without stationary working-fluid guiding means F01D1/18 F01D1/023the working-fluid being divided into several separate flows F01D3/02 takes precedence; several separate fluid flows being united in a single flow; the machine or engine having provision for two or more different possible fluid flow paths F01D1/026Impact turbines with buckets, i.e. impulse turbines, e.g. Pelton turbines F01D1/16, F01D1/34 take precedence F01D1/04traversed by the working-fluid substantially axially F01D1/06traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D1/08having inward flow F01D1/10having two or more stages subjected to working-fluid flow without essential intermediate pressure change, i.e. with velocity stages F01D1/12 takes precedence F01D1/12with repeated action on same blade ring F01D1/14traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D1/16characterised by having both reaction stages and impulse stages F01D1/18without stationary working-fluid guiding means; F01D1/24, F01D1/32, F01D1/34 take precedence; with pressure-velocity transformation exclusively in rotor F01D1/32 F01D1/20traversed by the working-fluid substantially axially F01D1/22traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D1/24characterised by counter-rotating rotors subjected to same working fluid stream without intermediate stator blades or the like F01D1/26traversed by the working-fluid substantially axially F01D1/28traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D1/30characterised by having a single rotor operable in either direction of rotation, e.g. by reversing of blades combinations of machines or engines F01D13/00 F01D1/32with pressure velocity transformation exclusively in rotor, e.g. the rotor rotating under the influence of jets issuing from the rotor, e.g. Heron turbines the working fluid being a combustion products F02C3/165; jet propulsion plants per se F02K F01D1/34characterised by non-bladed rotor, e.g. with drilled holes F01D1/32 takes precedence; sirens G10K7/00 ; impact turbines with buckets F01D1/026; hand-held tools with a non-bladed rotor F01D15/067 F01D1/36using fluid friction F01D1/38of the screw type F01D3/00Machines or engines with axial-thrust balancing effected by working-fluid F01D3/02characterised by having one fluid flow in one axial direction and another fluid flow in the opposite direction F01D3/025with a centrally disposed radial stage F01D3/04axial thrust being compensated by thrust-balancing dummy piston or the like F01D5/00BladesBlade-carrying members nozzle boxes F01D9/02Heating, heat-insulating, cooling or antivibration means on the blades or the members special arrangements in rotors dealing with breaking off of part thereof F01D21/045 F01D5/005Repairing methods or devices F01D5/02Blade-carrying members, e.g. rotors rotors of non-bladed type F01D1/34; stators F01D9/00 ; selecting particular materials F01D5/28 F01D5/021for flow machines or engines with only one axial stage for more than one stage F01D5/06 F01D5/022with concentric rows of axial blades F01D5/023of the screw type F01D5/025Fixing blade carrying members on shafts attachment of a member on a shaft in general F16D1/06; for non-positive displacement pumps F04D29/00 F01D5/026Shaft to shaft connections F01D5/027Arrangements for balancing for balancing rotating bodies in general F16F15/32; for compensating unbalance G01M1/36 F01D5/028the rotor disc being formed of sheet laminae rotor blade aggregates of unitary construction F01D5/34 F01D5/03Annular blade-carrying members having blades on the inner periphery of the annulus and extending inwardly radially, i.e. inverted rotors F01D5/04for radial-flow machines or engines F01D5/041of the Ljungström type F01D5/043of the axial inlet- radial outlet, or vice versa, type F01D5/045the wheel comprising two adjacent bladed wheel portions, e.g. with interengaging blades for damping vibrations F01D5/046Heating, heat insulation or cooling means F01D5/048Form or construction F01D5/06Rotors for more than one axial stage, e.g. of drum or multiple disc typeDetails thereof, e.g. shafts, shaft connections F01D5/022, F01D5/023 take precedence F01D5/063Welded rotors welding per se B23K F01D5/066Connecting means for joining rotor-discs or rotor-elements together, e.g. by a central bolt, by clamps F01D5/08Heating, heat-insulating or cooling means specially adapted for radial flow machines or engines F01D5/04 F01D5/081Cooling fluid being directed on the side of the rotor disc or at the roots of the blades F01D5/087 takes precedence F01D5/082on the side of the rotor disc F01D5/084the fluid circulating at the periphery of a multistage rotor, e.g. of drum type F01D5/085cooling fluid circulating inside the rotor F01D5/087in the radial passages of the rotor disc F01D5/088in a closed cavity F01D5/10Anti- vibration means specially adapted for radial flow machines or engines F01D5/04 F01D5/12Blades specially adapted for radial flow machines or engines F01D5/04; blade roots F01D5/30; rotors with blades adjustable in operation F01D7/00; stator blades F01D9/02 F01D5/14Form or construction selecting particular materials, measures against erosion or corrosion F01D5/28 F01D5/141Shape, i.e. outer, aerodynamic form F01D5/148 - F01D5/20 take precedence; blade construction F01D5/147 F01D5/142of the blades of successive rotor or stator blade-rows F01D5/143Contour of the outer or inner working fluid flow path wall, i.e. shroud or hub contour F01D5/145Means for influencing boundary layers or secondary circulations for compressors F04D29/68 F01D5/146of blades with tandem configuration, split blades or slotted blades F01D5/147Construction, i.e. structural features, e.g. of weight-saving hollow blades F01D5/148, F01D5/16 and F01D5/20 take precedence; blade shape F01D5/141; blades with cooling or heating channels or cavities F01D5/18; heating, heat-insulating or cooling means on blades F01D5/18 F01D5/148Blades with variable camber, e.g. by ejection of fluid F01D5/16for counteracting blade vibration F01D5/18Hollow blades, i.e. blades with cooling or heating channels or cavities structure of hollow blades in general F01D5/147Heating, heat-insulating or cooling means on blades F01D5/181Blades having a closed internal cavity containing a cooling medium, e.g. sodium F01D5/182Transpiration cooling F01D5/183Blade walls being porous F01D5/184Blade walls being made of perforated sheet laminae F01D5/185Liquid cooling F01D5/181 takes precedence F01D5/186Film cooling F01D5/187 takes precedence F01D5/187Convection cooling F01D5/188with an insert in the blade cavity to guide the cooling fluid, e.g. forming a separation wall F01D5/189the insert having a tubular cross-section, e.g. airfoil shape F01D5/20Specially-shaped blade tips to seal space between tips and stator F01D5/225 takes precedence F01D5/22Blade-to-blade connections, e.g. for damping vibrations F01D5/225by shrouding F01D5/24using wire or the like F01D5/26Antivibration means not restricted to blade form or construction or to blade-to-blade connections or to the use of particular materials F01D5/28Selecting particular materials; Particular measures relating thereto; Measures against erosion or corrosion F01D5/282Selecting composite materials, e.g. blades with reinforcing filaments F01D5/284Selection of ceramic materials F01D5/286Particular treatment of blades, e.g. to increase durability or resistance against corrosion or erosion F01D5/288 takes precedence F01D5/288Protective coatings for blades F01D5/30Fixing blades to rotorsBlade roots ; Blade spacers F01D5/3007of axial insertion type F01D5/3015with side plates F01D5/3023of radial insertion type, e.g. in individual recesses F01D5/303in a circumferential slot F01D5/3038the slot having inwardly directed abutment faces on both sides F01D5/3046the rotor having ribs around the circumference F01D5/3053by means of pins F01D5/3061by welding, brazing F01D5/3069between two discs or rings F01D5/3076Sheet metal discs F01D5/3084the blades being made of ceramics F01D5/3092Protective layers between blade root and rotor disc surfaces, e.g. anti-friction layers F01D5/288 takes precedence F01D5/32Locking, e.g. by final locking blades or keys F01D5/323Locking of axial insertion type blades by means of a key or the like parallel to the axis of the rotor F01D5/326Locking of axial insertion type blades by other means F01D5/34Rotor-blade aggregates of unitary construction , e.g. formed of sheet laminae; discs formed of sheet laminae F01D5/028; ceramic materials F01D5/284, composite materials F01D5/282 F01D7/00Rotors with blades adjustable in operationControl thereof for reversing F01D1/30 F01D7/02having adjustment responsive to speed F01D9/00Stators non-fluid guiding aspects of casings, regulating, controlling, or safety aspects, see the relevant groups F01D9/02NozzlesNozzle boxesStator bladesGuide conduits , e.g. individual nozzles nozzle boxes F01D9/047 F01D9/023Transition ducts between combustor cans and first stage of the turbine in gas-turbine engines; their cooling or sealings F01D9/026Scrolls for radial machines or engines F01D9/04forming ring or sector F01D9/041using blades F01D5/148 takes precedence F01D9/042fixing blades to stators fixing stator-rings in the casing or to each other F01D25/246 F01D9/044permanently, e.g. by welding, brazing, casting or the like F01D9/045for radial flow machines or engines F01D9/047Nozzle boxes F01D9/048for radial admission F01D9/06Fluid supply conduits to nozzles or the like F01D9/065Fluid supply or removal conduits traversing the working fluid flow, e.g. for lubrication-, cooling-, or sealing fluids see also F01D25/16, F01D25/24 and F01D25/26 F01D11/00Preventing or minimising internal leakage of working-fluid, e.g. between stages sealings in general F16J ; sealing arrangements for transition ducts of combustor cans F01D9/023 F01D11/001for sealing space between stator blade and rotor F01D11/003by packing rings; Mechanical seals F01D11/005Sealing means between non relatively rotating elements F01D11/006Sealing the gap between rotor blades or blades and rotor F01D11/008by spacer elements between the blades, e.g. independent interblade platforms F01D11/02by non-contact sealings, e.g. of labyrinth type for sealing space between rotor blade tips and stator F01D11/08 F01D11/025Seal clearance control; Floating assembly; Adaptation means to differential thermal dilatations F01D11/04using sealing fluid, e.g. steam F01D11/06Control thereof F01D11/08for sealing space between rotor blade tips and stator specially-shaped blade tips therefor F01D5/20 F01D11/10using sealing fluid, e.g. steam F01D11/12using a rubstrip, e.g. erodible. deformable or resiliently-biased part F01D11/122with erodable or abradable material blades having cutting or grinding tips F01D5/20 F01D11/125with a reinforcing structure F01D11/127with a deformable or crushable structure, e.g. honeycomb F01D11/14Adjusting or regulating tip-clearance, i.e. distance between rotor-blade tips and stator casing rotors with blades adjustable in operation F01D7/00 F01D11/16by self-adjusting means F01D11/12 takes precedence F01D11/18using stator or rotor components with predetermined thermal response, e.g. selective insulation, thermal inertia, differential expansion F01D11/20Actively adjusting tip-clearance F01D11/22by mechanically actuating the stator or rotor components, e.g. moving shroud sections relative to the rotor F01D11/24by selectively cooling-heating stator or rotor components F01D13/00Combinations of two or more machines or engines F01D15/00 takes precedence; regulating or controlling, see the relevant groups; combinations of two or more pumps F04; fluid gearing F16H F01D13/003with at least two independent shafts, i.e. cross-compound F01D13/006one being a reverse turbine F01D13/02Working-fluid interconnection of machines or engines F01D15/00Adaptations of machines or engines for special useCombinations of engines with devices driven thereby regulating or controlling see the relevant groups; aspects predominantly concerning driven devices, see the relevant classes for the devices F01D15/005Adaptations for refrigeration plants F01D15/02Adaptations for driving vehicles, e.g. locomotives arrangement in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classes F01D15/04the vehicles being waterborne vessels F01D15/045Control thereof F01D15/06Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, hand-held tools or the like control thereof F01D15/062Controlling means specially adapted therefor F01D15/065with pressure-velocity transformation exclusively in rotor F01D15/067characterised by non-bladed rotor F01D15/08Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, pumps F01D15/10Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, electric generators F01D15/12Combinations with mechanical gearing driven by multiple engines F01D13/00 F01D17/00Regulating or controlling by varying flow for reversing F01D1/30; by varying rotor-blade position F01D7/00; specially for starting F01D19/00; shutting-down F01D21/00; regulating or controlling in general G05 ; specially adapted for hand-held tools or the like F01D15/06 F01D17/02Arrangement of sensing elements sensing elements per se: see the relevant subclasses F01D17/04responsive to load F01D17/06responsive to speed F01D17/08responsive to condition of working-fluid, e.g. pressure F01D17/085to temperature F01D17/10Final actuators valves in general F16K ; blades with variable camber F01D5/148 F01D17/105by passing part of the fluid F01D17/12arranged in stator parts F01D17/14varying effective cross-sectional area of nozzles or guide conduits F01D17/141by means of shiftable members or valves obturating part of the flow path F01D17/143the shiftable member being a wall, or part thereof of a radial diffuser F01D17/145by means of valves, e.g. for steam turbines valves in general F16K F01D17/146by throttling the volute inlet of radial machines or engines F01D17/148by means of rotatable members, e.g. butterfly valves F01D17/16by means of nozzle vanes F01D17/162for axial flow, i.e. the vanes turning around axes which are essentially perpendicular to the rotor centre line F01D17/167 takes precedence F01D17/165for radial flow, i.e. the vanes turning around axes which are essentially parallel to the rotor centre line F01D17/167 takes precedence F01D17/167of vanes moving in translation F01D17/18varying effective number of nozzles or guide conduits , e.g. sequentially operable valves for steam turbines F01D17/20Devices dealing with sensing elements or final actuators or transmitting means between them, e.g. power-assisted sensing elements alone F01D17/02; final actuators alone F01D17/10 F01D17/205Centrifugal governers directly linked to valves F01D17/22the operation or power assistance being predominantly non-mechanical F01D17/24electrical F01D17/26fluid, e.g. hydraulic F01D19/00Starting of machines or enginesRegulating, controlling, or safety means in connection therewith warming-up before starting F01D25/10; turning or inching gear F01D25/34 F01D19/02dependent on temperature of component parts, e.g. of turbine-casing F01D21/00Shutting-down of machines or engines, e.g. in emergencyRegulating, controlling, or safety means not otherwise provided for F01D21/003Arrangements for testing or measuring for measuring vibrations G01H F01D21/006Arrangements of brakes brakes per se F16D F01D21/02Shutting-down responsive to overspeed F01D21/04responsive to undesired position of rotor relative to stator or to breaking-off of a part of the rotor, e.g. indicating such position F01D21/045special arrangements in stators or in rotors dealing with breaking-off of part of rotor F01D21/06Shutting-down F01D21/08Restoring position F01D21/10responsive to unwanted deposits on blades, in working-fluid conduits or the like F01D21/12responsive to temperature F01D21/14responsive to other specific conditions F01D21/16Trip gear F01D21/18involving hydraulic means F01D21/20Checking operation of shut-down devices F01D23/00Non-positive-displacement machines or engines with movement other than pure rotation, e.g. of endless-chain type F01D25/00Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, other groups F01D25/002Cleaning of turbomachines F01D25/005Selecting particular materials F01D25/007Preventing corrosion F01D25/02De-icing means for engines having icing phenomena F01D25/04Antivibration arrangements F01D25/06for preventing blade vibration means on blade-carrying members or blades F01D5/00 F01D25/08Cooling of machines or engines in general F01PHeatingHeat-insulation of blade-carrying members, of blades F01D5/00 F01D25/10Heating, e.g. warming-up before starting F01D25/12Cooling F01D25/125of bearings F01D25/14Casings modified therefor double casings F01D25/26 F01D25/145Thermally insulated casings F01D25/16Arrangement of bearingsSupporting or mounting bearings in casings bearings per se F16C F01D25/162Bearing supports F01D25/164Flexible supports; Vibration damping means associated with the bearing F01D25/166Sliding contact bearing gas bearings F01D25/22 F01D25/168for axial load mainly F01D25/18Lubricating arrangements of machines or engines in general F01M F01D25/183Sealing means F01D25/186for sliding contact bearing F01D25/20using lubrication pumps F01D25/22using working-fluid or other gaseous fluid as lubricant F01D25/24Casings modified for heating or cooling F01D25/14Casing parts, e.g. diaphragms, casing fastenings casings for rotary machines or engines in general F16M ; special arrangements in stators dealing with breaking-off of part of rotor F01D21/045 F01D25/243Flange connections; Bolting arrangements F01D25/265 takes precedence F01D25/246Fastening of diaphragms or stator-rings F01D25/26Double casingsMeasures against temperature strain in casings F01D25/265Vertically split casings; Clamping arrangements therefor F01D25/28Supporting or mounting arrangements, e.g. for turbine casing F01D25/285Temporary support structures, e.g. for testing, assembling, installing, repairing; Assembly methods using such structures F01D25/30Exhaust heads, chambers, or the like F01D25/305with fluid, e.g. liquid injection F01D25/32Collecting of condensation waterDrainage Removing solid particles F01D25/34Turning or inching gear F01D25/36using electric motors