F41HARMOURARMOURED TURRETSARMOURED OR ARMED VEHICLESMEANS OF ATTACK OR DEFENCE, e.g. CAMOUFLAGE, IN GENERALIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F41H1/00 F41H1/00Personal protection gear shields for personal use F41H5/08; footwear for use in minefields A43B3/0026; for protection against chemical warfare A62B F41H1/02Armoured or projectile- or missile-resistant garmentsComposite protection fabrics F41H5/04 takes precedence F41H1/04Protection helmets crash helmets A42B3/00 F41H1/06of steelSteel head-shields F41H1/08of plasticsPlastic head-shields F41H3/00Camouflage, i.e. means or methods for concealment or disguise for vessels B63G8/34, B63G13/02 ; sound camouflage, i.e. simulating gun fire noise, F41A33/04; dummy or decoy targets F41J; chaff per se F41J2/00; ammunition for dispensing chaff F42B5/15, F42B12/70; radar absorbing fabrics H01Q17/005 F41H3/02Flexible, e.g. fabric covers, e.g. screens, nets characterised by their material or structuremaking thereof, see the relevant classes, e.g. D04 F41H5/00ArmourArmour plates processes for manufacturing or treating B21, C21, heat treatment C21D9/42; wall or panel structure for safes E05G1/024 F41H5/007Reactive armourDynamic armour F41H5/013Mounting or securing armour plates F41H5/02Plate construction F41H5/023Armour plate, or auxiliary armour plate mounted at a distance of the main armour plate, having cavities at its outer impact surface, or holes, for deflecting the projectile F41H5/026Slat armour; Nets F41H5/04composed of more than one layer outerwear resistant to mechanical aggressions A41D31/24; layered products B32B; shaping reinforced articles B29C67/00 F41H5/0407Transparent bullet-proof laminatesinformative reference: layered products essentially comprising glass in general B32B17/06, e.g. B32B17/10009; manufacture or composition of glass, e.g. joining glass to glass C03; permanent multiple-glazing windows, e.g. with spacing therebetween, E06B3/66 F41H5/0414Layered armour containing ceramic material F41H5/0421Ceramic layers in combination with metal layers F41H5/0428Ceramic layers in combination with additional layers made of fibres, fabrics or plastics F41H5/0435the additional layers being only fibre- or fabric-reinforced layers F41H5/0442Layered armour containing metal in combination with ceramic layers F41H5/0421; heat treatment of armour plate C21D9/42 F41H5/045all the layers being metal layers F41H5/0457Metal layers in combination with additional layers made of fibres, fabrics or plastics F41H5/0464the additional layers being only fibre- or fabric-reinforced layers F41H5/0471Layered armour containing fibre- or fabric-reinforced layers in combination with ceramic layers F41H5/0428, with metal layers F41H5/0457 F41H5/0478Fibre- or fabric-reinforced layers in combination with plastics layers F41H5/0485all the layers being only fibre- or fabric-reinforced layers F41H5/0492Layered armour containing hard elements, e.g. plates, spheres, rods, separated from each other, the elements being connected to a further flexible layer or being embedded in a plastics or an elastomer matrix F41H5/06Shields in ships B63G9/00; in aircraft B64D7/00 ; blasting mats F42D5/05 F41H5/08for personal use , i.e. hand held shields F41H5/10Spade bayonets, i.e. usable as a spade, bayonet or cover against rifle fire not used; see F41C27/04 F41H5/12for smallarmsfor light-rocket launchers shields attached to smallarms F41C27/04 F41H5/14Wheeled armoured shields F41H5/16for ordnance or tanks F41H5/18 takes precedence F41H5/18Rotating shields F41H5/20Turrets on vehicles F41H7/04 F41H5/22Manhole covers, e.g. on tanks; Doors on armoured vehicles or structures F41H5/223Manhole covers specially adapted for armoured or fighting vehicles F41H5/226Doors on armoured vehicles or structures F41H5/263 takes precedence F41H5/24for stationary use, e.g. fortifications Shelters, Guard Booths air-raid shelters E04H9/04 F41H5/26PeepholesWindows; Loopholesmanufacture or composition of glass C03; Covers therefor informative reference: transparent bullet-proof laminates F41H5/0407; layered products essentially comprising glass B32B17/06 F41H5/263Mounting of transparent armoured panels, e.g. bulletproof windows on vehicles F41H5/266Periscopes for fighting or armoured vehicles F41H7/00Armoured or armed vehicles general vehicle aspects B60; armoured or armed ships B63G; armoured or armed aircraft B64D; mounting guns, e.g. machine guns, on vehicles F41A23/00 F41H7/005Unmanned ground vehicles, i.e. robotic, remote controlled or autonomous, mobile platforms carrying equipment for performing a military or police role, e.g. weapon systems or reconnaissance sensors F41H11/16 takes precedence F41H7/02Land vehicles with enclosing armour, e.g. tanks endless-track vehicles, steering thereof B62D ; vehicles for placing portable or sectional bridges E01D15/127; vehicles carrying floating bridges E01D15/22 F41H7/03Air-pressurised compartments for crewMeans for preventing admission of noxious substances, e.g. combustion gas from gun barrels, in crew compartmentsSealing arrangements F41H7/035Gratings for ventilation openings F41H7/04Armour construction in general F41H5/00 F41H7/042Floors or base plates for increased land mine protection F41H7/044Hull or cab construction other than floors or base plates for increased land mine protection mounting of armoured plates F41H5/013 F41H7/046Shock resilient mounted seats for armoured or fighting vehicles F41H7/048Vehicles having separate armoured compartments, e.g. modular armoured vehicles F41H7/10Minelaying land vehicles F41H9/00Equipment for attack or defence by spreading flame, gas or smoke or leurresChemical warfare equipment protection against chemicals A62B F41H9/02Flame-throwing apparatus for destroying vegetation A01M15/00 F41H9/04Gas-blowing apparatus, e.g. for tear gas F41H9/10 takes precedence F41H9/06Apparatus for generating artificial fog or smoke screens for producing special effects on stages A63J5/00; smoke-pot projectors, e.g. arranged on vehicles, F42B5/155 F41H9/08Smoke-pots without propulsive charge, i.e. stationary F41H9/10Hand-held or body-worn self-defence devices using repellant gases or chemicals F41H11/00Defence installationsDefence devices constructional aspects see Section E, e.g. air-raid shelters E04H9/04; protective arrangements for buildings E04B1/92; extinguishing or preventing the spread of fire from, incendiary bombs A62C3/06; dynamic armour F41H5/007; ballistically deployed systems for restraining persons or animals F41H13/0006; electronic countermeasures G01S F41H11/02Anti-aircraft or anti-guided missile or anti-torpedo defence installations or systems cartridges or missiles for producing smoke or for dispensing radar chaff or infra-red material F42B5/15, F42B12/48, F42B12/70; informative reference: details of radar or sonar systems G01S7/00; jamming or electronic countermeasures G01S7/38, G01S7/495, H04K3/00 F41H11/04Aerial barrages F41H11/05Net barriers for harbour defence arrangement of mines F42B22/24; protective nets used with ships B63G9/04 F41H11/06Guntraps devices specially adapted for the protection against criminal attack in airplanes B64D45/0015; burglar traps or the like, on safes E05G5/02; identifying, scaring or incapacitating burglars, thieves, or intruders G08B15/00 F41H11/08Barbed-wire obstaclesBarricadesStanchionsTank trapsVehicle-impeding devicesCaltrops making barbed wire B21F25/00; barbed-wire fencing E04H17/04; road barricades, obstructing passage of vehicles or pedestrians E01F13/00 F41H11/10Dispensing-apparatus therefor, e.g. devices for dispensing or reeling barbed wire F41H11/11Clearing or neutralising barbed wire obstacles devices mounted on vehicles for cutting wire-type obstructions B60R19/545; smallarm attachments for wire cutting F41C27/20 F41H11/12Means for clearing land minefieldsSystems specially adapted for detection of landmines F41H11/13Systems specially adapted for detection of landmines F41H11/132Biological systems, e.g. with detection by animals or plants F41H11/134Chemical systems, e.g. with detection by vapour analysis F41H11/136Magnetic, electromagnetic, acoustic or radiation systems, e.g. ground penetrating radars or metal-detectors F41H11/138Mechanical systems, e.g. prodding sticks for manual detection F41H11/14Explosive line charges, e.g. snakes F41H11/16Self-propelled mine-clearing vehiclesMine-clearing devices attachable to vehicles F41H11/18with ground-impacting means for activating mines by the use of mechanical impulses, e.g. flails or stamping elements F41H11/20with ground-penetrating elements, e.g. with means for removing buried landmines from the soil F41H11/18 takes precedence F41H11/22the elements being excavation buckets F41H11/24the elements being ploughs F41H11/26the elements being rotary ground-penetrating elements F41H11/28using brushing or sweeping means or dozers to push mines lying on a surface asideusing means for removing mines intact from a surface F41H11/30with rollers creating a surface load on the ground, e.g. steadily increasing surface load, for triggering purposes F41H11/32Decoy or sacrificial vehiclesDecoy or sacrificial devices attachable to vehicles F41H13/00Means of attack or defence not otherwise provided for details of radar or sonar systems G01S7/00 F41H13/0006Ballistically deployed systems for restraining persons or animals, e.g. ballistically deployed nets F41H13/0012Electrical discharge weapons, e.g. for stunning F41H13/0018for nearby electrical discharge, i.e. the electrodes being positioned on the device and the device brought manually or otherwise into contact with a nearby target batons with electric discharge capability F41B15/04; electric shock devices for animals A01K15/02 F41H13/0025for remote electrical discharge via conducting wires, e.g. via wire-tethered electrodes shot at a target F41H13/0031for remote electrical discharge by means of a wireless projectile F41H13/0037for remote electrical discharge via liquid jets details of the gun for generating the liquid jets F41B9/00 F41H13/0043Directed energy weapons, i.e. devices that direct a beam of high energy content toward a target for incapacitating or destroying the target F41H13/005the high-energy beam being a laser beam F41H13/0056for blinding or dazzling, i.e. by overstimulating the opponent's eyes or the enemy's sensor equipment F41H13/0062causing structural damage to the target F41H13/0068the high-energy beam being of microwave type, e.g. for causing a heating effect in the target F41H13/0075the high-energy beam being a radiofrequency beam F41H13/0081the high-energy beam being acoustic, e.g. sonic, infrasonic or ultrasonic F41H13/0087the high-energy beam being a bright light, e.g. for dazzling or blinding purposes F41H13/0056 takes precedence F41H13/0093Devices generating an electromagnetic pulse, e.g. for disrupting or destroying electronic devices