G01KMEASURING TEMPERATUREMEASURING QUANTITY OF HEATTHERMALLY-SENSITIVE ELEMENTS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR radiation pyrometry G01J5/00In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated : "thermometer" includes thermally-sensitive elements not provided for in other subclasses.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the title of class G01.Attention is drawn to the Notes following the titles of class B81 and subclass B81B relating to "microstructural devices" and "microstructural systems".In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. G01K1/00 G01K1/00Details of thermometers not specially adapted for particular types of thermometer circuits for reducing thermal inertia G01K7/42 G01K1/02Means for indicating or recording specially adapted for thermometers G01K1/022for recording G01K1/024for remote indication G01K1/026arrangements for monitoring a plurality of temperatures, e.g. by multiplexing G01K1/028arrangements for numerical indication G01K1/04Scales G01K1/045temperature indication combined with the indication of another variable indicating of human comfort G01W1/17 G01K1/06Arrangements for facilitating reading, e.g. illumination, magnifying glass G01K1/065of liquid column thermometers G01K1/08Protective devices, e.g. casings G01K1/10for preventing chemical attack G01K1/105for siderurgical use G01K1/12for preventing damage due to heat overloading G01K1/125for siderurgical use G01K1/14SupportsFastening devicesArrangements for mounting thermometers in particular locations G01K1/143for measuring surface temperatures G01K1/146arrangements for moving thermometers to or from a measuring position G01K1/16Special arrangements for conducting heat from the object to the sensitive element G01K1/165for application in zero heat flux sensors G01K1/18for reducing thermal inertia G01K1/20Compensating for effects of temperature changes other than those to be measured, e.g. changes in ambient temperature G01K1/22by means of fluid contained in a hollow body having parts which are deformable or displaceable under the pressure developed by the fluid G01K1/24by means of compounded strips or plates, e.g. by bimetallic strips G01K1/26Compensating for effects of pressure changes G01K3/00Thermometers giving results other than momentary value of temperature G01K7/42 takes precedence G01K3/005Circuits arrangements for indicating a predetermined temperature fire detection G08B17/00 G01K3/02giving means valuesgiving integrated values G01K3/04in respect of time G01K3/06in respect of space G01K3/08giving differences of values using thermoelectric elements G01K7/02giving differentiated values G01K3/10in respect of time, e.g. reacting only to a quick change of temperature G01K3/12based upon expansion or contraction of materials G01K3/14in respect of space G01K2003/145Hotspot localization G01K5/00Measuring temperature based on the expansion or contraction of a material G01K9/00 takes precedence; giving other than momentary value of temperature G01K3/00 G01K5/02the material being a liquid contained in a hollow body having parts which are deformable or displaceable under the pressure developed by the material G01K5/32 G01K5/025Manufacturing of this particular type of thermometer G01K5/04Details G01K5/06Arrangements for driving back the liquid column G01K5/08Capillary tubes G01K5/10Containers for the liquid G01K5/12Selection of liquid compositions G01K5/14the liquid displacing a further liquid column or a solid body for maximum or minimum indication G01K5/20 G01K5/16with electric contacts G01K5/18with electric conversion means for final indication G01K5/20with means for indicating a maximum or a minimum or both G01K5/22 takes precedence G01K5/22with provision for expansion indicating over not more than a few degreesGroup G01K5/22 is impacted by reclassification into groups G01K13/20, G01K13/25, and G01K13/252.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01K5/225with means for indicating a maximum, e.g. a constriction in the capillary tube
G01K5/24with provision for measuring the difference between two temperatures G01K5/26with provision for adjusting zero point of scale, e.g. Beckmann thermometer
G01K5/28the material being a gas contained in a hollow body having parts which are deformable or displaceable under the pressure developed by the material G01K5/32 G01K5/30the gas displacing a liquid column G01K5/32the material being a fluid contained in a hollow body having parts which are deformable or displaceable under pressure developed by evaporation G01K11/04; pressure measuring devices in general G01L G01K5/323Selection of fluid compositions G01K5/326using a fluid container connected to the deformable body by means of a capillary tube G01K5/34the body being a capsule G01K5/36, G01K5/42 take precedence G01K5/36the body being a tubular spring, e.g. Bourdon tube G01K5/38of spiral formation G01K5/40of helical formation G01K5/42the body being a bellows G01K5/44the body being a cylinder and piston G01K5/46with electric conversion means for final indication G01K5/465using electrical contact making or breaking devices G01K5/48the material being a solid G01K5/483using materials with a configuration memory, e.g. Ni-Ti alloys G01K5/486using microstructures, e.g. made of silicon G01K7/015, G01K7/028, G01K7/226, G01K17/006 take precedence G01K5/50arranged for free expansion or contraction G01K5/52with electrical conversion means for final indication G01K5/54consisting of pivotally-connected elements G01K5/56constrained so that expansion or contraction causes a deformation of the solid G01K5/58the solid body being constrained at more than one point, e.g. rod, plate, diaphragm G01K5/62 takes precedence G01K5/60the body being a flexible wire or ribbon G01K5/62the solid body being formed of compounded strips or plates, e.g. bimetallic strip G01K5/64Details of the compounds system G01K5/66Selection of composition of the components of the system G01K5/68Shape of the system G01K5/70specially adapted for indicating or recording G01K5/72with electric transmission means for final indication
G01K7/00Measuring temperature based on the use of electric or magnetic elements directly sensitive to heat giving results other than momentary value of temperature G01K3/00 ; Power supply therefor, e.g. using thermoelectric elements G01K7/003using pyroelectric elements radiation pyrometers G01J5/00 G01K7/006using superconductive elements G01K7/01using semiconducting elements having PN junctions G01K7/02, G01K7/16, G01K7/30 take precedence G01K7/015using microstructures, e.g. made of silicon G01K7/02using thermoelectric elements, e.g. thermocouples G01K7/021Particular circuit arrangements G01K7/026, G01K7/12, G01K7/14 take precedence G01K7/023provided with specially adapted connectors connectors per se H01R G01K7/025expendable thermocouples G01K7/026Arrangements for signalling failure or disconnection of thermocouples G01K7/028using microstructures, e.g. made of silicon G01K7/04the object to be measured not forming one of the thermoelectric materials G01K7/06the thermoelectric materials being arranged one within the other with the junction at one end exposed to the object, e.g. sheathed type G01K7/08the object to be measured forming one of the thermoelectric materials, e.g. pointed type G01K7/10Arrangements for compensating for auxiliary variables, e.g. length of lead G01K7/12Arrangements with respect to the cold junction, e.g. preventing influence of temperature of surrounding air G01K7/13Circuits for cold-junction compensation G01K7/14Arrangements for modifying the output characteristic, e.g. linearising G01K7/16using resistive elements resistive elements per se H01C, H01L G01K2007/163provided with specially adapted connectors G01K2007/166Electrical time domain reflectometry G01K7/18the element being a linear resistance, e.g. platinum resistance thermometer G01K7/26 takes precedence G01K7/183characterised by the use of the resistive element G01K7/186using microstructures G01K7/20in a specially-adapted circuit, e.g. bridge circuit G01K7/203in an oscillator circuit G01K7/206in a potentiometer circuit G01K7/21for modifying the output characteristic, e.g. linearising G01K7/22the element being a non-linear resistance, e.g. thermistor G01K7/26 takes precedence G01K7/223characterised by the shape of the resistive element G01K7/226using microstructures, e.g. silicon spreading resistance G01K7/24in a specially-adapted circuit, e.g. bridge circuit G01K7/245in an oscillator circuit G01K7/25for modifying the output characteristic, e.g. linearising G01K7/26the element being an electrolyte G01K7/28in a specially-adapted circuit, e.g. bridge circuit G01K7/30using thermal noise of resistances or conductors G01K7/32using change of resonant frequency of a crystal G01K7/34using capacitative elements capacitors per se H01G G01K7/343the dielectric constant of which is temperature dependant G01K7/346for measuring temperature based on the time delay of a signal through a series of logical ports G01K7/36using magnetic elements, e.g. magnets, coils magnetic elements per se H01F G01K7/38the variations of temperature influencing the magnetic permeability G01K7/40using ionisation of gases G01K7/42Circuits effecting compensation of thermal inertiaCircuits for predicting the stationary value of a temperature G01K2007/422Dummy objects used for estimating temperature of real objects G01K7/425Thermal management of integrated systems G01K7/427Temperature calculation based on spatial modeling, e.g. spatial inter- or extrapolation G01K9/00Measuring temperature based on movements caused by redistribution of weight, e.g. tilting thermometer not giving momentary value of temperature G01K3/00 G01K11/00Measuring temperature based upon physical or chemical changes not covered by groups G01K3/00, G01K5/00, G01K7/00 or G01K9/00 G01K11/003using absorption or generation of gas, e.g. hydrogen G01K11/006using measurement of the effect of a material on microwaves or longer electromagnetic waves, e.g. measuring temperature via microwaves emitted by the object G01K17/003, G01J5/00 take precedence; measuring the effect of a material on X-, gamma- or particle radiation G01K11/30 G01K11/02using evaporation or sublimation, e.g. by observing boiling G01K11/04from material contained in a hollow body having parts which are deformable or displaceable under the pressure developed by the vapour G01K11/06using melting, freezing, or softening G01K11/08of disposable test bodies, e.g. cone G01K11/10using sintering G01K11/12using changes in colour, translucency or reflectance G01K11/125using changes in reflectance G01K11/14of inorganic materialsGroup G01K11/14 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01K11/165.
Groups G01K11/165 and G01K11/14 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01K11/16of organic materials G01K11/165of organic liquid crystalsGroup G01K11/165 is impacted by reclassification into group G01K11/14.
Groups G01K11/165 and G01K11/14 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01K11/18of materials which change translucency
G01K11/20using thermoluminescent materials G01K11/32 takes precedence G01K11/22using measurement of acoustic effects G01K11/24of the velocity of propagation of sound G01K11/26of resonant frequencies G01K11/265using surface acoustic wave [SAW] G01K11/28using measurements of density measuring density in general G01N9/00 G01K11/30using measurement of the effect of a material on X-radiation, gamma radiation or particle radiation G01K11/32using changes in transmittance, scattering or luminescence in optical fibres G01K11/3206at discrete locations in the fibre, e.g. using Bragg scattering G01K11/3213using changes in luminescence, e.g. at the distal end of the fibres G01K11/322using Brillouin scattering G01K11/324using Raman scattering
G01K13/00Thermometers specially adapted for specific purposes G01K13/006for cryogenic purposes G01K13/008using microstructures, e.g. made of silicon G01K13/02for measuring temperature of moving fluids or granular materials capable of flow G01K13/022Suction thermometers G01K13/024of moving gases G01K13/026of moving liquids G01K13/028for use in total air temperature [TAT] probes G01K13/04for measuring temperature of moving solid bodies G01K13/06in linear movement G01K13/08in rotary movement G01K13/10for measuring temperature within piled or stacked materials by special arrangements for conducting heat from the object to the sensitive heat element G01K1/16 G01K13/12combined with sampling devices for measuring temperatures of samples of materials G01K13/125for siderurgical purposes G01K13/20Clinical contact thermometers for use with humans or animalsGroups G01K13/20, G01K13/25, and G01K13/252 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group G01K5/22.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
G01K13/223Infrared clinical thermometers, e.g. tympanic G01K13/25Protective devices therefor, e.g. sleeves preventing contamination G01K13/252for tympanic thermometers
G01K15/00Testing or calibrating of thermometers G01K15/002Calibrated temperature sources, temperature standards therefor arrangements with respect to the cold junction of thermo-electric elements G01K7/12 G01K15/005Calibration G01K15/007Testing G01K17/00Measuring quantity of heat measuring temperature by calorimetry G01K3/00 - G01K11/00; specially adapted for measuring thermal properties of materials, e.g. specific heat, heat of combustion G01N G01K17/003for measuring the power of light beams, e.g. laser beams G01K17/006Microcalorimeters, e.g. using silicon microstructures G01K17/02Calorimeters using transport of an indicating substances, e.g. evaporation calorimeters G01K17/025where evaporation, sublimation or condensation caused by heating or cooling, is measured G01K17/04Calorimeters using compensation methods , i.e. where the absorbed or released quantity of heat to be measured is compensated by a measured quantity of heating or cooling G01K17/06Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing media, e.g. in heating systems G01K17/02, G01K17/04 take precedencee.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device G01K17/08based upon measurement of temperature difference or of a temperature G01K17/10between an inlet and an outlet point, combined with measurement of rate of flow of the medium if such, by integration during a certain time-interval G01K17/12Indicating product of flow and temperature difference directly or temperature G01K17/14using mechanical means for both measurements G01K17/16using electrical or magnetic means for both measurements G01K17/18using electrical or magnetic means for one measurement and mechanical means for the other G01K17/185where the indicating-instrument is driven electrically or magnetically by the temperature-measurement device and mechanically by the flow-measurement device G01K17/20across a radiating surface, combined with ascertainment of the heat transmission coefficient materials therefor G01K17/08 G01K19/00Testing or calibrating calorimeters
G01K2201/00 G01K2201/00Application of thermometers in air-conditioning systems G01K2201/02in vehicles G01K2203/00Application of thermometers in cryogenics G01K2205/00Application of thermometers in motors, e.g. of a vehicle G01K2205/02for measuring inlet gas temperature G01K2205/04for measuring exhaust gas temperature G01K2207/00Application of thermometers in household appliances G01K2207/02for measuring food temperature G01K2207/04for conservation purposes G01K2207/06for preparation purposes G01K2207/08with food recipients having temperature sensing capability G01K2211/00Thermometers based on nanotechnology G01K2213/00Temperature mapping G01K2215/00Details concerning sensor power supply G01K2217/00Temperature measurement using electric or magnetic components already present in the system to be measured G01K2219/00Thermometers with dedicated analog to digital converters