B28BSHAPING CLAY OR OTHER CERAMIC COMPOSITIONSSHAPING SLAGSHAPING MIXTURES CONTAINING CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL, e.g. PLASTER foundry moulding B22C; working stone or stone-like material B28D; shaping of substances in a plastic state, in general B29C; making layered products not composed wholly of these substances B32B; shaping in situ, see the relevant classes of section E In this subclass, the following term is used with the meaning indicated: "the material" means:clay or other ceramic compositions;slag;mixtures with water-setting properties given by clay, cementitious material, or slag.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: B28B23/08 covered by B28B21/60, B28B23/06
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
B28B1/00 B28B1/00Producing shaped prefabricated articles from the material using presses B28B3/00; shaping on moving conveyors B28B5/00; producing tubular articles B28B21/00 ; producing articles with embedded elements B28B23/00 B28B1/001Rapid manufacturing of 3D objects by additive depositing, agglomerating or laminating of material selective deposition modelling of metallic powder B22F10/00; rapid manufacturing of 3D objects in general and in particular of plastics B29C64/00 B28B1/002assembled from preformed elements B28B1/004Devices for shaping artificial aggregates from ceramic mixtures or from mixtures containing hydraulic binder from slag C04B5/00; composition of artificial aggregates C04B18/02 B28B1/005Devices or processes for obtaining articles having a marble appearance producing decorative effects B44C; design of stone surfaces, e.g. marble, B44F9/04 B28B1/007by freezing the material B28B1/008made from two or more materials having different characteristics or properties casting for producing layered articles B28B1/16; feeding several succesive layers, optionally of different materials B28B13/022; coating B28B11/04; applying material to surfaces to form a permanent layer thereon B28B19/00 B28B1/02by turning or jiggering in moulds or moulding surfaces on rotatable supports B28B1/025Potters wheels B28B1/04by tamping or ramming followed by pressing B28B3/02 B28B1/045combined with vibrating or jolting B28B1/08by vibrating or jolting of moulding sand B22C15/10; of concrete in general E04G21/063 B28B1/081Vibration-absorbing means B28B1/082combined with a vacuum, e.g. for moisture extraction in general E04G21/061 B28B1/084the vibrating moulds or cores being moved horizontally for making strands of moulded articles B28B1/085Introducing non-longitudinal reinforcing elements, e.g. spirally shaped B28B1/087by means acting on the mould ; Fixation thereof to the mould B28B1/0873the mould being placed on vibrating or jolting supports, e.g. moulding tables B28B2001/0876Supports, e.g. tables, therefor B28B1/093by means directly acting on the material, e.g. by cores wholly or partly immersed in the material or elements acting on the upper surface of the materialB28B1/084 takes precedence; internal vibrators for compacting concrete in situ E04G21/08 B28B1/0935using only elements wholly or partly immersed in the material, e.g. cores B28B1/10and applying pressure otherwise than by the use of presses B28B1/105this load also being actively vibrated or jolted B28B1/14by simple casting, the material being neither forcibly fed nor positively compacted for molten material B28B1/54 B28B1/16for producing layered articles coating B28B11/04 B28B1/20by centrifugal or rotational casting slip-casting involving rotation of the mould B28B1/28; for molten material B28B1/54 B28B1/24by injection moulding injection moulding of ceramic slips B28B1/265; of tubular articles B28B21/38 B28B1/26by slip-casting, i.e. by casting a suspension or dispersion of the material in a liquid-absorbent or porous mould, the liquid being allowed to soak into or pass through the walls of the mouldMoulds therefor B28B1/52 takes precedence; specially for manufacturing articles starting from a ceramic slip; Moulds therefor of tubular articles B28B21/08 B28B1/261Moulds therefor absorbent moulds in general B28B7/344 B28B1/262Mould materials; Manufacture of moulds or parts thereof B28B1/263Plastics B28B1/264Plaster B28B1/265pressure being applied on the slip in the filled mould or on the moulded article in the mould, e.g. pneumatically, by compressing slip in a closed mould B28B1/266Means for counteracting the pressure being applied on the slip or on the moulded article in the mould, e.g. means for clamping the moulds parts together in a frame-like structure B28B1/267in moulds or on moulding surfaces supported by, or formed in or by, conveyors B28B1/268by dipping moulding surfaces in the slip in general B28B1/38 B28B1/269by electrophoresis electrophoresis in general C25 B28B1/28involving rotation of the mould about a centrifugal axis B28B1/29by profiling or strickling the material in open moulds or on moulding surfaces in rotary moulds B28B1/02; by means of profiled rollers B28B3/12, B28B3/123 B28B1/30by applying the material on to a core or other moulding surface to form a layer thereon to form a permanent layer B28B19/00 B28B1/32by projecting, e.g. spraying spraying in general B05B, B05D B28B1/34by centrifugal force centrifugally acting implements for applying plaster or the like to walls E04F21/10 B28B1/38by dipping in general B05C, B05D ; shaping from synthetic resin B29C41/14 B28B1/40by wrapping, e.g. winding B28B1/42using mixtures containing fibres, e.g. for making sheets by slitting the wound layer B28B1/44by forcing cores into filled moulds for forming hollow articles B28B1/445Hollow punches or cores B28B1/48by removing material from solid section preforms for forming hollow articles, e.g. by punching or boring B28B1/50specially adapted for producing articles of expanded material, e.g. cellular concrete chemical aspects or making expanded aggregate C04B B28B1/503Moulds therefor B28B1/506with means for, or adapted for, cutting the moulded article into pieces in general B28B7/14 B28B1/52specially adapted for producing articles from mixtures containing fibres, e.g. asbestos cementby wrapping on to mandrels B28B1/42 B28B1/521from dry mixtures to which a setting agent is applied after forming B28B1/526, B28B1/527 take precedence B28B1/522for producing multi-layered articles B28B1/526, B28B1/527 take precedence B28B1/523containing metal fibres B28B1/526, B28B1/527 take precedence B28B1/525containing organic fibres, e.g. wood fibres B28B1/526, B28B1/527 take precedence B28B1/526by delivering the materials on a conveyor of the endless-belt type B28B1/527by delivering the materials on a rotating drum, e.g. a sieve drum, from which the materials are picked up by a felt B28B1/528for producing corrugated sheets B28B1/526, B28B1/527 take precedence B28B1/54specially adapted for producing articles from molten material, e.g. slag refractory ceramic materialschemical aspects C04B ; from molten bituminous material B29C B28B3/00Producing shaped articles from the material by using presses shaping on moving conveyors B28B5/00Presses specially adapted therefor presses in general B30B B28B3/003Pressing by means acting upon the material via flexible mould wall parts, e.g. by means of inflatable cores, isostatic presses isostatic presses in general B30B5/02 B28B3/006Pressing by atmospheric pressure, as a result of vacuum generation or by gas or liquid pressure acting directly upon the material, e.g. jets of compressed air moulds for treating with gases or degassing B28B7/44; compacting concrete by means of vacuum in general E04G21/061 B28B3/02wherein a ram exerts pressure on the material in a moulding spaceRam heads of special form B28B3/021Ram heads of special form B28B3/022combined with vibrating or jolting B28B3/024the pressure on the material being transmitted through flexible or resilient wall parts, e.g. flexible cushions on the ramming surface, resilient wall parts pressing as a result of deformation caused by ram pressure B28B3/025Hot pressing, e.g. of ceramic materials B28B3/027using a bottom press ram actuated upwardly towards mould covers B28B3/028Centering the press head, e.g. using guiding pins or chamfered mould edges B28B3/04with one ram per mould B28B3/10 takes precedence B28B3/06with two or more ram and mould sets B28B3/08with two or more rams per mould B28B3/083The juxtaposed rams working in the same direction B28B3/086The rams working in different directions B28B3/10each charge of material being compressed against previously formed body B28B3/12wherein one or more rollers exert pressure on the material B28B3/123on material in moulds or on moulding surfaces moving continuously underneath or between the rollers, e.g. on an endless belt B28B3/126on material passing directly between the co-operating rollers B28B3/14with co-operating pocketed rollers B28B3/16with co-operating profiled rollers B28B3/18Roller-and-ring machines, i.e. with roller disposed within a ring and co-operating with the inner surface of the ring B28B3/20wherein the material is extruded extrusion moulding of plastics B29C48/00 B28B3/201Means for heating or cooling the barrel B28B2003/203for multi-channelled structures, e.g. honeycomb structures B28B3/205using vibrations B28B3/206Forcing the material through screens or slots B28B3/208Exchangeable wear parts, e.g. liners B28B3/22by screw or worm B28B3/222Screw or worm constructions B28B3/224Twin screw extruders, e.g. double shaft extruders B28B3/226Means for heating or cooling the screw B28B3/228Slipform casting extruder, e.g. self-propelled extruder B28B3/24by reciprocating plunger B28B3/26Extrusion dies B28B3/2609Containing rotating elements perpendicular to the axis of extrusion B28B3/2618using lubricating means B28B3/2627using means for making hollow objects with transverse walls, e.g. hollow objects closed on all sides B28B3/2636using means for co-extruding different materials B28B3/2645using means for inserting reinforcing members B28B3/2654Means for heating or cooling the die B28B3/2663Exchangeable wear parts, e.g. liners B28B3/2672Means for adjusting the flow inside the die, e.g. using choke means B28B3/2681Adjustable dies, e.g. for altering the shape of the product B28B3/269For multi-channeled structures, e.g. honeycomb structures B28B5/00Producing shaped articles from the material in moulds or on moulding surfaces, carried or formed by, in, or on conveyors irrespective of the manner of shaping shaping aspects see the relevant groups B28B5/02on conveyors of the endless-belt or chain type in combination with pressing rollers B28B3/12 B28B5/021the shaped articles being of definite length B28B5/022the moulds or the moulding surfaces being individual independant units and being discontinuously fed feeding B28B13/0215 and sub-groups B28B5/023Moulds mounted on an endless chain conveyor for making pottery ware B28B5/025the moulds or the moulding surfaces being divided by separating walls and being continuously fed feeding B28B13/02 B28B5/026the shaped articles being of indefinite length B28B5/027the moulding surfaces being of the indefinite length type, e.g. belts, and being continuously fed feeding B28B13/02 B28B5/028the moulding surfaces being of definite length, e.g. succession of moving pallets, and being continuously fed feeding B28B13/02 B28B5/04in moulds moved in succession past one or more shaping stations on turn-tables B28B5/06 B28B2005/041with compacting of the material B28B2005/042only by vibrating or jolting B28B2005/044only by tamping or ramming B28B2005/045only by pressing B28B2005/047by tamping, ramming or pressing as well as by vibrating, jolting or by rolling B28B2005/048in moulds carried on a conveyor of the endless-belt type B28B5/06in moulds on a turntable B28B5/08intermittently rotated B28B5/10in moulds carried on the circumference of a rotating drum B28B5/12intermittently rotated B28B2005/125Revolving presses B28B7/00MouldsCoresMandrels specially adapted for the production of the tubular articles B28B21/00; for casting metals B22C9/00; moulds for plastic materials in general B29C33/00; falsework, forms or shutterings for forming buildings or parts thereof in situ E04G9/00 - E04G15/00 B28B7/0002Auxiliary parts or elements of the mould B28B7/0005Mould identification means, e.g. by radio frequency identification device [RFID] B28B7/0008Venting channels, e.g. to avoid vacuum during demoulding or allowing air to escape during feeding, pressing or moulding B28B7/0011Mould seals B28B7/0014Fastening means for mould parts, e.g. for attaching mould walls on mould tables; Mould clamps clamping means specially adapted for counteracting a pressure being applied on a slip or on the moulded article in the mould B28B1/266 B28B7/0017for attaching mould walls on mould tables B28B7/002using magnets B28B7/0023using vacuum B28B7/0026using adhesive B28B7/0029Moulds or moulding surfaces not covered by B28B7/0058 - B28B7/36 and B28B7/40 - B28B7/465, e.g. moulds assembled from several parts B28B7/0032Moulding tables or similar mainly horizontal moulding surfaces B28B7/0035Moulds characterised by the way in which the sidewalls of the mould and the moulded article move with respect to each other during demoulding B28B7/0038the sidewalls of mould and moulded article moving only past each other, e.g. box-shaped moulds which are lifted off from the moulding B28B7/0041the sidewalls of the mould being moved only parallelly away from the sidewalls of the moulded article B28B7/0044the sidewalls of the mould being only tilted away from the sidewalls of the moulded article, e.g. moulds with hingedly mounted sidewalls B28B2007/0047Mould seals B28B2007/005Fastening means for mould parts, e.g. for attaching mould walls on mould tables; Mould clamps B28B2007/0052for attaching mould walls on mould tables B28B7/0055Mould pallets; Mould panels B28B7/0058Moulds, cores or mandrels with provisions concerning the elimination of superfluous material; Moulds with burr-removing means provided therein or carried thereby B28B7/0061Moulds, cores or mandrels specially adapted for mechanically working moulding surfaces during moulding or demoulding, e.g. smoothing by means of mould walls driven during moulding or of parts acting during demoulding B28B7/0064Moulds characterised by special surfaces for producing a desired surface of a moulded article, e.g. profiled or polished moulding surfaces B28B7/36 takes precedence; producing decorative effects B44C; designs of stone surfaces B44F B28B7/0067with polished or glossy moulding surfaces B28B7/007with moulding surfaces simulating natural effets, e.g. wood or stone B28B7/0073with moulding surfaces simulating assembled bricks or blocks with mortar joints B28B7/007 takes precedence B28B7/0076with surfaces for moulding letters or marks B28B7/0079with surfaces for moulding interlocking means, e.g. grooves and ribs B28B7/0082with surfaces for moulding parallel grooves or ribs B28B7/0073, B28B7/0079 takes precedence B28B7/0085with surfaces for moulding chamfers B28B7/0088Moulds in which at least one surface of the moulded article serves as mould surface, e.g. moulding articles on or against a previously shaped article, between previously shaped articles B28B7/0091Transformable moulds allowing the change of shape of an initial moulded preform by preform deformation or the change of its size by moulding on the preform B28B7/0094Moulds for concrete test samples B28B7/0097Press moulds; Press-mould and press-ram assemblies B28B7/02Moulds with adjustable parts specially for modifying at will the dimensions or form of the moulded article B28B7/025the mould surface being made of or being supported by a plurality of small elements, e.g. to create double curvatures B28B7/04one or more of the parts being pivotally mounted B28B7/06Moulds with flexible parts B28B7/065Casting in sack or bag like moulds B28B7/08Moulds provided with means for tilting or inverting B28B7/082Tiltable moulding tables or similar moulding surfaces specially for casting and erecting walls or parts thereof during construction work E04G11/32 B28B7/085for making double wall panels B28B7/087using rocker or rolling means B28B7/10Moulds with means incorporated therein, or carried thereby, for ejecting or detaching the moulded article flexible moulds bent open for ejecting B28B7/06; ejecting by tilting or inverting the mould B28B7/08; devices, not forming part of the mould, for ejecting the moulded article B28B13/06 B28B7/12by fluid pressure , e.g. acting through flexible wall parts or linings of the moulds B28B7/14Moulds with means incorporated therein, or carried thereby, for cutting the moulded article into parts for expanded material B28B1/506; cutting means independent of the mould B28B11/14 B28B7/16Moulds for making shaped articles with cavities or holes open to the surface , e.g. with blind holes B28B7/162for building blocks or similar block-shaped articles B28B7/164for plates, panels, or similar sheet- or disc-shaped articles B28B7/166for oblong articles, e.g. hollow masts B28B7/168for holders or similar hollow articles, e.g. vaults, sewer pits B28B7/18the holes passing completely through the article B28B7/183for building blocks or similar block-shaped objects B28B7/186for plates, panels or similar sheet- or disc-shaped objects, also flat oblong moulded articles with lateral openings, e.g. panels with openings for doors or windows, grated girders B28B7/20Moulds for making shaped articles with undercut recesses, e.g. dovetails B28B7/22Moulds for making units for prefabricated buildings , i.e. units each comprising an important section of at least two limiting planes of a room or space, e.g. cells for making rooms or entire buildings in situ E04G11/02Moulds for making prefabricated stair units B28B7/225for making stairs or stair units comprising more than one step in situ E04G13/06 B28B7/24Unitary mould structures with a plurality of moulding spaces , e.g. moulds divided into multiple moulding spaces by integratable partitions, mould part structures providing a number of moulding spaces in mutual co-operation assemblies of individually complete moulds B28B7/26 B28B7/241Detachable assemblies of mould parts providing only in mutual co-operation a number of complete moulding spaces B28B7/243for making plates, panels or similar sheet- or disc-shaped objects B28B7/245using transportable mould batteries B28B7/246for making oblong objects, e.g. girders B28B7/248using angle-shaped mould parts, e.g. L-parts B28B7/26Assemblies of separate moulds , i.e. of moulds or moulding space units, each forming a complete mould or moulding space unit independently from each other B28B7/263for making plates, panels or similar sheet- or disc-shaped objects B28B7/266for making oblong objects, e.g. girders B28B7/28CoresMandrels B28B1/44 takes precedence; of special materials in general B28B7/34; cores for making blind holes in situ E04G15/04; for making recesses E04G15/06 B28B7/285Core puller B28B7/30adjustable, collapsible, or expanding for making tubular objects B28B21/88 B28B7/303specially for making undercut recesses or continuous cavities the inner section of which is superior to the section of either of the mouths B28B7/306pliable or extensible B28B7/32inflatable connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C29/00 B28B7/34Moulds, cores, or mandrels of special material, e.g. destructible materials for slip casting B28B1/26 B28B7/342which are at least partially destroyed, e.g. broken, molten, before demoulding; Moulding surfaces or spaces shaped by, or in, the ground, or sand or soil, whether bound or not; Cores consisting at least mainly of sand or soil, whether bound or not B28B7/344from absorbent or liquid- or gas-permeable materials, e.g. plaster moulds in general B28B7/346Manufacture of moulds B28B7/348of plastic material or rubber B28B7/36Linings or coatings, e.g. removable, absorbent linings, permanent anti-stick coatings; Linings becoming a non-permanent layer of the moulded articlelubricating surfaces of moulds, cores or mandrels B28B7/38 B28B7/362specially for making moulded articles from concrete with exposed aggregate B28B7/364of plastic material or rubber B28B7/366Replaceable lining plates for press mould B28B7/368Absorbent linings B28B7/38Treating surfaces of moulds, cores, or mandrels to prevent sticking B28B7/382Devices for treating, e.g. sanding B28B7/384Treating agents for plastic moulding materials in general B29C33/60; lubricants in general C10M B28B7/386Cleaning B28B7/388with liquid material, e.g. lubricating B28B7/40characterised by means for modifying the properties of the moulding material B28B7/42for heating or cooling, e.g. steam jackets , by means of treating agents acting directly on the moulding material B28B7/44for treating with gases or degassing, e.g. for de-aerating treating with hot gases or vapour B28B7/42 B28B7/46for humidifying or dehumidifying B28B7/465Applying setting liquid to dry mixtures B28B11/00Apparatus or processes for treating or working the shaped or preshaped articles specially adapted for tubular articles B28B21/92; decoration or surface treatment in general B05, B44; compacting concrete in situ in connection with building E04G21/06; drying F26 B28B11/001Applying decorations on shaped articles, e.g. by painting B28B11/002Apparatus for washing concrete for decorative purposes or similar surface treatments for exposing the texture B28B11/003the shaping of preshaped articles, e.g. by bending B28B11/08 takes precedence B28B11/005Using heat to allow reshaping, e.g. to soften ceramic articles B28B11/006Making hollow articles or partly closed articles B28B11/007Using a mask for plugging B28B11/008Blow moulding, e.g. with or without the use of a membrane B28B11/02for attaching appendages, e.g. handles, spouts B28B11/04for coating or applying engobing layersglazing, engobing C04B B28B11/041for moulded articles undergoing a thermal treatment at high temperatures, such as burning, after coating B28B11/042with insulating material B28B11/043filling cavities or chambers of hollow blocks B28B11/044with glaze or engobe or enamel or varnish B28B11/045by dipping B28B11/046by rolling B28B11/047by pooring, e.g. curtain coating B28B11/048by spraying or projecting B28B11/049Recycling of the coating material B28B11/06with powdered or granular material , e.g. sanding of shaped articles B28B11/08for reshaping the surface, e.g. smoothing, roughening, corrugating, making screw-threads B28B11/0809Hand tools therefore B28B11/0818for roughening, profiling, corrugating B28B11/0827for corrugating, profiling or the like of plates such as asbestos cement sheets B28B11/0836for pottery articles B28B11/0845for smoothing B28B11/0854for making screw-threads or the like in the surface of the shaped article B28B11/0863for profiling, e.g. making grooves B28B11/0872Non-mechanical reshaping of the surface, e.g. by burning, acids, radiation energy, air flow, etc. B28B11/0881Using vibrating mechanisms, e.g. vibrating plates for ageing stones B28B11/089Using impacting tools B28B11/10by using presses B28B11/12for removing parts of the articles by cutting B28B11/125Cutting-off protruding ridges, also profiled cutting B28B11/14for dividing shaped articles by cutting B28B11/145for dividing block-shaped bodies of expanded materials, e.g. cellular concrete B28B11/16for extrusion or for materials supplied in long webs B28B11/161in vertically operating extrusion presses B28B11/163in which the cutting device is moved longitudinally with the moving strand B28B11/165mounted on a carrier B28B11/166with devices for determining the correct cutting moment, e.g. measuring rollers or the like B28B11/168in which the material is cut-out from a strand or web by means of a frame-shaped knife B28B11/18for removing burr combined with the mould B28B7/0058 B28B11/22for cleaning B28B11/24for curing, setting or hardening processes for influencing or modifying the setting or hardening ability of mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions, in general C04B40/00 B28B11/241using microwave heating means B28B11/242by passing an electric current through wires, rods or reinforcing members incorporated in the article B28B11/243Setting, e.g. drying, dehydrating or firing ceramic articles B28B11/242 takes precedence B28B11/245Curing concrete articles B28B11/242 takes precedence B28B11/246Underwater curing B28B11/247Controlling the humidity during curing, setting or hardening B28B11/248Supports for drying B28B13/00Feeding the unshaped material to moulds or apparatus for producing shaped articlesDischarging shaped articles from such moulds or apparatus feeding or discharging devices incorporated in, or operatively associated with, a particular type of shaping apparatus, or specially designed to supply materials to a particular type of shaping apparatus, see the relevant groups for the apparatus B28B13/02Feeding the unshaped material to moulds or apparatus for producing shaped articles B28B13/0205supplied to the moulding device in form of a coherent mass of material, e.g. a lump or an already partially preshaped tablet, pastil or the like B28B13/021by fluid pressure acting directly on the material, e.g. using vacuum, air pressure B28B13/0215Feeding the moulding material in measured quantities from a container or silo B28B13/022Feeding several successive layers, optionally of different materials B28B13/0225Feeding specific quantities of material at specific locations in the mould B28B13/023by using a feed box transferring the moulding material from a hopper to the moulding cavities B28B13/0235the feed box being provided with agitating means, e.g. stirring vanes to avoid premature setting of the moulding material agitation in general B01F B28B2013/024the feed box being provided with means for transporting the moulded products, e.g. out of the machine B28B13/0245Rotatable feed frames, e.g. horizontally rotated over 90 degrees B28B13/025the feed box being vibrated, e.g. to promote discharging of the material B28B13/0255Disposal of residual material, e.g. by means of the return stroke of the feed drawer B28B13/026by using a movable hopper transferring the moulding material to the moulding cavities B28B2013/0265Feeding a slurry or a ceramic slip B28B13/027by using a removable belt or conveyor transferring the moulding material to the moulding cavities B28B13/0275Feeding a slurry or a ceramic slip B28B13/028Deflecting the flow of the unshaped material B28B13/0285the material being prearranged on a sheet, e.g. using a decal B28B13/029through a sieve or grid, e.g. to ensure evenly filling of cavities B28B13/0295Treating the surface of the fed layer, e.g. removing material or equalization of the surface B28B13/04Discharging the shaped articles discharging tubular articles after shaping B28B21/90; conveying systems for ceramic mouldings B65G49/08 B28B13/06Removing the shaped articles from moulds by means incorporated in, or carried by, the moulds B28B7/10 B28B13/062by elastically deforming the mould, e.g. bending flexible moulds B28B13/065by applying electric current or other means of discharging, e.g. pneumatic or hydraulic discharging means B28B13/067by applying blows or vibrations followed by, or during, the removal of a mould part B28B15/00General arrangement or layout of plant Industrial outlines, plant installations B28B15/002Mobile plants, e.g. on vehicles or on boats B28B15/005Machines using pallets co-operating with a bottomless mould; Feeding or discharging means for pallets feeding pallets for making a continuous moulding surface B28B5/025, B28B5/028 B28B15/007Plant with two or more identical shaping or moulding devices B28B17/00Details of, or accessories for, apparatus for shaping the materialAuxiliary measures taken in connection with such shaping moulds B28B7/00; after-treatment B28B11/00; feeding or discharging B28B13/00; arrangements for embedding elements in the material B28B23/00; details, accessories, or auxiliary measures special to any one type of shaping, machine or method of shaping, see the relevant groups for such machines or methods B28B17/0009Shaping of preshaped articles shaping the surface of articles B28B11/08 B28B17/0018Separating articles from each other B28B17/0027Accessories for obtaining rubblestones B28B17/0036Cutting means, e.g. water jets B28B17/0045Tensioning devices for cutting means B28B17/0054Cleaning devices for cutting means B28B17/0063Control arrangements B28B17/0072Product control or inspection B28B17/0081Process control B28B17/009Changing the forming elements, e.g. exchanging moulds, dies B28B17/02Conditioning the material prior to shaping for mixtures containing clay or cement B28C B28B17/023Conditioning gypsum B28B17/026Conditioning ceramic materials B28B17/04Exhausting or laying dust B28B19/00Machines or methods for applying the material to surfaces to form a permanent layer thereon making shaped articles on mandrels B28B1/30; applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces in general B05C; glazing or engobing C04B; applying the material to walls or other fixed structures, see the relevant classes of section E B28B19/0007for producing articles with exposed aggregate B28B19/0015on multilayered articles B28B19/0023Lining the inner wall of hollow objects, e.g. pipes B28B19/003to insulating material B28B19/0038lining the outer wall of hollow objects, e.g. pipes B28B19/0046to plastics B28B19/0053to tiles, bricks or the like B28B19/0061Means for arranging or fixing the tiles, bricks or the like in the mould B28B19/0069the tiles, bricks or the like being sunk in resilient mould material B28B19/0076the tiles, bricks or the like being sunk in heated mould material, e.g. thermoplastic material to temporarily fix them B28B19/0084using pressurized elements for fixing the tiles, bricks or the like B28B19/0092to webs, sheets or the like, e.g. of paper, cardboard B28B21/00Methods, apparatus, or machines, specially adapted for the production of tubular or reinforced articles B28B21/00Methods or machines specially adapted for the production of tubular articles B28B21/02by casting into moulds B28B21/04by simple casting, the material being neither positively compacted nor forcibly fed B28B21/06into moulds having sliding parts B28B21/26 takes precedence; forms, shutterings, or falsework for making rooms as a whole, whole stories, or whole buildings in situ E04G11/02 B28B21/08by slip-castingMoulds therefor B28B21/10using compacting means B28B21/12tamping or ramming the material or the mould elements B28B21/14vibrating, e.g. the surface of the material B28B21/16one or more mould elements B28B21/18using expansible or retractable mould or core elements B28B21/20using inflatable cores, e.g. having a frame inside the inflatable part of the core connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C29/00 B28B21/205having a rigid frame inside the inflatable part of the core B28B21/22using rotatable mould or core parts B28B21/24using compacting heads, rollers, or the like B28B21/242the working diameter of the compacting mechanism being adjustable, e.g. the compacting rollers on the head being displaceable B28B21/245using a horizontal compacting roller in a horizontally rotatable mould B28B21/247the rollers of the compaction head being driven, e.g. to overcome or modify the tangential force B28B21/26with a packer head serving as a sliding mould or provided with guiding means for feeding the material B28B21/28combined with vibration means B28B21/30Centrifugal moulding B28B21/305Moulding machines with vertical rotation axis B28B21/32Feeding the material into the moulds B28B21/34combined with vibrating or other additional compacting means B28B21/36applying fluid pressure or vacuum to the material combined with slip-casting B28B21/08 B28B21/38introducing the material wholly or partly under pressure ; Injection-moulding machines B28B21/40by evacuating one or more of the mould parts ; Vacuum machines B28B21/42by shaping on or against mandrels or like moulding surfaces B28B21/44by projecting, e.g. spraying B28B21/46by dipping B28B21/48by wrapping, e.g. winding B28B21/50Details of compression or compacting means B28B21/52by extruding B28B21/54Mouthpieces for shaping sockets, bends, or like peculiarly-shaped tubular articles B28B21/56incorporating reinforcements or inserts B28B21/563Gaskets B28B21/566Climbing elements B28B21/58Steel tubes B28B21/60prestressed reinforcements B28B21/62circumferential laterally tensioned B28B21/64Winding arrangements B28B21/66Reinforcing mats B28B21/68and applying centrifugal forces B28B21/70by building-up from preformed elements B28B21/72Producing multilayer tubes B28B21/74Producing pipe bends, sockets, sleevesMoulds therefor combined with extrusion presses B28B21/54 B28B21/76Moulds for slip-casting B28B21/08 B28B21/765Top or bottom rings B28B21/78with heating or cooling means, e.g. steam jackets B28B21/80adapted to centrifugal or rotational moulding B28B21/82built-up from several partsMultiple mouldsMoulds with adjustable parts B28B21/84Moulds with one or more pivotable parts B28B21/86Cores in general B28B7/00 B28B21/88adjustable, collapsible or expansible using inflatable cores B28B21/20 ; for compacting B28B21/18 B28B21/90Methods or apparatus for demoulding or discharging after shaping B28B21/905Removing from a mandrel B28B21/92Methods or apparatus for treating or reshaping B28B21/925for wrapping B28B21/94for impregnating or coating by applying liquids or semi-liquids B28B21/96for smoothing, roughening, corrugating or for removing burr B28B21/965for grooving or corrugating B28B21/98for reshaping, e.g. by means of reshape moulds B28B23/00Arrangements specially adapted for the production of shaped articles with elements wholly or partly embedded in the moulding material; Production of reinforced objectsB28B21/00 takes precedence; in units for prefabricated buildings B28B7/22 B28B23/0006the reinforcement consisting of aligned, non-metal reinforcing elements B28B23/0012Producing brick netting B28B23/0018Producing metal-clad stones, such as oven stones B28B23/0025with installation or service material, e.g. tubes for electricity or water B28B23/0031with product identification means, e.g. labels on test products or integrated circuit tags inside products RFID B28B23/0037with elements being able to conduct light, e.g. light conducting fibers B28B23/0043with gaskets or sealing elements, e.g. for tunnelings or man holes B28B21/563 takes precedence B28B23/005with anchoring or fastening elements for the shaped articles B28B23/0056Means for inserting the elements into the mould or supporting them in the mould B28B23/022 takes precedence B28B23/0062forcing the elements into the cast material, e.g. hooks into cast concrete B28B23/0068Embedding lost cores B28B23/0075for decorative purposes B28B23/0081Embedding aggregates to obtain particular properties B28B23/0087Lightweight aggregates for making lightweight articles B28B23/0093Heavy aggregates or scrap material for making heavy articles B28B23/02wherein the elements are reinforcing members B28B23/0006 takes precedence B28B23/022Means for inserting reinforcing members into the mould or for supporting them in the mould inserting during extrusion B28B3/2645 B28B23/024Supporting means B28B23/026Mould partitionning elements acting as supporting means in moulds, e.g. for elongated articles B28B23/028for double - wall articles B28B23/04the elements being stressed B28B23/043Wire anchoring or tensioning means for the reinforcements B28B23/046Post treatment to obtain pre-stressed articles B28B23/06for the production of elongated articles B28B23/10the shaping being effected by centrifugal or rotational moulding B28B23/12to form prestressed circumferential reinforcements B28B23/14by wrapping, e.g. winding, apparatus B28B23/16Prestressed reinforcing nets B28B23/18for the production of elongated articles B28B23/06 takes precedence B28B23/20the shaping being effected by centrifugal or rotational moulding B28B23/10 takes precedence B28B23/22assembled from preformed parts