E02DFOUNDATIONSEXCAVATIONSEMBANKMENTS specially adapted for hydraulic engineering E02BUNDERGROUND OR UNDERWATER STRUCTURES tunnels, tunnelling, mining E21This subclass covers underground structures made by foundation engineering, i.e. involving disturbance of the ground surface. This subclass does not cover underground spaces, made by underground mining methods only, i.e. not involving disturbance of the ground surface, which are covered by subclass E21D.The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: E02D29/09 covered by E02D29/06
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
E02D1/00 E02D1/00Investigation of foundation soil in situ investigation involving boring or specially adapted to earth drilling E21B25/00, E21B49/00; investigating or analysing materials by determining their chemical or physical properties, in general G01N, e.g. sampling G01N1/00 E02D1/02before construction work E02D1/022by investigating mechanical properties of the soil E02D1/027 takes precedence E02D1/025combined with sampling E02D1/027by investigating properties relating to fluids in the soil, e.g. pore-water pressure, permeability sampling of groundwater E02D1/06 E02D1/04Sampling of soil E02D1/025 takes precedence E02D1/06Sampling of ground water E02D1/08after finishing the foundation structure testing of piles E02D33/00 E02D3/00Improving or preserving soil or rock, e.g. preserving permafrost soil securing of slopes or inclines E02D17/20; damming or interrupting passage of underground water E02D19/12; improving soil for agricultural purposes A01; soil stabilisation for road building or like purposes E01C21/00, E01C23/10; setting rock anchoring bolts E21D E02D3/005Soil-conditioning by mixing with fibrous materials, filaments, open mesh or the like E02D3/02Improving by compacting E02D3/11 takes precedence; compacting soil locally before or while forming foundations E02D27/26, E02D27/28 E02D3/026by rolling with rollers usable only for or specially adapted for soil compaction, e.g. sheepsfoot rollers rollers for soil working in agriculture A01B29/00; rollers for road paving, such rollers usable also for compacting soil E01C19/23 E02D3/0265Wheels specially adapted therefor; Cleats for said wheels E02D3/032Trench rollers E02D3/039Slope rollers E02D3/046by tamping or vibrating, e.g. with auxiliary watering of the soil E02D3/026, E02D3/08 take precedence; generating or transmitting mechanical vibrations for performing mechanical work in general B06B; tamping or vibrating apparatus for working ballast or railways E01B27/00, for consolidating paving materials E01C19/30, for consolidating concrete in general E04G21/06 E02D3/054involving penetration of the soil, e.g. vibroflotation E02D3/061Tampers with directly acting explosion chambers pile drivers with explosion chambers E02D7/12 E02D3/068Vibrating apparatus operating with systems involving reciprocating masses E02D3/054, E02D3/061 take precedence E02D3/074Vibrating apparatus operating with systems involving rotary unbalanced masses E02D3/054 takes precedence E02D3/08by inserting stones or lost bodies, e.g. compaction piles sand drains for soil compaction E02D3/10; stressing soil while forming foundations E02D27/28 E02D3/10by watering, draining, de-aerating or blasting, e.g. by installing sand or wick drains E02D3/11 takes precedence; soil-penetrating vibrators with auxiliary watering E02D3/054; drainage of soil in general E02B11/00 E02D3/103by installing wick drains or sand bags E02D3/106by forming sand drains containing only loose aggregates sand piles E02D3/08 E02D3/11by thermal, electrical or electro-chemical means freezing soil for interrupting passage of underground water E02D19/14 E02D3/115by freezing E02D3/12Consolidating by placing solidifying or pore-filling substances in the soil making piles E02D5/46; soil-conditioning or soil-stabilising materials C09K17/00; consolidation of ground around boreholes or wells E21B43/025 E02D3/123and compacting the soil E02D3/126 takes precedence E02D3/126and mixing by rotating blades E02D5/00Bulkheads, piles, or other structural elements specially adapted to foundation engineering engineering elements in general F16 E02D5/02Sheet piles or sheet pile bulkheads foundations made with sheet pile bulkheads E02D27/30; cofferdams E02D19/04 E02D5/03Prefabricated parts , e.g. composite sheet piles E02D5/04made of steel E02D5/06Fitted piles or other elements specially adapted for closing gaps between two sheet piles or between two walls of sheet piles E02D5/08Locking formsEdge jointsPile crossingsBranch pieces E02D5/10made of concrete or reinforced concrete moulds therefor E02D5/70 E02D5/105of prestressed concrete E02D5/12 takes precedence E02D5/12Locking formsEdge jointsPile crossingsBranch pieces E02D5/14Sealing joints between adjacent sheet piles sealing joints not restricted to foundation piles E04B1/68 E02D5/16Auxiliary devices rigidly or detachably arranged on sheet piles for facilitating assembly as parts of driving or pulling apparatus E02D7/00, E02D13/00 E02D5/18Bulkheads or similar walls made solely of concrete in situ moulds therefor E02D5/68; making foundation slots E02D17/13; sealing diaphragms other than those made of concrete E02D19/18 E02D5/182using formworks to separate sections E02D5/185with flexible joint members between sections joints in foundation structures E02D29/16; flexible joints in hydraulic engineering E02B3/16, in building E04B1/68 E02D5/187the bulkheads or walls being made continuously, e.g. excavating and constructing bulkheads or walls in the same process, without joints E02D5/20Bulkheads or similar walls made of prefabricated parts and concrete, including reinforced concrete, in situ E02D5/22Piles sheet piles, i.e. elements shaped to mutually lock or mate E02D5/02; pile shoes E02D5/72; foundations on piles E02D27/12, E02D27/20 E02D5/223Details of top sections of foundation piles E02D5/54 takes precedence E02D5/226Protecting piles piles with protecting cases E02D5/60 E02D5/24Prefabricated pilesDocuments covered both by E02D5/26 - E02D5/32 and by one or several of the groups E02D5/48 - E02D5/64 are classified in all relevant groups unless specific priority rules to the contrary are given E02D5/26made of timber with or without reinforcementMeans affording protection against spoiling of the wood cases E02D5/60; impregnating agents B27K3/16Self-cleaning of piles placed in water E02D5/28made of steel or other metals E02D5/52 takes precedence E02D5/285tubular, e.g. prefabricated from sheet pile elements sheet pile boxes E02D27/30; concrete piles with metal casings E02D5/30 E02D5/30made of concrete or reinforced concrete or made of steel and concrete E02D5/50 takes precedence; assembled from segments E02D5/523; prestressed concrete E02D5/58 E02D5/32with arrangements for setting or assisting in setting in position by fluid jets placing piers by using fluid jets in general E02D7/24 E02D5/34Concrete or concrete-like piles cast in position ; Apparatus for making same E02D5/50 takes precedence; moulds E02D5/665; placing, removing moulds E02D7/00 - E02D11/00; placing the concrete E02D15/04 E02D5/36making without use of mouldpipes or other moulds E02D5/38making by use of mould-pipes or other moulds E02D5/385with removal of the outer mould-pipes documents also covered by one or several of the groups E02D5/40 - E02D5/44 are classified in all the relevant groups E02D5/40in open water E02D5/42by making use of pressure liquid or pressure gas for compacting the concrete E02D5/44with enlarged footing or enlargements at the bottom of the pile E02D5/445by application of pyrotechniques E02D5/46making in situ by forcing bonding agents into gravel fillings or the soil consolidating soil in general E02D3/12 E02D5/48Piles varying in construction along their length , i.e. along the body between head and shoe, e.g. made of different materials along their length E02D5/50, E02D5/52 take precedence E02D5/50Piles comprising both precast concrete portions and concrete portions cast in situ E02D5/523 takes precedence E02D5/52Piles composed of separable parts, e.g. telescopic tubes Piles composed of segments E02D5/523composed of segments E02D5/526Connection means between pile segments E02D5/54Piles with prefabricated supports or anchoring partsAnchoring piles E02D5/44 takes precedence; ground anchors E02D5/80; anchored foundations E02D27/50 E02D5/56Screw piles placing piles by screwing down E02D7/22 E02D5/58Prestressed concrete piles segmental piles E02D5/523 E02D5/60Piles with protecting cases E02D5/62Compacting the soil at the footing or in or along a casing by forcing cement or like material through tubes E02D5/64Repairing piles E02D5/66Mould-pipes or other moulds for plant use B28B E02D5/665for making piles E02D5/68for making bulkheads or elements thereof E02D5/70for making sheet piles not used E02D5/72Pile shoes E02D5/74Means for anchoring structural elements or bulkheads anchoring piles E02D5/54 ; anchored foundations E02D27/50 E02D5/76Anchorings for bulkheads or sections thereof in as much as specially adapted therefor E02D5/765removable E02D5/80Ground anchors for galleries, tunnels or shafts E21D21/00 E02D5/801driven by screwing E02D5/803with pivotable anchoring members E02D5/805with deformable anchoring members E02D5/806involving use of explosives E02D5/808anchored by using exclusively a bonding material E02D7/00Methods or apparatus for placing sheet pile bulkheads, piles, mouldpipes, or other moulds for both placing and removing E02D11/00; accessories for coupling driver to piles or the like E02D13/10; for trees or other plants A01G17/16; placing posts E04H17/26 E02D7/02Placing by driving E02D7/18 - E02D7/24 take precedence E02D7/04Hand (-actuated) pile-drivers E02D7/06Power-driven drivers tampers E02D3/061 E02D7/08Drop drivers with free-falling hammer E02D7/10 takes precedence E02D7/10with pressure-actuated hammer, i.e. the pressure fluid acting directly on the hammer structure E02D7/12 takes precedence; vibrating drivers E02D7/18 E02D7/12Drivers with explosion chambers E02D7/125Diesel drivers E02D7/14Components for drivers inasmuch as not specially for a specific driver construction E02D7/16Scaffolds or supports for drivers guide frames for the elements to be driven per se E02D13/04; supports of the artificial island type E02B17/00 E02D7/165of variable length, e.g. foldable or telescopic E02D7/18Placing by vibrating vibrators for soil compacting E02D3/046 E02D7/20Placing by pressure or pulling power E02D7/22Placing by screwing down screw piles per se E02D5/56 E02D7/24Placing by using fluid jets prefabricated concrete piles with arrangements therefor E02D5/32 E02D7/26Placing by using several means simultaneously E02D7/28Placing of hollow pipes or mould pipes by means arranged inside the piles or pipes E02D13/08 takes precedence E02D7/30by driving cores E02D9/00Removing sheet piles bulkheads, piles, mould-pipes or other moulds or parts thereoffor both placing and removing E02D11/00 E02D9/005removing the top of placed piles of sheet piles E02D9/04 takes precedence E02D9/02by withdrawing E02D9/04by cutting-off under water E02D11/00Methods or apparatus specially adapted for both placing and removing sheet pile bulkheads, piles, or mould-pipes features relating to placing only E02D7/00, to removing only E02D9/00 ; placing apparatus which without special provisions, can be operated to remove, e.g. vibrating drivers E02D7/00 E02D13/00Accessories for placing or removing piles or bulkheads , e.g. noise attenuating chambers E02D13/005Sound absorbing accessories in piling E02D13/02specially adapted for placing or removing bulkheads E02D13/04Guide devicesGuide frames as parts of the driver scaffold E02D7/16 E02D13/06for observation while placing E02D13/08Removing obstacles E02D13/10Follow-blocks of pile-drivers or like devicesThe IPC wording is replaced by the following wording: Devices adapted to, e.g. interposed on, the top of the pile to be driven, e.g. follow-blocks or the like caps, rings E02D15/00Handling building or like materials for hydraulic engineering or foundations soil-shifting E02F; conveying or working-up concrete or similar masses in general E04G21/02 E02D15/02Handling of bulk concrete specially for foundation or hydraulic engineering purposes lining canals E02B5/02; banks of the bodies of water E02B3/121 E02D15/04Placing concrete in mould-pipes, pile tubes, bore-holes or narrow shafts E02D15/06Placing concrete under water for surfacing the bottom of bodies of water E02B3/121 E02D15/08Sinking workpieces into water or soil inasmuch as not provided for elsewhere E02D15/10Placing gravel or light material under water inasmuch as not provided for elsewhere E02D17/00ExcavationsBordering of excavationsMaking embankments soil-shifting apparatus E02F; earth drilling E21 E02D17/02Foundation pits E02D17/04Bordering surfacing or stiffening the sides of foundation pits E02D17/06Foundation trenches ditches or narrow shafts E02D17/08Bordering or stiffening the sides of ditches trenches or narrow shafts for foundations E02D17/083Shoring struts E02D17/086Travelling trench shores E02D17/10Covering trenches for foundations E02D17/12Back-filling of foundation trenches or ditches apparatus therefor E02F5/12, E02F5/22 E02D17/13Foundation slots or slitsImplements for making these slots or slits E02D17/16Loosening of soil or rock, under water for correcting streams E02B3/02; by dredgers or excavators E02F E02D17/18Making embankments, e.g. dikes, damsE02D17/20 takes precedence; foundations for dams E02D27/40 E02D17/20Securing of slopes or inclines by soil E02D3/12; protection against snowslides or avalanches E01F7/04, E01F15/00; securing banks or like surfaces facing on bodies of water E02B3/12 E02D17/202with flexible securing means E02D17/205with modular blocks, e.g. pre-fabricated E02D17/207with means incorporating sheet piles or piles E02D19/00Keeping dry foundation sites or other areas in the ground sheet piles or bulkheads E02D5/02 E02D19/02Restraining of open water E02D19/04by coffer-dams , e.g. made of sheet piles permanent sheet piling boxes E02D27/30 E02D19/06Restraining of underground water E02D19/08by employing open ditches arranged below the level of the water E02D19/10by lowering level of ground water installation for obtaining or collecting drinking water E03B3/00 E02D19/12by damming or interrupting the passage of underground water E02D19/14by freezing the soil in connection with sinking shafts E21D1/12 E02D19/16by placing or applying sealing substances E02D19/18 takes precedence; consolidating by placing solidifying or pore-filling pore-filling substances in the soil E02D3/12 ; improving soil by chemical substances C09K17/00 E02D19/18by making use of sealing aprons, e.g. diaphragms made from bituminous or clay materialconcrete diaphragms E02D5/18; sealing or joints for hydraulic engineering work E02B3/16 E02D19/185Joints between sheets constituting the sealing aprons E02D19/20by displacing the water, e.g. by compressed air pneumatic caissons E02D23/04 E02D19/22Lining sumps in trenches or other foundation pits E02D23/00CaissonsConstruction or placing of caissons tunnels submerged into or built in open water E02D29/063 ; moles, piers, quays, breakwaters incorporating caissons E02B3/06; foundation formed by caissons E02D27/18 - E02D27/22; caisson-like artificial islands E02B17/00 E02D23/02Caissons able to be floated on water and to be lowered into water in situ floating caisson foundations E02D27/06 E02D23/04Pneumatic caissons sinking of same E02D23/10 E02D23/06Bringing persons or material into or out of compressed air caissons air locks in mines E21F1/14 E02D23/08Lowering or sinking caissons sinking mine shaft E21D1/00 E02D23/10Caissons filled with compressed air E02D23/06 takes precedence E02D23/12Inclined lowering E02D23/14Decreasing the skin friction while lowering E02D23/16Jointing caissons to the foundation soil, specially to uneven foundation soil E02D25/00Joining caissons, sinkers, or other units to each other under water E02D27/00Foundations as substructures E02D27/01Flat foundations E02D27/013Shuttering specially adapted therefor E02D27/016made mainly from prefabricated concrete elements E02D27/02Flat foundations without substantial excavation E02D27/04, E02D27/08 take precedence E02D27/04in water or on quicksand E02D27/06Floating caisson foundations E02D27/08Reinforcements for flat foundations E02D27/48 takes precedence E02D27/10Deep foundations E02D27/12Pile foundations E02D27/14Pile framings , i.e. piles assembled to form the substructure E02D27/16Foundations formed of separate piles E02D27/18Foundations formed by making use of caissons E02D27/20Caisson foundations combined with pile foundations E02D27/22Caisson foundations made by starting from fixed or floating artificial islands by using protective bulkheads E02D27/24Foundations constructed by making use of diving-bells equipment for dwelling or working under water B63C11/00 E02D27/26Compacting soil locally before forming foundationsConstruction of foundation structures by forcing binding substances into gravel fillings consolidating foundation soil in general E02D3/02 - E02D3/12; for piles E02D5/02, E02D5/46 E02D27/28Stressing the soil or the foundation structure while forming foundations E02D27/30Foundations made with permanent use of sheet pile bulkheads, walls of planks, or sheet piling boxes E02D27/32Foundations for special purposes for paving of roads E01C3/00 E02D27/34Foundations for sinking or earthquake territories building constructions with protection arrangements against earthquakes E04H9/02 E02D27/35Foundations formed in frozen ground, e.g. in permafrost soil E02D27/36Foundations formed in moors or bogs E02D27/38Foundations for large tanks, e.g. oil tanks E02D27/40Foundations for dams across valleys or for dam constructions dams per se E02B3/10, E02B7/04 E02D27/42Foundations for poles, masts or chimneys sockets or holders for poles or masts per se E04H12/22 E02D27/425specially adapted for wind motors masts wind motors per se F03D1/00 E02D27/44Foundations for machines, engines or ordnance special layout of foundations with respect to machinery to be supported F16M9/00 E02D27/46Foundations for supply conduits or other canals bridges for supporting conduits E01D18/00; elevated canals E02B5/005; penstocks E02B9/06 E02D27/48Foundations inserted underneath existing buildings or constructions making a new substructure subsequent to lifting or moving of buildings E04G23/06 E02D27/50Anchored foundations E02D27/52Submerged foundations , i.e. submerged in open water E02D27/12 - E02D27/24 take precedence E02D27/525using elements penetrating the underwater ground sinking work pieces E02D15/08, sinking caissons E02D23/02 E02D29/00Independent underground or underwater structures underground tanks B65D88/76; hydraulic engineering, e.g. sealings or joints, E02B; underground garages E04H6/00; underground air-raid shelters E04H9/12; burial vaults E04H13/00Retaining walls E02D29/02Retaining or protecting walls piers or quay walls E02B3/06 E02D29/0208Gabions E02D29/0216Cribbing walls E02D29/0225comprising retention means in the backfill E02D29/0233the retention means being anchors details of anchors E02D5/80 E02D29/0241the retention means being reinforced earth elements E02D29/025made up of similar modular elements stacked without mortar E02D29/0258characterised by constructional features E02D29/0266made up of preformed elements E02D29/0275cast in situ E02D29/0283of mixed type E02D29/0291made up of filled, bag-like elements E02D29/04Making large underground spaces, e.g. for underground plants, e.g. stations of underground railways; Construction or layout thereof E02D29/10 takes precedence; water-supply or sewerage plants E03; layout of water power plants E02B9/00; making large underground chambers by underground methods only E21D13/00 E02D29/045Underground structures, e.g. tunnels or galleries, built in the open air or by methods involving disturbance of the ground surface all along the location lineMethods of making them E02D29/05at least part of the cross-section being constructed in an open excavation or from the ground surface, e.g. assembled in a trench E02D29/055further excavation of the cross-section proceeding underneath an already installed part of the structure, e.g. the roof of a tunnel E02D29/06Constructions, or methods of constructing, in water E02D15/00 takes precedence; submerged foundations E02D27/52 E02D29/063Tunnels submerged into, or built in, open water construction or placing of caissons in general E02D23/00; joining caissons to each other under water, in general E02D25/00 E02D29/067Floating tunnelsSubmerged bridge-like tunnels, i.e. tunnels supported by piers or the like above the water-bed pontoons or floating bridges E01D15/14 E02D29/07Tunnels or shuttering therefor preconstructed as a whole or continuously made, and moved into place on the water-bed, e.g. into a preformed trench E02D29/073Tunnels or shuttering therefor assembled from sections individually sunk onto, or laid on, the water-bed, e.g. in a preformed trench caisson-type sections lowered onto the water-bed E02D29/077 E02D29/077Tunnels at least partially built beneath the water-bed characterised by being made by methods involving disturbance thereof all along the location line, e.g. by cut-and-cover or caisson methods E02D29/08Siphons for sewerage E03F5/20; siphon weirs E02B7/18; siphons in general F04F10/00 E02D29/10Tunnels or galleries specially adapted to house conduits, e.g. oil pipe-lines, sewer pipes for pressure water conduits E02B9/06; for cables H02G9/02; layout of tunnels or galleries in general E21D9/14; road kerbs with housings for pipes or the like E01C11/222; Making conduits in situ, e.g. of concrete combined with digging of trenches or ditches E02F5/10; making or lining tunnels or galleries E21D; constructing tunnels or galleries in open excavations E02D29/045; in open water E02D29/063; Casings, i.e. manhole shafts, access or inspection chambers or coverings of boreholes or narrow wells wells for drinking water E03B3/08; boreholes or wells formed by deep drilling E21B; shafts E21D E02D29/12Manhole shaftsOther inspection or access chambersAccessories therefor for underground tanks B65D90/10; for sewerage E03F5/02 ; climbing irons or ladders E06C9/00 E02D29/121characterised by the connection between shaft elements, e.g. of rings forming said shaft E02D29/122Steps or handrails for shafts E02D29/124Shaft entirely made of synthetic material E02D29/125characterised by the lining of the shaft E02D29/127with devices for impeding fall or injuries of persons E02D29/128Repairs of manhole shafts E02D29/14Covers for manholes or the likeFrames for covers gully gratings E03F5/06 E02D29/1409adjustable in height or inclination E02D29/1418with implements to assist in lifting, e.g. counterweights, springs lifting devices for covers B66F19/005 E02D29/1427Locking devices of bayonet type E02D29/14 E02D29/1436with overflow or explosion control means, e.g. check or relief valves E02D29/1445Tools for positioning or removing cover frames E02D29/1454Non-circular covers, e.g. hexagonal, elliptic E02D29/1463Hinged connection of cover to frame E02D29/1472Cover entirely made of synthetic material E02D29/1481Security devices, e.g. indicating unauthorised opening E02D29/1427 takes precedence E02D29/149Annular gaskets E02D29/16Arrangement or construction of joints in foundation structures for hydraulic engineering E02B3/16; sealing joints not restricted to foundation structures E04B1/68 E02D31/00Protective arrangements for foundations or foundation structures protective casings for piles E02D5/60Ground foundation measures for protecting the soil or the subsoil water, e.g. preventing or counteracting oil pollution spillage retaining means for tanks B65D90/24 E02D31/002Ground foundation measures for protecting the soil or subsoil water, e.g. preventing or counteracting oil pollution not used, see subgroups and E02D31/00 E02D31/004Sealing liners E02D31/006Sealing of existing landfills, e.g. using mining techniques E02D31/008against entry of noxious gases, e.g. Radon E02D31/02against ground humidity or ground water E02D31/06 takes precedence; arrangements other than according to E02D31/04; against hydraulic pressure of groundwater E02D31/10 E02D31/025Draining membranes, sheets or fabric specially adapted therefor, e.g. with dimples E02D31/04Watertight packings for use under hydraulic pressure sealings for hydraulic engineering in general E02B3/16; for building structures in general E04B1/66 E02D31/06against corrosion by soil or water E02D31/08against transmission of vibrations or movements in the foundation soil E02D27/34 takes precedence; foundations for machines, engines or ordnance E02D27/44; for road foundations E01C3/06 E02D31/10against soil pressure or hydraulic pressure anchored foundations E02D27/50; joint sealings for use under hydraulic pressure E02D31/04 E02D31/12against upward hydraulic pressure E02D31/14against frost heaves in soil E02D33/00Testing foundations or foundation structures testing methods and apparatus, see the relevant subclasses of class G01; testing structures or apparatus as regards function, in general, G01M; testing or determining chemical or physical properties, in general G01N E02D35/00Straightening, lifting, or lowering of foundation structures or of constructions erected on foundations foundations for sinking territories with incorporated means for remedying settlement E02D27/34; lifting or moving buildings E04G23/06 E02D35/005Lowering or lifting of foundation structures E02D37/00Repair of damaged foundations or foundation structures renewing piles E02D5/64; roads E01C11/005; bridges E01D22/00; repairing buildings E04G23/02 E02D2200/00 E02D2200/00Geometrical or physical properties E02D2200/11Height being adjustable E02D2200/115with separate pieces E02D2200/12corrugated E02D2200/13having at least a mesh portion E02D2200/14resilient or elastic E02D2200/143helically or spirally shaped E02D2200/146Springs E02D2200/15including at least a hinge E02D2200/16Shapes E02D2200/1607round, e.g. circle E02D2200/1614made from single element E02D2200/1621made from multiple elements E02D2200/1628rectangular E02D2200/1635made from single element E02D2200/1642made from multiple elements E02D2200/165polygonal E02D2200/1657made from single element E02D2200/1664made from multiple elements E02D2200/1671helical or spiral E02D2200/1678triangular E02D2200/1685cylindrical E02D2200/1692conical or convex E02D2200/17including an electric conductive element E02D2220/00Temporary installations or constructions E02D2250/00Production methods E02D2250/0007using a mold E02D2250/0015using extrusion E02D2250/0023Cast, i.e. in situ or in a mold or other formwork E02D2250/003Injection of material E02D2250/0038using an auger, i.e. continuous flight type E02D2250/0046using prestressing techniques E02D2250/0053using suction or vacuum techniques E02D2250/0061for working underwater E02D2250/0069Welding E02D2250/0076Drilling E02D2250/0084using pneumatical means E02D2250/0092using hydraulical means E02D2300/00Materials E02D2300/0001Rubbers E02D2300/0003Car tires E02D2300/0004Synthetics E02D2300/0006Plastics E02D2300/0007PVC E02D2300/0009PE E02D2300/001PP E02D2300/0012recycled E02D2300/0014PU E02D2300/0015HDPE E02D2300/0017thermoplastic E02D2300/0018Cement used as binder E02D2300/002Concrete E02D2300/0021Mortar E02D2300/0023Slurry E02D2300/0025Adhesives, i.e. glues E02D2300/0026Metals E02D2300/0028Copper E02D2300/0029SteelIron E02D2300/0031in cast iron form E02D2300/0032in sheet form, i.e. bent or deformed plate-material E02D2300/0034in wire form E02D2300/0035Aluminium E02D2300/0037Clays E02D2300/0039mixed with additives E02D2300/004Bentonite or bentonite-like E02D2300/0042being modified by adding substances E02D2300/0043with other ingredients E02D2300/0045Composites E02D2300/0046Foams E02D2300/0048PU E02D2300/005PE E02D2300/0051Including fibers E02D2300/0053made from glass E02D2300/0054made from plastic E02D2300/0056PVC E02D2300/0057PE E02D2300/0059PP E02D2300/006being recycled E02D2300/0062Shredded car tires E02D2300/0064made from metal E02D2300/0065made from textile E02D2300/0067made from cellulose E02D2300/0068made from carbon E02D2300/007Resins including glasfibers E02D2300/0071Wood E02D2300/0073Explosives E02D2300/0075Textiles E02D2300/0076non-woven E02D2300/0078woven E02D2300/0079Granulates E02D2300/0081Ceramics E02D2300/0082Cellulose E02D2300/0084Geogrids E02D2300/0085Geotextiles E02D2300/0087woven E02D2300/0089non-woven E02D2300/009with multi-layer structure E02D2300/0092including a liquid tight layer E02D2300/0093including bentonite E02D2300/0095including a plastic membrane E02D2300/0096with external friction enhancement features E02D2300/0098Bitumen E02D2450/00Gaskets E02D2450/10Membranes E02D2450/101permeable E02D2450/102for liquids E02D2450/103for gases E02D2450/105impermeable E02D2450/106for liquids E02D2450/107for gases E02D2450/108multi-layered E02D2600/00Miscellaneous E02D2600/10comprising sensor means E02D2600/20comprising details of connection between elements E02D2600/30comprising anchoring details E02D2600/40comprising stabilising elements