C01CAMMONIACYANOGENCOMPOUNDS THEREOF metal hydrides, monoborane, diborane or addition complexes thereof C01B6/00; salts of oxyacids of halogens C01B11/00; peroxides, salts of peroxyacids C01B15/00; thiosulfates, dithionites, polythionates C01B17/64; compounds containing selenium or tellurium C01B19/00; azides C01B21/08; compounds other than ammonia or cyanogen, containing nitrogen, non-metals and optionally metals C01B21/082; metal imides or amides C01B21/092; nitrites C01B21/50; compounds of noble gases C01B23/0005; phosphides C01B25/08; salts of oxyacids of phosphorus C01B25/16; compounds containing silicon C01B33/00; compounds containing boron C01B35/00In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C01C1/00 C01C1/00AmmoniaCompounds thereof C01C3/08, C01C3/14, C01C3/16, C01C3/20 take precedence Complex ammine salts, e.g. [Pd(NH3)4]Cl2, are also classified in the relevant groups of subclasses C01D - C01G, according to the metal C01C1/003Storage or handling of ammonia C01C1/006making use of solid ammonia storage materials, e.g. complex ammine salts C01C1/02Preparation, purification or separation of ammonia C01C1/022Preparation of aqueous ammonia solutions, i.e. ammonia water C01C1/024Purification C01C1/026Preparation of ammonia from inorganic compounds C01C1/028from ammonium sulfate or sulfite C01C1/04Preparation of ammonia by synthesis in the gas phasepreparation or purification of gas mixtures for ammonia synthesis C01B3/025 C01C1/0405from N2 and H2 in presence of a catalyst C01C1/0411characterised by the catalyst C01C1/0417characterised by the synthesis reactor, e.g. arrangement of catalyst beds and heat exchangers in the reactor arrangement of several reactors C01C1/0405; fixed-bed reactors in general B01J8/02 C01C1/0423Cold wall reactors C01C1/0429Fluidized or moving bed reactors C01C1/0435Horizontal reactors C01C1/0441Reactors with the catalyst arranged in tubes C01C1/0447Apparatus other than synthesis reactors C01C1/0452Heat exchangers C01C1/0458Separation of NH3 during purge gas treatment C01C1/0476 C01C1/0464by absorption in liquids, e.g. water C01C1/047by condensation C01C1/0476Purge gas treatment, e.g. for removal of inert gases or recovery of H2 C01C1/0482Process control; Start-up or cooling-down procedures C01C1/0488Processes integrated with preparations of other compounds, e.g. methanol, urea or with processes for power generation C01C1/0494using plasma or electric discharge C01C1/08Preparation of ammonia from nitrogenous organic substances C01C1/083from molasses treatment of molasses in general C13B50/006 C01C1/086from urea C01C1/10Separation of ammonia from ammonia liquors, e.g. gas liquors as part of the ammonia synthesis process C01C1/04 C01C1/12Separation of ammonia from gases and vapours as part of the ammonia synthesis process C01C1/04 C01C1/14Saturators C01C1/16Halides of ammonium C01C1/162Ammonium fluoride C01C1/164Ammonium chloride C01C1/166Ammonium bromide C01C1/168Ammonium iodide C01C1/18Nitrates of ammonium C01C1/185Preparation C01C1/20SulfidesPolysulfides C01C1/22Sulfites of ammonium C01C1/24Sulfates of ammonium C01C1/14 takes precedence C01C1/242Preparation from ammonia and sulfuric acid or sulfur trioxide C01C1/244Preparation by double decomposition of ammonium salts with sulfates C01C1/245Preparation from compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur C01C1/246from sulfur-containing ammonium compounds C01C1/247by oxidation with free oxygen C01C1/248Preventing coalescing or controlling form or size of the crystals C01C1/249Deacidifying or drying the crystals C01C1/26Carbonates or bicarbonates of ammonium C01C1/28Methods of preparing ammonium salts in generalThis group does not cover ammonium salts of complex acids (other than complex cyanides) containing a metal in the anion, which are covered by the relevant groups of subclasses C01D - C01G, according to the metal.Salts of polybasic acids with ammonium and a metal as cations are classified as though the ammonium were hydrogen. C01C3/00CyanogenCompounds thereof C01C3/001Preparation by decomposing nitrogen-containing organic compounds, e.g. molasse waste or urea by distillation of carbamates C01C3/02, C01C3/08, C01C3/14, C01C3/16; by decomposing formamide or ammonium formate C01C3/0204 C01C3/002Synthesis of metal cyanides or metal cyanamides from elementary nitrogen and carbides C01C3/003Cyanogen C01C3/004Halogenides of cyanogen C01C3/005Thiocyanogen C01C3/006Sulfurdicyanide C01C3/007Ammonium cyanide C01C3/008Cyanazide C01C3/02Preparation, separation or purification of hydrogen cyanide C01C3/001 takes precedence C01C3/0204from formamide or from ammonium formate C01C3/0208Preparation in gaseous phase C01C3/0212from hydrocarbons and ammonia in the presence of oxygen, e.g. the Andrussow-process C01C3/0216characterised by the catalyst used C01C3/022Apparatus therefor C01C3/0225characterised by the synthesis reactor C01C3/0229from hydrocarbons and ammonia in the absence of oxygen, e.g. HMA-process C01C3/0233making use of fluidised beds, e.g. the Shawinigan-process C01C3/0237from carbon monoxide and ammonia C01C3/0241from alcohols or aldehydes C01C3/0245from organic nitriles, e.g. acetonitrile C01C3/025by using a plasma C01C3/0254from cyanates or from thiocyanates C01C3/0258from cyanamides or derivatives thereof C01C3/0262from cyanides C01C3/0266from simple alkali or alkaline earth metal cyanides C01C3/027Alkali metal cyanides C01C3/0275Alkaline earth metal cyanides C01C3/0279from ammonium cyanide C01C3/0283from simple or complex cyanides of the noble metals C01C3/0287from simple or complex cyanides of other transition metals, e.g. from iron cyanides C01C3/0291from simple or complex cyanides of other metals C01C3/0295Purification C01C3/04Separation from gases C01C3/06Stabilisation of hydrogen cyanide C01C3/08Simple or complex cyanides of metals C01C3/001, C01C3/002 take precedence C01C3/10Simple alkali metal cyanides C01C3/11Complex cyanides C01C3/12Simple or complex iron cyanides C01C3/14Cyanic or isocyanic acidSalts thereof C01C3/001 takes precedence C01C3/145Isocyanic acid; Salts thereof C01C3/16CyanamideSalts thereof C01C3/001, C01C3/002 takes precedence; dicyandiamide C07C279/28 C01C3/18Calcium cyanamide C01C3/20Thiocyanic acidSalts thereof C01C3/001 takes precedence