C25CPROCESSES FOR THE ELECTROLYTIC PRODUCTION, RECOVERY OR REFINING OF METALSAPPARATUS THEREFORIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. C25C1/00 C25C1/00Electrolytic production, recovery or refining of metals by electrolysis of solutions C25C5/00 takes precedence C25C1/02of light metals C25C1/04in mercury cathode cells C25C1/06or iron group metals, refractory metals or manganese C25C1/08of nickel or cobalt C25C1/10of chromium or manganese C25C1/12of copper C25C1/14of tin C25C1/16of zinc, cadmium or mercury C25C1/18of lead C25C1/20of noble metals C25C1/22of metals not provided for in groups C25C1/02 - C25C1/20 C25C1/24Alloys obtained by cathodic reduction of all their ions C25C3/00Electrolytic production, recovery or refining of metals by electrolysis of melts C25C5/00 takes precedence C25C3/02of alkali or alkaline earth metals C25C3/04of magnesium C25C3/06of aluminium C25C3/08Cell construction, e.g. bottoms, walls, cathodes C25C3/085characterised by its non electrically conducting heat insulating parts C25C3/10External supporting frames or structures C25C3/12Anodes C25C3/125based on carbon C25C3/14Devices for feeding or crust breaking C25C3/16Electric current supply devices, e.g. bus bars C25C3/18Electrolytes C25C3/20Automatic control or regulation of cells controlling or regulating in general G05 C25C3/22Collecting emitted gases C25C3/24Refining C25C3/26of titanium, zirconium, hafnium, tantalum or vanadium C25C3/28of titanium C25C3/30of manganese C25C3/32of chromium C25C3/34of metals not provided for in groups C25C3/02 - C25C3/32 C25C3/36Alloys obtained by cathodic reduction of all their ions C25C5/00Electrolytic production, recovery or refining of metal powders or porous metal masses C25C5/02from solutions C25C5/04from melts C25C7/00Constructional parts, or assemblies thereof, of cellsServicing or operating of cells for the production of aluminium C25C3/06 - C25C3/22 C25C7/002of cells comprising at least an electrode made of particles C25C7/005, C25C7/02 - C25C7/06 take precedence C25C7/005of cells for the electrolysis of melts C25C7/02 - C25C7/06 take precedence C25C7/007of cells comprising at least a movable electrode C25C7/002, C25C7/02 - C25C7/06 take precedence C25C7/02Electrodes consumable anodes for the refining the metals C25C1/00 - C25C5/00Connections thereof C25C7/025used in cells for the electrolysis of melts C25C7/04DiaphragmsSpacing elements C25C7/06Operating or servicing C25C7/08Separating of deposited metals from the cathode