F02MSUPPLYING COMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL WITH COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURES OR CONSTITUENTS THEREOFAttention is drawn to the notes preceding class F01.In this subclass the following terms are used with the meanings indicated: "Carburettors" means essentially apparatus for mixing fuel with air, the fuel being brought into mixing contact with the air by lowering the air pressure, e.g. in a venturi; "Fuel injection apparatus" means apparatus for introducing fuel into a space, e.g. engine cylinder, by pressurising the fuel, e.g. by a pump acting behind the fuel, and thus embraces the so-called "solid fuel injection" in which liquid fuel is introduced without any admixture of gas; "Low-pressure fuel injection" means fuel injection in which the fuel-air mixture containing fuel thus injected will be substantially compressed in the compression stroke of the engine; "Pumping element" means a single piston-cylinder unit in a reciprocating-piston fuel-injection pump or the equivalent unit in any other type of fuel-injection pump.In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F02M1/00Carburettors for liquid fuels F02M1/00Carburettors with means for facilitating engine's starting or its idling below operational temperatures F02M1/005Remote display or control for displaying the operational situation of the starter F02M1/02the means to facilitate starting or idling being chokes for enriching fuel-air mixture automatic chokes F02M1/08 F02M1/04the means to facilitate starting or idling being auxiliary carburetting apparatus able to be put into, and out of, operation, e.g. having automatically-operated disc valves F02M1/043Auxiliary carburetting apparatus controlled by rotary sliding valves F02M1/046Auxiliary carburetting apparatus controlled by piston valves F02M1/06having axially-movable valves, e.g. piston-shaped F02M1/08the means to facilitate starting or idling becoming operative or inoperative automatically in connection with auxiliary carburetting apparatus F02M1/04 F02M1/10dependent on engine temperature, e.g. having thermostat F02M1/12with means for electrically heating thermostat F02M1/14dependent on pressure in combustion-air- or fuel-air-mixture intake dependent on both pressure in combustion-air or fuel-air-mixture intake and engine temperature F02M1/10 F02M1/16Other means for enriching fuel-air mixture during startingPriming cupsusing different fuels for starting and normal operation F02M1/165Vaporizing light fractions from the fuel and condensing them for use during starting F02M1/18Enriching fuel-air mixture by depressing float to flood carburettor F02M1/185Enriching the fuel-air mixture by altering the float chamber level by external means, e.g. by opening the input valve F02M3/00Idling devices for carburettors with means for facilitating engine's idling below operational temperatures F02M1/00 F02M3/005Idling fuel enrichment with motor driven instead of driving; Switching the fuel supply from the main to idling jet system F02M3/02Preventing flow of idling fuel F02M3/04under conditions where engine is driven instead of driving, e.g. driven by vehicle running down hill F02M3/041Removal of the fuel from the main jet system, e.g. by means of a pump F02M3/042Fuel cut-off by altering the pressure in the float chamber; Arrangement of pneumatic accumulators for pressure equalization F02M3/043Devices as described in F02M3/005, F02M3/041, F02M3/042, F02M3/045, F02M3/05 and F02M3/055 and also equipped with additional air F02M3/045Control of valves situated in the idling nozzle system, or the passage system, by electrical means or by a combination of electrical means with fluidic or mechanical means F02M3/05Pneumatic or mechanical control, e.g. with speed regulation F02M3/055Fuel flow cut-off by introducing air, e.g. brake air, into the idling fuel system F02M3/06Increasing idling speed F02M3/062by altering as a function of motor r.p.m. the throttle valve stop or the fuel conduit cross-section by means of pneumatic or hydraulic means external damping elements F02M19/122 F02M3/065by randomly altering the throttle valve stop F02M2003/067the valve for controlling the cross-section of the conduit being rotatable, but not being a screw-like valve F02M3/07by positioning the throttle flap stop, or by changing the fuel flow cross-sectional area, by electrical, electromechanical or electropneumatic means, according to engine speed F02M3/075the valve altering the fuel conduit cross-section being a slidable valve F02M3/08Other details of idling devices fighting ice-formation by heating idling ports F02M15/02 F02M3/09Valves responsive to engine conditions, e.g. manifold vacuum carburettors with means for facilitating engine's idling below operational temperatures F02M1/00 F02M3/10Fuel metering pinsNozzles F02M2003/105Needle adjustment limiter caps F02M3/12Passageway systems F02M3/14Location of idling system outlet relative to throttle valve F02M5/00Float-controlled apparatus for maintaining a constant fuel level F02M5/02with provisions to meet variations in carburettor position, e.g. upside-down position in aircraft F02M5/04with pivotally or rotatably mounted float chambers basic adjustment of float chambers having variable position F02M5/14 F02M5/06having adjustable float mechanism, e.g. to meet dissimilarities in specific gravity of different fuels F02M5/08having means for venting float chambers F02M5/085consisting of an overflow from the float chamber F02M5/10having means for preventing vapour lock, e.g. insulated float chambers or forced fuel circulation through float chamber with engine stopped F02M5/105Auxiliary input valve which can be regulated to obtain an increased fuel supply from the float chamber F02M5/12Other details, e.g. floats, valves, setting devices or tools F02M5/125Shape of the jet needle F02M5/14Float chambers, e.g. adjustable in position float chamber with a built-in intermediate reservoir F02M7/06 F02M5/16Floats F02M7/00Carburettors with means for influencing, e.g. enriching or keeping constant, fuel/air ratio of charge under varying conditions choke valves for starting F02M1/00 F02M7/02Carburettors having aerated fuel spray nozzles F02M7/025Fuel cut-off by introducing brake air in the conduit system leading to the main jet fuel cut-off by introducing brake air into the idling fuel system F02M3/055 F02M7/04Means for enriching charge at high combustion-air flow F02M7/045Mechanical adjustment of the spray nozzle cross-section in connection with the choke F02M7/06Means for enriching charge on sudden air throttle opening, i.e. at acceleration, e.g. storage means in passage way system F02M7/08using pumps F02M7/083a pump sucking fuel from the conduit system leading to the spray nozzle downstream of the metering cross-section during deceleration F02M7/087changing output according to temperature in engine F02M7/093changing output according to intake vacuum F02M7/10Other installations, without moving parts, for influencing fuel/air ratio, e.g. electrical means fuel aerating devices for influencing fuel/air ratio F02M7/23 F02M7/103with self-acting equaliser jets F02M7/106Fluid amplifier as a device for influencing the fuel-air mixture F02M7/11Altering float-chamber pressure enriching the fuel-air mixture during starting by depressing float to flood carburettor F02M1/18 F02M7/12Other installations, with moving parts, for influencing fuel/air ratio, e.g. having valves F02M7/24 takes precedence F02M7/127Altering the float-chamber pressure enriching the fuel-air mixture during starting by depressing float to flood carburettor F02M1/18 F02M7/133Auxiliary jets, i.e. operating only under certain conditions, e.g. full power means for enriching charge at high combustion-air flow F02M7/04; means for enriching charge on sudden throttle opening, i.e. at acceleration F02M7/06 F02M7/14with means for controlling cross-sectional area of fuel spray nozzle dependent on air-throttle valve position F02M7/22 F02M7/16operated automatically, e.g. dependent on exhaust-gas analysis F02M7/17by a pneumatically adjustable piston-like element, e.g. constant depression carburettors F02M7/18with means for controlling cross-sectional area of fuel-metering orifice dependent on air-throttle position F02M7/22 F02M7/20operated automatically, e.g. dependent on altitude F02M7/22fuel flow cross-sectional area being controlled dependent on air-throttle-valve position the throttle valve being slidably arranged transversely to air passage F02M9/06 F02M7/225The fuel orifice opening is controlled by a manually actuatable throttle valve so as to vary the cross-sectional area of the orifice F02M7/23Fuel aerating devices F02M7/24Controlling flow of aerating air F02M7/245Accessories, e.g. sieves, accelerating wheels, whirl generating devices and the like, for the intimate mixing of emulsifying air with fuel F02M7/26dependent on position of optionally operable throttle means F02M7/28dependent on temperature or pressure F02M9/00Carburettors having air or fuel-air mixture passage throttling valves other than of butterfly type register-type carburettors F02M11/00Carburettors having fuel-air mixing chambers of variable shape or position F02M9/02having throttling valves, e.g. of piston shape, slidably arranged transversely to the passage F02M9/023General constructional elements F02M9/026with plate-like throttle valve F02M9/04with throttling valves sliding in a plane inclined to the passage F02M9/06with means for varying cross-sectional area of fuel spray nozzle dependent on throttle position installations, operated automatically by a pneumatically adjustable piston-like element, for influencing fuel/air ratio F02M7/17 F02M9/065Automatically and not automatically controlled throttle valves operating mutually F02M9/08having throttling valves rotatably mounted in the passage F02M9/085Fuel spray nozzles in the throttling valves F02M9/10having valves, or like controls, of elastic-wall type for controlling the passage, or for varying cross-sectional area, of fuel-air mixing chambers or of the entry passage F02M9/103Mechanical control F02M9/106Pneumatic or hydraulic control F02M9/12having other specific means for controlling the passage, or for varying cross-sectional area, of fuel-air mixing chambers F02M9/121Iris diaphragms F02M9/122consisting of lamellae or wires, e.g. a hyperboloid formed by twisting a wire cylinder F02M9/123Spiral springs F02M9/124Throttle valves with an action corresponding to those in apparatus for re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture shape of throttle valves F02M3/14 F02M9/125specially shaped throttle valves not otherwise covered in groups F02M9/121 - F02M9/124 F02M9/127Axially movable throttle valves concentric with the axis of the mixture passage F02M9/1275Venturi-nozzle shaped type, e.g. a venturi nozzle being moved relative to a fixed mushroom-shaped body F02M9/133the throttle valves having mushroom-shaped bodies F02M9/14having venturi and nozzle relatively displaceable essentially along the venture axis F02M11/00Multi-stage carburettors, Register-type carburettors, i.e. with slidable or rotatable throttling valves in which a plurality of fuel nozzles, other than only an idling nozzle and a main one, are sequentially exposed to air stream by throttling valve F02M11/02with throttling valve, e.g. of flap or butterfly type, in a later stage opening automatically F02M11/04the later stage valves having damping means F02M11/06Other carburettors with throttling valve of flap or butterfly type F02M11/08Register carburettors with throttling valve movable transversally to air passage F02M11/10Register carburettors with rotatable throttling valves F02M11/105Shape of the idling system F02M13/00Arrangements of two or more separate carburettors re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture F02M29/00Carburettors using more than one fuel apparatus for adding small quantities of secondary fuel F02M25/00 F02M13/02Separate carburettors F02M13/021Particular constructional measures of the intake conduits between carburettors and cylinder F02M13/023Special construction of the control rods F02M13/025Equalizing pipes between the carburettors, e.g. between the float chambers F02M13/026Common functional groups for several carburettors, e.g. common idling system F02M13/028Tuning apparatus for multi-stage carburettors installations other carburettor tuning apparatus F02M19/01 F02M13/04structurally united F02M13/043arranged in series, e.g. initial and main carburettor F02M13/046arranged in parallel, e.g. initial and main carburettor F02M13/06the carburettors using different fuels F02M13/08Carburettors adapted to use liquid and gaseous fuels, e.g. alternatively F02M15/00Carburettors with heating, cooling or thermal insulating means for combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture F02M15/02with heating means, e.g. to combat ice-formation F02M15/022near to manually operated throttle valve F02M15/025Fuel preheating F02M15/027Air or air-fuel mixture preheating F02M15/04the means being electrical F02M15/045for the fuel system, e.g. built into the fuel conduits or nozzles F02M15/06Heat shieldings, e.g. from engine radiations F02M17/00Carburettors having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of preceding main groups F02M1/00 - F02M15/00 apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture by catalysts, electric means, magnetism, rays, sonic waves, or the like F02M27/00; combinations of carburettors and low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus F02M71/00 F02M17/02Floatless carburettors F02M17/04having fuel inlet valve controlled by diaphragm F02M17/06having overflow chamber determining constant fuel level F02M17/08Carburettors having one or more fuel passages opening in a valve-seat surrounding combustion-air passage, the valve being opened by passing air F02M17/09the valve being of an eccentrically mounted butterfly type F02M17/10Carburettors having one or more fuel passages opening in valve-member of air throttle F02M17/12the valve member being of butterfly type F02M17/14Carburettors with fuel-supply parts opened and closed in synchronism with engine stroke Valve carburettors F02M17/142with the fuel exit nozzles in or near the valve seat or valve F02M17/145the valve being opened by the pressure of the passing fluid F02M17/147Valve carburettor with simultaneous air and fuel control F02M17/16Carburettors having continuously-rotating bodies, e.g. surface carburettors F02M17/18Other surface carburettors F02M17/20with fuel bath F02M17/22with air bubbling through bath F02M17/24with wicks F02M17/26with other wetted bodies F02M17/28fuel being drawn through a porous body F02M17/30Carburettors with fire-protecting devices, e.g. combined with fire-extinguishing apparatus F02M17/32automatically closing fuel conduits on outbreak of fire fire protection devices for stopping flow from or in pipes or hoses F16L55/1026 F02M17/34Other carburettors combined or associated with other apparatus, e.g. air filters F02M17/36Carburettors having fitments facilitating their cleaning F02M17/38Controlling of carburettors, not otherwise provided for external control gear F02M19/12 F02M17/40Selection of particular materials for carburettors, e.g. sheet metal, plastic, or translucent materials F02M17/42Float-controlled carburettors not otherwise provided for F02M17/44Carburettors characterised by draught direction and not otherwise provided for , e.g. for model aeroplanes F02M17/46with down- draught F02M17/48with up- draught and float draught, e.g. for lawnmower and chain saw motors F02M17/50Carburettors having means for combating ice-formation thermally F02M15/02 F02M17/52Use of cold, produced by carburettors, for other purposes F02M17/525Use of the intake conduit vacuum F02M19/00Details, component parts, or accessories of carburettors, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups F02M1/00 - F02M17/00 F02M19/01Apparatus for testing, tuning, or synchronising carburettors, e.g. carburettor glow stands F02M19/02Metering-orifices, e.g. variable in diameter variable during operation F02M7/18 F02M19/0203the cross-sectional area being changed pneumatically, e.g. vacuum dependent F02M19/0207the cross-sectional area being changed electrically F02M19/021the cross-sectional area being changed mechanically F02M19/0214Changing the nozzle cross-sectional area as a function of temperature F02M19/0217Movable mushroom-shaped spray nozzles F02M19/0221with a roughened spray stimulating surface or the like, e.g. sieves near to the nozzle orifice F02M19/0225Arrangement of nozzle in the suction passage idling nozzles F02M3/08 F02M19/0228Ring nozzles F02M19/0232Fuel nozzle with device for return flow of leaked fuel F02M19/0235Arrangements of several spray nozzles not provided for in F02M3/00 or F02M11/00 F02M19/0239in a fixed aerofoil profile F02M19/0242with inserts of porous material F02M19/0246Nozzle cleaning F02M19/025Metering orifices not variable in diameter F02M19/03Fuel atomising nozzlesArrangement of emulsifying air conduits F02M19/035Mushroom-shaped atomising nozzles F02M19/04Fuel-metering pins or needles F02M19/06Other details of fuel conduits F02M19/063Built-in electric heaters F02M19/066Built-in cleaning elements, e.g. filters F02M19/08Venturis F02M19/081Shape of venturis or cross-section of mixture passages being adjustable F02M19/082Venturi section being axially slidable in the mixture passages F02M19/083Venturi section consisting of a lamellae spring-like structure F02M19/085venturi section being made from elastic material, e.g. from rubber-like material F02M19/086Venturi suction bypass systems F02M19/087Venturi throat consisting of automatically adjusting balls F02M19/088Whirl devices and other atomising means in or on the venturi walls F02M19/10in multiple arrangement , e.g. arranged in series, fixed, arranged radially offset with respect to each other F02M19/105movable axially relative to each other F02M19/12External control gear, e.g. having dash-pots dampening means in later stages of multi-stage carburettors F02M11/04 F02M19/122Damping elements pneumatic or hydraulic means for increasing idling speed F02M3/062 F02M19/124Connecting rods between at least two throttle valves F02M1/02 takes precedence F02M19/126Connecting rods between at least a throttle valve and an accelerating pump F02M7/08 takes precedence F02M19/128Reserve throttle idle return spring, e.g. for use upon failure of the main spring F02M21/00 F02M21/00Apparatus for supplying engines with non-liquid fuels, e.g. gaseous fuels stored in liquid form F02M21/02for gaseous fuels F02M21/0203characterised by the type of gaseous fuel F02M21/0206Non-hydrocarbon fuels, e.g. hydrogen, ammonia or carbon monoxide F02M21/0209Hydrocarbon fuels, e.g. methane or acetylene F02M21/0212comprising at least 3 C-Atoms, e.g. liquefied petroleum gas [LPG], propane or butane F02M21/0215Mixtures of gaseous fuels; Natural gas; Biogas; Mine gas; Landfill gas F02M21/0218Details on the gaseous fuel supply system, e.g. tanks, valves, pipes, pumps, rails, injectors or mixers F02M21/0221Fuel storage reservoirs, e.g. cryogenic tanks F02M21/0224Secondary gaseous fuel storages F02M21/0227Means to treat or clean gaseous fuels or fuel systems, e.g. removal of tar, cracking, reforming or enriching F02M21/023Valves; Pressure or flow regulators in the fuel supply or return system F02M21/0233Details of actuators therefor F02M21/0236Multi-way valves; Multiple valves forming a multi-way valve system F02M21/0239Pressure or flow regulators therefor F02M21/0242Shut-off valves; Check valves; Safety valves; Pressure relief valves F02M21/0245High pressure fuel supply systems; Rails; Pumps; Arrangement of valves F02M21/0248Injectors F02M21/0251Details of actuators therefor F02M21/0254Electric actuators, e.g. solenoid or piezoelectric F02M21/0257Details of the valve closing elements, e.g. valve seats, stems or arrangement of flow passages F02M21/026Lift valves, i.e. stem operated valves F02M21/0263Inwardly opening single or multi nozzle valves, e.g. needle valves F02M21/0266Hollow stem valves; Piston valves; Stems having a spherical tip F02M21/0269Outwardly opening valves, e.g. poppet valves F02M21/0272Ball valves; Plate valves; Valves having deformable or flexible parts, e.g. membranes; Rotatable valves F02M21/0275for in-cylinder direct injection, e.g. injector combined with spark plug F02M21/0278Port fuel injectors for single or multipoint injection into the air intake system F02M21/0281Adapters, sockets or the like to mount injection valves onto engines; Fuel guiding passages between injectors and the air intake system or the combustion chamber F02M21/0284Arrangement of multiple injectors or fuel-air mixers per combustion chamber F02M21/0287characterised by the transition from liquid to gaseous phase F02M21/06 takes precedence; Injection in liquid phase; Cooling and low temperature storage F02M21/029Arrangement on engines or vehicle bodies; Conversion to gaseous fuel supply systems F02M21/0293Safety devices; Fail-safe measures F02M21/0296Manufacturing or assembly; Materials, e.g. coatings F02M21/04Gas-air mixing apparatus F02M21/042Mixer comprising a plurality of bores or flow passages F02M21/045Vortex mixer F02M21/047Venturi mixer F02M21/06Apparatus for de-liquefying, e.g. by heating F02M21/08for non-gaseous fuels F02M21/10for fuels with low melting point, e.g. apparatus having heating means F02M21/12for fuels in pulverised state F02M23/00Engine-pertinent apparatus for feeding, or treating before their admission to engine, combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture treatment by admission of activating fluids F02M23/00Apparatus for adding secondary air to fuel-air mixture F02M23/001built into a flange F02M23/003Particular shape of air intake F02M23/005with a damping element in the secondary air control F02M23/006Valves specially shaped for supplying secondary air F02M2023/008by injecting compressed air directly into the combustion chamber F02M23/02with personal control, or with secondary-air valve controlled by main combustion-air throttle F02M23/025Optional operation by means of a hand or foot switch F02M23/03the secondary air-valve controlled by main combustion-air throttle F02M23/04with automatic control F02M23/06dependent on engine speed F02M23/062Secondary air flow cut-off at low speed F02M23/065Secondary air flow cut-off at high torque F02M23/067Secondary air admission flow at high speeds and with the main butterfly valve closed, e.g. during deceleration F02M23/08dependent on pressure in main combustion-air induction system , e.g. pneumatic-type apparatus F02M23/085specially adapted for secondary air admission during braking or travelling down steep slopes F02M23/09using valves directly opened by low pressure F02M23/095with balls which are not spring loaded F02M23/10dependent on temperature, e.g. engine temperature F02M23/12characterised by being combined with device for, or by secondary air effecting, re-atomising of condensed fuel F02M23/14characterised by adding hot secondary air F02M25/00Engine-pertinent apparatus for adding non-fuel substances or small quantities of secondary fuel to combustion-air, main fuel or fuel-air mixture adding secondary air to fuel-air mixture F02M23/00; adding exhaust gases F02M26/00; fuel-injection apparatus operating simultaneously on two or more fuels or on a liquid fuel and another liquid F02M43/00 F02M25/022Adding fuel and water emulsion, water or steam F02M25/0221Details of the water supply system, e.g. pumps or arrangement of valves F02M25/0222Water recovery or storage F02M25/0224Water treatment or cleaning F02M25/032 takes precedence F02M25/0225Water atomisers or mixers, e.g. using ultrasonic waves F02M25/0227Control aspects; Arrangement of sensors; Diagnostics; Actuators F02M25/0228Adding fuel and water emulsion F02M25/025Adding water F02M25/028into the charge intakes F02M25/03into the cylinder or the pre-combustion chamber F02M25/032Producing and adding steam F02M25/035into the charge intakes F02M25/038into the cylinder or the pre-combustion chamber F02M25/06adding lubricant vapours F02M25/08adding fuel vapours drawn from engine fuel reservoir electrical control of purge system F02D41/003 F02M25/0809Judging failure of purge control system F02M25/0818having means for pressurising the evaporative emission space F02M25/0827by monitoring engine running conditions F02M25/0836Arrangement of valves controlling the admission of fuel vapour to an engine, e.g. valve being disposed between fuel tank or absorption canister and intake manifold F02M2025/0845Electromagnetic valves F02M25/0854Details of the absorption canister F02M2025/0863with means dealing with condensed fuel or water, e.g. having a liquid trap F02M25/0872Details of the fuel vapour pipes or conduits F02M2025/0881with means to heat or cool the canister F02M25/089Layout of the fuel vapour installation F02M25/10adding acetylene, non-waterborne hydrogen, non-airborne oxygen, or ozone F02M25/12the apparatus having means for generating such gases using rays and simultaneously generating ozone F02M27/06 F02M25/14adding anti-knock agents, not provided for in subgroups F02M25/022 - F02M25/10 F02M26/00Engine-pertinent apparatus for adding exhaust gases to combustion-air, main fuel or fuel-air mixture, e.g. by exhaust gas recirculation [EGR] systems F02M2026/001Arrangements; Control features; Details F02M2026/002EGR valve being controlled by vacuum or overpressure F02M2026/0025Intake vacuum or overpressure modulating valve F02M2026/003EGR valve controlled by air measuring device F02M2026/004EGR valve controlled by a temperature signal or an air/fuel ratio (lambda) signal F02M2026/005EGR valve controlled by an engine speed signal F02M2026/0055EGR valve controlled by inertia, e.g. having a pendulum controlling the EGR valve F02M2026/006EGR specially adapted for intake systems having two or more fuel injectors per cylinder F02M2026/007EGR specially adapted for engines having two or more spark plugs per cylinder F02M2026/008EGR specially adapted for engines having a combustion chamber divided by the piston at TDC into two or more sub-chambers F02M2026/009EGR combined with means to change air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, charge swirl in the cylinder F02M26/01Internal exhaust gas recirculation, i.e. wherein the residual exhaust gases are trapped in the cylinder or pushed back from the intake or the exhaust manifold into the combustion chamber without the use of additional passages F02M26/02EGR systems specially adapted for supercharged engines F02M26/03with a single mechanically or electrically driven intake charge compressor F02M26/04with a single turbocharger F02M26/05High pressure loops, i.e. wherein recirculated exhaust gas is taken out from the exhaust system upstream of the turbine and reintroduced into the intake system downstream of the compressor F02M26/06Low pressure loops, i.e. wherein recirculated exhaust gas is taken out from the exhaust downstream of the turbocharger turbine and reintroduced into the intake system upstream of the compressor F02M26/07Mixed pressure loops, i.e. wherein recirculated exhaust gas is either taken out upstream of the turbine and reintroduced upstream of the compressor, or is taken out downstream of the turbine and reintroduced downstream of the compressor F02M26/08for engines having two or more intake charge compressors or exhaust gas turbines, e.g. a turbocharger combined with an additional compressor F02M26/09Constructional details, e.g. structural combinations of EGR systems and supercharger systemsArrangement of the EGR and supercharger systems with respect to the engine F02M26/10having means to increase the pressure difference between the exhaust and intake system, e.g. venturis, variable geometry turbines, check valves using pressure pulsations or throttles in the air intake or exhaust system F02M26/11Manufacture or assembly of EGR systemsMaterials or coatings specially adapted for EGR systems F02M26/12characterised by means for attaching parts of an EGR system to each other or to engine parts F02M26/13Arrangement or layout of EGR passages, e.g. in relation to specific engine parts or for incorporation of accessories F02M26/14in relation to the exhaust system F02M26/15in relation to engine exhaust purifying apparatus F02M26/16with EGR valves located at or near the connection to the exhaust system F02M26/17in relation to the intake system F02M26/18Thermal insulation or heat protection F02M26/19Means for improving the mixing of air and recirculated exhaust gases, e.g. venturis or multiple openings to the intake system F02M26/20Feeding recirculated exhaust gases directly into the combustion chambers or into the intake runners F02M26/21with EGR valves located at or near the connection to the intake system F02M26/22with coolers in the recirculation passage F02M26/23Layout, e.g. schematics F02M26/24with two or more coolers F02M26/25with coolers having bypasses F02M26/26characterised by details of the bypass valve F02M26/27with air-cooled heat exchangers F02M26/28with liquid-cooled heat exchangers F02M26/29Constructional details of the coolers, e.g. pipes, plates, ribs, insulation or materials F02M26/30Connections of coolers to other devices, e.g. to valves, heaters, compressors or filtersCoolers characterised by their location on the engine F02M26/31Air-cooled heat exchangers F02M26/32Liquid-cooled heat exchangers F02M26/33controlling the temperature of the recirculated gases F02M26/34with compressors, turbines or the like in the recirculation passage F02M26/35with means for cleaning or treating the recirculated gases, e.g. catalysts, condensate traps, particle filters or heaters F02M26/36with means for adding fluids other than exhaust gas to the recirculation passagewith reformers F02M26/37with temporary storage of recirculated exhaust gas internal exhaust gas recirculation F02M26/01 F02M26/38with two or more EGR valves disposed in parallel F02M26/39with two or more EGR valves disposed in series F02M26/40with timing means in the recirculation passage, e.g. cyclically operating valves or regeneratorswith arrangements involving pressure pulsations F02M26/41characterised by the arrangement of the recirculation passage in relation to the engine, e.g. to cylinder heads, liners, spark plugs or manifoldscharacterised by the arrangement of the recirculation passage in relation to specially adapted combustion chambers F02M26/42having two or more EGR passagesEGR systems specially adapted for engines having two or more cylinders F02M26/43in which exhaust from only one cylinder or only a group of cylinders is directed to the intake of the engine F02M26/44in which a main EGR passage is branched into multiple passages F02M26/45Sensors specially adapted for EGR systems F02M26/46for determining the characteristics of gases, e.g. composition F02M26/47the characteristics being temperatures, pressures or flow rates F02M26/48EGR valve position sensors details of the sensor installation in the valve housing F02M26/72 F02M26/49Detecting, diagnosing or indicating an abnormal function of the EGR system F02M26/50Arrangements or methods for preventing or reducing deposits, corrosion or wear caused by impurities arrangement or layout of EGR passages with means for cleaning or treating the recirculated gases F02M26/35; protection of EGR valves from damage F02M26/74 F02M26/51EGR valves combined with other devices, e.g. with intake valves or compressors combined with intake air throttles F02M26/64 F02M26/52Systems for actuating EGR valves F02M26/53using electric actuators, e.g. solenoids F02M26/54Rotary actuators, e.g. step motors F02M26/55using vacuum actuators F02M26/56having pressure modulation valves F02M26/57using electronic means, e.g. electromagnetic valves F02M26/58Constructional details of the actuatorMounting thereof F02M26/59using positive pressure actuatorsCheck valves therefor F02M26/60in response to air intake pressure F02M26/61in response to exhaust pressure F02M26/615the exhaust back pressure F02M26/62in response to fuel pressure F02M26/63the EGR valve being directly controlled by an operator the EGR valve being operated together with an intake air throttle F02M26/64 F02M26/64the EGR valve being operated together with an intake air throttle F02M26/65Constructional details of EGR valves F02M26/66Lift valves, e.g. poppet valves F02M26/67PintlesSpindlesSpringsBearingsSealingsConnections to actuators F02M26/68Closing membersValve seatsFlow passages F02M26/69having two or more valve-closing members F02M26/70Flap valvesRotary valvesSliding valvesResilient valves F02M26/71Multi-way valves F02M26/72Housings F02M26/73with means for heating or cooling the EGR valve F02M26/74Protection from damage, e.g. shielding means F02M27/00Apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture, by catalysts, electric means, magnetism, rays, sound waves, or the like F02M27/02by catalysts F02M27/04by electric means, ionisation, polarisation or magnetism F02M27/042by plasma F02M27/045by permanent magnets F02M2027/047with a pulsating magnetic field F02M27/06by rays , e.g. infra-red and ultra-violet F02M27/065Radioactive radiation F02M27/08by sonic or ultrasonic waves F02M29/00Apparatus for re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture combined with secondary-air supply F02M23/12 ; collecting condensed fuel F02M33/02 F02M29/02having rotary parts , e.g. fan wheels F02M29/04having screens, gratings, baffles or the like F02M29/06generating whirling motion of mixture F02M29/08having spirally-wound wires F02M29/10adjustable F02M29/12having homogenising valves held open by mixture current F02M29/14re-atomising or homogenising being effected by unevenness of internal surfaces of mixture intake F02M31/00Apparatus for thermally treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture carburettors with heating, cooling or thermal insulating means for combustion-air, fuel or fuel-air mixture F02M15/00; apparatus for de-liquefying non-liquid fuels by heating F02M21/06; apparatus having heating means for non-gaseous fuels with low melting point F02M21/10; apparatus characterised by adding hot secondary air to fuel-air mixture F02M23/14; fuel-injection apparatus characterised by having heating, cooling or thermally insulating means F02M53/00 F02M31/005using a heat-pipe heat-pipe per se F28D F02M31/02for heating F02M31/005 takes precedence; for purifying liquid fuel F02M37/30 F02M31/04combustion-air or fuel-air mixture electrically F02M31/12; by using heat from working cylinders or cylinder heads F02M31/14; heating of combustion-air as an engine starting aid F02N7/04 F02M31/042Combustion air F02M31/045Fuel-air mixture F02M31/047for fuel enriched partial mixture flow path F02M31/06by hot gases, e.g. by mixing cold and hot air F02M31/062with thermostat and pneumatic actuator both working on the air mixture control valve F02M31/064pneumatically controlled F02M31/062 takes precedence F02M31/066operated manually, e.g. by means of valves on the air filter F02M31/068particular constructional aspects of the switching devices, e.g. connecting linkage between two control valves F02M31/07Temperature-responsive control, e.g. using thermostatically-controlled valves temperature-responsive control of the amount of exhaust gas or combustion air directed to the heat exchange surface F02M31/083 F02M31/08the gases being exhaust gases adding exhaust gases to the air intake passage F02M26/00 F02M31/0805Pneumatic control of the amount of exhaust gas or combustion air directed to the heat exchange surfaces, e.g. as a function of the pressure in the air intake passage F02M31/081Manual switching of the fluids directed to the heat exchange surfaces F02M31/0815Heat exchange surfaces arranged inside a flange F02M31/082Particular shape of air input passage near to the branch F02M31/0825Particular constructional characteristics of the heat exchange surfaces, e.g. finned pipes, coiled pipes or the like F02M31/083Temperature-responsive control of the amount of exhaust gas or combustion air directed to the heat exchange surface F02M31/087Heat-exchange arrangements between the air intake and exhaust gas passages, e.g. by means of contact between the passages F02M31/093Air intake passage surrounding the exhaust gas passageExhaust gas passage surrounding the air intake passage F02M31/10by hot liquids, e.g. lubricants or cooling water F02M31/102Particular constructional characteristics of the shape of the heat exchange surfaces F02M31/105Particular constructional characteristics of the switching apparatus F02M31/107Controlled or manual switching F02M31/12electrically F02M31/125Fuel F02M31/13Combustion air F02M31/135Fuel-air mixture F02M31/14by using heat from working cylinders or cylinder heads F02M31/145with particular constructional means F02M31/16Other apparatus for heating fuel F02M31/163Preheating by burning an auxiliary mixture F02M31/166with mechanical generation of heat, e.g. by surface friction F02M31/18to vaporise fuel F02M31/183Control F02M31/186with simultaneous mixing of secondary air F02M31/20for cooling F02M31/005 takes precedence; use of cold F02M17/52; cooling of charging-air or of scavenging-air F02B29/04 F02M31/205Control F02M33/00Other apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel or fuel-air mixture combustion-air cleaners F02M35/00; arrangements for purifying liquid fuel F02M37/22 F02M33/02for collecting and returning condensed fuel apparatus for re-atomising condensed fuel F02M29/00 F02M33/025Means not otherwise provided for F02M33/04returning to the intake passage F02M33/043Coating of the intake passage with a porous material F02M33/046Coating of the intake passage with material preventing the formation of condensation F02M33/06with simultaneous heat supply F02M33/08returning to the fuel tank F02M35/00Combustion-air cleaners, air intakes, intake silencers, or induction systems specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines F02M35/02Air cleaners F02M35/0201Housings; Casings; Frame constructions; Lids; Manufacturing or assembling thereof F02M35/0202Manufacturing or assembling; Materials for air cleaner housings F02M35/0203by using clamps, catches, locks or the like, e.g. for disposable plug-in filter cartridges F02M35/0204for connecting or joining to other devices, e.g. pipes F02M35/0205Details, e.g. sensors or measuring devices F02M35/0207on the clean air side F02M35/0208with sensing means on both, the air feeding side and the clean air side F02M35/0209comprising flexible, resilient, movable or rotatable elements, e.g. with vibrating or contracting movements; Springs; Valves; Flaps F02M35/06, F02M35/08 take precedence F02M35/021Arrangements of air flow meters in or on air cleaner housings F02M35/0212Multiple cleaners F02M35/0214arranged concentrically or coaxially F02M35/0215arranged in parallel F02M35/0216arranged in series, e.g. pre- and main filter in series F02M35/0217acting by electric discharge; Electrostatic precipitators therefor F02M35/0218acting by absorption or adsorption; trapping or removing vapours or liquids, e.g. originating from fuel F02M35/022acting by gravity, by centrifugal, or by other inertial forces, e.g. with moistened walls F02M35/0223by centrifugal forces, e.g. cyclones F02M35/0226by gravity or by mass inertia, e.g. labyrinths, deflectors F02M35/024using filters, e.g. moistened F02M35/026 takes precedence; cleaning of the filtering material F02M35/08 F02M35/02408Manufacturing filter elements F02M35/02416Fixing, mounting, supporting or arranging filter elements; Filter element cartridges F02M35/02425Support structures increasing the stability or stiffness of the filter element F02M35/02433Special alignment with respect to the air intake flow, e.g. angled or in longitudinal flow direction F02M35/02441Materials or structure of filter elements, e.g. foams F02M35/0245Pleated, folded, corrugated filter elements, e.g. made of paper F02M35/02458consisting of multiple layers, e.g. coarse and fine filters; Coatings; Impregnations; Wet or moistened filter elements F02M35/02466Meshes; Grids; Perforated plates F02M35/02475characterised by the shape of the filter element F02M35/02483Cylindrical, conical, oval, spherical or the like filter elements; wounded filter elements F02M35/02491Flat filter elements, e.g. rectangular F02M35/026acting by guiding the air over or through an oil or other liquid bath, e.g. combined with filters F02M35/04specially arranged with respect to engine , to intake system or specially adapted to vehicleMounting thereon ; Combinations with other devices combined with silencers F02M35/14 F02M35/042combined with other devices, e.g. heaters F02M35/021, F02M35/06, F02M35/14 take precedence; for use other than engine air intake cleaning, e.g. air intake filters arranged in the fuel vapour recovery system F02M35/044Special arrangements of cleaners in or with respect to the air intake system, e.g. in the intake plenum, in ducts or with respect to carburettors F02M35/046Inline cleaners, i.e. the cleaner being arranged along the length of a wall of a pipe or manifold F02M35/048Arranging or mounting on or with respect to engines or vehicle bodies F02M35/06combined or associated with engine's cooling blower or fan, or with flywheel F02M35/08with means for removing dust, particles or liquids from cleanerswith means for indicating cloggingwith by-pass means; Regeneration of cleaners F02M35/082By-pass means F02M35/084Dust collection chambers or discharge sockets, e.g. chambers fed by gravity or closed by a valve F02M35/086Dust removal by flushing, blasting, pulsating or aspirating flow, washing or the like; Mechanical dust removal, e.g. by using scrapers F02M35/088Water, snow or ice proofing; Separation or drainage of water, snow or ice F02M35/09Clogging indicators ; Diagnosis or testing of air cleaners sensors therefore F02M35/10373 F02M35/10Air intakesInduction systems F02M35/10006characterised by the position of elements of the air intake system in direction of the air intake flow, i.e. between ambient air inlet and supply to the combustion chamber F02M35/10013Means upstream of the air filter; Connection to the ambient air F02M35/10019Means upstream of the fuel injection system, carburettor or plenum chamber F02M35/10013 takes precedence F02M35/10026Plenum chambers F02M35/10032specially shaped or arranged connecting duct between carburettor or air inlet duct and the plenum chamber; specially positioned carburettors or throttle bodies with respect to the plenum chamber F02M35/10039Intake ducts situated partly within or on the plenum chamber housing F02M35/10045Multiple plenum chambers; Plenum chambers having inner separation walls for V-engines F02M35/116; for resonance charging F02B27/02 F02M35/10052special shapes or arrangements of plenum chambers; Constructional details F02M35/10059Swirl chamber upstream of the plenum chamber F02M35/10065Valves arranged in the plenum chamber F02M35/10072Intake runners F02M35/10078Connections of intake systems to the engine F02M35/10085having a connecting piece, e.g. a flange, between the engine and the air intake being foreseen with a throttle valve, fuel injector, mixture ducts or the like F02M35/10091characterised by details of intake ducts: shapes; connections; arrangements ducts within or on the plenum chamber F02M35/10039 F02M35/10098Straight ducts F02M35/10104Substantially vertically arranged ducts F02M35/10111Substantially V-, C- or U-shaped ducts in direction of the flow path F02M35/10118with variable cross-sections of intake ducts along their length; Venturis; Diffusers F02M35/10124Ducts with special cross-sections, e.g. non-circular cross-section F02M35/10131Ducts situated in more than one plane; Ducts of one plane crossing ducts of another plane F02M35/10137Flexible ducts, e.g. bellows or hoses F02M35/10144Connections of intake ducts to each other or to another device F02M35/1015characterised by the engine type engine intake manifolds F02M35/104 F02M35/10157Supercharged engines F02M35/10163having air intakes specially adapted to selectively deliver naturally aspirated fluid or supercharged fluid F02M35/1017Small engines, e.g. for handheld tools, or model engines; Single cylinder engines F02M35/10177Engines having multiple fuel injectors or carburettors per cylinder F02M35/10183Engines having intake ducts fed from a separate carburettor or injector, the idling system being considered as a separate carburettor F02M35/1019Two-stroke engines; Reverse-flow scavenged or cross scavenged engines F02M35/10196Carburetted engines F02M35/10203Rotary, e.g. "Wankel", engines; Engines with cylinders in star arrangement; Radial piston engines; W-engines F02M35/112 and F02M35/116 take precedence F02M35/10209Fluid connections to the air intake system; their arrangement of pipes, valves or the like F02M35/10216Fuel injectors; Fuel pipes or rails; Fuel pumps or pressure regulators F02M35/10222Exhaust gas recirculation [EGR]; Positive crankcase ventilation [PCV]; Additional air admission, lubricant or fuel vapour admission F02M35/10229the intake system acting as a vacuum or overpressure source for auxiliary devices, e.g. brake systems; Vacuum chambers air storage chamber F02B21/00 F02M35/10236Overpressure or vacuum relief means; Burst protection F02M35/10242Devices or means connected to or integrated into air intakes; Air intakes combined with other engine or vehicle parts filters F02M35/02; silencers F02M35/12 and F02M35/14; air coolers F02B29/04; heaters F02M31/00; air storage tanks F02B21/00; compressors F02B33/00; sensors F02M35/10373 F02M35/10249Electrical or electronic devices fixed to the intake system; Electric wiring electric heaters F02M31/12; sensors F02M35/10373 F02M35/10255Arrangements of valves; Multi-way valves F02M35/10032 takes precedence; valves in the plenum chamber F02M35/10065; check valves F02M35/10275 F02M35/10262Flow guides, obstructions, deflectors or the like for generating a charge motion in the cylinder F02B31/00; for re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture F02M29/00 F02M35/10268Heating, cooling or thermal insulating means air coolers F02B29/04; thermal treatment of combustion-air, fuel or fuel-air mixture F02M31/00; details of the throttle valve housing F02D9/1035 F02M35/10275Means to avoid a change in direction of incoming fluid, e.g. all intake ducts diverging from plenum chamber at acute angles; Check valves; Flame arrestors for backfire prevention F02M35/10281Means to remove, re-atomise or redistribute condensed fuel; Means to avoid fuel particles from separating from the mixture apparatus for re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture F02M29/00; other apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel or fuel-air mixture F02M33/00 F02M35/10288Air intakes combined with another engine part, e.g. cylinder head cover or being cast in one piece with the exhaust manifold, cylinder head or engine block F02M35/10295Damping means, e.g. tranquillising chamber to dampen air oscillations intake silencers F02M35/12 F02M35/10301Flexible, resilient, pivotally or movable parts; Membranes F02M35/10255 and F02M35/10032 take precedence F02M35/10308Equalizing conduits, e.g. between intake ducts or between plenum chambers F02M35/10314Materials for intake systems for sound damping F02M35/12; for air cleaners F02M35/02 F02M35/10321Plastics; Composites; Rubbers F02M35/10327Metals; Alloys catalysts F02M27/02 F02M35/10334Foams; Fabrics; Porous media; Laminates; Ceramics; Coatings F02M35/1034Manufacturing and assembling intake systems F02M35/10347Moulding, casting or the like F02M35/10354Joining multiple sections together joining plastic materials together in general B29C65/00 F02M35/1036by welding, bonding or the like welding plastic materials together in general B29C65/02 F02M35/10367Machining, e.g. milling, grinding, punching, sanding; Bending; Surface treatments F02M35/10373Sensors for intake systems throttle position sensors F02D9/105 F02M35/1038for temperature or pressure F02M35/10386for flow rate air flow meters in air cleaners F02M35/021; circuit arrangements for generating control signals by measuring intake air flow F02D41/18 F02M35/10393for characterising a multi-component mixture, e.g. for the composition such as humidity, density or viscosity F02M35/104Intake manifolds F02M35/1042characterised by provisions to avoid mixture or air supply from one plenum chamber to two successively firing cylinders F02M35/1045characterised by the charge distribution between the cylinders/combustion chambers or its homogenisation F02M35/1047characterised by some cylinders being fed from one side of engine block and the other cylinders being fed from the other side of engine block F02M35/108with primary and secondary intake passages F02M35/1085the combustion chamber having multiple intake valves modifying induction systems for imparting a rotation to the charge in the cylinder and having multiple air inlets F02B31/08; shape or arrangement of intake or exhaust channels in cylinder heads F02F1/42 F02M35/112for engines with cylinders all in one line F02M35/116for engines with cylinders in V-arrangement or arranged oppositely relative to the main shaft F02M35/1165Boxer or pancake engines F02M35/12Intake silencers Sound modulation, transmission or amplification intake silencers also used as exhaust silencer F01N13/007; filters for compressors F04B39/16 F02M35/1205Flow throttling or guiding F02M35/1211by using inserts in the air intake flow path, e.g. baffles, throttles or orifices; Flow guides F02M35/1244 takes precedence F02M35/1216by using a plurality of holes, slits, protrusions, perforations, ribs or the like; Surface structures; Turbulence generators F02M35/1222by using adjustable or movable elements, e.g. valves, membranes, bellows, expanding or shrinking elements F02M35/1227by using multiple air intake flow paths, e.g. bypass, honeycomb or pipes opening into an expansion chamber F02M35/1233by using expansion chambers in the air intake flow path F02M35/1238by using secondary connections to the ambient, e.g. covered by a membrane or a porous member F02M35/1244using interference; Masking or reflecting sound F02M35/125by using active elements, e.g. speakers F02M35/1255using resonance F02M35/1261Helmholtz resonators F02M35/1266comprising multiple chambers or compartments F02M35/1272using absorbing, damping, insulating or reflecting materials, e.g. porous foams, fibres, rubbers, fabrics, coatings or membranes F02M35/1277Reinforcement of walls, e.g. with ribs or laminates; Walls having air gaps or additional sound damping layers F02M35/1283Manufacturing or assembly; Connectors; Fixations F02M35/1288combined with or integrated into other devices F02M35/14 takes precedence; Plurality of air intake silencers F02M35/1266 takes precedence F02M35/1294Amplifying, modulating, tuning or transmitting sound, e.g. directing sound to the passenger cabin; Sound modulation F02M35/14Combined air cleaners and silencers F02M35/16characterised by use in vehicles F02M35/161Arrangement of the air intake system in the engine compartment, e.g. with respect to the bonnet or the vehicle front face F02M35/162Motorcycles; All-terrain vehicles, e.g. quads, snowmobiles; Small vehicles, e.g. forklifts F02M35/164Heavy duty vehicles, e.g. trucks, trains, agricultural or construction machines F02M35/165Marine vessels; Ships; Boats F02M35/167having outboard engines; Jet-skis F02M35/168with means, e.g. valves, to prevent water entry F02M37/00Apparatus or systems for feeding liquid fuel from storage containers to carburettors or fuel-injection apparatusArrangements for purifying liquid fuel specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines F02M37/0011Constructional details; Manufacturing or assembly of elements of fuel systems; Materials therefor F02M37/0017related to fuel pipes or their connections, e.g. joints or sealings F02M55/004 takes precedence F02M37/0023Valves in the fuel supply and return system F02M37/0029Pressure regulator in the low pressure fuel system pressure regulator in low-pressure injection apparatus F02M69/54 F02M37/0035Thermo sensitive valves F02M37/0041Means for damping pressure pulsations equalisation of pulses in positive displacement pumps F04B1/00; devices for damping fluid pulsations in pipes F16L55/04 F02M37/0047Layout or arrangement of systems for feeding fuel fuel injection apparatus characterised by their conduits and venting means F02M55/00; fuel injection apparatus having a common rail F02M63/0225; arrangement of fuel conduits of low pressure fuel injection apparatus F02M69/462 F02M37/0052Details on the fuel return circuit; Arrangement of pressure regulators F02M37/0058Returnless fuel systems, i.e. the fuel return lines are not entering the fuel tank F02M37/0064for engines being fed with multiple fuels or fuels having special properties, e.g. bio-fuels; varying the fuel composition controlling engines working with pluralities of fuels F02D19/06 F02M37/007characterised by its use in vehicles, in stationary plants or in small engines, e.g. hand held tools F02M37/0076Details of the fuel feeding system related to the fuel tank vehicle fuel tanks B60K15/03 F02M37/0082Devices inside the fuel tank other than fuel pumps or filters electrical pumps submerged in fuel tanks F02M37/10, jet pumps F02M37/025 F02M37/0088Multiple separate fuel tanks or tanks being at least partially partitioned F02M37/0094Saddle tanks; Tanks having partition walls F02M37/02Feeding by means of suction apparatus, e.g. by air flow through carburettors by driven pumps F02M37/04 F02M37/025Feeding by means of a liquid fuel-driven jet pump jet pumps per se F04F F02M37/04Feeding by means of driven pumps F02M37/041Arrangements for driving gear-type pumps F02M37/043Arrangements for driving reciprocating piston-type pumps F02M37/045Arrangements for driving rotary positive-displacement pumps F02M37/046Arrangements for driving diaphragm-type pumps F02M37/048Arrangements for driving regenerative pumps, i.e. side-channel pumps F02M37/06mechanically driven F02M37/08electrically driven F02M2037/082Details of the entry of the current supply lines into the pump housing, e.g. wire connectors, grommets, plugs or sockets F02M2037/085Electric circuits therefor F02M2037/087Controlling fuel pressure valve F02M37/10submerged in fuel, e.g. in reservoir F02M37/103Mounting pumps on fuel tanks F02M37/106the pump being installed in a sub-tank F02M37/12fluid-driven, e.g. by compressed combustion-air F02M37/14the pumps being combined with other apparatus F02M37/16characterised by provision of personally-, e.g. manually-, operated pumps F02M37/18characterised by provision of main and auxiliary pumps F02M37/20characterised by means for preventing vapour lock F02M37/22Arrangements for purifying liquid fuel specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines, e.g. arrangements in the feeding system F02M37/24characterised by water separating means F02M37/26with water detection means F02M37/28with means activated by the presence of water, e.g. alarms or means for automatic drainage F02M37/30characterised by heating means F02M37/32characterised by filters or filter arrangements F02M37/34by the filter structure, e.g. honeycomb, mesh or fibrous F02M37/36with bypass means F02M37/38with regeneration means F02M37/40with means for detection of clogging F02M37/42Installation or removal of filters F02M37/44Filters structurally associated with pumps F02M37/46Filters structurally associated with pressure regulators F02M37/48Filters structurally associated with fuel valves F02M37/50Filters arranged in or on fuel tanks F02M37/52using magnetic means F02M37/54characterised by air purging means having priming pumps F02M37/16 F02M39/00Fuel-injection apparatus carrying the fuel into cylinders by high-pressure gas F02M67/00; low-pressure fuel-injection F02M69/00 F02M39/00Arrangements of fuel-injection apparatus with respect to enginesPump drives adapted to such arrangements fuel-injection apparatus in which injection pumps are driven, or injectors are actuated, by the pressure in engine working cylinders, or by impact of engine working piston F02M49/00; arrangements of injectors F02M61/14 Low-pressure fuel injection is classified in groups F02M51/00, F02M69/00 or F02M71/00. F02M39/005Arrangements of fuel feed-pumps with respect to fuel injection apparatus F02M37/00 takes precedence F02M39/02Arrangements of fuel-injection apparatus to facilitate the driving of pumpsArrangements of fuel-injection pumpsPump drives F02M41/00Fuel-injection apparatus with two or more injectors fed from a common pressure-source sequentially by means of a distributor F02M41/02the distributor being spaced from pumping elements F02M41/04the distributor reciprocating F02M41/042by means of mechanical drive F02M41/045by means of hydraulic or pneumatic drive F02M41/047by means of electric drive F02M41/06the distributor rotating F02M41/063the distributor and rotary valve controlling fuel passages to pumping elements being combined F02M41/066Arrangements for adjusting the rotary valve-distributor F02M41/08the distributor and pumping elements being combined F02M41/10pump pistons acting as the distributor F02M41/12the pistons rotating to act as the distributor F02M41/121with piston arranged axially to driving shaft F02M41/123 takes precedence F02M41/122with piston arranged radially to driving shaft F02M41/123 takes precedence F02M41/123characterised by means for varying fuel delivery or injection timing F02M41/124Throttling of fuel passages to or from the pumping chamber F02M41/125Variably-timed valves controlling fuel passages F02M41/126valves being mechanically or electrically adjustable sleeves slidably mounted on rotary piston F02M41/127valves being fluid-actuated slide-valves, e.g. differential rotary-piston pump F02M41/128Varying injection timing by angular adjustment of the face-cam or the rollers support F02M41/14rotary distributor supporting pump pistons F02M41/1405pistons being disposed radially with respect to rotation axis F02M41/1411characterised by means for varying fuel delivery or injection timing F02M41/1416Devices specially adapted for angular adjustment of annular cam F02M41/1422Injection being effected by means of a free-piston displaced by the pressure of fuel F02M41/1427Arrangements for metering fuel admitted to pumping chambers, e.g. by shuttles or by throttle-valves F02M41/1433pistons being parallel to rotation axis F02M2041/1438Arrangements or details pertaining to the devices classified in F02M41/14 and subgroups F02M2041/1444Feed-pumps; Arrangements or pressure regulation therefor F02M2041/145Throttle valves for metering fuel to the pumping chamber F02M2041/1455Shuttles per se, or shuttles associated with throttle valve for metering fuel admitted to the pumping chamber F02M2041/1461Axial displacement of rotor for varying piston stroke or for controlling fuel passages F02M2041/1466Piston-stroke variation by other means than axial displacement of rotor F02M2041/1472Devices for limiting maximum delivery or for providing excess fuel for starting or for correcting advance at starting F02M2041/1477Releasing fuel pressure or adjusting quantity-time characteristics of fuel delivery, e.g. by conducting pressurised fuel to a variable volume space, an accumulator or a return conduit F02M2041/1483Variably timed valves controlling fuel passages, e.g. sleeve-valves mounted on the rotor F02M2041/1488Electric actuation of valves or other parts F02M2041/1494Details of cams, tappets, rotors, venting means, specially arranged valves, e.g. in the rotor F02M41/16characterised by the distributor being fed from a constant pressure source, e.g. accumulator or constant pressure positive displacement pumps F02M43/00Fuel-injection apparatus operating simultaneously on two or more fuels, or on a liquid fuel and another liquid, e.g. the other liquid being an anti-knock additive F02M43/02Pumps peculiar thereto F02M43/04Injectors peculiar thereto F02M45/00Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by having a cyclic delivery of specific time/pressure or time/quantity relationship pumps having such delivery by means of delivery valves F02M59/462 F02M45/02with each cyclic delivery being separated into two or more parts F02M45/04with a small initial part , e.g. initial part for partial load and initial and main part for full load F02M45/06Pumps peculiar thereto F02M45/063Delivery stroke of piston being divided into two or more parts, e.g. by using specially shaped cams F02M45/066Having specially arranged spill port and spill contour on the piston F02M45/063 takes precedence F02M45/08Injectors peculiar thereto F02M45/083Having two or more closing springs acting on injection-valve F02M45/086Having more than one injection-valve controlling discharge orifices F02M45/10Other injectors with multiple-part delivery, e.g. with vibrating valves F02M45/12providing a continuous cyclic delivery with variable pressure F02M47/00Fuel-injection apparatus operated cyclically with fuel-injection valves actuated by fluid pressure fuel- injectors actuated by the pressure in engine working cylinders F02M49/00 F02M47/02of accumulator-injector type, i.e. having fuel pressure of accumulator tending to open, and fuel pressure in other chamber tending to close, injection valves and having means for periodically releasing that closing pressure F02M47/022Mechanically actuated valves draining the chamber to release the closing pressure F02M47/025Hydraulically actuated valves draining the chamber to release the closing pressure F02M47/027Electrically actuated valves draining the chamber to release the closing pressure F02M47/04using fluid, other than fuel, for injection-valve actuation F02M47/043Fluid pressure acting on injection-valve in the period of non-injection to keep it closed F02M47/046Fluid pressure acting on injection-valve in the period of injection to open it F02M47/06Other fuel injectors peculiar thereto F02M49/00Fuel-injection apparatus in which injection pumps are driven or injectors are actuated, by the pressure in engine working cylinders, or by impact of engine working piston F02M49/02using the cylinder pressure, e.g. compression end pressure F02M49/04using the piston impact F02M51/00Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by being operated electrically F02M51/005Arrangement of electrical wires and connections, e.g. wire harness, sockets, plugs; Arrangement of electronic control circuits in or on fuel injection apparatus F02M51/02specially for low-pressure fuel-injection F02M51/005 takes precedence; pumpsper se F02M51/04; injectors per se F02M51/08 F02M51/04Pumps peculiar thereto F02M51/06Injectors peculiar thereto with means directly operating the valve needle F02M51/0603using piezo-electric or magnetostrictive operating means F02M51/0607the actuator being hollow, e.g. with needle passing through the hollow space F02M51/061using electromagnetic operating means F02M51/0614characterised by arrangement of electromagnets or fixed armature F02M51/0617having two or more electromagnets F02M51/0621acting on one mobile armature F02M51/0628 takes precedence F02M51/0625characterised by arrangement of mobile armatures F02M51/0628having a stepped armature F02M51/0632having a spherically or partly spherically shaped armature, e.g. acting as valve body F02M51/0635having a plate-shaped or undulated armature not entering the winding if entering the winding F02M51/0664 F02M51/0639the armature acting as a valve F02M51/0642the armature having a valve attached thereto F02M51/0646the valve being a short body, e.g. sphere or cube F02M51/065the valve being spherical or partly spherical F02M51/0653the valve being an elongated body, e.g. a needle valve F02M51/0657the body being hollow and its interior communicating with the fuel flow F02M51/066the armature and the valve being allowed to move relatively to each other or not being attached to each other F02M51/0664having a cylindrically or partly cylindrically shaped armature, e.g. entering the winding; having a plate-shaped or undulated armature entering the winding F02M51/0667the armature acting as a valve or having a short valve body attached thereto F02M51/0671the armature having an elongated valve body attached thereto F02M51/0675the valve body having cylindrical guiding or metering portions, e.g. with fuel passages F02M51/0678all portions having fuel passages, e.g. flats, grooves, diameter reductions F02M51/0682the body being hollow and its interior communicating with the fuel flow F02M51/0675 takes precedence F02M51/0685the armature and the valve being allowed to move relatively to each other or not being attached to each other F02M51/0689and permanent magnets F02M51/0696 takes precedence F02M51/0692as valve or armature return means F02M51/0696characterised by the use of movable windings F02M51/08specially for low-pressure fuel-injection F02M53/00Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by having heating, cooling or thermally-insulating means F02M53/02with fuel-heating means, e.g. for vaporising F02M53/04Injectors with heating, cooling, or thermally-insulating means F02M53/043with cooling means other than air cooling F02M53/046with thermally-insulating means F02M53/06with fuel-heating means, e.g. for vaporising F02M53/08with air cooling F02M55/00Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by their fuel conduits or their venting means; Arrangements of conduits between fuel tank and pump F02M37/00 venting in general B01D19/00 F02M55/001Pumps with means for preventing erosion on fuel discharge F02M55/002Arrangement of leakage or drain conduits in or from injectors F02M55/004Joints; Sealings F02M55/005for high pressure conduits, e.g. connected to pump outlet or to injector inlet F02M55/007Venting means F02M55/008Arrangement of fuel passages inside of injectors F02M55/02Conduits between injection pumps and injectors , e.g. conduits between pump and common-rail or conduits between common-rail and injectors F02M55/025Common rails F02M55/04Means for damping vibrations or pressure fluctuations in injection pump inlets or outlets F02M57/00Fuel-injectors combined or associated with other devices F02M57/005the devices being sensors F02M57/02Injectors structurally combined with fuel-injection pumps F02M57/021the injector being of valveless type, e.g. the pump piston co-operating with a conical seat of an injection nozzle at the end of the pumping stroke F02M57/022characterised by the pump drive F02M57/023mechanical F02M57/024with hydraulic link for varying the piston stroke F02M57/025hydraulic, e.g. with pressure amplification F02M57/026Construction details of pressure amplifiers, e.g. fuel passages or check valves arranged in the intensifier piston or head, particular diameter relationships, stop members, arrangement of ports or conduits F02M57/027electric F02M57/028pneumatic using engine cylinder pressure F02M49/02 F02M57/04the devices being combustion-air intake or exhaust valves F02M57/06the devices being sparking plugs F02M59/00Pumps specially adapted for fuel-injection and not provided for in groups F02M39/00 -F02M57/00 , e.g. rotary cylinder-block type of pumps F02M59/02of reciprocating-piston or reciprocating-cylinder type F02M59/022having an accumulator storing pressurised fuel during pumping stroke of the piston for subsequent delivery to the injector F02M59/025characterised by a single piston F02M59/027Unit-pumps, i.e. single piston and cylinder pump-units, e.g. for cooperating with a camshaft F02M59/04characterised by special arrangement of cylinders with respect to piston-driving shaft, e.g. arranged parallel to that shaft or swash-plate type pumps with rotary valve F02M59/362 F02M59/06with cylinders arranged radially to driving shaft, e.g. in V or star arrangement F02M59/08characterised by two or more pumping elements with conjoint outlet or several pumping elements feeding one engine cylinder feeding common rails F02M63/0225 F02M59/10characterised by the piston-drive F02M59/102Mechanical drive, e.g. tappets or cams F02M45/063 takes precedence F02M59/105hydraulic drive F02M59/32 takes precedence F02M59/107pneumatic drive, e.g. crankcase pressure drive F02M49/00 takes precedence F02M59/12having other positive-displacement pumping elements, e.g. rotary F02M59/14of elastic-wall type F02M59/16characterised by having multi-stage compression of fuel F02M59/18characterised by the pumping action being achieved through release of pre-compressed springs F02M59/20Varying fuel delivery in quantity or timing F02M59/205Quantity of fuel admitted to pumping elements being metered by an auxiliary metering device F02M59/22Varying quantity or timing by adjusting cylinder-head space F02M59/24with constant-length-stroke pistons having variable effective portion of stroke F02M59/243caused by movement of cylinders relative to their pistons F02M59/246Mechanisms therefor F02M59/26caused by movements of pistons relative to their cylinders F02M59/265characterised by the arrangement or form of spill port of spill contour on the piston F02M45/066 takes precedence F02M59/28Mechanisms therefor F02M59/30with variable-length-stroke pistons swash-plate type pumps F02M59/04 F02M59/32fuel delivery being controlled by means of fuel-displaced auxiliary pistons, which effect injection combined with rotary distributor supporting pump pistons F02M41/1422; low pressure fuel-injection F02M69/12 F02M59/34by throttling of passages to pumping elements or of overflow passages , e.g. throttling by means of a pressure-controlled sliding valve having liquid stop or abutment F02M59/36by variably-timed valves controlling fuel passages to pumping elements or overflow passages F02M59/361Valves being actuated mechanically F02M59/362Rotary valves F02M59/363arrangements for adjusting the rotary valve F02M59/365valves being actuated by the fluid pressure produced in an auxiliary pump, e.g. pumps with differential pistons; Regulated pressure of supply pump actuating a metering valve, e.g. a sleeve surrounding the pump piston F02M59/366Valves being actuated electrically F02M59/367Pump inlet valves of the check valve type being open when actuated F02M59/368Pump inlet valves being closed when actuated F02M59/38Pumps characterised by adaptations to special uses or conditions F02M59/40for reversible engines F02M59/42for starting of engines supply of excess fuel F02M59/447 F02M59/44Details, components parts, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups F02M59/02 - F02M59/42; Pumps having transducers, e.g. to measure displacement of pump rack or piston F02M59/442means preventing fuel leakage around pump plunger, e.g. fluid barriers F02M59/445Selection of particular materials F02M59/447means specially adapted to limit fuel delivery or to supply excess of fuel temporarily, e.g. for starting of the engine combined with fuel pump regulating devices F02D F02M59/46Valves F02M59/462Delivery valves F02M59/464Inlet valves of the check valve type F02M59/466Electrically operated valves, e.g. using electromagnetic or piezo-electric operating means F02M59/468using piezo-electric operating means F02M59/48AssemblingDisassemblingReplacing F02M59/485Means for fixing delivery valve casing and barrel to each other or to pump casing F02M61/00Fuel-injectors not provided for in groups F02M39/00 - F02M57/00 or F02M67/00 F02M61/02of valveless type F02M61/04having valves , e.g. having a plurality of valves in series F02M61/042The valves being provided with fuel passages F02M61/045The valves being provided with fuel discharge orifices F02M61/047the valves being formed by deformable nozzle parts, e.g. flexible plates or discs with fuel discharge orifices F02M61/06the valves being furnished at seated ends with pintle or plug shaped extensions F02M61/08the valves opening in direction of fuel flow F02M61/047 takes precedence F02M61/10Other injectors with elongated valve bodies, i.e. of needle-valve type F02M61/12characterised by the provision of guiding or centring means for valve bodies F02M61/14Arrangements of injectors with respect to enginesMounting of injectors F02M61/145the injection nozzle opening into the air intake conduit F02M61/16Details not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups F02M61/02 - F02M61/14 F02M61/161Means for adjusting injection-valve lift F02M61/162Means to impart a whirling motion to fuel upstream or near discharging orifices F02M61/163Means being injection-valves with helically or spirally shaped grooves F02M61/165Filtering elements specially adapted in fuel inlets to injector F02M61/166Selection of particular materials F02M61/167Means for compensating clearance or thermal expansion F02M61/168Assembling; Disassembling; Manufacturing; Adjusting F02M61/18Injection nozzles, e.g. having valve seats; Details of valve member seated ends, not otherwise provided for F02M61/1806characterised by the arrangement of discharge orifices, e.g. orientation or size F02M61/1813Discharge orifices having different orientations with respect to valve member direction of movement, e.g. orientations being such that fuel jets emerging from discharge orifices collide with each other F02M61/182Discharge orifices being situated in different transversal planes with respect to valve member direction of movement F02M61/1826Discharge orifices having different sizes F02M61/1833Discharge orifices having changing cross sections, e.g. being divergent F02M61/184Discharge orifices having non circular sections F02M61/1846Dimensional characteristics of discharge orifices F02M61/1853Orifice plates F02M61/186Multi-layered orifice plates F02M61/1866Valve seats or member ends having multiple cones F02M61/1873Valve seats or member ends having circumferential grooves or ridges, e.g. toroidal F02M61/188Spherical or partly spherical shaped valve member ends F02M61/1886Details of valve seats not covered by groups F02M61/1866 - F02M61/188 F02M61/1893Details of valve member ends not covered by groups F02M61/1866 - F02M61/188 F02M61/20Closing valves mechanically, e.g. arrangements of springs or weights or permanent magnets; Damping of valve lift F02M61/205Means specially adapted for varying the spring tension or assisting the spring force to close the injection-valve, e.g. with damping of valve lift F02M63/00Other fuel-injection apparatus having pertinent characteristics not provided for in groups F02M39/00 - F02M57/00 or F02M67/00Details, component parts, or accessories of fuel-injection apparatus, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups F02M39/00 - F02M61/00 or F02M67/00; Combination of fuel pump with other devices, e.g. lubricating oil pump F02M63/0001Fuel-injection apparatus with specially arranged lubricating system, e.g. by fuel oil lubrication of engines F01M F02M63/0003Fuel-injection apparatus having a cyclically-operated valve for connecting a pressure source, e.g. constant pressure pump or accumulator, to an injection valve held closed mechanically, e.g. by springs, and automatically opened by fuel pressure having a distributor F02M41/16; low pressure fuel injection F02M69/14 F02M63/0005using valves actuated by fluid pressure F02M63/0007using electrically actuated valves injection valves F02M51/06 F02M63/0008using mechanically actuated valves F02M63/001Fuel-injection apparatus having injection valves held closed mechanically, e.g. by springs, and opened by a cyclically-operated mechanism for a time F02M67/12 takes precedence; operated by fluid pressure F02M47/00; operated electrically F02M51/06; opened by fuel pressure F02M61/00 F02M63/0012Valves for fuel metering see the relevant groups, e.g. F02M59/34; inlet or outlet check valves for fuel injection pumps F02M59/46; for fuel injectors see the relevant groups, e.g. F02M61/00 F02M63/0014characterised by the valve actuating means F02M63/0015electrical, e.g. using solenoid F02M63/0017using electromagnetic operating means F02M63/0019characterised by the arrangement of electromagnets or fixed armatures F02M63/0021characterised by the arrangement of mobile armatures F02M63/0022the armature and the valve being allowed to move relatively to each other F02M63/0024in combination with permanent magnet F02M63/0026using piezoelectric or magnetostrictive actuators F02M63/0028hydraulic F02M63/0029using a pilot valve controlling a hydraulic chamber F02M63/0031characterized by the type of valves, e.g. special valve member details, valve seat details, valve housing details F02M63/0033Lift valves, i.e. having a valve member that moves perpendicularly to the plane of the valve seat F02M63/0035Poppet valves, i.e. having a mushroom-shaped valve member that moves perpendicularly to the plane of the valve seat F02M63/0036with spherical or partly spherical shaped valve member ends F02M63/0038rotary F02M63/004Sliding valves, e.g. spool valves, i.e. whereby the closing member has a sliding movement along a seat for opening and closing F02M63/0042combined with valve seats of the lift valve type F02M63/0043Two-way valves F02M63/0045Three-way valves F02M63/0047Four-way valves or valves with more than four ways F02M63/0049Combined valve units, e.g. for controlling pumping chamber and injection valve F02M63/005Pressure relief valves F02M63/0052with means for adjusting the opening pressure, e.g. electrically controlled F02M63/0054Check valves F02M59/462, F02M59/464 take precedence F02M63/0056Throttling valves, e.g. having variable opening positions throttling the flow F02M63/0057Means for avoiding fuel contact with valve actuator, e.g. isolating actuators by using bellows or diaphragms F02M63/0059Arrangements of valve actuators F02M63/0061Single actuator acting on two or more valve bodies F02M63/0063Two or more actuators acting on a single valve body F02M63/0064Two or more actuators acting on two or more valve bodies F02M63/0066Combination of electromagnetic and piezoelectric or magnetostrictive actuators F02M63/0068Actuators specially adapted for partial and full opening of the valves F02M63/007Details not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of the groups F02M63/0014 - F02M63/0059 F02M63/0071characterised by guiding or centering means in valves including the absence of any guiding means, e.g. "flying arrangements" F02M63/0073Pressure balanced valves F02M63/0075Stop members in valves, e.g. plates or disks limiting the movement of armature, valve or spring F02M63/0077Valve seat details F02M63/0078Valve member details, e.g. special shape, hollow or fuel passages in the valve member F02M63/008Hollow valve members, e.g. members internally guided F02M63/02Fuel-injection apparatus having several injectors fed by a common pumping element, or having several pumping elements feeding a common injectorFuel-injection apparatus having provisions for cutting-out pumps, pumping elements, or injectorsFuel-injection apparatus having provisions for variably interconnecting pumping elements and injectors alternatively F02M63/0205for cutting-out pumps or injectors in case of abnormal operation of the engine or the injection apparatus, e.g. over-speed, break-down of fuel pumps or injectors safety devices acting on engine fuel system on lubricant pressure failure F01M1/24; for cutting-out pumps for stopping the engine F02M63/021by locking pump pistons F02M63/0215by draining or closing fuel conduits F02M63/022by acting on fuel control mechanism F02M63/0225Fuel-injection apparatus having a common rail feeding several injectors F02M63/0003 takes precedence; Means for varying pressure in common rails; Pumps feeding common rails F02M63/023Means for varying pressure in common rails pressure control F02D41/3845 F02M63/0235by bleeding fuel pressure F02M63/024between the low pressure pump and the high pressure pump F02M63/0245between the high pressure pump and the common rail F02M63/025from the common rail F02M63/026Means for reducing the pressure in common rails at power off pressure control F02D41/3845 F02M63/0265Pumps feeding common rails F02M63/027More than one high pressure pump feeding a single common rail F02M63/0275Arrangement of common rails F02M63/028Returnless common rail system F02M63/0285having more than one common rail F02M63/029per cylinder bank, e.g. storing different fuels or fuels at different pressure levels per cylinder bank F02M63/0295for V- or star- or boxer-engines F02M63/04Fuel-injection apparatus having injection valves held closed by a cyclically-operated mechanism for a time and automatically opened by fuel pressure, e.g. constant-pressure pump or accumulator, when that mechanism releases the valve F02M63/06Use of pressure wave generated by fuel inertia to open injection valves F02M65/00Testing fuel-injection apparatus, e.g. testing injection timing testing of ignition F02P17/00; measuring fuel consumption G01F9/00; Cleaning of fuel-injection apparatus F02M65/001Measuring fuel delivery of a fuel injector F02M65/002Measuring fuel delivery of multi-cylinder injection pumps F02M65/003Measuring variation of fuel pressure in high pressure line F02M65/005Measuring or detecting injection-valve lift, e.g. to determine injection timing F02M65/006Measuring or detecting fuel leakage of fuel injection apparatus F02M65/007Cleaning F02M65/008of injectors only F02M67/00Fuel-injection by high-pressure gas carrying the fuel into engine working cylindersLow-pressure fuel-injection F02M67/00Apparatus in which fuel-injection is effected by means of high-pressure gas, the gas carrying the fuel into working cylinders of the engine, e.g. air-injection type using compressed air for low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus F02M69/08 - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2720/25 F02M67/005fuel-gas mixture being compressed in a pump for subsequent injection into the engine F02M67/02the gas being compressed air, e.g. compressed in pumps arrangements or adaptations of such pumps F02B F02M67/04the air being extracted from working cylinders of the engine F02M67/06the gas being other than air, e.g. steam, combustion gas F02M67/08the gas being generated by combustion of part of fuel other than in engine working cylinders F02M67/10Injectors peculiar thereto, e.g. valve less type F02M67/12having valves F02M67/14characterised by provisions for injecting different fuels, e.g. main fuel and readily self-igniting starting fuel F02M69/00Low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus ; Apparatus with both continuous and intermittent injection; Apparatus injecting different types of fuel - in this group the following indexing codes are used: F02B2720/15 F02M69/002characterised by means for intermittently metering the portion of fuel injected F02M69/12, F02M69/14 take precedence F02M69/005characterised by control of air admission to the engine according to the fuel injected F02M69/007by means of devices using fuel pressure deviated from main fuel circuit acting on air throttle valve F02M69/02Pumps peculiar thereto elastic wall type pumps F02M59/14 F02M69/04Injectors peculiar thereto F02M69/041having vibrating means for atomizing the fuel, e.g. with sonic or ultrasonic vibrations F02M69/042Positioning of injectors with respect to engine, e.g. in the air intake conduit mounting of injectors F02M61/14 F02M69/043for injecting into the intake conduit upstream of an air throttle valve F02M69/044for injecting into the intake conduit downstream of an air throttle valve F02M69/045for injecting into the combustion chamber F02M69/046 takes precedence F02M69/046for injecting into both the combustion chamber and the intake conduit F02M69/047injectors with air chambers, e.g. communicating with atmosphere for aerating the nozzles F02M69/325 takes precedence F02M69/048having variable fuel outlets, e.g. controlled by a valve actuated by operator F02M69/06characterised by the pressurisation of the fuel being caused by centrifugal force acting on the fuel F02M69/08characterised by the fuel being carried by compressed air into main stream of combustion-air F02M69/10peculiar to scavenged two-stroke engines, e.g. injecting into crankcase-pump chamber F02M69/12comprising a fuel-displaced free-piston for intermittently metering and supplying fuel to injection nozzles high-pressure fuel-injection with fuel-displaced auxiliary pistons F02M59/32 F02M69/125Means for varying the stroke of the free-piston F02M69/14having cyclically-operated valves connecting injection nozzles to a source of fuel under pressure during the injection period high-pressure fuel injection apparatus F02M63/0003 F02M69/142the valves being operated by fluid impulses, e.g. using bistable fluid operated valves F02M69/145the valves being actuated electrically electrically-operated injectors F02M51/06 F02M69/147the valves being actuated mechanically, e.g. rotating F02M69/16characterised by means for metering continuous fuel flow to injectors or means for varying fuel pressure upstream of continuously or intermittently operated injectors F02M69/18the means being metering valves throttling fuel passages to injectors or by-pass valves throttling overflow passages, the metering valves being actuated by a device responsive to the engine working parameters, e.g. engine load, speed, temperature or quantity of air the means varying fuel pressure in a fuel by-pass passage, the pressure acting on a throttle valve against the action of metered or throttled fuel pressure for variably throttling fuel flow to injection nozzles F02M69/26 F02M69/20the device being a servo-motor, e.g. using engine intake air pressure or vacuum the actuating device comprising a member movably mounted in the air intake conduit and displaced according to the quantity of air admitted to the engine F02M69/22 F02M69/22the device comprising a member movably mounted in the air intake conduit and displaced according to the quantity of air admitted to the engine F02M69/24the device comprising a member for transmitting the movement of the air throttle valve actuated by the operator to the valves controlling fuel passages F02M69/26the means varying fuel pressure in a fuel by-pass passage, the pressure acting on a throttle valve against the action of metered or throttled fuel pressure for variably throttling fuel flow to injection nozzles, e.g. to keep constant the pressure differential at the metering valve F02M69/28characterised by means for cutting-out the fuel supply to the engine or to main injectors during certain operating periods, e.g. deceleration F02M69/30characterised by means for facilitating the starting-up or idling of engines or by means for enriching fuel charge, e.g. below operational temperatures or upon high power demand of engines F02M69/32with an air by-pass around the air throttle valve or with an auxiliary air passage, e.g. with a variably controlled valve therein F02M69/325with an auxiliary injection nozzle therein F02M69/34 takes precedence F02M69/34with an auxiliary fuel circuit supplying fuel to the engine, e.g. with the fuel pump outlet being directly connected to injection nozzles F02M69/36having an enrichment mechanism modifying fuel flow to injectors, e.g. by acting on the fuel metering device or on the valves throttling fuel passages to injection nozzles or overflow passages at acceleration F02M69/44 F02M69/38using fuel pressure, e.g. by varying fuel pressure in the control chambers of the fuel metering device the means varying fuel pressure in a fuel by-pass passage, the pressure acting on a throttle valve against the action of metered or throttled fuel pressure for variably throttling fuel flow to injection nozzles F02M69/26 F02M69/383the fuel passing through different passages to injectors or to a drain, the pressure of fuel acting on valves to close or open selectively these passages F02M69/386variably controlling the pressure of the fuel by-passing the metering valves, e.g. by valves responsive to signals of temperature or oxygen sensors F02M69/40using variably controlled air pressure, e.g. by modifying the intake air vacuum signal acting on the fuel metering device F02M69/42using other means than variable fluid pressure, e.g. acting on the fuel metering device mechanically or electrically F02M69/44characterised by means for supplying extra fuel to the engine on sudden air throttle opening, e.g. at acceleration F02M69/46Details, component parts or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus covered by groups F02M69/02 - F02M69/44 F02M69/462Arrangement of fuel conduits, e.g. with valves for maintaining pressure in the pipes after the engine being shut-down F02M69/465of fuel rails F02M69/467Devices using intake air for generating a control signal acting on fuel delivery F02M69/125, F02M69/20, F02M69/40 take precedence F02M69/48Arrangement of air sensors F02M69/22 takes precedence F02M69/50Arrangement of fuel distributors , e.g. with means for supplying equal portion of metered fuel to injectors F02M69/147 takes precedence F02M69/52Arrangement of fuel metering devices F02M69/18 takes precedence F02M69/54Arrangement of fuel pressure regulators F02M71/00Combinations of carburettors and low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus F02M71/02with fuel-air mixture being produced by the carburettor and being compressed by a pump for subsequent injection into main combustion-air F02M71/04with carburettor being used at starting or idling only and injection apparatus being used during normal operation of engine or vice versa F02M99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F02M2200/00 F02M2200/00Details of fuel-injection apparatus, not otherwise provided for F02M2200/02Fuel-injection apparatus having means for reducing wear F02M2200/03Fuel-injection apparatus having means for reducing or avoiding stress, e.g. the stress caused by mechanical force, by fluid pressure or by temperature variations F02M2200/04Fuel-injection apparatus having means for avoiding effect of cavitation, e.g. erosion F02M2200/05Fuel-injection apparatus having means for preventing corrosion F02M2200/06Fuel-injection apparatus having means for preventing coking, e.g. of fuel injector discharge orifices or valve needles F02M2200/07Fuel-injection apparatus having means for avoiding sticking of valve or armature, e.g. preventing hydraulic or magnetic sticking of parts F02M2200/08Fuel-injection apparatus having special means for influencing magnetic flux, e.g. for shielding or guiding magnetic flux F02M2200/09Fuel-injection apparatus having means for reducing noise F02M2200/16Sealing of fuel injection apparatus not otherwise provided for F02M2200/18Fuel-injection apparatus having means for maintaining safety not otherwise provided for F02M2200/185means for improving crash safety F02M2200/20Fuel-injection apparatus with permanent magnets F02M2200/21Fuel-injection apparatus with piezo-electric or magnetostrictive elements F02M2200/215Piezo-electric or magnetostrictive elements being able to tilt in its housing F02M2200/22Fuel-injection apparatus with bimetallic or memory shape alloy elements F02M2200/24Fuel-injection apparatus with sensors F02M2200/241Acceleration or vibration sensors F02M2200/242Displacement sensors F02M2200/244Force sensors F02M2200/245Position sensors, e.g. Hall sensors F02M2200/247Pressure sensors F02M2200/248Temperature sensors F02M2200/25Fuel-injection apparatus with heat-expansible elements F02M2200/26Fuel-injection apparatus with elastically deformable elements other than coil springs F02M2200/27Fuel-injection apparatus with filters F02M2200/28Details of throttles in fuel-injection apparatus F02M2200/29Fuel-injection apparatus having rotating means rotary valves F02M63/0038 F02M2200/30Fuel-injection apparatus having mechanical parts, the movement of which is damped F02M2200/302using electrical means F02M2200/304using hydraulic means F02M2200/306using mechanical means F02M2200/308using pneumatic means F02M2200/31Fuel-injection apparatus having hydraulic pressure fluctuations damping elements F02M2200/315for damping fuel pressure fluctuations F02M2200/40Fuel-injection apparatus with fuel accumulators, e.g. a fuel injector having an integrated fuel accumulator F02M2200/44Valves, e.g. injectors, with valve bodies arranged side-by-side F02M2200/46Valves, e.g. injectors, with concentric valve bodies F02M2200/50Arrangements of springs for valves used in fuel injectors or fuel injection pumps F02M2200/502Springs biasing the valve member to the open position F02M2200/505Adjusting spring tension by sliding spring seats F02M2200/507Adjusting spring tension by screwing spring seats F02M2200/60Fuel-injection apparatus having means for facilitating the starting of engines, e.g. with valves or fuel passages for keeping residual pressure in common rails F02M2200/70Linkage between actuator and actuated element, e.g. between piezoelectric actuator and needle valve or pump plunger F02M2200/701mechanical F02M2200/702with actuator and actuated element moving in different directions, e.g. in opposite directions F02M2200/703hydraulic F02M2200/704with actuator and actuated element moving in different directions, e.g. in opposite directions F02M2200/705with means for filling or emptying hydraulic chamber, e.g. for compensating clearance or thermal expansion F02M2200/706Valves for filling or emptying hydraulic chamber F02M2200/707with means for avoiding fuel contact with actuators, e.g. isolating actuators by using bellows or diaphragms F02M2200/708with hydraulic chambers formed by a movable sleeve F02M2200/80Fuel injection apparatus manufacture, repair or assembly F02M2200/8007Storing data on fuel injection apparatus, e.g. by printing, by using bar codes or EPROMs F02M2200/8015Provisions for assembly of fuel injection apparatus in a certain orientation, e.g. markings, notches or specially shaped sleeves other than a clip F02M2200/8023the assembly involving use of quick-acting mechanisms, e.g. clips F02M2200/803using clamp elements and fastening meanse.g. bolts or screws F02M2200/8038the assembly involving use of adhesives, glue or the like F02M2200/8046the manufacture involving injection moulding, e.g. of plastic or metal F02M2200/8053involving mechanical deformation of the apparatus or parts thereof F02M2200/8061involving press-fit, i.e. interference or friction fit F02M2200/8069involving removal of material from the fuel apparatus, e.g. by punching, hydro-erosion or mechanical operation F02M2200/8076involving threaded members F02M2200/8084involving welding or soldering F02M2200/8092adjusting or calibration F02M2200/85Mounting of fuel injection apparatus F02M2200/851provisions for adjusting the angular, rotational or axial position of injectors F02M2200/852provisions for mounting the fuel injection apparatus in a certain orientation, e.g. markings or notches F02M2200/853involving use of quick-acting mechanism, e.g. clips F02M2200/855using clamp elements or fastening means, e.g. bolts or screws F02M2200/856characterised by mounting injector to fuel or common rail, or vice versa F02M2200/857characterised by mounting fuel or common rail to engine F02M2200/858sealing arrangements between injector and engine F02M2200/90Selection of particular materials F02M2200/9007Ceramic materials F02M2200/9015Elastomeric or plastic materials F02M2200/9023Fibrous materials F02M2200/903Glass F02M2200/9038Coatings F02M2200/9046Multi-layered materials F02M2200/9053Metals F02M2200/9061Special treatments for modifying the properties of metals used for fuel injection apparatus, e.g. modifying mechanical or electromagnetic properties F02M2200/9069Non-magnetic metals F02M2200/9076Non-ferrous metals F02M2200/9084Rheological fluids F02M2200/9092Sintered materials F02M2200/95Fuel injection apparatus operating on particular fuels, e.g. biodiesel, ethanol, mixed fuels F02M2200/953Dimethyl ether, DME F02M2200/956Ethanol F02M2547/00Special features for fuel-injection valves actuated by fluid pressure F02M2547/001Control chambers formed by movable sleeves F02M2547/003Valve inserts containing control chamber and valve piston F02M2547/005Fuel injectors without fuel return, i.e. the pressure in the control chamber is released into the combustion chamber with fluid flow only in one direction F02M2547/006Springs assisting hydraulic closing force F02M2547/008Means for influencing the flow rate out of or into a control chamber, e.g. depending on the position of the needle F02M2700/00Supplying, feeding or preparing air, fuel, fuel air mixtures or auxiliary fluids for a combustion engineUse of exhaust gasCompressors for piston engines F02M2700/05Miscellaneous constructional elementsLeakage detection F02M2700/055Fuel distribution among injection nozzles F02M2700/07Nozzles and injectors with controllable fuel supply F02M2700/071Injectors having valves F02M2700/072Injection valve actuated by engine for supply of pressurised fuelElectrically or electromagnetically actuated injectors F02M2700/074Injection valve actuated by fuel pressure for pressurised fuel supply F02M2700/075Injection valve actuated by cylinder pressure or other air pressure for pressurised fuel supply F02M2700/077Injectors having cooling or heating means F02M2700/078Injectors combined with fuel injection pump F02M2700/12Devices or methods for making a gas mixture for a combustion engine F02M2700/123Fuel supply devices F02M2700/126Devices for the supply or mixing of air and gas F02M2700/13Special devices for making an explosive mixtureFuel pumps F02M2700/1305Auxiliary air supply devices for carburettors F02M2700/1311Devices for controlling register carburettors or for carburettors disposed in parallel F02M2700/1317Fuel pumpo for internal combustion engines F02M2700/1323Controlled diaphragm type fuel pump F02M2700/1329Controlled rotary fuel pump with parallel pistons or with a single piston in the extension of the driving shaft F02M2700/1335Fuel pump combined with the fuel injector F02M2700/1341Fuel pump driven by the differential pressure of a gas F02M2700/1347Fuel pump acting on a carburetoorAcceleration pumps F02M2700/1352Fuel pump with a constant stroke piston without control means F02M2700/1358Fuel pump with control of fuel inlet to the pumping chamber F02M2700/1364Fuel pump controlled by means of a fuel return valve F02M2700/137Fuel pump with control of fuel outlet of pumping chamber to delivery pipe F02M2700/1376Fuel pump with control of the pump piston stroke F02M2700/1382Fuel pump with control of the cylinder relative to non-rotary piston F02M2700/1388Fuel pump with control of the piston relative to a fixed cylinder F02M2700/1394Knock sensors F02M2700/31Use of exhaust gas of combustion engines F02M2700/33Compressors for piston combustion engines F02M2700/331Charging and scavenging compressors F02M2700/333Drive thereof F02M2700/335Control therefor F02M2700/336Arrangements thereof on the engine F02M2700/338Injection air compressors F02M2700/34Measures, also constructive measures, for avoiding the generation of nixious products such as CO in the exhaust gases F02M2700/43Arrangements for supplying air, fuel or auxiliary fluids to a combustion space of mixture compressing engines working with liquid fuel F02M2700/4302whereby air and fuel are sucked into the mixture conduit F02M2700/4304working only with one fuel F02M2700/4307without mixing chambers disposed in parallel F02M2700/4309specially adapted for motorcycles F02M2700/4311with mixing chambers disposed in parallel F02M2700/4314with mixing chambers disposed in parallel F02M2700/4316without mixing chambers disposed in parallel F02M2700/4319with mixing chambers disposed in parallel F02M2700/4321working with fuel and admission of auxiliary fluids such as water, anti-knock agents, hydrogen, ozone or the like F02M2700/4323Throttling devices (not control systems thereof) F02M2700/4326Means for preventing back-fire F02M2700/4328Reservoirs F02M2700/433without limitation of the liquid level F02M2700/4333with limitation of the liquid level F02M2700/4335Transport devices F02M2700/4338Acceleration pumps F02M2700/434Heating or cooling devices F02M2700/4342Heating devices F02M2700/4345by means of exhaust gases F02M2700/4347by means of water F02M2700/435by means of electricity F02M2700/4352by means of hot air F02M2700/4354by means of heat radiated from the engine F02M2700/4357by other means F02M2700/4359Cooling devices F02M2700/4361Mixing chambers F02M2700/4364with fuel atomization F02M2700/4366with fuel atomization by a valve F02M2700/4369with fuel atomization from an open fuel surface F02M2700/4371with fuel atomization from a fuel film dispersed over a surface F02M2700/4373Mixture improving devices F02M2700/4376Mechanical devices F02M2700/4378Other devices F02M2700/438Supply of liquid to a carburettor reservoir with limitation of the liquid levelAerating devicesMounting of fuel filters F02M2700/4383with fuel displacement by gas pressure working on the fuel F02M2700/4385the pressure being an overpressure F02M2700/4388with fuel displacement by a pump F02M2700/439the pump being a membrane pump F02M2700/4392Conduits, manifolds, as far as heating and cooling if not concernedArrangements for removing condensed fuel F02M2700/4395Other details F02M2700/4397whereby air or fuel are admitted in the mixture conduit by means other than vacuum or an acceleration pump