F16BDEVICES FOR FASTENING OR SECURING CONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMENTS OR MACHINE PARTS TOGETHER, e.g. NAILS, BOLTS, CIRCLIPS, CLAMPS, CLIPS, WEDGES, JOINTS OR JOINTING couplings for transmitting rotation F16DAttention is drawn to: the Note following group E04B1/38;the following places: A44BBuckles, slide fastenersA47G3/00Ornamental heads for nails, screws, or the likeB42F3/00Means, not using staples, for attaching sheets temporarily togetherC14B17/08Fastening devices, e.g. clips for leather-stretching used in apparatus or machines for manufacturing or treating skins, hides, leathers or fursE01B9/10Screws or bolts for railway sleepersE01B11/00Rail jointsE04Connections for buildingE04D13/08Clamping means for down pipes for roof drainageE04G5/04Fastening scaffolds against buildingsE04G7/00Scaffolding couplingsE05CBolts for fasteners for wings, specially for doors or windowsF16C29/10Locking bearings for parts moving only linearlyF16G17/00Hooks as integral parts of chainsF16LPipe jointsF16L3/00Supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing, e.g. hangers, holders, clamps, cleats, clips, bracketsF16L33/02Clips for connecting hoses to rigid membersH01F7/00Magnetic holding devicesH02N13/00Electrostatic holding devices.
Groups F16B2/00 - F16B47/00 take precedence over group F16B1/00.In this main group, it is desirable to add the indexing codes of F16B2200/00
The following IPC groups are not in the CPC scheme. The subject matter for these IPC groups is classified in the following CPC groups: F16B7/08 covered by F16B5/12, F16B7/04, F16L3/00F16B7/12 covered by F16B7/105F16B13/13 covered by F16B13/002, F16B13/12F16B25/02 covered by F16B25/103F16B25/04 covered by F16B25/00, F16B25/106F16B25/06 covered by F16B25/00, F16B25/106F16B25/08 covered by F16B25/00, F16B25/106F16B37/10 covered by F16B37/0842, F16B37/0871
In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
F16B1/00 F16B1/00Devices for securing together, or preventing relative movement between, constructional elements or machine parts F16B2001/0007Fasteners made by sintering powders F16B1/0014by the use of a shape-memory material F16B2001/0021Friction-reducing coatings F16B2001/0028by the use of a material of the hooks-and-loops type F16B2001/0035by the use of a magnetic material F16B2001/0042by the use of an explosive charge F16B19/125, F16B31/005 take precedence F16B1/005by the use of a hydraulic action F16B1/0057by the use of a pneumatic action F16B2001/0064and establishing a good electrical connection F16B1/0071with markings, colours, indicators or the like for indicating tensile load F16B31/02 F16B2001/0078having differing thermal expansion coefficients F16B2001/0085Ceramic-to-metal-connections F16B2001/0092with means for avoiding incorrect assembly or positioning F16B1/02Means for securing elements of mechanisms after operation means for bringing members to rest F16D F16B1/04disengaged by movement of the actuating member of the element locking of actuators G05G, e.g. G05G5/00 F16B2/00Fastenings for constructional elements or machine parts in general couplings for transmitting rotation F16D F16B2/00Friction-grip releasable fastenings for cables or ropes, e.g. cleats F16G11/00 connections of rods or tubes, e.g. of non-circular section, mutually, including resilient connections F16B7/00 F16B2/005Means to increase the friction-coefficient F16B2/02Clamps, i.e. with gripping action effected by positive means other than the inherent resistance to deformation of the material of the fastening F16B2/04internal, i.e. with spreading action F16B2/14 - F16B2/18 take precedence F16B2/06external, i.e. with contracting action F16B2/14 - F16B2/18 take precedence F16B2/065using screw-thread elements F16B2/08 - F16B2/12 take precedence F16B2/08using bands F16B2/10using pivoting jaws F16B2/12using sliding jaws F16B2/14using wedges F16B2/16using rollers or balls clamps for rods or tubes telescopically engaged F16B7/1409; used in anti-theft monitors, e.g. as used for articles of clothing in shops E05B73/0017 F16B2/18using cams, levers, eccentrics, or toggles for connections of rods or tubes engaged telescopically F16B7/1418, F16B7/1427, F16B7/1454 F16B2/185using levers F16B2/20Clips, i.e. with gripping action effected solely by the inherent resistance to deformation of the material of the fastening F16B2/205with two stable positions F16B2/22of resilient material, e.g. rubbery material F16B2/205 takes precedence F16B2/24of metal F16B2/241of sheet metal F16B2/243internal, i.e. with spreading action F16B2/245external, i.e. with contracting action F16B2/246the clip being released by tilting the clip or a part thereof to a position in which the axis of the openings surrounding the gripped elements is parallel to, or coincides with, the axis of the gripped elements F16B2/248of wire F16B2/26of pliable, non-resilient material, e.g. plant tie F16B3/00Key-type connectionsKeys F16B2/00 takes precedence; for rods or tubes mutually F16B7/00 F16B3/005the key being formed by solidification of injected material joining of preformed parts by applying molten plastics B29C65/40; non-disconnectible pipe joints obtained using a hardenable filler F16L13/11 F16B3/04using keys formed of wire or other flexible material, to be inserted through an opening giving access to grooves in the adjacent surfaces of the parts to be connected F16B3/06using taper sleeves F16B4/00Shrinkage connections, e.g. assembled with the parts at different temperatureForce fits restricted to metal parts or objects B23P11/02Non-releasable friction-grip fastenings F16B2/00 takes precedence; using members with a shape-memory material F16B1/0014 F16B4/002engaging or disengaging by means of fluid pressure F16B4/004Press fits, force fits, interference fits, i.e. fits without heat or chemical treatment F16B4/002 takes precedence F16B4/006Shrinkage connections, e.g. assembled with the parts being at different temperature F16B4/008using heat-recoverable, i.e. shrinkable, sleeves F16B5/00Joining sheets or plates , e.g. panels, to one another or to strips or bars parallel to them F16B17/00 takes precedence; by sticking together F16B11/00; dowel connections F16B13/00; pins, including deformable elements F16B19/00; covering of walls E04F13/00; fastening signs, plates, panels or boards to a supporting structure, fastening readily-detachable elements, e.g. letters to signs, plates, panels, or boards, G09F7/00 F16B5/0004Joining sheets, plates or panels in abutting relationship F16B5/01 takes precedence F16B5/0008by moving the sheets, plates or panels substantially in their own plane, perpendicular to the abutting edge F16B5/0012a tongue on the edge of one sheet, plate or panel co-operating with a groove in the edge of another sheet, plate or panel F16B5/0016with snap action F16B5/002both sheets, plates or panels having a groove, e.g. with strip-type connector F16B5/0024the sheets, plates or panels having holes, e.g. for dowel- type connections F16B5/0028using I-shaped connectors with flanges moving towards each other F16B5/0068 F16B5/0032by moving the sheets, plates, or panels or the interlocking key parallel to the abutting edge F16B5/0036and using hook and slot or keyhole-type connections F16B5/004and using C-shaped clamps F16B5/0044and using interlocking keys of circular, square, rectangular or like shape F16B5/0048hinge-like F16B5/0052the interlocking key acting as a dovetail-type key F16B5/0056by moving the sheets, plates or panels or the interlocking key perpendicular to the main plane F16B5/006and using ring-shaped clamps F16B5/0064and using C-shaped clamps F16B5/0068and using I-shaped clamps with flanges moving towards each other F16B5/0072and using screw-thread F16B5/0076and using expanding clamps F16B5/008by a rotating or sliding and rotating movement F16B5/0084characterised by particular locking means F16B5/0088with locking means moving substantially perpendicular to the main plane, e.g. pins, screws F16B5/0092with locking means rotating about an axis parallel to the main plane and perpendicular to the abutting edge, e.g. screw, bayonet F16B5/0096by using permanent deformation F16B5/01by means of fastening elements specially adapted for honeycomb panels F16B5/02by means of fastening members using screw-thread F16B5/0004 takes precedence; construction of screw-threaded connections F16B25/00 - F16B39/00 F16B5/0208using panel fasteners, i.e. permanent attachments allowing for quick assembly F16B5/0216the position of the plates to be connected being adjustable F16B5/0225allowing for adjustment parallel to the plane of the plates F16B5/0233allowing for adjustment perpendicular to the plane of the plates F16B5/0241with the possibility for the connection to absorb deformation, e.g. thermal or vibrational F16B5/025specially designed to compensate for misalignement or to eliminate unwanted play F16B5/0258using resiliently deformable sleeves, grommets or inserts F16B43/001 takes precedence F16B5/0266using springs F16B5/0275the screw-threaded element having at least two axially separated threaded portions F16B5/0283 takes precedence F16B5/0283with an externally threaded sleeve around the neck or the head of the screw-threaded element for adjustably fastening a plate or frame or the like to a fixed element F16B5/0291the threaded element being driven through the edge of a sheet plate with its axis in the plane of the plate F16B5/04by means of riveting rivets F16B19/04 F16B5/045without the use of separate rivets F16B5/06by means of clamps or clips F16B5/0004 takes precedence; friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B2/00 F16B5/0607joining sheets or plates to each other F16B5/0692, F16B21/082 take precedence F16B5/0614in angled relationship F16B5/0621in parallel relationship fastened by a drive-pin F16B19/1081; fastened by a device locking by rotation F16B21/02 F16B5/0628allowing for adjustment parallel or perpendicular to the plane of the sheets or plates F16B5/0635fastened over the edges of the sheets or plates F16B5/0642the plates being arranged one on top of the other and in full close contact with each other F16B5/065the plates being one on top of the other and distanced from each other, e.g. by using protrusions to keep contact and distance F16B5/0657at least one of the plates providing a raised structure, e.g. of the doghouse type, for connection with the clamps or clips of the other plate F16B5/0664at least one of the sheets or plates having integrally formed or integrally connected snap-in-features F16B2005/0671with unlocking by rotation F16B2005/0678in abutting relationship F16B5/0685Joining sheets or plates to strips or bars F16B5/0692 takes precedence F16B5/0692joining flexible sheets to other sheets or plates or to strips or bars tent fastenings E04H15/64; coping elements for swimming pools with fixing means for sealing foil E04H4/142; greenhouses of flexible synthetic material A01G9/1407; end or aperture-closing arrangements or devices for sacks or bags B65D33/16 F16B5/07by means of multiple interengaging protrusions on the surfaces, e.g. hooks, coils, F16B5/08by means of welds or the like welding B23K F16B5/10by means of bayonet connections F16B5/0092 takes precedence; fastening devices locking by rotation F16B21/02 F16B5/12Fastening strips or bars to sheets or plates, e.g. rubber strips, decorative strips for motor vehicles, by means of clips friction- grip releasable fastenings in general F16B2/00; fastening rods or tubular parts to flat surfaces at an angle F16B9/00 F16B5/121fastened over the edge(s) of the sheet(s) or plate(s) F16B5/123Auxiliary fasteners specially designed for this purpose F16B5/125one of the auxiliary fasteners is comprising wire or sheet material or is made thereof F16B5/126at least one of the sheets, plates, bars or strips having integrally formed or integrally connected snap-in-features F16B5/128a strip with a C-or U-shaped cross section being fastened to a plate such that the fastening means remain invisible, e.g. the fastening being completely enclosed by the strip F16B7/00Connections of rods or tubes, e.g. of non-circular section, mutually, including resilient connections F16B11/008, F16B17/00 take precedence; umbrella frames A45B25/02; welding or soldering of connections B23K; vehicle connections in general B60D; railway couplings B61G; bicycle frames B62K; couplings for transmitting rotation F16D; couplings for tubes conveying fluids F16L F16B7/02with conical parts F16B7/025with the expansion of an element inside the tubes due to axial movement towards a wedge or conical element for rods or tubes telescopically engaged F16B7/1463 F16B7/04Clamping or clipping connections friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B2/00 F16B7/0406for rods or tubes being coaxial F16B7/10 takes precedence F16B7/0413for tubes using the innerside thereof F16B7/025 takes precedence F16B7/042with a locking element, e.g. pin, ball or pushbutton, engaging in a hole in the wall of at least one tube F16B7/0426for rods or for tubes without using the innerside thereof F16B7/0433for rods or tubes being in parallel relationship F16B7/044for rods or tubes being in angled relationship F16B7/0446for tubes using the innerside thereof F16B7/025 takes precedence F16B7/0453the tubes being drawn towards each other F16B7/0473 takes precedence F16B7/046by rotating an eccenter-mechanism F16B7/0466by a screw-threaded stud with a conical tip acting on an inclined surface F16B7/0473with hook-like parts gripping, e.g. by expanding, behind the flanges of a profile F16B7/048for rods or for tubes without using the innerside thereof F16B7/0486forming an abutting connection of at least one tube F16B7/0493forming a crossed-over connection F16B7/06Turnbuckles for cables, ropes, or wire F16G11/12 F16B7/10Telescoping systems for vertically adjustable chairs A47C3/20; telescopic steering columns B62D1/18; for scaffolding E04G25/04; telescopic masts, poles or the like E04H12/182; telescopic door or window holders E05C17/30; telescope props for mining E21D15/14 - E21D15/46; stands or trestles as supports for apparatus or articles placed thereon F16M11/26 F16B7/105locking in discrete positions, e.g. in extreme extended position F16B7/14locking in intermediate non-discrete positions the rod or tube being locked by a tilting clip F16B2/246 F16B7/1409with balls or rollers urged by an axial displacement of a wedge or a conical member F16B7/1418with a clamping collar or two split clamping rings tightened by a screw or a cammed latch member F16B7/1427with cammed or eccentrical surfaces co-operating by relative rotation of the telescoping members or by rotation of an external collar F16B7/1436with rollers or balls F16B7/1445with a rubber bushing gripping inside the outer telescoping member by a radial expansion due to its axial compression F16B7/1463 takes precedence F16B7/1454with a clamp locking the telescoping members by swinging a handle provided with a locking cam F16B7/1418 takes precedence F16B7/1463with the expansion of an element inside the outer telescoping member due to the axial movement towards a wedge or a conical member F16B7/1472with a clamping screw perpendicular to the axis of the telescoping members F16B7/1481with a gripping helical spring F16B7/149with a sleeve or ring having a tapered or conical surface F16B7/1463 takes precedence F16B7/16locking only against movement in one direction F16B7/18using screw-thread elements F16B7/025 takes precedence; for turnbuckles F16B7/06 F16B7/182for coaxial connections of two rods or tubes F16B7/185with a node element F16B7/187with sliding nuts or other additional connecting members for joining profiles provided with grooves or channels channel nuts per se F16B37/045 F16B7/20using bayonet connections F16B7/22using hooks or like elements F16B9/00Connections of rods or tubular parts to flat surfaces at an angle with a part of or on one member entering a hole in the other and involving plastic deformation F16B17/006; friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B2/00; making press-fit connections B23P11/00, B23P19/00; fluid-tight connecting of pipes to reservoirs, sheets, or the like F16L, e.g. joining pipes or rods conveying fluids to walls F16L41/00 F16B9/01Welded or bonded connections F16B9/02Detachable connections F16B9/05F16B9/09 take precedence F16B9/05by way of an intermediate member F16B9/052the intermediate member having a radial flange secured to the flat surface F16B9/054the intermediate member being threaded F16B9/056the intermediate member extending through the flat surface; the rod or tubular part extending through the flat surface F16B9/058the intermediate member being secured to the rod by transverse fasteners F16B9/07involving plastic or elastic deformation when assembling involving plastic deformation with a part of or on one member entering a hole in the other F16B17/006 F16B9/09rods and flat surfaces interengaging by projections and mating sockets F16B11/00Connecting constructional elements or machine parts by sticking or pressing them together, e.g. cold pressure welding non-electric welding in general B23K; methods of using adhesives independently of the form of the surfaces joined C09J5/00 F16B11/002by pressing the elements together so as to obtain plastic deformation shrinkage connections, force fits F16B4/00; pin-and-hole connections involving plastic deformation F16B17/00 F16B11/004by cold pressure welding F16B11/006by gluing gluing of plastics material B29C65/48 F16B11/008of tubular elements or rods in coaxial engagement F16B12/00Jointing of furniture or the like, e.g. hidden from exterior F16B2/00 - F16B11/00 take precedence; fastening means per se F16B13/00 - F16B47/00; wood-working B27 F16B12/02Joints between panels and corner posts F16B12/04Non-loosenable joints for non-metal furniture parts, e.g. glued F16B2012/043using carpentry joints other than mortise and tenon joints, e.g. using multiple tenons F16B2012/046using mortise and tenon joints F16B12/06Non-loosenable joints for metal furniture parts F16B12/08without use of separate connecting elements F16B12/10using pegs, bolts, tenons, clamps, clips, or the like glued F16B12/04; fastening means per se F16B15/00 - F16B47/00 F16B2012/103Sleeves or dowels for connection fittings F16B2012/106Connection bolts for connection fittings F16B12/12for non-metal furniture parts, e.g. made of wood, of plastics F16B12/125using mortise and tenon joints F16B12/14using threaded bolts or screws F16B2012/145Corner connections F16B12/16using self-tapping screws F16B12/18using drawing bars F16B12/20using clamps, clips, wedges, sliding bolts, or the like F16B12/2009actuated by rotary motion F16B2012/2018pin and drum securing device; drum has cam surface to engage the head of the pin F16B12/2027with rotating excenters or wedges F16B12/2036with rotating excenters or wedges acting on a head of a pin or screw F16B2012/2045pin and drum securing device; drum has screw to engage the head of the pin F16B12/2054with engaging screw threads as securing means for limiting movement F16B12/2063with engaging screw threads as tightening means F16B2012/2072Pin and drum securing devices; Drums having lever with cam surface to engage the head of the pin F16B2012/2081having a fitting providing slanted access for a screwdriver as actuator F16B2012/209having an integrated lever as actuator F16B12/22using keyhole-shaped slots and pins F16B12/24using separate pins, dowels, or the like F16B12/26using snap-action elements F16B12/28for metal furniture parts F16B12/30using threaded bolts F16B12/32using clamps, clips, wedges, sliding bolts, or the like F16B12/34using keyhole-shaped slots and pins F16B12/36using separate pins, dowels or the like F16B12/38using snap-action elements F16B12/40Joints for furniture tubing F16B2012/403with inserts for joining tubes coaxially F16B2012/406Cove joints for joining two cylindrical members F16B12/42connecting furniture tubing to non-tubular parts connecting table tops to underframes A47B13/003 F16B12/44Leg jointsCorner joints F16B2012/443with two-dimensional corner element, the legs thereof being inserted in hollow frame members F16B2012/446with three-dimensional corner element, the legs thereof being inserted in hollow frame members F16B12/46Non-metal corner connections F16B2012/463for wooden members without additional elements F16B2012/466using mortise and tenon joints F16B12/48Non-metal leg connections F16B12/46 takes precedence F16B12/50Metal corner connections F16B2012/505having a corner insert which is inserted in mitered profiled members F16B12/52Metal leg connections F16B12/50 takes precedence F16B12/54Fittings for bedsteads or the like F16B12/56Brackets for bedsteadsCoupling joints consisting of bolts or the likeLatches therefor F16B12/58Tapered connectors for bed rails F16B12/60Fittings for detachable side panels F16B13/00Dowels or other devices fastened in walls or the like by inserting them in holes made therein for that purpose nails F16B15/00; self-locking pins or bolts in general, stud-and-socket releasable fastenings F16B21/00; dowels or bolts for railroad sleepers E01B9/00; ans means for anchoring structural elements or bulkheads specially adapted to foundation engineering E02D5/74; bolts or dowels used while laying bricks or casting concrete sleepers E04B1/38; setting anchoring bolts in shafts, tunnels or galleries E21D20/00; anchoring bolts for shafts, tunnels or galleries E21D21/00 F16B13/001with means for preventing rotation of the dowel F16B13/002self-cutting F16B13/003with a separate drilling bit attached to or surrounded by the dowel element F16B13/004with a drilling sleeve driven against a tapered or spherical plug F16B13/005formed in integral series but easily separable F16B2013/006with sealing means F16B2013/007to be fastened in undercut holes F16B2013/008used for mining purposes F16B2013/009Double sleeve dowels, i.e. the first sleeve is fixed in a hole by the action of a second sleeve and one of the sleeves receives a nail, a screw or the like F16B13/02in one piece with protrusions or ridges on the shaft F16B13/025of rolled sheet material F16B13/04with parts gripping in the hole or behind the reverse side of the wall after inserting from the front F16B13/002 and F16B13/12 take precedence; friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B2/00 F16B13/045having axially compressing parts allowing the clamping of an object tightly to the wall F16B13/06combined with expanding sleeve F16B13/045 and F16B13/08 take precedence F16B13/061of the buckling type F16B13/063by the use of an expander F16B13/065fastened by extracting the screw, nail or the like F16B13/066fastened by extracting a separate expander-part, actuated by the screw, nail or the like F16B13/068expanded in two or more places F16B13/08with separate or non-separate gripping parts moved into their final position in relation to the body of the device without further manual operation F16B13/0808by a toggle-mechanism F16B13/0816with a wedging drive-pin F16B13/0825with a locking element, e.g. sleeve, ring or key co-operating with a cammed or eccentrical surface of the dowel body F16B13/0833with segments or fingers expanding or tilting into an undercut hole F16B13/0858 takes precedence F16B13/0841with a deformable sleeve member driven against the abutting surface of the head of the bolt or of a plug F16B13/085with a drive-nail deflected by an inclined surface in the dowel body nails with spreading shaft F16B15/04 F16B13/0858with an expansible sleeve or dowel body driven against a tapered or spherical expander plug F16B13/004 takes precedence F16B13/0866with prongs penetrating into the wall of the hole by a retractile movement of a threaded member F16B13/0875with elastic discs or spring washers anchoring in the hole F16B13/0883with split rings or wire between the threads of the dowel body or in grooves near a conical surface F16B13/0825 takes precedence F16B13/0891with a locking element, e.g. wedge, key or ball moving along an inclined surface of the dowel body F16B13/0816, F16B13/0825, F16B13/0883 take precedence F16B13/10with separate gripping parts moved into their final position in relation to the body of the device by a separate operation F16B13/06 takes precedence F16B13/12Separate metal or non-separate or non-metal dowel sleeves fastened by inserting the screw, nail or the like F16B13/0808 takes precedence F16B13/122made from a sheet-metal blank F16B13/124fastened by inserting a threaded element, e.g. screw or bolt F16B13/122, F16B13/128 take precedence F16B13/126fastened by inserting an unthreaded element, e.g. pin or nail F16B13/122, F16B13/128 take precedence F16B13/128with extending protrusions, e.g. discs, segments, ridges, fingers or tongues F16B13/122 takes precedence F16B13/14Non-metallic plugs or sleeves not used, see F16B13/002- F16B13/12Use of liquid, loose solid or kneadable material therefor F16B13/141Fixing plugs in holes by the use of settable material F16B13/142characterised by the composition of the setting material or mixture F16B13/143 takes precedence F16B13/143using frangible cartridges or capsules containing the setting components F16B13/144characterised by the shape or configuration or material of the frangible cartridges or capsules F16B13/145characterised by the composition of the setting agents contained in the frangible cartridges or capsules F16B13/146with a bag-shaped envelope or a tubular sleeve closed at one end, e.g. with a sieve-like sleeve, or with an expandable sheath F16B2013/147Grout with reinforcing elements or with fillers, e.g. fibres, flakes, balls, wires F16B2013/148Means for inhibiting adhesion between dowel or anchor bolt parts and the surrounding grouting composition F16B15/00Fastening means without screw-thread horseshoe nails A01L7/10; nails for footwear A43B23/20; thumb- tacks B43M15/00; for building constructions E04B1/38; for hand railings E04F11/18; for fencing E04H17/00 F16B15/00NailsStaples surgical staples A61B17/064; manufacture of nails or staples B21G ; drawing-pins, thumb-tacks B43M15/00; railway spikes E01B9/06 F16B15/0007with two nail points extending in opposite directions, in order to fix two workpieces together F16B15/0015Staples F16B15/0023Nail plates claw dowels for building structures E04B1/49; machines for driving in nail plates B27F7/15 F16B15/003with teeth cut out from the material of the plate F16B15/0038only on the perimeter of the plate F16B15/0046from the body of the plate F16B15/0053with separate nails attached to the plate F16B2015/0061Multipiece-plates F16B2015/0069with nails on both sides F16B2015/0076with provisions for additional fastening means, e.g. hooks, holes for separate screws or nails, adhesive F16B2015/0084with marks to indicate where to strike with the hammer F16B15/0092Coated nails or staples F16B15/02with specially-shaped heads, e.g. with enlarged surfaces ornaments for furniture A47B95/04; removable ornamental heads for nails A47G3/00 F16B15/04with spreading shaft dowels with a drive-nail deflected by an inclined surface in the dowel body F16B13/085 F16B15/06with barbs, e.g. for metal partsDrive screws F16B15/08formed in integral series but easily separable F16B17/00Connecting constructional elements or machine parts by a part of or on one member entering a hole in the other and involving plastic deformationriveting F16B19/04 F16B17/004of rods or tubes mutually F16B17/006of rods or tubes to sheets or plates F16B17/008of sheets or plates mutually joining sheets by riveting without the use of separate rivets F16B5/045 F16B19/00Bolts without screw-threadPins, including deformable elements in screwed connections F16B29/00Rivets means for preventing withdrawal F16B21/00 F16B19/002Resiliently deformable pins F16B21/06 takes precedence F16B19/004made in one piece F16B21/084 takes precedence F16B2019/006made in a plurality of pieces F16B19/008with sealing means F16B19/02Bolts or sleeves for positioning of machine parts, e.g. notched taper pins, fitting pins, sleeves, eccentric positioning rings F16B19/04RivetsSpigots or the like fastened by riveting lead seals G09F3/00 F16B2019/045Coated rivets F16B19/05Bolts fastening by swaged-on collars F16B19/08 takes precedence F16B2019/055deformed by an electro-magnetic action F16B19/06Solid rivets made in one piece F16B19/08Hollow rivetsMulti-part rivets F16B19/083Self-drilling rivets F16B19/086Self-piercing rivets F16B19/10fastened by expanding mechanicallySubject matter relating to hollow or single-part rivets fastened by a pull-through mandrel is classified in F16B19/1045Subject matter relating to hollow or single-part rivets fastened by a drive pin is classified in F16B19/1081 F16B2019/1009hollow or single-part rivets fastened by a pull-through mandrel F16B2019/1018hollow or single-part rivets fastened by a drive pin F16B19/1027Multi-part rivets F16B19/1036Blind rivets F16B19/1045fastened by a pull - mandrel or the like F16B19/109 takes precedence F16B19/1054the pull-mandrel or the like being frangible F16B19/1063with a sleeve or collar sliding over the hollow rivet body during the pulling operation F16B19/1072the pull-mandrel or the like comprising a thread and being rotated with respect to the rivet, thereby mechanically expanding and fastening the rivet nuts fastened by riveting F16B37/067 F16B19/1081fastened by a drive-pin F16B19/109 takes precedence F16B19/109Temporary rivets, e.g. with a spring-loaded pin special clamping devices for workpieces to be riveted together, e.g. operating through the rivet holes B21J15/42; hand tools for temporarily connecting sheets before or during assembly operations B25B31/005 F16B19/12fastened by fluid pressure, including by explosion bolts shot by means of detonation-operated nailing tools into concrete constructions, metal walls or the like F16B19/14 F16B19/125fastened by explosion F16B19/14Bolts or the like for shooting into concrete constructions, metal walls or the like by means of detonation-operated nailing tools tools therefor B25C, B27F F16B21/00Means for preventing relative axial movement of a pin, spigot, shaft or the like and a member surrounding it riveted or deformable spigots F16B19/04; for gudgeon pins F16J1/18Stud-and-socket releasable fastenings F16B21/02Releasable fastening devices locking by rotation with snap-action F16B21/06; studs or coupling pins with resilient protrusions F16B21/08 F16B21/04with bayonet catch F16B21/06Releasable fastening devices with snap-action quickly-detachable or mountable nuts to threaded bolts F16B37/0842 F16B21/065with an additional locking element F16B21/07in which the socket has a resilient part F16B21/065 takes precedence F16B21/071the socket being integrally formed with a component to be fasted, e.g. a sheet, plate or strip F16B21/073the socket having a resilient part on its inside F16B21/075the socket having resilient parts on its inside and outside F16B21/076the socket having a resilient part on its outside F16B21/075 takes precedence F16B21/078the socket having a further molded-in or embedded component, e.g. a ring with snap-in teeth molded into it F16B21/065 takes precedence F16B21/08in which the stud, pin, or spigot has a resilient part F16B21/065, F16B21/125, F16B21/165, F16B37/043 take precedence; wall-dowels F16B13/00 F16B21/082the stud, pin or spigot having two resilient parts on its opposite ends in order to connect two elements F16B21/084with a series of flexible ribs or fins extending laterally from the shank of the stud, pin or spigot, said ribs or fins deforming predominantly in a direction parallel to the direction of insertion of the shank F16B21/086the shank of the stud, pin or spigot having elevations, ribs, fins or prongs intended for deformation or tilting predominantly in a direction perpendicular to the direction of insertion F16B21/088the stud, pin or spigot being integrally formed with the component to be fastened, e.g. forming part of the sheet, plate or strip F16B21/09Releasable fastening devices with a stud engaging a keyhole slot F16B21/10by separate parts F16B21/06 takes precedence; key-type connection F16B3/00; locking screws or nuts against rotation by such means F16B39/04 F16B21/12with locking-pins or split-pins thrust into holes F16B21/125radially resilient or with a snap-action member, e.g. elastic tooth, pawl with spring, resilient coil or wire F16B21/14Details of locking-pins or split-pins F16B21/16with grooves or notches in the pin or shaft F16B21/165with balls or rollers for connections of rods or tubes engaged telescopically F16B7/1409 F16B21/18with circlips or like resilient retaining devices, i.e. resilient in the plane of the ring or the likeDetails spring-washers for locking nuts F16B39/24; adjusting rings F16B43/00 F16B21/183internal, i.e. with spreading action F16B21/186external, i.e. with contracting action F16B21/20for bolts or shafts without holes, grooves, or notches for locking members by rings resilient in their plane F16B21/18 F16B21/205the connecting means having gripping edges in the form of a helix F16B23/00Fastening means using screw-thread wall-dowels F16B13/00; manufacture of threaded fastening means B21H, B21K, B23G; screws or bolts for railway sleepers E01B9/10; screw mechanisms F16H F16B23/00Specially shaped nuts or heads of bolts or screws for rotations by a tool detachable ornamental heads for screws A47G3/00; screwdrivers, wrenches B25B F16B23/0007characterised by the shape of the recess or the protrusion engaging the tool F16B23/0069 and F16B23/0076 take precedence F16B23/0015substantially rectangular, e.g. one-slot head F16B23/0023substantially cross-shaped F16B23/003star-shaped or multi-lobular, e.g. Torx-type, twelve-point star F16B23/0038substantially prismatic with up to six edges, e.g. triangular, square, pentagonal, Allen-type cross-sections F16B23/0046having one eccentric circular or polygonal recess or protrusion F16B23/0053with a conical or prismatic recess for receiving a centering pin of the tool apparatus F16B23/0061with grooves, notches or splines on the external peripheral surface designed for tools engaging in radial direction F16B23/003 takes precedence F16B23/0069with holes to be engaged with corresponding pins on the tool or protruding pins to be engaged with corresponding holes on the tool F16B23/0076causing slipping of the tool in loosening rotation, i.e. disabling unscrewing unless another tool is used F16B31/027 takes precedence F16B23/0084with a threaded engagement between the head of the bolt or screw and the tool F16B23/0092with a head engageable by two or more different tools F16B23/0076 takes precedence F16B25/00Screws that cut thread in the body into which they are screwed, e.g. wood screws F16B35/065 takes precedence; joining sheets or plates using screws with two separate threads F16B5/0275, using screws with adjustment sleeves F16B5/0283 F16B25/0005of the helical wire type threaded wire-inserts F16B37/12 F16B25/001characterised by the material of the body into which the screw is screwed F16B25/0015the material being a soft organic material, e.g. wood or plastic F16B25/0031 takes precedence F16B25/0021the material being metal, e.g. sheet-metal or aluminium F16B25/0031 takes precedence F16B25/0026the material being a hard non-organic material, e.g. stone, concrete or drywall F16B25/0031 takes precedence F16B25/0031the screw being designed to be screwed into different materials, e.g. a layered structure or through metallic and wooden parts F16B25/0036characterised by geometric details of the screw F16B25/0042characterised by the geometry of the thread, the thread being a ridge wrapped around the shaft of the screw F16B25/0047the ridge being characterised by its cross-section in the plane of the shaft axis F16B25/0052the ridge having indentations, notches or the like in order to improve the cutting behaviour F16B25/0057the screw having distinct axial zones, e.g. multiple axial thread sections with different pitch or thread cross-sections F16B25/0063with a non-threaded portion on the shaft of the screw F16B25/0068with multiple-threads, e.g. a double thread screws F16B25/0073characterised by its pitch, e.g. a varying pitch F16B25/0078with a shaft of non-circular cross-section or other special geometric features of the shaft F16B25/0084characterised by geometric details of the tip F16B25/0089the screw having wings F16B25/0094the screw being assembled or manufactured from several components, e.g. a tip out of a first material welded to shaft of a second material F16B25/10Screws performing an additional function to thread-forming, e.g. drill screws or self-piercing screws F16B25/103by means of a drilling screw-point, i.e. with a cutting and material removing action F16B25/106by means of a self-piercing screw-point, i.e. without removing material F16B27/00Bolts, screws, or nuts formed in integral series but easily separable, particularly for use in automatic machines arrangements for feeding screws or nuts in spanners, wrenches or screw-drivers with built-in magazines B25B23/06 F16B29/00Screwed connection with deformation of nut or auxiliary member while fastening Nuts fastened to surfaces by riveting F16B37/065; members deformed for locking screws, bolts or nuts F16B39/22 F16B31/00Screwed connections specially modified in view of tensile loadBreak-bolts shape of thread F16B33/02; in couplings F16D9/00 F16B2031/002Breakbolts loosening due to an electromagnetic action F16B31/005Breakbolts loosening due to the action of an explosive charge F16B31/007Break-bolts loosening at high temperature F16B31/02for indicating the attainment of a particular tensile load or limiting tensile load apparatus for, or method of, determining value of torque or twisting moment for tightening a nut or other member similarly stressed G01L5/24 F16B31/021by means of a frangible part F16B31/025, F16B31/028 take precedence; break members in torque limiters or torque indicators in wrenches or screwdrivers B25B23/1415 F16B2031/022using an ultrasonic transducer F16B31/024with the bottom of the nut or of the head of the bolt having gaps which close as the bolt tension increases, e.g. with lips or with a load-indicating flange F16B31/025with a gauge pin in a longitudinal bore in the body of the bolt F16B31/027with a bolt head causing the fastening or the unfastening tool to lose the grip when a specified torque is exceeded F16B31/028with a load-indicating washer or washer assembly F16B31/04for maintaining a tensile load F16B31/043Prestressed connections tensioned by means of liquid, grease, rubber, explosive charge, or the like hydraulic bolt tensioners B25B29/02 F16B2031/046by means of an explosive charge F16B31/06having regard to possibility of fatigue rupture F16B33/00Features common to bolt and nut F16B33/002Means for preventing rotation of screw-threaded elements F16B39/00 takes precedence F16B33/004Sealing; Insulation by means of washers F16B43/001 F16B33/006Non-metallic fasteners using screw-thread F16B33/008Corrosion preventing means F16B33/02Shape of threadSpecial thread-forms F16B25/00 takes precedence; used to remove paint or dirt layers F16B35/007, F16B37/002; used as screw-locking device F16B39/30 F16B2033/025with left-hand thread F16B33/04in view of tensile load F16B33/06Surface treatment of parts furnished with screw-thread, e.g. for preventing seizure or fretting corrosion preventing means F16B33/008; settable coatings for locking threaded members F16B39/225; deformable coatings for locking threaded members F16B39/34 F16B35/00Screw-boltsStay-boltsScrew-threaded studsScrewsSet screws F16B33/008 takes precedence; joining sheets or plates using screws with two separate threads F16B5/0275; using screws with adjustment sleeves F16B5/0283; thread cutting screws F16B25/00The fastening of heads of screws or heads of bolts to surfaces is classified in F16B37/04 F16B35/002onto which threads are cut during screwing F16B37/002 takes precedence F16B35/005Set screws; Locking means therefor F16B35/007Removing paint or dirt layers covering the threaded part of nut-like members F16B35/02divided longitudinally F16B35/04with specially-shaped head or shaft in order to fix the bolt on or in an object locking the bolt against turning in the object by the use of accessory parts F16B39/00 F16B35/041Specially-shaped shafts shape of thread F16B33/02 F16B35/042for retention or rotation by a tool, e.g. of polygonal cross-section F16B35/044Specially-shaped ends F16B35/045for retention or rotation by a tool specially shaped heads of bolts or screws for rotation by a tool F16B23/00 F16B35/047for preventing cross-threading, i.e. preventing skewing of bolt and nut F16B35/048Specially-shaped necks F16B35/06 takes precedence F16B35/06Specially-shaped heads special shape in order to rotate the bolt F16B23/00 ; separate hook adaptors for bolts F16B43/025 F16B35/065with self-countersink-cutting means F16B37/00Nuts or like thread-engaging members specially shaped for rotations by a tool F16B23/00 F16B37/002cutting threads during screwing; removing paint or dirt layers covering threaded shanks F16B37/005into which threads are cut during screwing F16B2037/007with a blind hole F16B37/02made of thin sheet material fastening to surfaces F16B37/04 ; used as lock-nuts F16B39/14 F16B37/04Devices for fastening nuts to surfaces, e.g. sheets, plates nuts fastened behind a wall by a toggle-mechanism F16B13/0808; threaded inserts F16B37/122; measures against loss of bolts, nuts or pins F16B41/002 F16B37/041Releasable devices F16B37/044, F16B37/045 take precedence F16B37/042locking by rotation F16B37/043with snap action F16B37/044Nut cages F16B37/045specially adapted for fastening in channels, e.g. sliding bolts, channel nuts F16B37/046with resilient means for urging the nut inside the channel F16B37/047Barrel nuts F16B37/048Non-releasable devices F16B37/044, F16B37/045 and F16B37/06 take precedence F16B37/06by means of welding or riveting F16B37/061by means of welding F16B37/062by means of riveting F16B37/064with the use of separate rivets F16B37/065by deforming the material of the nut F16B37/067the material of the nut being deformed by a threaded member generating axial movement of the threaded part of the nut, e.g. blind rivet type F16B37/068by deforming the material of the support, e.g. the sheet or plate F16B37/08Quickly-detachable or mountable nuts, e.g. consisting of two or more partsNuts movable along the bolt after tilting the nut F16B37/0807Nuts engaged from the end of the bolt, e.g. axially slidable nuts F16B37/0814movable along the bolt after tilting the nut F16B37/0821in two halves pivotally connected F16B37/0828with a longitudinal slit through the annular wall of the nut for enabling expansion of the nut, e.g. for easy removal F16B37/0835with balls engaging threads or grooves on the shaft of the bolt F16B37/0842fastened to the threaded bolt with snap-on-action, e.g. push-on nuts for stud bolts F16B37/0857 takes precedence; snap-on-action of a pin, spigot, shaft or the like and a member surrounding it F16B21/06 F16B37/085with at least one unthreaded portion in both the nut and the bolt F16B37/0857with the threaded portions of the nut engaging the thread of the bolt by the action of one or more springs or resilient retaining members F16B37/0821 and F16B37/0835 take precedence F16B37/0864with the threaded portions of the nut engaging the thread of the bolt by pressing or rotating an external retaining member such as a cap, a nut, a ring or a sleeve F16B37/0835 takes precedence F16B37/0871engaging the bolt laterally, i.e. without the need to engage the end of the bolt F16B37/0878in one piece, e.g. C-shaped nuts F16B37/0885in two halves hingedly connected F16B37/0892in two or more pieces, e.g. assemblies made by two C-shaped nuts mutually interlocked, or retained by an additional member F16B37/0885 takes precedence F16B37/12with thread-engaging surfaces formed by inserted coil-springs, discs, or the likeIndependent pieces of wound wire used as nutsThreaded inserts for holes mounting devices B25B27/143 F16B37/122Threaded inserts, e.g. "rampa bolts" F16B37/125the external surface of the insert being threaded F16B37/127and self-tapping F16B37/14Cap nutsNut caps or bolt caps F16B37/145Sleeve nuts, e.g. combined with bolts F16B37/16Wing-nuts F16B37/14 takes precedence F16B39/00Locking of screws, bolts or nuts F16B35/005 takes precedence; locking of bottle closures B65D; locking of rail-fastening bolts for permanent ways E01B9/12; locking of fastening means for railway fishplates E01B11/38; locking devices for valves or cocks F16KIn this group, heads of screws or bolts are put on a par with nuts as far as pertains to locking; an object into which a screw is threaded is put on a par with a nut. F16B39/01specially adapted to prevent loosening at extreme temperatures F16B39/02in which the locking takes place after screwing down F16B39/01 takes precedence; split-pins, circlips, or the like for preventing relative axial movement only F16B21/10; fastening nuts by welding or riveting F16B37/06 F16B39/021by injecting a settable material after the screwing down F16B39/023by driving a conic or wedge-shaped expander through the threaded element F16B39/025by plastic deformation of a part of one of the threaded elements into a notch or cavity of the other threaded element F16B39/103 and F16B39/106 take precedence F16B39/026by swaging the nut on the bolt, i.e. by plastically deforming the nut F16B39/028by means of an auxiliary bolt or threaded element whose action provokes the deformation of the main bolt or nut and thereby its blocking F16B39/04with a member penetrating the screw-threaded surface of at least one part, e.g. a pin, a wedge, cotter-pin, screw F16B39/06with a pin or staple parallel to the bolt axis F16B39/08with a cap interacting with the nut, connected to the bolt by a pin or cotter pin F16B39/10by a plate, spring, wire or ring immovable with regard to the bolt or object and mainly perpendicular to the axis of the boltF16B39/08 takes precedence F16B39/101with a plate, spring, wire or ring holding two or more nuts or bolt heads which are mainly in the same plane F16B39/103with a locking cup washer, ring or sleeve surrounding the nut or bolt head and being partially deformed on the nut or bolt head, or on the object itself F16B39/105locking the bold head or nut into a hole or cavity, e.g. with the cup washer, ring or sleeve deformed into a dimple in the cavity F16B39/106with a deformable locking element, e.g. disk or pin above the bolt head or nut, flattened into a hole or cavity within which the bolt head or nut is positioned F16B39/108with a locking washer under the nut or bolt head having at least one tongue or lug folded against the nut or bolt head, or against the object itself F16B39/103 takes precedence F16B39/12by means of locknuts F16B39/122foreseen with mating surfaces inclined, i.e. not normal, to the bolt axis F16B39/124with helically inclined mating surfaces F16B39/126causing radial forces on the bolt-shaft F16B39/36 takes precedence F16B39/128by means of eccentrical or spiral interengaging parts F16B39/14made of thin sheet material or formed as spring-washers locknuts per se made of thin sheet metal F16B37/02 F16B39/16in which the screw-thread of the locknut differs from that of the nut F16B39/18in which the locknut grips with screw-thread in the nuts as well as on the bolt F16B39/20by means of steel wire or the like F16B39/10 takes precedence F16B39/22in which the locking takes place during screwing down or tightening F16B39/01 takes precedence F16B39/225by means of a settable material F16B39/24by means of washers, spring washers, or resilient plates that lock against the object locking to the screw-thread F16B39/14 , F16B39/34, F16B39/36 F16B39/26with spring washers fastened to the nut or bolt-head F16B39/28by special members on, or shape of, the nut or bolt F16B39/26 takes precedence; locknuts F16B39/12 F16B39/282Locking by means of special shape of work-engaging surfaces, e.g. notched or toothed nuts F16B39/2825causing the bolt to tilt F16B39/284Locking by means of elastic deformation F16B39/2825, F16B39/36, F16B39/38 take precedence F16B39/286caused by saw cuts F16B39/30Locking exclusively by special shape of the screw-thread F16B39/32Locking by means of a pawl or pawl-like tongue F16B39/34Locking by deformable inserts or like parts F16B39/36with conical locking parts, which may be split, including use of separate rings co-operating therewith F16B39/38with a second part of the screw-thread which may be resiliently mounted F16B39/30 takes precedence F16B41/00Measures against loss of bolts, nuts, or pinsMeasures against unauthorised operation of bolts, nuts or pins locking of screws, bolts or nuts F16B39/00; seals G09F3/00 F16B41/002Measures against loss of bolts, nuts or pins devices for fastening nuts to surfaces F16B37/04 F16B41/005Measures against unauthorised operation of bolts, nuts or pins F16B23/0007, F16B23/0061, F16B23/0069, F16B23/0076 and F16B31/02 take precedence; locks, keys E05B; for valves, taps or cocks F16K35/00; for pipe-joints with swivel-nuts F16L19/005 F16B41/007by means of two housings hingedly connected which enclose the bolt head F16B43/00Washers or equivalent devicesOther devices for supporting bolt-heads or nuts circlips F16B21/18; for indicating tensile load F16B31/02; forming a whole with the bolt or nut F16B33/00; locking bolts or nuts by means of a fixed plate or ring, or washer-like resilient plates F16B39/10, F16B39/24 F16B43/001for sealing or insulation F16B43/002with special provisions for reducing friction F16B43/003with a special hole shape in order to allow a quick mounting or dismounting of the washer, e.g. with a keyhole slot F16B43/005 takes precedence F16B43/004with a radial cut in order to improve elasticity of the washer F16B43/005 takes precedence F16B43/005engaging the bolt laterally to allow a quick mounting or dismounting of the washer, i.e. without the need to engage over the end of the bolt F16B43/009 takes precedence F16B43/006in two or more parts hingedly connected F16B43/007in two or more parts F16B2043/008with a cavity for receiving the bolt head in order to make a flush surface F16B43/009with a wedging effect in order to adjust the height of the washer F16B43/02with special provisions for engaging surfaces which are not perpendicular to a bolt axis or do not surround the bolt F16B43/025for surfaces not surrounding the bolt, e.g. hook adaptors for bolts F16B45/00HooksEyes if the attaching parts or means are concerned, groups F16B13/00, F16B15/00, F16B19/00, F16B25/00, F16B35/00, F16B47/00 take precedence; for hanging pictures or the like A47G1/16; towing hooks for ships B63B21/58; for hoisting or hauling purposes B66C; hooks or eyes with integral parts designed to facilitate quick attachment to cables or ropes at any point F16G11/14Group F16B45/00 is impacted by reclassification into groups F16B45/002, F16B45/005, F16B45/008, F16B45/012 and F16B45/015.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/002EyesGroup F16B45/002 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/00.
Groups F16B45/00 and F16B45/002 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/005characterised by the materialGroups F16B45/005, F16B45/008, F16B45/012, and F16B45/015 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F16B45/00, F16B45/02, F16B45/021 and F16B45/04.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/008plastics F16B45/012wire F16B45/015sheet metal
F16B45/02Hooks with pivoting or elastically bending closing memberGroup F16B45/02 is impacted by reclassification into groups F16B45/005, F16B45/008, F16B45/012, F16B45/015, F16B45/021, F16B45/022, F16B45/023, F16B45/024, F16B45/026, F16B45/027, F16B45/028, F16B45/029, F16B45/031, F16B45/032, F16B45/033, F16B45/034, F16B45/035, F16B45/036 and F16B45/037.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/021the closing member being operable remotely, e.g. by cables, chains or rodsGroup F16B45/021 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from groups F16B45/02.
Group F16B45/021 is also impacted by reclassification into groups F16B45/005, F16B45/008, F16B45/012, F16B45/015, F16B45/022, F16B45/023, F16B45/024, F16B45/026, F16B45/027, F16B45/028, F16B45/029, F16B45/031, F16B45/032, F16B45/033, F16B45/034, F16B45/035, F16B45/036 and F16B45/037.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/022the closing member pivoting about an axis lying in the plane of the hookGroup F16B45/022 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/023the closing member pivoting about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the hookGroup F16B45/023 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/024and having means biasing the closing member about the pivotGroups F16B45/024 and F16B45/026 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/026and including a coil type spring
F16B45/027and having position-locking means for the closing memberGroups F16B45/027, F16B45/028 and F16B45/029 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/028the position-locking means being pivotally connected F16B45/029the position-locking means being slidably mounted
F16B45/031the closing member closing when a structure to be secured is tensionedGroup F16B45/031 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/032whereby the closing member is slidable relative to the pivotGroup F16B45/032 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/033the closing member being revolvably mounted and having a disc shapeGroup F16B45/033 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/034the closing member constituting the hook shaped portion of the hookGroup F16B45/034 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/035the hook forming a loop or ring when interlocked with the closing member, i.e. the entire structure of the hook being loop shapedGroup F16B45/035 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/036with an elastically bending closing memberGroup F16B45/036 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/037Multiple locking cavities, each having a pivoting closing memberGroup F16B45/037 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/02.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/04Hooks with sliding closing memberGroup F16B45/04 is impacted by reclassification into groups F16B45/005, F16B45/008, F16B45/012, F16B45/015, F16B45/043, F16B45/045, F16B45/047, F16B45/049, F16B45/051, F16B45/053, F16B45/055, F16B45/057 and F16B45/059.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/043the closing member being operable remotely, e.g. by cables, chains or rodsGroup F16B45/043 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
All groups listed in this Warning should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/045provided with position-locking means for the closing memberGroups F16B45/045 and F16B45/047 are incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/045 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/047in the form of a threaded closing member
F16B45/049provided with means biasing the closing memberGroup F16B45/049 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/049 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/051provided with a guide of the closing member encircling a shank of the hookGroup F16B45/051 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/051 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/053provided with a cavity in a shank of the hook forming a track or way for the closing memberGroup F16B45/053 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/053 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/055the closing member constituting the hook-shaped portion of the hookGroup F16B45/055 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/055 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/057the hook forming a loop or ring when interlocked with the closing member, i.e. the entire structure of the hook being loop shapedGroup F16B45/057 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/057 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/059Multiple locking cavities, each having a sliding closing memberGroup F16B45/059 is incomplete pending reclassification of documents from group F16B45/04.
Groups F16B45/04 and F16B45/059 should be considered in order to perform a complete search.
F16B45/06Hooks with two symmetrically-pivoting hook parts within the same locking cavity F16B45/035 takes precedence
F16B47/00Suction cups for attaching purposesEquivalent means using adhesives devices using adhesives, suction or magnetism for hanging or supporting pictures or the like A47G1/17; vacuum work holders B25B11/005; anchoring of ships using suction B63B21/27; suction cups for handling glass B65G49/061; load-engaging elements for cranes using suction means B66C1/02 F16B47/003using adhesives for attaching purposes using adhesives for connecting constructional elements F16B11/006 F16B47/006the suction cups being activated by the rotation of a cranked lever arm F16B2200/00Constructional details of connections not covered for in other groups of this subclass F16B2200/10Details of socket shapes F16B2200/20Connections with hook-like parts gripping behind a blind side of an element to be connected F16B2200/205the hook being a separate retainer F16B2200/30Dovetail-like connections F16B2200/40Clamping arrangements where clamping parts are received in recesses of elements to be connected F16B2200/403Threaded clamping parts F16B2200/406Clamping parts being collars, bushings or wedges F16B2200/50Flanged connections F16B2200/503the flange being separate from the elements to be connected F16B2200/506bolted or riveted F16B2200/509clamped