F25JLIQUEFACTION, SOLIDIFICATION OR SEPARATION OF GASES OR GASEOUS OR LIQUEFIED GASEOUS MIXTURES BY PRESSURE AND COLD TREATMENT OR BY BRINGING THEM INTO THE SUPERCRITICAL STATE cryogenic pumps F04B37/08; gas storage vessels, gas holders F17; filing vessels with, or discharging from vessels, compressed, liquefied or solidified gases F17C; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25BIn this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme. F25J1/00 F25J1/00Processes or apparatus for liquefying or solidifying gases or gaseous mixtures recovering volatile solvents by condensation B01D5/00; vapor recovery systems combined with filling nozzles B67D7/54; solidification of carbonic acid C01B32/55; for ammonia in general C01C1/00 F25J1/0002characterised by the fluid to be liquefied F25J1/0005Light or noble gases F25J1/0012 takes precedence F25J1/0007Helium F25J1/001Hydrogen F25J1/0012Primary atmospheric gases, e.g. air F25J1/0015Nitrogen F25J1/0017Oxygen F25J1/002Argon F25J1/0022Hydrocarbons, e.g. natural gas F25J1/0025Boil-off gases "BOG" from storages F25J1/0027Oxides of carbon, e.g. CO2 F25J1/003characterised by the kind of cold generation within the liquefaction unit for compensating heat leaks and liquid production F25J1/0032using the feed stream itself or separated fractions from it, i.e. "internal refrigeration" F25J1/0035by gas expansion with extraction of work F25J1/0037of a return stream F25J1/004by flash gas recovery F25J1/0267 takes precedence F25J1/0042by liquid expansion with extraction of work F25J1/0045by vaporising a liquid return stream F25J1/0047using an "external" refrigerant stream in a closed vapor compression cycle F25J1/0221, F25J1/0225 take precedence F25J1/005by expansion of a gaseous refrigerant stream with extraction of work F25J1/0052by vaporising a liquid refrigerant stream F25J1/0055originating from an incorporated cascade F25J1/0057after expansion of the liquid refrigerant stream with extraction of work F25J1/006characterised by the refrigerant fluid used refrigerants in vapor compression cycles F25B9/002, refrigerant materials per se C09K5/00 F25J1/0062Light or noble gases, mixtures thereof F25J1/007 takes precedence F25J1/0065Helium F25J1/0067Hydrogen F25J1/007Primary atmospheric gases, mixtures thereof F25J1/0072Nitrogen F25J1/0075Oxygen F25J1/0077Argon F25J1/008Hydrocarbons F25J1/0082Methane F25J1/0085Ethane; Ethylene F25J1/0087Propane; Propylene F25J1/009Hydrocarbons with four or more carbon atoms F25J1/0092Mixtures of hydrocarbons comprising possibly also minor amounts of nitrogen F25J1/0095Oxides of carbon, e.g. CO2 F25J1/0097Others, e.g. F-, Cl-, HF-, HClF-, HCl-hydrocarbons etc. or mixtures thereof F25J1/02requiring the use of refrigeration, e.g. of helium or hydrogen Details and kind of the refrigeration system used; Integration with other units or processes; Controlling aspects of the process F25J1/0201using only internal refrigeration means, i.e. without external refrigeration F25J1/0202in a quasi-closed internal refrigeration loop F25J1/0208, F25J1/0219, F25J1/0224 take precedence F25J1/0203using a single-component refrigerant [SCR] fluid in a closed vapor compression cycle F25J1/0211 takes precedence F25J1/0204as a single flow SCR cycle F25J1/0205as a dual level SCR refrigeration cascade F25J1/0207as at least a three level SCR refrigeration cascade F25J1/0208in combination with an internal quasi-closed refrigeration loop, e.g. with deep flash recycle loop F25J1/021 takes precedence F25J1/0209as at least a three level refrigeration cascade F25J1/021using a deep flash recycle loop F25J1/0211using a multi-component refrigerant [MCR] fluid in a closed vapor compression cycle F25J1/0212as a single flow MCR cycle F25J1/0214as a dual level refrigeration cascade with at least one MCR cycle F25J1/0215with one SCR cycle F25J1/0216using a C3 pre-cooling cycle F25J1/0217as at least a three level refrigeration cascade with at least one MCR cycle F25J1/0218with one or more SCR cycles, e.g. with a C3 pre-cooling cycle F25J1/0219in combination with an internal quasi-closed refrigeration loop, e.g. using a deep flash recycle loop F25J1/0221using the cold stored in an external cryogenic component in an open refrigeration loop F25J1/0222in combination with an intermediate heat exchange fluid between the cryogenic component and the fluid to be liquefied F25J1/0224 takes precedence F25J1/0223in combination with the subsequent re-vaporisation of the originally liquefied gas at a second location to produce the external cryogenic component F25J1/0224in combination with an internal quasi-closed refrigeration loop F25J1/0208, F25J1/0219 take precedence F25J1/0225using other external refrigeration means not provided before, e.g. heat driven absorption chillers F25J1/0227within a refrigeration cascade F25J1/0228Coupling of the liquefaction unit to other units or processes, so-called integrated processes combined plants, e.g. engine plant combined with an industrial process F01K23/064; gas turbine plants in combination with other processes F02C6/00 F25J1/0229Integration with a unit for using hydrocarbons, e.g. consuming hydrocarbons as feed stock F25J1/023for the combustion as fuels, i.e. integration with the fuel gas system F25J1/0231for the working-up of the hydrocarbon feed, e.g. reinjection of heavier hydrocarbons into the liquefied gas F25J1/0232integration within a pressure letdown station of a high pressure pipeline system F25J1/0234Integration with a cryogenic air separation unit cryogenic separation of air F25J3/04 F25J1/0235Heat exchange integration F25J1/0236providing refrigeration for different processes treating not the same feed stream F25J1/0237integrating refrigeration provided for liquefaction and purification/treatment of the gas to be liquefied, e.g. heavy hydrocarbon removal from natural gas details related to rectification F25J3/02; details related to partial condensation F25J3/06; working-up natural gas C10L3/10 F25J1/0238Purification or treatment step is integrated within one refrigeration cycle only, i.e. the same or single refrigeration cycle provides feed gas cooling (if present) and overhead gas cooling F25J1/0239Purification or treatment step being integrated between two refrigeration cycles of a refrigeration cascade, i.e. first cycle providing feed gas cooling and second cycle providing overhead gas cooling F25J1/0241wherein the overhead cooling comprises providing reflux for a fractionation step F25J1/0242Waste heat recovery, e.g. from heat of compression F25J1/0243Start-up or control of the process; Details of the apparatus used; Details of the refrigerant compression system used F25J1/0244Operation; Control and regulation; Instrumentation F25J1/0279 takes precedence F25J1/0245Different modes, i.e. 'runs', of operation; Process control F25J1/0247start-up of the process F25J1/0248Stopping of the process, e.g. defrosting or deriming, maintenance; Back-up mode or systems F25J1/0249Controlling refrigerant inventory, i.e. composition or quantity charging or discharging refrigerants in cooling systems F25B45/00 F25J1/025Details related to the refrigerant production or treatment, e.g. make-up supply from feed gas itself F25J1/0251Intermittent or alternating process, so-called batch process, e.g. "peak-shaving" F25J1/0252Control strategy, e.g. advanced process control or dynamic modeling F25J1/0254controlling particular process parameter, e.g. pressure, temperature F25J1/0255controlling the composition of the feed or liquefied gas, e.g. to achieve a particular heating value of natural gas F25J1/0256Safety aspects of operation F25J1/0298 takes precedence F25J1/0257Construction and layout of liquefaction equipments, e.g. valves, machines F25J1/0279 takes precedence F25J1/0258vertical layout of the equipments within in the cold box F25J1/0259Modularity and arrangement of parts of the liquefaction unit and in particular of the cold box, e.g. pre-fabrication, assembling and erection, dimensions, horizontal layout "plot" F25J1/0261Details of cold box insulation, housing and internal structure buildings forming parts of cooling plants E04H5/10 F25J1/0262Details of the cold heat exchange system constructional details F25J5/00, construction of cold-exchangers in general F28 F25J1/0263using different types of heat exchangers F25J1/0264Arrangement of heat exchanger cores in parallel with different functions, e.g. different cooling streams F25J1/0272 takes precedence F25J1/0265comprising cores associated exclusively with the cooling of a refrigerant stream, e.g. for auto-refrigeration or economizer F25J1/0267using flash gas as heat sink F25J1/0268using a dedicated refrigeration means F25J1/0296 takes precedence F25J1/0269Arrangement of liquefaction units or equipments fulfilling the same process step, e.g. multiple "trains" concept F25J1/0294 takes precedence F25J1/027Inter-connecting multiple hot equipments upstream of the cold box F25J1/0271Inter-connecting multiple cold equipments within or downstream of the cold box F25J1/0272Multiple identical heat exchangers in parallel F25J1/0274Retrofitting or revamping of an existing liquefaction unit F25J1/0275adapted for special use of the liquefaction unit, e.g. portable or transportable devices F25J1/0276Laboratory or other miniature devices F25J1/0277Offshore use, e.g. during shipping F25J1/0278Unit being stationary, e.g. on floating barge or fixed platform F25J1/0279Compression of refrigerant or internal recycle fluid, e.g. kind of compressor, accumulator, suction drum etc. F25J1/0281characterised by the type of prime driver, e.g. hot gas expander F25J1/0282Steam turbine as the prime mechanical driver F25J1/0283Gas turbine as the prime mechanical driver F25J1/0284Electrical motor as the prime mechanical driver F25J1/0285Combination of different types of drivers mechanically coupled to the same refrigerant compressor, possibly split on multiple compressor casings F25J1/0287including an electrical motor F25J1/0288using work extraction by mechanical coupling of compression and expansion of the refrigerant, so-called companders F25J1/0289Use of different types of prime drivers of at least two refrigerant compressors in a cascade refrigeration system F25J1/029Mechanically coupling of different refrigerant compressors in a cascade refrigeration system to a common driver F25J1/0291Refrigerant compression by combined gas compression and liquid pumping F25J1/0292Refrigerant compression by cold or cryogenic suction of the refrigerant gas F25J1/0294Multiple compressor casings/strings in parallel, e.g. split arrangement F25J1/0295Shifting of the compression load between different cooling stages within a refrigerant cycle or within a cascade refrigeration system F25J1/0296Removal of the heat of compression, e.g. within an inter- or afterstage-cooler against an ambient heat sink F25J1/0297using an externally chilled fluid, e.g. chilled water F25J1/0298Safety aspects and control of the refrigerant compression system, e.g. anti-surge control F25J3/00Processes or apparatus for separating the constituents of gaseous or liquefied gaseous mixtures involving the use of liquefaction or solidification F25J3/02by rectification, i.e. by continuous interchange of heat and material between a vapour stream and a liquid stream F25J3/08 takes precedence ; purification of hydrocarbons in general C07C7/00 F25J3/0204characterised by the feed stream for air F25J3/04 F25J3/0209Natural gas or substitute natural gas F25J3/0214Liquefied natural gas F25J3/0219Refinery gas, cracking gas, coke oven gas, gaseous mixtures containing aliphatic unsaturated CnHm or gaseous mixtures of undefined nature F25J3/0223H2/CO mixtures, i.e. synthesis gas; Water gas or shifted synthesis gas production of carbon monoxide containing gas in general C01B32/40, C10J, C10K; production of hydrogen containing gas C01B3/00 F25J3/0228characterised by the separated product stream F25J3/0233separation of CnHm with 1 carbon atom or more F25J3/0238separation of CnHm with 2 carbon atoms or more F25J3/0242separation of CnHm with 3 carbon atoms or more F25J3/0247separation of CnHm with 4 carbon atoms or more F25J3/0252separation of hydrogen production of hydrogen containing gas in general C01B3/00, e.g. separation of hydrogen or hydrogen containing gases form gaseous mixtures at low temperatures C01B3/506 F25J3/0257separation of nitrogen from air F25J3/04, production of nitrogen in general C01B21/00 F25J3/0261separation of carbon monoxide production of carbon monoxide containing gas in general C01B32/40, C10J, C10K F25J3/0266separation of carbon dioxide production of carbon dioxide in general C01B32/00 F25J3/0271separation of H2/CO mixtures, i.e. of synthesis gas production of carbon monoxide containing gas in general C01B32/40, C10J, C10K, production of hydrogen containing gas C01B3/00 F25J3/0276separation of H2/N2 mixtures, i.e. of ammonia synthesis gas in general C01B3/00 F25J3/028separation of noble gases from air F25J3/04642; in general C01B23/00 F25J3/0285of argon F25J3/029of helium F25J3/0295Start-up or control of the process; Details of the apparatus used, e.g. sieve plates, packings F25J3/04for air F25J3/04006Providing pressurised feed air or process streams within or from the air fractionation unit F25J3/04012by compression of warm gaseous streams; details of intake or interstage cooling F25J3/04048 takes precedence; operation of compressors F25J3/04781; particular layout of compressors used in air fractionation units F25J3/04866 F25J3/04018of main feed air F25J3/04024of purified feed air, so-called boosted air F25J3/0403of nitrogen F25J3/04036of oxygen F25J3/04042of argon or argon enriched stream F25J3/04048by compression of cold gaseous streams, e.g. intermediate or oxygen enriched (waste) streams F25J3/04054of air F25J3/0406of nitrogen F25J3/04066of oxygen F25J3/04072of argon or argon enriched stream F25J3/04078providing pressurized products by liquid compression and vaporisation with cold recovery, i.e. so-called internal compression operation of pumps F25J3/04781; particular layout of pumps used in air fractionation units F25J3/04866 F25J3/04084of nitrogen F25J3/0409of oxygen F25J3/04096of argon or argon enriched stream F25J3/04103using solely hydrostatic liquid head F25J3/04109Arrangements of compressors and /or their drivers using work extraction by mechanical coupling of compression and cold expansion F25J3/04381 F25J3/04115characterised by the type of prime driver, e.g. hot gas expander F25J3/04121Steam turbine as the prime mechanical driver F25J3/04127Gas turbine as the prime mechanical driver F25J3/04133Electrical motor as the prime mechanical driver F25J3/04139Combination of different types of drivers mechanically coupled to the same compressor, possibly split on multiple compressor casings F25J3/04145Mechanically coupling of different compressors of the air fractionation process to the same driver(s) F25J3/04151Purification and (pre-)cooling of the feed air; recuperative heat-exchange with product streams F25J3/04157Afterstage cooling and so-called "pre-cooling" of the feed air upstream the air purification unit and main heat exchange line F25J3/04618 takes precedence F25J3/04163Hot end purification of the feed air arrangements of cold regenerators F25J5/00 F25J3/04169by adsorption of the impurities adsorption in general B01D53/02 F25J3/04175at a pressure of substantially more than the highest pressure column F25J3/04181Regenerating the adsorbents F25J3/04187Cooling of the purified feed air by recuperative heat-exchange; Heat-exchange with product streams arrangements of cold exchangers F25J5/002 F25J3/04193Division of the main heat exchange line in consecutive sections having different functions F25J3/042having an intermediate feed connection F25J3/04206including a so-called "auxiliary vaporiser" for vaporising and producing a gaseous product F25J3/04212and simultaneously condensing vapor from a column serving as reflux within the or another column F25J3/04218Parallel arrangement of the main heat exchange line in cores having different functions, e.g. in low pressure and high pressure cores F25J3/04503 takes precedence F25J3/04224Cores associated with a liquefaction or refrigeration cycle F25J3/0423Subcooling of liquid process streams F25J3/04236Integration of different exchangers in a single core, so-called integrated cores F25J3/04624 takes precedence F25J3/04242Cold end purification of the feed air F25J3/04248Generation of cold for compensating heat leaks or liquid production, e.g. by Joule-Thompson expansion F25J3/04254using the cold stored in external cryogenic fluids closed loop F25J3/04278 F25J3/0426The cryogenic component does not participate in the fractionation F25J3/04266and being liquefied hydrocarbons F25J3/04272and comprising means for reducing the risk of pollution of hydrocarbons into the air fractionation F25J3/04278using external refrigeration units, e.g. closed mechanical or regenerative refrigeration units F25J3/04284using internal refrigeration by open-loop gas work expansion, e.g. of intermediate or oxygen enriched (waste-)streams F25J3/04333 takes precedence F25J3/0429of feed air, e.g. used as waste or product air or expanded into an auxiliary column F25J3/04296Claude expansion, i.e. expanded into the main or high pressure column F25J3/04303Lachmann expansion, i.e. expanded into oxygen producing or low pressure column F25J3/04309of nitrogen F25J3/04315Lowest pressure or impure nitrogen, so-called waste nitrogen expansion F25J3/04321of oxygen F25J3/04327of argon or argon enriched stream F25J3/04333using quasi-closed loop internal vapor compression refrigeration cycles, e.g. of intermediate or oxygen enriched (waste-)streams F25J3/04339of air F25J3/04345and comprising a gas work expansion loop F25J3/04351of nitrogen F25J3/04357and comprising a gas work expansion loop F25J3/04363of oxygen F25J3/04369of argon or argon enriched stream F25J3/04375Details relating to the work expansion, e.g. process parameter etc. F25J3/04381using work extraction by mechanical coupling of compression and expansion so-called companders F25J3/04387using liquid or hydraulic turbine expansion F25J3/04393using multiple or multistage gas work expansion F25J3/044using a single pressure main column system only F25J3/0446, F25J3/04624, F25J3/04636 take precedence F25J3/04406using a dual pressure main column system F25J3/0446, F25J3/04624, F25J3/04636 and F25J3/04715 take precedence F25J3/04412in a classical double column flowsheet, i.e. with thermal coupling by a main reboiler-condenser in the bottom of low pressure respectively top of high pressure column F25J3/04418with thermally overlapping high and low pressure columns F25J3/04424without thermally coupled high and low pressure columns, i.e. a so-called split columns F25J3/0443A main column system not otherwise provided, e.g. a modified double column flowsheet F25J3/04436using at least a triple pressure main column system F25J3/0446, F25J3/04624, F25J3/04636 and F25J3/04715 take precedence F25J3/04442in a double column flowsheet with a high pressure pre-rectifier F25J3/04448in a double column flowsheet with an intermediate pressure column F25J3/04454a main column system not otherwise provided, e.g. serially coupling of columns or more than three pressure levels F25J3/0446using the heat generated by mixing two different phases F25J3/04466for producing oxygen as a mixing column overhead gas by mixing gaseous air feed and liquid oxygen F25J3/04472using the cold from cryogenic liquids produced within the air fractionation unit and stored in internal or intermediate storages F25J3/04478for controlling purposes, e.g. start-up or back-up procedures F25J3/04496 takes precedence F25J3/04484for purity control during steady state operation F25J3/0449for rapid load change of the air fractionation unit F25J3/04496for compensating variable air feed or variable product demand by alternating between periods of liquid storage and liquid assist F25J3/04503by exchanging "cold" between at least two different cryogenic liquids, e.g. independently from the main heat exchange line of the air fractionation and/or by using external alternating storage systems F25J3/04509within the cold part of the air fractionation, i.e. exchanging "cold" within the fractionation and/or main heat exchange line F25J3/04515Simultaneously changing air feed and products output F25J3/04521Coupling of the air fractionation unit to an air gas-consuming unit, so-called integrated processes combined plants, e.g. engine plant combined with an industrial process F01K23/064; gas-turbine plants supplying working fluid to a chemical process F02C6/10 F25J3/04527Integration with an oxygen consuming unit, e.g. glass facility, waste incineration or oxygen based processes in general F25J3/04533for the direct combustion of fuels in a power plant, so-called "oxyfuel combustion" F25J3/04539for the H2/CO synthesis by partial oxidation or oxygen consuming reforming processes of fuels F25J3/04545for the gasification of solid or heavy liquid fuels, e.g. integrated gasification combined cycle [IGCC] F25J3/04551for the metal production F25J3/04557for pig iron or steel making, e.g. blast furnace, Corex F25J3/04563Integration with a nitrogen consuming unit, e.g. for purging, inerting, cooling or heating F25J3/04569for enhanced or tertiary oil recovery F25J3/04575for a gas expansion plant, e.g. dilution of the combustion gas in a gas turbine F25J3/04581Hot gas expansion of indirect heated nitrogen F25J3/04587for the NH3 synthesis, e.g. for adjusting the H2/N2 ratio F25J3/04593The air gas consuming unit is also fed by an air stream F25J3/046Completely integrated air feed compression, i.e. common MAC F25J3/04606Partially integrated air feed compression, i.e. independent MAC for the air fractionation unit plus additional air feed from the air gas consuming unit F25J3/04612Heat exchange integration with process streams, e.g. from the air gas consuming unit F25J3/04618for cooling an air stream fed to the air fractionation unit F25J3/04624using integrated mass and heat exchange, so-called non-adiabatic rectification, e.g. dephlegmator, reflux exchanger F25J3/0463Simultaneously between rectifying and stripping sections, i.e. double dephlegmator F25J3/04636using a hybrid air separation unit, e.g. combined process by cryogenic separation and non-cryogenic separation techniques F25J3/04733 and F25J3/04757 take precedence F25J3/04642Recovering noble gases from air from gas mixtures other than air F25J3/028 or F25J3/0685 F25J3/04648argon F25J3/04654Producing crude argon in a crude argon column F25J3/0466as a parallel working rectification column or auxiliary column system in a single pressure main column system F25J3/04666as a parallel working rectification column of the low pressure column in a dual pressure main column system F25J3/04672having a top condenser F25J3/04678cooled by oxygen enriched liquid from high pressure column bottoms F25J3/04684and a bottom re-boiler F25J3/04696 takes precedence F25J3/0469and an intermediate re-boiler/condenser F25J3/04696 takes precedence F25J3/04696a bottom re-boiler and an intermediate re-boiler/condenser F25J3/04703being arranged in more than one vessel F25J3/04709as an auxiliary column system in at least a dual pressure main column system F25J3/04715The auxiliary column system simultaneously produces oxygen F25J3/04721Producing pure argon, e.g. recovered from a crude argon column F25J3/04727using an auxiliary pure argon column for nitrogen rejection F25J3/04739 takes precedence F25J3/04733using a hybrid system, e.g. using adsorption, permeation or catalytic reaction F25J3/04739in combination with an auxiliary pure argon column F25J3/04745Krypton and/or Xenon F25J3/04751Producing pure krypton and/or xenon recovered from a crude krypton/xenon mixture F25J3/04757using a hybrid system, e.g. using adsorption, permeation or catalytic reaction F25J3/04763Start-up or control of the process; Details of the apparatus used F25J3/04769Operation, control and regulation of the process; Instrumentation within the process F25J3/04775Air purification and pre-cooling F25J3/04781Pressure changing devices, e.g. for compression, expansion, liquid pumping F25J3/04787Heat exchange, e.g. main heat exchange line; Subcooler, external reboiler-condenser F25J3/04793 and F25J3/0486 take precedence F25J3/04793Rectification, e.g. columns; Reboiler-condenser F25J3/0486 takes precedence F25J3/048Argon recovery F25J3/04806High purity argon purification F25J3/04812Different modes, i.e. "runs" of operation F25J3/04472 takes precedence F25J3/04818Start-up of the process F25J3/04824Stopping of the process, e.g. defrosting or deriming; Back-up procedures F25J3/0483Rapid load change of the air fractionation unit F25J3/04836Variable air feed, i.e. "load" or product demand during specified periods, e.g. during periods with high respectively low power costs F25J3/0483 takes precedence F25J3/04842Intermittent process, so-called batch process F25J3/04848Control strategy, e.g. advanced process control or dynamic modeling F25J3/04854Safety aspects of operation F25J3/0486of vaporisers for oxygen enriched liquids, e.g. purging of liquids F25J3/04866Construction and layout of air fractionation equipments, e.g. valves, machines F25J5/00 takes precedence F25J3/04872Vertical layout of cold equipments within in the cold box, e.g. columns, heat exchangers etc. F25J3/04878Side by side arrangement of multiple vessels in a main column system, wherein the vessels are normally mounted one upon the other or forming different sections of the same column multiple vessels of a crude argon column F25J3/04703 F25J3/04884Arrangement of reboiler-condensers F25J3/0489Modularity and arrangement of parts of the air fractionation unit, in particular of the cold box, e.g. pre-fabrication, assembling and erection, dimensions, horizontal layout "plot" F25J3/04872 takes precedence F25J3/04896Details of columns, e.g. internals, inlet/outlet devices F25J3/04903Plates or trays F25J3/04909Structured packings F25J3/04915Combinations of different material exchange elements, e.g. within different columns F25J3/04921within the same column F25J3/04927Liquid or gas distribution devices F25J3/04933Partitioning walls or sheets F25J3/04939Vertical, e.g. dividing wall columns details of dephlegmators F25J5/007 F25J3/04945Details of internal structure; insulation and housing of the cold box F25J3/04951Arrangements of multiple air fractionation units or multiple equipments fulfilling the same process step, e.g. multiple trains in a network F25J3/04636 takes precedence F25J3/04957and inter-connecting equipments upstream of the fractionation unit (s), i.e. at the "front-end" F25J3/04963and inter-connecting equipment within or downstream of the fractionation unit(s) F25J3/04393 takes precedence F25J3/04969Retrofitting or revamping of an existing air fractionation unit F25J3/04975adapted for special use of the air fractionation unit, e.g. transportable devices by truck or small scale use F25J3/04981for portable medical or home use F25J3/04987for offshore use F25J3/04993for space applications, e.g. for rocket use F25J3/06by partial condensation F25J3/08 takes precedence; by rectification F25J3/02 ; purification of hydrocarbons in general C07C7/00 F25J3/0605characterised by the feed stream for air F25J3/04 F25J3/061Natural gas or substitute natural gas F25J3/0615Liquefied natural gas F25J3/062Refinery gas, cracking gas, coke oven gas, gaseous mixtures containing aliphatic unsaturated CnHm or gaseous mixtures of undefined nature F25J3/0625H2/CO mixtures, i.e. synthesis gas; Water gas or shifted synthesis gas production of carbon monoxide containing gas in general C01B32/40, C10J, C10K; production of hydrogen containing gas C01B3/00 F25J3/063characterised by the separated product stream F25J3/0635separation of CnHm with 1 carbon atom or more F25J3/064separation of CnHm with 2 carbon atoms or more F25J3/0645separation of CnHm with 3 carbon atoms or more F25J3/065separation of CnHm with 4 carbon atoms or more F25J3/0655separation of hydrogen production of hydrogen containing gas in general C01B3/00, e.g. separation of hydrogen or hydrogen containing gases form gaseous mixtures at low temperatures C01B3/506 F25J3/066separation of nitrogen from air F25J3/04, production of nitrogen in general C01B21/00 F25J3/0665separation of carbon monoxide production of carbon monoxide containing gas in general C01B32/40, C10J, C10K F25J3/067separation of carbon dioxide production of carbon dioxide in general C01B32/00 F25J3/0675separation of H2/CO mixtures, i.e. of synthesis gas production of carbon monoxide containing gas in general C01B32/40, C10J, C10K, production of hydrogen containing gas C01B3/00 F25J3/068separation of H2/N2 mixtures, i.e. of ammonia synthesis gas in general C01B3/00 F25J3/0685separation of noble gases from air F25J3/04642; in general C01B23/00 F25J3/069of helium F25J3/0695Start-up or control of the process; Details of the apparatus used F25J3/08Separating gaseous impurities from gases or gaseous mixtures or from liquefied gases or liquefied gaseous mixturescold traps B01D8/00 F25J5/00Arrangements of cold exchangers or cold accumulators in separation or liquefaction plants heat exchangers F28C, F28D, F28F F25J5/002for continuously recuperating cold, i.e. in a so-called recuperative heat exchanger F25J5/005in a reboiler-condenser, e.g. within a column F25J5/007combined with mass exchange, i.e. in a so-called dephlegmator F25J2200/00 F25J2200/00Processes or apparatus using separation by rectification F25J2200/02in a single pressure main column system F25J2200/04in a dual pressure main column system F25J2200/06in a classical double column flow-sheet, i.e. with thermal coupling by a main reboiler-condenser in the bottom of low pressure respectively top of high pressure column F25J2200/08in a triple pressure main column system F25J2200/10in a quadruple, or more, column or pressure system F25J2200/20in an elevated pressure multiple column system wherein the lowest pressure column is at a pressure well above the minimum pressure needed to overcome pressure drop to reject the products to atmosphere F25J2200/30using a side column in a single pressure column system F25J2200/32using a side column fed by a stream from the high pressure column F25J2200/34using a side column fed by a stream from the low pressure column F25J2200/38using pre-separation or distributed distillation before a main column system, e.g. in a at least a double column system F25J2200/40Features relating to the provision of boil-up in the bottom of a column F25J2200/50using multiple (re-)boiler-condensers at different heights of the column F25J2200/52in the high pressure column of a double pressure main column system F25J2200/54in the low pressure column of a double pressure main column system F25J2200/70Refluxing the column with a condensed part of the feed stream, i.e. fractionator top is stripped or self-rectified F25J2200/72Refluxing the column with at least a part of the totally condensed overhead gas F25J2200/74Refluxing the column with at least a part of the partially condensed overhead gas F25J2200/76Refluxing the column with condensed overhead gas being cycled in a quasi-closed loop refrigeration cycle F25J2200/78Refluxing the column with a liquid stream originating from an upstream or downstream fractionator column F25J2200/80using integrated mass and heat exchange, i.e. non-adiabatic rectification in a reflux exchanger or dephlegmator F25J2200/90Details relating to column internals, e.g. structured packing, gas or liquid distribution F25J2200/92Details relating to the feed point F25J2200/94Details relating to the withdrawal point F25J2200/96Dividing wall column F25J2205/00<NO TITLE> F25J2205/00Processes or apparatus using other separation and/or other processing means F25J2205/02using simple phase separation in a vessel or drum F25J2205/04in the feed line, i.e. upstream of the fractionation step F25J2205/10using combined expansion and separation, e.g. in a vortex tube, "Ranque tube" or a "cyclonic fluid separator", i.e. combination of an isentropic nozzle and a cyclonic separatorCentrifugal separation F25J2205/20using solidification of components F25J2205/24using regenerators, cold accumulators or reversible heat exchangers F25J2205/30using a washing, e.g. "scrubbing" or bubble column for purification purposes F25J2205/32as direct contact cooling tower to produce a cooled gas stream, e.g. direct contact after cooler [DCAC] F25J2205/34as evaporative cooling tower to produce chilled water, e.g. evaporative water chiller [EWC] F25J2205/40using hybrid system, i.e. combining cryogenic and non-cryogenic separation techniques F25J2205/50using absorption, i.e. with selective solvents or lean oil, heavier CnHm and including generally a regeneration step for the solvent or lean oil F25J2205/60using adsorption on solid adsorbents, e.g. by temperature-swing adsorption [TSA] at the hot or cold end F25J2205/62Purifying more than one feed stream in multiple adsorption vessels, e.g. for two feed streams at different pressures F25J2205/64by pressure-swing adsorption [PSA] at the hot end F25J2205/66Regenerating the adsorption vessel, e.g. kind of reactivation gas F25J2205/68Cooling the adsorption vessel F25J2205/70Heating the adsorption vessel F25J2205/72Pressurising or depressurising the adsorption vessel F25J2205/80using membrane, i.e. including a permeation step F25J2205/82using a reactor with combustion or catalytic reaction F25J2205/84using filter F25J2205/86using electrical phenomena, e.g. Corona discharge, electrolysis or magnetic field F25J2205/90Mixing of components F25J2210/00Processes characterised by the type or other details of the feed stream F25J2210/02Multiple feed streams, e.g. originating from different sources F25J2210/04Mixing or blending of fluids with the feed stream F25J2210/06Splitting of the feed stream, e.g. for treating or cooling in different ways F25J2210/12Refinery or petrochemical off-gas F25J2210/14Coke-ovens gas F25J2210/18H2/CO mixtures, i.e. synthesis gasWater gas, shifted synthesis gas or purge gas from HYCO synthesis F25J2210/20H2/N2 mixture, i.e. synthesis gas for or purge gas from ammonia synthesis F25J2210/40Air or oxygen enriched air, i.e. generally less than 30mol% of O2 F25J2210/42Nitrogen F25J2210/50Oxygen F25J2210/58Argon F25J2210/60Natural gas or synthetic natural gas [SNG] F25J2210/62Liquefied natural gas [LNG]Natural gas liquids [NGL]Liquefied petroleum gas [LPG] F25J2210/66Landfill or fermentation off-gas, e.g. "Bio-gas" F25J2210/70Flue or combustion exhaust gas F25J2210/80Carbon dioxide F25J2210/90Boil-off gas from storage F25J2215/00Processes characterised by the type or other details of the product stream F25J2215/02Mixing or blending of fluids to yield a certain product F25J2215/04Recovery of liquid products F25J2215/10Hydrogen F25J2215/14Carbon monoxide F25J2215/18HYCO synthesis gas, e.g. H2/CO mixture F25J2215/20Ammonia synthesis gas, e.g. H2/N2 mixture F25J2215/30Helium F25J2215/32Neon F25J2215/34Krypton F25J2215/36Xenon F25J2215/40Air or oxygen enriched air, i.e. generally less than 30mol% of O2 F25J2215/42Nitrogen or special cases, e.g. multiple or low purity N2 F25J2215/44Ultra high purity nitrogen, i.e. generally less than 1 ppb impurities F25J2215/50Oxygen or special cases, e.g. isotope-mixtures or low purity O2 F25J2215/52Oxygen production with multiple purity O2 F25J2215/54Oxygen production with multiple pressure O2 F25J2215/56Ultra high purity oxygen, i.e. generally more than 99,9% O2 F25J2215/58Argon F25J2215/60Methane F25J2215/62Ethane or ethylene F25J2215/64Propane or propylene F25J2215/66Butane or mixed butanes F25J2215/80Carbon dioxide F25J2220/00Processes or apparatus involving steps for the removal of impurities F25J2220/02Separating impurities in general from the feed stream F25J2220/04Separating impurities in general from the product stream F25J2220/40Separating high boiling, i.e. less volatile components from air, e.g. CO2, hydrocarbons F25J2220/42Separating low boiling, i.e. more volatile components from nitrogen, e.g. He, H2, Ne F25J2220/44Separating high boiling, i.e. less volatile components from nitrogen, e.g. CO, Ar, O2, hydrocarbons F25J2220/50Separating low boiling, i.e. more volatile components from oxygen, e.g. N2, Ar F25J2220/52Separating high boiling, i.e. less volatile components from oxygen, e.g. Kr, Xe, Hydrocarbons, Nitrous oxides, O3 F25J2220/60Separating impurities from natural gas, e.g. mercury, cyclic hydrocarbons F25J2220/62Separating low boiling components, e.g. He, H2, N2, Air F25J2220/64Separating heavy hydrocarbons, e.g. NGL, LPG, C4+ hydrocarbons or heavy condensates in general F25J2220/66Separating acid gases, e.g. CO2, SO2, H2S or RSH F25J2220/68Separating water or hydrates F25J2220/80Separating impurities from carbon dioxide, e.g. H2O or water-soluble contaminants F25J2220/82Separating low boiling, i.e. more volatile components, e.g. He, H2, CO, Air gases, CH4 F25J2220/84Separating high boiling, i.e. less volatile components, e.g. NOx, SOx, H2S F25J2220/90Separating isotopes of a component, e.g. H2, O2 F25J2230/00Processes or apparatus involving steps for increasing the pressure of gaseous process streams F25J2230/02Compressor intake arrangement, e.g. filtering or cooling F25J2230/04Compressor cooling arrangement, e.g. inter- or after-stage cooling or condensate removal F25J2230/06Adiabatic compressor, i.e. without interstage cooling F25J2230/08Cold compressor, i.e. suction of the gas at cryogenic temperature and generally without afterstage-cooler F25J2230/20Integrated compressor and process expanderGear box arrangementMultiple compressors on a common shaft F25J2230/22Compressor driver arrangement, e.g. power supply by motor, gas or steam turbine F25J2230/24Multiple compressors or compressor stages in parallel F25J2230/30Compression of the feed stream F25J2230/32Compression of the product stream F25J2230/40the fluid being air F25J2230/42the fluid being nitrogen F25J2230/50the fluid being oxygen F25J2230/52the fluid being oxygen enriched compared to air, e.g. "crude oxygen" F25J2230/58the fluid being argon or crude argon F25J2230/60the fluid being hydrocarbons or a mixture of hydrocarbons F25J2230/80the fluid being carbon dioxide F25J2235/00Processes or apparatus involving steps for increasing the pressure or for conveying of liquid process streams F25J2235/02using a pump in general or hydrostatic pressure increase F25J2235/04using a pressure accumulator F25J2235/06Lifting of liquids by gas lift, e.g. "Mammutpumpe" F25J2235/42the fluid being nitrogen F25J2235/50the fluid being oxygen F25J2235/52the fluid being oxygen enriched compared to air ("crude oxygen") F25J2235/58the fluid being argon or crude argon F25J2235/60the fluid being (a mixture of) hydrocarbons F25J2235/80the fluid being carbon dioxide F25J2240/00Processes or apparatus involving steps for expanding of process streams F25J2240/02Expansion of a process fluid in a work-extracting turbine (i.e. isentropic expansion), e.g. of the feed stream F25J2240/04Multiple expansion turbines in parallel F25J2240/10the fluid being air F25J2240/12the fluid being nitrogen F25J2240/20the fluid being oxygen F25J2240/22the fluid being oxygen enriched compared to air, e.g. "crude oxygen" F25J2240/28the fluid being argon or crude argon F25J2240/30Dynamic liquid or hydraulic expansion with extraction of work, e.g. single phase or two-phase turbine F25J2240/40Expansion without extracting work, i.e. isenthalpic throttling, e.g. JT valve, regulating valve or venturi, or isentropic nozzle, e.g. Laval F25J2240/42the fluid being air F25J2240/44the fluid being nitrogen F25J2240/46the fluid being oxygen F25J2240/48the fluid being oxygen enriched compared to air, e.g. "crude oxygen" F25J2240/60Expansion by ejector or injector, e.g. "Gasstrahlpumpe", "venturi mixing", "jet pumps" F25J2240/70Steam turbine, e.g. used in a Rankine cycle F25J2240/80Hot exhaust gas turbine combustion engine F25J2240/82with waste heat recovery, e.g. in a combined cycle, i.e. for generating steam used in a Rankine cycle F25J2240/90Hot gas waste turbine of an indirect heated gas for power generation F25J2245/00Processes or apparatus involving steps for recycling of process streams F25J2245/02Recycle of a stream in general, e.g. a by-pass stream F25J2245/40the recycled stream being air F25J2245/42the recycled stream being nitrogen F25J2245/50the recycled stream being oxygen F25J2245/58the recycled stream being argon or crude argon F25J2245/90the recycled stream being boil-off gas from storage F25J2250/00Details related to the use of reboiler-condensers F25J2250/02Bath type boiler-condenser using thermo-siphon effect, e.g. with natural or forced circulation or pool boiling, i.e. core-in-kettle heat exchanger F25J2250/04Down-flowing type boiler-condenser, i.e. with evaporation of a falling liquid film F25J2250/10Boiler-condenser with superposed stages F25J2250/20Boiler-condenser with multiple exchanger cores in parallel or with multiple re-boiling or condensing streams F25J2250/30External or auxiliary boiler-condenser in general, e.g. without a specified fluid or one fluid is not a primary air component or an intermediate fluid F25J2250/40One fluid being air F25J2250/42One fluid being nitrogen F25J2250/50One fluid being oxygen F25J2250/52One fluid being oxygen enriched compared to air, e.g. "crude oxygen" F25J2250/58One fluid being argon or crude argon F25J2260/00Coupling of processes or apparatus to other unitsIntegrated schemes F25J2260/02Integration in an installation for exchanging heat, e.g. for waste heat recovery F25J2260/10Integration in a gas transmission system at a pressure reduction, e.g. "let down" station F25J2260/20Integration in an installation for liquefying or solidifying a fluid stream F25J2260/30Integration in an installation using renewable energy F25J2260/42Integration in an installation using nitrogen, e.g. as utility gas, for inerting or purging purposes in IGCC, POX, GTL, PSA, float glass forming, incineration processes, for heat recovery or for enhanced oil recovery F25J2260/44using nitrogen for cooling purposes F25J2260/50Integration in an installation using oxygen, e.g. in the burner of a glass facility, waste incineration or oxygen based process [OBP] in general F25J2260/58Integration in an installation using argon F25J2260/60Integration in an installation using hydrocarbons, e.g. for fuel purposes F25J2260/80Integration in an installation using carbon dioxide, e.g. for EOR, sequestration, refrigeration etc. F25J2270/00Refrigeration techniques used F25J2270/02Internal refrigeration with liquid vaporising loop F25J2270/04Internal refrigeration with work-producing gas expansion loop F25J2270/06with multiple gas expansion loops F25J2270/08Internal refrigeration by flash gas recovery loop F25J2270/12External refrigeration with liquid vaporising loop F25J2270/14External refrigeration with work-producing gas expansion loop F25J2270/16with mutliple gas expansion loops of the same refrigerant F25J2270/18External refrigeration with incorporated cascade loop F25J2270/20Quasi-closed internal or closed external hydrogen refrigeration cycle F25J2270/24Quasi-closed internal or closed external carbon monoxide refrigeration cycle F25J2270/30Quasi-closed internal or closed external helium refrigeration cycle F25J2270/40Quasi-closed internal or closed external air refrigeration cycle F25J2270/42Quasi-closed internal or closed external nitrogen refrigeration cycle F25J2270/50Quasi-closed internal or closed external oxygen refrigeration cycle F25J2270/58Quasi-closed internal or closed external argon refrigeration cycle F25J2270/60Closed external refrigeration cycle with single component refrigerant [SCR], e.g. C1-, C2- or C3-hydrocarbons F25J2270/66Closed external refrigeration cycle with multi component refrigerant [MCR], e.g. mixture of hydrocarbons F25J2270/80Quasi-closed internal or closed external carbon dioxide refrigeration cycle F25J2270/88Quasi-closed internal refrigeration or heat pump cycle, if not otherwise provided F25J2270/90External refrigeration, e.g. conventional closed-loop mechanical refrigeration unit using Freon or NH3, unspecified external refrigeration F25J2270/902Details about the refrigeration cycle used, e.g. composition of refrigerant, arrangement of compressors or cascade, make up sources, use of reflux exchangers etc. F25J2270/904by liquid or gaseous cryogen in an open loop F25J2270/906by heat driven absorption chillers F25J2270/908by regenerative chillers, i.e. oscillating or dynamic systems, e.g. Stirling refrigerator, thermoelectric ("Peltier") or magnetic refrigeration F25J2270/91using pulse tube refrigeration F25J2270/912Liquefaction cycle of a low-boiling (feed) gas in a cryocooler, i.e. in a closed-loop refrigerator F25J2280/00Control of the process or apparatus F25J2280/02Control in general, load changes, different modes ("runs"), measurements F25J2280/10Control for or during start-up and cooling down of the installation F25J2280/20Control for stopping, deriming or defrosting after an emergency shut-down of the installation or for back up system F25J2280/30Control of a discontinuous or intermittent ("batch") process F25J2280/40Control of freezing of components F25J2280/50Advanced process control, e.g. adaptive or multivariable control F25J2290/00Other details not covered by groups F25J2200/00 - F25J2280/00 F25J2290/02Comparison of processes or apparatuses F25J2290/10Mathematical formulae, modeling, plot or curvesDesign methods F25J2290/12Particular process parameters like pressure, temperature, ratios F25J2290/20Particular dimensionsSmall scale or microdevices F25J2290/30Details about heat insulation or cold insulation F25J2290/32Details on header or distribution passages of heat exchangers, e.g. of reboiler-condenser or plate heat exchangers F25J2290/34Details about subcooling of liquids F25J2290/40Vertical layout or arrangement of cold equipments within in the cold box, e.g. columns, condensers, heat exchangers etc. F25J2290/42Modularity, pre-fabrication of modules, assembling and erection, horizontal layout, i.e. plot plan, and vertical arrangement of parts of the cryogenic unit, e.g. of the cold box F25J2290/44Particular materials used, e.g. copper, steel or alloys thereof or surface treatments used, e.g. enhanced surface F25J2290/50Arrangement of multiple equipments fulfilling the same process step in parallel F25J2290/60Details about pipelines, i.e. network, for feed or product distribution F25J2290/62Details of storing a fluid in a tank F25J2290/70Processing device is mobile or transportable, e.g. by hand, car, ship, rocket engine etc. F25J2290/72Processing device is used off-shore, e.g. on a platform or floating on a ship or barge F25J2290/80Retrofitting, revamping or debottlenecking of existing plant F25J2290/90Details about safety operation of the installation